Best Andy Lau Returns, Annual High Film "Blind Detective" Exposes Ultimate Poster

The Ultimate Poster for Blind Detective
    The familiar Andy Lau is back! Starring Andy Lau and Cheng Xiuwen, the annual High film directed by Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui has been confirmed for release on July 11. The film is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Lau and Cheng Xiuwen in a decade after 2004. Yesterday, the film launched the ultimate poster, and the two-person photo of Lau and Cheng Xiuwen has made the film highly anticipated. Lau admitted that being with Du Qifeng and Cheng Xiuwen is the "best Andy Lau". He said: "I think we are all lucky to have the three of us in the world."

"Blind Detective" mainland horizontal poster
"Handsome Blind" Detective Du "Possessed"
    In this new "Iron Triangle" film, Andy Lau’s "blind detective" is a very interesting role. According to the screenwriter Wei Jiahui, at a backstage of the Hong Kong Film Awards many years ago, Andy Lau talked to him about his interest in the story of "detective". "Later, when I was designing the character, I found that he had not played a blind man, and Andy’s original idea was to play a blind lawyer." However, considering the entertainment of the film itself and the richness of the story, the screenwriter said: "If it is only a lawyer, it may only appear in a few limited scenes in the courtroom, and the blind detective has a lot of stories to tell."
    In the character design of the "blind detective" corner, Galaxy Image specially projected many "shadows" of the director Du Qifeng, such as Du wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, stroking his belly with his hands and other "small movements" in life. Wei Jiahui also revealed that Du Qifeng in his life is still a very fond of food, and this time his "foodie" characteristics are also "grafted" into the character. In this regard, Andy Lau also responded: "Every time I act, if the character has a characteristic, I will ask someone around me to be a model, and I will choose our director for this play – Du Qifeng."
"Iron Triangle" returns to the screen after a decade
    It is understood that "Blind Detective" is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen in ten years after "Dragon and Phoenix Fight". Hua Zai teased Zheng Xiuwen: "She basically hasn’t changed, but she has become thinner." He also emotionally expressed the trust and tacit understanding of the three creators. "With the appearance of the three of us in the world, I think it is lucky for us, and it is difficult to find someone who believes in you."
    Regarding the new work, Johnnie To commented: "Andy Lau was in very good condition when he made this film. I haven’t worked with him for nearly 10 years, but this time it can be said that it is the best film I have worked with him in so many years." Regarding Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen, a classic couple on the big screen, the director also praised: "When they are acting, I sit next to them. I like to watch the two of them as if they are really a couple. As a director, I think it is good to shoot them directly."
    The special rapport between the three has given "The Blind Detective" more chemistry. At the previous overseas premiere in Cannes, some people commented that "Andy Lau with Johnnie To is the best Andy Lau." In response, Andy responded that the "chemistry" between them is different from other people’s cooperation, and the tacit understanding and nature seem to be "innate". After watching "The Blind Detective", the famous film critic Magasa said that "your favorite Johnnie To is back, this film is reminiscent of, and Liu Zheng’s romantic comedy series, very good."

"courage" and "confidence" of Geely xingrui

    International Online auto channel News: The leading position of the joint venture brand in the domestic A-class car market has already taken shape. No matter the product differentiation in the market segments or the absolute fighting power of the fist products, the self-owned brand A-class car products have to rely on low-price routes to exchange for the market, and the original "price lever" is used to incite consumers’ enthusiasm.

"courage" and "confidence" of Geely xingrui

Geely xingrui

    When Geely Xingrui entered the A-class car market with the official guide price of "Gundam" of 113,700-149,700 yuan, it was hard not to admire the "courage" of this brand-new model to compete with the joint venture brand for price balance, and behind this "courage" was the concern and expectation for the product strength of the market challenger.

