Andy Lau went to South Korea to promote the new film, and was confessed by Korean old woman fans

    The crew of "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor", which promotes the new film in South Korea, can be said to be in a non-stop hurry to announce that they just attended the cinema yesterday (March 24) afternoon to hold a grand meeting between fans and the media, and Andy Lau encountered the true confession of Korean nurse-level fans.


    Andy Lau was confessed by elderly fans.



    Andy Lau attended the promotional activities of "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor".


    Wu Jianhao attended unexpectedly.


    NetEase Entertainment, March 25 (text/photo, Li Li, Fifth Iron Peak) The crew of "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor", which promotes the new film in South Korea, can be said to be in a non-stop hurry to announce that they just attended the cinema yesterday (March 24) afternoon and held a grand movie fan meeting with the media. In the evening, they participated in another dragon and lion dance performance arranged by the organizers, and Andy Lau was confronted with the true confession of Korean nurse fans.

    Korean theaters and distributors specially arranged dragon and lion dance performances with Chinese characteristics. On the one hand, they expressed their welcome to the cast members, and on the other hand, they hoped that the film could achieve a good box office in Korea. Many fans also came to see the idol’s style, especially an old mother who was over 50 years old. She expressed Andy Lau’s love on the spot. She said in Korean: "I have liked you for 20 years, and I can finally meet you in person."

    This sentence was uttered in Chinese by a Korean translator, which immediately caused the screams of fans, and Andy Lau himself seemed a little embarrassed. In addition to laughing embarrassedly, he also politely shook hands and hugged his mother to express his gratitude. In the subsequent handprint pressing session, due to the negligence of the organizers, the inverted material was made too thin, and several creators pressed their hands for a full 5 minutes without solidifying the handprint. Andy Lau had to joke that the enthusiasm of the fans was too high for the mud to solidify.

    Wu Jianhao, who has been absent from the promotional activities of the movie "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor", did not participate in the grand press conference held yesterday afternoon, but suddenly appeared at the outdoor activities of the crew in the evening. Wu Jianhao, who was wearing sunglasses and bearded, made the unprepared media and fans think he was just a Korean performance guest at first, and it was not until he greeted everyone in Chinese that he was recognized as Wu Jianhao. (Source of this article: NetEase Entertainment Feature)

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  Recently, "Rehearsal of the Spring Festival Evening in Many Places is subject 3" has triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Netizens who disagree believe that there is nothing wrong with the subject three dance itself, but it is a street dance after all, and it is difficult to be elegant in the Spring Festival Evening. There are also some netizens who think that the Spring Festival Evening is a stage that appeals to both refined and popular tastes. As long as it can bring joy to everyone, it will not be on the table.

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  "Subject III" can be called the hottest dance of the year in 2023. With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, it became popular in the Haidilao incident, which caused a discussion on the artistic value and connotation of "vulgar" culture. "Vulgar" culture spreads quickly and widely on the Internet, and has won the love of many people. Although it is not necessarily vulgar, it is mostly instant sensory stimulation and lacks spiritual connotation, which also causes many people’s disgust.

  In fact, "elegance" and "vulgarity" are not absolute opposites. Recently, some netizens have discovered the elegant "opening way" of "subject three". For example, some time ago, the Royal Russian Ballet performed "Swan Lake" and danced "subject three", which caused the audience to cheer and applaud. In the 2023 World Sports Dance Competition, world champion Christina and several dancers showed the national standard version of "Subject III", which made many netizens feel a sense of national pride.

  Thus, "elegance" and "vulgarity" can complement each other and even transform each other under certain conditions. Jin Yong’s martial arts novels were evaluated as "street literature that is difficult to be elegant" before the 1990s, but in 2004, they appeared in the catalogue of the fourth volume of the (compulsory) Chinese reading book for senior high schools of People’s Education Publishing House. From being difficult to be elegant to entering high school textbooks, from "poisonous weeds" to literary classics, it reflects the development and changes of people’s cognition, and it also makes people think deeply: Who is in charge of elegance and vulgarity?

