Best Andy Lau Returns, Annual High Film "Blind Detective" Exposes Ultimate Poster

The Ultimate Poster for Blind Detective
    The familiar Andy Lau is back! Starring Andy Lau and Cheng Xiuwen, the annual High film directed by Du Qifeng and Wei Jiahui has been confirmed for release on July 11. The film is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Lau and Cheng Xiuwen in a decade after 2004. Yesterday, the film launched the ultimate poster, and the two-person photo of Lau and Cheng Xiuwen has made the film highly anticipated. Lau admitted that being with Du Qifeng and Cheng Xiuwen is the "best Andy Lau". He said: "I think we are all lucky to have the three of us in the world."

"Blind Detective" mainland horizontal poster
"Handsome Blind" Detective Du "Possessed"
    In this new "Iron Triangle" film, Andy Lau’s "blind detective" is a very interesting role. According to the screenwriter Wei Jiahui, at a backstage of the Hong Kong Film Awards many years ago, Andy Lau talked to him about his interest in the story of "detective". "Later, when I was designing the character, I found that he had not played a blind man, and Andy’s original idea was to play a blind lawyer." However, considering the entertainment of the film itself and the richness of the story, the screenwriter said: "If it is only a lawyer, it may only appear in a few limited scenes in the courtroom, and the blind detective has a lot of stories to tell."
    In the character design of the "blind detective" corner, Galaxy Image specially projected many "shadows" of the director Du Qifeng, such as Du wiping his sweat with a handkerchief, stroking his belly with his hands and other "small movements" in life. Wei Jiahui also revealed that Du Qifeng in his life is still a very fond of food, and this time his "foodie" characteristics are also "grafted" into the character. In this regard, Andy Lau also responded: "Every time I act, if the character has a characteristic, I will ask someone around me to be a model, and I will choose our director for this play – Du Qifeng."
"Iron Triangle" returns to the screen after a decade
    It is understood that "Blind Detective" is the fourth collaboration between Du Qifeng, Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen in ten years after "Dragon and Phoenix Fight". Hua Zai teased Zheng Xiuwen: "She basically hasn’t changed, but she has become thinner." He also emotionally expressed the trust and tacit understanding of the three creators. "With the appearance of the three of us in the world, I think it is lucky for us, and it is difficult to find someone who believes in you."
    Regarding the new work, Johnnie To commented: "Andy Lau was in very good condition when he made this film. I haven’t worked with him for nearly 10 years, but this time it can be said that it is the best film I have worked with him in so many years." Regarding Andy Lau and Zheng Xiuwen, a classic couple on the big screen, the director also praised: "When they are acting, I sit next to them. I like to watch the two of them as if they are really a couple. As a director, I think it is good to shoot them directly."
    The special rapport between the three has given "The Blind Detective" more chemistry. At the previous overseas premiere in Cannes, some people commented that "Andy Lau with Johnnie To is the best Andy Lau." In response, Andy responded that the "chemistry" between them is different from other people’s cooperation, and the tacit understanding and nature seem to be "innate". After watching "The Blind Detective", the famous film critic Magasa said that "your favorite Johnnie To is back, this film is reminiscent of, and Liu Zheng’s romantic comedy series, very good."

"Dragon Horse Spirit" exposes clips, Jackie Chan’s Guangzhou roadshow scene "remembers bitterness"

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released, and the film’s box office has exceeded 33 million yuan. Some audiences said bluntly, "Jackie Chan, the most different in the past 60 years, has earned enough tears."

The film recently released a "reluctant to part" feature clip. In the clip, Lao Luo had to part with his beloved horse, Chi Rabbit, because of various obstacles. The picture of "one person and one horse" hugging and saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, and Jackie Chan’s tearful words "You must not forget me" were also particularly poignant.

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" revolves around the story of "one person, one horse". Jackie Chan plays the down-and-out Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, who braves the set with his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, laughing and crying along the way. As Jackie Chan’s most special partner, Red Rabbit not only has absolute action strength, but also has countless fans with its clever and cute personality. In addition, Red Rabbit’s emotional expression also caused the audience to cry, "I didn’t expect that I would cry because of a horse."

In the film, Lao Luo’s "rescue" at the birth of Red Rabbit, to the care and careful cultivation of Red Rabbit from childhood to adulthood, let the audience see the family bond between "one person and one horse" to protect each other. And Lao Luo’s hard work to protect Red Rabbit, and the bridge where he had to say goodbye to Red Rabbit in the end, made the audience cry. Some viewers said, "Every interaction between Lao Luo and Red Rabbit is so touching. Who can hold back crying when they see Red Rabbit chasing the car? Remember to bring more tissues."

In addition, the film’s creator, director Yang Zi, actor Jackie Chan, Liu Haocun, also appeared at the Guangzhou roadshow recently and had a post-screening exchange with the audience. Many Hong Kong film fans came to the scene that day, and they all expressed that they were moved by the part of the movie that paid tribute to Jackie Chan’s classic movie. "I was moved by the spirit of the dragon and tiger martial artist. I was really moved by the previous beat-the-scene. I like Hong Kong action movies very much, so I am very grateful to you for passing on this spirit." Director Yang Zi also shared his feelings with everyone. "I am very nervous and excited to finally be able to bring this film to everyone. If everyone likes this movie, all the hard work will be worth it."

The release day coincided with Jackie Chan’s birthday. Not only did iron fans organize fans all over the world to record "True Hero" and give it to him, but also the audience specially customized a huge cake with a dragon pattern, and there were also students who sent 1,000 blessings. The enthusiastic blessings from the audience made Jackie Chan very moved. "Today is the most happy birthday I have ever heard".

Surprisingly, the brothers of the Chengjia class "ambushed" in the audience that day, giving the eldest brother a happy "surprise". Yuan Biao, a junior brother who was also a member of Qixiaofu, sincerely thanked the senior brother on the spot, so that the eldest brother could not help but "remember the hardships" and shared with everyone the days when everyone suffered together when they debuted.

Jackie Chan entered the industry at the age of 8 and has starred in hundreds of works so far. He is a well-known national idol. At the roadshow, many audience members came to watch with their parents. One audience member said excitedly, "My father likes Jackie Chan very much. Influenced by my father, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies since I was a child." Brother Jackie Chan warmly concluded that "when I was a child, my father took you to watch plays, and now you take your father to watch plays."

In addition to this, there are also fans who came with their mother to the cinema with tears. "My mother and I have watched your movies for two generations of youth, and I can vividly remember your past movie scenes when watching movies. You are already 69 years old and still insist on making movies, which makes me feel very admired."

