Best Andy Lau Returns, Annual High Film "Blind Detective" Exposes Ultimate Poster

The Ultimate Poster for Blind Detective
    The familiar Andy Lau is back! Starring Andy Lau and Cheng Xiuwen, the annual High film directed by Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui has been confirmed for release on July 11. The film is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Lau and Cheng Xiuwen in a decade after 2004. Yesterday, the film launched the ultimate poster, and the two-person photo of Lau and Cheng Xiuwen has made the film highly anticipated. Lau admitted that being with Du Qifeng and Cheng Xiuwen is the "best Andy Lau". He said: "I think we are all lucky to have the three of us in the world."

"Blind Detective" mainland horizontal poster
"Handsome Blind" Detective Du "Possessed"
    In this new "Iron Triangle" film, Andy Lau’s "blind detective" is a very interesting role. According to the screenwriter Wei Jiahui, at a backstage of the Hong Kong Film Awards many years ago, Andy Lau talked to him about his interest in the story of "detective". "Later, when I was designing the character, I found that he had not played a blind man, and Andy’s original idea was to play a blind lawyer." However, considering the entertainment of the film itself and the richness of the story, the screenwriter said: "If it is only a lawyer, it may only appear in a few limited scenes in the courtroom, and the blind detective has a lot of stories to tell."
    In the character design of the "blind detective" corner, Galaxy Image specially projected many "shadows" of the director Du Qifeng, such as Du wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, stroking his belly with his hands and other "small movements" in life. Wei Jiahui also revealed that Du Qifeng in his life is still a very fond of food, and this time his "foodie" characteristics are also "grafted" into the character. In this regard, Andy Lau also responded: "Every time I act, if the character has a characteristic, I will ask someone around me to be a model, and I will choose our director for this play – Du Qifeng."
"Iron Triangle" returns to the screen after a decade
    It is understood that "Blind Detective" is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen in ten years after "Dragon and Phoenix Fight". Hua Zai teased Zheng Xiuwen: "She basically hasn’t changed, but she has become thinner." He also emotionally expressed the trust and tacit understanding of the three creators. "With the appearance of the three of us in the world, I think it is lucky for us, and it is difficult to find someone who believes in you."
    Regarding the new work, Johnnie To commented: "Andy Lau was in very good condition when he made this film. I haven’t worked with him for nearly 10 years, but this time it can be said that it is the best film I have worked with him in so many years." Regarding Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen, a classic couple on the big screen, the director also praised: "When they are acting, I sit next to them. I like to watch the two of them as if they are really a couple. As a director, I think it is good to shoot them directly."
    The special rapport between the three has given "The Blind Detective" more chemistry. At the previous overseas premiere in Cannes, some people commented that "Andy Lau with Johnnie To is the best Andy Lau." In response, Andy responded that the "chemistry" between them is different from other people’s cooperation, and the tacit understanding and nature seem to be "innate". After watching "The Blind Detective", the famous film critic Magasa said that "your favorite Johnnie To is back, this film is reminiscent of, and Liu Zheng’s romantic comedy series, very good."

Junior year married, senior year students, undergraduate students take baby to shoot graduation photo into online celebrity.

  Near the graduation season, a group of photos of "National People’s Congress graduates bring their babies to take photos of undergraduate graduation photo" set off a circle of friends. Compared with the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, the children under 2 years old in the photo obviously attracted more attention.

  Parent-child graduation photo Huobao Network

  Recently, Mao Yanzheng, a photographer who once became popular for shooting "Goddess of the National People’s Congress", posted a group of photos of this year’s graduates through his personal WeChat WeChat official account. Once the photos were sent out, they quickly attracted a lot of attention and forwarding. It’s just that this time it’s not a beautiful graduate who attracts everyone’s attention, but a young couple of undergraduate graduates.

  Photographer Mao Yanzheng said: "On campus, I have seen people wearing doctoral uniforms and occasionally met people wearing master’s uniforms, but this is the first time I have seen a child wearing a bachelor’s uniform to take pictures with his parents, and his parents are also wearing bachelor’s uniforms."

  In the photo, the young couple, like many campus couples, chose to record their graduation time in front of the school gate, playground, Wu Yuzhang sculpture and other representative buildings. What is different is that they have a "little model" around them, their son who is over one year old.

  Graduates of the same age threw up their graduation caps at the school gate to celebrate. The undergraduate couple have already thrown up their babies. Therefore, the couple are called "winners in life" by many friends. Some people envy their loving feelings and marvel at the speed of their lives. Of course, some people question whether it is appropriate to be a parent so young.

  According to a teacher of the National People’s Congress, the school has no special regulations for students to get married and have children. In previous years, master students and doctoral students took photos of graduation photo with their children from time to time, while those wearing bachelor’s uniforms took photos of their parents.

  Start a business while raising children

  Liao Siqi, a girl in the photo, is a 2012 student in the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China. She went to Columbia University for an exchange for half a year.

  According to the memories of their college friends, their love began in their sophomore year. "Not many students can achieve positive results during their undergraduate years. To be honest, they can see that they are doing well, which is a little unexpected, but reasonable, and the rest are blessings."

  When everyone’s impression of Liao Siqi still stays as the host of the 75th anniversary celebration party of Renmin University, she has upgraded her role and become a young mother.

  She shared on her WeChat WeChat official account: "Before he was born, I looked forward to the baby’s birth every day. But when I heard the baby’s first cry, an unprecedented pressure forced me to raise a new life. "

  Fortunately, unlike the TV series in which young parents are always dazzled by their children, the young post-90s couple soon found their own parenting methods. Make it cool and easy to take care of the baby. "Without the guidance of nurses, I downloaded a lot of maternal and child apps with my father, bought a lot of books to take care of children, paid attention to many maternal and child websites, and even searched various papers at home and abroad in the academic database." The child’s father said: "Without the guidance of the previous generation, we were like a blank sheet of paper at first, which made us willing to try and summarize all kinds of new knowledge and methods of parenting." A little practice and research made the young parents adapt to the new role quickly.

  In May of this year, they started their entrepreneurial career together when they were about to graduate. They hoped to pass on their special parenting experience and ideas, and new products would be launched later. Liao Siqi said: "I became a mother when I was very young. Although many people think that having children will be a burden in my life, in my heart, having a son is my most correct and happiest decision. At this age, there are the most youthful and beautiful us and the cutest little baby. My child’s father and I are not only accompanying but also growing up with him. "

  Parenting is an adventure, and she hopes to help more babies and parents with her parenting experience, "in this wonderful life journey, the harvest is happy and complete."

  The same university, different choices

  As an old friend, Lu Xingji from the School of Journalism of the National People’s Congress told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter: "When I learned that they had a baby during their undergraduate years, my first reaction was ‘ Not reliable ’ 。” But after witnessing with his own eyes how the young couple took care of their children over one year old without the help of their family elders, Lu Xingji said that he was really impressed by their experience. "I found that once I get started with this big event, people will become super reliable, which makes me realize that actually falling in love and getting married is a very important lesson for people at this stage of college, and it is also a kind of progress in life."