  Some experts and scholars once regarded Jin Yong’s martial arts novels as "street literature". Are their evaluation criteria fair? Nowadays, some netizens put "Subject 3" at the bottom of the contempt chain of cultural performances. When it appears in the form of stage programs in many places for Spring Festival Evening rehearsals, is it really indecent? The answer may be no. Especially for the emerging performance form of "Subject III", blindly belittling can not promote the prosperity of cultural industry. On the contrary, if we treat it with a more open and inclusive attitude, we may find the perspective and inspiration of artistic innovation through the appearance of "the dispute between elegance and vulgarity".

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  Source: Green Hornet

  Subject three appeared in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening, which may not be indecent. Literary and art workers should put aside the prejudice of "elegance" and "vulgarity", be open and inclusive, and get rid of the rubbish and save the cyanine, so as to create vivid literary and artistic works and be more widely welcomed by the people.

  Author: Yang Runcong

  Source: China Youth Daily client

[Editor in charge:


Chery Tiggo 8 PRO was exposed to a large area of high-frequency brake buzzing, and hundreds of car owners defended their rights.

  China Auto August 22 Recently, China Auto Quality Complaint Platform ( received a large number of complaints from owners of Chery Tiggo 8 PRO, saying that there was a high-frequency brake buzz in the vehicle, which was a common problem. To this end, hundreds of car owners spontaneously organized rights protection, hoping to promote Chery manufacturers to solve complaints. As a mid-level SUV model that just went on the market in May this year, the Tiggo 8 PRO was troubled by the buzz of the brakes when the new car was just bought back.  

  A car owner described to reporters that there was a brake buzz the next day after picking up the car, which could not be covered with music when driving. The most irritating thing was that there was still a high-frequency buzz after the flameout, and the buzz was in my ears after driving for a long time. I have been to the local service shop for inspection, but I have no results after many complaints. Later, I found that most cars have high-frequency beeps.


  Another car owner, Mr. Gao, also told the column "Pony Says Car" in auto channel, China Net that more than 200 riders have beeps. When driving, the sound is very noisy, which is a high-frequency sound, and there are also beeps in the test drive. The 4S shop said that if you buy a domestic car, you should be psychologically prepared to accept these small problems, and you can only wait for the manufacturer to give a solution. After the interview, the reporter also learned that the owners all pointed the root of the buzzing sound problem to Chery’s "Onebox Brake by Wire". In fact, since Chery used the brake-by-wire in the Tiggo 8 series, owners of the Tiggo series have been complaining that the brake-by-wire has jitter and abnormal sound, until this time it broke out in the Tiggo 8 PRO. It is reported that the Onebox brake-by-wire system of the Tiggo series is independently developed by Chery, which is composed of vacuum booster pump, master cylinder, electronic vacuum pump, EPB and ESC. Although the manufacturer claims that the brake-by-wire system has higher braking efficiency, it seems that this system is not perfect and mature enough at present. 

  The reporter then gave feedback to Chery about relevant complaints. The official said that he would contact the owner as soon as possible to invite him to enter the station for treatment, carry out detailed inspection on the vehicle and provide specific solutions, and then he would do a good job in tracking the vehicle to provide customers with satisfactory after-sales and guarantee services. In addition, Chery will also arrange engineers and technicians to carry out detailed inspection and investigation on the causes of the above problems, and comprehensively verify and qualitatively analyze them from the aspects of quality and design, so as to determine whether the above problems are sporadic cases or multiple occurrences. 

  At the same time, the column "Pony Talking about Cars" is also further following up the latest development of the incident. Chery has also provided a solution of "installing sound insulation cotton" for some car owners, but the car owners think that this move is "stealing the bell" and has no real effect and does not solve the substantive problem. 