Being able to win the love of so many fans is inseparable from Jackie Chan’s brave "jumping down" on the set again and again. The lines in the movie "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down" have pierced the hearts of many fans.

At the scene, the eldest brother also shared his understanding of this line. "I used to feel that I could do it, but one day I wanted to do it and suddenly found that I couldn’t, and at that moment I suddenly felt that I was old. At the same time as accepting this fact, I thought I would change everyone’s opinion of me. So I started filming, a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, to an old master, and now an old dragon and tiger martial artist, I have been changing. So I am very happy to be able to film this drama and show it to everyone with my performances and actions."

On that day, many brothers in the family class secretly came to the roadshow to create a birthday surprise for the eldest brother, and also sent a pennant "Big Brother Forever", saying that "only if there is a big brother can we become a family class". When the eldest brother saw the brothers, he couldn’t hide his joy and introduced his brothers to the audience one by one, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yuan Biao, who debuted at Qixiaofu together with his eldest brother, sincerely thanked his eldest brother, "I was brought to debut by my senior brother, and later he became a martial arts instructor. I said I will fight hard with you, he said yes, I will follow him, without me as the boss, you will not know me."

Seeing the brothers who shared weal and woe, the eldest brother couldn’t help but "reminisce", "Yuan Biao and I hit the railing on the second floor and fell down. There were no protection measures, all of them were real glass. No one cared about us, only he helped me up, and after taking a shower at night, my body was full of pain, and the glass was forked in." Many Hong Kong film fans expressed "heartache".

In addition to the friends who came to the scene, there were also many friends who could not attend who sent birthday wishes in the form of a video. The eldest brother was moved and said, "I am really happy, and I am surprised every time. I often wonder how I can let so many people pay for me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years."

The Ministry of Transport promotes major online ride-hailing and freight platform companies to reduce excessive commissions

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Ye Haoming) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport on the 17th that in order to ensure the reasonable labor compensation level of employees in the new mode of transportation, the main online car-hailing and freight platform companies will be promoted to reduce the platform’s excessive percentage or membership fee cap, and publicly released to the public.

  The Ministry of Transport recently issued the "2023 Work Plan to Promote the Reduction of Excessive Carry-out by New Business Type Platform Enterprises in Transportation". According to the plan, for online ride-hailing platform companies, the city transportation authorities organize the deployment and implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally; urge all online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally to communicate and negotiate with employee representatives, industry associations, etc., to ensure the reasonable level of labor compensation for employees; Take the initiative to announce to the public the work arrangement to reduce the upper limit of the enterprise’s excessive take-out ratio. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides provincial and urban transportation authorities to urge major online car-hailing platform companies to clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch various online car-hailing platform companies; organize an evaluation and summary of the implementation of the work, and publicize and promote the typical experience and practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce the proportion of excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of employees in new forms of transportation. All major online car-hailing platform companies will basically complete the work of reducing the upper limit of the proportion of excessive commissions by the end of May.

  For freight platform companies, the plan points out that the relevant provincial transportation authorities organize freight platform legal person companies registered in the province to communicate and negotiate with truck drivers, industry associations, etc., to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap, and ensure the reasonable income of truck drivers; Take the initiative to announce to the public the company’s commitment to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of freight platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides relevant local transportation authorities to urge major freight platform companies to formulate implementation plans, clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch freight platform companies; organize the implementation of the work to evaluate and summarize, publicize and promote the typical experience practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of truck drivers. All freight platform companies will summarize the work experience and results of protecting the rights and interests of truck drivers before the end of October.

The total prize money is100,000 yuan! Wanhu Night Market Nanchang Chinese Billiards King Challenge officially launched!

Nanchang Chinese billiards king challenge

Waiting for you to come to the competition


host unit

Nanchang county people’s government

Nanchang broadcasting and TV station


Nanchang county yinsanjiao administrative Committee

Nanchang county education and sports bureau

Nanchang Radio and TV Station News Comprehensive Channel


Jiangxi Ruibo Recreation and Sports Co., Ltd. Jiangxi Zhidong Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. No.8 Billiards Design Ruibo Billiards Club Fengyun Billiards Club Qiaoxing Billiards Club Modern Billiards Club Hunter Billiards Club Zhuoyue Billiards Club

Guiding unit

Nanchang billiards sports association

Special guest of the event

Xiao-Ting Pan

Registration time

December 14-January 22, 2023

Game time

December 31st-February 1st, 2023

exercise yard

Opening Ceremony-Wanhu Night Market

competition range

Nanchang major billiards clubs

Closing ceremony award

Wanhu night market

competition event

Chinese billiards individual competition

Registration process

Online registration (you can register by entering the applet)

(Click here to register)


Award settings

Champion: 50,000 yuan+trophy+certificate

Runner-up: 20,000 yuan+trophy+certificate

Third place: 10,000 yuan+trophy+certificate

Top 8: 2000 yuan+medal+certificate

Top 16: 1000 yuan+Medal+Certificate.

Top 32: 500 yuan+Medal+Certificate.

(The specific details shall be subject to the final announcement)

Original title: "The total bonus is 100,000 yuan! Wanhu Night Market Nanchang Chinese Billiards King Challenge officially launched! 》

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Behind the scenes of the CCTV fire: the price of fireworks used is 350,000 yuan, and the delivery is only 50,000 yuan.

  From Xu Wei’s unauthorized decision to set off fireworks, to contact with fireworks, to site selection, entry and setting off, a series of illegal operations led to this fire.

  Large fireworks have not been submitted for approval.

  According to the regulations, the discharge of Class A fireworks must be approved by the Beijing Municipal Government. On January 19th, 2009, the security office of CCTV issued a notice requesting that "Taiwan is one of the eight places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited. During the Spring Festival, fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in the courtyard of Taiwan, in the dormitory area behind Taiwan and around Taiwan."

  Sanxiang Company has designed a scheme for setting off Class A fireworks. Fireworks can bloom at an altitude of 160 meters, and the explosion range is about 40 to 50 meters in diameter, which lasts for about two seconds in the air.

  In court, Xu Wei said that he knew the regulations of the forbidden zone, "but I understand that the CCTV site is not in the forbidden zone". Regarding the regulations on the level and variety of fireworks that can be set off, Xu Wei admitted that "I didn’t look at it. I think it should be a problem that fireworks companies should pay attention to."

