"Instant Electronic Music" Zhang Yixing asked Feng Timo, and Shang Wenjie’s first gift was impeccable

"Instant Electronic Music"

This Saturday at 8 pm, produced by Tencent Video, Penguin Film and Television and Canxing Productions jointly created China’s first electronic music producer competition show "Instant Electronic Music" will broadcast the second episode. After the first episode of the program aired, topics such as "antifungal agent in the world" and "essential for staying up late to do homework" gradually heated up the public’s enthusiasm for electronic music. In this program, Feng Timo, who has been controversial after the program was exposed, was actually asked by Zhang Yixing at the scene? Not strong enough, "acting like a spoiled child" to get together, and the electronic music girl wearing "laser leather pants" gave Zhang Yixing a headache on the spot! Big Zhang Wei invited the producer to "reverse election" one after another, and the collision between the manager and the producer continued to escalate! More "breakout" highlights are about to be staged in the program.

Frequently encountered group Zhang Yixing fell into "choice difficulties", and Feng Timo’s ethereal interpretation of "Empty City" was questioned

Although Zhang Yixing has become more mature and stable in the music field in recent years with his own continuous efforts, it is obvious that after the professional and shocking surprise appearance of the electronic music producer in the first episode, in the second "Breakout Battle", his choice is increasingly difficult to "give up". In this episode, Zhang Yixing, who frequently encounters the producer combination, focuses on the recommendation standard of "1 + 1 means more possibilities", and therefore falls into "choice difficulties". In the show, Zhang Yixing "encountered" the "girls power" combination wearing leather pants, which made him in a dilemma between "coquetry" and "strength". What happened at the scene?

In addition, another gunpowder-smelling "collision" was Feng Timo, who has caused heated discussions among netizens before. With her sweet and lovely singing style, she is familiar to the public, and her previous music works have also achieved good results on major platforms. Recently, Feng Timo has begun to experiment with electronic music style, and the song "Glass Sugar" once made netizens take a different look at her transformation. However, on the stage of this program, Feng Timo sang "Empty City" ethereal on the spot, but it aroused doubts from many producers present, and they even "forcibly deducted the question". Zhang Yixing, who is not vague about the music, is even more "confused" Feng Timo, and gave a "just passable" evaluation. How will Feng Timo, who is controversial on and off the screen, resolve the embarrassment? All doubts will be solved this Saturday.

"Instant Electronic Music"

Da Zhangwei rarely invites producers to "reverse election", and the follow-up competition system of the show continues to be exposed

After the first episode of Shang Wenjie met Dani’s invitation to cooperate, Da Zhang Wei also directly threw out an "olive branch" in this episode, inviting several producers one after another to "counter-select" himself in the subsequent program. The operation of the two managers also made the follow-up competition system gradually clear. From "selected" to "selected", the roles of the manager and the producer "God’s perspective" were exchanged, and the follow-up points were looking forward to.

At the scene, what kind of performance made Da Zhang Wei couldn’t help but admire: "Truly moving music that can make people forget the’principle ‘" and praise the other party as "Tao Yuanming of the electronic sound"? What kind of wonderful, let him say bluntly, "I didn’t have much expectations, but after watching the performance, it was really a surprise"? The increasingly compact "breakout battle" continued to inspire the enthusiasm of the host. The concept of "feat" that the program has been promoting has gradually emerged through actual presentation, and more unexpected highlights are being staged!

Strict Shang Wenjie’s first gift is "impeccable", hard core "spice combination" electronic sound "soft landing"

In the second episode, the 18-year-old "Salt and Pepper Pineapple" played Launchpad with the light show. Many people were so cool by the young boy, but the host, Shang Wenjie, was completely unmoved.

However, when the "spice combination" that "shook" the stage came on stage, the hard-core European and American voices collided with Fan Xiaoxuan’s sweet and lazy "Your Sweet", and the "soft landing" and powerful performance instantly ignited the quiet and less talkative host Shang Wenjie, who couldn’t help but say "I like it very much, I like it very much"! Shang Wenjie, who has a unique understanding of music, encountered "musical confidant", and she was not hesitant to praise the atmosphere of the show, which made her give a "impeccable" high praise for the first time… The second episode of the show was full of surprises!

Electronic music is a kind of music that allows people to let go of all rules and troubles and immerse themselves in it. The second episode of the program "Ready for Broadcasting" was faced with multi-directional questions. How did Feng Timo respond. Da Zhang Wei invited "counter-selection" one after another on the spot. What kind of performance made him frequently burst "golden sentences"? What kind of wonderful performance made Shang Wenjie, who is strict about music, comment "impeccable"? The enthusiasm of the host and producer for electronic music continues to "heat up", and more exciting, so stay tuned for this Saturday night at 8 o’clock Tencent video "Instant Electronic Music"!

Media survey: Over 80% of netizens support the management of network anchors (Figure)

  On the 12th, the Ministry of Culture announced the 25th list of illegal Internet cultural activities, and nearly 17,000 network anchors were investigated. The number of illegal network anchors is so huge that it once again reflects the problems in the field of webcasting. From stars to ordinary people, more and more people join the ranks of network anchors. In order to attract more viewers, some network anchors even have no bottom line hype and show off pornography.

  According to a survey, over 80% of netizens support relevant state departments to guide and manage network anchors. Among them, 48.08% of the respondents think that the live broadcast of eating and sleeping by network anchors is "vulgar and unintelligible". Some public opinion analysts pointed out that network anchors may usher in a big reshuffle in the second half of this year.