  In fact, it is not only the brake buzz of the Tiggo 8 PRO, but also some car owners report that the vehicle has encountered a safety hazard of brake hardening. A Tiggo 8 PRO owner said that on the one hand, when the car brakes, there will be a buzz, and the sound will be harsh. Secondly, when the car brakes suddenly harden twice during driving, it is necessary to step on the brakes twice and intervene in the backup brake. The backup brake has a slow response and poor braking ability. Coincidentally, another car owner told reporters that the vehicle suddenly braked hard and could not step on it during normal driving, and reported various fault codes. 

  According to the relevant provisions of the Provisions on Responsibility for Repair, Replacement and Return of Household Automobile Products, if the household automobile products have steering system failure, brake system failure, body crack or fuel leakage within 60 days from the date when the seller issues the purchase invoice or within 3000 kilometers (whichever comes first), and consumers choose to replace or return the household automobile products, the seller shall be responsible for free replacement or return. Therefore, some car owners require manufacturers to return cars, and car owners are actively communicating with Chery through various channels to solve related problems. 

The audience at Zhengzhou Station of the film "Hot Search" roadshow sent Xin Yukun Altman model.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. The film was released for two days, with a cumulative box office of 21.99 million. The reality of the network is shocking, the public opinion is reversed, and the audience calls out "I am addicted to it." On December 1st, the national roadshow of "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Zhengzhou. Director Xin Yukun and actors came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show.

Actor Zhong Chenyao

In addition to being moved by the realistic theme and passionate mood of the film, some viewers said that they "saw the plight of women and the sense of strength of women in the film" and praised that "the director presented the female perspective particularly well". The director admits that the film has the nature of mass communication, and as a filmmaker, he will also shoulder a sense of social responsibility, saying that "the plight of women presented in the film should be paid attention to and seen", and the female characters of different ages and attributes in the film "can bring more comprehensive female group images to everyone".

Relieve the gas and enjoy it! "Cool and moved, watch and cry three times."

The audience sent the director Altman model to praise "have the courage to dare to shoot"

In the movie, power tries its best to cover up the truth, and the weak have nowhere to speak, so they can only tell each other their lives. The bloody reality makes the audience say that they are "angry and worried", "they will tremble when they are angry to the extreme", and they can’t breathe when they see the weak being oppressed. At the end, when the Justice League went through all the difficulties and finally succeeded in making a sound, the audience "finally gave a bad breath" and gained the power of moving and blood. They lamented that the film made them "cry three times" and said that "in the face of the truth, they should be as brave as Chen Miao and Xiao Sui, and it is inevitable that the night will be slightly cold, and there will be dawn before moving forward".

Director Xin Yukun.

Xin Yukun rooted in reality and gained insight into human nature, and portrayed a real illustration of contemporary public opinion field with a sharp perspective. At the scene, an audience presented the Altman model to Director Xin Yukun, saying that the director "dared to shoot and expose the ugliness of the world in his own way". The director said frankly, "I hope that through this film, the social network environment will change a little." Zhong Chenyao also said, "I hope the film can really affect some people and let everyone speak more rationally."

The mother-daughter audience supported the film "Seeing the Power of Women"

Touched and resonated! The audience shared their "wonderful life"

At the scene of the road show, a journalist took his mother to watch the movie, saying that he saw the power of "girls help girls" and the power of his mother in the film. Mom also said that after watching the movie, she was deeply touched. "I can understand the helplessness of Xiaomou’s mother and see the suffering of ordinary people in the movie." The director admits that "I don’t want to label the weak because everyone has their own difficulties behind them", saying that "this is a film about online public opinion, and it is also a film that can show the strength of women."

performerwang xiaotian

Chen Miao, who bravely resisted power in the film, also resonated with the audience, saying that "I was particularly moved by Chen Miao’s pursuit of truth and her courage to speak out for women." Some viewers shared that they had encountered similar difficulties in high school. Fortunately, there was unconditional support from friends at that time, saying that "I am very grateful to my friends for being Chen Miao in my life". The director explained that the role of Chen Miao "presents the unique side of women at present", pursues career and empathizes with the weak. "There are many female figures in life who are pushing things to change. I hope everyone can see what they have done and convey this power.".

The film "Hot Search" is showing.