    CMA platform technology "full coverage"

    As Geely’s first A-class car based on CMA platform, the platform’s highly flexible "bandwidth" advantage breaks the inertia rules and design restrictions of A-class cars. Xingrui has a wheelbase of 2800mm, a body width of 1869mm and the widest wheel track of 1618mm, all of which are absolutely leading levels for A-class cars. As a pioneering work in the era of "Geely 4.0", Xingrui outlines a dynamic "wide-body" style through the extension and widening of lines and curved surfaces, and the A-class car users who have high demands on product space and size will definitely have a very good first impression on Xingrui.

"courage" and "confidence" of Geely xingrui

CMA platform

    The technical advantages of CMA platform in electronic and electrical architecture also give the A-class car Xingrui excellent intelligent technology experience. Star Rui comes standard with the OTA cloud upgrade system of the whole vehicle, which fully meets the sustainable expansion of application ecological functions such as information interconnection, autonomous driving and big data cloud service, so that it can be upgraded instantly and remotely like computers and mobile phone systems, and comprehensively improve the digital intelligent driving function of automobiles. The 540 transparent chassis, 7.5-inch full-color HUD head-up display, APA automatic parking system and RPA mobile phone remote parking that can be pushed through OTA cloud are equipped with Xingrui. Compared with the impression that the A-class car configuration is lackluster, it undoubtedly realizes the leapfrog product experience.

"courage" and "confidence" of Geely xingrui

Geely xingrui interior

    At the same time, Xingrui follows the concept of Geely’s "all-round healthy car", adopts NAPPA leather antibacterial steering wheel and VOC grade eco-friendly antibacterial materials, and is equipped with a G-clean air purification system integrating CN95 high-efficiency composite air conditioning filter element, AQS intelligent air quality management system and negative ion air purifier, realizing ecological safety protection functions such as eliminating pollution from the source, intelligently blocking pollution, positive pressure defense inside the car, internal and external monitoring of air quality and high-efficiency air purification. When experiencing the visible product advantages, "invisibly" sets the standard of healthy cars for users and builds an intelligent ecological health circle covering the whole life cycle of products.

    Power advantage says no to "enough is good"

    The mainstream products in the A-class car market are mainly small-displacement turbocharged engines, and 1.4T/1.5T/1.6T turbocharged engines are popular. Although the engine parameters are squeezed, the engine displacement and product positioning limit the power line, and "enough is good" has gradually become the established standard of A-class car products.

"courage" and "confidence" of Geely xingrui

Geely xingrui

    Geely Xingrui’s 2.0TD in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine is undoubtedly a "heterogeneous" product of the same class, and the parameters of maximum output power of 140kW/4700rpm and peak torque of 300Nm/1400-4000rpm are not much better than those of B-class cars. At the same time, the compression ratio of this 2.0TD engine is as high as 11.3, and it matches the 7-speed wet powershift. The shift time is only 0.2 seconds, and the maximum transmission efficiency is as high as 97%, which can effectively reduce the fuel consumption and achieve a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 6.7L/100km. Compared with competing products, Xingrui has a large displacement but also achieved a balance in power performance and fuel economy.

"courage" and "confidence" of Geely xingrui

Geely xingrui active security

    What is even more surprising is that Xingrui has a front-to-rear weight ratio close to 50:50. With the "drive-by-wire chassis", E-type multi-link independent rear frame, ITT brake pads and long-stroke shock absorber design, it has strong grip and excellent cornering controllability, taking into account driving comfort and sports driving controllability. At the same time, a highly perfect intelligent safety system has been built in terms of active and passive safety, which integrates the L2-level autopilot technology with ICC intelligent navigation system, FCW pre-collision warning system, AEB-P pedestrian identification system, BSD blind zone monitoring system, SLIF speed limit information reminder function, ACC S&G start-stop adaptive cruise system and other functions. It also comes standard with Bosch 9.3 ESC body electronic stability control, BA brake assist, HAC uphill assist, Auto Hold automatic parking +EPB electronic parking, tire pressure monitoring system, automatic locking of driving, front and rear parking radar and other rich safety configurations, ensuring the safety of driving and traveling in all dimensions.