  The discharge operation unit also has the obligation to apply for approval, but Sanxiang Fireworks Company did not apply for approval. Liu Faguo, a shareholder of the company, said that although he did not see the permission and instructions for discharge, he thought that it was okay to discharge in the CCTV yard, and no one was in charge. He knows that only the fireworks of Panda, Yanlong and Doby can be circulated in Beijing, and other fireworks are private guns, so they can’t be sold and set off in Beijing. "But I just want to make money."

  Waste certificates are mixed up without inspection.

  According to the regulations, you must apply for a transportation license to sell fireworks in different places. Sanxiang Fireworks entered Beijing illegally, and the transportation permit could not be processed. Liu Faguo found two fireworks licenses for Inner Mongolia, passing through cities including Beijing in an attempt to get away with it. Liu Faguo found Xue Jiwei, who often engaged in transportation in Hebei. Subsequently, Xue Jiwei contacted Zhang Bingjian, a transport driver in Daxing, and asked Zhang to get out of the car and pull fireworks at a price of 2,200 yuan. Liu Faguo specifically instructed that turning on the car radio could interfere with the bomb detector at the checkpoint.

  On the evening of February 6, fireworks set off from Yongqing Supply and Marketing Cooperative. There are two checkpoints on the way to Beijing, which are located in the north and south of Yongding River Bridge, one is Gu ‘an checkpoint outside the Hebei border, and the other is Daxing Yufa checkpoint inside the Beijing border.

  That night, there were no personnel on duty at these two checkpoints, and the fireworks car successfully entered Beijing. Subsequently, they took the auxiliary road to bypass the toll booth and drove the car directly under the new CCTV building.

  The venue is not suitable for forced discharge

  On February 6, Liu Faguo entered the construction site with Zeng Xu, the fireworks division. Zeng Xu realized that the narrow venue was not suitable for setting off fireworks. He was worried that the fireworks would shatter the glass of the CCTV main building. However, Liu Faguo insisted on using the fireworks scheme. "CCTV people said that it would be useless not to play fireworks, and it must be played, nothing."

  The fireworks display position has been pushed one or twenty meters in the direction of CCTV Annex Building. The discharge place is only fifty or sixty meters away from the main building. The safe distance of the 6-inch fireworks bomb from the building is 100 meters. In this regard, Zeng Xu said, "I can only do what the boss says."

  The 6-inch fireworks bomb blooms at an altitude of 160 meters, and the height of the CCTV annex is 159 meters. After the explosion, the high-temperature star fell into the manhole of the window cleaner at the top of the main building of the annex building, causing a fire.

  -Xu Wei.

  "Very generous, proud"

  Xu Wei, a 50-year-old Beijinger, is a professor-level senior engineer. After graduating from Beijing Union University in 1983, he was assigned to work in CCTV. He started as a deputy section chief and was gradually promoted in 20 years until he became the director of the new CCTV office in 2005. After the incident, Xu Wei was removed from public office.

  A person who worked with Xu Wei recalled that Xu Wei was "generous and proud". One of his junior high school classmates wrote in his blog, "At every class reunion, Xu Wei almost pays the bill for all the students present. He was not a’ top leader’ in his class. But the best after graduation, he should belong to one genus and two. "

  Therefore, in the choice of fireworks, Xu Wei also asked for "relatively beautiful fireworks, large ones, not the ones at home."

  -Field visits

  The burning building is ready to be repaired

  At 5 o’clock in the afternoon yesterday, the exterior structure of the North Annex Building of CCTV’s new site, which had caught fire, was still dark, and the surrounding area was isolated with a warning line. Individual locations in the downstairs are covered by green protective nets, and iron frames and other items are piled up next to the building.

  There are security guards on duty at the site of the North Annex Building and at the entrance of the workers’ dormitory on the side, and they can only enter with special certificates.

  "The repair has not officially started." A worker said that infrastructure such as water and electricity is being cleaned and overhauled to prepare for the restoration and construction. The construction will officially start in the near future, and the specific content and time limit are not clear.

  -Fire damage

  The fire caused one firefighter to die and eight people to be injured due to smoke inhalation suffocation. The area of fire and smoke in the building was 21,333 square meters (including 8,490 square meters), and the direct economic loss reached RMB 163,839,300.

  Fireworks profiteering 300 thousand decoration quality fire "accomplice"

  Behind the scenes of this fire, the relationship between interests and engineering quality problems were exposed. At present, relevant investigations are still in progress.

  Quote 350,000 yuan and pick up 50,000 yuan.

  This fireworks show once claimed to cost one million yuan, but the defendant admitted in the trial that it was actually 350,000 yuan. Liu Fa is the shareholder of Sanxiang Company, and also the business manager, responsible for contacting the fireworks sales and undertaking the fireworks project. He takes the goods from the factory and returns the money to the factory to earn the difference.

  After Sha Peng and Li Xiaohua contacted Liu Faguo, Liu Faguo invited him to Langfang International Hotel to watch a fireworks show of 300,000 yuan. At that time, Li Xiaohua, who loved fireworks, suggested that there should be several climaxes in the discharge process, and the end should be strengthened, so that the price could be increased to 350,000 yuan, and at the same time, the number of 6-inch fireworks bombs should be reduced. He knows the power of fireworks and is worried about scaring pedestrians on the Third Ring Road.

  According to Liu Fa’s confession after state affairs, the price of picking up the fireworks from the factory was less than 50,000 yuan. He is prepared to earn a difference of 100,000 yuan by himself, and the rest will be used for freight, travel expenses, accommodation expenses, workers’ wages and design plans, and he is also prepared to pay a benefit of 100,000 yuan.

  In fact, before the money was settled, the fire broke out and the commission was not finally implemented. On the way to escape in a panic, Liu Faguo asked the relevant personnel to delete the text messages with Sha Peng and others to avoid being verified by the police.

  It is reported that because the money exchange did not actually happen, this prosecution did not involve this part.

  High-cost unqualified projects

  After the fire, the quality problem of CCTV’s new site project is considered as an "accomplice" to the spread of the fire. According to the State Council’s report, one of the four major reasons for the CCTV fire is that "the relevant construction units used a large number of unqualified insulation boards".

  According to CCTV’s investigation conclusion, the thermal insulation material of the building went too fast after burning, and instantly spread from the top of the North Annex Building to the whole building. This fire is the fastest example of building going too far since the founding of New China.

  Fifteen employees of Guangdong Zhongshan Sheng Xing Curtain Wall Co., Ltd., who is in charge of the curtain wall decoration of the North Annex Building, and the construction personnel of the external wall decoration of the building were arrested on suspicion of major engineering accidents. The case is still under investigation.