How to play football

How to play football is something that beginners want to study hard. If you want to play football well, you should mainly practice hard. Only by persistence can you play football more professionally. However, before playing football, you need to exercise first, including running and walking, and then learn the essentials of football. You can really learn to play football according to the rules, but there are many rules of playing football, so just remember the essentials.

Playing football is a good exercise. Before playing football, you should exercise well and prepare clothes and shoes for playing football. Appropriate clothes and shoes are essential equipment. If you don’t wear them properly, you will be more likely to get injured. We are all ready. Let’s briefly introduce the essentials and contact methods of playing football, hoping to help you play football.

Top ball refers to the technical action that the athlete touches the ball continuously with all effective parts of his body and controls it so that the ball does not land as much as possible. Topping the ball is a kind of practice means for athletes to be familiar with the ball, so as to enhance the elasticity of the ball. Weight, spin and touch the ball, the feeling of hard and light collar when hitting the ball.

Technical action essentials

1. Foot-to-toe ball: the foot swings forward and upward, and hits the ball with the instep. When hitting the ball, the ankle joint is fixed and the lower part of the ball is hit. Two feet can hit the ball alternately, or one foot can support and the other foot can hit the ball continuously. When hitting the ball evenly, keep the ball around your body all the time.

2. Inside and outside of both feet: lift your legs and bend your knees, swing up with the inside or outside of your feet, and hit the ball at the lower part of the ball alternately with the inside or outside of your feet.

3。 Hip ball: lift your legs and bend your knees, and hit the lower part of the ball upward with the middle and front part of the thigh. Both legs can alternately hit the ball, or you can support it with one foot and hit the ball continuously with the thigh on the other side.

4. Head ball: the feet are open, the knees are slightly flexed, and the lower part of the ball is continuously topped with the forehead. When heading the ball, keep your eyes on the ball and your arms open naturally to maintain your balance.

5. Continuous dribbling of each part: According to the above-mentioned single-dribbling technique, it is more difficult to match each part with continuous dribbling. The parts of the ball are instep, medial foot, lateral foot, thigh, head, chest, shoulders and so on.

Easy to make mistakes

L. when the foot hits the ball, the ankle joint is slack, resulting in unstable exertion.

2. When hitting the ball, the toes hook down or up, causing the ball to touch the body forward or backward after being stressed, making it difficult to control the ball.

3. Other parts of the body are not relaxed enough when bouncing the ball, so that the movements are stiff.

4. When the head bounces the ball, the leg, body and neck are not coordinated, only relying on the neck.

Example of practice method

1. One person, one ball: experience the time, position, power and coordination of the whole action of touching the ball.

2. Two people with one ball: touch the ball with the instep, thighs, head and all parts of the body, master the power of touching the ball and try not to let the ball fall to the ground. Everyone can touch the ball once and bounce it to the other side, or touch the ball many times and bounce each other.

3. A group of four or five people, with two balls in the circle: you can specify the number and position of each person touching the ball, and you can also freely master the number and position of touching the ball. Pay attention to the observation when bouncing the ball to prevent two balls from bouncing to the same partner at the same time.

Everyone knows how to play football, but remember to pay attention to safety. There are many people who play football, and they are very tired when running. It is easy to get injured. If you are injured, you should seek medical attention in time. You must not continue playing football until the injury has fully recovered. After all, the premise of exercise is to be healthy.

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# Headline Creation Challenge #

Exercise is a very important activity, which can not only help us keep healthy, but also improve our psychological quality and social skills. No matter what age, people should pay attention to sports and make it a part of their lives.

First of all, exercise can help us keep healthy. Through exercise, we can strengthen the strength of muscles and bones, improve heart and lung function and reduce the risk of illness. In addition, exercise can also help us control our weight and prevent obesity and related diseases.

Secondly, exercise can improve our psychological quality. Exercise can release the stress and tension in the body and make us feel relaxed and happy. At the same time, exercise can also improve our self-confidence and self-esteem, so that we can face life more positively.