  Some parents worry that their children will be affected.

  In January of this year, a pair of male and female anchors on the betta platform conducted pornographic live broadcasts, so the vulgarization of network anchors became the focus of public opinion. Weibo, a police officer including Jiangsu Cyber Police, criticized this phenomenon by name and pointed out that two anchors had been suspected of breaking the law.

  The survival of network anchors depends on the audience’s "reward" in the live broadcast. In order to attract more viewers, network anchors often go sideways, or speculate through verbal and physical cues, or live broadcast of boring behaviors such as eating and sleeping. This kind of soft pornography has brought high popularity and rich income, and network anchors have become more and more "willful".

  But public opinion has been quite worried about this. By searching for "webcast" through Baidu Index, in terms of crowd division, 12% of followers are teenagers under the age of 19. A parent in Guangzhou once told reporters: "Now students have a mobile phone, and they are really worried that their children will see the bad content of the anchor and have an impact on him."

  Some time ago, the "Men’s Subway Live Event" in Guangzhou was also criticized by public opinion, not only because the behavior of two men eating and drinking in the subway seriously disturbed public order, but also because their vulgar and "out of place" performance openly publicized a bad social habit. The voice of public opinion for rectifying the webcast platform is also getting higher and higher.

  The anchor is basically recognized but needs supervision.

  A few days ago, Questionnaires.com launched a survey about network anchors. The survey results show that over 70% of the respondents have some knowledge of the profession of network anchor, which shows that webcasting has become a phenomenon and is known to most people.

  However, when asked, "What do you think of the overnight fame of network anchors?", 31.73% of the respondents thought it was a reflection of social impetuous psychology. Some media have reported that the high income of webcasting can reach hundreds of thousands of yuan a month, and the anchor of game commentary can even get an annual salary of 10 million yuan. Under the temptation of interests, many network anchors flock to it.

  When asked, "What do you think of the influence of network anchor on the public and society?", half of the respondents still recognized the joy brought by anchor. Among them, 14.42% of the respondents think that webcasting broadens their horizons, and even 7.69% of the respondents think that webcasting has established people’s confidence and encouraged the diversified development of humanity and culture. It can be seen that network anchors are basically recognized, but they need supervision.

  In "Do you think it is necessary for relevant state departments to guide and manage the webcast industry?" In one question, a total of 82.69% of the respondents chose necessary. In addition, 65.38% of the respondents said that network anchors should spread positive energy.

  The network anchor had high hopes, and his versatility and good sense of camera are all pushing the development of the emerging industry of webcasting. Network anchors have gradually grown into an industry group, and "prohibition" is obviously not the best way.

  It is true that the cultural department cannot always audit and supervise every network anchor, but it can combine with other relevant departments to introduce corresponding punishment measures to shock the warning. At the same time, the live broadcast platform should fulfill its main responsibility, with sufficient content audit inspectors and strict technical monitoring measures, so as to find, track and identify in time and shut down illegal performances in time. As an anchor, you are also responsible for the live content. In this regard, some experts suggest that real-name registration system measures such as identity authentication should be implemented for network anchors, so that the source can be traced and the responsibility can be investigated.

  Nanfang Daily reporter Deng Qiang

What should some operators do if they start to reduce the frequency of 2G networks and still use 2G mobile phones?

  BEIJING, April 18 (Reporter Wu Tao) Recently, it was reported that China Unicom would close its 2G network. China Unicom issued an announcement in response, and is promoting the frequency reduction of 2G networks in an orderly manner. What is frequency reduction in 2G networks? Will it affect consumers and why?

  Multi-operators start network frequency reduction

  For the frequency reduction of 2G networks, the reporter consulted the three major operators respectively. China Unicom said,The frequency reduction of 2G network can’t be called closing 2G network, because users are still on 2G network, but there is a process of frequency reduction and slimming step by step..

  Some insiders who don’t want to be named said that the gradual frequency reduction of 2G is actually the gradual withdrawal of 2G from the network, and the complete disappearance of 2G base stations means that 2G is completely withdrawn from the network; At present, the three major operators are still in a state where 2G, 3G and 4G networks coexist.

  According to an insider of China Mobile,China Mobile has no plans to quit the network for 2G at present.. As of press time, China Telecom has no reply.

  However, Fu Liang, an independent telecom analyst, revealed in an interview with Zhongxin.com that in fact, all three major operators are doing network frequency reduction work, and China Unicom is still the latest; Among them, China Mobile is doing 3G network frequency reduction.

  Will consumers be affected?

  According to the data released by China Unicom, by the end of February, there were 289 million users in China Unicom, including 187 million 4G users. It is reported that China Unicom’s 2G users account for about 2% of its total users, which means that China Unicom has more than 500 million 2G users.

  Will these users be affected by the frequency reduction of 2G networks? China Unicom said that it willTake various preferential measures, such as replacing mobile phone cards for free, giving away experience traffic, and offering preferential purchase, to assist existing 2G customers to upgrade to 4G networks.In this process, the existing 2G customer service will not be affected.

  Xiang Ligang, an expert in communication industry, believes that the frequency reduction of the 2G network of China Unicom is not affected by the vast majority of consumers.

  Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for 2G users to have no impact at all. It can only be said that it is less affected. After frequency reduction, 2G network coverage may be insufficient in some places, "butFrequency reduction does not mean that the 2G network cannot be used, because there are still 2G base stations.. "

  The reporter noted that, despite the current 4G era, 2G or 3G networks still play a role. Some users said in an interview with Zhongxin.com, "I still feel that the existence of 2G networks is better becauseIn some places, there is no 4G network coverage. When passing through these places, the mobile phone will automatically switch to 3G or 2G networks, and there is still a process of connecting when using it, or it will be disconnected."

  Data Map: There are more and more 4G users. The picture shows Shenyang citizens using the 4G network to surf the Internet for free on the bus. China News Agency issued by Haiyang Photo

  Why do you want network frequency reduction?

  Since there are still users, why do you want to reduce the frequency of 2G networks?

  Fu Liang said that it turned out that2G network occupies some frequency bands, and some frequency bands are scarce, which can be said to be valuable resources. After reuse, it can be used in 4G network construction., which is conducive to improving network quality and network wide-area coverage.

  China Unicom also indicated that the bandwidth resources will be used for higher 4G networks and deployment.

  "In addition, with the decrease of 2G and 3G users, its network capacity is more and more surplus, and its base station and other facilities are increasingly uneconomical to invest in operation and maintenance, which is another reason." Fu Liang said.

  This is true. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the end of February, the number of mobile phone users of the three major operators reached 1.44 billion, of which the total number of 4G users reached 1.03 billion, and 4G users accounted for 71.6% of mobile phone users.

  However, the data of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also showed that as of the end of February,The total number of mobile broadband users (namely 3G and 4G users) reached 1.17 billion. This means that there are still 270 million 2G users, which is still a huge number..

  In view of this, Fu Liang believes that it is impossible for the three major operators to shut down the 2G network at once. Network frequency reduction is a gradual process, and 2G users do not have to worry too much.

  "It should also be pointed out that if the equipment used by 2G users supports WCDMA, even if China Unicom shuts down the 2G network, it will still have no impact on them." Fu Liang said. (End)

Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology: China deploys vaccine research and development according to five technical routes.

CCTV News:The State Council Information Office today (June 7) released the white paper "China Action against COVID-19 Epidemic" and held a press conference to introduce the white paper.

Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology, in response to a question from a reporter in Reuters, pointed out that since the outbreak of the epidemic, all countries have paid close attention to the vaccine problem. The white paper also includes the related contents of scientific and technological support against epidemic, such as how to combine scientific research such as drugs and vaccines with clinical first-line treatment practice, and how to use big data and artificial intelligence to support against epidemic. As far as the vaccine itself is concerned, judging from the understanding of human response to the epidemic in history, the vaccine is still the fundamental strategy for us to defeat COVID-19 virus at present. All countries put the development of vaccines in a very important position in the fight against COVID-19. But at the same time, we should also see that vaccine development is a very rigorous and complicated scientific activity, which is very difficult and has a long cycle. At the same time, because it is a scientific research, it also has great challenges and uncertainties. Some scientists compare the rigor of vaccine development to an accurately rehearsed dance, rather than an impromptu performance that can be displayed after the curtain is lifted. Therefore, safety, effectiveness and accessibility must be placed in a very important position in vaccine development. Vaccine development has played an important role in human history, but some vaccines have also gone through some detours.


Solar terms | Qingming liver is full of fire, and the sacrifice is less worrying.

On April 4th, this year, the eighth day of the third lunar month was Tomb-Sweeping Day. As far as TCM health care is concerned, Qingming Festival is an important period of health care in a year. After Tomb-Sweeping Day, everything stretches. Chinese medicine believes that people should be at four o’clock, and everything grows in spring, so does the body.

When everything grows, it is clean and bright, so it is called Qingming.The Paper reporter Wang Xiqing 

So what aspects should we pay attention to during the Qingming period? Zheng Min, deputy director of the Department of Endocrinology, Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave detailed answers to readers from the aspects of disease prevention, diet and daily life.

[Hou] When sweeping sacrifices for an outing,

"When I was 100 questions" said: "When everything grows, it is clean and bright, so it is called Qingming." Every Qingming, the climate is warm, the sun is shining, the willow is green and pink, and the vitality is infinite. It is the most refreshing solar term among the 24 solar terms. In the south of the Yangtze River, it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival. At this time, it is cloudy and sunny, and abundant water can meet the needs of crop growth.

In the history of China, Tomb-Sweeping Day Qi has its own particularity. The Cold Food Festival and Shangsi Festival were both around the Qingming Festival, and the three festivals gradually merged into one.

Shangsi Festival, commonly known as March 3, is rich in content, with customs of cleaning yourself, spring outing in the suburbs, and love between men and women. According to legend, March 3rd is the birthday of the Yellow Emperor. In the Central Plains, there is "February 2nd, the dragon rises; On March 3, I was born in Xuanyuan. In the ancient Shangsi Festival, people feasted at the water’s edge and had a spring outing in the countryside. Shangsi Festival is also the "Valentine’s Day" in China. At this time, it is the day when "a woman is in love with her, and a lucky girl will seduce her". On this day, young men and women go for a spring outing in the suburbs, and the government even encourages men and women to have sex and regard this day as a good day for matchmaking between heaven and earth. "Zhou Li. Media’s": "The mid-spring moon makes men and women meet, so when it comes, runners can’t help it." Later, on Shangsi Festival, sacrificial feasts and meandering water were added. At the beginning of late spring, Wang Xizhi, a book sage, gathered with friends in Lanting, and wrote the preface to Lanting, the world’s first running book.

