Don’t let the "edge anchor" poison the teenagers

  "Net" Comics/Li Xiaojun

  ● Scratching behavior refers to the vulgar behavior of attracting attention by revealing clothes and teasing behaviors on platforms such as live short videos. The anchors use these behaviors to attract traffic in a soft pornographic way, thus gaining commercial benefits. This kind of behavior not only violates public order and good customs, but also is suspected of vulgar and soft pornography marketing.

  ● Some live broadcast platforms have explicitly prohibited and warned the edge-scraping behavior. However, due to the different judgment methods and audit modes of each platform, the handling methods of the edge-scraping anchor are not the same, which leads to the joint efforts to rectify the edge-scraping behavior.

  ● Further improve Internet norms and laws, at the same time, compact platform responsibilities, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, in order to form a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong

  □ Intern Guan Chuyu of this newspaper

  "Thank you for your order, so I’ll dance a favorite dance of my eldest brother now!" In the car-selling live room of a short video platform, a female anchor was wearing a short black silk skirt and twisted with music. In the video of shooting a car, the sexy female anchor kept coquetry for the camera, and when she put the car in gear, the camera focused on her thigh wearing black stockings … …

  "Selling cars also began to scratch? Can’t it be normal? " Some netizens said in the comment area.

  Scratching, a network term, refers to the vulgar behavior of attracting attention by revealing clothes and teasing behaviors on platforms such as live short videos. In an interview recently, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that the act of rubbing edges emerged in an endless stream on the Internet. Some anchors not only attract people’s attention by sending some scratch content, but also specially label it as "scratch" in order to increase the video playback.

  Experts interviewed by the reporter believe that the act of scraping not only violates public order and good customs, but also is suspected of vulgar and soft pornography marketing, polluting the network environment and poisoning young people. It is suggested to further improve Internet norms and laws, and at the same time, tighten the responsibility of the platform, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, with a view to forming a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace.

  From edge-wiping woman to edge-wiping man

  Wipe drainage is disgusting.

  Not only live broadcast with goods, but also the popular live broadcast PK (a new interactive way of live broadcast, which means that two anchors carry out "even wheat" PK with each other to compare the winners and losers with the amount of rewards) is also mixed with a lot of edge-scraping behavior.

  Yang Yang (pseudonym) of Jinan, Shandong Province is an anchor. In the process of PK with some female anchors, he often sees similar scenes: in order to win PK, the female anchor writes down the name of his eldest brother on his chest and thigh to attract more rewards. This obvious teasing behavior is hard to look straight at.

  In live interaction, wiping behavior is more common. The reporter browsed several live broadcast rooms and saw that some female anchors were sitting in front of the camera in dark V tops. The text in the live broadcast room said "beer bombs, flowers and sunglasses turn". It turned out that as long as fans gave a gift, such as "beer", the anchor would pull up the shoulder strap of the bra once … … There is also a live broadcast room with music that makes people blush, which is called "immersive experience" by the anchor.

  On the internet, netizens call the female anchor who has the behavior of wiping the edge "wiping the edge". However, the reporter noticed that some male anchors and male bloggers have recently joined the ranks of edging, using edging as a "password" to attract traffic.

  Not long ago, the painting style of a beverage company’s live broadcast room changed suddenly, from the original sexy and plump female anchor to the male anchor wearing tight vests and shorts. These male anchors danced, showed their muscles and Poss for the camera in the current online popular songs. This move was called by netizens as "changing the soup without changing the medicine, or rubbing the set."

  The reporter noticed that these male anchors and male bloggers changed into gray sweatpants or tights, either showing their abdominal muscles or dancing on their hips. Gradually, wearing gray pants was labeled as "wiping man". On a short video platform, "Grey Pants" was played as many as 16.249 million times.

  Many bloggers also use "Bian Bian" as their user name or copy, in order to attract more attention and enthusiasm. In these comment areas that scratch the content, there are many sexually suggestive messages.

  It is even more unacceptable, and even many netizens call it spicy eyes — — Some male anchors wear sexy lace underwear for live broadcast. In the live broadcast, the male anchor not only stood in front of the camera to show off his underwear, but also made shy, caring, circling in place and posing for the camera.

  "This situation is really embarrassing." Some netizens commented under the video, "It is obvious that girls wear clothes, but boys are allowed to show them, so I don’t know who to buy them for."

  "This completely subverts the definition of male in my cognition." Ms. Wang, a parent from Jiangsu, said with anxiety that once she saw her son in elementary school brush such a short video, she immediately stepped forward to stop it. She hoped that her children would see a male anchor who was healthy, sunny and spread positive energy from the Internet, and she did not want her children to be misled by these marginal videos.

  Zhang Wei (pseudonym) from Beijing has installed more than 10 social apps on his mobile phone. During his daily use, he often brushes aside videos and photos. "Why do you push this content to me every day?" Zhang Wei said that some people may like to brush aside, but I believe more people are definitely disgusted, especially now that minors are surfing the Internet more and more. I hope the relevant departments will take action to purify the network environment.

  Scratching video has a poor look and feel.

  The traffic revenue is significant.

  On social platforms, there are a large number of works that get popularity by tagging. The reporter searched for the "scratch" tag on a short video platform and found that its broadcast volume was as high as 6.02 billion times.

  Scratching has brought huge heat and traffic benefits to these videos. In the hot works labeled "edge", the reporter found that not all videos are based on vulgar edge. However, compared with similar videos, the traffic of works with the label of "edge" is obviously higher than that of videos without the label of "edge".

  Li Wei (pseudonym) from Yantai, Shandong Province is a loyal user of short video platform. When she released the video, she found that the traffic of the video was always limited, but if she put the "edge" label on it, the number of views would obviously come up.

  A male dance blogger who hasn’t been in a platform for a long time wears women’s clothes and dances Korean spicy dance in the video. This obvious contrast behavior has brought him a lot of traffic income, and the maximum number of single videos can reach 691,000 times.

  Under these videos, there are not only comments praising bloggers, but also a lot of critical and sarcastic unfriendly comments. Some netizens said: "Dancing is dancing. Why are you dressed like this?"

  There are also comments bluntly: the proliferation of edge-rubbing men may lead to the audience’s sexual doubts and self-cognitive differences, which will distort their spirit and world outlook, thus causing serious consequences. For minors, they are more vulnerable to this kind of behavior.

  "The act of wiping is a means to attract attention and attract traffic, so as to satisfy the curiosity of the audience." Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that wiping is not only a matter of content communication, but also a matter of values. If governance is not carried out in time, there will be many people competing to imitate.

  "After wiping the woman, the short video of wiping the man is also hot on the network platform. The anchors use these rubbing behaviors to attract traffic in a soft pornographic way, thus gaining commercial benefits. " Ma Lihong, a lawyer of Beijing Deheheng Law Firm, said that the reason for the increasing number of edge-rubbing men is to meet the demand of some women to consume male sex, which is essentially the same as the entertainment circle to create a flow of male stars to attract female fans and then reap the economic dividends of fans.