Finally, exercise can improve our social skills. By participating in sports activities, we can make more friends and expand our social circle. At the same time, sports can also cultivate our team spirit and leadership ability, and make us better in our work and life.

In a word, exercise is a very important activity, which can help us keep healthy and improve our psychological quality and social skills. We should pay attention to sports and make it a part of our lives.

Table tennis world cup: two games 8

On December 7, 2023, the table tennis mixed team World Cup continued. The second stage ended with two matches. South Korea beat Sweden 8-2, taking the lead in winning seven consecutive victories, Germany beat China Taipei 8-2, and the second seed ended its losing streak. The lineup of Guoping against France was announced.

In the first stage, South Korea won four games in a row, ranked first in Group D and advanced to the quarter-finals, but did not encounter too strong opponents. In the second stage, the competition was more intense. South Korea won French and Slovak in a row, and with the previous results against China and Taipei, there were still four rounds to play, of which the third round against Sweden was not sure of winning, which attracted the attention of outside fans, and the South Korean team changed its array and changed to a new lineup.

In the first three sets, South Korea sent Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi, Li Shiwen and Lin Zhongxun. Now mixed doubles are two choices. Lin Zhongxun/Shen Yubin can’t be underestimated. It depends on who plays singles. Some of the main players of Sweden are absent, and the lineup is relatively weak. Judging from the performance against Japan earlier, they also have strong threats, especially the male players Carlson and Carlberg, who are all first-class players.

The competition adopted the best of 15 games, so it was enough to win eight games first. In the first set, Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi lost 1-2 to Carlson/Christina (10-12, 11-6 and 6-11), and Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi were in poor condition and failed to play their best. In the second set, Li Shiwen beat Linda 3-0.

In the third set of men’s singles, Lin Zhongxun swept Carlberg 3-0 (11-7, 11-8, 11-8), and the process was easier than expected. You should know that Zhang Benzhi and Carlberg only won 2 points before, but now Lin Zhongxun has a strong performance and won no opponents directly. In the fourth set, Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun beat Carlson/Carlberg 1-0 (11-7).

At the same time, German defeated China Taipei 8-2, mixed doubles meissner/Winter reversed Yang Jiaan/Li Yuhuang 2-1, women’s singles Shan Xiaona beat Chen Siyu 2-1, men’s singles Walther swept Ye Zhiwei 3-0, women’s doubles Shan Xiaona/Winter beat Chen Siyu/Huang Yihua 1-0, and the second seed ended its losing streak and won the first victory at this stage, but she wanted to win the top four.

The table tennis match against France is the focus of the battle. The lineups in the first three sets were announced, followed by Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha against Alex/Yuan Jianan, Manyu Wang against Pawad, and Fan Zhendong against Felix. It is worth mentioning that if the first three sets didn’t win eight sets, the lower ranked French team decided to choose men’s doubles or women’s doubles, and the team World Cup is about to usher in the highlight, so please look forward to it.

Oladipo fell down again because of injury. What is the geometry of the wound on the former "Panther"?

Today, the Heat beat the Bucks again, and the total score of the series was 2-1. It was originally a great happy event, but it was not so happy to put it on the Heat’s head. The reason is that Oladipo was injured again, and the injury worried them. A simple layup in the fourth quarter, but Oladipo sat on the floor and couldn’t move. When he was carried off the field by his teammates, the Heat bowed their heads and prayed for him. The injury has knocked Oladipo down, and he is no longer brave.

Oladipo slipped during the layup and hurt his left knee. It’s really a bad year for the Heat. After two victories, two generals were injured, and the G1 victory was directly reimbursed by Hiro due to injury season. There is also no letter brother in the other team for two consecutive games, but he can still come back. After the injury, Oladipo retained his last stubbornness. He waved the stretcher away and limped off the field with the help of his teammates.

Heat coach Spoelstra said after the game: "We still don’t know his specific situation. We will have a specific examination tomorrow. I feel the same with everyone. This is a great victory, especially when you see a player fall like this, especially a player who has experienced a lot like Oladipo. I don’t know the specific situation now. " Adebayor released a piece of good news: "We haven’t got the latest information about Oladipo, but I think he will be fine because he can still walk."