The Cold Food Festival is also a day or two before Tomb-Sweeping Day, which is a custom formed by ancient people changing fire in spring. The ancestors drilled wood for fire, and the fire was hard to come by. Every early spring, when the weather is dry, people’s saved kindling is easy to cause fire, and spring thunder is also easy to cause mountain fires. At this time, the ancients put out all the kindling handed down from the previous year, and then drilled out a new fire in a few days, which is called "changing the fire" and "inviting a new fire".

In the days without fire, people can only live on cold food, that is, cold food. In the poem of Wei Zhuang, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, the phenomenon of forbidding fire in cold food and taking fire in Qingming is: "Thousands of snows bloom in cold food, and millions of cigarettes are produced in Qingming fire."

In addition to the prohibition of cold food by fire, cold food also has the custom of sweeping graves. People regard sweeping graves on the Cold Food Festival as a festival to return to the roots and pursue the religion with caution. Because Qingming is close to the Cold Food Festival, people often postpone sweeping graves until Qingming. In the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival and Tomb-Sweeping Day became one.

This season, there is not only the feeling of pursuing the distance carefully, but also the ecstasy of where will you go, the atmosphere of enjoying spring and the vivid scene of fresh and bright. Du Muyou, a Tang Dynasty poet, said, "It rains a lot during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask the local people where to buy wine and worry? The shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village. " The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival depicts the Qingming scene in the prosperous period of the Song Dynasty.

Step in the spring to prevent allergies

Zheng Min, deputy chief physician, reminded us that during the Qingming period, there may be cold in late spring, susceptible to cold, and at the same time, it will enter a rainy season. At this time, it is prone to dampness, and many bacteria and viruses have entered the breeding period, which is easy to spread various infectious diseases.

For the elderly and children with weak disease resistance, they should strengthen their health, benefit qi, dispel wind and dampness, strengthen their physique, pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental hygiene at the same time, wash their hands and change clothes frequently, often open windows and ventilate at home, and seldom go to public places to reduce the generation of germs, thus reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

Spring is closely related to the liver and wood in the five elements, and wood makes a fire, and fire is the heart, so this festival is easy for the heart to flourish. It is easy to induce hypertension when you are depressed and too angry. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases should pay attention to control their emotions, keep their emotions comfortable and prevent blood pressure from fluctuating too much.

Liver wood hurts gold, and gold is lung, so this solar term should also pay attention to prevention of respiratory diseases. During the Qingming Festival, spring blossoms, and the excessive accumulation of oily and polysaccharide substances in pollen into the human respiratory tract causes allergies. Therefore, for friends with allergies, special attention should be paid to staying away from pollen or preparing a mask for emergencies.

Qingming is a good time to go for an outing. Under the premise of fully considering one’s own illness and combining one’s hobbies, one should do what one can and make a reasonable choice. People who are less active need to do exercise according to their abilities and should not be too big. When the elderly are active, their heart rate should be controlled within 100 beats/min, and their breathing should be controlled within 24 beats/min. Young people can relax their requirements appropriately, and it is more suitable to choose hiking and jogging.

Patients with heart disease, hypertension, acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysema, nephritis, anemia, tuberculosis, fever, acute infection, and patients in the active stage of calculus should not engage in excessive exercise such as mountaineering, swimming and running.

After Tomb-Sweeping Day, the climate becomes warmer, which makes people feel physically and mentally tired and sleepy. This is called spring sleep. Here, before getting up every morning, we can insist on sitting for a few simple actions, which will not only help us to be energetic all day, improve work efficiency, but also help us to strengthen our physical fitness.

Rub your face: after opening your eyes in the morning, rub the "Yingxiang point" next to your nostrils with your middle fingers for several times at the same time, then rub it up to your forehead, then separate it to both sides, and rub it down along your cheeks until the cheeks meet. Rubbing face for 20 times can promote facial blood circulation, and increase the effects of facial skin on resisting cold, refreshing brain and preventing colds.

Play the brain: sit on the bed and press the palms of your hands against your ears respectively. Flipping the back of the skull with the index finger, middle finger and ring finger, 3~4 times every morning, can relieve fatigue, prevent dizziness and enhance hearing.

Shepherd’s purse can benefit the liver

Zheng Min, deputy chief physician, reminded that during the Qingming period, the kidney qi is getting weaker, the heart qi is getting stronger, the liver qi is flourishing, and the climate is rainy and humid. Therefore, Qingming should pay attention to the following points in its diet.

Qingming should not eat too much "fat" food, such as bamboo shoots and chicken. Bamboo shoots are cold, slippery and gas-consuming. "Materia Medica from the New" says: "People who eat more bamboo shoots will cause more diseases", that is, people who have a long illness will have more qi deficiency, and eating bamboo shoots will more easily damage their qi and induce disease attacks. Spring is the season of hyperactivity of liver-yang, and eating chicken is easy to move wind and help liver fire, which will easily lead to the recurrence of chronic hepatitis, hypertension and other diseases.

Qingming should eat more foods that soften the liver and nourish the lungs, such as shepherd’s purse, spinach and yam. Shepherd’s purse can benefit the liver and the middle energizer, spinach can benefit the five internal organs and promote blood circulation, and yam has the function of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung.