  According to the statistical bulletin of national economic and social development in 2022 released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of Internet users in China is 1.067 billion, and the Internet penetration rate is 75.6%. "If we adopt an overly tolerant attitude towards the act of rubbing, it will lead to more and more cross-border behaviors, and may even encourage more people to join the ranks of rubbing, which is not conducive to establishing good social customs and maintaining a healthy and clear network environment." Ma Lihong said.

  She believes that the appearance of this kind of edge-scraping behavior reflects that in the era of short video on the Internet, fast-food sales and traffic are still the "password to get rich" in the eyes of some people, which leads short video participants to excessively pursue quick realization and short-term benefits, attracting attention with "new", "strange" and "special" ways, even at the edge of the law.

  Urgent need to compact platform responsibility

  Effectively control the act of rubbing.

  In recent years, relevant departments have frequently taken measures to rectify soft pornographic information on various online platforms. In February 2021, the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Webcast" jointly issued by the National Network Information Office and other seven departments clearly stipulated that illegal and bad information such as vulgarity, feudal superstition and "scratching the ball" should be thoroughly cleaned up.

  "At present, although there is no clear definition of wiping behavior in law, many relevant regulations have restricted wiping behavior." Zhu Wei said, for example, the "Regulations on Ecological Governance of Network Information Content" stipulates that producers of network information content shall not produce, copy or publish illegal information containing the following contents, including spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes. Producers of network information content should take measures to prevent and resist the production, reproduction and publication of bad information containing the following contents: including promoting vulgar, vulgar and kitsch content; It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and violate social morality, and induce minors’ bad hobbies.

  In June, 2022, the Code of Conduct for Internet Anchors, jointly issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, stipulated that Internet anchors should not have the following behaviors in the process of providing online performances and audio-visual program services: including dress makeup, language behavior, live room scenery and other sexually suggestive and provocative content; Acts prohibited by laws and regulations and other acts that have adverse effects on online performances and online audio-visual ecology.

  Ma Lihong believes that it is impossible to include all the phenomena through legislation because of the high generality of writing and the lag of legislation, but such behaviors can be measured by combining relevant legislative principles, such as the principle of "public order and good customs" established by the Civil Code. The advertising law also clearly stipulates that advertisements shall not interfere with social public management norms or violate good social customs. Where advertisements are published that violate public order and good customs, the market supervision department shall order them to stop publishing advertisements, and impose penalties such as fines and revocation of business licenses.

  "The relevant departments can play a declaratory role through the handling of individual cases, such as administrative punishment or judicial trial of certain kinds of edge-scraping behaviors that violate the law, and visualize legal principles through precedents, so that the public can have a more intuitive understanding of edge-scraping behaviors through the form of cases." Ma Lihong said.

  The reporter noticed that some live broadcast platforms have also made explicit prohibitions and warning instructions on the edge-wiping behavior. However, due to the different judgment methods and audit modes of each platform, the handling methods of the edge-wiping anchor are not the same, resulting in the joint efforts to rectify the edge-wiping behavior.

  "Generally speaking, the dissemination of network information has to go through a number of checkpoints, such as the publisher’s self-examination and the review of the published network platform. However, this kind of edge-cutting behavior is still popular, indicating that there are loopholes in these checkpoints. It is not obscene not to describe sexual behavior. This kind of pornographic information is walking along this side. " A legal expert who asked not to be named believes that the pornographic "edge ball" is as harmful as the identified obscene content.

  Ma Lihong believes that some recent skirting behaviors on short video platforms not only violate public order and good customs, but also are suspected of vulgar and soft pornographic marketing. The Internet is not an illegal place, and the activities of network users on social platforms should not only follow the autonomy rules of social platforms, but also conform to the public order and good customs of society.

  She suggested that the operators and managers of registered accounts on online social platforms should operate and manage their registered accounts in a legal, civilized and standardized manner, attract the attention and interactive sharing of the audience with high-quality information content, and maintain the good social image of their accounts and themselves, and should not take the way of "scratching the ball" to attract network traffic and gain attention. Operators of online social platforms shoulder the responsibility of carefully examining and judging the information content uploaded by platform users, and should take appropriate management and disposal measures for information content that violates laws and regulations and social public order and good customs.

  "In terms of supervision, in addition to further improving Internet norms and laws, it is also necessary to compact the platform responsibility, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, in order to form a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace." Ma Lihong said.

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How to choose Volvo S90 and XC60? Not just the difference between a car and an SUV

How to choose the same brand car and SUV? I believe that friends who are paying attention to Volvo are also struggling with how to choose S90 and XC60. On the surface, it seems to be the difference between medium and large cars and medium-sized SUVs, but what are the highlights and differences in various aspects? Let’s take a look at it next.

At present, the Volvo S90 (parameter picture) on sale is 2021 models, which provide five different configurations, and the manufacturer’s guide price range is: 406,900-505,900 yuan. Volvo XC60 has just completed the mid-term redesign. Currently, it sells 2022 models, offering 6 different configurations. The manufacturer’s guide price range is: 373,900-474,900 yuan.

Although the price of Volvo S90 is more expensive than XC60 at present, the S90 discount is not small. The discount range in Beijing is more than 80,000 yuan, and XC60 has just been listed, so there is no discount at present, but it is expected that it will start to offer in about half a year. Generally speaking, if you are not in a hurry to buy a car at present, the price of XC60 will be cheaper under the same preferential conditions.

The positioning of the two cars is completely different. Volvo S90 is a medium-sized car and Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV, and the different positioning will also bring obvious differences in driving experience, riding experience and space.

At present, Volvo S90 and Volvo XC60 are both equipped with a 2.0T+48V light mixing combination, and their transmission systems are 8AT gearboxes, with a maximum power of 250 HP and a peak torque of 350 Nm. However, Volvo XC60 has a full-time four-wheel drive system, while S90 is driven by a front drive.

In terms of driving experience, although the two cars are equipped with the same powertrain, the height and center of gravity of the car and SUV are different, so the driving experience of S90 is better than that of XC60. The most obvious difference lies in the stability at high speed and the lateral supporting performance of the car body. The choice in this respect is also easy. I suggest you go to 4S to test drive the two cars yourself, and the difference is still obvious.

In terms of body size, the length/width/height of Volvo S90 are 5090/1879/1450mm and the wheelbase is 3061mm;; The length/width/height of Volvo XC60 are 4708/1902/1658mm and the wheelbase is 2865. Obviously S90 is longer in size, while Volvo XC60 is taller and wider.

In terms of seating space, the Volvo XC60 is more spacious and bright. After all, the height of the car body has an advantage, while the S90 gives people a sense of package, and the view is not as good as that of the XC60, but especially the comfort of the rear seats is better than that of the XC60.

There is no comparability in trunk storage, which is also the advantage of SUV models. The rear seats of Volvo XC60 support to be laid down in proportion to expand the space, which is more convenient and practical than the trunk of a car even if it is not expanded. Therefore, if friends who have higher requirements in this area choose XC60 directly, of course, it does not mean that S90 cannot meet the needs of long-distance travel, but it can be said that it is completely sufficient, mainly because of the storage capacity of large items.