Oladipo once brought beautiful enjoyment to the fans. In his early years in Magic and Thunder, his performance was very good. In the second season, he had already secured his starting position, but people were waiting for his carp yue longmen’s jump. Joining the Pacers in the 2017-18 season, he finally ushered in a leap season, averaging 23.1 points, 5.2 rebounds, 4.3 assists and 2.4 steals in the league. He was selected as the All-Star, the best team and the best defensive team for the first time and was elected as the player with the fastest progress.

In the 2018-19 season, he almost copied everything from last season, except for injuries. He has rested for 11 games at the beginning of the season, but the watershed of his career still appeared on January 24 at home against the Raptors. In this game, he accidentally tore the tendon of his right knee during a defense. The team doctor immediately covered his knee with a towel, and the Pacers later announced that Oladipo would be reimbursed for the injury season.

A rising star of the League in Ran Ran has been interacting with his sickbed all the year round. After a long period of recovery, Oladipo spent the second half of the season, the playoffs, the offseason and the initial stage of the new season, and only announced his comeback at the end of January 2020, and soon participated in the playoffs with the team.

Over time, Oladipo became interested in the South Coast Heat, which was reflected in the playoffs of the previous season. He will talk to Butler, Adebayor and others in the game. So, the Pacers took part in the Harden trade and sent Oladipo to the Rockets. The Rockets didn’t force anyone to stay, and sent Oladipo, who played for the team for 20 games, to the Heat.

But the fresh energy of coming to the Heat hasn’t passed yet, and Oladipo has to give in to injuries. The day before, he was injured in the game against the Lakers. The next day, the bad news came. Oladipo underwent quadriceps tendon repair surgery and was reimbursed for the season. This is the second season reimbursement of Oladipo’s career.

This time, Oladipo took a longer rest, and it didn’t arrive until March of the following year. Oladipo, who played eight games without stopping in the regular season, became a new force on the bench after the playoffs. After three games at the beginning of the playoffs, Oladipo didn’t fall down from the first round G4, and he met the Celtics all the way to Dongjue healthily, which is rare for him to linger on his deathbed all the year round.

In the 24 games before this season, Oladipo took a leave of absence, and it was not until December 2022 that he went into battle again. I didn’t expect to be hit by an injury today. Since the 2018-19 season, Oladipo’s attendance rate is only 35.3%, which is relatively low.

Low attendance sometimes makes players have a wrong self-perception. Oladipo’s current contract is 8.75 million yuan, and 9.45 million yuan in the last year needs him to implement the player option to get it. So far, he has no reason not to fulfill it. In his early years, when his four-year contract of $84 million expired, the Pacers offered him four years of 80 million and four years of 130 million, both of which were rejected by him. Later, the Rockets also offered him a two-year contract extension of $45 million, which of course was rejected by him. Today, I wonder if he will regret signing a basic salary with the Heat for one year.

In the NBA, there are many stars who linger on the sickbed prematurely because of injuries and have lost their prestige in the past. Oladipo will not be the last one. In his early years, he fell at the peak of his career, which was linked with endless rehabilitation, slowly melting away the last glimmer of glory and the last trace of disobedience. Unfortunately, Oladipo’s peak years had already ended in a hurry, leaving a lonely figure for later generations to comment on.

In 2023, Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon started, and more than 4,500 people ran the migratory bird kingdom.

Rain gives birth to a hundred valleys, summer is coming, and Poyang Lake is running smoothly at that time. On April 22nd, the "an all-consuming love Dreaming of Wucheng" 2023 Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon started in Wucheng, a migratory bird town in China. More than 4,500 Chinese and foreign runners rushed out of the starting line with full mental state, raced in the hinterland of Poyang Lake, deeply appreciated the beautiful scenery of "World Wetland Migratory Bird Kingdom" and experienced the ecological charm of Yongxiu with running and speed.