Qingming can take some proper nourishing products, such as tremella, which can moisten the lungs and produce fluid, nourish the yin and soften the liver. In the rising season of spring, taking tremella often can receive the effect of softening the liver and nourishing the lungs.

In addition, you can eat more leek, which is warm and rising in hair. It is a tonic in spring, which can increase the gastrointestinal peristalsis of human body, play the role of blood vessel scavenger, tonify liver and kidney and increase the body’s resistance, but it is not suitable for "warming up" or those who have accumulated fire and phlegm.

[Fang] Spring vegetables are used in medicinal diet.

The expert of medicinal diet in Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine recommended two kinds of medicinal diets suitable for spring.

Stir-fried mushroom with lily:

Ingredients: 50 grams of lily, 100 grams of celery, 30 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of mushrooms, and appropriate amount of auxiliary materials.

Practice: Wash the lily without removing the coating film, wash and slice the rest mushrooms, stir-fry the mushrooms in the oil pan first, then add auxiliary materials, appropriate amount of water and lily to cook slightly, and add seasoning to serve.

Efficacy: Lily is sweet and cold in nature, which can nourish yin and moisten lung, clear heart and soothe the nerves. It is used for chronic cough due to yin deficiency, blood in phlegm, vexation and fright, insomnia and dreaminess. This medicated diet lily is crystal-clean, delicious, and has the effects of resolving phlegm, moistening lung and enhancing immunity. Note that lily coating has pharmacological effects, so it is generally not necessary to undress, and it can be seasoned when cooking.

Malan mixed with wolfberry fruit:

Ingredients: 100 grams of Malantou, 5 to 10 grams of Lycium barbarum, and proper amount of seasoning.

Practice: After washing and blanching Malan leaves, squeeze them into cold boiled water and cut them into powder. The cold boiled water in the head of Lycium barbarum is slightly swollen for use. Add appropriate amount of salt, seasoning and sesame oil to the end of Malantou, and then sprinkle with Lycium barbarum.

Efficacy: red and green, fresh and sweet. Clearing heat and moistening skin, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. Spring in the south is the season when Malantou is listed. Using Lycium barbarum directly in cold salad can not only increase the color, but also protect the nutrients in Lycium barbarum from high temperature damage. This is a delicious and refreshing diet cold dish. Note that people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not use it more.

Love is no small matter! Why are we moved by these romantic films?

Special feature of 1905 film network I don’t know when, out of the pursuit of daily ritual, people began to create their own festivals by homophonic methods. As a result, on May 20, when the Civil Affairs Bureau was full, the flash brother also became a busy "escort".

Shopping, eating and watching movies have become a trilogy of people’s daily love. When couples began to miss the cinema, what impressions did the classic domestic films with love elements on the big screen leave on the audience in those years?

According to public statistics, the cumulative box office of this kind of domestic film TOP10 reached 15.604 billion. From "33 days of lovelorn love" to (hereinafter referred to as "predecessor 3"), the combination of comedy and love seems to be more to the audience’s appetite. The National Day file has become a box office blessing for such films, and many stars have become "bringing goods".

Laughing with tears is easier to achieve box office.

Since the birth of the film, love has become one of the enduring themes on the big screen. From the silent film era Chaplin’s "City Lights" to the audio film era, from Stephen Chow’s "A Chinese Odyssey" series to "Former 3", this kind of classic films can always set off a movie fever.

According to statistics, there are as many as seven films with love and comedy elements in the TOP10 box office of this kind of films, and the audience seems to prefer this type of combination that can make people laugh and cry. Perhaps it is because people can not only find emotional resonance for love from this kind of movies, but also laugh and release the pressure of life.

On the basis of audience, love and comedy are more extensive. Whether it is the degree of topic discussion in first-and second-tier cities or the decline of word-of-mouth in third-and fourth-tier cities, the two types of elements can complement each other to some extent.

In the time division of story background, these ten films mainly focus on contemporary love. Except for Fanghua, the other nine films mainly reflect the marriage and love life of young people. What needs to be preserved in this era is not only love, but also people’s views on marriage and love. Therefore, the love story that happened at the moment can arouse the emotional feedback of the audience, and then lead to discussion and even spread in circles.

In addition, in recent years, this kind of films mostly impress the audience with emotional cards. By poking at the pain points in people’s hearts, the topic spreads and attracts more viewers to watch. Some people in the industry summarized this as emotional marketing. For example, "Ex 3" magnified the propaganda point of "brokenhearted and crying" and poked many young men and women who had ex-husbands, reaching the emotional resonance of the audience.

This marketing method is also reflected in other films. For example, on December 31, 2018, by creating the audience’s emotional requirements for the sense of ceremony, the "one kiss for the New Year" was used to attract the audience into the cinema. However, if the content of the film is less than expected or the goods are not in the right version, the market will also have a very obvious anti-bite effect. 

In the marketing channel, these films began to spread by making materials that are more suitable for young people’s fragmented reading habits with popular short video platforms as carriers. Because the short video platform is highly overlapped with the crowd portrait of the mainstream audience, the conversion threshold of diversion is low.

"We have mobilized a lot of short video marketing that is close to the tears of" Former 3 "and the way of breaking up." A staff member who has participated in the marketing of the film said so. After the box office hit, films such as, and so on followed suit. Later, short video marketing gradually became one of the standard of film marketing.

Who is the box office "with goods" talent?