In terms of configuration, Volvo S90 is also a mid-range model in its own car series. Compared with Volvo XC60, Volvo S90 has more configurations: the rear adjustment button of the co-pilot seat, CarPlay support, 16-speaker Harman Kardon stereo, adaptive far and near light, steering assist light, LED front fog light, 7-color interior atmosphere light, multi-layer sound insulation glass, rear sunshade, rear independent air conditioner, negative ion generator and so on.

The Volvo XC60 has more: full-speed adaptive cruise, steep descent, electric trunk, wireless charging of front mobile phones, and proportional seating. On the whole, S90 has achieved the level that this class of vehicles should have, and can provide excellent advanced feeling and comfort. The new XC60 has also been upgraded in terms of configuration, and its practical performance is not bad, but it is worse than S90 in terms of luxury.

Summary: After comparison, we can find that although the two models come from the same brand, the price is close and the power is exactly the same, there are still obvious differences because of the different positioning. Volvo S90 is more business-oriented, more suitable for commuting or business reception in the city, and the comfort and luxury in the back row are better than XC60. The XC60 is more suitable for family cars, and the SUV is more practical in terms of passability and versatility.

[Close-up] online celebrity Concert: Business of Live Broadcasting Platform and Star Dream

Standing on the stage of Beijing Workers Stadium, Wood, who performed on the stage for the first time, didn’t feel a little nervous.

There are so many people under the stage that he can’t see the faces of the fans who should help, but he can see them holding white light signs with their names written on them. Wood was excited and thought, "Be sure to sing well".

On the evening of August 27th, he and three other popular anchors on a live broadcast platform, Meng Xiaomei, Zi Hao and Mo Xiaomeng, performed four opening songs: A little tempted, Love Must Have It, Love ING and age of love, which kicked off the star ceremony of "Have a Heart".

"Pretty cool", two days later, Mu described his feelings at that time to the interface entrepreneur reporter. Although after watching the video of the concert, he found that he had too many shortcomings, such as "imperfect walking posture" and "ugly to death", so he was somewhat dissatisfied. But this experience made him set his next goal — — Have a concert of your own.

On the evening of August 27th, in addition to TFBOYS, Fish Leong, Jordan chan and other stars, six popular anchors such as Vivian, Mu, Meng Xiaomei and Zi Hao also performed on the stage. Not only can the audience see the performance, but the concert is also broadcast simultaneously on a live broadcast platform. According to the final data of science and technology, the highest number of online viewers reached 6.1 million, and the cumulative number of viewers reached more than 68 million.

All six anchors were selected through a live competition.

In July this year, a live broadcast launched the "I want to sing with you" competition. The anchor has to go through five stages, including registration, sea election, primary election, promotion and final, to compete for the opportunity to participate in the star ceremony.

The competition is divided into three time periods: daytime, prime time and midnight. In the half-month competition, every day is competition time. The anchor sings in his own studio, and fans increase the popularity of the anchor by rewarding him. As soon as you go online, the corner sign on the screen will show where you are now and how many gifts you need from the previous ranking.

"Just push forward hard," said Wood, describing his mentality during the competition.

Opponents in the same time slot are randomly assigned by the system, mainly based on the ranking of the field list. The people who match you are all close to your ranking. The higher you rank in the list, the higher the ranking of your matching opponents, and the ranking of the list depends on how many gifts fans gave on this day.

In the half-month competition, Wood PK passed dozens of people and won a total of seven or eight three-game winning streaks. At most, he sang more than 50 songs a day and broadcast them live for 8 hours a day. After 100 into 60, 60 into 40, 40 into 10, and the final, he won the second place in the daytime stalls and got tickets for the concert.

More and more live broadcast platforms are trying to enter the traditional entertainment industry.

In the first half of this year, online celebrity Concert became a new field that live broadcast platforms are scrambling to explore. In April, the first "online celebrity Concert" was held live on Zanthoxylum bungeanum. In May, Starry Night of the Goddess, which was broadcast live, made more efforts in the lineup, and invited stars such as Chris Lee, Carina Lau, Jane Zhang and Hua Chenyu to perform on the same stage with online celebrity.

Such a move is not difficult to understand.

The bonus period of the live broadcast platform has passed. According to the 2017 China Online Video Live Industry Trend Report released by Penguin Zhiku, the average monthly usage time of live users dropped from 203 minutes in the second half of last year to 182 minutes at the beginning of this year. The latest report released by China Internet Information Center also shows that as of June 2017, there were 343 million webcast users, accounting for 45.6% of the total netizens, and the scale of webcast users and the overall proportion of netizens declined.

Therefore, now the platform consciously wants to transfer the brand influence from online to offline. Periodic online and offline activities can undoubtedly arouse the enthusiasm of fans and online celebrity, and from the economic perspective, it is also a profitable business. As far as popularity is concerned, many online celebrity artists are not much different from real artists. In the live broadcast room, fans can brush their popularity and give gifts. Now, they go offline, just like a women’s group holding a theater performance, and they are also doing the fan economy in online celebrity.

In the contest "Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum Sound" held by the live broadcast of Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum before, the two-month contest was watched by 6.225 million people, supported by 3.44 million netizens, and presented with 26 million Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum coins (about RMB 1.82 million). Then the "online celebrity Concert" held in April attracted 2.3 million people to watch it online and received 600,000 yuan as a reward.

In the live broadcast of "I want to keep singing" on July 1st, Mo Xiaomeng’s fans brushed her a gift of 170,000 at most, and Vivian, a live broadcast of "One Sister", gained 4.88 million views and 2.26 million likes in the final live broadcast, and won 143 million gold coins in a single game (about RMB 1.43 million). In order to get offline concert tickets, fans also need to recharge on the platform.

In the live broadcast circle where the head anchor is highly competitive, providing opportunities to contact with stars can undoubtedly increase the attractiveness of the platform. Yang Xu, general manager of a live broadcast, told the interface entrepreneur that the concert had been prepared for two or three months. On the one hand, it was to hold an induction ceremony for TFBOYS, and on the other hand, it was hoped that the anchor on the platform would perform on the same stage with the first-line big coffee, so as to "enhance the anchor’s influence through the IP value of the stars". In addition, such activities can also show the resources and strength of the platform and attract more external talents.

The platform is strong, and the popularity and worth of the anchor on stage can also be improved. From August 28th to September 3rd, in the pan-entertainment anchor list of China live broadcast list, more than half of the TOP10 live broadcast anchors, Vivian and Wood are on the list. Yang Xu said that after the concert, advertisers on the platform have also revealed their interest in the anchor.

Online celebrity star concert may be a new attempt, but the various star-making plans of the live broadcast platform have existed for a long time.

Among many star-making plans, Momo is the biggest one this year. On June 20th, MOMO joined forces with BMG, Taihe Music, Huayi Music and Lehua Entertainment to launch the "Momo Music Plan", and planned to invest 10 million yuan to enter the music industry and tap high-quality potential new stars on Momo platform. If you win in Momo’s selection, the anchor can distribute films around the world and go to the United States for training.

