China Star | Shenzhou 16 enhances the reliability of Beidou navigation signals

  CCTV News:The Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft is the first manned spacecraft in the new stage of application and development of China’s space station, and it is also the 11th manned mission carried out by China. What are the new changes of Shenzhou-16? What are the differences between it and previous spacecraft?

  Shenzhou 16: Enhancing the Reliability of Beidou Navigation Signals

  The Shenzhou 16 manned spaceship had fully inherited the technical status of the Shenzhou 15 spaceship, and its main functions and technical indicators remained unchanged. The difference was that the Shenzhou 16 was a new batch of spaceships, which was of great significance for verifying the technical status of this batch of spaceships.

  Gao Xu, Chief Designer of the Manned Spaceship System of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:Compared with the previous batch, we have done a lot of work on autonomous control. For example, we have enhanced the reliability of the Beidou navigation signal. We have done a lot of work on the localization of components to improve the level of autonomous control of the spacecraft itself.

  Mass production multi-line parallel, Shen 17 completes final assembly test

  Gao Xu introduced that the batch development of Shenzhou spacecraft is very stressful for the team. In the past, the development team only needed to develop one spacecraft at a time, but now the development team needs to complete the development, launch, flight control and return of several spacecraft in parallel, with multiple fronts highly overlapping.

  It is understood that at present, Shenzhou 17 has completed the final assembly test at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and has the ability to stand by for emergency rescue. Shenzhou 18 and Shenzhou 19 are undergoing the final assembly and testing of the whole ship before leaving the factory, and other spacecraft in this batch have entered the stage of single-machine development.

Do we need so many live broadcasts of football matches?

Indeed, it is really convenient for modern people to watch the game nowadays. Even more and more people watch the live broadcast of the game in a year, which adds up to less than watching short videos or scoring GIFs. Then the question is, do we still need so many live football matches?

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football! When talking about this issue, a British fan said so.

Besides, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching live games every week? What’s your opinion about the overload of live broadcast of the game? Please tell us together in the comments!

Author | Adam Hurrey and Amitai Winehouse, ECO kryptonite

Edit | Gao Xiaochen

Source | Sports Industry Ecosphere (the original text was published in The Athletic, and it was partially deleted and adjusted due to the need of editing and expression)

The text is 4295 words in total | Estimated reading time is 11 minutes.

Not long ago, the Premier League officially announced:Before all the British fans can return to the stadium to watch the game(as early as May 17th), all events will continue to be broadcast live online in the UK.

This rule may not feel anything to overseas fans. But for British fans, it is a big event that can change their lives. After all, they haven’t watched the football match on TV on Saturday afternoon for decades.

This is due to a long-standing magical rule in Britain-3PM Blackout, which was negotiated and passed by the FA and the league.From 2: 45 pm to 5: 15 pm on Saturday, it is forbidden to broadcast any football match on TV.

The origin of 3pm blackout can be traced back to Bob Lord, Chairman of Burnley Club in 1964.(Bob Lord)A broadcast ban at Tevermore Stadium.In the view of Chairman Bao, the live TV broadcast is harmful to the club besides lowering the attendance rate of the stadium.

△ Center is Bob Lord, then chairman of Burnley Club.

Despite a lot of controversy, President Bao succeeded in persuading more and more clubs to accept it with his golden tongue.Television broadcast of demon theory.After unanimous negotiation, 3pm blackoutKick-off at three o’clock on Saturday afternoon is a tradition in English football.Not only has it become the rules of English clubs, but it has even been incorporated into the British broadcasting law, which makes it a criminal offence to broadcast football matches on TV on any Saturday afternoon in Britain.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, all the games had to be broadcast online, and the question of whether the broadcast ban should be completely abolished was once again put on the focus of public discussion. But for British fans, although there are more games broadcast, the troubles of happiness have also come:With limited energy, so many games are broadcast live, it seems that I really can’t watch it!

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football!

When talking about this issue, a British fan said so. His views also represent the voices of many fans.

In this regard, two columnists of The Athletic discussed through a podcast: Do we still need so many live football matches?

Too much broadcast of the game has made people tired of watching the game.

The host of Adam Hurrey The Athletic podcast, Football Cliches.

It has been a whole year since the special situation of being forced to have an empty match due to the epidemic, and the discussion on whether 3pm blackout should be cancelled has been going on for a long time. Therefore, it seems a natural thing to broadcast all the games in the current situation.

