Junior year married, senior year students, undergraduate students take baby to shoot graduation photo into online celebrity.

  Near the graduation season, a group of photos of "National People’s Congress graduates bring their babies to take photos of undergraduate graduation photo" set off a circle of friends. Compared with the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, the children under 2 years old in the photo obviously attracted more attention.

  Parent-child graduation photo Huobao Network

  Recently, Mao Yanzheng, a photographer who once became popular for shooting "Goddess of the National People’s Congress", posted a group of photos of this year’s graduates through his personal WeChat WeChat official account. Once the photos were sent out, they quickly attracted a lot of attention and forwarding. It’s just that this time it’s not a beautiful graduate who attracts everyone’s attention, but a young couple of undergraduate graduates.

  Photographer Mao Yanzheng said: "On campus, I have seen people wearing doctoral uniforms and occasionally met people wearing master’s uniforms, but this is the first time I have seen a child wearing a bachelor’s uniform to take pictures with his parents, and his parents are also wearing bachelor’s uniforms."

  In the photo, the young couple, like many campus couples, chose to record their graduation time in front of the school gate, playground, Wu Yuzhang sculpture and other representative buildings. What is different is that they have a "little model" around them, their son who is over one year old.

  Graduates of the same age threw up their graduation caps at the school gate to celebrate. The undergraduate couple have already thrown up their babies. Therefore, the couple are called "winners in life" by many friends. Some people envy their loving feelings and marvel at the speed of their lives. Of course, some people question whether it is appropriate to be a parent so young.

  According to a teacher of the National People’s Congress, the school has no special regulations for students to get married and have children. In previous years, master students and doctoral students took photos of graduation photo with their children from time to time, while those wearing bachelor’s uniforms took photos of their parents.

  Start a business while raising children

  Liao Siqi, a girl in the photo, is a 2012 student in the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China. She went to Columbia University for an exchange for half a year.

  According to the memories of their college friends, their love began in their sophomore year. "Not many students can achieve positive results during their undergraduate years. To be honest, they can see that they are doing well, which is a little unexpected, but reasonable, and the rest are blessings."

  When everyone’s impression of Liao Siqi still stays as the host of the 75th anniversary celebration party of Renmin University, she has upgraded her role and become a young mother.

  She shared on her WeChat WeChat official account: "Before he was born, I looked forward to the baby’s birth every day. But when I heard the baby’s first cry, an unprecedented pressure forced me to raise a new life. "

  Fortunately, unlike the TV series in which young parents are always dazzled by their children, the young post-90s couple soon found their own parenting methods. Make it cool and easy to take care of the baby. "Without the guidance of nurses, I downloaded a lot of maternal and child apps with my father, bought a lot of books to take care of children, paid attention to many maternal and child websites, and even searched various papers at home and abroad in the academic database." The child’s father said: "Without the guidance of the previous generation, we were like a blank sheet of paper at first, which made us willing to try and summarize all kinds of new knowledge and methods of parenting." A little practice and research made the young parents adapt to the new role quickly.

  In May of this year, they started their entrepreneurial career together when they were about to graduate. They hoped to pass on their special parenting experience and ideas, and new products would be launched later. Liao Siqi said: "I became a mother when I was very young. Although many people think that having children will be a burden in my life, in my heart, having a son is my most correct and happiest decision. At this age, there are the most youthful and beautiful us and the cutest little baby. My child’s father and I are not only accompanying but also growing up with him. "

  Parenting is an adventure, and she hopes to help more babies and parents with her parenting experience, "in this wonderful life journey, the harvest is happy and complete."

  The same university, different choices

  As an old friend, Lu Xingji from the School of Journalism of the National People’s Congress told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter: "When I learned that they had a baby during their undergraduate years, my first reaction was ‘ Not reliable ’ 。” But after witnessing with his own eyes how the young couple took care of their children over one year old without the help of their family elders, Lu Xingji said that he was really impressed by their experience. "I found that once I get started with this big event, people will become super reliable, which makes me realize that actually falling in love and getting married is a very important lesson for people at this stage of college, and it is also a kind of progress in life."