  According to Caijing, the curtain wall decoration of CCTV’s new site costs a lot of money. The total investment in the construction and installation of the new CCTV site project has exceeded the newly completed Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building (the cost is 1.5 billion US dollars, about 10.2 billion yuan). As the curtain wall builder of the North Annex Building, Zhongshan Sheng Xing subcontracted the design, supply and installation of waterproof board of the North Annex Building to Shanghai Jingrui Metal Building System Co., Ltd. on January 18th, 2007. Relevant materials show that Shanghai Elite is a subcontractor selected by CCTV and Zhongshan Sheng Xing through bidding, and the contract price is 5.55 million yuan, but Shanghai Elite can only actually get about 3.78 million yuan according to another "Yin-Yang contract", and the whereabouts of another 1.77 million yuan are unknown.

Notice on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival in 2024

According to the "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in the State Council" and "Regulations on the Safety Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region" and other laws and regulations, the relevant matters on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 in Yanchi County are hereby notified as follows:

First, the discharge time is limited

1, Lunar New Year’s Eve to the first day of the first month of the whole day, the second day of the first month to the eighth day of the first month, the fifteenth day of the first month from 7: 00 a.m. to 24: 00 p.m., under the condition of ensuring safety, fireworks can be set off in an orderly manner, and it is forbidden to set off at other times. Without the approval of the public security organs, no unit or individual may hold fireworks parties or other large-scale fireworks display activities.

2. Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited during the period of heavy pollution weather response.

Second, no discharge areas and places

1, the county west to Wuyuan Road, east to Yanchuan Avenue, north to Minzu Street, south to all urban planning areas within Ningcui Street;

2. Stations of state party and government organs and offices of enterprises and institutions;

3. Within 500m of the industrial park’s county town concentration area, Gaoshawo concentration area, Baota Park, dangerous goods parking lot, dangerous chemicals production and storage enterprises, hazardous waste production and business units and other places;

4, forest, grassland and Habahu National Nature Reserve and other key fire areas;

5, railway stations, bus stations and other transportation hubs and highway and railway line safety protection zones;

6, shopping malls, bazaars, park squares, public cultural facilities, religious activities and other indoor and outdoor crowded places and logistics parks, professional markets and the surrounding;

7, medical institutions, nursing homes, welfare homes, schools, kindergartens and other public places and nearby areas;

8, cultural relics protection units, museums, libraries, archives, theaters and other public cultural places;

9, oil depots (areas), gas stations, liquefied gas supply stations (points), gas (oil) pipelines, power transmission (transformer) and overhead power, communication lines and other facilities safety protection zones;

10, buses, trucks and other means of transportation and motor vehicle (underground) parking lot, electric vehicle charging station, bicycle shed and nearby areas;

11, production and storage of inflammable and explosive goods factories, warehouses and timber storage places and nearby areas;

12, rural areas, greenhouses, grain stacks, firewood stacks, biogas digesters and other flammable and explosive points near the area;

13. Indoor and public corridors, corridors, roofs, balconies and windows of houses and residential buildings;

14. Other places where fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited.

Third, the types of prohibition and restriction

1. It is strictly forbidden to set off the "Kongming Lantern" at all times in the whole region;

2, it is strictly prohibited to set off the "gatling" fireworks without a fixed trajectory and other dangerous fireworks products.

Four, discharge safety regulations

Residents should purchase fireworks and firecrackers through formal and legal channels, consciously abide by the regulations on discharge management, stay away from areas where discharge is prohibited, choose safe and open places, discharge fireworks correctly and safely in strict accordance with the instructions, and take the initiative to deal with fireworks debris and garbage. Do not project or throw lit fireworks and firecrackers at pedestrians, vehicles, buildings, structures, water wells and inspection wells; Don’t aim and point at articles that are easy to cause combustion and explosion; Shall not interfere with the safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles and affect traffic order; Other discharge methods that endanger public safety and personal and property safety shall not be adopted. Minors must be accompanied by guardians when setting off fireworks and firecrackers.

Fireworks and firecrackers are sold at designated locations. Sales units and temporary sales outlets engaged in the retail of fireworks and firecrackers shall obtain sales licenses according to law, and it is strictly forbidden to sell professional discharge products to retail outlets and individuals of fireworks and firecrackers. Illegal production, operation, transportation, storage, discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, unauthorized forwarding and promotion of illegal fireworks and firecrackers and other illegal acts shall be punished according to relevant laws and regulations, and criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law if the case constitutes a crime.

All departments and towns (streets), village (neighborhood) committees, owners’ committees and property management enterprises should do a good job in the management of fireworks and firecrackers in their own industries and regions, publicize, educate and guide residents and villagers to change their customs, set off fireworks and firecrackers in accordance with the law, civilization and safety, and spend a happy, safe and peaceful Spring Festival together.

Supervision report and emergency telephone number:

Emergency management: 0953-6019544

Ecological environment: 0953-6011777

Urban law enforcement: 0953-6014117

Transportation: 0953-6012559

Market supervision: 12315

Fire rescue: 119

Public security organs: 110

Yanchi county people’s government

January 30, 2024

Reprinted: Impression Yanchi

Ping’ an Yanchi

Wechat ID:ycga_0953

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Notice on strengthening the management of fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024 Ping ‘an Yanchi Touch to read the original text.

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Original title: Notice on Strengthening the Management of Fireworks and Firecrackers during the Spring Festival of 2024

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Visiting Chengzi High-speed Railway Construction Site on New Year’s Eve: 25 worksites don’t stop working, and more than 1,300 people stick to the front line | Going to the grassroots in the New Year

Cover journalist Cao Fei’s photo report

On January 31, New Year’s Eve, when most people stayed at home to celebrate the New Year, a group of people had to stay in other places and stick to the construction line for the convenient travel of the public.

On the morning of the same day, the reporter walked into the construction site of China Railway 19th Bureau Chengzi High-speed Railway Bid 7 to record their persistence stories. If we expand our vision to the whole line of high-speed rail, during the Spring Festival holiday, 25 work sites will not stop, and more than 1,300 people will fight in the front line, sprinting to achieve the goal of opening to traffic in 2023.

Do not stop work during the Spring Festival.

Starting from Chengdu, driving southbound for more than 40 kilometers, you will come to the multi-line bridge of Chengdu-Chengdu high-speed rail Tianfu Station. At 10 o’clock in the morning, more than 50 workers from the 19 th Bureau of China Railway are carrying out bridge support and preloading construction on site.