However, with the resumption of broadcasting, we gradually found that in the face of so many football matches, watching the ball every day is no longer a pleasure, and it has even become a psychological burden. 

As early as before the epidemic isolation intensified the daily competition in domestic broadcast of football matches, the broadcast of three matches on Super Sunday in Premier League was already a marathon experience for football fans: from pre-match comments to players’ warm-up, from goal playback to VAR slow-motion analysis, from betting recommendation to various advertisements ….. The broadcast of several consecutive football matches in one day is quite challenging for fans to watch and broadcast.

Whether the game involves their favorite team or their annoying team, or involves two teams that they don’t care about. 

△ A busy Premier League weekend screenshot from Tencent Sports APP

A Premier League fan in the UK, watching the game every Saturday, is probably like this:

The first game, kick-off at 12: 30 noon British time:

Ok, at noon, the game will start. Today’s noon match is a match in leicester city (generally speaking, leicester city or Southampton kick off earlier, as evidenced by the data). You will notice the long shadows in the stadium, which is definitely the last light environment that people want to face when watching the match or even playing football games.

In the end, leicester city won 2-0, but the attention of this game was completely covered up by the VAR controversy.

The second game, EnglishKick-off at 3: 00 pm national time:

All right! You’ve watched a game and got into shape. Although the commentators are still discussing the question of whether Team X is excellent or Team Y is rubbish (the conclusion is usually: emmm…… … I think both teams are similar).

The confrontation between the two sides in this game is Crystal Palace vs West Brom, which makes you immediately start to wonder if you should do something else while watching the ball. But you can’t go out when you think about the epidemic; I also think that due to the broadcasting law, there is no advertisement in the live broadcast of the game at 3 pm on Saturday ….. Well, let’s watch another game.

Unfortunately, Wilfrid Zaha, the thigh of Crystal Palace, was injured, and there was one less attraction in the game … It is said that the commentary of this game is famous, but the fans never seem to care about this.

Game 3, kick-off at 5: 30 pm UK time:

Well, it’s prime time for the broadcast, and the strong teams are going to play again. It may be a game in which Manchester City beat a team 4-0, or it may be a showdown between Arsenal and Newcastle. Under the full light of the stadium, the shiny stadium is quite attractive. In addition, there is nothing to watch on TV at this time, which may be the perfect time to sit on the sofa and watch the football match.

At the moment, Jamie Carragher (a former Liverpool player and now a famous football commentator) slides his hand on the screen, showing you all the details of the game you should know, which is great. In the end, it was an excellent game to watch, but it doesn’t seem to be time to put an end to today’s full football marathon … 

Game 4, kick-off at 8: 00 pm UK time:

COVID-19 epidemic, the end of the world, all these things on TV. To tell the truth, Premier League football really doesn’t need to broadcast four whole games a day, especially after 7: 30 pm. Now, you have watched three football matches, and your mind is obviously not on TV. On the sofa, you have already started to brush your mobile phone and saw more than a dozen popular short videos about the coach’s rage or the commentator’s passion for wheat. Although these videos have been forwarded by you, you will forget all about the video content in a short time.

This is often the daily life of a Premier League fan watching the game on weekends.

If the football match is broadcast all day, will I watch it? Yes, obviously, I will, but this is probably just my consciousness as a practitioner, but other fans may not appreciate the broadcast of so many games.

△ Newcastle striker Callum Wilson celebrates the goal

Image: Newcastle United/Newcastle United via Getty Images

Indeed, as long as fans can’t watch the game offline, the Premier League has the responsibility to keep football in the spotlight through more broadcasts.However, don’t underestimate how tired fans will feel in such a marathon. Just for the sake of our poor and tired brains, I hope that the competitors and broadcasters will not regard the countermeasures in this special period as future decisions. 

The broadcast of the game is overloaded? I don’t think so at all!

Amitai Winehouse News Editor

It’s 11 o’clock on Saturday morning. You slept in, got up, had dinner, drank coffee and went out for a walk. Maybe you had a lesson with fitness coach Joe Wicks in front of the TV. So what’s next? I can’t eat any more food, and Zoom’s online test hasn’t started yet. For you, this day seems far away. 

However, you remember, there is a football match today! You looked at the live app on your mobile phone. At 12: 30, leicester city played against Liverpool; At 3: 00 pm, Crystal Palace played against Burnley; At 5: 30 pm, Manchester City played against Tottenham; At 8: 00 pm, Wolves play Chelsea!

As a fan, the distant Saturday was finally saved!