    Write at the end:

    What kind of feedback Geely Xingrui will get when it enters the market at the price of joint venture competing products? We might as well make a bold prediction from another field. In 2020, the Double Eleven Shopping Festival came on November 1st ahead of schedule, which is also the day when Xingrui went public. On the first day of the Double Eleven market opening, Nike, the "one-size-fits-all" in the basketball shoe field, made considerable efforts to sell its own star signature shoes at a discount, and the basketball shoe product line under Adidas plunged in collective prices except for a very small number of star shoes. Obviously, when the product competitiveness is excellent enough, consumers are willing to pay for its excellent product strength even if the price is firm, and the brand awareness in inertia thinking is not as unbreakable as imagined. Whether Geely Xingrui’s "confidence" can hold up his "courage" only depends on the market sales data. (Author: Huang Yi)

Nine chapters have come out. Do you know what a quantum computer is?

  On December 4th, Science magazine announced that the "Nine Chapters" of the quantum computer built by China’s research team has achieved a fast solution to the Bose sampling problem, and its calculation speed is faster than the fastest supercomputer at present.One hundred trillion times!

Quantum computer screens the whole network

Netizens are proud and happy about it.

But as soon as I opened the article,

Most friends can only leave a question mark after reading it:

"I know every word, but … …”

"Why is quantum computer so fast?"

Don’t worry!

Here is a "Little White" friendly explanation book.

Let’s put it in layman’s terms.

(This article does not involve any theoretical formula or academic discussion … …

Because Xiaobian is not professional! )

Is quantum computer a computer?

  First of all, what is a quantum computer in one sentence:

  Quantum computer is a kind ofA computer using quantum mechanicsIt can perform some specific calculations more efficiently than ordinary computers.

  So, quantum computer is a kind of computer, but it is not simple."Advanced Edition" computer.And what we now understand as "computer"There is a big difference— — The calculation forms of the two are different.

  For example:

  If the classic computer iscandle, quantum computer islight bulb / third wheelBoth of them are for lighting, but the lighting methods are different and the lighting range is also different. Even if you keep improving candles, you can’t make a light bulb.

  At present, quantum computers use physical systems such as atoms, ions and photons.Different types of quantum computers use different particles.This time, the "Nine Chapters" use photons.

  200 seconds is just a short moment, and 600 million years has already passed.

  How did the "Nine Chapters" quantum computer achieve the "ultra-fast" computing speed through quantum computing?

How does a quantum computer calculate "ultrafast"?

  quantum computer"huge storage capacity"

  First of all, let’s take a look at the storage mode of classical computers and quantum computers ↓

Classic computer

  With a series of0 and 1To store information. Each unit in the series of 0 and 1 is called a bit, and one bit can be set as0 or 1.

quantum computer

  For quantum computersQuantum bitTo store information. Each qubit can not only be set to1 or 0, and can also be set to.1 and 0.

  It can be simply understood that quantum computers store more information per unit.

  What exactly does this mean?

  For example:

  Please think of a number between 1 and 10 and express it with one hand. One hand at a time.Only one number can be expressed.

  This is the fundamental law of storing data in classical computers. It’s just that the computer is faster than our fingers, but one bit of it can only store one binary number.

  However, if you switch to a quantum computer, the way to express numbers will be immediatelyBe subverted.

  For another example, one hand can express 10 numbers. But before the hand reaches out, which number will it represent,Is uncertain.

  This is the storage unit of quantum computer — —Quantum bits,The storage mode of. It stores not specific data, but all possible data.Probability of occurrence.

  Hands are uncertain until they reach out. But qubits take all the numbers that can be expressed with this hand, all of themoverlayTogether. You only use one hand to store 10 different numbers, and the probability of each number appearing is 10%.

  The number that one hand can express is very limited, and it is not a magical thing to store 10 numbers at the same time. But it keeps expanding, and 10 hands and 100 hands can all be used.Superimposed storageIn qubits, this is the power of qubits.

  Quantum computers can therefore carry more content at the same time. Ordinary computer units can only process one bit at a time; Quantum computers can process one "qubit" at a time, thus greatly improving the processing speed.