Head movies usually correspond to the head creative team, company, etc., and so do such movies with love elements. In those movies that make the audience laugh and cry, which box office "goods" talents are hidden?

In terms of actors, Deng Chao and Zhou Dongyu became the "first brother" and "first sister" of the cumulative box office of such films respectively. The total box office with Deng Chao as the leading role reached 4.199 billion yuan, and Zhou Dongyu scored 2.919 billion yuan with The Later Us and Better Days.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Dongyu won the Best Actress at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards in China and became a double winner. In addition to showing the elements of love, Better Days’s discussion on campus bullying has certain social significance.

Behind-the-scenes companies, Light Media participated in the production of four films, ranking first among major companies. As we all know, the theme of youth has always been the field that light media is good at. The stories and production modes of youth films and romantic films often overlap more. In addition, the film channel program production center and Wanda Film and Television also participated in the production of some works.

According to statistics, in the TOP10 box office of this kind of movies, there are 4 National Day movies, 2 New Year movies and 1 Spring Festival movie respectively. This kind of films released in prime time are more likely to take advantage of the schedule bonus and get better box office, especially the National Day file.

However, in recent years, there are few such films released in more movie-watching periods such as Tanabata and Valentine’s Day. In addition to the competition of films in the same period, the homogeneous dog blood plot and the emotional expression of moaning without illness made the audience feel tired and unloved. While domestic sci-fi films and cartoons are constantly creating new box office and word-of-mouth highs, such films seem to have made limited progress as a whole.

In terms of douban score, 6 of the TOP10 films are above the passing line. The latest film, Better Days, scored 8.3 points in Douban. In addition to the love element, the audience can have a more sense of substitution and desire to watch movies by injecting more thoughts about current life and phenomena. The content is the era of the king, and we look forward to more domestic love-themed films with both word-of-mouth and box office harvest in the future.

Those funny jokes

In the public toilet, I suddenly heard someone say, "Friend, do you have toilet paper?" I rummaged through my pockets and replied, "Sorry,no." After a few seconds, the man asked again, "Friend, do you have a small piece of newspaper?" I smiled helplessly and replied, "Sorry, no, I just came to pee." A few seconds later, a 10 yuan RMB was stuffed under the door of the toilet and asked, "Friend, can you break it into 10 pieces?" I silently took out 10 steel jumpers and handed them over.

In a dark night, Lao Wang drove home halfway, only to see a woman taking a taxi, and her voice was extremely sad: take a taxi, take a taxi. Lao Wang let her get on the bus. Neither of them spoke along the way. When the station arrived, the woman spoke: Have an apple! thank you Lao Wang said. Then the woman spoke again: Is it delicious? Delicious. Lao Wang promised. The woman went on to say: I liked this kind of apple best before my death.

When Lao Wang heard this, he was so scared that he peed his pants and ran away. Who knows, the woman went on to say, but I don’t like eating after giving birth.

The Zen master was meditating when he met a thief with a big knife rest around his neck. Mao thief: "Take out all your money" Zen master: "Money is a thing outside your body. If you live or die, don’t take it with you." Mao thief: "This is your lifelong alms." Zen master: "Buddha said that you and I have a cause in previous lives, so we got today’s fruit." Mao thief: "I have a deep sin. Can Zen master cross me?" Zen master: "Yes"





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    You were kicked out after following the goddess into the toilet, probably because she mistakenly thought that you followed her in order to peep or have other improper behaviors. In this case, you can communicate with her first, explain your intentions clearly and express your embarrassment and apologies.

    A classmate can’t eat spicy food, and as a result, he may have diarrhea because the hot pot he ate was too spicy or he ate other inappropriate food. The feeling of buttocks is very uncomfortable, which may be due to problems such as anal discomfort or hemorrhoids caused by diarrhea. When you check out the next day, people around you keep laughing because they may have misunderstood what happened between you and another classmate.

    Awesome! Domestic products beauty cosmetics new strength

    The rise of the national tide has brought fire to many domestic beauty brands, which are not only easy to use and cost-effective, but also novel and unique in product design. Cross-border cooperation with museums, cutting-edge artists and even China Aerospace has conveyed different oriental aesthetics and become a fashion leader in the wave of "the light of domestic products"! Let’s have a plate of these unique Chinese beauty products!

    The packaging design of Tangduo is really a must, and this limited series has a super high value! In cooperation with Sunjiayi, a new generation of artist, inspired by diary, we launched beauty products such as eye shadow tray and lipstick pen.


    The illustration on the package comes from the "JUDYGIRLS" that Sun Jiayi had in mind. They have varied personalities and styles, and have various hobbies and lifestyles.


    The color matching of the three eye shadow trays is very practical. One tray contains matte, pearlescent and glitter. Eye shadow powder is delicate and easy to smudge, and it is mainly in low saturation colors, so it is not easy to get dirty on the face, and novices can easily control it.


    Lipstick pen contains two textures of matte, soft fog and moist water, which strongly pushes 02# peach-stained sweet tea. It is a peach pink with high brightness, showing white color and improving color, which is super suitable for summer. And the price is also conscience, beautiful girls can boldly try the water.

    Polaiya is also an old-fashioned domestic product, and the newly launched ruby essence and double anti-essence in the past two years have a good reputation. Recently, they also jointly signed with China Aerospace to launch "Double Anti-Essence China Aerospace Collection" and "Feather Sun Protection China Aerospace Custom-made".


