Don’t let the "edge anchor" poison the teenagers

  "Net" Comics/Li Xiaojun

  ● Scratching behavior refers to the vulgar behavior of attracting attention by revealing clothes and teasing behaviors on platforms such as live short videos. The anchors use these behaviors to attract traffic in a soft pornographic way, thus gaining commercial benefits. This kind of behavior not only violates public order and good customs, but also is suspected of vulgar and soft pornography marketing.

  ● Some live broadcast platforms have explicitly prohibited and warned the edge-scraping behavior. However, due to the different judgment methods and audit modes of each platform, the handling methods of the edge-scraping anchor are not the same, which leads to the joint efforts to rectify the edge-scraping behavior.

  ● Further improve Internet norms and laws, at the same time, compact platform responsibilities, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, in order to form a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong

  □ Intern Guan Chuyu of this newspaper

  "Thank you for your order, so I’ll dance a favorite dance of my eldest brother now!" In the car-selling live room of a short video platform, a female anchor was wearing a short black silk skirt and twisted with music. In the video of shooting a car, the sexy female anchor kept coquetry for the camera, and when she put the car in gear, the camera focused on her thigh wearing black stockings … …

  "Selling cars also began to scratch? Can’t it be normal? " Some netizens said in the comment area.

  Scratching, a network term, refers to the vulgar behavior of attracting attention by revealing clothes and teasing behaviors on platforms such as live short videos. In an interview recently, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that the act of rubbing edges emerged in an endless stream on the Internet. Some anchors not only attract people’s attention by sending some scratch content, but also specially label it as "scratch" in order to increase the video playback.

  Experts interviewed by the reporter believe that the act of scraping not only violates public order and good customs, but also is suspected of vulgar and soft pornography marketing, polluting the network environment and poisoning young people. It is suggested to further improve Internet norms and laws, and at the same time, tighten the responsibility of the platform, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, with a view to forming a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace.

  From edge-wiping woman to edge-wiping man

  Wipe drainage is disgusting.

  Not only live broadcast with goods, but also the popular live broadcast PK (a new interactive way of live broadcast, which means that two anchors carry out "even wheat" PK with each other to compare the winners and losers with the amount of rewards) is also mixed with a lot of edge-scraping behavior.

  Yang Yang (pseudonym) of Jinan, Shandong Province is an anchor. In the process of PK with some female anchors, he often sees similar scenes: in order to win PK, the female anchor writes down the name of his eldest brother on his chest and thigh to attract more rewards. This obvious teasing behavior is hard to look straight at.

  In live interaction, wiping behavior is more common. The reporter browsed several live broadcast rooms and saw that some female anchors were sitting in front of the camera in dark V tops. The text in the live broadcast room said "beer bombs, flowers and sunglasses turn". It turned out that as long as fans gave a gift, such as "beer", the anchor would pull up the shoulder strap of the bra once … … There is also a live broadcast room with music that makes people blush, which is called "immersive experience" by the anchor.

  On the internet, netizens call the female anchor who has the behavior of wiping the edge "wiping the edge". However, the reporter noticed that some male anchors and male bloggers have recently joined the ranks of edging, using edging as a "password" to attract traffic.

  Not long ago, the painting style of a beverage company’s live broadcast room changed suddenly, from the original sexy and plump female anchor to the male anchor wearing tight vests and shorts. These male anchors danced, showed their muscles and Poss for the camera in the current online popular songs. This move was called by netizens as "changing the soup without changing the medicine, or rubbing the set."

  The reporter noticed that these male anchors and male bloggers changed into gray sweatpants or tights, either showing their abdominal muscles or dancing on their hips. Gradually, wearing gray pants was labeled as "wiping man". On a short video platform, "Grey Pants" was played as many as 16.249 million times.

  Many bloggers also use "Bian Bian" as their user name or copy, in order to attract more attention and enthusiasm. In these comment areas that scratch the content, there are many sexually suggestive messages.

  It is even more unacceptable, and even many netizens call it spicy eyes — — Some male anchors wear sexy lace underwear for live broadcast. In the live broadcast, the male anchor not only stood in front of the camera to show off his underwear, but also made shy, caring, circling in place and posing for the camera.

  "This situation is really embarrassing." Some netizens commented under the video, "It is obvious that girls wear clothes, but boys are allowed to show them, so I don’t know who to buy them for."

  "This completely subverts the definition of male in my cognition." Ms. Wang, a parent from Jiangsu, said with anxiety that once she saw her son in elementary school brush such a short video, she immediately stepped forward to stop it. She hoped that her children would see a male anchor who was healthy, sunny and spread positive energy from the Internet, and she did not want her children to be misled by these marginal videos.

  Zhang Wei (pseudonym) from Beijing has installed more than 10 social apps on his mobile phone. During his daily use, he often brushes aside videos and photos. "Why do you push this content to me every day?" Zhang Wei said that some people may like to brush aside, but I believe more people are definitely disgusted, especially now that minors are surfing the Internet more and more. I hope the relevant departments will take action to purify the network environment.

  Scratching video has a poor look and feel.

  The traffic revenue is significant.

  On social platforms, there are a large number of works that get popularity by tagging. The reporter searched for the "scratch" tag on a short video platform and found that its broadcast volume was as high as 6.02 billion times.

  Scratching has brought huge heat and traffic benefits to these videos. In the hot works labeled "edge", the reporter found that not all videos are based on vulgar edge. However, compared with similar videos, the traffic of works with the label of "edge" is obviously higher than that of videos without the label of "edge".

  Li Wei (pseudonym) from Yantai, Shandong Province is a loyal user of short video platform. When she released the video, she found that the traffic of the video was always limited, but if she put the "edge" label on it, the number of views would obviously come up.