In this difficult period, there are not many interesting things happening. But we can watch all the matches in the Premier League. After watching the matches, you still have many things to do: chatting with friends on social software, playing Fan Texi in the Premier League, and brushing short sports videos … Is there anything more interesting for sports fans?

It can be said that playing football in the open field is meaningless, but online broadcasting can give the game real meaning.Indeed, not many people feel that it is necessary to watch a Southampton-Brighton game with dignity, but it is important that more games are broadcast, so that those Southampton fans and Brighton fans who want to watch this game have a proper way to watch this game.

The competition should belong to the public, not just the hundreds of people who are now allowed to enter the stadium.

In fact, the existence of streaming media just proves why the view that all sports events should not be broadcast is flawed. In any case, I am firmly opposed to the ban on Saturday afternoon games.There are always people who argue that this measure can protect the attendance rate of low-level leagues, but as early as 2018, EFL(English Football League)It has been announced that all Saturday 3: 00 pm games will be broadcast on its cooperative streaming media platform iFollow, and many international regions have also allowed to broadcast the games at this time. 

△ Amazon Prime’s Premier League live broadcast room 

Image: Adam Davy/pool/AFP via Getty Images

What’s more, for fans who want to watch the game offline, it doesn’t matter whether the game is broadcast or not. But if you don’t want to go to the scene, you can certainly find a way to watch the game at home.

In other words, even if the game is not broadcast on the mainstream platforms with copyright such as Sky Sports, BT Sport, Amazon Prime and BBC One, people will find various ways to watch the game, which is not a problem for modern fans at all.Besides, the football club has fallen into financial difficulties, and we can at least make the broadcasting company happy for a while, so that the team’s copyright income can be guaranteed, and the more the better.

So to be honest, although there may be a problem of watching the game on TV, football is now facing a critical moment, so please forget the idea that any match should not be broadcast on TV. Please broadcast all the football matches for us, without stopping for a moment … The broadcast of the games that helped you through the boring time during the epidemic is also an important part of your life.

The above is the discussion between two British sports experts. So, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching the game broadcast every week? What do you think of the view that the broadcast of the game is overloaded? Please tell us together in the comments!

(End of full text)

Original link: https://the athletic. com/2394322/2021/02/17/Premier-League-Matches-Stay-on-UK-TV-Lockdown-Fans-Bring-It-on-Boring/? source=user_shared_article



Hot spots? A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports, and you can make an appointment online.

Kunming citizens can book stadiums online for fitness exercises ~

A few days ago, the digital platform of "Kunming Sports" WeChat WeChat official account was upgraded, and the functions of sports venue reservation, sports map and scientific sports guidance were launched. The citizens can check the sports venues in various counties (cities) of Kunming online and reserve suitable venues.

How to make a reservation? Click on the video to see the raiders ~

In recent years, Kunming Education and Sports Bureau has continuously optimized and improved the public sports service system. In October 2021, it began to build a Kunming smart sports platform and put it into trial operation in March 2023.

The WeChat official account is mainly divided into three plates.

The first plate

The first section is "comprehensive information", which realizes the function of window publicity, integrates and publishes the policy information related to sports development and the achievements of sports development in Kunming, and provides dynamic information on sports development for the masses.

The second plate

The second section is "Sports Together", which provides people with convenient channels such as sports map inquiry, venue reservation, event inquiry and registration, and scientific fitness guidance through online applet functions. A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports.

Among them, according to the requirements of "enriching public sports facilities" in 10 practical projects of benefiting the people in Kunming in 2024, no less than 30 primary and secondary schools will be selected to open sports venues to the public in the summer vacation, and citizens can make reservations through the "Kunming Sports" and "WeChat official account Sports Together" applet.

The third plate

The third section is "micro-interaction", which realizes the functions of collecting opinions and suggestions, providing government information services, inquiring about athletes’ registration, and inquiring about the contact information of sports-related departments, so as to collect opinions and suggestions from the public on the development of Kunming sports and jointly tell the story of Kunming sports.

In the next step, Kunming will continue to integrate the information of sports development in Kunming and the information of sports events, so as to provide the masses with more comprehensive sports development trends in Kunming and more convenient channels for participation.

Further strengthen the digital sports platform to upgrade and transform, input the data of sports venues and facilities of primary and secondary schools in Kunming into the digital sports platform, realize online registration, face recognition, identity authentication and other functions, and implement the opening of school sports venues to the society.

