Rehabilitation experts suggest: go skiing in Harbin, safety first.

In this winter of 2024, the first online celebrity city is Harbin in the northeast. Ice and snow enthusiasts flocked to Harbin to experience the speed and passion in the ice and snow, which made the ski resort popular.

However, do you really understand the beautiful Harbin snow field? Harbin is located in the northeast of China, with persistent cold in winter, more smoke in the morning and short-term snowstorm. The average minimum temperature in January is -24.6℃. The freezing period is about 5 months. Wang Xi, the nurse in charge of ward 6 of Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, told the reporter that such climatic conditions may be difficult for some people from the south or warmer regions to adapt to, which may easily lead to frostbite or hypothermia.

"Therefore, it is very important for tourists who are willing to go skiing in the Northeast to enhance their safety awareness." Wang Xi reminded that before enjoying the happiness brought by ice and snow sports, you must know the local weather conditions and snow trails, take precautions against cold, and don’t take risks blindly. At the same time, choosing regular ski resorts and qualified coaches is also a necessary condition to reduce risks.

Bao Yong, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, suggested that skiing is interesting. In skiing, due to the characteristics of fast speed, changeable movements and complex venues, there is a certain probability of various accidents and injuries, and we should face up to the risk factors. Common skiing injuries include fracture, joint dislocation and ligament tear.

For novices and people with insufficient experience, skiing may bring safety risks and physical challenges. The following people need to be more vigilant: 

Older people:

Due to the decline of physical function, the elderly have weak adaptability to the cold environment. In the northeast where the temperature is tens of degrees below zero, the elderly are prone to problems in the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. In addition, skiing is a high-intensity exercise, and the elderly may be unable to bear such physical exertion.

Children and adolescents:

Body organs such as bones, muscles and joints of children and adolescents are in the development stage and relatively fragile. Skiing is a high-intensity exercise, which easily leads to sports injuries such as fractures and joint dislocation, and affects the normal development of the body. At this stage, children have limited knowledge and judgment of danger and are prone to accidents.

If parents want to take children and teenagers skiing, it is suggested that they choose appropriate equipment, do adequate warm-up exercises, understand safety rules and basic skills, study under the guidance of experienced coaches, be familiar with ski resorts, arrange exercise time and intensity reasonably, pay attention to health conditions and do a good job in sun protection.

People with poor physical fitness or poor physical condition:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which needs good physical fitness and physical quality to support it. If you are in poor physical fitness or poor health, you may feel tired, weak or unable to keep your balance during skiing, which will increase the risk of falling or being injured. If you suffer from diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, asthma, etc., it is easier to aggravate your illness and have accidents.

In addition, when skiing, the temperature is low. In cold places, people with poor physical fitness may have colds, fever or other health problems because they can’t adapt to the cold environment. Especially in alpine skiing, the altitude is higher, the oxygen is thin, and the requirements for cardiopulmonary function are higher. People with poor health may have altitude sickness.

Pregnant women:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which requires fast movement and strong body control. Pregnant women have a special physical condition during pregnancy, and strenuous exercise may lead to fetal instability and increase the risk of premature delivery or miscarriage. In order to ensure the safety of mother and baby, it is best for pregnant women not to participate in high-risk sports such as skiing.

Lack of skiing experience:

For people with no skiing experience or low skills, it is easy to have accidents when they try skiing for the first time. On the steep snow slope in the northeast, it is difficult for inexperienced people to control the speed and direction, which increases the risk of falling and colliding. Therefore, it is suggested to study and train in other places first, or choose a relatively gentle ski trail to accumulate some skiing experience, and then go to the northeast to challenge the difficult ski trail.

In short, before planning to ski in Harbin, we should evaluate whether our physical condition and skill level are suitable for skiing. If you have any questions, it is recommended to carefully consider whether to go. When skiing, be sure to pay attention to safety, wear protective equipment and strictly abide by the rules and instructions of the ski resort to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Only by doing this can we fully enjoy the fun of skiing.

Reporter/Zhang Yi

Editor/Sun Chong

Correspondent/Wang Xi

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ShangguanNo. Author: Shanghai Huangpu