Best Andy Lau Returns, Annual High Film "Blind Detective" Exposes Ultimate Poster

The Ultimate Poster for Blind Detective
    The familiar Andy Lau is back! Starring Andy Lau and Cheng Xiuwen, the annual High film directed by Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui has been confirmed for release on July 11. The film is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Lau and Cheng Xiuwen in a decade after 2004. Yesterday, the film launched the ultimate poster, and the two-person photo of Lau and Cheng Xiuwen has made the film highly anticipated. Lau admitted that being with Du Qifeng and Cheng Xiuwen is the "best Andy Lau". He said: "I think we are all lucky to have the three of us in the world."

"Blind Detective" mainland horizontal poster
"Handsome Blind" Detective Du "Possessed"
    In this new "Iron Triangle" film, Andy Lau’s "blind detective" is a very interesting role. According to the screenwriter Wei Jiahui, at a backstage of the Hong Kong Film Awards many years ago, Andy Lau talked to him about his interest in the story of "detective". "Later, when I was designing the character, I found that he had not played a blind man, and Andy’s original idea was to play a blind lawyer." However, considering the entertainment of the film itself and the richness of the story, the screenwriter said: "If it is only a lawyer, it may only appear in a few limited scenes in the courtroom, and the blind detective has a lot of stories to tell."
    In the character design of the "blind detective" corner, Galaxy Image specially projected many "shadows" of the director Du Qifeng, such as Du wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, stroking his belly with his hands and other "small movements" in life. Wei Jiahui also revealed that Du Qifeng in his life is still a very fond of food, and this time his "foodie" characteristics are also "grafted" into the character. In this regard, Andy Lau also responded: "Every time I act, if the character has a characteristic, I will ask someone around me to be a model, and I will choose our director for this play – Du Qifeng."
"Iron Triangle" returns to the screen after a decade
    It is understood that "Blind Detective" is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen in ten years after "Dragon and Phoenix Fight". Hua Zai teased Zheng Xiuwen: "She basically hasn’t changed, but she has become thinner." He also emotionally expressed the trust and tacit understanding of the three creators. "With the appearance of the three of us in the world, I think it is lucky for us, and it is difficult to find someone who believes in you."
    Regarding the new work, Johnnie To commented: "Andy Lau was in very good condition when he made this film. I haven’t worked with him for nearly 10 years, but this time it can be said that it is the best film I have worked with him in so many years." Regarding Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen, a classic couple on the big screen, the director also praised: "When they are acting, I sit next to them. I like to watch the two of them as if they are really a couple. As a director, I think it is good to shoot them directly."
    The special rapport between the three has given "The Blind Detective" more chemistry. At the previous overseas premiere in Cannes, some people commented that "Andy Lau with Johnnie To is the best Andy Lau." In response, Andy responded that the "chemistry" between them is different from other people’s cooperation, and the tacit understanding and nature seem to be "innate". After watching "The Blind Detective", the famous film critic Magasa said that "your favorite Johnnie To is back, this film is reminiscent of, and Liu Zheng’s romantic comedy series, very good."

Getting closer! Xiaomi Auto WeChat official account has been launched.

On October 9th, Xiaomi Auto WeChat WeChat official account was officially launched. It is understood that "Xiaomi Automobile" WeChat official account was migrated from "Xiaomi Racing" WeChat official account, and the certification subject was Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and the certification was completed on September 21st.

It is understood that "Xiaomi Racing" is a racing racing game launched before Xiaomi’s mutual entertainment. Its owner is Beijing Kawara Tsutomu Network Technology Co., Ltd., a mobile internet enterprise invested by Lei Jun.. Xiaomi Racing started the public beta in 2019, and in October 2020, Xiaomi Racing released a notice of suspension, which indicated that it officially stopped operating because the agreement with the game developer was about to expire.

In fact, news about the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has been coming out in recent days. At the beginning of October, Xiaomi Automobile posted the recruitment of related automobile R&D positions on the Internet, including the positions of extended-range system design and development engineer, fuel system engineer and exhaust system engineer. In addition to personnel recruitment, many netizens released test photos of Xiaomi Automobile in Turpan, Xinjiang in August. At the same time, some people familiar with the matter revealed that the first-class and second-class battery suppliers of Xiaomi Automobile have finalized Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as the battery suppliers at this stage. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Company has been approved by relevant departments in China to start producing electric vehicles, and various signs may also mean that Xiaomi Automobile is coming soon.

As we all know, since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of cars, the production qualification of cars has always been a difficult problem that Xiaomi Automobile needs to face. Last year, there was news in the market that the brand of Xiaomi car was not approved, and it was included in the concept of disorderly expansion of capital. It may not be called Xiaomi car in the future, but it can only be OEM for others. At that time, in response to this news, Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi Public Relations Department, responded: The news was untrue. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Automobile obtained the production qualification from Beijing Baowo, but with the cancellation of the production qualification of Beijing Baowo, this way was basically blocked. At present, it is still unknown how Xiaomi Automobile will obtain production qualification. However, Xiaomi Auto completed the domain name filing of "" website on August 2nd this year, and the website is likely to be followed by Xiaomi Auto official website website.