Tianfu station multi-line bridge construction site

Tianfu station multi-line bridge is a control project built from high-speed railway, with a total length of 566.7 meters and a multi-line continuous steel structure. Standing on the bridge, the reporter saw this scene: the bridge deck gradually widened from narrow to wide, reaching 12 meters at the widest point, and the total area of the bridge top exceeded 35,000 square meters, which made it the largest among similar high-speed rail bridges under construction in China; There are 185 caps and 237 piers under the bridge, which are arranged in turn, forming a tall "arch" between them, which looks spectacular.

Tianfu station multi-line bridge construction site

"The construction of this bridge was nearly a year late, and the construction was difficult. The construction period was very stressful and there was no way to stop work during the Spring Festival." Zhang Zongwei, commander of Chengziyi Railway Command of Chenglan Railway Company, said. Bridge construction includes many processes, such as supporting, preloading, binding steel bars, concreting, tensioning, etc. Each process is interlocking, and any stop will affect the overall construction period.

Longquanshan Tunnel Construction Site

Leaving the multi-line bridge at Tianfu Station, about one kilometer eastward, it is the entrance of Longquanshan Tunnel. The construction here is even more intense: the knocking of binding steel bars, the humming of rock drills and the squeaking of welding current … played the engineering symphony on the last day of the Year of the Ox.

Longquanshan Tunnel Construction Site

"The entrance of the tunnel is the accumulation body of Chengdu Plain in front of Longquan Mountain Range. The geology is very soft and the surrounding rock is broken. The problem of deformation was encountered during the construction of the underground tunnel." Zhang Zongwei said that the project department temporarily adjusted the up-and-down heading method to the double-side heading method, which effectively controlled the deformation problem, and the monthly digging ruler was increased from several meters to about 15 meters.

It is reported that the No.19 Bureau of China Railway will not stop working during the Spring Festival. Among them, the two bridges are expected to be completed in May, and the Longquanshan Tunnel will strive to be completed in August.

Persistence is also warm.

Near 12 noon, the morning construction was finished, and the workers returned to the project department, waiting for them with a hot jiaozi and a sumptuous reunion dinner.

The employees’ families package jiaozi in the project department.

The 19th Bureau of China Railway started from the Third Project Department of the High-speed Railway Command, and more than 20 employees’ families wrapped up jiaozi in the yard, which brought the atmosphere of the New Year to a climax. There are two kinds of dumpling stuffing-leek eggs and celery pork, which are the flavors from my hometown.

Reunion dinner in the project department

"During the Spring Festival this year, there were more than 500 people staying at the construction site in Bid 7, including more than 100 project managers, most of whom came from Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Liaoning." Wang Jianwei, commander of Chengdu-Zicheng High-speed Railway Command of the 19th Bureau of China Railway, said that in order to ensure that everyone can spend the New Year in a foreign land and invest in construction, the project department encourages employees to take their families to Chengdu to spend the New Year on the construction site.

Reunion dinner in the project department

"My wife and son also came this year." Wang Jianwei’s hometown is in jiaohe city, Jilin Province. He has been working for 36 years, and spent more than 20 years on the construction site. In 2022, it was his seventh consecutive year in other places.

The employees’ families package jiaozi in the project department.

"I must still be homesick." He said. In order to let everyone feel the taste of hometown in a foreign land, the chef has made great efforts in the reunion dinner, including frozen skin, pig’s trotters in sauce, stewed elbows … and jiaozi, who was personally wrapped by his family. Material subsidy+spiritual comfort, so that everyone can feel the warmth of home on the construction site.

Reunion dinner in the project department

Such a picture is being staged across the high-speed rail. Zhang Zongwei introduced that Chengzi high-speed railway is expected to open to traffic in 2023, and has now entered the construction sprint stage. During this Spring Festival holiday, 25 work sites across the line did not stop working, and more than 1,300 people stuck to the construction line.

(Some pictures in this article are provided by Chenglan Railway Company.)