In September last year, Betta announced that it would invest 100 million yuan to build a "star anchor cultivation plan" to train, package and publicize its anchors. Zanthoxylum bungeanum’s "Star-making Plan" should also cultivate potential anchors and expand into the entertainment circle after signing a contract with a brokerage company. In the past August, the anchor of Yingke selection platform walked on the red carpet of 2017 Venice International Film Festival.

When talking about why the anchor should be developed in the direction of artists, Yang Xu told the interface entrepreneurial reporter that this was due to the consideration of "flow". Artist anchors can break through the live broadcast circle and drive those who usually don’t watch live broadcasts to become platform users.

In the live broadcast industry, a live broadcast that entered the market in May 2016 is regarded as a latecomer. However, due to its deep cooperation with Weibo and rich entertainment resources, the initial positioning of a live broadcast is to "make online celebrity a real star". This idea even came into being when the company started to do xiaokaxiu in 2015. According to Yang Xu, at that time, the company also made a program "Model King xiaokaxiu" with Southeast Satellite TV. By selecting talents from xiaokaxiu to participate in variety shows, the platform also took the opportunity to observe whether these people were good prospects worthy of training.

However, more people enter this plan because of their crisis awareness of the live broadcast industry. Li Yao is the head of the brokerage business of 51 worry media, the anchor brokerage company where Mu works. In an interview with an interface entrepreneur, he expressed his understanding of the live broadcast market with several questions.

"The live broadcast industry is now in a blowout era, but this way of making money is only short-term. What if it doesn’t work within five years and ten years? Or saturated? Or upgraded? "

In his view, now is the live broadcast 3.0 era, which needs to have a face value and talent at the same time, and it will develop into the 4.0 era in the future. At that time, the anchor may be required by the standards of an artist. The offline and dual-line development of Worry-Free Media is also to make the offline increment become the core competitiveness of Worry-Free Media when the threshold of the industry becomes higher.

In all kinds of star-making plans, the core three forces are platform, anchor brokerage company and anchor.

Yang Xu told reporters that the platform mainly provides directional guidance and various entertainment resources. A live broadcast divides the anchor into head, waist and bottom levels according to the monthly running water. For the head anchor like Vivian, the platform will specially give core resources and do key packaging planning.

In terms of entertainment resources, a live broadcast has regular docking with TV stations, variety shows and major film and television production companies. "There are large-scale production and high-cost teams, as well as small and medium-sized teams. Different teams invite different people according to their own conditions. Some low-cost production teams tend to invite online celebrity to star because online celebrity has a certain popularity, which can drive the film’s broadcast volume. "Yang Xu told reporters that at present, the head artists in the domestic film and television variety field are expensive, but there is actually a lack of low-cost and flowing artists.

More routine things still need to be done by the brokerage company, including helping the anchor to position his personal style, developing skills such as singing and acting, how to dress up, and even how many articles and photos Weibo sends every day. Of course, online celebrity brokerage companies with ideas are also expanding their performing arts resources.

Lei Binyi, the founder of Worry-Free Media, once worked in Phoenix Video and YY. He felt that the trade union management mode in the current live broadcast market was a bit too arrogant to adapt to the increasingly mature live broadcast market, so he founded Worry-Free Media in April 2016, hoping to create artists through the incubation of the company.

Li Yao, the head of the brokerage business of Worry-Free Media, once worked as an assistant to actor Kenny Lin, and engaged in brokerage work in organizations such as Ciwen Media and Aixiao Media. Now his daily job is to establish contact with various performing arts organizations and dock platform anchors in different categories.

The variety shows of major program groups and satellite TV regularly need some young people with high traffic and high face value, and Li Yao will go to the appropriate live broadcast of online celebrity. In terms of film and television, he will select anchors who are trained in transportation or suitable for offline development, and participate in the shooting of online universities, online dramas and cinema films. Li Yao also contacted music organizations such as Evergrande Music and Tianhao Shengshi, and recommended several anchors with musical expertise.

"Music producers also want to see if you are valuable to cooperate. Before Evergrande Music, there was a music producer who was very interested in the anchor. We contacted him, but later we didn’t cooperate for some personal reasons, "Li Yao told the interface entrepreneur reporter.

5Worry-Free Media also tried to combine the current hot topics to make short stories videos similar to Tear-resistant Men and Women for its anchors, and promote them on platforms such as Youku, Iqiyi and Weibo.

In Li Yao’s view, anchor is not a high-threshold occupation, and it is difficult to develop to a more demanding offline. "But we should take the initiative anyway.".

In addition to live broadcast platforms and brokerage companies, there are even anchors who set up their own brokerage companies, transforming themselves from online celebrity to bosses. Zi Hao, the anchor who also participated in the "Heart-warming" star ceremony, set up his own brokerage company "Little Monster" in October last year. In the past six months, "Little Monster" has expanded from dealing with Zihao’s one-person brokerage affairs to training signing artists, e-commerce and other directions. At present, its signing anchors have exceeded 300.

Yang Xu didn’t disclose the specific capital investment of a live broadcast in the star-making plan, but he said that since there is still much room for improvement in the professional quality of the anchor, the platform is also planning to hold some training courses with some art colleges, and plans to select talents to send to South Korea as trainees for short-term training.

"It still depends on the effect of different training methods, and then decide how much to invest," Yang Xu told the interface entrepreneurial reporter.

To some extent, all the live broadcast platforms and online celebrity brokerage companies are still "crossing the river by feeling the stones".

YY can be regarded as the first live broadcast platform to try to turn online celebrity into an artist. In September 2015, YY launched the "Starway Plan", and the anchor needs to pull fans to raise funds and popularity for it. Finally, the selected high-quality artists will get the opportunity to sign contracts with YY and gain guidance from professional production teams.

In 2015, music critics took part in this star-making project in Liushui Ji, helping some online celebrity to make singles and videos. He is well aware of the difficulties. In his view, on the one hand, the problem is that these anchors operating on YY have millions of fans, and their income is already very high. But can sending them a single also ensure that their fans will pay the bill?

As it turns out, fans pay the bill, but it’s not what they think, because these anchors are very popular on the Internet, and they can become very popular singers after posting songs. Very popular online celebrity and singers can’t be equated. At that time, the combination of light blue, low water, Lingxi and K Na launched by the platform was almost unsuccessful.

On the other hand, from the perspective of economic value, sending songs to these online celebrity didn’t make them earn much by sitting in the live broadcast room and singing and chatting. "YY also asked Huang Zhongping, a famous MV director in Taiwan Province, to make a film at that time, but the money spent was not proportional to the money earned by online celebrity’s single. It is not difficult to understand whether to continue to invest or let online celebrity stop making songs and make a live broadcast." Liu Shuiji told the interface entrepreneur reporter.

After a year of unsuccessful attempts, YY took the initiative to stop the plan, and in the view of Liushuiji, these problems still exist today.

The head anchor broadcasts millions a month, and it takes her several days to record a single, which may cost hundreds of thousands. Liu Shui-ji believes that whether singing can be achieved depends on the long-term planning of online celebrity and the ideas of online celebrity’s team and platform. "If online celebrity really wants to be an artist and has his own masterpiece, he must stand the temptation of money."