It has been two and a half years since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of a car in March 2021. During this period, in order to build a car across the border, Xiaomi has invested a lot of money in building a car. Relevant data show that in the second quarter of 2023, the innovative business expenses of Xiaomi smart electric vehicle were 1.4 billion yuan. Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, later said that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research, and also building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

It is worth noting that from the financial report released by Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023, Xiaomi’s income in the second quarter is not ideal. Relevant data show that the total revenue of Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023 was 67.35 billion yuan, which was higher than the market expectation of 65.13 billion yuan, but it was 4% lower than that of 70.17 billion yuan in the same period last year. Xiaomi’s smartphone revenue was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year. The official said that the decrease was due to the decrease in smartphone shipments, which was partially offset by the increase in the average selling price of smartphones. In the case of declining smartphone revenue, Xiaomi was also exposed this year that the number of employees in Indian companies has dropped from the highest of 1,500 to around 1,000, and more people will be laid off in the coming months. In response to the layoffs of Xiaomi India, the official response indicated that the decision of personnel adjustment was made according to market conditions and business forecasts.

At present, Xiaomi is still in the preparatory stage, and it needs to continue to invest a lot of money in building cars. Although Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, once said: "Xiaomi is different from the previous entrepreneurship in the mobile phone industry. Xiaomi now has money and we can afford it." However, with the extension of the timeline, I am afraid that no amount of money can stand the toss. At present, we can only speed up the launch of Xiaomi Automobile, so that Xiaomi Automobile can usher in significant progress.

Hangzhou Airport is expected to carry out 370 flights in and out of Hong Kong on the 26th, and cancel 325 flights.

  With the weakening of the typhoon, Hangzhou Airport will gradually resume operation from July 26, and it is estimated that 370 flights will be carried out and 325 flights will be cancelled. The earliest port entry is GJ8988 (Beijing capital -08:10 Hangzhou), and the earliest port departure is GJ8925 (Hangzhou 09:40- Yan ‘an); The flights will resume gradually at 11:00 am, and after 11:00, 330 flights are expected to enter and leave Hong Kong. The airport reminds passengers that if the flight is cancelled, please get in touch with the airline you are taking as soon as possible and make a good return and change, so as not to delay the trip.

  Some cancelled flights are as follows:

  Southern airlines

  CZ6900 Hangzhou-Urumqi CZ3366 Hangzhou-Shenzhen CZ8634 Hangzhou-Shenyang CZ3820 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  CZ8854 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing

  Sichuan airlines

  3U8911 Chengdu-Hangzhou 3U3175 Hangzhou-Yibin 3U3171 Hangzhou-Mianyang 3U8169 Hangzhou-Lanzhou

  3U8815 Hangzhou-Tianjin 3U8916 Hangzhou-Tianfu 3U3163 Hangzhou-Chongqing 3U3173 Hangzhou-Luzhou

  3U8775 Hangzhou-Chongqing 3U8912 Hangzhou-Chengdu 3U8915 Chengdu-Hangzhou 3U8920 Hangzhou-Chengdu

  3U8529 Hangzhou-Kunming 3U8581 Hangzhou-Harbin

  Capital Airlines

  JD5397 Hangzhou-Nanning JD5693 Hangzhou-Guiyang JD5843 Hangzhou-Urumqi JD5711 Hangzhou-Qingdao

  JD5689 Hangzhou-Yichang JD5377 Hangzhou-Harbin JD5191 Hangzhou-Lijiang JD5279 Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang

  JD5206 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an JD5787 Hangzhou-Xishuangbanna JD5688 Hangzhou-Haikou JD5164 Hangzhou-Sanya

  JD5157 Hangzhou-Kunming JD5270 Hangzhou-Guangzhou JD5358 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing JD5695 Hangzhou-Chongqing

  JD5302 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an JD5136 Hangzhou-Sanya JD5205 Xi ‘an-Hangzhou JD5712 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  JD5398 Nanning-Hangzhou JD5694 Guiyang-Hangzhou JD5163 Sanya-Hangzhou JD5378 Harbin-Hangzhou

  JD5690 Yichang-Hangzhou JD5687 Haikou-Hangzhou JD5269 Guangzhou-Hangzhou SC4645 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  Spring airlines

  9C8555/6 Shijiazhuang-Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang

  Shandong airlines

  SC4645 Qingdao-Hangzhou SC4645 Hangzhou-Guilin SC4089 Urumqi-Hangzhou

   SC4089 Hangzhou-Xiamen SC8837 Xiamen-Hangzhou SC8838 Hangzhou-Hangzhou

  SC8795 Xiamen-Hangzhou SC8795 Hangzhou-Dalian SC4773 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  SC4774 Hangzhou-Dalian SC4995 Zhuhai-Hangzhou SC4996 Hangzhou-Zhuhai SC8796 Dalian-Hangzhou

  SC8796 Hangzhou-Xiamen SC4871 Yantai-Hangzhou SC4872 Hangzhou-Yantai SC4791 Jinan-Hangzhou