  Teacher Sun Jiazhou from the School of History of Renmin University also forwarded this group of graduation photo on social media. He said in his comments: "In ‘ Seeking truth from facts ’ I have seen a lot of photos taken in front of the school motto stone, but this photo shows the cheerful charm of life, which is unforgettable! "

  Of course, some students expressed different opinions. Several students said that although they wished the young parents well, they did not envy them. A student who is studying for a postgraduate degree told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that there are still many practical factors to consider when getting married early, but he obviously does not have it. Text/reporter Kong Lingqi

  Photography/Mao Yanzheng

"Burning Your Moment" Chery’s new generation Tiggo 8 shocked the listing price of 8.88.

  On the evening of May 28th, the flagship model of Chery Automobile’s Tiggo SUV family, the new generation Tiggo 8, was officially launched in Chengdu Quantum Optical Sports Center. The new car launched 10 models of 1.6TGDI+7DCT, 1.5TCI+6DCT and 1.5TCI+MT powertrains, and provided six kinds of bodies, such as pearl white, obsidian black, titanium gold gray, desert gold, Rhine blue and Provence purple. At the same time, Chery Automobile also provides multiple VIP privileges for the first users of the new generation of Tiggo 8.

  Yin Tongyue, Party Secretary and Chairman of Chery Automobile, delivered an opening speech.

  Jia Yaquan, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile and general manager of marketing company, announced the price.

  At this conference, Shuo Yang, the spokesperson of the new generation of Tiggo 8, made a surprise appearance, and witnessed the release of the new generation of Tiggo 8 with the media and dealer friends.

  As a powerful actor with both face value and acting skills, Shuo Yang has a large number of young fans. The screen image of a tough guy with perseverance, introverted wisdom and strength that he has created over the years perfectly fits with the product characteristics of the new generation of Tiggo 8. For Chery, which is at the key node of brand promotion, Shuo Yang’s joining has made Chery brand more fashionable, entertaining and younger, and it is more influential among the main consumer groups after 1980s and 1990s.

  It is worth mentioning that at the press conference, Chery Automobile announced that a new generation of Tiggo 8 and Shuo Yang jointly launched the public welfare plan of "protecting rare wild animals".

  A new generation of Tiggo 8 spokesmen Shuo Yang and Jia Yaquan jointly launched the public welfare plan.

  The top 10,000 users of the new generation of Tiggo 8 can become donors to the "Protection of Rare Wild Animals" public welfare program, and Chery will donate 100 yuan/name on their behalf. Let more people participate in the scientific research and monitoring of the living environment and living conditions of Platts Wild Horse and Bimodal Wild Camel, and arouse more people’s attention to endangered animals and natural environment on the earth.

  Three power combinations, 1.6TGDI, the strongest Chinese core, create "super acceleration"

  In terms of power, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is equipped with Chery ACTECO 1.6TGDI engine, which is known as "the strongest Chinese core". This engine is the first TGDI engine of China brand with completely independent intellectual property rights, and also the first direct injection gasoline engine of China brand that meets the national six B emission regulations. The launch of ACTECO 1.6TGDI engine indicates that Chery has firmly grasped the core technologies in key areas of automobile research and development, and is continuing to lead the technological progress of national automobile industry with cutting-edge technology, helping China automobile industry to a new level.

  According to Gu Chunshan, director of Chery Automobile Powertrain Technology Center, the 1.6TGDI engine of the new generation Tiggo 8 has a maximum power of 145kW and a peak torque of 290N?m. Matching with it is the Getrak 7DCT wet powershift, which has a perfect balance between power and economy, with an acceleration of only 8.9 seconds per 100 kilometers and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 7.4L per 100 kilometers.

  Gu Chunshan, Director of Chery Automobile Powertrain Technology Center, explains the powertrain.

  At the same time, the power combinations such as 1.5TCI+6DCT and 1.5TCI+MT also have good performance. While taking into account the economic performance of the vehicle, they have the same abundant interior space, cutting-edge intelligent technology and trendy interior and exterior design to meet the daily use needs of users with different needs.

  The design is beautiful to a new height, and the new technology is luxurious interior.

  In appearance, compared with the current Tiggo 8, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is younger and more dynamic. The Chery international design team LED by Kevin Rice, a famous former BMW car designer, used a more fashionable lattice chrome grille in the design, adding multi-cavity reflective LED automatic headlights, high-energy dynamic turn signals, touch keyless entry into the body design, double exhaust true tail throat and through LED blackened taillights, which made the new generation of Tiggo 8 vehicle more scientific and technological, and integrated into it.

  Steve Eum, Executive Director of Chery Automobile Design, explains the design concept of the new generation Tiggo 8.

  At the same time, the interior of the new generation of Tiggo 8 can be described as "completely new". The exclusive three-screen interactive technology luxury driving cockpit at the same level adopts the forward-looking design concept of "wide body, embracing and suspending" to create a horizontally integrated suspended instrument panel and central control area, with full-featured Learpee seats, advanced electronic gear shifting and wireless charging of mobile phones, creating an unprecedented sense of technological luxury.

  Smart at your fingertips, equipped with L2 autopilot.

  In addition to power and design, the new generation of Tiggo 8 also incorporates AI artificial intelligence genes, adding more leading intelligent technology configurations.

  At the level of intelligent network connection, the new generation of Tiggo 8 has evolved on the basis of the original functions of "real-time intelligent cloud interconnection, enhanced natural voice interaction and remote vehicle control by mobile phone", adding two black technology functions of "AI face recognition technology" and "AI intelligent cloud housekeeper".

  Orfila, director of networking of Chery automobile infotainment vehicle, introduced the Frank Zhiyun system.

  In terms of intelligent configuration, the new generation of Tiggo 8 has added many intelligent configurations that are only available in luxury cars, such as RICSCS remote active cockpit self-cleaning system, inductive smart bracelet, 360 bird’s-eye panoramic ultra-clear reversing image, wireless charging of mobile phone and many other intelligent driving assistance configurations. These configurations can make the new generation of Tiggo 8 easier to drive, safer to drive and more convenient to park.

  Inductive smart bracelet

  In terms of intelligent driving, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is the first mass-produced model of China brand to achieve L2 automatic driving, with dozens of market-leading or unique intelligent driving configurations such as APA automatic parking and LKA lane keeping. The car is equipped with full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system, which can realize full-speed adaptive cruise of 0-150 km/h, making driving easier for users.

  SLA speed limit sign monitoring and active reminder function

  Yin Tongyue, Party Secretary and Chairman of Chery Automobile, said at the press conference that as the flagship model of the Tiggo SUV family, the new generation Tiggo 8 is a masterpiece of technological innovation in Chery for 22 years. The powerful 1.6TGDI engine, leading platform technology, intelligent networking system with AI gene, and L2-level autonomous driving technology are not only the highest level of Chery, but also represent the highest level of the domestic automobile industry.

  Since the debut of the new generation of Tiggo 8 at the Shanghai Auto Show, Chery Automobile has invited media and intended users to carry out public testing activities with a scale of more than 100,000 people in more than 200 cities across the country, which has been widely praised. I believe that with the official launch of the new generation of Tiggo 8, more consumers will understand and like this high-quality SUV with performance, beauty and intelligence.


SAIC’s Zhiji car reported that it was dissatisfied with Xiaomi because of the comparison of new cars with cyber violence.

  Caixin. comZhiji Automobile, a subsidiary of SAIC, released a new car, benchmarking Xiaomi Automobile in the process. The storm caused by this conference continues. On April 11th, Zhiji Automobile publicly reported that it suffered from organized cyber violence and traffic bullying, which affected the normal business activities and business reputation of the enterprise, and urged relevant departments to severely punish cyber violence.

