These cities are engaged in "nightlife". Come and see if there is your home.

Do you want to find a place to relax after work?

It’s getting late. Do you want to ask three or five friends out to play?

Many friends have the enthusiasm of "don’t want to sleep, get up and get high", but they always feel that there are still many places where going out to play at night is not good …

Don’t worry, the voice of the "night owls" has been received by the relevant departments! Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jinan and other places have introduced policies to promote night economic development, and cities that never sleep will appear!

The gospel of "night owl" is coming!

On July 12th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce issued the "Measures for Further Prospering Night Economy and Promoting Consumption Growth in Beijing", which requires that from this year, from May to October every year, Beijing Metro Lines 1 and 2 should take the initiative to work overtime to serve nightlife on Fridays and Saturdays. These two routes cover the main nightlife gathering areas in Beijing, and you can catch the last bus after having a midnight snack in Wukesong and visiting nightclubs in Sanlitun.

Prosperous night economy needs not only transportation, but also some special projects. Like Sanlitun, Wukesong, Blue Harbor, World Trade day order and other "night owls" gathering places, a series of night themed activities such as Midnight Food Store Food Festival, Lighting Festival and "Show Beijing" tourism performances will be held in the future.

In addition to these famous business districts becoming landmarks of "Night Capital", Beijing will also build 16 unique night markets, a large number of "Night Capital" living circles and a large wave of "Night Capital" business circles …

By the end of 2021, a brand-new "Night Capital" will be fully launched. It’s really a little expectation to think about it!

I’ve heard of CEO, but have you heard of "nightlife CEO"?

In April this year, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and other nine departments’ Guiding Opinions on Promoting Night Economy Development in Shanghai proposed to set up a "Night District Chief" and a "Night CEO" to assist the "Night District Chief".

Dear "night talent", the opportunity to show your skills is coming!

However, this "nightlife CEO" is not easy to do, not only to make suggestions for the night economy-related planning, but also to work closely around the construction goals of nightlife gathering areas such as "international model", "Shanghai flavor" and "fashion trend" The first batch of "nightlife CEOs" are all big names from the industry, such as the heads of Bailian shares and the executives of Shanghai New World …

It can be seen that Shanghai is also struggling to invigorate the night economy, not only letting the leaders in charge of various districts take the helm of the night economic development, but also making market-oriented professional traders the right-hand man in management decision-making.

Night Shanghai, night Shanghai, a brand-new city that never sleeps is quietly rising!

Speaking of the nightlife in Quancheng Jinan, there is probably only drinking. For example, 7.2 tons of mutton can be washed away overnight …

This can also explain from another side that the nightlife of Jinan people is a bit boring.

No, in order to completely enliven the night of Quancheng, Jinan released a big move on June 19-

Night view of Daming Lake.Xinhua News Agency reporter jie feng photo

Listen to Deyun’s cross talk at home, and watch the lights on the boat on Daming Lake!

Jinan, a city famous for its springs, will add many new landmarks to punch in.

Speaking of nightlife in Tianjin, let’s take a look at the comments of netizens-

It is said that a netizen in Tianjin had to open his own bar in order to have a good time …

However, in order to bid farewell to the city that never sleeps, Tianjin has made a real move this time!

Netizens read Tianjin’s opinions on promoting night economic development and felt that the government was sincere-

The picture shows ten thousand people watching the bridge at night in jiefang bridge, Tianjin.? Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ran photo

In fact, the standard of nightlife that Tianjin people want is not high: for example, enjoying wonderful performances in the Fifth Avenue block; Go into the theater to listen to a wonderful concert; Go into a street restaurant, drink beer and talk about everything …

These needs are being met one by one.

Friends of Tianjinwei, get ready to come out and get high at night!

Having said that, in fact, night economy is a new potential and new kinetic energy for the integrated development of culture, tourism and consumption. Developing urban night economy is also an important entrance to promote new consumption and expand domestic demand. Compared with the daytime, the leisure attribute of the night is more helpful for consumers to perceive the culture and experience the lifestyle, and the night economy will also greatly supplement the leisure consumption during the day.

However, it is particularly important to note that with the rise of night economy, it will also bring pressure on urban infrastructure and public services such as electricity, tap water, subway, public transport, public health, municipal management, security and emergency rescue. It is necessary for urban management departments to increase investment and improve the level of public governance in order to make the city that never sleeps more and more prosperous!