In Worry-Free Media, people with artistry or clear demands will be the focus of the company’s training.

Li Yao revealed that among the more than 3,000 anchors signed by 51 Worry-Free Media, dozens have expressed their willingness to develop in the direction of artists. At the same time of internal selection, the company is also recruiting from abroad. If the students who graduated from the class have the value of artists, the company will also sign them before they graduate, helping them to suck powder live and do activities offline.

"Being an actor, live broadcast is to attract fans and increase exposure. People with such needs are the most suitable for us to promote." Li Yao gave me a successful case on the platform, Xie Jia. This boyish girl is the anchor of the core group of Worry-Free Media. She has participated in Super Girl before and cooperated with Huang Xiaoming, He Jiong and Nana, but she is not famous. After entering the company, on the one hand, Xie Jia used the live broadcast to suck powder, and on the other hand, the company also helped her to dock a female No.2 in a cinema movie.

Anchors with a certain artistic foundation are also the focus of a live broadcast of the platform. Wang Chuxuan, the anchor, graduated from Beijing Modern Conservatory of Music and participated in My Show. Last August, he came to a live broadcast and became a full-time artist of Tiantai Entertainment. Wang Chuxuan broadcasts for 4 or 5 hours a day, and he has talent advantages, which has gradually attracted many people’s attention. Now he has 600,000 fans on the platform.

"He has been chasing dreams for many years and no one has paid attention to it. After the live broadcast, many people really like him. The company also provided resources to help him go to the stage, send songs, go to QQ music, sing bars to promote the list, and even get some online reviews. "Yang Xu told the interface reporter that although there is still a distance from the first-line stars, Wang Chuxuan has achieved a breakthrough from zero to one after all.

Despite many difficulties, Liu Shuiji still thinks that online celebrity singers may be the opportunities for future music. At present, he is also working with a live broadcast, Aauto Quicker and other platforms to create music works for some online celebrity.

Liu Shuiji regards online celebrity as "a popular newcomer who hasn’t made a film". In his view, "traditional music institutions are willing to cooperate with live broadcast platforms like Momo, and to some extent, they also value the economic benefits of online celebrity. It is definitely more cost-effective to package online celebrity as a newcomer than to be a pure amateur".

In fact, the popularity of head anchors like Yifa Chen is very close to the real "stars". On Netease Cloud Music, Yifa Chen’s two singles "Storybrooke" and "Grandma’s Story" both received 999+ comments, and many fans spontaneously produced and edited videos on bilibili.

"From the traffic point of view, Yifa Chen’s traffic is very high, and many first-line singers have been knocked down statistically, but whether they can become mainstream singers is another matter," Liu Shuiji said.

Not only YY, but also no live broadcast company has pushed the anchor to the height of artists, which is the consensus in the industry.

In Liushuiji’s view, from online celebrity to singer, not only the quality and packaging of their works need to be further improved, but also online celebrity needs to get out of the live broadcast circle and gain the attention and recognition of mainstream media audience.

Whether holding a concert or walking the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival, it is an attempt by the platform to push online celebrity into the mainstream.

Back to the topic of concert, for the anchor who faces the mobile phone camera every day, this high-profile occasion undoubtedly puts forward higher requirements for the performer in terms of posture, expression management and live performance.

A week before the concert, Mu came to Beijing from Shandong for training. Wood told me that in order to prepare for the concert, the platform invited a music teacher to rearrange the music and coach the anchor. "But I mainly practice on my own," said Mu. The teacher will focus on correcting the wrong actions in one day. He recorded them with video and went home to study repeatedly. He was reluctant to receive professional training for fear of losing his own style, but he also had to admit that the singing method taught by the teacher was "more skillful".

Before this concert, Mu was a talent anchor on a live broadcast, with 500,000 to 600,000 fans. Under normal circumstances, he gets up at 12 noon, has lunch, starts live broadcast until 6 or 7 o’clock, and then continues to broadcast until 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning after dinner. Except for eating and sleeping, it is broadcast live because he feels that "his own conditions are not good" and he needs to multicast a little more than others.

He attributed his efforts and the help of the company to getting so many fans in just one year. "Everyone in the company knows who works the hardest, Wood", and he is somewhat proud of this.

Time goes forward, 27-year-old Mu started working at the age of 14, and worked as a waiter in KTV and bars all the way to management. After working for more than ten years, he felt a little tired. Because he liked singing, a friend recommended him to do live broadcast. He quit his job last June and started his anchor career.

The first live broadcast didn’t even have an avatar, and no one took care of it. In August and September, the number of people who came to watch his live broadcast gradually increased. At the end of September, more than 10,000 people came to watch him sing. "There are too many people who type and interact with you to watch."

Before the live broadcast, Wood never thought that he would meet such a group of people who like to listen to his singing. He has a "brother-like" fan. Every time he needs to vote in the activities on the platform, he will send messages to people one by one to canvass votes, and fans will call him the boss. They also set up a group without wood to discuss how to organize aid activities. "I want to sing all the time" requires users to vote in the sea election stage. Wood’s fan "Rabbit Army" can pull several people to vote. On the first day, Wood won more than 10,000 votes, ranking second. Later, he felt that it was troublesome and would not let fans vote again.

As for how long this love can last, the idea of wood is simple. He feels that the live broadcast circle is like a shrinking entertainment circle. "If you are an anchor full of positive energy, people will always like you. If you have a lot of negative energy, it will definitely not work soon."

What many people don’t know is that this "big boy who can sing" in the eyes of fans was tone-deaf when he was a child. Once in a choir, the teacher told Wood, "Your voice is not good at all." After that, he began to practice constantly. Sometimes, he can’t speak until the next day, even so, he still turns his voice to the maximum practice in the KTV room.

The live broadcast platform gave him the opportunity to sing to more people, and now it also gave him the opportunity to go to a bigger stage. Before that, Mu also participated in another contest "Hey Sing Not NG" broadcast live, and the reward was to help the winner complete a single. Wood didn’t make the top three that time, but he said the company promised to help him produce a single.

"There will be a special producer to write songs for me, and this place will soon become a place where people can realize their dreams." Wood’s eyes sparkled.

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△ Pay attention to "Interface Entrepreneurship" WeChat official account and read interesting entrepreneurial reports.

Do aquatic dinosaurs exist or not?

  The prehistoric creatures

  Intern reporter Dai Xiaopei

  In the evolutionary history of dinosaurs, one of the biggest mysteries is: Are there aquatic dinosaurs? Although we know that ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and canglong all live in water, according to their position on the evolutionary tree, they are not strictly dinosaurs, but only close relatives of dinosaurs. So why are aquatic dinosaurs so rare?

  Spinosaurus is an atypical aquatic dinosaur?

  In fact, among the dinosaur fossils found, there are not dinosaurs that did not live in water at all.

  In 1912, people discovered a kind of theropod dinosaur in Egypt — — Fossils of Spinosaurus, which lived in the Cretaceous period from about 110 million to 93.5 million years ago.