2023 Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon started. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

Certified by China Athletics Association, this competition is co-sponsored by Yongxiu County People’s Government, Jiujiang Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Jiujiang Sports Bureau and Jiujiang Forestry Bureau, and undertaken by Yongxiu County Wenguang New Tourism Bureau, Yongxiu County Education and Sports Bureau and Yongxiu County Forestry Bureau. A total of three events are set up: half marathon (21.0975km), national fitness running (7.5km) and party member model walking (7.5km). The routes are carefully planned by the organizing committee of the competition, accompanied by birds and flowers all the way, runners can enjoy the natural beauty of spring in Poyang Lake, and also enjoy the elegant demeanor of the migratory bird kingdom and the ancient town with thousands of years.

Accompanied by birds and flowers all the way, runners can enjoy the beauty of spring. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

The contestants started from the tourist center of the migratory bird town in Wucheng, Yongxiu County, and passed through Wucheng scenic spots and landmarks such as Yongwu Highway, Poyang Lake Ecological Civilization Exhibition Center, Ji ‘an Hall, Huanzhen Highway, Wucheng Paigong Lane, which is known as the "most beautiful water highway", and walked through the Poyang Lake Nature Reserve, with birds singing in their ears from time to time, which perfectly integrated sports with nature.

Located in the core area of Poyang Lake ecological wetland, Wucheng is one of the four famous towns in Jiangxi history, a national 4A-level scenic spot and the first "China migratory bird town" in China, with pleasant climate, fresh air and beautiful scenery, which provides an excellent place for all kinds of leisure sports and competitive competitions.

In recent years, Yongxiu County has deeply practiced the concept of ecological civilization, anchored the positioning of "short-distance and short-term, exploring the market of Greater Nanchang Metropolitan Area", and vigorously promoted the deep integration of "sports+culture+tourism", making the whole area beautiful and tourable in all seasons. On the basis of the successful hosting of international bird watching conference, Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon, and national cross-country auto racing competition last year, a series of flower viewing activities such as "Huayang Yongxiu Welcome to Tour" were launched this year. This time, by hosting the half marathon for the second time, Damei Yongxiu’s popularity, reputation and influence continued to rise, which injected strong impetus into the county’s high-quality economic and social development.

Jiangxi Yongxiu Half Marathon Medal. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

"In order to make the athletes run with peace of mind, peace of mind and comfort, Yongxiu County has set up 9 fixed medical stations in the whole track, organized 96 medical staff and equipped 8 mobile ambulances to protect every runner on the track." The relevant person in charge of the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau in Yongxiu County said that the county has also recruited more than 480 volunteers to ensure the service throughout the whole process. Volunteers with warm smiles and meticulous service have become a beautiful landscape in the competition.

"It feels great and I look forward to the next semi-horse in Yongxiu." Wu Xingyan, a runner from Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, said that she has participated in all-horse and half-horse races in many places across the country, and has seen mountains and rivers in many places, but she feels that the track scenery and event guarantee of Yongxiu are more impressive.

China track and field athlete Peng Jianhua won the men’s team championship. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

In the end, after fierce competition, China track and field athlete Peng Jianhua won the men’s championship in 1 hour, 07 minutes and 20 seconds. Melkam Alemayehu Tassew from Ethiopia won the women’s championship in 1 hour, 12 minutes and 42 seconds. "This is my second visit to Yongxiu. I feel that people here are very enthusiastic and the track is the most beautiful track I have ever seen!" Peng Jianhua said happily at the half marathon award ceremony.

At the men’s awards ceremony, the players took the stage to receive the award. Xinhuanet issued Hu Chuanfeng photo

"Take the scene as the medium and make friends with the game. We organically combine superior resources such as sports and characteristic tourism to provide a good platform for the holding of sports events. At the same time, this will greatly enhance the visibility of scenic spots in Yongxiu and stimulate the development of local tourism. " The relevant person in charge of the Wenguang New Tourism Bureau of Yongxiu County said that next, Yongxiu will hold many wonderful activities such as cultural festivals, music festivals, cross-country rally races, lobster festivals, etc., to cultivate new highlights of tourism consumption, continue to polish the global tourism brands, and boost the high-quality development of the county’s tourism industry. (Zheng Wenbin, Li Panpan, Hu Chuanfeng)

3-1! Bear scored, asensio won the ball, Real Madrid turned over at home and killed Wu Lei’s former club.