  A male dance blogger who hasn’t been in a platform for a long time wears women’s clothes and dances Korean spicy dance in the video. This obvious contrast behavior has brought him a lot of traffic income, and the maximum number of single videos can reach 691,000 times.

  Under these videos, there are not only comments praising bloggers, but also a lot of critical and sarcastic unfriendly comments. Some netizens said: "Dancing is dancing. Why are you dressed like this?"

  There are also comments bluntly: the proliferation of edge-rubbing men may lead to the audience’s sexual doubts and self-cognitive differences, which will distort their spirit and world outlook, thus causing serious consequences. For minors, they are more vulnerable to this kind of behavior.

  "The act of wiping is a means to attract attention and attract traffic, so as to satisfy the curiosity of the audience." Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that wiping is not only a matter of content communication, but also a matter of values. If governance is not carried out in time, there will be many people competing to imitate.

  "After wiping the woman, the short video of wiping the man is also hot on the network platform. The anchors use these rubbing behaviors to attract traffic in a soft pornographic way, thus gaining commercial benefits. " Ma Lihong, a lawyer of Beijing Deheheng Law Firm, said that the reason for the increasing number of edge-rubbing men is to meet the demand of some women to consume male sex, which is essentially the same as the entertainment circle to create a flow of male stars to attract female fans and then reap the economic dividends of fans.

  According to the statistical bulletin of national economic and social development in 2022 released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of Internet users in China is 1.067 billion, and the Internet penetration rate is 75.6%. "If we adopt an overly tolerant attitude towards the act of rubbing, it will lead to more and more cross-border behaviors, and may even encourage more people to join the ranks of rubbing, which is not conducive to establishing good social customs and maintaining a healthy and clear network environment." Ma Lihong said.

  She believes that the appearance of this kind of edge-scraping behavior reflects that in the era of short video on the Internet, fast-food sales and traffic are still the "password to get rich" in the eyes of some people, which leads short video participants to excessively pursue quick realization and short-term benefits, attracting attention with "new", "strange" and "special" ways, even at the edge of the law.

  Urgent need to compact platform responsibility

  Effectively control the act of rubbing.

  In recent years, relevant departments have frequently taken measures to rectify soft pornographic information on various online platforms. In February 2021, the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Webcast" jointly issued by the National Network Information Office and other seven departments clearly stipulated that illegal and bad information such as vulgarity, feudal superstition and "scratching the ball" should be thoroughly cleaned up.

  "At present, although there is no clear definition of wiping behavior in law, many relevant regulations have restricted wiping behavior." Zhu Wei said, for example, the "Regulations on Ecological Governance of Network Information Content" stipulates that producers of network information content shall not produce, copy or publish illegal information containing the following contents, including spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes. Producers of network information content should take measures to prevent and resist the production, reproduction and publication of bad information containing the following contents: including promoting vulgar, vulgar and kitsch content; It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and violate social morality, and induce minors’ bad hobbies.

  In June, 2022, the Code of Conduct for Internet Anchors, jointly issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, stipulated that Internet anchors should not have the following behaviors in the process of providing online performances and audio-visual program services: including dress makeup, language behavior, live room scenery and other sexually suggestive and provocative content; Acts prohibited by laws and regulations and other acts that have adverse effects on online performances and online audio-visual ecology.

  Ma Lihong believes that it is impossible to include all the phenomena through legislation because of the high generality of writing and the lag of legislation, but such behaviors can be measured by combining relevant legislative principles, such as the principle of "public order and good customs" established by the Civil Code. The advertising law also clearly stipulates that advertisements shall not interfere with social public management norms or violate good social customs. Where advertisements are published that violate public order and good customs, the market supervision department shall order them to stop publishing advertisements, and impose penalties such as fines and revocation of business licenses.

  "The relevant departments can play a declaratory role through the handling of individual cases, such as administrative punishment or judicial trial of certain kinds of edge-scraping behaviors that violate the law, and visualize legal principles through precedents, so that the public can have a more intuitive understanding of edge-scraping behaviors through the form of cases." Ma Lihong said.

  The reporter noticed that some live broadcast platforms have also made explicit prohibitions and warning instructions on the edge-wiping behavior. However, due to the different judgment methods and audit modes of each platform, the handling methods of the edge-wiping anchor are not the same, resulting in the joint efforts to rectify the edge-wiping behavior.

  "Generally speaking, the dissemination of network information has to go through a number of checkpoints, such as the publisher’s self-examination and the review of the published network platform. However, this kind of edge-cutting behavior is still popular, indicating that there are loopholes in these checkpoints. It is not obscene not to describe sexual behavior. This kind of pornographic information is walking along this side. " A legal expert who asked not to be named believes that the pornographic "edge ball" is as harmful as the identified obscene content.

  Ma Lihong believes that some recent skirting behaviors on short video platforms not only violate public order and good customs, but also are suspected of vulgar and soft pornographic marketing. The Internet is not an illegal place, and the activities of network users on social platforms should not only follow the autonomy rules of social platforms, but also conform to the public order and good customs of society.

  She suggested that the operators and managers of registered accounts on online social platforms should operate and manage their registered accounts in a legal, civilized and standardized manner, attract the attention and interactive sharing of the audience with high-quality information content, and maintain the good social image of their accounts and themselves, and should not take the way of "scratching the ball" to attract network traffic and gain attention. Operators of online social platforms shoulder the responsibility of carefully examining and judging the information content uploaded by platform users, and should take appropriate management and disposal measures for information content that violates laws and regulations and social public order and good customs.

  "In terms of supervision, in addition to further improving Internet norms and laws, it is also necessary to compact the platform responsibility, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, in order to form a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace." Ma Lihong said.