  SC4792 Hangzhou-Jinan SC4646 Guilin-Hangzhou SC4646 Hangzhou-Qingdao SC1173 Xiamen-Hangzhou

  SC1174 Hangzhou-Xiamen

  China International Airlines

  CA1722 Guangzhou-Hangzhou CA1720 Guangzhou-Hangzhou CA1786 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou CA8360 Erdos-Hangzhou

  CA8353 Hangzhou-Jieyang CA1787 Hangzhou-Weihai-Harbin CA1767 Hangzhou-Lanzhou CA1769 Hangzhou-Wanzhou

  CA8339 Hangzhou-Chengdu Tianfu CA1701 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1719 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  CA1741 Hangzhou-Chengdu Shuangliu CA1775 Hangzhou-Yinchuan CA1731 Hangzhou-Shenzhen CA1751 Hangzhou-Kunming

  CA8357 Hangzhou-Tianjin CA1777 Hangzhou-Nanning CA1703 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1773 Hangzhou-Guangyuan

  CA8683 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1771 Hangzhou-Tianjin CA1795 Hangzhou-Linfen CA1909 Hangzhou-Xining

  CA1711 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1749 Hangzhou-Guiyang CA1907 Hangzhou-Changchun CA1747 Hangzhou-Liupanshui

  CA8681 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1903 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an CA1721 Hangzhou-Guangzhou CA1733 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  CA8359 Hangzhou-Ordos CA8367 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1785 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  CA1702 Beijing Capital-Hangzhou CA8368 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou CA8354 Jieyang-Hangzhou CA1734 Shenzhen-Hangzhou

  CA1732 Shenzhen-Hangzhou CA8358 Tianjin-Hangzhou CA1772 Tianjin-Hangzhou CA1566 Hangzhou-Beijing Capital

  Eastern airlines

  MU9042 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an, MU5671 Hangzhou-Qingdao-Yanji, MU5131 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5655 Hangzhou-Kunming,

  MU5593 Hangzhou-Jinan, MU9603 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU6111 Hangzhou-Tianfu, MU5211 Hangzhou-Baiyun,

  MU5655 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU5537 Hangzhou-Guilin, MU5194 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5381 Hangzhou-Yantai-Jiamusi,

  MU2292 Hangzhou-Xinyang-Xi ‘an, MU5236 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU5215 Hangzhou-Guangzhou, MU6172 Hangzhou-Shuangliu,

  MU2445 Hangzhou-Lanzhou, MU5583 Hangzhou-Wuhan, MU5132 Daxing-Hangzhou-Guangzhou, MU2668 Hangzhou-Xiamen,

  MU5457 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5547 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU2375 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an-Golmud, MU5148 Hangzhou-Daxing,

  MU9886 Hangzhou-Changde-Tianfu, MU5645 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU5538 Guilin-Hangzhou-Qingdao,

  MU5485 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU5242 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU2382 Hangzhou-Qingdao, MU5496 Hangzhou-Shuangliu,

  MU2380 Hangzhou-Xianyang, MU5495 Shuangliu-Hangzhou, MU2667 Xiamen-Hangzhou, MU6171 Chengdu Shuangliu-Hangzhou,

  MU5193 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou, MU2379, Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU2381 Qingdao-Hangzhou,

  MU5538 Guilin-Hangzhou-Qingdao, MU5537 Qingdao-Hangzhou-Guilin, MU5241 Taiyuan-Hangzhou, MU5235 Taiyuan-Hangzhou,

  MU5216 Guangzhou-Hangzhou, MU2446 Lanzhou-Hangzhou, MU5584 Wuhan-Hangzhou, MU5672 Yanji-Qingdao-Hangzhou,

  MU6112 Chengdu Tianfu-Hangzhou, MU5212 Guangzhou-Hangzhou, MU5132 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou, MU9604 Taiyuan-Hangzhou,

  MU5594 Jinan-Hangzhou, MU9041 Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU6482 Kunming-Hangzhou, MU5147 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou,

  MU2270 Golmud-Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU2291 Xi ‘an-Xinyang-Hangzhou, MU9885 Chengdu Tianfu-Changde-Hangzhou.

  Auspicious aviation

  HO1805 Hangzhou-Huizhou

  Hainan Airlines

  HU7421 Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang HU7398 Hangzhou-Shenzhen HU7483 Hangzhou-Tongliao HU7262 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  HU7378 Hangzhou-Beijing capital HU7467 Hangzhou-Zhuhai HU7453 Hangzhou-Nanyang HU7445 Hangzhou-Taiyuan

  HU7423 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou HU7054 Hangzhou-Haikou HU7497 Hangzhou-Chongqing HU7422 Shijiazhuang-Hangzhou

  HU7261 Guangzhou-Hangzhou HU7468 Zhuhai-Hangzhou HU7454 Nanyang-Hangzhou HU7484 Tongliao-Hangzhou

  Changlong aviation

  GJ8525 Hangzhou-Yulin GJ8801 Hangzhou-Huaihua GJ8737 Hangzhou-Shenzhen GJ8013 Hangzhou-Qinhuangdao