  On April 8th, Zhiji Automobile released the pure electric car L6. Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, made a speech at the press conference and later became the focus of cyber violence. Tamia Liu said that some employees missed the birth of their children in an effort to "build cars", and some employees sent their young children to boarding schools so that they could meet in a hurry only once a week.

  Since then, there have been a lot of malicious comments in the official Weibo comment area, official live broadcast room and dealer’s live broadcast room of Zhiji Automobile, calling L6 an "orphan car" or a "wife-abandoned car". These messages even encouraged consumers not to buy, saying that "no business, no harm".

Hangzhou Airport is expected to carry out 370 flights in and out of Hong Kong on the 26th, and cancel 325 flights.

  With the weakening of the typhoon, Hangzhou Airport will gradually resume operation from July 26, and it is estimated that 370 flights will be carried out and 325 flights will be cancelled. The earliest port entry is GJ8988 (Beijing capital -08:10 Hangzhou), and the earliest port departure is GJ8925 (Hangzhou 09:40- Yan ‘an); The flights will resume gradually at 11:00 am, and after 11:00, 330 flights are expected to enter and leave Hong Kong. The airport reminds passengers that if the flight is cancelled, please get in touch with the airline you are taking as soon as possible and make a good return and change, so as not to delay the trip.

  Some cancelled flights are as follows:

  Southern airlines

  CZ6900 Hangzhou-Urumqi CZ3366 Hangzhou-Shenzhen CZ8634 Hangzhou-Shenyang CZ3820 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  CZ8854 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing

  Sichuan airlines

  3U8911 Chengdu-Hangzhou 3U3175 Hangzhou-Yibin 3U3171 Hangzhou-Mianyang 3U8169 Hangzhou-Lanzhou

  3U8815 Hangzhou-Tianjin 3U8916 Hangzhou-Tianfu 3U3163 Hangzhou-Chongqing 3U3173 Hangzhou-Luzhou

  3U8775 Hangzhou-Chongqing 3U8912 Hangzhou-Chengdu 3U8915 Chengdu-Hangzhou 3U8920 Hangzhou-Chengdu

  3U8529 Hangzhou-Kunming 3U8581 Hangzhou-Harbin

  Capital Airlines

  JD5397 Hangzhou-Nanning JD5693 Hangzhou-Guiyang JD5843 Hangzhou-Urumqi JD5711 Hangzhou-Qingdao

  JD5689 Hangzhou-Yichang JD5377 Hangzhou-Harbin JD5191 Hangzhou-Lijiang JD5279 Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang

  JD5206 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an JD5787 Hangzhou-Xishuangbanna JD5688 Hangzhou-Haikou JD5164 Hangzhou-Sanya

  JD5157 Hangzhou-Kunming JD5270 Hangzhou-Guangzhou JD5358 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing JD5695 Hangzhou-Chongqing

  JD5302 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an JD5136 Hangzhou-Sanya JD5205 Xi ‘an-Hangzhou JD5712 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  JD5398 Nanning-Hangzhou JD5694 Guiyang-Hangzhou JD5163 Sanya-Hangzhou JD5378 Harbin-Hangzhou

  JD5690 Yichang-Hangzhou JD5687 Haikou-Hangzhou JD5269 Guangzhou-Hangzhou SC4645 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  Spring airlines

  9C8555/6 Shijiazhuang-Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang

  Shandong airlines

  SC4645 Qingdao-Hangzhou SC4645 Hangzhou-Guilin SC4089 Urumqi-Hangzhou

   SC4089 Hangzhou-Xiamen SC8837 Xiamen-Hangzhou SC8838 Hangzhou-Hangzhou

  SC8795 Xiamen-Hangzhou SC8795 Hangzhou-Dalian SC4773 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  SC4774 Hangzhou-Dalian SC4995 Zhuhai-Hangzhou SC4996 Hangzhou-Zhuhai SC8796 Dalian-Hangzhou

  SC8796 Hangzhou-Xiamen SC4871 Yantai-Hangzhou SC4872 Hangzhou-Yantai SC4791 Jinan-Hangzhou

  SC4792 Hangzhou-Jinan SC4646 Guilin-Hangzhou SC4646 Hangzhou-Qingdao SC1173 Xiamen-Hangzhou

  SC1174 Hangzhou-Xiamen

  China International Airlines

  CA1722 Guangzhou-Hangzhou CA1720 Guangzhou-Hangzhou CA1786 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou CA8360 Erdos-Hangzhou

  CA8353 Hangzhou-Jieyang CA1787 Hangzhou-Weihai-Harbin CA1767 Hangzhou-Lanzhou CA1769 Hangzhou-Wanzhou

  CA8339 Hangzhou-Chengdu Tianfu CA1701 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1719 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  CA1741 Hangzhou-Chengdu Shuangliu CA1775 Hangzhou-Yinchuan CA1731 Hangzhou-Shenzhen CA1751 Hangzhou-Kunming

  CA8357 Hangzhou-Tianjin CA1777 Hangzhou-Nanning CA1703 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1773 Hangzhou-Guangyuan

  CA8683 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1771 Hangzhou-Tianjin CA1795 Hangzhou-Linfen CA1909 Hangzhou-Xining

  CA1711 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1749 Hangzhou-Guiyang CA1907 Hangzhou-Changchun CA1747 Hangzhou-Liupanshui

  CA8681 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1903 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an CA1721 Hangzhou-Guangzhou CA1733 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  CA8359 Hangzhou-Ordos CA8367 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1785 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  CA1702 Beijing Capital-Hangzhou CA8368 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou CA8354 Jieyang-Hangzhou CA1734 Shenzhen-Hangzhou

  CA1732 Shenzhen-Hangzhou CA8358 Tianjin-Hangzhou CA1772 Tianjin-Hangzhou CA1566 Hangzhou-Beijing Capital

  Eastern airlines

  MU9042 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an, MU5671 Hangzhou-Qingdao-Yanji, MU5131 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5655 Hangzhou-Kunming,

  MU5593 Hangzhou-Jinan, MU9603 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU6111 Hangzhou-Tianfu, MU5211 Hangzhou-Baiyun,

  MU5655 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU5537 Hangzhou-Guilin, MU5194 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5381 Hangzhou-Yantai-Jiamusi,

  MU2292 Hangzhou-Xinyang-Xi ‘an, MU5236 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU5215 Hangzhou-Guangzhou, MU6172 Hangzhou-Shuangliu,

  MU2445 Hangzhou-Lanzhou, MU5583 Hangzhou-Wuhan, MU5132 Daxing-Hangzhou-Guangzhou, MU2668 Hangzhou-Xiamen,

  MU5457 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5547 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU2375 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an-Golmud, MU5148 Hangzhou-Daxing,

  MU9886 Hangzhou-Changde-Tianfu, MU5645 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU5538 Guilin-Hangzhou-Qingdao,

  MU5485 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU5242 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU2382 Hangzhou-Qingdao, MU5496 Hangzhou-Shuangliu,

  MU2380 Hangzhou-Xianyang, MU5495 Shuangliu-Hangzhou, MU2667 Xiamen-Hangzhou, MU6171 Chengdu Shuangliu-Hangzhou,

  MU5193 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou, MU2379, Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU2381 Qingdao-Hangzhou,

  MU5538 Guilin-Hangzhou-Qingdao, MU5537 Qingdao-Hangzhou-Guilin, MU5241 Taiyuan-Hangzhou, MU5235 Taiyuan-Hangzhou,

  MU5216 Guangzhou-Hangzhou, MU2446 Lanzhou-Hangzhou, MU5584 Wuhan-Hangzhou, MU5672 Yanji-Qingdao-Hangzhou,

  MU6112 Chengdu Tianfu-Hangzhou, MU5212 Guangzhou-Hangzhou, MU5132 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou, MU9604 Taiyuan-Hangzhou,

  MU5594 Jinan-Hangzhou, MU9041 Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU6482 Kunming-Hangzhou, MU5147 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou,

  MU2270 Golmud-Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU2291 Xi ‘an-Xinyang-Hangzhou, MU9885 Chengdu Tianfu-Changde-Hangzhou.

