Zhao Liying cooperates with Zhang Yimou, Jia Ling’s new work is coming! Interpretation of the 2024 Spring Festival

1905 movie network feature February 10 is about to usher in the 2024 Lunar New Year. As of 0:00 on January 16, a number of films have been officially announced for the Spring Festival movie file.

As the most important film schedule of the year, the Spring Festival not only represents the main force of the cinema box office during the year, but also an excellent period for family reunion to enter the cinema to enjoy high-quality films. Therefore, the films in the Spring Festival are often highly anticipated by audiences and the industry.

At present, the six films that have been archived for the Spring Festival are respectively, and it is reported that they are also intended to be archived.

Although these films have different types, they all have the same "comedy elements" in content, which also makes many audiences commit "choice difficulties" in choosing films. This issue of "Today’s Film Review" will take you in-depth interpretation of the Spring Festival films and help you forget yourself in the cinema!

The Spring Festival video "keeps reversing, keeps moving"

The films currently advertised during the Spring Festival this year can be said to have both commonalities and differences in form and core, and the audience choices are also diverse in type and highly selective.

First of all, focusing on the commonalities of these films, this year’s Spring Festival files can be described as "constantly reversing and touching." In terms of form, these films have some "surprises" that the audience did not expect.

For example, the title of "Article 20" can easily remind the audience of the law and judge it as a crime mystery or judicial film, but in fact it is a family movie promoting "I love my family".

For example, in the "Hot Hot" before and after the 50 kilograms slimming, after the slimming of Jia Ling’s appearance, may have to wait for the film to be released to reveal.

There is also the final chapter of the "life trilogy" movie "Let’s Shake the Sun Together". Although the content focuses on the life experience of patients with severe diseases, according to the plot preview released so far, the film does not sing about suffering, but has a lot of ironic and ironic scenes.

On the core, these films also play the optimistic song of "little people will not admit defeat". The protagonists of the stories are mostly ordinary little people, but they have a pure heart that will not give up easily in the face of difficulties –

For example, the prosecutor played in "Article 20" seems to have the high title of "prosecutor", but it rarely has the voice over in the workplace. It is like a "humble migrant worker", but in the face of human traffickers who want to forcibly abduct the mother and daughter who have language barriers, they can bravely step forward, act righteously and defend the public’s personal safety.

There is also Le Ying, played by Jia Ling in "Hot Hot", who is an ordinary girl who has been counterattacking all the way. She has gone from a "female man" of nearly 200 catties, in order to prove herself and love herself more, to complete a gorgeous transformation with sweat and tears, and become the "Muse boxer" that everyone in the boxing ring admires.

Then to "Flying Life 2", the former champion racer Zhang Chi was reduced to a down-and-out driving school coach, and how he overcame the difficulties with the help of his friends and crossed the finish line that had appeared countless times in his dreams.

Even the bald head in "Bear Infested · Reversing Time and Space" has become a programmer, constantly typing code in front of the computer from morning to night, and finally can realize the value of life, appreciate the taste of life, and prove that "being better than others is not noble, the real noble is better than yesterday’s self".

Spring Festival film "Different types, full of surprises"

But in terms of comedy elements, although these films are not purely comedic, they have their own target audience and style orientation.

"Article 20" focuses on controversial cases and reflects the reflection on social phenomena; "Mr. Red Carpet" contains in-depth insights into the entertainment industry through spicy lenses; "Flying Life 2" has tears mixed with the emotional experience of different characters; "Let’s Shake the Sun Together" reflects on the meaning of life and death in laughter… They never collide, and each one allows the audience to obtain many different experiences.

After looking forward to a number of exciting films in the Spring Festival, what trend will these films in the Spring Festival this year have in the future? Film critic Ma Ning gave a prediction.

"Dragon Teng Tiger Leap Highlights": "Article 20" "Hot Hot"

"Article 20" and "Hot and Hot" are two major films for the Spring Festival in 2024.

First of all, "Article 20" is a directed film. As a regular visitor during the Spring Festival, Zhang Yimou’s films released during the Spring Festival in previous years were on the rise in both box office results and audience reputation. The quality of the films reassured the audience.

In addition, the mother character who challenges the language barrier for the first time in the film, in the search for her daughter, hand-to-hand combat with human traffickers, and the final crying scene of the film, the audience is particularly looking forward to it, and there will be a lot of discussion on future hot searches.

And Jia Ling’s second work as a director, "Hot and Hot", first of all, has earned enough attention on the topic of "Jia Ling lost 50 kilograms", and the audience will also look forward to what kind of surprise Jia Ling will appear. Coupled with the comedy elements that Jia Ling is good at, I believe it must be a viewing experience that makes the audience laugh and cry, and also look forward to the box office miracle that it can continue and reach its peak.

"Ode to the Joy of the Dragon Horse Spirit":"Mr. Red Carpet", "Flying Life 2", "Bears Infested · Reversing Time and Space"

The expectation for these three films is more that the audience’s basic plate that comes with the film itself can be fermented by word of mouth and open up the market.

I believe that audiences who are interested in the film industry and entertainment industry will watch "Mr. Red Carpet"; audiences who have followed the first work will be given priority to watch "Flying Life 2"; ten-year die-hard fans of "Bear Infested" IP will also enter the theater to "call" for "Bear Infested · Reverse Time and Space".

In the current film market where word-of-mouth marketing is becoming increasingly important, if one of these three films can first break through in the audience rating, I believe it will be able to win more box office space in the future Spring Festival, continue the long-tail effect, and gain more audience support and love.

"Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger": "Let’s Shake the Sun Together"

As the most controversial "Let’s Shake the Sun Together" after the official announcement, although the film trailer released so far has proved that the film is not too serious and sad in content, there will still be many viewers who believe that this theme of focusing on diseases is contrary to the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

Therefore, after the final release of the film, "Let’s Shake the Sun Together" may experience a reversal in word-of-mouth, making audiences who originally did not expect it willing to enter the theater, or enter the theater one after another after the Spring Festival, and then experience the life and death thinking of the final chapter of the "life trilogy" movie.

Now it seems that the Spring Festival in 2024 is likely to be a very enjoyable Spring Festival stall, but also a rather textured Spring Festival stall. Viewers can not only get a good laugh, but also experience the taste of life in this Spring Festival stall.

In the end, I also wish that the future 2024 film market will be prosperous and prosperous, and I hope that audiences and friends can enter the theater during the Spring Festival and harvest the most suitable "New Year’s laugh".