  GJ8825 Hangzhou-Yantai GJ8823 Hangzhou-Bijie-Xishuangbanna GJ8559 Hangzhou-fairy mountain

  GJ8839 Hangzhou-Quanzhou GJ8781 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou GJ8647 Hangzhou-Qingdao GJ8677 Hangzhou-Linyi

  GJ8617 Hangzhou-Linyi GJ8691 Hangzhou-Chongqing GJ8849 Hangzhou-Harbin GJ8751 Hangzhou-Wuhan

  GJ8117 Hangzhou-Wenzhou GJ8835 Hangzhou-Enshi GJ8919 Hangzhou-Changchun GJ8817 Hangzhou-Wuhan

  GJ8811 Hangzhou-Zunyi GJ8773 Hangzhou-Dalian GJ8775 Hangzhou-Yinchuan GJ8801 Hangzhou-Huaihua-Lijiang

  GJ8606 Kunming-Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8648 Qingdao-Hangzhou GJ8118 Wenzhou-Hangzhou GJ8586 Wenzhou-Hangzhou

  GJ8559 fairy mountain-Chengdu GJ8526 Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8606 Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8919 Changchun-Baishan

  GJ8811 Zunyi-Lijiang

  Tianjin Airlines

  GS6581 Chongqing-Hangzhou GS6582 Hangzhou-Chongqing GS6507 Hangzhou-Chengdu GS6508 Chengdu-Hangzhou

  GS7853 Tianjin-Hangzhou GS7854 Hangzhou-Tianjin GS7521 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou GS7522 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  GS6607 Qingdao-Hangzhou GS6608 Hangzhou-Qingdao GS6589 Chongqing-Hangzhou GS6590 Hangzhou-Chongqing

  Shenzhen airlines

  ZH9873 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9874 Hangzhou-Shenzhen ZH9881 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9882 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  ZH8151 Yuncheng-Hangzhou ZH8152 Hangzhou-Yuncheng ZH9981 Guangzhou-Hangzhou ZH9982 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  ZH9875 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9876 Hangzhou-Shenzhen ZH9883 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9884 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  Tibet Airlines

  TV9868 Hangzhou-Dazhou-Lhasa TV6027 Xi’ an-Hangzhou TV6028 Hangzhou-Xi’ an

  transmile air services

  Y87557/8 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou-Zhengzhou Y87523/4 Shenzhen-Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  Xiamen airlines

  MF8383 Hangzhou-Shenzhen MF8229 Hangzhou-Changsha MF8805 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8941 Hangzhou-Xiamen

  MF8037 Hangzhou-Harbin MF8423 Hangzhou-Chengdu Tianfu MF8532 Hangzhou-Xiamen MF8289 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an

  MF8961 Hangzhou-Hohhot MF8865 Hangzhou-Jining MF8902 Hangzhou-Quanzhou MF8493 Hangzhou-Guiyang

  MF8407 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8381 Hangzhou-Guangzhou MF8345 Hangzhou-Shenzhen MF8243 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  MF8485 Hangzhou-Wuhan MF8415 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8477 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8465 Hangzhou-Guiyang

  MF8387 Hangzhou-Wuhan MF8533 Hangzhou-Qingdao MF8049 Hangzhou-Shenyang MF8123 Hangzhou-Hohhot

  MF8175 Hangzhou-Tianjin MF8149 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing MF8719 Hangzhou-Macau MF8173 Hangzhou-Taiyuan

  MF8942 Xiamen-Hangzhou MF8088 Shenyang-Hangzhou MF8176 Tianjin-Hangzhou MF8388 Wuhan-Hangzhou

  MF8534 Qingdao-Hangzhou MF8466 Guiyang-Hangzhou MF8124 Hohhot-Hangzhou

  MF8150 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou MF8720 Macau-Hangzhou MF8174 Taiyuan-Hangzhou KY

  Xiangpeng aviation

  8L9561/2 Kunming-Ganzhou-Hangzhou round trip

  Urumqi Airlines

  UQ3611/2 Urumqi-Hanzhong-Hangzhou round trip

  air macau co, ltd

  NX226/5 Macau-Hangzhou round trip


  KL831/2 Amsterdam-Hangzhou round trip

  (CCTV reporter Yu Chen)

The game "rental number" bypasses the real-name authentication. There are still loopholes in the anti-addiction system for minors.

  The summer vacation is coming to an end, and the children on holiday are grasping to enjoy the relaxed and rare extracurricular time. However, children who are addicted to mobile games are staring at the electronic screen and have the idea of "bypassing" the game anti-addiction system by renting an account.

  The reporter’s investigation found that there are a large number of game account rental platforms active on the Internet. The reporter personally found that although some platforms have set up a "real name authentication" link to prohibit minors from placing orders, most platforms can still easily rent accounts in the form of "over-the-counter transactions" and make the "anti-addiction system" of game manufacturers useless.

  Children rent a game account to bypass "anti-addiction"

  "Obviously, this game has long restrictions on minors. Why can children still play with their mobile phones for an afternoon?" Recently, Mr. Hu, a citizen, found that his son, who was in the fourth grade of primary school, always stayed at home to play the glory of the king when his parents were away. What surprised Mr. Hu even more was that his son’s game account actually reached the level of "34 stars of the strongest king" and also had many expensive game skins.