  Teacher Sun Jiazhou from the School of History of Renmin University also forwarded this group of graduation photo on social media. He said in his comments: "In ‘ Seeking truth from facts ’ I have seen a lot of photos taken in front of the school motto stone, but this photo shows the cheerful charm of life, which is unforgettable! "

  Of course, some students expressed different opinions. Several students said that although they wished the young parents well, they did not envy them. A student who is studying for a postgraduate degree told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are still many practical factors to consider when getting married early, but he obviously does not have it. Text/reporter Kong Lingqi

  Photography/Mao Yanzheng

Huawei and Tucki made a big deal, and the car owners were finally willing to pay the bill.

Among the more than 50,000 orders of the new M7, about 33,000 units are intelligent driving versions, including five MAX and six MAX versions; According to the data of Tucki, the redesigned G9 will exceed 15,000 units in 15 days, of which the MAX version accounts for more than 80%. The MAX version refers to the version with dual lidar and dual OrinX computing chips, which supports urban NGP; Previously, the predetermined proportion of MAX version of G6 also exceeded 70%; According to Baojun’s information, after opening the store for a test drive, the Linxi version accounted for more than 80% of the orders in Shanghai in October, which is also commonly known as the "DJI version".Intelligent driving version crosses the gap: over 60% in the world M7 and 80% in Tucki G9.The five-seat version accounts for 81%, the MAX version accounts for 57.5% of the five-seat version, and the optional rate of ADS high-end smart driving bag in the five-seat MAX version is 70%; The six-seat version accounts for 19%, of which the MAX version accounts for 71%, and the optional installation rate of the six-seat MAX high-end smart driving package is 68%. Zhou Shuo, deputy general manager of SAIC-GM-Wuling Brand Division, predicted before Yunyun went public that Lingxi Zhijia Edition is expected to account for 30-40% of all orders of Yunyun; After the National Day, Zhou Shuo mentioned a new data in Weibo. From the Shanghai area, the scheduled proportion of Linxi edition in October exceeded 80%.Why does the smart driving version sell well?Follow-up trend of mainstream car companiesAouita,Huawei HI modeRepresentative, Aouita’s smart driving is actually standard; Changan plans to cover low-level to high-level full-stack intelligent driving schemes from this year to the beginning of next year, and realize the whole system of Changan in the follow-up.Class L2 assisted driving is standard;Dongfeng’s Lantu recently launched a new Lantu FREE, standard.Baidu ApolloThe software subscription fee for the intelligent driving system provided is 10,000 yuan; BYD started to drive intelligently from looking up to Tengshi brand. At the end of September, Tengshi N7 added a new version based on.Orin N platformThe high-speed smart driving bag is built to improve the penetration rate of the high-order smart driving function of the model.

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Rehabilitation experts suggest: go skiing in Harbin, safety first.

In this winter of 2024, the first online celebrity city is Harbin in the northeast. Ice and snow enthusiasts flocked to Harbin to experience the speed and passion in the ice and snow, which made the ski resort popular.

However, do you really understand the beautiful Harbin snow field? Harbin is located in the northeast of China, with persistent cold in winter, more smoke in the morning and short-term snowstorm. The average minimum temperature in January is -24.6℃. The freezing period is about 5 months. Wang Xi, the nurse in charge of ward 6 of Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, told the reporter that such climatic conditions may be difficult for some people from the south or warmer regions to adapt to, which may easily lead to frostbite or hypothermia.

"Therefore, it is very important for tourists who are willing to go skiing in the Northeast to enhance their safety awareness." Wang Xi reminded that before enjoying the happiness brought by ice and snow sports, you must know the local weather conditions and snow trails, take precautions against cold, and don’t take risks blindly. At the same time, choosing regular ski resorts and qualified coaches is also a necessary condition to reduce risks.

Bao Yong, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, suggested that skiing is interesting. In skiing, due to the characteristics of fast speed, changeable movements and complex venues, there is a certain probability of various accidents and injuries, and we should face up to the risk factors. Common skiing injuries include fracture, joint dislocation and ligament tear.

For novices and people with insufficient experience, skiing may bring safety risks and physical challenges. The following people need to be more vigilant: 

Older people:

Due to the decline of physical function, the elderly have weak adaptability to the cold environment. In the northeast where the temperature is tens of degrees below zero, the elderly are prone to problems in the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. In addition, skiing is a high-intensity exercise, and the elderly may be unable to bear such physical exertion.

Children and adolescents:

Body organs such as bones, muscles and joints of children and adolescents are in the development stage and relatively fragile. Skiing is a high-intensity exercise, which easily leads to sports injuries such as fractures and joint dislocation, and affects the normal development of the body. At this stage, children have limited knowledge and judgment of danger and are prone to accidents.