  Auspicious aviation

  HO1805 Hangzhou-Huizhou

  Hainan Airlines

  HU7421 Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang HU7398 Hangzhou-Shenzhen HU7483 Hangzhou-Tongliao HU7262 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  HU7378 Hangzhou-Beijing capital HU7467 Hangzhou-Zhuhai HU7453 Hangzhou-Nanyang HU7445 Hangzhou-Taiyuan

  HU7423 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou HU7054 Hangzhou-Haikou HU7497 Hangzhou-Chongqing HU7422 Shijiazhuang-Hangzhou

  HU7261 Guangzhou-Hangzhou HU7468 Zhuhai-Hangzhou HU7454 Nanyang-Hangzhou HU7484 Tongliao-Hangzhou

  Changlong aviation

  GJ8525 Hangzhou-Yulin GJ8801 Hangzhou-Huaihua GJ8737 Hangzhou-Shenzhen GJ8013 Hangzhou-Qinhuangdao

  GJ8825 Hangzhou-Yantai GJ8823 Hangzhou-Bijie-Xishuangbanna GJ8559 Hangzhou-fairy mountain

  GJ8839 Hangzhou-Quanzhou GJ8781 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou GJ8647 Hangzhou-Qingdao GJ8677 Hangzhou-Linyi

  GJ8617 Hangzhou-Linyi GJ8691 Hangzhou-Chongqing GJ8849 Hangzhou-Harbin GJ8751 Hangzhou-Wuhan

  GJ8117 Hangzhou-Wenzhou GJ8835 Hangzhou-Enshi GJ8919 Hangzhou-Changchun GJ8817 Hangzhou-Wuhan

  GJ8811 Hangzhou-Zunyi GJ8773 Hangzhou-Dalian GJ8775 Hangzhou-Yinchuan GJ8801 Hangzhou-Huaihua-Lijiang

  GJ8606 Kunming-Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8648 Qingdao-Hangzhou GJ8118 Wenzhou-Hangzhou GJ8586 Wenzhou-Hangzhou

  GJ8559 fairy mountain-Chengdu GJ8526 Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8606 Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8919 Changchun-Baishan

  GJ8811 Zunyi-Lijiang

  Tianjin Airlines

  GS6581 Chongqing-Hangzhou GS6582 Hangzhou-Chongqing GS6507 Hangzhou-Chengdu GS6508 Chengdu-Hangzhou

  GS7853 Tianjin-Hangzhou GS7854 Hangzhou-Tianjin GS7521 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou GS7522 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  GS6607 Qingdao-Hangzhou GS6608 Hangzhou-Qingdao GS6589 Chongqing-Hangzhou GS6590 Hangzhou-Chongqing

  Shenzhen airlines

  ZH9873 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9874 Hangzhou-Shenzhen ZH9881 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9882 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  ZH8151 Yuncheng-Hangzhou ZH8152 Hangzhou-Yuncheng ZH9981 Guangzhou-Hangzhou ZH9982 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  ZH9875 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9876 Hangzhou-Shenzhen ZH9883 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9884 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  Tibet Airlines

  TV9868 Hangzhou-Dazhou-Lhasa TV6027 Xi’ an-Hangzhou TV6028 Hangzhou-Xi’ an

  transmile air services

  Y87557/8 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou-Zhengzhou Y87523/4 Shenzhen-Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  Xiamen airlines

  MF8383 Hangzhou-Shenzhen MF8229 Hangzhou-Changsha MF8805 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8941 Hangzhou-Xiamen

  MF8037 Hangzhou-Harbin MF8423 Hangzhou-Chengdu Tianfu MF8532 Hangzhou-Xiamen MF8289 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an

  MF8961 Hangzhou-Hohhot MF8865 Hangzhou-Jining MF8902 Hangzhou-Quanzhou MF8493 Hangzhou-Guiyang

  MF8407 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8381 Hangzhou-Guangzhou MF8345 Hangzhou-Shenzhen MF8243 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  MF8485 Hangzhou-Wuhan MF8415 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8477 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8465 Hangzhou-Guiyang

  MF8387 Hangzhou-Wuhan MF8533 Hangzhou-Qingdao MF8049 Hangzhou-Shenyang MF8123 Hangzhou-Hohhot

  MF8175 Hangzhou-Tianjin MF8149 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing MF8719 Hangzhou-Macau MF8173 Hangzhou-Taiyuan

  MF8942 Xiamen-Hangzhou MF8088 Shenyang-Hangzhou MF8176 Tianjin-Hangzhou MF8388 Wuhan-Hangzhou

  MF8534 Qingdao-Hangzhou MF8466 Guiyang-Hangzhou MF8124 Hohhot-Hangzhou

  MF8150 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou MF8720 Macau-Hangzhou MF8174 Taiyuan-Hangzhou KY

  Xiangpeng aviation

  8L9561/2 Kunming-Ganzhou-Hangzhou round trip

  Urumqi Airlines

  UQ3611/2 Urumqi-Hanzhong-Hangzhou round trip

  air macau co, ltd

  NX226/5 Macau-Hangzhou round trip


  KL831/2 Amsterdam-Hangzhou round trip

  (CCTV reporter Yu Chen)

The game "rental number" bypasses the real-name authentication. There are still loopholes in the anti-addiction system for minors.

  The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the children on holiday are grasping to enjoy the relaxed and rare extracurricular time. However, children who are addicted to mobile games are staring at the electronic screen and have the idea of "bypassing" the game anti-addiction system by renting an account.

  The reporter’s investigation found that there are a large number of game account rental platforms active on the Internet. The reporter personally found that although some platforms have set up a "real name authentication" link to prohibit minors from placing orders, most platforms can still easily rent accounts in the form of "over-the-counter transactions" and make the "anti-addiction system" of game manufacturers useless.

  Children rent a game account to bypass "anti-addiction"

  "Obviously, this game has long restrictions on minors. Why can children still play with their mobile phones for an afternoon?" Recently, Mr. Hu, a citizen, found that his son, who was in the fourth grade of primary school, always stayed at home to play the glory of the king when his parents were away. What surprised Mr. Hu even more was that his son’s game account actually reached the level of "34 stars of the strongest king" and also had many expensive game skins.

  "This is outrageous!" Mr. Hu, who is engaged in the IT industry, is very confused, but his son tells the truth: under the introduction of his classmates, he found a game rental platform to rent a game account. "In addition to the glory of the king, you can also rent accounts of popular games such as Voyager Hot Blood Route, Call of Duty and Naruto."