  "This is outrageous!" Mr. Hu, who is engaged in the IT industry, is very confused, but his son tells the truth: under the introduction of his classmates, he found a game rental platform to rent a game account. "In addition to the glory of the king, you can also rent accounts of popular games such as Voyager Hot Blood Route, Call of Duty and Naruto."

  Mr. Hu told reporters that, taking the "Rent X Cool" game rental platform as an example, different the glory of the king accounts have different rental prices according to the number of heroes, the number of skins and the number of segments. "Cheap bronze trumpet 7 cents an hour, high-end king account in 5 yuan to 15 yuan. It costs more than ten yuan to play in one afternoon. Parents think that children are the cost of ordinary snacks, which is difficult to detect. "

  The reporter noted that on August 4, Tencent updated the health system rules in order to further strengthen the protection of minors. Among them, underage users of the glory of the king are forbidden to play from 22: 00 to 8: 00 the next day, and are limited to 2 hours a day on national legal holidays, and 1 hour a day at other times.

  However, the practice of renting the game number directly makes the manufacturer’s game anti-addiction system a decoration.

  The unlicensed reporter’s rental number is still "green light all the way"

  In the investigation, the reporter found that the mainstream game rental platforms on the market are mainly divided into two categories: one is operated by an enterprise, and the platform has a complete APP end and a webpage end, and users can place orders directly on the platform. Take the "Rent X Play" game rental platform as an example. The platform claims that it has more than 50 million registered users and has a high-end game account worth more than 5 billion. The other is operated by small and medium-sized studios and individuals, mainly relying on e-commerce platforms to engage in transactions. In addition, some merchants use keys and other forms to bypass the platform and "pay in one hand and deliver in one hand" with users.

  On August 26th, the reporter went to the "Rent X Play" game rental platform. After entering from the webpage, the reporter saw that a large number of popular mobile game accounts such as the glory of the king, Peace Elite and QQ Speeder were being rented. Take the glory of the king as an example. The hourly rental price of a V9 account in QQ Apple Zone is 5.5 yuan, the daily rental price is 71 yuan, and the night package price from 10 pm to 7 am the next day is 25.6 yuan. However, when the reporter placed an order, the website popped up a "real name authentication" page, asking the reporter to enter his name and ID number, and said that minors were not allowed to place an order.

  To bypass this certification, you only need to go to Taobao to find a merchant to rent one. Under the guidance of a minor, the reporter successfully contacted a seller. The seller said that the game account can be rented at least 2 hours, and players can trade directly in the form of red envelopes without taking any goods.

  After selecting the corresponding game account and paying the red envelope, the reporter successfully obtained the login key of a registrar APP, and successfully logged into the glory of the king with someone else’s account.

  Game "Rent Number" Exposes Real Name Regulatory Vulnerability

  In recent years, China has continuously increased the regulatory measures to prevent minors from indulging in games. On October 25, 2019, the State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Preventing Minors from Indulging in Online Games, which put forward clear requirements for implementing the real-name system for accounts, strictly controlling the time and duration of minors’ games, and the content of paid services for minors. On June 1, the newly revised Law on the Protection of Minors, which was officially implemented, clearly stated that online service providers such as online games should set up corresponding functions such as time management, authority management and consumption management for minors to use their services.

  Game makers have also technically strengthened anti-addiction measures for minors. On July 5th, Tencent Health System officially launched the "Zero Cruise" function on the basis of "no play, no charge and no curfew" for minors whose real names have been registered, which is mainly used for face screening for accounts whose night games have exceeded a certain period of time and whose real names are adults. Netease also upgraded the anti-addiction measures for minors this summer, combined with big data and artificial intelligence to identify minors’ fraudulent use of adult accounts, and intervened in advance for minors who were irrational in consumption.

  However, the large-scale adult game account rental industry chain makes the minor game "anti-addiction" ineffective. A person in the game industry told reporters that identity recognition is the key to the implementation of the game anti-addiction system. This means that once a minor enters the game by renting an adult’s real-name authenticated game account, it will be difficult for the anti-addiction system to comprehensively supervise it. "Even if someone’s face is screened, it is still a leak."

  As for the behavior of renting game numbers, the reporter noticed that many game companies such as Tencent, Ali, Netease and sogou all emphasized in the User Agreement of their games that it is forbidden to sell, rent, transfer or share game accounts with others without the permission of the company. Tencent also recently sued more than a dozen third-party game trading platforms, such as Taobao Mobile Games, DD373 and 5173, and demanded to stop trading. For all relevant departments, in order to prevent minors from indulging in online games, it is also necessary to fill in obvious regulatory loopholes such as "rental number" and increase penalties for illegal network operators to form a deterrent effect. (Reporter Yuan Lu)

The regulations on handling special circumstances of physical education examinations in primary and secondary schools in Beijing have come.

  Physical education and health assessment of compulsory education in Beijing includes process assessment and on-site examination, with a total score of 70 points, which is included in the total score of senior high school entrance examination. Among them, 40 points for process assessment and 30 points for on-site examination.