If parents want to take children and teenagers skiing, it is suggested that they choose appropriate equipment, do adequate warm-up exercises, understand safety rules and basic skills, study under the guidance of experienced coaches, be familiar with ski resorts, arrange exercise time and intensity reasonably, pay attention to health conditions and do a good job in sun protection.

People with poor physical fitness or poor physical condition:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which needs good physical fitness and physical quality to support it. If you are in poor physical fitness or poor health, you may feel tired, weak or unable to keep your balance during skiing, which will increase the risk of falling or being injured. If you suffer from diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, asthma, etc., it is easier to aggravate your illness and have accidents.

In addition, when skiing, the temperature is low. In cold places, people with poor physical fitness may have colds, fever or other health problems because they can’t adapt to the cold environment. Especially in alpine skiing, the altitude is higher, the oxygen is thin, and the requirements for cardiopulmonary function are higher. People with poor health may have altitude sickness.

Pregnant women:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which requires fast movement and strong body control. Pregnant women have a special physical condition during pregnancy, and strenuous exercise may lead to fetal instability and increase the risk of premature delivery or miscarriage. In order to ensure the safety of mother and baby, it is best for pregnant women not to participate in high-risk sports such as skiing.

Lack of skiing experience:

For people with no skiing experience or low skills, it is easy to have accidents when they try skiing for the first time. On the steep snow slope in the northeast, it is difficult for inexperienced people to control the speed and direction, which increases the risk of falling and colliding. Therefore, it is suggested to study and train in other places first, or choose a relatively gentle ski trail to accumulate some skiing experience, and then go to the northeast to challenge the difficult ski trail.

In short, before planning to ski in Harbin, we should evaluate whether our physical condition and skill level are suitable for skiing. If you have any questions, it is recommended to carefully consider whether to go. When skiing, be sure to pay attention to safety, wear protective equipment and strictly abide by the rules and instructions of the ski resort to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Only by doing this can we fully enjoy the fun of skiing.

Reporter/Zhang Yi

Editor/Sun Chong

Correspondent/Wang Xi

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7 am! Good news came from China football: Shandong Taishan made an important decision, and fans praised it in unison.

At 7: 00 a.m. Beijing time on November 3rd, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media Jinan Times, next year, Taishan U21 team will participate in the 2024 League B in the name of Shandong Taishan B team, and this situation has also attracted the attention and discussion of many fans.

"Jinan Times" wrote: "Yesterday, the final stage of U21 League ushered in the penultimate round of competition. The top two U21 players in Taishan, Shandong Province had a direct dialogue with U21 in Shanghai Harbour.

In the end, Shandong Taishan U21 defeated its opponent with a score of 2-1, winning the U21 League championship this season one round ahead of schedule, and at the same time locking in the qualification for next season’s Chinese B League. "

According to the report of Jinan Times, Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province decided to let U21 team play in League B in the new season. Although the media did not disclose more information, the echelon of Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province was able to play in League B, which was not only good news for China football, but also attracted many fans’ praise in unison.

Some fans said: "Yes, we can continue to develop the U series league. The exposure of young players will increase and the development will be better." Some fans also said: "The youth training is well done. If there are 10 Luneng in China, it will not be so. At least Luneng has trained a large number of players such as Wang Yongpo, Han Peng, Liu Binbin, Zheng Zheng, Zhou Haibin, Wei Shihao, Xinghan Wu, Wang Tong, Fang Hao and Liu Yang. Only the Genbao base can compete with it. "

Of course, some fans said: "This is the real contribution to the national football. Some people in the comment area will say that Luneng has trained a few winners. Before asking this question, ask how many winners your home team has trained for the country. If you often pay attention to the leagues at all levels in China, you will find that there are countless players who have gone out of Luneng Football School. At least Luneng has done it and persisted for so many years, which is worthy of recognition! "

Marca: kimmich is happy to join Barcelona, but the transfer will be very complicated.

According to Marca, kimmich is willing to join Barcelona, and the Rossoneri appreciate the German midfielder very much, but the deal will be very complicated.