  The quantum world is essentially parallel.

  Quantum computer not only has powerful storage capacity, but also has powerful parallel computing capacity. Just like turning on a light in a room, light can pass through all the cracks in the wall in an instant. It is this principle that quantum computers can perform high-speed parallel quantum calculations.

  For example:

  Suppose there is a black box with 1000 wire ends sticking out on the left and 1000 wire ends sticking out on the right, but in fact,Only one wire is connected.Dear, excuse me, how do you find this connected wire?

  The answer needs to be tried 1000×1000 times, that is, to1 million timesTo find the answer.

  But it’s much easier to solve this problem with a quantum computer.

The actual operation process of quantum computer

  As we said just now, the storage of qubits is the superposition of all possible numbers. Then from 1 to 1000, it is actually just a group of qubits. In other words, with only one calculation, the quantum computer takes all the possibilities into account at the same time. It can find the connected wire once. Through parallel computing, the efficiency is improved by 1 million times.

  How to calculate this quantum computer, do you see (mei) understand (kan) (dong)?

Why are the "Nine Chapters" so important?

  The appearance of "Nine Chapters" is another leap in the field of quantum science and technology in China, and its significance is multifaceted.

  The first is in the fields of computer, IT and mathematics.If "the superiority of quantum computing" is realized, the computing power on a specific problem far exceeds that of the most powerful traditional computer. In addition, it can also establish quantum communication networks and quantum internet through quantum computers.

  Secondly, in terms of practicality.Quantum computers have a broad space and scope, such as password decoding, big data optimization, material design, etc., which can all be supported by quantum computers, thus solving major national economy and people’s livelihood issues and generating great economic value.As predicted by some scientists, quantum computers will be widely used, and even everyone can use them.

  At the same time, the development of quantum computers,Will bless artificial intelligenceThereby reducing the mistakes in AI application and creating an intelligent system that allows early diagnosis of problems.

  It is worth mentioning that it alsoClosely related to drug research and development.. If quantum computer is used, as long as its calculation speed is 100~1000 times faster than that of classical computer, it is possible to improve the efficiency of screening prodrug molecules to more than 90% and reduce the cost. However, whether the truly effective drug molecules can be obtained depends on the later biological experiments.

  In addition, the fast operation of quantum computers also includesOrdinary but widely used. For example, how to choose the most efficient route for delivery trucks can rely on the help of quantum computers. This is by no means "overqualified".

How far is quantum computing from practicality?

  For the research of quantum computer, international peers in this field have recognized that there are three stages of development:

  The first stage,For some high-complexity specific problems that supercomputers can’t solve, efficient solutions are realized, and in computational science."that superiority of quantum compute"A milestone.

  The second stage,Development of coherent manipulation of hundreds of qubitsQuantum simulatorIt is used to solve some problems with great practical value that supercomputers can’t do (such as quantum chemistry, new material design, optimization algorithm, etc.).

  The third stage,Develop a programmable universalQuantum computing prototype.

  Classical computers have developed from special-purpose computers to general-purpose computers for decades, and now quantum computers are still in the earliest era of special-purpose computers. Even the fastest "Nine Chapters" only crossed the first stage. However, it is undeniable that the appearance of "Nine Chapters" is a great encouragement, and the future can be expected.

Set out and take the high-speed train to enjoy the flowers in the spring and the Qingming Festival.

red peach blossoms and green willows—beautiful spring scene

sunlit and enchanting scene of spring

On such a day,

Bring your good mood.

Take the high-speed train and set out to enjoy the flowers in the spring.

Xiaobian has done a good job for you.


Thousands of peaks are stacked, and azaleas are like the sea.