  Mr. Hu told reporters that, taking the "Rent X Cool" game rental platform as an example, different the glory of the king accounts have different rental prices according to the number of heroes, the number of skins and the number of segments. "Cheap bronze trumpet 7 cents an hour, high-end king account in 5 yuan to 15 yuan. It costs more than ten yuan to play in one afternoon. Parents think that children are the cost of ordinary snacks, which is difficult to detect. "

  The reporter noted that on August 4, Tencent updated the health system rules in order to further strengthen the protection of minors. Among them, underage users of the glory of the king are forbidden to play from 22: 00 to 8: 00 the next day, and are limited to 2 hours a day on national legal holidays, and 1 hour a day at other times.

  However, the practice of renting the game number directly makes the manufacturer’s game anti-addiction system a decoration.

  The unlicensed reporter’s rental number is still "green light all the way"

  In the investigation, the reporter found that the mainstream game rental platforms on the market are mainly divided into two categories: one is operated by an enterprise, and the platform has a complete APP end and a webpage end, and users can place orders directly on the platform. Take the "Rent X Play" game rental platform as an example. The platform claims that it has more than 50 million registered users and has a high-end game account worth more than 5 billion. The other is operated by small and medium-sized studios and individuals, mainly relying on e-commerce platforms to engage in transactions. In addition, some merchants use keys and other forms to bypass the platform and "pay in one hand and deliver in one hand" with users.

  On August 26th, the reporter went to the "Rent X Play" game rental platform. After entering from the webpage, the reporter saw that a large number of popular mobile game accounts such as the glory of the king, Peace Elite and QQ Speeder were being rented. Take the glory of the king as an example. The hourly rental price of a V9 account in QQ Apple Zone is 5.5 yuan, the daily rental price is 71 yuan, and the night package price from 10 pm to 7 am the next day is 25.6 yuan. However, when the reporter placed an order, the website popped up a "real name authentication" page, asking the reporter to enter his name and ID number, and said that minors were not allowed to place an order.

  To bypass this certification, you only need to go to Taobao to find a merchant to rent one. Under the guidance of a minor, the reporter successfully contacted a seller. The seller said that the game account can be rented at least 2 hours, and players can trade directly in the form of red envelopes without taking any goods.

  After selecting the corresponding game account and paying the red envelope, the reporter successfully obtained the login key of a registrar APP, and successfully logged into the glory of the king with someone else’s account.

  Game "Rent Number" Exposes Real Name Regulatory Vulnerability

  In recent years, China has continuously increased the regulatory measures to prevent minors from indulging in games. On October 25, 2019, the State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Preventing Minors from Indulging in Online Games, which put forward clear requirements for implementing the real-name system for accounts, strictly controlling the time and duration of minors’ games, and the content of paid services for minors. On June 1, the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, which was officially implemented, clearly stated that online service providers such as online games should set up corresponding functions such as time management, authority management and consumption management for minors to use their services.

  Game makers have also technically strengthened anti-addiction measures for minors. On July 5th, Tencent Health System officially launched the "Zero Cruise" function on the basis of "no play, no charge and no curfew" for minors whose real names have been registered, which is mainly used for face screening for accounts whose night games have exceeded a certain period of time and whose real names are adults. Netease also upgraded the anti-addiction measures for minors this summer, combined with big data and artificial intelligence to identify minors’ fraudulent use of adult accounts, and intervened in advance for minors who were irrational in consumption.

  However, the large-scale adult game account rental industry chain makes the minor game "anti-addiction" ineffective. A person in the game industry told reporters that identity recognition is the key to the implementation of the game anti-addiction system. This means that once a minor enters the game by renting an adult’s real-name authenticated game account, it will be difficult for the anti-addiction system to comprehensively supervise it. "Even if someone’s face is screened, it is still a leak."

  As for the behavior of renting game numbers, the reporter noticed that many game companies such as Tencent, Ali, Netease and sogou all emphasized in the User Agreement of their games that it is forbidden to sell, rent, transfer or share game accounts with others without the permission of the company. Tencent also recently sued more than a dozen third-party game trading platforms, such as Taobao Mobile Games, DD373 and 5173, and demanded to stop trading. For all relevant departments, in order to prevent minors from indulging in online games, it is also necessary to fill in obvious regulatory loopholes such as "rental number" and increase penalties for illegal network operators to form a deterrent effect. (Reporter Yuan Lu)

The regulations on handling special circumstances of physical education examinations in primary and secondary schools in Beijing have come.

  Physical education and health assessment of compulsory education in Beijing includes process assessment and on-site examination, with a total score of 70 points, which is included in the total score of senior high school entrance examination. Among them, 40 points for process assessment and 30 points for on-site examination.

  What are the special candidates in the process assessment? What kinds of candidates can be exempted or postponed during the on-site examination? Let’s take a look!

  Appraisal object

  Students in grades four, six and eight.

  On the basis of carrying out the national students’ physical health test for all students in primary and secondary schools every year, the test results of grades 4, 6 and 8 are included in the senior high school entrance examination.

  Process assessment of special candidates

  1. Disabled candidates

  Candidates who lose their athletic ability due to disability shall go through the relevant formalities with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card (and keep it in the student file). Those who have not applied for disability certificates shall be evaluated according to the assessment requirements of normal candidates; After the disability certificate is provided, the students’ physical health test will be recorded according to full marks from the school year in which the certificate is provided. Physical education and health knowledge assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the policy requirements of ordinary students.

  Students who have no disability certificate and apply for exemption from physical education are treated according to the regulations of exemption from physical education due to injury and illness.

  Encourage disabled students to carry out daily physical exercise under professional guidance.

  2. Injured and sick pupils

  Students who can’t take the physical fitness test due to injury or illness must apply for make-up test and go through the formalities within the prescribed time in each district. After the completion of the make-up test, score according to the results of the make-up test. For those who have gone through the relevant procedures, but can’t complete the make-up test within the time specified by each district, the scores of students’ physical health test in that year are 0-mdash; 59.9 Score according to the grading standard (5.5 points); If you don’t go through the formalities, your score will be 0. Physical education and health knowledge assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the policy requirements of ordinary students.

  3. Students from other cities returning to Beijing

  From the date of returning to Beijing to study (after completing the transfer of student status), it will be implemented in accordance with the Beijing compulsory education sports and health assessment policy. Those who did not participate in the process assessment before this will not be retaken, and their missing process assessment results will be identified in the following ways:

  First, the education administrative department at or above the prefecture level where the original school is located has organized the students’ physical health test and physical education and health knowledge test in a unified way, and the education administrative department at the prefecture level has issued a test report card with official seal, and after returning to Beijing, it will identify the missing process assessment results of the candidates with reference to the corresponding standards;

  Second, the education administrative department at or above the prefecture level where the original school is located has not organized relevant tests in a unified way, and its missing process assessment results are converted in proportion to the results of the ninth grade on-site physical education examination.

  4. Other circumstances

  If the process assessment results are incomplete at the time of graduation, the missing process assessment results will be converted in proportion through the results of the ninth grade on-site physical education examination.

  Appraisal object

  Ninth grade students.

  Special candidates for on-site examination

  1. Candidates who are exempt from the exam

  The first category:Candidates who are unable to take the physical examination due to disability and loss of athletic ability shall, with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card, go through the relevant formalities as required, and the on-site examination shall be recorded with full marks.