    The essence of the joint-name double-resistance should be strongly Amway for everyone, which is too beautiful! Transparent acrylic is designed into the outline of rocket shape, which is very scientific and technological.

    The essence is also very easy to use, the texture is light and moist, and the skin feels great. Adding astaxanthin and other antioxidant components, it has antioxidant and anti-sugar effects, and can improve skin color in many dimensions. After use, the skin will become more elastic, tender and delicate.

    Feather sunscreen is also worth trying, the texture is moist and clear, the film forming speed is fast, and the upper face is not greasy or heavy. It also contains many powerful ingredients, including super antioxidant ingredients "Pycnogenol" and "Pycnogenol"astaxanthin",while preventing ultraviolet rays, it can also strongly protect the skin from blue light damage. There are also pure nicotinamide and soothing ingredients to help repel melanin and soothe skin.


    The new embossed lipstick of A Dream of Red Mansions from Nature Hall is really beautiful! The three lipsticks reproduce three scenes: reading the West Chamber together, seeing Baodai first, and the three wonders of the topic. The carving on the paste is very fine, and it is definitely a masterpiece of heavy industry. I can’t bear to use it when I get it!


    Lipstick is rich in texture, smooth and easy to apply, and will not dry out. Three customized lipsticks, all in red, are very suitable for Asian skin color, showing white temperament and not stepping on thunder when you close your eyes.

    The newly released Red-crowned Crane Plate of Perfect Diary highlights the color of Ruihe, showing the beauty of China and appealing to the public to protect endangered wild animals. It must be praised manually.
    This eye shadow tray is also inspired by the red-crowned crane and its habitat. It belongs to a low-saturation and practical pink-brown system. With baking powder texture and two-color mosaic mixed powder, it can create a variety of makeup effects.

    With the rise of the national tide, Dunhuang has also become the "online celebrity". Among many joint products, several kazilan are the most out of the circle. The rich Dunhuang elements collide with modern tidal makeup, and the strength is displayed with color tension to interpret the new fashion of Dunhuang makeup.
    Pushing the Linglu embossed high-gloss powder plate strongly, the carving is beautiful and the value is super high. High-CD is soft and glutinous mashed potatoes, with fine pearlescent particles, no pores and no wrinkles, and a natural makeup feeling.

    Inspired by Guangxu’s wedding picture, this series adopts red and gold color scheme, which combines Chinese aesthetics with modern beauty, showing the gorgeous artistic conception with oriental characteristics.


    I have to say that this series came out in the third season, which is really the peak of refreshing the face value, especially this pearlescent phoenix feather powder cake. The exquisite printing is hard to use, and one plate is multi-purpose. The bottom can be used as a matte powder cake, and the pearlescent decorative layer can be used as a highlight.
    Domestic beauty cosmetics with profound aesthetic connotation have become the focus of world attention by virtue of their strength. They are worth it!
    Image source: brand official

    The 5: 0 World Cup opener tragedy was actually made by China football? !

    The opening is a 5:0, is it a surprise? Is the sting exciting? Russia, the host of the opening match last night, defeated Saudi Arabia, which once again confirmed the saying that "Europe has no weak teams" in the football world.

    It’s time for the four-year World Cup carnival. Xiaobian refers to a calculation. Last night, did you put a classic three-piece supper set for yourself under the guise of watching the ball-beer, kebabs and crayfish?

    However, after enjoying the feast of food and football, have you noticed China football entering this World Cup? Note that this may be a small word game. Bai Yansong, the host of CCTV, has repeatedly emphasized the details: it is "China Football", not the "China Football Team" that has repeatedly disappointed you.

     Match ball: German design and China manufacture.

    In the opening match of this World Cup between Russia and Saudi Arabia last night, the game ball "TV Star" made a perfect appearance in large-scale events. This competition ball is "designed in Germany and made in China" in the standard sense, and it is produced by an enterprise authorized by Adidas in Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

    According to Chong Wang, the general manager of this enterprise, they introduced the first automatic production line in China, so that the original 80-person production line now only needs 10 people, and it can produce 1,000 footballs a day. "We use an automated cutting machine to replace the traditional knife die cutting, an automated printer to replace the traditional screen printing, and a manipulator to replace the traditional handling. There will be a QR code on each ball, and the information on the code will tell us the time and address of the ball production." Chong Wang said.

    However, it is a pity that although "China Football" has entered the World Cup, the intellectual property rights of the core technology of this "TV Star" full of "black technology" are completely in the hands of the designer Adidas. The related patent APPlication documents of Adidas in China revealed by the net show that in the field of chip technology, "TV Star" has built-in NFC near-field interactive chip. You only need to open any app with NFC identification function, and then bring your mobile phone close to this position to read the latest information about this competition ball; In the field of autumn skin materials, "TV Star" uses the thermal bonding technology of the ball skin, which is durable, waterproof and grit-proof. Coupled with the grooves spliced at right angles, the ball will produce nonlinear motion and drift in the flight process. In the field of design, "TV Star" uses classic black and white colors, dark trapezoidal decoration consists of mosaic patterns, and the text uses gold.

    Of course, Xiao Bian wants to say, the most important thing is that all of the above are patent applications submitted by Adidas in China, which has nothing to do with our OEM enterprises in China. It seems that there is still a long way to go for China enterprises to truly realize the change from "Made in China" to "Design in China".