  What are the special candidates in the process assessment? What kinds of candidates can be exempted or postponed during the on-site examination? Let’s take a look!

  Appraisal object

  Students in grades four, six and eight.

  On the basis of carrying out the national students’ physical health test for all students in primary and secondary schools every year, the test results of grades 4, 6 and 8 are included in the senior high school entrance examination.

  Process assessment of special candidates

  1. Disabled candidates

  Candidates who lose their athletic ability due to disability shall go through the relevant formalities with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card (and keep it in the student file). Those who have not applied for disability certificates shall be evaluated according to the assessment requirements of normal candidates; After the disability certificate is provided, the students’ physical health test will be recorded according to full marks from the school year in which the certificate is provided. Physical education and health knowledge assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the policy requirements of ordinary students.

  Students who have no disability certificate and apply for exemption from physical education are treated according to the regulations of exemption from physical education due to injury and illness.

  Encourage disabled students to carry out daily physical exercise under professional guidance.

  2. Injured and sick pupils

  Students who can’t take the physical fitness test due to injury or illness must apply for make-up test and go through the formalities within the prescribed time in each district. After the completion of the make-up test, score according to the results of the make-up test. For those who have gone through the relevant procedures, but can’t complete the make-up test within the time specified by each district, the scores of students’ physical health test in that year are 0-mdash; 59.9 Score according to the grading standard (5.5 points); If you don’t go through the formalities, your score will be 0. Physical education and health knowledge assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the policy requirements of ordinary students.

  3. Students from other cities returning to Beijing

  From the date of returning to Beijing to study (after completing the transfer of student status), it will be implemented in accordance with the Beijing compulsory education sports and health assessment policy. Those who did not participate in the process assessment before this will not be retaken, and their missing process assessment results will be identified in the following ways:

  First, the education administrative department at or above the prefecture level where the original school is located has organized the students’ physical health test and physical education and health knowledge test in a unified way, and the education administrative department at the prefecture level has issued a test report card with official seal, and after returning to Beijing, it will identify the missing process assessment results of the candidates with reference to the corresponding standards;

  Second, the education administrative department at or above the prefecture level where the original school is located has not organized relevant tests in a unified way, and its missing process assessment results are converted in proportion to the results of the ninth grade on-site physical education examination.

  4. Other circumstances

  If the process assessment results are incomplete at the time of graduation, the missing process assessment results will be converted in proportion through the results of the ninth grade on-site physical education examination.

  Appraisal object

  Ninth grade students.

  Special candidates for on-site examination

  1. Candidates who are exempt from the exam

  The first category:Candidates who are unable to take the physical examination due to disability and loss of athletic ability shall, with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Disabled Persons’ Card, go through the relevant formalities as required, and the on-site examination shall be recorded with full marks.

  The second category:Candidates who are not suitable for strenuous exercise due to illness and are exempted from studying in physical education class for a long time cannot take the on-site examination, and the results of the on-site examination shall be recorded according to 60% of the total score (30 points).

  The third category:Candidates who are unable to take the on-site examination due to temporary injury or illness will be recorded with 60% of the total score (30 points).

  Candidates who are exempt from the examination are required to fill out the Application Form for Exemption from the Beijing Junior High School Academic Level Examination of Physical Education and Health Discipline. After being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school conduct a preliminary examination, they shall be submitted to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval.

  2. Deferred examination

  If you can’t take the on-site exam at the specified time, you can apply for a postponement. Candidates who have postponed the exam should go through the formalities before entering the examination room; After the candidates enter the examination room, they are generally not allowed to apply for deferred examination. The requirements for deferred examination procedures are as follows:

  First, the special physiological period of girls.Candidates who have postponed the examination fill out the Application Form for Beijing Junior Middle School Academic Level Examination of Physical Education and Health Discipline, and after being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school make a preliminary examination, they will be reported to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval.

  Second, candidates are temporarily injured.Candidates who have postponed the examination must issue a diagnosis certificate from the medical department of Grade II A or above, fill in the Application Form for Deferred Examination of Physical Education and Health in Beijing Junior High School Level Examination, and report it to the district sports examination leading group for examination and approval after being signed by parents, the medical staff of the school and the person in charge of the school for preliminary examination.

  All districts should focus on organizing the delayed examination within 7 days after the end of the unified examination in this district, and implement it in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the unified examination. Candidates who can’t take the delayed exam within the specified time shall be treated as class III candidates who are exempt from the exam.

  All districts should strictly implement the provisions on exemption from and deferment of exams.

  3. Other circumstances

  Candidates who have only participated in some items of the on-site examination will have valid scores in the items they have already participated in, and the scores of the items they have not participated in will be recorded according to 60% of the full score of the item.

  On September 1, 2021, students in different grades had different total scores in the physical education examination when they graduated from the ninth grade. Therefore, the conversion formula of candidates’ missing grades was uniformly announced when students attended the ninth grade.

  Note: This program will be implemented from the students who entered the ninth grade on September 1, 2023.

  (CCTV reporter Pan Hongxu)

The Knesset agreed to increase the war budget by $7 billion.