  According to the early data released by scientists, Spinosaurus was 12.6 to 18 meters long and weighed 7 to 20.9 tons. In recent years, more complete specimens support early research, and scientists found that Spinosaurus could grow to a length of 15 to 15.6 meters. However, the latest data estimate that its weight is 6.4 tons to 7.2 tons. Unlike most dinosaurs, Spinosaurus had some unique spines on its back, forming a sail-like structure. According to public information, the spines on the back of Spinosaurus were at least 1.65 meters long. The spine of Spinosaurus is an extension of its vertebrae, which researchers believe can help Spinosaurus regulate its body temperature or show its unique charm.

  "After comparing Spinosaurus with crocodiles, people think that Spinosaurus may be aquatic." Xu Xing, a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of China Academy of Sciences, told the Science and Technology Daily reporter that according to the skull shape of Spinosaurus, it was found that the skull of Spinosaurus was long and narrow, similar to that of modern crocodiles. Specifically, the mouth is slender, and the direction and size of teeth help it catch fish and fix its prey in the mouth.

  In addition, by analyzing the fossils of individual Spinosaurus, some scientists found that there were fish scale residues in the stomach contents of Spinosaurus. "This shows that Spinosaurus ate creatures in the water, and it can be speculated that Spinosaurus may live on the shore or in the water." Xu Xing said that another evidence that Spinosaurus lived in water is that studies have found that the isotopic composition of Spinosaurus bones is close to that of aquatic animals.

  However, Xu Xing stressed that there is no very conclusive evidence that Spinosaurus must have lived in water. "Because Spinosaurus didn’t have a fin-like structure like aquatic animals such as sea lions or seals. This shows that Spinosaurus cannot live completely in water and is not a typical aquatic animal. " He said that according to the existing findings, it is not easy to judge whether Spinosaurus lived in the water or on the shore for a long time.

  "According to the teeth and skull of Spinosaurus, people think that Spinosaurus mainly lived by eating fish, but Spinosaurus is just a kind of dinosaur with a special feeding habit, and generally speaking, Spinosaurus just goes into the water to prey and then returns to land life. Therefore, we cannot put forward ‘ Aquatic dinosaur ’ The concept. " Xing Lida, an associate professor at China Geo University, said.

  Dinosaurs were aquatic animals?

  Some scientists believe that dinosaurs were originally aquatic animals. This statement stems from a puzzle: how did the slender legs of dinosaurs support its huge body? Brian Ford, a cell biologist at Cambridge University in England, tried to explain that dinosaurs mainly lived in water and supported their bodies by buoyancy. He said that dinosaurs swam in the lake most of the time, and their tails provided assistance, and their footprints were printed into the mud.

  According to Ford, it can explain why archaeologists often dig dinosaur footprints, but there are few traces of dinosaur tails. Compared with modern large animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses, dinosaurs had small legs but fat tails.

  "It makes sense to think that dinosaurs lived in water." Ford said, "dinosaurs used water to support their weight, float their tails, regulate their body temperature and get food."

  However, Paul Barrett, a paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London, believes that this statement makes no sense. He said that with the help of the principle of load-bearing structural engineering, researchers have proved that the strength of dinosaur leg muscles is enough to support its body to walk easily on land. Moreover, dinosaurs had difficulty breathing and walked slowly in the water. "They may live near water, and sometimes they go into the water to cool off, but I don’t accept the theory that they live in water." Paul said.

  In 2007, scientists found traces of dinosaurs’ claws at the bottom of the water in the Carmelos basin in northeastern Spain, which became conclusive evidence that "dinosaurs could swim". In 2011, Chinese and American paleontologists found a group of strange footprints with only toe marks and no heels in Chicheng County, Hebei Province. Experts believe that this is the hard evidence of dinosaurs playing in the water — — Tracers leave scratches on the bottom of the lake after entering the water. As the depth of the lake increases, their feet can touch less and less water bottom, and their footprints gradually weaken, and their three toes can not be completely preserved.

  Completely aquatic dinosaurs don’t exist?

  Although there is evidence that some dinosaurs lived in water, Xing Lida still opposed the concept of "aquatic dinosaurs". “‘ Aquatic dinosaur ’ It is only a hypothesis put forward in recent years, but it is extremely easy to include Syngnathus, Canglong, plesiosaur, etc., confusing concepts. "

  Xu Xing also told reporters: "According to the existing research, there are no pure water dinosaurs. Let’s just say that there is some evidence that dinosaurs lived in water for some time. The limbs of plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs or sea lions and seals will undergo height changes to adapt to life completely in water, but there is no evidence that such dinosaurs exist at present. "

  Strictly speaking, no real aquatic dinosaurs have been found. Xu Xing believes that there are two possibilities. First, dinosaurs did not give priority to occupy the water niche in the era when they lived. At that time, the water environment might be occupied by crocodiles and other aquatic animals. Second, there may be aquatic dinosaurs, but they have not become mainstream species, and the fossils of such dinosaurs have not been preserved or discovered.

  "In recent years, with the deepening of field trips, people have discovered more and more strange dinosaurs. The current fossil record has not fully revealed the diversity of dinosaurs. " Xu Xing said that the original fossil record is deficient, some deficiencies may be remedied, and some deficiencies may exist forever.

  What’s the point of studying dinosaurs and even arguing about whether dinosaurs were aquatic or terrestrial?

  "First of all, it can prove some evolutionary phenomena. Species are always changing, such as from big to small, from land to air. Scientists hope to reveal the law of change. " Xu Xing said that the current ecosystem is called the world of birds and flowers, characterized by beautiful birds and flowering plants, and this ecosystem evolved from the Mesozoic ecosystem dominated by dinosaurs. We need a lot of data and fossil records to reveal this evolution process.

  At the same time, scientists should also reveal which factors affect the evolution of life, such as genes or environment. "It is also important for human beings to understand their own lives to understand the laws of the evolution of all things." Xu Xing said.

  Related links

  This dinosaur can also swim and hunt in the water.

  At the end of 2017, research teams from Italy and other countries discovered a new dinosaur fossil in the late Cretaceous strata of Mongolia, which was roughly waterfowl-like. This new dinosaur species was named Eichzka, commonly known as "duck dinosaur". "Duck Dinosaur" has a long and curved neck, and its forelimbs are fin-shaped. It can walk on land like a duck and swim with its forelimbs. They also have many tiny teeth suitable for eating fish. Another feature of "Duck Dinosaur" is that its beak and upper jaw have many small holes, which were once filled with nerve endings. This kind of mouth has a similar structure to the beaks of some waterfowl. This shows that "duck dinosaurs" may have preyed in the water or at the bottom of rivers and lakes.

Cultural observation, digital fashion, the real "emperor’s new clothes"?