     Derivative goods: Zhejiang enterprises are officially authorized to take orders.

    As a standard "fighting nation", the mascot of 2018 fifa world cup is also a Siberian plain wolf named "Zabivaka" with high fighting value. However, to trace the "birthplace" of this little wolf, we have to go to an obscure office building in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

    Since July 2013, this enterprise named Hangzhou Fude Brand Management Co., Ltd. has become the first enterprise in China to obtain the official authorization of the World Cup mascot directly from FIFA. This year, Fude Company is exclusively responsible for the pricing, production and sales of Russian World Cup mascots on a global scale (except the host country Russia). At the same time, Fude also won the authorization of nearly 100 kinds of related goods around the event, such as plush toys, mugs, key chains, jerseys and so on.

    Of course, compared with the ball used in the competition, it is "familiar" for China enterprises to obtain the production and sales rights of derivative goods related to the World Cup through official authorization. In 2010, the name of the plastic trumpet "Vuvuzela", which was made by Yiwu manufacturers and full of South African ethnic customs, has been resounded all over the world, and it has been continuously sent to South Africa, the venue of the competition, together with national flags, wigs, sunglasses and binoculars. While in 2014 fifa world cup, the derivatives of the new generation refueling artifact "Casilora", the official ball "Samba Glory" and the mascot "Flegu" were mostly produced by authorized manufacturers in China.

    For the value of sports IP, the person in charge of Fude Company is deeply touched. "Compared with the traditional foreign trade that made meager profits before, with the help of the World Cup, the stage of Fude Company is now bigger and wider." The person in charge said. In fact, in this World Cup, there are many China enterprises like Fude Company. They bid farewell to the traditional OEM, not only profited from the World Cup, but also successfully opened a window to the world.

    Brand sponsorship: marketing on and off the field.

    Who is the trump card? If you ask questions before yesterday, Xiaobian, who is only used to wearing sportswear to work, doesn’t know this "Gaodashang" men’s wear brand that can be associated with the World Cup. However, if you pay attention to the live broadcast of last night’s match, you may notice that some staff and spectators’ national flag color matching ties are particularly eye-catching inside and outside the World Cup. This is the 32 ties with World Cup style customized by Dipai (China) Co., Ltd. after getting on the "last bus" and becoming the official regional support partner of 2018 fifa world cup, taking the color matching of flags of 32 countries selected for the final stage of this World Cup as the idea.

    In fact, when it comes to the level of sponsorship, Dipai Company is only a "junior" in China enterprises. At present, FIFA divides sponsors into three levels, namely "global partners", "World Cup sponsors" and "World Cup regional support partners". At present, Wanda Group with "One Hundred Million Small Goals" and seven companies including Coca-Cola, Visa, Adidas and Hyundai Motor are FIFA’s "Global Partner" level sponsors. Sponsors at this level can use the FIFA logo for 8 years, and the sponsorship fee is at least $120,000,000-needless to say, it’s seven zeros, and $120 million-which scares Xiaobian into taking a sip of beer.

    In addition, Mengniu, VIVO and Hisense from China have joined McDonald’s and Budweiser Beer as "World Cup sponsors", while Yadea Group, which produces electric vehicles, is a "World Cup regional support partner" like Dipai Company. According to FIFA, no matter what level of sponsors, they all benefit from the exclusive and highly recognizable official logo of FIFA. Through various marketing methods, these sponsors successfully associate their products, services and brands with the World Cup. Whether targeting specific consumer groups, taking the opportunity to expand their product lines or implementing each specific market strategy, sponsors will get good transcripts.

    This has been reflected in the practice of Hisense Group. According to a person in charge of Hisense Group, the world’s top events are naturally related to the world’s leading consumer electronics brands. If Hisense wants to become a global brand, it must be bound with a cross-cultural and cross-border super brand, which is the world’s top event. Therefore, choosing sports marketing is the strategic path for Hisense’s global brand building. According to statistics, in 2017, Hisense Group’s international marketing achieved sales revenue of 3.9 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 22.3%.

    Seeing this, you must agree with the famous sentence of the Bai Yansong male god: "Let’s just say that China didn’t go to the Russian World Cup except the football team." Of course, as a small editor in fake fans, like everyone else, what we most want to see is that one day the national football team can join our "Made in China" and the China football team will rush into the World Cup with China football and become a frequent visitor on the World Cup stage. (Text: Cui Jingsi Image Source Network)

    One person, one city! Brother Alphabet is guaranteed again. Brother Alphabet won’t leave. He may die a stag.

    In 23 playoff games, averaging 0.6 points and 0.6 rebounds, our hero Sa Narcisse-Adetokunbo has signed another contract with Bucks a few days ago, which is a fully guaranteed contract with a basic salary of one year, which means that Brother Alphabet is about to start his fifth season in NBA career.

    As the second round show in 14 years, Brother Letter didn’t land in the NBA until 19 years, and it was the Bucks team where his brother was located that brought him to the highest stage of basketball. Since then, Brother Letter has never been separated from Brother Letter. So far in his career, Brother Alphabet has only played 8.4 minutes per game in the regular season, almost all of which is garbage time, before going up to play. Looking at the playoffs, it averaged 3 minutes in 23 games. There is no doubt that it has made no contribution to the Bucks’ championship journey, at least on the court.

    It’s no wonder that the letter brother likes to mention the nickname of the related family, and the former Buck reporter GeryWoelfel.