# La Liga # In the 25th round, Real Madrid played against Spaniards at home! In the first half, Jose Lu scored the first goal, vinicius equalized, and Militao headed the goal to overtake the score. In the second half, Rodrigo hit the crossbar with a long-range free kick. In 93 minutes, asensio pushed the goal to help the team expand the score. Finally, the whole game ended, and Real Madrid won 3-1, killing Lei Wu’s old club Spaniard twice in the season.

Real Madrid has been unbeaten in two rounds in the recent league, with 16 wins, 5 draws and 3 losses, ranking second with 53 points, which is 9 points behind top Barcelona. Azar, rudiger and Vá zquez were substitutes in this game, and Real Madrid formed a 4-3-3 formation. The starting players were as follows: 1- courtois, 2- carvajal, 3- Militao, 6- Na Qiao, 12- Camavanga, 8- Cross, 10- modric, 15- valverde, 18- Joan Ameni and 20- vinicius.

The Spaniard is 6 wins, 9 draws and 9 losses, ranking 13th with 27 points. At present, he is only 2 points higher than the relegation zone, and the primary goal of the season is still relegation! In this game, Melamed, Puado and vidal are substitutes, and the team formation is 4-4-2. The starting players are as follows: 13- Pacheco, 2- Oscar Hill, 4- cabrera, 23- Montes, 24- Sergey Gomez, 10- Dader, 12- vinicius-Sosa, 15- Gragera and 27-.

In the first half, in the eighth minute, Cammavinga made a defensive mistake, Sanchez made a cross from the right, Jose Lu pushed the goal and Real Madrid fell behind 0-1!

In 13 minutes, vinicius made a cross from the left, and Kamavin added a powerful shot and was hugged by the goalkeeper. In 15 minutes, Sosa’s header shot was solved by courtois! In 22 minutes, Cross made an oblique pass, and vinicius took the ball from the left and scored a low shot, 1-1, and the score was even!

According to statistics, this is vinicius’s 19th goal on behalf of Real Madrid this season, surpassing Neymar, the big brother of the national team, and becoming the Brazilian player with the most goals in the five major leagues!

In 27 minutes, Rodrigo’s long shot was slightly higher than the crossbar; In 32 minutes, vinicius was given a yellow card warning for a foul during the anti-grab; In the 39th minute, vinicius went straight to the left, Joan Armani made a cross from the left, Militao headed the goal and Real Madrid overtook the score 2-1!

In the second half, in 52 minutes, Hill and Rodrigo both fell to the ground while fighting. After the adjustment of the team doctors on both sides, the two players re-entered the game! In 54 minutes, Jose Lu’s long-range shot was saved by courtois; In 55 minutes, cabrera shot slightly off the bottom line; In 56 minutes, Hill knocked over vinicius and got a yellow card;

In 58 minutes, Cross’s long-range shot was blocked by the defender. In 61 minutes, Gragera’s long-range shot outside the restricted area missed the bottom line; In 71 minutes, Rodrigo’s left dribbling was cleared, and Cross’s long-range shot was higher than the crossbar outside the restricted area. In 72 minutes, asensio came off the bench to replace Modry, and in 74 minutes, Sebastian and rudiger came off the bench;

In 76 minutes, Real Madrid got the set ball and Rodrigo hit the crossbar with a long shot. In 87 minutes, cabrera grabbed a header and was cleared by rudiger. In the 93rd minute of injury time, Na Qiao’s midfielder took the ball from the left and made great strides. He sent a straight plug outside the restricted area, and asensio followed up with a push and shot, making the score 3-1!

In the end, the whole game ended, and Real Madrid reversed the game 3-1, killing Spaniards twice in the season.