People’s Daily: A Deep Understanding of Stable Finance

Abstract: Finance is the core of modern economy, which is active in finance and economy. Financial stability and economic stability. Doing a solid job in stabilizing finance is not only an important task to prevent and resolve major risks, but also an important prerequisite for maintaining sustained and healthy economic development and promoting high-quality economic development. It is necessary to clarify the focus of stabilizing finance and work hard to stabilize financial services, financial policies, financial operations, financial markets and financial openness; We will not only actively and steadily launch short-term measures to stabilize finance, but also focus on building a long-term mechanism to stabilize finance, consolidate the economic system foundation for stabilizing finance, improve the macroeconomic policy framework for stabilizing finance, and improve the financial risk response mechanism.
Clarify the focus of stabilizing finance and create a stable and safe financial environment for economic development.
Finance is the core of the modern economy and the blood of the real economy, and the two coexist and prosper together. On the one hand, financial activities, economic activities; Financial stability and economic stability. On the other hand, the economy is booming and finance is booming; Strong economy and strong finance. To do a solid job in stabilizing finance, we must improve the ability of financial services to the real economy, meet the needs of economic and social development and the people, focus on stabilizing financial services, financial policies, financial operations, financial markets, and financial openness, and continuously deepen structural reforms on the financial supply side to create a stable and safe financial environment for effectively coping with the downward pressure on the economy, preventing and resolving major risks, and promoting high-quality economic development.
Stabilize financial services. Serving the real economy is the bounden duty of finance, the purpose of finance and the fundamental measure to prevent financial risks. For some time, China’s financial system has a tendency of "deviating from reality to virtuality". Problems such as idling of funds within the financial system, self-circulation or excessive flow to the real estate market have caused the financing cost of the real economy to rise, and problems such as difficult and expensive financing for enterprises have become prominent. To stabilize financial services is to focus on solving the problems of financial "detachment from reality to emptiness", self-idling, self-circulation, etc., especially to solve the problems of financing difficulties and expensive financing for private enterprises and small and micro enterprises. Financial institutions should take serving the real economy as the starting point and end result of financial work, allocate more financial resources to key areas and weak links of economic and social development, and better meet the diversified financial needs of the real economy.
Stabilize financial policy. The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year pointed out that a prudent monetary policy should be moderate, maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity, and improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. This has released a clear signal to stabilize the financial policy. At present, we should pay attention to the following aspects: First, smooth interest rate transmission channels. We should grasp the ultimate goal of monetary policy, continue to promote the reform of interest rate marketization, and strengthen the forward-looking guiding role of monetary policy. The second is to improve the credit transmission efficiency of monetary policy. Commercial banks play an important role in the credit transmission of monetary policy. To improve the credit transmission efficiency of monetary policy, it is necessary to strengthen competition, improve the market-oriented operation level of commercial banks, improve the credit resource allocation efficiency and risk management ability of commercial banks, and reduce the improper intervention of local government departments on commercial banks. Third, pay attention to the coordination of monetary policy and fiscal policy. While implementing a prudent monetary policy, we should give full play to the role of fiscal policy, reduce the cost of enterprises through large-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, stimulate the willingness of enterprises to invest, and guide enterprises to expect steady economic growth in China. At the same time, under the premise of controlling the total debt scale, the scale of local government special bonds will be greatly increased, and the local government debt risks will be handled steadily.
Stabilize financial operation. In the past period, China’s financial sector has a wide range of risk points, accumulated potential risks and hidden dangers, and the fragility of financial operation has increased. With the continuous strengthening of financial supervision, various measures to prevent and resolve financial risks have been introduced one after another. China’s financial risks have generally converged, the stability of financial operations has been significantly enhanced, and the tough battle to prevent and resolve financial risks has achieved initial results. But we should also see that the task of stabilizing financial operation is still very arduous. It is necessary to take effective measures to continue to focus on solving financial risks in key areas such as local government debt and real estate market, further lay a solid battle to prevent and resolve financial risks, and create a stable and safe financial operating environment for supply-side structural reform and high-quality economic development.
Stabilize the financial market. Capital market is an important part of financial market, and strengthening the construction of capital market system is an important guarantee to stabilize financial market and enhance the ability of financial services to the real economy. We should pay attention to improving the quality of listed companies, strengthen the governance of listed companies, strictly withdraw from the market and disclose information, effectively protect the interests of investors and reduce administrative intervention in market transactions. Further deepen the reform of financial markets and financial institutions, alleviate the phenomenon of information asymmetry and market segmentation in financial markets, improve the credit evaluation system, develop the bond market, and maintain the reasonable and moderate development of non-credit financing. At the same time, pay close attention to the possible negative impact of short-,medium-and long-term changes at home and abroad on China’s financial market, identify and predict risks in advance, introduce and implement risk disposal measures in time, and stabilize financial market expectations.
Stabilize financial openness. Expanding the opening up of the financial industry is not only the need to build a modern economic system, promote the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up, accelerate the internationalization of the RMB, and deeply participate in global economic governance, but also the need to promote the recovery and development of the world economy and establish a more just and reasonable international financial order. To promote financial opening, we should be active and steady. First of all, effectively deal with the impact of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike and other factors on China’s financial opening up, and prevent serious capital outflows and sharp depreciation of the exchange rate due to changes in the external environment. Secondly, take external factors as long-term variables to maintain financial stability, expand financial openness, prevent and resolve financial risks, and maintain steady economic growth, prepare for a rainy day, accurately judge and properly deal with the risk resonance that may be caused by changes in the external environment. Third, put the task of financial reform and opening up in place, and study and promote new measures of financial reform and opening up in a timely manner according to changes in the international economic and financial situation and the needs of China’s development strategy.
Coordinate implementation and take the initiative to do a solid job in stabilizing finance.
To do a solid job in stabilizing finance, we should make overall plans and take the initiative to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of the financial industry on the basis of clarifying the focus of stabilizing finance, actively and steadily introduce short-term measures to stabilize finance, and strive to build a long-term mechanism to stabilize finance, and work hard to consolidate the economic system foundation of stabilizing finance, improve the macroeconomic policy framework of stabilizing finance, and improve the financial risk response mechanism.
Consolidate and stabilize the economic system foundation of finance. The healthy development of the real economy is an important foundation for preventing and resolving risks and doing a good job in stabilizing finance. It is necessary to implement the spirit of the Central Committee, accelerate the reform of the economic system, improve the property rights system and the market-oriented allocation mechanism of factors, make the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, give better play to the role of the government, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, enhance the vitality of micro-subjects, build a solid institutional foundation for steady economic growth, and provide strong support for stabilizing finance. Deepen the market-oriented reform of the financial system with the market-oriented reform of interest rate, exchange rate and national debt yield as the core; Supported by the inter-bank market, foreign exchange market, bond market and stock market, we will constantly improve the financial market system, financial institution system, financial product system and the institutional mechanism of financial services to the real economy, and consolidate the institutional foundation for long-term and stable financial development. Improve the system of financial practitioners, financial institutions, financial markets, financial operations, financial governance, financial supervision and financial regulation, and standardize financial operations.
Improve the macroeconomic policy framework for financial stability. There is a strong internal correlation between macroeconomic policies such as fiscal policy and monetary policy and financial stability. According to the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year, we should strengthen the countercyclical adjustment role of fiscal policy and monetary policy, continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, focus on stabilizing aggregate demand, and create a good macroeconomic environment for stabilizing finance. The proactive fiscal policy should be strengthened to improve efficiency, implement larger-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, and greatly increase the scale of local government special bonds; A prudent monetary policy should be moderately tight, maintain reasonable and abundant liquidity, improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, increase the proportion of direct financing, and solve the problems of financing difficulties and high financing for private enterprises and small and micro enterprises.
本版制图:张芳曼 郭 祥
《 人民日报 》( 2019年03月20日 09 版)

@ Everyone! From New Year’s Day next year, these new regulations are closely related to you!

  Xinhuanet Beijing, December 27th (Reporter Lu Junyu) 2018 is the countdown, and in the coming year of 2019, a wave of heavy new regulations will be officially implemented.

  Taxpayers will get greater tax cuts when the new tax law is implemented!

  After several rounds of extensive consultation, on December 22nd, the State Council officially issued the Interim Measures for Special Additional Deduction of Individual Income Tax, which marked a key step for China’s individual tax reform to take comprehensive taxation, and taxpayers will receive greater tax reduction from next year.

  The interim measures will be implemented on January 1, 2019 with the newly revised tax law. In the future, taxpayers can calculate the taxable income of individual tax, and besides the basic deduction of 5,000 yuan and special deductions such as "three insurances and one gold", they can also enjoy six special additional deductions such as children’s education, continuing education, serious illness medical care, housing loan interest or housing rent, and supporting the elderly.

  E-commerce law governs online shopping chaos and treats online and offline fairly!

  The E-commerce Law, which consists of seven chapters and 89 articles, provides detailed provisions on e-commerce operators, the conclusion and performance of e-commerce contracts, the settlement of e-commerce disputes, the promotion of e-commerce, and legal liabilities, and will come into force on January 1, 2019.