"If you are in the metauniverse every day, you will need virtual fashion and digital tools."
Digital fashion, the real "emperor’s new clothes"?
2022-06-02 Source: Volkswagen Daily 12th Edition
□ Our reporter Zhu Zikai
Will you buy a dress that you can’t wear? Not long ago, Xiaohongshu and Xintiandi launched 18 limited-edition virtual fashion new products, covering 9 brands such as ANNAKIKI and CHENPENG. A dazzling array of fashions were made into digital collections, which were sold out in a short time even if they could not be worn in the real world. "You can’t get it, you can only cover the virtual pattern on the buyer through 3D modeling, and make the virtual fashion fit the skin better and produce a photo through computer scanning and capturing actions." A little red book blogger, Miss Chill Zhiqiu, explained the magic of virtual fashion in this way. She confidently predicted that virtual fashion is an irresistible trend in the future. Not only that, people can also buy digital fashion with collectible value and resale. In 2019, digital fashion named "Rainbow" was sold at a high price of $9,500 in new york, USA.
Digital fashion, just the tip of the iceberg, hides a huge digital fashion market behind it. In fact, it’s not just Little Red Books that are aiming at digital fashion. Tik Tok, a subsidiary of Byte, plans to launch a business called "pheagee" to create a brand-new digital fashion community. Tencent upgraded the super QQ show based on QQ show, and cited an application scenario for virtual fashion, which attracted traditional clothing enterprises such as Li Ning to launch joint-name digital clothing. Internet companies compete for layout, and digital fashion has become the next outlet, which is accompanied by the public’s torture of its actual value.
The Research Report on Fashion Industry Consumption in China in 2021-Revival of the National Tide shows that the driving force of fashion industry development is closely related to the four major forces of industry, science and technology, culture and commerce. The impact of scientific and technological innovation on fashion format is particularly prominent. The emergence of digital fashion has directly subverted the expression of fashion industry and people’s consumption patterns.
The direct cause of subversion is the introduction of Metauniverse and NFT, one of which establishes a new space to connect the virtual world with the real world, and the other provides a value realization system, which makes digital fashion products have value-added space and collection value. As we all know, blockchain technology, interactive technology, electronic game technology, artificial intelligence technology, network and computing technology, and Internet of Things technology are the six supporting technologies of the metauniverse. NFT is an important technology to support the meta-cosmic economic system, which generates unique digital vouchers for specific products and realizes real and feasible digital distribution, purchase, collection and use. Therefore, consumers have become an important form of participating in the metauniverse by purchasing NFT.
Sun Ruizhe, president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, believes that "fashion industry, as a highly condensed material creation and cultural power, has strong penetration, extensive radiation and profound appeal." It can be said that there is no sense of contradiction in its combination with the meta-universe. Digitalization makes the forms of fashion more diverse, especially under the influence of the epidemic, which can break the limitations of space, make fashion, culture and technology perfectly fit together, and form an unprecedented consumption experience and extremely impactful visual presentation. From March 24th to March 27th this year, Decentraland held the world’s first Metauniverse Fashion Week, in which dozens of brands such as Selfridges, Jacob&Co, Franck Muller, Garrett Leight, Cavalli and digital fashion companies participated.
In the first Meta-Universe Fashion Week, netizens from all over the world logged on related websites and shuttled through the event with a cartoon image. In the shining fashion week scene, people can not only see the latest works of brand designers and more than 500 fashion models, but also buy virtual and physical clothing of brands. In addition, many brands have opened digital boutiques, including high-end watches and handbags. Users buy these NFT products to show their identity and position in the meta-universe.
Obviously, this trend is spreading and growing in the fashion circle. The reporter found out that China International Fashion Week recently announced that it has joined forces with 14 brands and launched several sets of digital clothes at @NFTCN, with the highest release price of 9890 yuan. Among them, the release price of "361 degrees I am the future of the East" virtual clothing is 361 yuan, and one copy is limited; Shenzhen Fashion Week held in April also introduced the concept of meta-universe for the first time. In the digital modeling venues, digital models walked on the runway in fashion, realizing the effect of "new season ready-to-wear and virtual clothing co-exhibition, real models interacting with virtual idols". This immersive experience of virtual and real transformation is more like a sci-fi adventure for many viewers, which is impressive.
mix together
Digital fashion has broken the restriction of physical conditions on fashion, and time, space, materials and cost are no longer the obstacles to the expression of fashion ideas. Free and unconstrained style, free and unrestrained, unprecedented … Here, human imagination can be unlimited. From this perspective, digital fashion is no longer related to the body, but the expression of people’s desires, reflecting people’s psychological characteristics of pursuing personalized consumption. Kira Qiya, a fashion blogger, has worn virtual fashions many times. She believes that the reason why she is keen on them is that "they completely get rid of the influence of gravity and the limitation of fabrics, which opens a new era for fashion design".
Like the "Rainbow" digital fashion mentioned at the beginning of the article, the relevant person analyzed that "Rainbow imitates the laser PVC material, creating a fluttering and anti-aerodynamic effect." Fashion design like this is basically difficult to realize in physical space. Rainbow comes from ——The Fabricant, a company specializing in digital fashion design, which was founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They use 3D modeling technology to make clothes, without using related fabrics, so that real models can try them on. "Pure digital visual display creates a unique sense of modeling and brings people’ surprises that real clothes can’t give’." It is this kind of "unlimited" that digital fashion can break the physical boundaries, integrate with different formats, and collide with sparks.
Some fashion brand companies have successfully explored the communication with game companies and technology companies, and took this opportunity to create a unique fashion perspective. Electronic games have become a perfect medium. The video game project "Afterworld:The Age of Tomorrow" launched by Balenciaga, a fashion brand, for the Fall/Winter 2021 fashion show, players wake up from a store, go to a future city street and embark on an interesting and exciting heroic journey. During the whole game, all characters can choose brand series modeling fashion as their own image. Once the game was launched, it triggered a hot discussion in the market, and many players’ test videos were born.
The game focuses on interactivity and immersion, and players participate in it for specific purposes. In the game, players have long had the consumption habit of buying "skin" and the dress requirements of players’ images, which coincides with the consumption concept of digital fashion-from another perspective, digital clothing is more like the "skin" of virtual images in the online world. "If you are in the metauniverse every day, you will need virtual fashion and digital tools." Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has publicly stated. In this field, Balenciaga is not the only explorer. Fashion brands that create fashion shows and launch digital fashion on the game platform emerge one after another. Brand Louis Vuitton created the "Louis The Game" mobile game, and you can get an exclusive customized NFT gold postcard by completing a specific task. Gucci launched the permanent virtual space "Gucci Town" on the online game platform Roblox. As a small game, players can buy virtual Gucci products for their game avatars, and Gucci officially stated that "the virtual clothing in the game uses Roblox’s new’ layered clothing’ technology."
The most fundamental feature of fashion is that it wants to be consistent with popular groups and different from others. This is a mixture of contradictions and a full expression of self-personality. Focusing on fashion consumption, creative industrial clusters formed in the fields of clothing, beauty, lifestyle and so on make the connotation and extension of fashion industry constantly deduced with the times. In the future, fashion seems to have unlimited possibilities.
Digital fashion, after all, is the product of the virtual world. Visible but intangible, virtual fashion has been ridiculed as "the emperor’s new clothes", which can neither be worn nor kept warm. However, with the sharp increase in online consumer demand, the arrival of Generation Z on the mainstream consumer stage, and the increasing number of related application scenarios, digital fashion has increasingly become the real "emperor’s new clothes". According to the 2021 Digital Fashion Report released by Lyst, a British fashion shopping search platform, in cooperation with The Fabricant, a digital fashion company, about 3.5 billion people in the world are digital fashion customers. "Kira Qiya" bought a digital collection "The Skirt of Void", which is limited to three pieces in the world and has a unique serial number. The product comes from the virtual fashion house of China international student designers. "It can be expected that this skirt will have irreplaceable value in the future." She said.
Digital fashion has promoted the fashion industry to exert greater economic and social benefits and is changing the industry system. According to an academic research, it is a new brand promotion method based on digital technology. Technology companies, game companies and digital fashion companies jointly create brand digital products, which become the driver and creative source of technology fashion. By building the consumption chain of digital fashion industry, the marketing mode of fashion industry will change to the advanced form of "community marketing", which can further enhance consumer stickiness and export brand culture and values; Promote the digital transformation of fashion brands and "create a shared private domain between virtual space and physical space". Balenciaga has cooperated with a game platform to design a series of fashionable NFT. Based on these digital collections, Balenciaga’s offline stores have also created a brand-new physical clothing series. Nowadays, it is widely believed in the industry that digital ways are used to drive cross-border win-win fashion brands.
"The virtual world is a space full of imagination, but this does not exclude its commonality with the real world." It is a popular practice for many brands to provide digital products online and launch derivative benefits offline. At the same time, the domestic fashion industry has firmly grasped this development trend, and digital fashion has opened up different dimensions of exploration. QQ Hyun Dance cooperates with Li Ning to launch virtual concept store and virtual fashion. Super QQ Show is poised to lead a new era of online virtual social interaction. Domestic high-end fashion brand Gelisi launched the brand avatar @ ELISA … Compared with the physical industry, digital fashion saves production costs such as materials and transportation, and reduces the waste of resources. Sustainable fashion may be an important proposition in the future.