After busquets announced that he would leave the team this summer, Barcelona urgently needed to find a No.6 player. Zubimendi, Amrabat and Ruben neves were all players who had an affair with Barcelona, and kimmich became the latest one. For Barcelona, kimmich is an expensive player. No matter in Bayern or the German national team, kimmich is an out-and-out main force. In addition, his contract with Bayern expires in two years. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for Barcelona to get kimmich, and Bayern will not be willing to let him go. Moreover, even if the Bundesliga giants are willing to release him, his worth will not be less than 60 million euros.

Barcelona cannot pay such a high transfer fee. Even if kimmich’s transfer fee is amortized during the contract period, the annual cost will far exceed 20 million euros. In addition, Arsenal and Liverpool are also interested in kimmich, which is another obstacle for Barcelona.


Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng, which is abnormal? Don’t just watch the big score.

Some people watch the game and only watch the "big score".

In the WTT Macau Championship in 2023, Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng in the women’s singles semi-final, and some people felt abnormal.

Last week’s WTT Xinxiang Championship was also a semi-final in women’s singles. Chen Meng lost 4-0 to Sun Yingsha. I wonder if they also felt abnormal?

In WTT Xinxiang Championship, Sun Yingsha scored 4-0 in Chen Meng, and the scores of the four sets were 11-5, 11-5, 11-7 and 11-6.

The score of four games failed to hit the key points, so it can be said that Chen Meng was completely defeated.

In the WTT Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha of Chen Meng scored 4-0, and the scores in four sets were 16-14, 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9.

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha won the first game 10-9, and then Chen Meng tied the game and won five games in a row, only to win narrowly 16-14.

Sometimes, a small score per game is more telling.

Compare another women’s singles semi-final, although Manyu Wang won Wang Yidi 4-2, but this game is less suspense than Chen Meng’s 4-0 win over Sun Yingsha.

Manyu Wang 4-2 Wang Yidi, the score of six games: 7-11, 11-9, 11-9, 11-6, 5-11, 11-4.

Manyu Wang is tall and arm-length, and her movements will not be restored very quickly, which determines that her forehand and backhand cohesion will not be very smooth in the near stage. What Manyu Wang is afraid of is the players with fast convergence speed and not weak strength. In the face of fast players, she often has to quit the stage and exchange distance for reaction time.

Only with speed and strength, it is possible to penetrate Manyu Wang’s defense.

However, Wang Yidi is not a speed player, and her playing style also depends on the quality of her own veneer, which is similar to that of Manyu Wang.

However, compared with Wang Yidi, Manyu Wang has stronger rotation in returning the ball and higher veneer quality. From a fundamental point of view, Manyu Wang’s strength is higher than Wang Yidi’s.

Therefore, regardless of Manyu Wang’s four-to-several win, as long as it is a best-of-seven game, the chance of surprise is very small. Under normal circumstances, it is only a matter of time before Manyu Wang defeats Wang Yidi.

However, in the semi-final between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, after 9-9 in the fourth game, if it wasn’t Chen Meng’s serve wheel and Chen Meng’s serve, but Sun Yingsha reversed the game, the result of the following game would be hard to say.

Before the game, when analyzing the match between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, I said: Chen Meng was in a particularly good state this time, and Sun Yingsha experienced high-intensity events in a row, and her state declined, which may add a little suspense to this semi-final.

For players with equal strength, the recent competitive state of the players is very important, and the players’ improvisation has a great influence on the results of the game.

Fan Zhendong’s 3-2 reversal of Lin Shidong in the men’s singles quarter-final of WTT Xinxiang Championship last week is a typical example. Lin Shidong got the match point 10-8 in the fourth game, but Fan Zhendong tied the score. Finally, Fan Zhendong reversed 13-11 to win the fourth game and was tied with a big score. Fan Zhendong won the deciding game 11-8. Moreover, Fan Zhendong finally won the men’s singles championship in Xinxiang Championship.

A game, one or two key points, may lead to a world of difference.

In table tennis, besides paying attention to who wins and who loses, it is better to look at the score of each game.

I’m interested in going to see the players’ respective service wheels, return balls and so on. If you are still interested, then learn about various services, techniques and tactics, table tennis equipment and so on.

So, don’t stop at the level of "0-4 lost". Players are improving, should old fans keep pace with the times?

As for some "extreme fans", they think that the players they like can only win but not lose. Losing is abnormal and fishy. Don’t apply the "rice circle" to competitive sports. Isn’t it good to chase the stars in the entertainment circle?