  The second category:Candidates who are not suitable for strenuous exercise due to illness and are exempted from studying in physical education class for a long time cannot take the on-site examination, and the results of the on-site examination shall be recorded according to 60% of the total score (30 points).

  The third category:Candidates who are unable to take the on-site examination due to temporary injury or illness will be recorded with 60% of the total score (30 points).

  Candidates who are exempt from the examination are required to fill out the Application Form for Exemption from the Beijing Junior High School Academic Level Examination of Physical Education and Health Discipline. After being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school conduct a preliminary examination, they shall be submitted to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval.

  2. Deferred examination

  If you can’t take the on-site exam at the specified time, you can apply for a postponement. Candidates who have postponed the exam should go through the formalities before entering the examination room; After the candidates enter the examination room, they are generally not allowed to apply for deferred examination. The requirements for deferred examination procedures are as follows:

  First, the special physiological period of girls.Candidates who have postponed the examination fill out the Application Form for Beijing Junior Middle School Academic Level Examination of Physical Education and Health Discipline, and after being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school make a preliminary examination, they will be reported to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval.

  Second, candidates are temporarily injured.Candidates who have postponed the examination must issue a diagnosis certificate from the medical department of Grade II A or above, fill in the Application Form for Deferred Examination of Physical Education and Health in Beijing Junior High School Level Examination, and report it to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval after being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school for preliminary examination.

  All districts should focus on organizing the delayed examination within 7 days after the end of the unified examination in this district, and implement it in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the unified examination. Candidates who can’t take the delayed exam within the specified time shall be treated as class III candidates who are exempt from the exam.

  All districts should strictly implement the provisions on exemption from and deferment of exams.

  3. Other circumstances

  Candidates who have only participated in some items of the on-site examination will have valid scores in the items they have already participated in, and the scores of the items they have not participated in will be recorded according to 60% of the full score of the item.

  On September 1, 2021, students in different grades had different total scores in the physical education examination when they graduated from the ninth grade. Therefore, the conversion formula of candidates’ missing grades was uniformly announced when students attended the ninth grade.

  Note: This program will be implemented from the students who entered the ninth grade on September 1, 2023.

  (CCTV reporter Pan Hongxu)

China Ping-Pong training special Timmy Xu Duan Bowen crazy "involution"

1905 movie network news On January 9th, the Spring Festival movie starring, directed by and starring Deng Chao,,,,,, and so on released a special training program for actors, showing the crazy "involution" training performed by the whole crew in pursuit of being more suitable for table tennis players. Eight months of technical training before shooting, and the "battle for the table" all the time between shooting, let the actors realize the transformation from "zero foundation" to the affirmation of the prototype. During filming, Cai Zhenhua, Ma Wenge, Ding Song, Kong Linghui and other prototypes who were present to watch all gave good comments on the training achievements of actors, which added a solid and reliable reason for the film to see during the Spring Festival.

"Rookie" is going to play table tennis player? After more than eight months of training, the whole group practiced the ball "in-roll"

On January 9th, the film "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Counter-Strike" released a special feature of actor training, which showed the behind-the-scenes training process of the whole group of actors who were striving for perfection and sweating profusely. At the beginning of the creation, the two directors made it clear that they should use professional actors instead of athletes to interpret their roles: "Because actors have stronger ability to express their emotions, but at the same time their problem is that they have no foundation in playing ball." It is not easy for an actor to really play a good table tennis player. Even the prototype Cai Zhenhua admits: "It must be very difficult for an actor to play a professional table tennis player." Playing table tennis players is full of challenges, not to mention that all the actors who just joined the group are "table tennis whites". What should we do? Practice hard!

According to Cai Zhenhua, "table tennis is a very delicate technique. It is not just an action. Every cricket is in place." Technical control is the key to the pursuit of perfect performance. For this reason, the crew invited many top table tennis directors and athletes in China to train the prototype technical essentials for the actors, and made training plans every day to pay close attention to the details of the movements. Ma Wenge, one of the prototypes, personally took the technical guidance of the film table tennis and took charge of the control. Director Yu Baimei revealed: "We have a special table tennis instructor, and we will tell the actors accurately every day that the ball is a twist and what the rotation of the ball should be." Actor Ding Guansen also said: "In addition to practicing some basic skills and basic movements, actors should also make your movements look like prototypes and train to play with the starting point of the prototype."

In addition to overcoming technical problems, a lot of training is indispensable. As early as before the film started shooting, the director organized the actors to carry out table tennis training for eight months, and even practiced in the crew to start the "devil involution." Yu Baimei also said: "Later, it became more and more fierce, and finally it became an’ enemy’. Why? Because every day you hold back to surpass others. For example, Ding Guansen and Sun Jilun couldn’t beat others at first. During the training competition, they were no match for others and were very bullied. Then two people practice by themselves, even feeling that it is not for our film, but for personal honor! The’ Five Tigers’ will begin to roll in after practicing for a while by themselves every day. In addition to technology, actors also began to study new equipment, because different equipment brings different effects, which is very fascinating and interesting. "

For the obsession and love of table tennis! The actor was greatly affirmed by prototypes such as Cai Zhenhua and Kong Linghui.

"Only those who really have obsession and love for table tennis can do things related to table tennis well!" From taking on a strange role to getting in touch with the prototype, understanding their stories and getting familiar with their ways of playing, and finally forming a cohesive group, the actors are also inspired to have a real love for table tennis in this process. Timmy Xu said: "If you really like to do something, you will definitely do it well." Duan Bowen and Cai Yida both said, "Why do we train so hard? Because of love. "

The actors’ earnest and unambiguous training attitude, and their striving for perfection have interpreted the self-requirements of table tennis players, and won the support and praise of many film prototypes. Cai Zhenhua affirmed: "The performance in the plot is very good, and it is very difficult to play this part." Wang Tao, who watched the film in advance, especially praised Duan Bowen, who plays himself: "He can find the expression and eyes I have on the court." Ding Song also praised the actors: "It’s already very similar, ok." Kong Linghui even expressed surprise: "Those actors play ball much better than I expected!" Ma Wenge, as the technical director of table tennis in this film, also "highly affirmed" Timmy Xu: "It’s a bit what I meant then."

When Deng Chao recalled the encouragement of the prototypes, he was also deeply moved: "Our prototypes went to the scene to visit the class. They were very shocked to see the actors playing ball, as if they had crossed." Yu Baimei also said, "I hope that after this movie is made, some people will like table tennis because of this movie." Table tennis, as a national sport, has become a brand of the times for generations of people, and the movie "China Table Tennis Fight Back" has also become the most suitable movie for the whole family to watch together during the Spring Festival. This tortuous and brilliant story in the film is destined to bring more encouragement to the audience in the new year!

The film "China Ping-Pong’s Jedi Fight Back" is based on the real history, directed by Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, and starring Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu, Duan Bowen, Cai Yida, Ding Guansen, Sun Jilun and Aruna. The film will be released nationwide on the first day of New Year’s Day in 2023, so stay tuned.

The specific meaning of the culture of "Oriental Sinology Originality"

The word "culture" is familiar to everyone, and everyone likes to label something as "culture", ranging from classical culture, modern culture, western culture and Asian culture to chopsticks culture, toilet culture and costume culture in daily life. So what is "culture"?