Shuhe Technology promotes the transformation of talent structure and is committed to building a highland where financial talents gather.

Looking back on 2023, it was a year when the old concept of "financial technology" gained new vitality. On the technical side, a new generation of artificial intelligence technology represented by the big model is accelerating the change of the financial industry, and the big model of the financial industry has become a wave of attention on the tide of the big model. At the same time, on the application side, digital intelligence has become an important trend in the development of the financial industry, financial service experience and service efficiency have been reshaped, and many scenarios such as customer acquisition, marketing and risk control have been transformed. As one of the "pioneers" in the financial technology industry, Shuhe Technology has transformed itself into a powerful digital service capability in inclusive finance, solving the pain points of credit and dredging capillaries.
With the deepening of financial digital transformation, the strategic position of financial technology is rising. Talent is the first core element of financial development, and in the process of high-quality development, it is inseparable from the "engine role" of financial talents. In the future, the financial industry will continue to pay attention to the compound talents of financial technology and the state of "thirst for talents", and it will become the general trend to seize the highland of talents. At present, among the nearly 1,000 employees of Shuhe Technology, 60% are engaged in technical and other related work. Among them, campus recruitment is the backbone of digital talent reserve. In 2022, the number of digital talents recruited by schools doubled compared with last year. The proportion of talents in 211 and 985 colleges increased by 14% year-on-year. In addition, Shuhe Technology followed the company’s business strategy and promoted the transformation of talent structure. In 2022, its risk personnel increased by 13.6%, strategy personnel increased by 9.9, and technical personnel increased by 5.8%.
Under the wave of digitalization, how to realize the digital transformation of the financial industry, represented by financial technology enterprises, is the focus of the industry. As an industry closely integrated with digital technology, how should financial technology enterprises seize this new opportunity and meet new challenges? The digital capability of Shuhe Technology has obtained a number of national authoritative certifications, including Zhuoxin Big Data Certification, VERC Certification for Security and Privacy, and Grade III Certification from the Ministry of Public Security. In the inspection of the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, it passed all the steps of applying for authentication, preparing materials, submitting materials, and testing by testing institutions at one time, and obtained three-level authentication in the two tests of APP privacy and security.
Looking forward to the future, the road is broad. With the blessing of digital transformation and digital technology ecological partners, the financial industry is linking the key nodes of everyone’s life with intelligent and warm financial services, thus serving the real economy and the public’s better life. In the next step, Shuhe Technology will always adhere to innovation as the guide and talents as the core, and strive to build digital financial talents and industrial highlands and contribute more to the development of the financial industry.

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Day 1: Arriving in Kunming

Our journey begins in Kunming, a city known as "Spring City" with a pleasant climate and rich natural landscape. After we arrived in Kunming, we had a short rest and went to Dianchi Lake to enjoy the lakes and mountains. In the evening, we tasted authentic Yunnan cuisine and felt the unique flavor of Yunnan. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

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The second day: exploring Dali

The next day, we took the high-speed train to Dali. Dali, located on the shore of Erhai Lake, is a romantic city. We visited the ancient city of Dali and enjoyed the Bai folk houses and beautiful street scenes. In the afternoon, we went to the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple and felt the charm of the Millennium Temple. In the evening, we drank in the bar street beside Erhai Lake and enjoyed the nightlife in Dali.

Day 3: Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain

On the third day, we went to Old Town of Lijiang. Known as "Venice of the East", this ancient city is a place full of historical charm. We strolled on the stone streets of the ancient city and felt the charm of Naxi culture. In the afternoon, we went to Yulong Snow Mountain and took a cableway to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the snow mountain. In the evening, we watched a wonderful bonfire performance in Old Town of Lijiang and felt a strong national atmosphere.

Day 4: Shangri-La and Tiger Leaping Gorge

On the fourth day, we went to Shangri-La. This is a mysterious place, known as "fairyland on earth". We visited Pudacuo National Park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of virgin forests and lakes. In the afternoon, we went to Tiger Leaping Gorge and felt the grandeur of Jinsha River Grand Canyon. In the evening, we relaxed in Shangri-La hotel and prepared for the next day’s return trip.

Day 5: Return to Kunming and leave Yunnan.

On the last day, we returned to Kunming, ending this unforgettable trip to Yunnan. At Kunming airport, we reluctantly bid farewell to this beautiful land. This trip to Yunnan has given us precious memories and wonderful experiences, and we will cherish the memories of this trip forever.

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The above is the travel guide for our five-day and four-night trip to Yunnan. I hope this strategy can help you plan your own travel route and itinerary. The significance of traveling is to broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, relax and enjoy a good time. I hope you can fully experience and feel the culture, customs and lifestyle of each city during your trip. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

Pawar has scored 6 goals in various competitions this season, setting a new career high.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, the game between Bayern and augsburg is underway. Bayern is currently leading 3-1, and pawar scored twice, scoring a goal to overtake the score and expanding the lead.

Statistics show that pawar has scored 6 goals for Bayern in various competitions this season, setting a new record for his single-season goals.