Flowering: March to May

Coordinates: Liuyang, Hunan, Nanning, Guangxi

Hu’ nan Liuyang

Dawei Mountain National Forest Park is located in the northeast of Liuyang City, Hunan Province, 148 kilometers away from Changsha. Mid-April to mid-May is the best viewing season for rhododendrons in Dawei Mountain, with 10,000 mu of alpine rhododendrons at an altitude of 1,607.9 meters competing to bloom.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking around, the azaleas all over the mountains are quietly surrounded by green hills, which is very spectacular. A beautiful picture of "thousands of peaks are stacked, azaleas are like the sea, and the mountains are full of exotic fragrance".



From Guangzhou, you can take the high-speed train to Changsha and then transfer to the bus to Liuyang. At present, there are many choices of high-speed trains, the fastest is 2 hours and 17 minutes.

Guangxi Nanning

Daming Mountain is 76 kilometers away from Nanning, with an average elevation of 1,200 meters. The main peak, Longtou Mountain, is 1,760 meters above sea level, making it the first peak in central and southern Guangxi. Rhododendron is one of the four famous flowers in Daming Mountain. Every flowering period, it will turn into a sea of flowers.

There are more than 30 species of wild rhododendron in Daming Mountain, among which the color-changing rhododendron is the most peculiar, and its color can change with the change of climate and light, from pink to white.



Guangzhou South Railway Station has EMU trains to Nanning and Nanning East Railway Station respectively, with the fastest journey of 2 hours and 47 minutes. The fastest journey from Changsha South Station to Nanning East Station is 5 hours and 4 minutes.

rape flower

Yellow calyx and green leaves are thick, and thousands of villages are pressing new oil.

Flowering: March to April

Coordinates: Yichun and Wuyuan, Jiangxi

Jiangxi Yichun

Mingyue Mountain is located in the southwest of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, only 15 kilometers away from the central city, with a total area of 389.6 square kilometers. Shebu Village and Changkeng Village in Mingyue Mountain Tourist Resort have their own characteristics, which are great punching points for rape flowers.

The flowering period of rape flowers is generally from March to April, and the rape field in Changkeng Village covers an area of 200 mu. When rape blossoms are in full bloom, the sea of rape blossoms swaying with the wind in the field, and the breeze blows, turning up layers of golden waves and adding infinite poetic meaning.



There are many high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Yichun, and the fastest journey is 3 hours and 11 minutes. It takes only 40 minutes for the high-speed train to depart from Changsha.

Jiangxi Wuyuan

Jiangxi is a big province for planting rape. The rape flower in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, first became famous in the 10,000-acre terraced flower sea in Qiling and Jiangling. Qiling is known as "one of the four major flower seas in China" and the most visually impactful flower viewing place in East China. Entering Wuyuan, every village is a scene.

Wuyuan rape blossoms usually bloom from March to April every year, and sometimes the time is half a month in different years.



There is a direct high-speed train from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Wuyuan, which takes 6 hours and 22 minutes. Starting from Guangzhou, you can also choose to transfer to high-speed trains in Shangrao, Wuhan and Nanchang. The fastest journey is 6 hours and 15 minutes. The fastest time from Changsha to Wuyuan high-speed railway is 3 hours and 31 minutes.

Late cherry blossom

Pink clouds are better than brocade, and falling English is like velvet.

Flowering: March to April

Coordinates: Pingba, Guizhou, Wuhan, Hubei and Wuxi, Jiangsu.

Guizhou pingba

Pingba 10,000 mu cherry blossom garden is the largest cherry blossom base in China, with more than 700,000 cherry blossoms.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, clusters of cherry blossoms on the peninsula are beautiful from a distance.

Cherry blossoms in the cherry blossom garden are mainly early cherry blossoms and late cherry blossoms. Early cherry blossoms account for the majority, which are pink and white. They bloom in early March every year and last until the end of the month.

In the evening of mid-March, cherry blossoms began to bloom most beautifully in their lives, pink and delicate. The flowering period is expected to be from early March to early April.



From Guangzhou South Railway Station to Pingba, you need to change at Guiyang North Railway Station, and the fastest journey is 6 hours and 56 minutes. Changsha South Railway Station departs directly to Pingba South, with the fastest time of 3 hours and 39 minutes.