We also encourage social sports venues to carry out intelligent transformation, upload information such as people flow, personnel information and venue use to the intelligent platform in real time, realize real-time monitoring and sharing of national fitness data, realize big data analysis of mass sports regionality and sports needs of different groups, and timely adjust short-term sports work plans and project layouts in combination with medium and long-term development plans to meet the different fitness needs of the masses.

Reporter Yu Suyan

Photo: Kunming Sports

Editor Yu Suyan

Audit Zhang Liya

Take a look at these contents, which may be of interest to you.

In 2024, a model of examination papers and answers in Yunnan Province came to the attention. Since 2025, the college entrance examination in Yunnan Province has paid attention to the examination of English listening and speaking. In Tsinghua University, civil engineering majors have stopped recruiting, and they have paid attention to it. For more high school students’ must-see content, click here for the Kunming-Yunnan Education New Media Matrix.

Today’s headline, Weibo, Xinhua and Renmin.

Original title: "Hot spots, a mobile phone" playing "Kunming Sports, online can make an appointment"

Read the original text

Do aquatic dinosaurs exist or not?

  The prehistoric creatures

  Intern reporter Dai Xiaopei

  In the evolutionary history of dinosaurs, one of the biggest mysteries is: Are there aquatic dinosaurs? Although we know that ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and canglong all live in water, according to their position on the evolutionary tree, they are not strictly dinosaurs, but only close relatives of dinosaurs. So why are aquatic dinosaurs so rare?

  Spinosaurus is an atypical aquatic dinosaur?

  In fact, among the dinosaur fossils found, there are not dinosaurs that did not live in water at all.

  In 1912, people discovered a kind of theropod dinosaur in Egypt — — Fossils of Spinosaurus, which lived in the Cretaceous period from about 110 million to 93.5 million years ago.

  According to the early data released by scientists, Spinosaurus was 12.6 to 18 meters long and weighed 7 to 20.9 tons. In recent years, more complete specimens support early research, and scientists found that Spinosaurus could grow to a length of 15 to 15.6 meters. However, the latest data estimate that its weight is 6.4 tons to 7.2 tons. Unlike most dinosaurs, Spinosaurus had some unique spines on its back, forming a sail-like structure. According to public information, the spines on the back of Spinosaurus were at least 1.65 meters long. The spine of Spinosaurus is an extension of its vertebrae, which researchers believe can help Spinosaurus regulate its body temperature or show its unique charm.

  "After comparing Spinosaurus with crocodiles, people think that Spinosaurus may be aquatic." Xu Xing, a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of China Academy of Sciences, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that according to the skull shape of Spinosaurus, it was found that the skull of Spinosaurus was long and narrow, similar to that of modern crocodiles. Specifically, the mouth is slender, and the direction and size of teeth help it catch fish and fix its prey in the mouth.

  In addition, by analyzing the fossils of individual Spinosaurus, some scientists found that there were fish scale residues in the stomach contents of Spinosaurus. "This shows that Spinosaurus ate creatures in the water, and it can be speculated that Spinosaurus may live on the shore or in the water." Xu Xing said that another evidence that Spinosaurus lived in water is that studies have found that the isotopic composition of Spinosaurus bones is close to that of aquatic animals.

  However, Xu Xing stressed that there is no very conclusive evidence that Spinosaurus must have lived in water. "Because Spinosaurus didn’t have a fin-like structure like aquatic animals such as sea lions or seals. This shows that Spinosaurus cannot live completely in water and is not a typical aquatic animal. " He said that according to the existing findings, it is not easy to judge whether Spinosaurus lived in the water or on the shore for a long time.

  "According to the teeth and skull of Spinosaurus, people think that Spinosaurus mainly lived by eating fish, but Spinosaurus is just a kind of dinosaur with a special feeding habit, and generally speaking, Spinosaurus just goes into the water to prey and then returns to land life. Therefore, we cannot put forward ‘ Aquatic dinosaur ’ The concept. " Xing Lida, an associate professor at China Geo University, said.

  Dinosaurs were aquatic animals?

  Some scientists believe that dinosaurs were originally aquatic animals. This statement stems from a puzzle: how did the slender legs of dinosaurs support its huge body? Brian Ford, a cell biologist at Cambridge University in England, tried to explain that dinosaurs mainly lived in water and supported their bodies by buoyancy. He said that dinosaurs swam in the lake most of the time, and their tails provided assistance, and their footprints were printed into the mud.