  In order to protect consumers’ rights and respond to social hotspots, the E-commerce Law stipulates that for goods or services related to consumers’ lives and health, operators of e-commerce platforms fail to fulfill their obligation to review the qualifications of operators in the platform, or fail to fulfill their obligation to ensure safety for consumers, thus causing damage to consumers, they shall bear corresponding responsibilities according to law. If the operator of the e-commerce platform fails to take necessary measures against the behavior of the operator in the platform that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification and be fined not less than 500,000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan.

  In recent years, mobile social media has become an important part of people’s daily life, and Wechat business has sprung up and developed rapidly. In view of this new situation, the e-commerce law has expanded the definition of e-commerce operators, and included Wechat business and live broadcast platforms in the supervision. And refine the joint liability of the e-commerce platform and the operators in the platform, and increase the review obligation of the e-commerce platform. Standardize e-commerce enterprises and platforms, and put an end to the phenomenon of "big data killing", "store bullying" and "barbaric growth".

  The organic law of the "two houses" was overhauled for the first time in nearly 40 years, and the achievements of judicial reform were comprehensively confirmed and consolidated.

  The Organic Law of the People’s Court and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate came into effect on January 1, 2019. This is the first major overhaul of the Organic Law of the "two houses" in the past 40 years, which comprehensively confirmed and consolidated the achievements of the judicial system reform in recent years.

  This revision has improved the organization and authority of courts and procuratorates. For example, according to the Law on the Organization of Courts, the Supreme People’s Court can set up circuit courts, intellectual property courts and financial courts, which are all important manifestations of judicial reform in court organization.

  In terms of improving the effectiveness of legal supervision, the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate stipulates that the People’s Procuratorate may, according to the needs of procuratorial work, set up procuratorial offices in prisons, detention centers and other places, exercise part of the functions and powers of the people’s procuratorate that dispatched it, or conduct patrol inspections in the above places.

  New version of birth certificate launched

  According to the announcement of the National Health and Wellness Committee in official website, the medical certificate of birth will be revised soon. Since January 1, 2019, the medical certificate of birth (the sixth edition) issued by the National Health and Wellness Committee will be activated.

  Social insurance premiums shall be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  The "Reform Plan for the Collection and Management System of National Taxation and Local Taxation" clarifies that from January 1, 2019, various social insurance premiums such as basic old-age insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums and maternity insurance premiums will be uniformly collected by the tax authorities.

  This reform will have a series of important effects. Previously, five social insurances were collected by the social security handling department and the tax department in different regions, which was in a situation of "separate collection". After the introduction of this plan, they will be collected by the tax department in a unified way, thus improving the collection efforts and solving the once-existing problem of false fee base. Specific to the actual operation, the release of the "Reform Plan" means that the previous situation that some enterprises did not provide social security for their employees or did not provide full social security for their employees is expected to be changed, which is conducive to implementing the penalty for unpaid social security fees in Article 63 of the Social Insurance Law and standardizing the social security payment behavior of market participants.

  China adjusts some import and export tariffs

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the import and export tariffs of some commodities.

  In order to actively expand imports, cut down the institutional costs of import links and help supply-side structural reform, China will impose provisional import tax rates on more than 700 commodities, including adding zero tariffs on miscellaneous meals and some raw materials for pharmaceutical production, appropriately reducing the provisional import tax rates on cotton sliding duties and some furs, canceling the provisional import tax rates on four solid wastes such as manganese slag, canceling the provisional import tax rates on thionyl chloride and lithium-ion batteries for new energy vehicles, and resuming the MFN tariff rate. We will continue to impose a lower provisional import tax rate on advanced equipment such as aero-engines and welding robots in automobile production lines, natural forage and natural uranium, which are urgently needed for domestic development.

  In order to meet the needs of the reform of the export management system and promote the structural adjustment, quality improvement and efficiency improvement of the energy resources industry, since January 1, 2019, 94 commodities such as fertilizer, apatite, iron ore, slag, coal tar and wood pulp will no longer be subject to export tariffs.

  China adjusts cross-border e-commerce retail import policy

  From January 1, 2019, China will adjust the tax policy for cross-border e-commerce retail imports, raise the upper limit of commodity quotas enjoying preferential tax policies, and expand the scope of the list.

  The adjustment of tax policy will increase the annual transaction limit from 20,000 yuan per person per year to 26,000 yuan, and the camera will be raised with the increase of residents’ income in the future. Raise the limit of a single transaction to 5,000 yuan, and make it clear that the duty-paid price exceeds the limit of a single transaction but is lower than the annual transaction limit, and only one commodity can be imported from the cross-border e-commerce retail channel, and the customs duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax are fully levied according to the goods tax rate, and the transaction amount is included in the total annual transaction amount. It is clear that cross-border e-commerce retail imported goods that have been purchased shall not enter the domestic market for re-sale.

  In 2019, the national unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents was fully implemented.

  It is understood that the National Medical Insurance Bureau recently jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Basic Medical Insurance for Urban and Rural Residents in 2018 with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Health and Wellness Committee. The notice is clear and promotes the establishment of a unified medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. All localities should pay close attention to promoting the integration of the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents. Areas that have not introduced the integration plan and have not yet started operation should pay close attention to the introduction of the plan and start implementation as soon as possible.

  According to the notice, in 2018, the financial subsidies for medical insurance for urban and rural residents and individual payment standards will increase simultaneously. 40 yuan will be added to the per capita subsidy standard of finance at all levels on the basis of 2017, reaching no less than 490 yuan per person per year. In 2018, 40 yuan will be added to the per capita personal payment standard of medical insurance for urban and rural residents, reaching 220 yuan per person per year.

  The implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution has made people feel at ease in eating and living.

  The Law on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution in People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be implemented on January 1, 2019, which is the first time that China has formulated a special law to regulate the prevention and control of soil pollution.

  The law on the prevention and control of soil pollution consists of seven chapters and ninety-nine articles. The law clarifies that the prevention and control of soil pollution should adhere to the principles of prevention first, protection first, classified management, risk control, pollution responsibility and public participation.

  According to the law, the state implements the list system of soil pollution risk control and remediation for construction land. The law stipulates the conditions, procedures, risk control and restoration measures to be taken for entering and leaving the land under the list management. If required by law, the land included in the list of soil pollution risk control and restoration of construction land shall not be used as residential, public management and public service land.

  In addition, the law has formulated detailed punishment measures for illegal acts.

  Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions

  The Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions shall come into force on January 1, 2019. Administrative division is an important content for the party to lead the people to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity in accordance with the constitutional laws. On the basis of summarizing the implementation experience of the State Council’s Regulations on the Administration of Administrative Divisions for more than 30 years, the State Council formulated the Regulations. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" is of great significance to the implementation of the major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on optimizing the setting of administrative divisions and strengthening the management of administrative divisions.

  The official release of six national standards for electronic licenses has helped to realize the "one network management" nationwide.

  The State Administration of Market Supervision, the National Standardization Administration Committee and the National Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office of Electronic Document Management (National Cryptography Administration) have recently officially released six national standards, namely, the overall technical framework of electronic license, the information specification of electronic license catalogue, the metadata specification of electronic license, the identification specification of electronic license, the technical requirements of electronic license documents and the interface specification of electronic license sharing service.

  With the deepening of the reform of "Internet+Government Services", electronic license, as a professional and voucher electronic document with legal and administrative effects, has increasingly become the main electronic certificate for market participants and citizens’ activities, and is an important basic data to support the operation of government services. The formulation of national standards for issuing electronic licenses will provide standard support for the construction of national electronic license database and basic platform, the mutual recognition and sharing of electronic licenses across levels, departments and regions, and the integration and sharing of government information resources with licenses.

  According to reports, the series of standards for electronic licenses issued this time stipulate the overall technical framework, unified license classification rules and basic information of electronic licenses, which will help promote the realization of "one network to run" nationwide, make the sharing of government information resources and services smoother, and make people feel that it is more convenient to do things. This series of standards will be implemented on January 1, 2019.

Congratulations to the Super League! The two giants confirmed their continued investment and shattered the rumors of dissolution! The Football Association can rest assured.

The financial difficulties of China Football Super League have always been a topic of great concern. In recent years, the Super League has been hit by a serious economic crisis, which has led to the situation that some clubs have to be dissolved. This situation once triggered people’s concerns about the future development of the Super League.

However, in the latest news, two established clubs, Shanghai Harbour and Beijing Guoan, gave a positive reply, saying that they will continue to invest money for the team and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition. This is undoubtedly an exciting news, but also let the China Football Association breathe a sigh of relief.

As China football clubs with a long history and great reputation, Shanghai Port and Guoan have been reported to be unstable in operation and possibly even dissolved in the past few years. This series of rumors has further weakened people’s problems about the sustainable development of the Chinese Super League.

However, it seems that Shanghai and Guoan have not given up their responsibilities. According to relevant reports, the parent companies behind the two clubs have made it clear that they will continue to invest and support the team’s operation. This decision not only shows the courage and confidence of the two giant clubs, but also adds a touch of bright color to the future of the Chinese Super League.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Zhonghe, the parent company of Beijing Guoan Club. Although the company faces a huge deficit, it has no intention of quitting the club. This shows that China and China have a deep understanding of football and its influence, and are willing to shoulder their responsibilities in it. Similarly, no organization has proposed the intention of transferring Guoan Club.

Of course, in today’s economic situation, many enterprises are under pressure and challenges, and the football industry is no exception. Compared with the past, Shanghai and Zhonghe may invest less in the club. However, this can’t hide their contributions in supporting the development of strong teams and ensuring the treatment of players.

In fact, with the joint efforts of China Football Association and other relevant stakeholders, in recent years, Super League has taken a series of measures to solve the financial difficulties and gradually promote the professional development. For example, increase marketing efforts and introduce more business partners. These measures have provided more development opportunities for the Super League and injected new vitality into the club.

Generally speaking, although the Chinese Super League has experienced some financial difficulties and dissolution rumors in recent years, the decisions of Shanghai and Guoan once again prove that the giant clubs have deep feelings and responsibilities for China football. They will continue to invest and guarantee to participate in next season’s competition, which brings infinite expectations to people. Similarly, with the joint efforts of all parties, I believe that the Chinese Super League can overcome difficulties, develop continuously and make greater achievements.

Extended topic: In addition to the economic problems faced by the Super League, there are a series of issues related to football in China that deserve our attention. The first is the construction of youth training system. How to cultivate more outstanding young players is one of the long-standing problems in China football. Only through a sound and efficient youth training system can we ensure the future worship strength of China football.

Secondly, the adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy. In recent years, it has played an important role in introducing overseas top stars to improve the level of domestic professional leagues. But equally, whether the restrictions on the amount and salary of foreign aid are reasonable has always been a controversial topic. What kind of policies should be adopted to balance the competitive relationship between domestic players and foreign aid, which can not only improve the level of the league, but also do no harm to the development of local players.

To sum up, there is still great potential to be tapped in the development of China football market. In recent years, top European clubs have marched into China, and made active attempts in business operation and brand promotion. How to further expand the scale of the football industry and increase the profit model has also become an important proposition.

Generally speaking, in the context of solving the financial difficulties, the continued investment of super league giants has brought hope to people. However, in addition, China football still needs to be reformed and innovated from many levels. Only by developing and expanding in all aspects can we realize the historical mission that the "green field" should shoulder in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

Youth training system construction: China football has been seeking to improve its international competitiveness, and a sound youth training system is indispensable. China football needs to invest more resources to train young players and provide them with high-quality training and competition opportunities to ensure that more local stars will emerge in the future. This may require improving infrastructure, hiring more professional coaches, and cooperating with schools to train football teenagers.

Adjustment of foreign aid introduction policy: foreign aid has played a key role in improving the level of the league, but it has also caused some controversy. China Football Association needs to carefully weigh the amount and salary of foreign aid to ensure that domestic players have enough opportunities to participate in the competition and promote the growth of local players. This may require more attractive policies to attract international stars to play in China and encourage clubs to train more local young players.

Football market development: China football market has great potential, but it needs further development. More and more international football clubs have realized the value of China market, but China football can also expand the scale of football industry in various ways, including developing football tourism, promoting football education and providing more entertainment activities. This will help to improve the popularity and attractiveness of the Super League.

Cooperation and win-win: The problem of football in China needs the cooperation of all parties. Government, Football Association, clubs, fans and enterprises can all play a role in promoting the development of football in China. Partnership, investment and common vision will help solve financial problems and other challenges.

To sum up, China football faces a series of challenges, but it also has great opportunities. The commitment of the super league clubs has brought a glimmer of light to China football, but to achieve sustained success, we need to carry out reforms and innovations in many aspects, including youth training, foreign aid policies, market development and the establishment of cooperative partnerships. Only through all-round efforts can China football realize its ambition and realize the historical mission of football in the great cause of Chinese national rejuvenation.

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