Hubei Wuhan

Wuhan East Lake Moshan Cherry Blossom Garden is located at the southern foot of East Lake Moshan Scenic Area, a national 5A scenic spot near East Lake Meiyuan. It covers an area of 260 mu and has 10,000 cherry trees.

The Cherry Blossom Festival is held in late March every year. Due to the urban heat island effect, the cherry blossoms in East Lake generally bloom for a few days later. The flowering period is generally from mid-March to early April, from early cherry blossoms to late cherry blossoms, and the flowering period adds up to more than 20 days.



There are a variety of high-speed trains from Guangzhou to Wuhan, with the fastest time of 3 hours and 38 minutes. It takes only 1 hour and 17 minutes from Changsha to Wuhan at the earliest.

Jiangsu Wuxi

Yuantouzhu is known as "the first scenic spot in Taihu Lake and the cherry blossom viewing resort in China". As one of the "three major cherry blossom viewing resorts in the world", there are more than 30,000 cherry trees with 100 varieties in the cherry blossom valley in Yuantouzhu.

During the Cherry Blossom Festival, the cherry blossoms are like clouds, full of trees, and the spring breeze blows and the cherry blossoms fly, which is beautiful.

Early cherry blossoms in Yuantouzhu usually bloom from mid-March to early April, mostly single or semi-double. The late cherry blossom period lasts for 7 to 10 days. Due to the warming speed, there is an interval of 5 to 12 days between morning and evening flowering, during which some hybrid cherry blossoms are in bloom.



Starting from Guangzhou, you can take the high-speed train and transfer in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hefei and Hangzhou. The fastest journey takes 8 hours and 7 minutes. It takes 6 hours and 10 minutes to leave Changsha for the high-speed train.

Tread in spring.

Let’s go

Produced by China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Rong Media Center

Planning and writing: Hu Qi Zhao Yue

Photo: Zhou Wen, Li Yong, Zn, Yang Anyong.

Original title: "Depart, take the high-speed train to enjoy the flowers in the spring."

Read the original text

Control the net, attack and smash the Chengdu staff at Xinglong Lake to compete badminton and table tennis.

Photo report by cover journalist Lai Fangjie

On December 15th, the 2023 Sichuan Tianfu New District Staff Badminton and Table Tennis Competition hosted by Chengdu Federation of Trade Unions kicked off at Xinglong Lake.

"Happiness Becomes Work, Music Moves the City" 2023 Staff Badminton and Table Tennis Competition in Tianfu New District, Sichuan

"Happiness Becomes Work, Music Moves the City" 2023 Staff Badminton and Table Tennis Competition in Tianfu New District, Sichuan

This competition is divided into badminton and table tennis. Badminton includes middle-aged/youth mixed doubles and men’s doubles, with more than 160 players competing with badminton. In the table tennis competition, there were men’s singles and women’s singles in the middle-aged group/youth group, and more than 130 players made fierce "ping" killings. After more than 300 fierce competitions a day, all the champions and runners-up in each category of each project were produced.

On the badminton court, the contestants are quick-footed, left-handed and right-handed, clean and neat. On the court, rackets are flying and silver balls are flying, and the teaching staff are agile, energetic and skillful.

"Happiness Becomes Work, Music Moves the City" 2023 Staff Badminton and Table Tennis Competition in Tianfu New District, Sichuan

"Happiness Becomes Work, Music Moves the City" 2023 Staff Badminton and Table Tennis Competition in Tianfu New District, Sichuan

On the table tennis field, the players are energetic and skilled, and wonderful scenes such as straight shot, horizontal shot, spike, spin ball and curve ball frequently appear, and their styles of play are different, which won applause from the audience.

"I am usually a deep fan of badminton. I will participate in the annual competition, and I have made some like-minded friends in the process." Chen Wei, head of the engineering consulting department of Chengdu Tiantou Group Planning Institute, said.

"enough! I will come to participate in the next competition! " Wei Sixun, an employee of Mengsheng Electronics, said.

