Junior year married, senior year students, undergraduate students take baby to shoot graduation photo into online celebrity.

  Near the graduation season, a group of photos of "National People’s Congress graduates bring their babies to take photos of undergraduate graduation photo" set off a circle of friends. Compared with the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, the children under 2 years old in the photo obviously attracted more attention.

  Parent-child graduation photo Huobao Network

  Recently, Mao Yanzheng, a photographer who once became popular for shooting "Goddess of the National People’s Congress", posted a group of photos of this year’s graduates through his personal WeChat WeChat official account. Once the photos were sent out, they quickly attracted a lot of attention and forwarding. It’s just that this time it’s not a beautiful graduate who attracts everyone’s attention, but a young couple of undergraduate graduates.

  Photographer Mao Yanzheng said: "On campus, I have seen people wearing doctoral uniforms and occasionally met people wearing master’s uniforms, but this is the first time I have seen a child wearing a bachelor’s uniform to take pictures with his parents, and his parents are also wearing bachelor’s uniforms."

  In the photo, the young couple, like many campus couples, chose to record their graduation time in front of the school gate, playground, Wu Yuzhang sculpture and other representative buildings. What is different is that they have a "little model" around them, their son who is over one year old.

  Graduates of the same age threw up their graduation caps at the school gate to celebrate. The undergraduate couple have already thrown up their babies. Therefore, the couple are called "winners in life" by many friends. Some people envy their loving feelings and marvel at the speed of their lives. Of course, some people question whether it is appropriate to be a parent so young.

  According to a teacher of the National People’s Congress, the school has no special regulations for students to get married and have children. In previous years, master students and doctoral students took photos of graduation photo with their children from time to time, while those wearing bachelor’s uniforms took photos of their parents.

  Start a business while raising children

  Liao Siqi, a girl in the photo, is a 2012 student in the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China. She went to Columbia University for an exchange for half a year.

  According to the memories of their college friends, their love began in their sophomore year. "Not many students can achieve positive results during their undergraduate years. To be honest, they can see that they are doing well, which is a little unexpected, but reasonable, and the rest are blessings."

  When everyone’s impression of Liao Siqi still stays as the host of the 75th anniversary celebration party of Renmin University, she has upgraded her role and become a young mother.

  She shared on her WeChat WeChat official account: "Before he was born, I looked forward to the baby’s birth every day. But when I heard the baby’s first cry, an unprecedented pressure forced me to raise a new life. "

  Fortunately, unlike the TV series in which young parents are always dazzled by their children, the young post-90s couple soon found their own parenting methods. Make it cool and easy to take care of the baby. "Without the guidance of nurses, I downloaded a lot of maternal and child apps with my father, bought a lot of books to take care of children, paid attention to many maternal and child websites, and even searched various papers at home and abroad in the academic database." The child’s father said: "Without the guidance of the previous generation, we were like a blank sheet of paper at first, which made us willing to try and summarize all kinds of new knowledge and methods of parenting." A little practice and research made the young parents adapt to the new role quickly.

  In May of this year, they started their entrepreneurial career together when they were about to graduate. They hoped to pass on their special parenting experience and ideas, and new products would be launched later. Liao Siqi said: "I became a mother when I was very young. Although many people think that having children will be a burden in my life, in my heart, having a son is my most correct and happiest decision. At this age, there are the most youthful and beautiful us and the cutest little baby. My child’s father and I are not only accompanying but also growing up with him. "

  Parenting is an adventure, and she hopes to help more babies and parents with her parenting experience, "in this wonderful life journey, the harvest is happy and complete."

  The same university, different choices

  As an old friend, Lu Xingji from the School of Journalism of the National People’s Congress told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter: "When I learned that they had a baby during their undergraduate years, my first reaction was ‘ Not reliable ’ 。” But after witnessing with his own eyes how the young couple took care of their children over one year old without the help of their family elders, Lu Xingji said that he was really impressed by their experience. "I found that once I get started with this big event, people will become super reliable, which makes me realize that actually falling in love and getting married is a very important lesson for people at this stage of college, and it is also a kind of progress in life."

  Teacher Sun Jiazhou from the School of History of Renmin University also forwarded this group of graduation photo on social media. He said in his comments: "In ‘ Seeking truth from facts ’ I have seen a lot of photos taken in front of the school motto stone, but this photo shows the cheerful charm of life, which is unforgettable! "

  Of course, some students expressed different opinions. Several students said that although they wished the young parents well, they did not envy them. A student who is studying for a postgraduate degree told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are still many practical factors to consider when getting married early, but he obviously does not have it. Text/reporter Kong Lingqi

  Photography/Mao Yanzheng