According to the search results displayed by Baidu Encyclopedia, the meaning of "culture" can be explained from at least three levels. First, from the perspective of western philosophy, culture is the expression of philosophical thoughts. Second, from the perspective of China’s philosophy, "Wen" and "Hua" first appeared together in the Book of Changes, Ben Gua and Bi Zhuan-"Rigid and flexible, astronomical; Civilization stops, so does humanity. It’s about astronomy to observe the changes of time, and it’s about humanities to turn into the world. " In this sentence, there is a clear distinction between "astronomy" and "humanism", in which "astronomy" refers to nature, while "humanism" refers to the spirit related to human life. In China’s traditional discourse system, the meaning of "culture" is mostly derived from it.

Third, on the level of social anthropology, culture in a broad sense is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical practice; The narrow sense of culture is the explanation put forward by British culturist Taylor in his book Primitive Culture, that is, culture is a complex whole including knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and the abilities and habits acquired by anyone as a member of society.

However, on the whole, I personally think that "culture" is a comprehensive summary of all beings with beautiful characteristics. Because judging from the emergence of "culture" and its relationship with human social life, the greatest influence of "culture" on people lies in letting people know beauty, know beauty and inherit beauty. Throughout ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the existence that can be called "culture" can basically give people beautiful impressions or feelings, such as poetry culture, from which readers can feel the beauty of language and rhythm, while clothing culture can make people feel the beauty of design and human body. At the same time, "beauty" is actually the dominant factor in the integration, guidance, order maintenance and inheritance of "culture". In addition, in a narrow sense, "culture" ultimately leads to "beauty of human nature". Why do we often refer to a person as a "literate person" instead of others? In essence, it is because this person gives others the impression that they understand beauty, kindness and elegance. We often say that we should inherit the traditional culture of China, but what we inherit is the beauty of China tradition. Where is the beauty? Beauty lies in the life of mutual respect, love for life and free choice among people.

Author: Shi Ying

Is Red Desert really coming? Take stock of the open world multiplayer game that will be launched in 2023.

The most popular label in today’s game world is "open world". As long as a game is labeled with the open world, the level of the whole game can be improved a lot. Of course, there are also many players who are very fond of open-world games. In 2023, there will also be many open-world games online. In this article, we will take stock of those open-world multiplayer games that will be launched in 2023.

Red desert

When it comes to PearlAbyss, a Korean game company, some players may be a little strange. If you mention the action tour "Black Desert" developed by PearlAbyss, I believe many people have heard of it. After the success of Black Desert, PearlAbyss started the development of new games, and the most anticipated one was Red Desert.

"Red Desert" is an epic fantasy MMORPG, which describes the vast mercenaries who fought for survival in the mainland. The game has realistic game characters, and it was developed by Zheng Huanqing, the development director, and the Li Chengyu action designer who was in charge of the action of C9. The game has been developed since the second half of 2018 and is the next generation flagship MMORPG of PearlAbyss.

"Red Desert" combines narrative-driven single-player game and multiplayer game factors, and describes the vast battle waged by mercenaries in Paiyue mainland for survival. Using the new next-generation engine launched by the studio, this game will provide high-fidelity image quality and game functions, as well as an immersive game experience.

More interestingly, the game positioning of "Red Desert" was MMO online game at first, and then changed to a mode similar to "GTA5" at the end of 2020. The ontology is a stand-alone game. After customs clearance, you can choose to play online mode, and you want to speed up the game online in this way. In the latest financial report, PearlAbyss said that "Red Desert" aims to be developed within 2023. At the same time, it also said that the multiplayer game version of Red Desert will be imported after the plan.

In a sense, the behavior of skipping tickets makes the game keep its original taste. Players can also play MMORPG’s "Red Desert", which is a mistake.

Dune: Awakening

There should be many players who still remember the previously released sci-fi blockbuster "Dune". Now the Dune IP game Dune: Awakening will be launched in 2023 to meet with the majority of players.

Dune: Awakening combines the courage and creativity of survival games with the social interaction of large-scale persistent multiplayer games, creating a unique and ambitious online game for survival in the open world. The player’s journey begins on the planet Ares, alone on the most deadly planet in the universe. Follow the story in the game through the whole sand dune, and you will meet people in movies and books.

Dune: Awakening vividly reproduces the epic scenery of Alex. Explore deep canyons full of caves, ancient underground ecological laboratories, endless undulating dunes, and other places. Stroll in the bustling village, and then bravely enter the lawless and ever-changing desert, where robbers can easily find their prey.

Players can create their own bases and choose each one from a series of different styles of buildings. Look for hard rocks away from roaming sand worms and set up temporary outposts for your interests outside the shield wall. You can also build weapons, armor, vehicles, accessories, modified parts, etc., hone your own production skills and get the rarest schematic diagram.

《Once Human》

"Once Human" is an MMO game with the theme of open world and new tales of mystery survival sandbox developed by Starry Studio and Netease. The game is expected to be in the fourth quarter of 2023.

Once Human’s story is set in a post-apocalyptic world with the collapse of human civilization. The world suddenly opened the door of silver one day, and then disaster came to the world. The "stardust" from the universe has polluted the creatures on the earth and the vast majority of land, and countless creatures have become distorted bodies. At the same time, the power of the Silver Gate also attracted the existence of "superiors" from the ectopic surface to the planet …

In the game, the developer highly purifies his understanding of the new tales of mystery, and embeds it as a visual symbol in every corner of Once Human-frightening Cthulhu-style monsters, big world scenes full of strangeness, and those supernatural and indescribable game atmospheres and designs, thus deducing a post-apocalyptic world that combines supernatural, futuristic science fiction and bizarre horror, and deepening the grotesque but beautiful artistic expression core of the game.

In addition to stunning artistic images, the plot of the game also plays an important role in shaping the "New tales of mystery". The original doomsday background story will be decrypted continuously during the player’s journey. With the plot eggs hidden by the development team in all parts of the world, players can feel those carefully thought-out stories in this strange doomsday world.

Hongxia Island

Hongxia Island is an open-world first-person cooperative shooting game, developed by Arkane Austin, the award-winning team that created Predation and Shame. "Hongxia Island" still brings Arkane’s well-crafted game world and immersive simulation game experience, bringing the studio’s signature gameplay to this plot-led action shooting game.

The game stage of "Hongxia Island" is an island town in Massachusetts. It was created by mistakes in scientific experiments, and the blood clan of Hongxia Island, who was born with psychic ability, blocked the sun and cut off the island from the outside world. Players and a few survivors are trapped on this island, and players need to face the evil vampire enemies who are trying to drain the town. You will be able to choose all kinds of heroes-each hero has the unique skills of the role to defeat the Blood Legion and their fanatical followers.

"Hongxia Island" perfectly combines single-player and multiplayer game options, supporting players to fight alone in the dark world, or to take risks in teams of up to four people. Teammates can try different hero configurations and combine their respective advantages to find innovative solutions to the blood clan catastrophe. You will collect a large number of special weapons and customize your characters with unique upgrades and skills to play a game style that suits you-whether it is a fierce gunfight, a stealth battle, or any other style that mixes the two.

Son of the forest

Players who like open-world survival games are certainly familiar with Forest. Of course, The Forest released in 2014 is an antique game. The sequel to the game "Son of the Forest" is also eagerly awaited by many players. Unfortunately, since its release in 2019, "Son of the Forest" has been bounced several times.