Finally! Qiao Shuai revealed that Li Kaier’s first show time was officially released.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after the men’s basketball team in China finished the Cape Verde match, they entered the final of the Trentino Cup, and the opponents were the winners of Italy and Turkey. With reference to the strong comprehensive strength of the two teams, they must be very valuable warm-up opponents for the men’s basketball team in China.

Not long ago, the reporter in front of the sports world "Jiang Cheng Gui Zhou" broke the news. He learned from an interview with Jorjevich that in 23 hours, Li Kaier will make his debut in the final of the Trentino Cup.

Cape Verde, the first opponent of the Trentino Cup, may be Qiao Shuai. For various reasons, let Li Kaier observe the tactics of the men’s basketball team and the requirements of the competition field as much as possible, so as to better integrate into the China men’s basketball team. Compared with the other two teams, the strength of the opponents is indeed different. Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Zhu Junlong and others are enough to meet the needs of strikers, so Li Kaier has the possibility of winning opponents even if he doesn’t play.

However, after entering the finals, these two teams are well-known in Europe. According to the lineup configuration of this set of men’s basketball teams, they are actually completely at a disadvantage. After China’s men’s basketball team joined Li Kai, it may be difficult to reach a competitive state, but what kind of height and combat effectiveness can be achieved is believed to be the focus of attention of countless fans. After all, as an active NBA striker, Li Kaier must be a leading domestic striker in all aspects.

Like some key ball handling, or the time when someone needs to score, Li Kaier needs to play the role of a core player and lead the prospect of China men’s basketball team through personal ability, while qi zhou, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi and others are all excellent local players to some extent. Can Li Kaier reach a more competitive state after joining?

With Li Kaier’s entry into the men’s basketball 12-man list, Qiao Shuai’s complete lineup for preparing for the men’s basketball World Cup has been officially released. The main force of the back line is Zhao Jiwei, Zhao Rui, striker Zhou Peng, Zhang Zhenlin, Cui Yongxi, Li Kaier, inside Wang Zhelin, qi zhou and Hu Jinqiu. Players in other positions will see who has more characteristics and play in a more consistent way with the core players of the men’s basketball team, otherwise they may miss the opportunity to enter the men’s basketball 12-man list.

Three years and 186 million dollars, the Lakers shot! The average salary is 62 million, which is the first in history!

Rich Paul, the agent of Thick Eyebrow, revealed that Thick Eyebrow has reached a three-year contract with the Lakers with a maximum salary of $186 million. The average salary of this contract reached $62 million, which is the highest average salary renewal contract in the NBA.

Today, it is the first day that Thick Eyebrows get the qualification to renew their contracts in advance. According to ESPN, Pelinka, the general manager of the Lakers, contacted Ricky Paul at the first time and sent him this high contract renewal. And heavy eyebrows didn’t think too much, and readily agreed.

Also, the previous news was that the maximum amount of thick eyebrows should be only 170 million in three years, but the Lakers directly gave 186 million dollars. Juxin is more than 60 million yuan, so we really have to agree quickly, lest the Lakers go back on their word. After this renewal contract comes into effect, thick eyebrows will become the highest-paid player in NBA history. Some people may say, what about the previous five-year $304 million contract in Jaylen Brown? Jaylen Brown’s share is the largest contract, exceeding $300 million. On average, the annual salary is $60.08 million, not as much as heavy eyebrows. The maximum salary varies with the salary cap every year, so the annual salary of Brown’s contract is $52.15 million, $56.32 million, $60.49 million, $64.66 million and $68.83 million respectively.

Thick eyebrows and the Lakers have two years left in their original contract, plus a new contract extension of three years. So the annual salary for the next five years is 40.6 million US dollars, 43.2 million US dollars, 57.6 million US dollars, 62.2 million US dollars and 66.8 million US dollars respectively. Therefore, this is really the biggest contract that the Lakers can give thick eyebrows. At present, the five NBA5 contracts with the highest average salary are $62 million, $60.7 million from Brown, $59.9 million from Lillard, $58.7 million from Booker and $58.7 million from Downs. Did you expect Downs to get such a big contract? Among them, Lillard is 33 years old, Thick Eyebrows is 30 years old, Downs is 27 years old, and Brown and Booker are 26 years old.