Xinhua News Agency, Jerusalem, December 14th (Reporter Zhang Tianlang, Lu Yingxu) The Knesset passed an additional war budget of 25.9 billion shekels (about 7 billion US dollars) on December 14th with 59 votes in favor and 44 votes against.
This supplementary budget will be used to pay for the expenses related to the armed conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). In addition to the direct defense expenditure, it also includes the payment of allowances to reservists and the provision of temporary accommodation for border residents evacuated to safe areas.
After the supplementary budget is passed, Israel’s total national budget in 2023 will reach 510 billion shekels (about 138.4 billion US dollars). (End)

Sports commentary: deepening the integration of sports and education to help the sustainable development of football in China

On July 10th, China Football Association President Chen Xiaoyuan (first from left) announced the start of the first China Youth Football League. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jianghan photo

  Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, July 10th Sports commentary: deepening the integration of sports and education to help the sustainable development of football in China

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Gong Bing, Xia Liang and Xiao Shiyao

  Guided by the Ministry of Education and the State Sports General Administration, the first China Youth Football League sponsored by China Football Association was launched in Hangzhou on the 10th. Up to now, 2329 teams have signed up for the competition. As the competition time of different groups is different, more teenagers will participate as more groups start to register. This is a national single sports event with a distinctive imprint of the integration of sports and education, and it is a practical implementation of the "Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Football in China", or it will effectively promote the reform of school sports, bring a demonstration and leading role to the integration and development of sports and education in other sports, and lay a solid foundation for the reform and development of football in China.

  The launch of China Youth Football League means that the integration of sports and education in youth football has ushered in a substantial breakthrough in competition design and execution. The league will break the identity and qualification restrictions of contestants, and teams from schools, sports schools, club youth training echelons and social youth training institutions can participate. From the system design, the league will be built into a platform for cultivating and discovering young football talents, and the channel for professional football talents to enter the campus will be more smooth. Football seedlings in school also have more room for expansion in professional training and development.

  The launch of China Youth Football League is a powerful measure to promote the reform of school physical education. At the end of 2014, the Ministry of Education took campus football as the breakthrough and experimental field of school sports reform. So far, 32,780 characteristic schools of campus football have been set up in China, with more than 55 million young students participating in campus football activities, which laid a good foundation for popularizing football and expanding the football population.

  School physical education follows the educational concept of health first, helping students enjoy fun, strengthen their physique, improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise. China Youth Football League aims at the healthy development of young players, insists on paying equal attention to cultural education and professional training, and trains socialist builders and successors with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, which is a practical follow-up to the concept of school physical education. In recent years, school physical education advocates students to master a sports skill and cultivate lifelong sports habits. Under the framework of the system design of the integration of sports and education at the national level, the China Youth Football League with the characteristics of the integration of sports and education will be launched, which will promote the development of school sports reform in depth.

  The launch of China Youth Football League is an in-depth implementation of the "Overall Plan for Football Reform and Development in China". The plan of foot reform has been issued for more than seven years, which has pointed out the correct direction for the reform and development of football in China, and achieved some positive results. However, due to the weak overall foundation of football in China and the time needed for system construction, the results of the men’s football national team competition were poor or even missed, and professional leagues suffered multiple crises such as unpaid wages, withdrawal and dissolution of clubs. At present, the football situation in China is grim.

  Because of this, it is more necessary to lay a solid foundation, and the sustainable development of youth football has become the key to solving the problem. The "Overall Plan for Football Reform and Development in China" puts forward: "Promote the large-scale growth of young football talents." China Youth Football League will be a powerful driving force to achieve this goal. As a unified competition platform, China Youth Football League can not only examine the potential of national football teenagers, but also further help to build a scientific, efficient and complete youth training system. Only with a solid foundation and long-term achievements can China football usher in a bright future.

Every detail! It is too heavy for Du Feng to guide the Guangdong teenager’s skills with his hands.

The official media of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team showed a video of Du Feng, the head coach of the team, guiding young players with his hands. Although he is the head coach of the team, he should control the team from a macro perspective, but Du Feng is still careful in picking the players’ basic skills.

In the video, Du Feng used a personal demonstration to tell Guangdong teenager Huang Ming what problems exist in his technical movements. From dribbling and holding the ball to getting rid of the defense, to dribbling behind and changing the dribbling range, Du Feng has been tirelessly guiding young players.

It stands to reason that technical links like this should be guided by the team’s assistant coach or technical coach, and will be carefully divided into center group, striker group and defender group. The head coach needs macro control of the team’s training plan, tactical system and other training.

However, in the offseason, on the premise that he had time, Du Feng was patient enough to guide the young players and let Huang Mingyi enjoy the treatment of "advanced private education".

In fact, this is not the first time that Du Feng has coached players in technology and other aspects. When Zhao Ruigang entered CBA, Du Feng also gave him a lot of tips in shooting hand shape and psychological level when Zhao Rui felt unstable.