  According to Ford, it can explain why archaeologists often dig dinosaur footprints, but there are few traces of dinosaur tails. Compared with modern large animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses, dinosaurs had small legs but fat tails.

  "It makes sense to think that dinosaurs lived in water." Ford said, "dinosaurs used water to support their weight, float their tails, regulate their body temperature and get food."

  However, Paul Barrett, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London, believes that this statement makes no sense. He said that with the help of the principle of load-bearing structural engineering, researchers have proved that the strength of dinosaur leg muscles is enough to support its body to walk easily on land. Moreover, dinosaurs had difficulty breathing and walked slowly in the water. "They may live near water, and sometimes they go into the water to cool off, but I don’t accept the theory that they live in water." Paul said.

  In 2007, scientists found traces of dinosaurs’ claws at the bottom of the water in the Carmelos basin in northeastern Spain, which became conclusive evidence that "dinosaurs could swim". In 2011, Chinese and American paleontologists found a group of strange footprints with only toe marks and no heels in Chicheng County, Hebei Province. Experts believe that this is the hard evidence of dinosaurs playing in the water — — Tracers leave scratches on the bottom of the lake after entering the water. As the depth of the lake increases, their feet can touch less and less water bottom, and their footprints gradually weaken, and their three toes can not be completely preserved.

  Completely aquatic dinosaurs don’t exist?

  Although there is evidence that some dinosaurs lived in water, Xing Lida still opposed the concept of "aquatic dinosaurs". “‘ Aquatic dinosaur ’ It is only a hypothesis put forward in recent years, but it is extremely easy to include Syngnathus, Canglong, plesiosaur, etc., confusing concepts. "

  Xu Xing also told reporters: "According to the existing research, there are no pure water dinosaurs. Let’s just say that there is some evidence that dinosaurs lived in water for some time. The limbs of plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs or sea lions and seals will undergo height changes to adapt to life completely in water, but there is no evidence that such dinosaurs exist at present. "

  Strictly speaking, no real aquatic dinosaurs have been found. Xu Xing believes that there are two possibilities. First, dinosaurs did not give priority to occupy the water niche in the era when they lived. At that time, the water environment might be occupied by crocodiles and other aquatic animals. Second, there may be aquatic dinosaurs, but they have not become mainstream species, and the fossils of such dinosaurs have not been preserved or discovered.

  "In recent years, with the deepening of field trips, people have discovered more and more strange dinosaurs. The current fossil record has not fully revealed the diversity of dinosaurs. " Xu Xing said that the original fossil record is deficient, some deficiencies may be remedied, and some deficiencies may exist forever.

  What’s the point of studying dinosaurs and even arguing about whether dinosaurs were aquatic or terrestrial?

  "First of all, it can prove some evolutionary phenomena. Species are always changing, such as from big to small, from land to air. Scientists hope to reveal the law of change. " Xu Xing said that the current ecosystem is called the world of birds and flowers, characterized by beautiful birds and flowering plants, and this ecosystem evolved from the Mesozoic ecosystem dominated by dinosaurs. We need a lot of data and fossil records to reveal this evolution process.

  At the same time, scientists should also reveal which factors affect the evolution of life, such as genes or environment. "It is also important for human beings to understand their own lives to understand the laws of the evolution of all things." Xu Xing said.

  Related links

  This dinosaur can also swim and hunt in the water.

  At the end of 2017, research teams from Italy and other countries discovered a new dinosaur fossil in the late Cretaceous strata of Mongolia, which was roughly waterfowl-like. This new dinosaur species was named Eichzka, commonly known as "duck dinosaur". "Duck Dinosaur" has a long and curved neck, and its forelimbs are fin-shaped. It can walk on land like a duck and swim with its forelimbs. They also have many tiny teeth suitable for eating fish. Another feature of "Duck Dinosaur" is that its beak and upper jaw have many small holes, which were once filled with nerve endings. This kind of mouth has a similar structure to the beaks of some waterfowl. This shows that "duck dinosaurs" may have preyed in the water or at the bottom of rivers and lakes.

The 3 rd line battle field shines! The throne of football in China will give way! Wuhan soil cannon rises!

China football has been looking for new players to provoke the offensive banner, and now we have one person, who is Wei Shihao, the local cannon of Wuhan Sanzhen Team, the defending champion of Chinese Super League. This season, Wuhan Sanzhen team experienced serious difficulties. The investors of the team suddenly withdrew their funds, and the team became an empty shell team before the AFC Champions League started. The rise of Wei Shihao propped up the team and made it get good results. Since Lei Wu played in the Super League, his goals have been among the best.