It can be seen that the Lakers want to keep the peak of heavy eyebrows in the Lakers as much as possible. Although it is said that thick eyebrows are fragile, there is such a set of data. In the past seven seasons, thick eyebrows have played 400 games, surpassing Embiid’s 394 games, Curry’s 387 games, Owen’s 362 games and Durant’s 345 games. That’s it. I haven’t come up with Leonard’s data yet Therefore, although the heavy eyebrows are brittle, they are actually not so brittle. Small injuries do continue, but at least they have not been seriously injured. And compared with other superstars, the appearance rate of thick eyebrows is ok. Moreover, the Lakers also intend to reinforce the fifth position to share the pressure for the thick eyebrows and avoid more injuries.

One more thing to note is that there are two years left in James’ contract with the Lakers, which means that the year when James’ contract expires is the year when Heavy Eyebrows’ new contract takes effect. So is it understandable that the Lakers are preparing for James’ retirement and keeping the team competitive?

It’s just that the ability of heavy eyebrows to lead the team alone is really not excellent. I don’t know if the 32-year-old heavy eyebrows will still have the explosive power of the pelican period. Of course, there is no shortage of attraction in Los Angeles. Will other super giants join after James retires?

New vitality of Su River! 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon was held.

Transfer from: People’s Daily Client Shanghai Channel

Cao Lingjuan

At 7: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, in front of the Tianan Qianshu, a landmark building on the Suzhou River in Putuo District, the 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon started, and the road runners shared a sports feast in the early morning sunshine.

On the same day, Mari took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds. Liu Min won the first place in the women’s team in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds. After waiting for 3 hours and 15 minutes, the first Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon ushered in the "closing time", and the race completion rate reached 98.78%.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters in a chain, half of the Masuhe River and 18 bays. In recent years, Putuo District has achieved a comprehensive connection of the coastline of the Putuo section of Suzhou River for 21 kilometers, and made every effort to build a "semi-Masuhe" world-class waterfront. The Suzhou Creek in Putuo District witnessed the rapid changes of Shanghai’s history and culture. The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou Creek Half Marathon was held here, which made people feel the fireworks on the banks of the Suzhou Creek.

2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon

The theme of this year’s competition is "Shanghai-style fireworks land, new vitality of Suzhou River", which connects industrial civilization and modern creative buildings spanning over a hundred years in series. The starting point of the competition is located in Tian ‘an Qianshu (Moganshan Road) in Dayang Jingdian, and the end point is Banmashu Park (Yunling East Road). The track passes through Putuo landmark buildings such as Tian ‘an Qianshu, Shanghai Mint Museum and Banmashu Park, with a total length of 21.0975 kilometers and a total of 4,000 participants. Runners can feel the red genes, industrial civilization, development vitality, colorful life and pleasant ecology along the "semi-Masu River".

2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon is the first time to be held. As one of the stops in the Shangma series, the "Suzhou River Half Horse" puts the safety of runners in the first place. At the start and end of the track and along the way, in addition to street security personnel, 917 volunteers from Putuo District and universities in Shanghai, together with more than 130 referees, woven a safety net. During the competition, the public security traffic management department took traffic control measures on some roads involving the track. The police of the traffic police detachment of Putuo Public Security Bureau rode motorcycles to clear the way, and the police of the special police detachment rode police bicycles to escort the whole competition.

The event was hosted by Shanghai Sports Federation, Putuo District People’s Government and Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd.

Pawar has scored 6 goals in various competitions this season, setting a new career high.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, the game between Bayern and augsburg is underway. Bayern is currently leading 3-1, and pawar scored twice, scoring a goal to overtake the score and expanding the lead.

Statistics show that pawar has scored 6 goals for Bayern in various competitions this season, setting a new record for his single-season goals.