In addition, Du Feng also likes to coach players and share his experience with them when he is coaching the national team. In 2012, Wang Zhelin entered the national team training for the first time, and Du Feng, who was also an assistant coach of the national team, repeatedly gave Wang Zhelin a small stove, sharing his back-to-back skills and experience when he was young. Later, when he coached the men’s basketball team, Du Feng also gave some subtle technical guidance to Guo Ailun, Hu Jinqiu and others, and Du Feng also gave more guidance to Hu Jinqiu, who also played power forward with himself.

Now, the Guangdong team is facing the great challenge of the alternation of the old and the new. In addition to ensuring the team’s competitiveness not to drop sharply, Du Feng also needs to care so much about the performance and skills of the teenagers. Next season, the burden on his shoulders is bound to be heavier.

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5:3! Bayern completed revenge, 3 full-backs, 2 goals, 1 goal and 2 goals. It’s really unfair to lose in Paris.

On the evening of March 11th, Beijing time, the 24th round of Bundesliga started in full swing, and Bayern continued to sit in Allianz Stadium to face augsburg. In the first half, Berisha used pawar’s mistake to break the deadlock. Cancelo and pawar scored two goals in four minutes to overtake the score. Then pawar scored twice and Sane headed the ball to expand the score. Berisha also scored twice in the second half, Alfonso Davies stabbed and sealed the victory, Vargas pulled another goal in injury time, and finally Bayern beat augsburg 5-3.

In the second leg of the Champions League knockout two days ago, Bayern easily knocked off the horse 2-0, and didn’t give Mbappé and Messi too many chances. However, Bayern, who is back in the league, will still face a big threat, with Dortmund, Berlin United and other teams chasing after. In addition, Bayern lost to augsburg in the first leg.

In this game, Shu Bo-Mo Ting was absent due to a back injury, and Mane returned to the starting lineup as the center. Muxiala, Sane, Gnabry and Alfonso-Davies ambushed behind him, and kimmich was single-backed; Cancelo, Yupamelano, Delicht and pawar form the defence, and the goalkeeper is Sommer.

Only three minutes into the opening, Bayern made a mistake in defence.Pawar inadvertently headed the ball and staged an own goal assist. Berisha picked the ball with his right foot in the restricted area and pushed it over Cancelo, scoring 0-1! Augsburg takes the lead by going from customer to customer.

As the team with the fiercest firepower this season, daring to score Bayern’s goal may mean a fiasco. Sure enough, in the 15th minute, Bayern patiently organized the frontcourt and Alfonso Davis scored the ball on the left.Sane passes to the right again, and Cancelo gets the ball in the restricted area, and his left foot shakes the defense, and his right foot explodes into the far corner to score, 1-1!This was Cancelo’s first goal in Bayern, and he also got three assists in the past eight games.

In the 19th minute,Kimmich’s right set-piece was sent to the penalty area, Driget’s header ferry was cleared, Ma’s barbed pass in the penalty area, and pawar grabbed the goal, 2-1!Pawar redeem oneself by good service! It took only 4 minutes for Bayern to finish the lead in the score.

In the 35th minute,Kimmich kicked the corner, Driget’s header was blocked, and pawar staged the version 2.0 of the Peach Blossom Shadow Flying Excalibur. He directly volleyed and scored twice, 3:1!So far this season, pawar has scored five goals on behalf of Bayern in various competitions, which is the highest number of goals scored by the French defender in a single season.

In the 39th minute, Mane turned and volleyed in the restricted area, and Jikaiweiqi flew to block the ball out of the baseline with one hand.In the 44th minute, Bayern broke the ball in the frontcourt, and Sane pushed straight to the left. Mane swung open the angle and the shot was saved. Sane followed the header in front of the door to make up the shot and broke the net, 4:1!Sane scored the seventh goal in the league, which was his first goal after the World Cup.

In the 50th minute after coming back from the second half, Bayern fought back in the middle circle, Grabri pushed the direct pass, Sane got the ball straight, and Mane followed up and pushed the goal, but the offside goal was invalid. In the 53rd minute, Mane tried a long-range shot at the top of the arc, and the ball was slightly higher. It can be seen that after coming back, Mane hoped to find the feeling of scoring again. In the 58th minute,Arne Mayer’s long-range shot was saved by Sommer. Driget was fined a yellow spot package for a foul while defending in the restricted area. Berisha cheated Sommer with a penalty kick, and the score became 4-2!

In the 74th minute,Bayern made a comeback. After Cancelo pushed the ball on the right, the instep of the outer foot passed to the back point. Alfonso Davies followed up and stabbed the next city, 5:2!Bayern once again expanded the score to 3 goals, which was Alfonso Davis’ first goal of the season. Seeing that the victory or defeat has been decided, nagel Mann also let the substitute players come out to find the feeling of the game, and the main players such as Gnabry, Mane, Muxiala and Derrych came off to rest one after another. In injury time, Vargas fell to the ground and shoveled to narrow the score again.

In the end, Bayern beat augsburg 5-3 at home, avenged the loss in the first leg, and continued to lead the Bundesliga standings. Counting this game, Bayern scored 8 wins and 1 loss in the last 9 games. Seeing Bayern in such a fiery state, we can only say that Paris is really right to lose.