But in the sixth season, Wu Lei won the top scorer in the Super League with 27 goals, but lost the opportunity to compete in Europe. In the end, he chose to return to China, but his competitive state declined. No matter in the club or the national team, he no longer had the feeling of being unique. Now, the national football team needs a new person to carry the banner of attack, and this person is Wei Shihao.

Wei Shihao’s performance in Wuhan Sanzhen Team is remarkable, and his rise made the team maintain its fighting capacity after experiencing serious difficulties. In the 29th round of the Super League, Wuhan Sanzhen team played against Shenzhen team at home. Wei Shihao’s form is obviously good. He created many opportunities for the team. Although the team was exhausted, he still played well.

Wei Shihao’s strength cannot be ignored. He entered the national team in 2015 and became the youngest scorer in the Asian Cup. His performance has also been recognized by the head coach of the national team and has been selected for the national team many times. In the national football team’s away game against South Korea in January this year, Wei Shihao scored a goal to help the national football team draw with South Korea, showing his own strength. The rise of Wei Shihao also attracted the attention of fans, and his performance made people look forward to the future of China football.

Although he is still young, he has shown his strength and potential. China football needs such young players with strength and potential to achieve better results in the future. Generally speaking, Wei Shihao is a new star in China football, and his performance has attracted the attention of fans and the media. Although he still needs to constantly hone himself in actual combat, his strength and potential have made people look forward to his future. Can he become the next Lei Wu of China football?

This is an interesting question, which deserves our expectation and discussion. Wei Shihao, he is the player that the Chinese Super League or China football needs at present. Whether in the national team, AFC Champions League or Super League, he can carry the team’s banner, score key goals and win for the team. His strong performance also makes people have to look forward to his future.

In a recent game, Wei Shihao scored a goal at the end of the game, helping the three towns of Wuhan beat Shenzhen 1-0. This ball is also considered as the winner of the game. And he also scored a goal in the last AFC Champions League, which helped the team win the first victory in AFC Champions League history. His goal also helped the national team to see hope when the national team was once in a desperate situation against Uzbekistan.

It can be said that Wei Shihao has an excellent performance in the third-line arena and has become the backbone of the team. Wei Shihao’s strength and performance also make people have to compare him with Lei Wu. It can be said that Wei Shihao has already taken over the banner of Lei Wu. His strength is comparable to that of Wu Lei, and his performance is not lost to Lei Wu. China football in the future needs such players, such backbone and such leaders.

Of course, Wei Shihao’s strong performance is also inseparable from his efforts and dedication. In his training, he always takes every detail seriously and devotes himself to it. His efforts and dedication have also enabled him to play more confidently and excellently in the competition. Generally speaking, Wei Shihao has become the focus of domestic fans.

His strength and performance make people full of expectations, expecting him to carry the banner of China football in the future and make greater contributions to the development of China football.

Table tennis world cup: two games 8

On December 7, 2023, the table tennis mixed team World Cup continued. The second stage ended with two matches. South Korea beat Sweden 8-2, taking the lead in winning seven consecutive victories, Germany beat China Taipei 8-2, and the second seed ended its losing streak. The lineup of Guoping against France was announced.

In the first stage, South Korea won four games in a row, ranked first in Group D and advanced to the quarter-finals, but did not encounter too strong opponents. In the second stage, the competition was more intense. South Korea won French and Slovak in a row, and with the previous results against China and Taipei, there were still four rounds to play, of which the third round against Sweden was not sure of winning, which attracted the attention of outside fans, and the South Korean team changed its array and changed to a new lineup.

In the first three sets, South Korea sent Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi, Li Shiwen and Lin Zhongxun. Now mixed doubles are two choices. Lin Zhongxun/Shen Yubin can’t be underestimated. It depends on who plays singles. Some of the main players of Sweden are absent, and the lineup is relatively weak. Judging from the performance against Japan earlier, they also have strong threats, especially the male players Carlson and Carlberg, who are all first-class players.

The competition adopted the best of 15 games, so it was enough to win eight games first. In the first set, Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi lost 1-2 to Carlson/Christina (10-12, 11-6 and 6-11), and Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi were in poor condition and failed to play their best. In the second set, Li Shiwen beat Linda 3-0.