Now, after years of waiting, Son of the Forest has also announced that it will be released in February 2023, and the long-awaited players can finally continue their survival adventure.

In Son of the Forest, players are sent to an isolated island to find a missing billionaire, only to find themselves trapped in a purgatory occupied by cannibals. Players need to make tools and weapons, build houses and try their best to survive, whether alone or with friends.

In the game, players will be able to experience complete freedom, and players can explore the world in their own way. Decide for yourself what to do, where to go, and how to live best. No NPC will order you or assign you tasks that you don’t want to accomplish at all. You are the one who gives the orders, and your fate is up to you.

At the same time, on this isolated island, players need to fight against all kinds of mutant creatures. Some look just like human beings, while others are not from the mortal world. You need to bring pistols, axes, electric batons and other weapons to protect yourself and the people you care about.

Ark 2

Ark 2 is a sequel to the well-known open-world survival game Ark: Survival and Evolution. The game was officially released on TGA in 2020, and the first trailer of the game was released. In the trailer, Santiago, the game character played by Vin Diesel, took his daughter and took an adventure on the brand-new Alat planet (Arat).

Santiago, the legendary ARK hero, is played by Vindiesel ("Riddick"). When he seeks to protect his daughter Meeka (voiced by Auli ‘i Cravalo ("Moana")) from the ghosts of ancient times, he experiences an adventure that spans the times and longs for a new future.

Ark 2 tells the story that players suddenly wake up in a strange primitive world full of dinosaurs and humans vying for dominance. They must piece together the history of how you got there, team up with legendary heroes, and fight against the powerful dark forces trying to control the fate of all lives. Sit on the saddle and join ARK2′ s ultimate next-generation survival experience! In this sequel, every aspect of the Ark series has been rethought and redesigned.

In Ark 2, players will be able to experience revolutionary cross-platform modification. Fully stackable, user-created MODs for new creatures, items, game functions and maps are now distributed on all platforms and support modified unofficial servers!

Players can build their own weapons and tools from a series of different modules to customize their appearance and functions. Millions of possible combinations enable players to make their own unique equipment, and the selected specific materials will further affect the appearance of the goods. There are many resources to choose from in unique areas of the world.

Royalty and Freedom

For South Korea’s Ncsoft, domestic players are certainly no strangers. Although the glory of Ncsoft has disappeared in recent years, many new games will still be launched every year. Of course, Ncsoft will not give up trying to open the world. The previously released "Royalty and Freedom" has attracted the attention of many players.

The game "kingship and freedom" was originally named "Project TL". At first, Project TL was speculated by industry insiders and players as a next-generation IP game, and even guessed that the game name should be The Lineage.

But then, in February of this year, Ncsoft officially stated that the full name of Project TL was Royalty and Freedom, not The Lineage, and declared that Royalty and Freedom was not an IP work of Paradise, but a brand-new IP work.

According to the current public news, the professional system of "Kings and Freedoms" may be more like "Sword Spirit 2", and the professional system of players will be different according to the weapons used in their hands, and players can switch careers at any time by switching weapons in battle. In addition, the combat system in the game organically combines the map with the environment and the player. For example, the magic of lightning series becomes a range attack on rainy days. Therefore, from the copy to PVP, players need to constantly change their strategies.

Chronicle of Asda

As the first cooperation project between Netstone and Dragon Studio, The Chronicle of Asda will have a world view associated with the TV series The Chronicle of Asda. It is an MMORPG with various exploration elements such as changing clothes and eating according to day and night, weather and climate, and exploring new areas by building bridges with players.

At the same time, the Chronicle of Asda also has the action realized by various occupations, the team copy that needs strategy, and the political content among the three major forces.

It is reported that Netstone and Dragon Studio jointly hatched the IP of Asda Chronicle. Among them, Dragon Studio produced a TV series with the same name with related IP, while Netstone produced MMORPG with the same name with related IP. From the second season of Asda Chronicle, Netstone participated in the development of IP together with Fang Long Studio, the producer of TV series, and developed games based on an expanded world view together with the writers of TV series.

"Asda Chronicle" plans to launch a mobile game and PC platform in 2023 together with the second season of the TV series "Asda Chronicle".

The Battle of Plasia

The Battle of Prasia is a multi-platform (PC/ mobile game) large MMORPG developed by NEXON. In the Battle of Plasia, all players occupy camps or strongholds in "associations" (similar to guilds). However, there are dozens of strongholds in the Battle of Prasia with the same server, single channel and seamless map, and players can launch fierce battles for the purpose of occupying strongholds.

If the player leaves the stronghold occupied by the association, the war will start, and there is no time limit. Even in the space of buying and selling potions, there will be battles, and players can experience the war system with high freedom in the game. After the war breaks out, there will be a totem, the patron saint of "association", and the guardian and the attacker need to launch various strategies for victory.

"The Battle of Prasia" will be registered in advance on February 16th, and it is expected that Hanbok will be released in the first quarter.


Players who like to develop doomsday survival games should have many people looking forward to the game "Doomsday Catastrophe". This open-world survival game has attracted a lot of players’ attention since it was first made public. After all, this game combines many elements that can excite players, such as opening the world, survival, killing zombies, PVP confrontation and so on.

Unfortunately, this game has also bounced many times. Now the official has announced that the game will be released on March 2, 2023, and also disclosed the configuration requirements of the game. It should not bounce tickets again.

Armageddon is an open-world survival online game, set in the United States, which is full of pitfalls after the epidemic, where cannibal infected people are rampant and survivors kill them for food, weapons and vehicles. You wake up alone in an unrecognizable world and set out to find answers and resources for survival.

In The Day Before, infected people who become zombies and a few survivors will fight to the death for food, weapons and cars. The game is set in the United States, which is abandoned because of infectious diseases. In the game, players have to fight for survival. In the game, players can search abandoned cars, houses and high-rise buildings to find useful resources. However, in this process, we must not only defeat the infected people who hinder the search, but also defeat other players who are also looking for limited resources.

Blue Sea black sails

Ubisoft’s old players will definitely be familiar with Blue Sea black sails, a lifetime game. As early as 2018, Ubisoft released the game "Blue Sea black sails" and announced that it would be released in 2019. Then the game began to skip tickets, and even the online transmission project was cancelled.

I can’t remember the number of jumps in this game. This is not on January 29, 2023, and it was announced that the jump ticket will be launched in the next fiscal year (April this year-March next year).

Blue Sea black sails is a new game based on the naval battle of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. It is a pirate MMORPG game led by Singapore Studio and assisted by Chengdu Studio and German Studio. The game is set in the second golden age of pirates, and the player will be the captain to drive his own pirate ship. Accept contracts, collect resources, sail on the high seas and attack merchant ships to plunder property.

Every journey in the world of Blue Sea black sails is unique. Players can expand their empire by joining hands with other friends or players (up to 2 players) they meet at sea. In terms of additional challenges, players can enable PVP and try to challenge various leaders, powerful organizations, local forces and even hostile pirates in the game.

The same choice will affect the player’s journey, and the rise of pirate level will unlock new customization for the ship. There are many factions, pirate dens and hidden treasures in Blue Sea black sails for players to explore. When this work is launched, it will include 12 unique ships in 3 categories, and in the future, free activities, ships and weapons will be launched one after another.