In the third set of men’s singles, Lin Zhongxun swept Carlberg 3-0 (11-7, 11-8, 11-8), and the process was easier than expected. You should know that Zhang Benzhi and Carlberg only won 2 points before, but now Lin Zhongxun has a strong performance and won no opponents directly. In the fourth set, Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun beat Carlson/Carlberg 1-0 (11-7).

At the same time, German defeated China Taipei 8-2, mixed doubles meissner/Winter reversed Yang Jiaan/Li Yuhuang 2-1, women’s singles Shan Xiaona beat Chen Siyu 2-1, men’s singles Walther swept Ye Zhiwei 3-0, women’s doubles Shan Xiaona/Winter beat Chen Siyu/Huang Yihua 1-0, and the second seed ended its losing streak and won the first victory at this stage, but she wanted to win the top four.

The table tennis match against France is the focus of the battle. The lineups in the first three sets were announced, followed by Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha against Alex/Yuan Jianan, Manyu Wang against Pawad, and Fan Zhendong against Felix. It is worth mentioning that if the first three sets didn’t win eight sets, the lower ranked French team decided to choose men’s doubles or women’s doubles, and the team World Cup is about to usher in the highlight, so please look forward to it.

The village "BA" national competition in Qiandongnan Prefecture started in Tianzhu.

According to the arrangement of the tournament, the second "beautiful countryside" and Tianzhu qualifier of the basketball league in Guizhou Province has ended. Next, the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) will continue to be held at Yangliu Village Kung Fu Stadium in Duma Town, and the Qiandongnan Division trials will be held. At that time, teams from 16 counties and cities in the whole state will compete and decide to participate in the Guizhou Division trials. (Yang Xiang)

Marca: kimmich is happy to join Barcelona, but the transfer will be very complicated.

According to Marca, kimmich is willing to join Barcelona, and the Rossoneri appreciate the German midfielder very much, but the deal will be very complicated.

After busquets announced that he would leave the team this summer, Barcelona urgently needed to find a No.6 player. Zubimendi, Amrabat and Ruben neves were all players who had an affair with Barcelona, and kimmich became the latest one. For Barcelona, kimmich is an expensive player. No matter in Bayern or the German national team, kimmich is an out-and-out main force. In addition, his contract with Bayern expires in two years. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for Barcelona to get kimmich, and Bayern will not be willing to let him go. Moreover, even if the Bundesliga giants are willing to release him, his worth will not be less than 60 million euros.

Barcelona cannot pay such a high transfer fee. Even if kimmich’s transfer fee is amortized during the contract period, the annual cost will far exceed 20 million euros. In addition, Arsenal and Liverpool are also interested in kimmich, which is another obstacle for Barcelona.


5-3! 3-1! Football is exciting for one night, Bayern dedicates to the goal war, and Chelsea welcomes the three-game winning streak!

On March 12th, 2023, Beijing time, European football events continued to compete. Bayern Munich beat augsburg 5-3 in the 24th round of Bundesliga and Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 in the 27th round of Premier League. Next, let’s take a look at the simple battle reports of the two games.

Bayern 5-3 augsburg

Less than 2 minutes after the start of the game, Berisha caught the ball, turned around and stopped, and shot the goal directly. augsburg scored a dream start. In the 15th minute, Cancelo took the ball to the penalty area and made a feint to the defender. He flew into the far corner and scored the first goal of Bayern’s career. Just four minutes later, Bayern’s free kick went to the penalty area and there was chaos. The barb in the horse kicked the ball to the door and assisted pawar to break the goal and succeeded in overtaking.

In the 35th minute, Bayern’s corner kick flew to the goal and was saved. pawar seized the opportunity to shoot the ball from the volley and scored twice. Near the half-time, Ma put in a catch shot and was blocked by the goalkeeper. Sane followed up and made up the shot. Bayern led 4-1 and completely turned the situation around. In the second half, Yi Bian pushed the goal in the war horse and it was blown offside. Then Driget fouled the penalty area and Berisha took a penalty to help augsburg pull back a goal.

In the 74th minute, Cancelo took the ball from the side to observe the defensive cross. Alfonso followed up with the outflanking and shot to break the goal. In stoppage time, augsburg launched a counterattack. Vargas took the ball from the side and quickly broke through the bottom and swept the middle to assist Cardona to tackle the goal. In the end, Bayern 5-3 reversed the opponent and dedicated a goal war.

Chelsea 3-1 leicester city

In the 11th minute, coulibaly turned around with the ball and passed it to the middle. Chilwell volleyed the ball and the Blues took the lead with a quick goal. Then Felix hit the column with a single-handed shot, and then he pushed the shot in front of the door. Unfortunately, it was judged that offside was invalid after VAR marking, which was not very good luck. Unexpectedly, in the 39th minute, Dhaka scored a world wave directly from the periphery, and leicester city successfully equalized the score.

Near the end of half-time, Madison’s free kick directly hit Fofana’s arm. The referee said through VAR video that there was no problem. In the first half stoppage time, Enzo subtly picked up the pass and assisted Havertz, then inserted a clever shot to break the goal, and the Blues took the lead again. In the 78th minute of the second half, Havertz passed the header to Moudrek and ferried it to the middle. kovacic volleyed a shot to seal the victory. Faith was shown a yellow card for a tackle, and two yellows turned into one red and was sent off. In the end, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 and won three consecutive games.

Asia-Africa World Cup competition: the group advanced and the number of semi-finals tied, and Africa won by one advantage.

In the history of the World Cup, the bipolar status of Europe and South America is unshakable. At present, all the World Cup champions come from these two regions, while teams from other continents, not to mention winning the championship, have not even stepped on the final venue yet. Relatively speaking, Asia and Africa are relatively close. There are more countries in both continents, and the number of World Cup places is similar. Africa has five and Asia has 4.5. That is to say, if Asian teams are lucky, winning the transcontinental play-offs will make the number of Asian and African teams in the World Cup the same.

So, who has the better World Cup performance in Asia and Africa in history?

Of course, we don’t need to calculate the total score or total goal data of all Asian teams and African teams in history, just look at the results of key nodes. Specifically, look at the teams on two continents, the number of times the group advanced, and the best results.

In these two aspects, Asia and Africa actually tied.

Historically, both Asian teams and African teams have been promoted 11 times. Of course, it needs to be said here that Asia in football refers to the AFC, so Australia is also counted as an Asian team.

Let’s list the specific situation below. In the history of the World Cup, African teams promoted by the group included Morocco in 1986, Cameroon in 1990, Nigeria in 1994, Nigeria in 1998, Senegal in 2002, Ghana in 2006, Ghana in 10 years, Nigeria and Algeria in 14 years and Senegal and Morocco in 22 years. A total of 11 times.

As for Asian teams, Japan has four times, South Korea has three times, North Korea and Saudi Arabia each once, and Australia twice. It happened to be 11 times. I am ashamed to say that this data, if Australia did not join the AFC from Oceania, then Asian teams actually lagged behind African teams.

Let’s look at the best results. Originally, South Korea reached the semi-finals in the 2002 World Cup and won the fourth place, which was once the unattainable achievement of second-rate teams such as Asia and Africa. But FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 and Morocco have also achieved this. And to tell the truth, Morocco, the fourth place, is more convincing than South Korea in those days. Everyone knows this, and there is no need to start talking about it.

Therefore, in terms of the best results of the World Cup, Asia and Africa also tied.

So, which side of the world cup is better? There is a data that Africa is dominant, and with this data, we can say that African teams have higher ceilings and stronger ability to work miracles than Asian teams.

In fact, the data of the previous group promotion times is very general. After all, reaching the top 16 and reaching the top four are both group qualifying, but the gap between these two results is not small. So we might as well break it down again-the number of times we scored in the top eight.

In this regard, Africa is far better than Asia. Because Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 10 years all reached the quarterfinals of the World Cup, and the number of quarterfinals was three times. What about Asia? It is still zero.

It should be noted that in the 1966 World Cup, North Korea reached the quarter-finals, but at that time, the World Cup was only 16 teams. Therefore, the quarter-finals of North Korea should be strictly called the first round of the knockout round, but it is actually the same level as the next sixteen. You know, Cameroon, Senegal and Ghana reached the second round of the knockout round, so North Korea, the quarter-finals, is not included in this data.

In today’s scale, reaching the quarter-finals means that the group will go further than the group. If it’s a miracle to beat the Asian and African teams into the knockout stage, then the miracle of the quarter-finals is certainly higher than the miracle of the quarter-finals. In fact, if we take away the controversial semi-final result of South Korea in 2002, we will find that the upper limit of Asian teams in the World Cup is not high, and the best result so far is the first round of elimination. So at this point, there is still a gap between Asian teams and African teams.

Of course, judging from FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022’s performance, Asian teams seem to be better than African teams. I hope there will be an Asian team in the future that can break through the long-standing ceiling.