Hengda responded to the rumors of Hengchi Automobile being acquired: it is actively introducing strategic investors, and there is no merger and acquisition

  According to the coupon news agency, there is news today that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another automobile, and the lead party may be the local government. In response, Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, said that the company has been actively introducing strategic investors. So far, both local governments and a number of powerful enterprises have expressed investment intentions in Hengchi Automobile, and there is no merger and acquisition. At the same time, Liu Yongzhuo said that the shutdown of the Tianjin factory is a rumor. At present, the production of the Tianjin factory is normal, and the mass production of Hengchi 5 is being advanced in an orderly manner. Our more than 1,800 employees are working hard on the front line of the Tianjin factory to ensure mass production in September and delivery in October.

  Previously reported

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? Informed sources say the parties are still deadlocked

  According to the Securities Times, a few days ago, there were media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. According to people familiar with the matter, the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked. In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, the purchase of Hengda financial management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the general assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18. As of press time, Hengda has not responded.

  Hua’an Fund cuts the valuation of China Evergrande and Evergrande properties to HK $0.01

  Hua’an Fund announced on August 17 that in order to objectively reflect the fair value of the fund, Hua’an Fund adjusted the valuation of suspended stocks in accordance with the relevant regulations of the China Securities Supervision Commission. Since August 15, Hua’an Fund has valued Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties held by its "Hua’an CES Hong Kong Stock Connect ETF" at HK $1.33/share, HK $1.37/share, HK $0.01/share and HK $0.01/share respectively. Before the suspension, the share prices of Shimao Group, Sunac China, China Evergrande and Evergrande Properties were HK $4.42/share, HK $4.58/share, HK $1.65/share and HK $2.3/share respectively. Compared with the share price before the suspension, the valuation of Huaan Fund has been reduced by 69.9%, 70.09%, 99.39% and 99.57% respectively.

  Hengda Automobile may be acquired? It is rumored that the Tianjin factory produces only 200 vehicles in half a year, and Hengchi 5 is produced here. The mass production plan has been delayed many times

  A few days ago, there are media reports that Hengda Automobile may be acquired by another car company. People familiar with the matter said that the lead party may be the local government, and the parties are still deadlocked.

  According to reports, only Hengda’s Tianjin factory has production qualifications, and only about 200 of the Hengchi 5 are being produced in the past six months. "Now all the suppliers are unwilling to cooperate with Hengda. Now Hengda talks to anyone and pays the full amount first."

  In addition, the person familiar with the matter also revealed that last week, personnel related to the purchase of Hengda Wealth Management, real estate and Hengchi suppliers entered the final assembly workshop of Hengchi Tianjin factory to protect their rights, resulting in production shutdowns. In addition, due to insufficient stocking materials, the Tianjin factory will also be shut down on August 18.

  In this regard, as of press time, Evergrande has not yet responded.

  It is understood that due to the group’s funding problems and Hengda’s continued losses, Evergrande announced in August last year that it was "in contact with several potential independent third-party investors to discuss the sale of some of the company’s assets", including Hengda Automobile. But the discussion did not yield substantive results. Then in October last year, Hengda shouted the slogan: After three months of hard work, the first car of Tianjin factory Hengchi rolled off the assembly line.

  On January 12 this year, Hengda official announced that the first car of Hengchi 5 officially rolled off the assembly line, and said that it was 12 days earlier than the original schedule.

  It can be seen that Evergrande Group has high hopes for Hengchi 5. In July, Evergrande Group held an internal meeting, asking Evergrande to increase the promotion of new energy vehicles and encourage employees to actively participate in sales. At the same time, for Evergrande properties that deal closely with first-line owners, Evergrande Group also hopes to strengthen internal communication and coordination to further contribute to the promotion of automobile sales.

  On July 6, Hengda Automobile announced that its Hengchi 5 was officially on pre-sale. On July 20, Hengchi Automobile held the first "720 Hengchi Festival" and announced the pre-sale of Hengchi 5: As of 19:00 on the same day, the pre-sale order of Hengchi 5 was 37296. Hengchi 5 is finally on pre-sale! Priced at 179,000 yuan, refundable within 15 days after pickup, claiming to be "the best pure electric SUV in 300,000"

  On August 6, Chi Auto’s official WeChat account released a tweet entitled "Dealers are super empowered, Hengchi marketing has entered the’fast lane ‘", announcing that the first batch of 30 authorized agent stores in 19 cities will open one after another from August 6. Yuantong, Litai, Jianguo, Sanhuan, Huasheng and other leading dealer groups have joined, and sales channels have begun to settle in Beijing, Foshan, Chengdu, Wuhan and other places.

  But in terms of mass production of new cars, the production plan of Hengchi 5 has been delayed many times. In May this year, Hengchi Automobile said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the original production time of Hengchi 5 was adjusted from June 22 to September 20. After the pre-sale finally started, Hengchi Automobile announced that it would start delivery in October.

  However, in August, Hengchi Automobile made another bad news. On August 2, Hengchi Automobile’s affiliated company Hengda New Energy Vehicle Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. added information on the person to be executed, and the execution target was about 9.26 million yuan. At present, the total amount of the company’s execution has exceeded 100 million yuan.

  For the first blockbuster production car, Hengchi Automobile also announced that it had cancelled the listing conference of Hengchi 5 and listed it in a "low-key" manner. The final listing price of the new car continued the previously announced pre-sale price, that is, 179,000 yuan.

  How is the market reacting to Hengchi 5?

  It is understood that August 1st is Hengchi customer small (1000 yuan) to large (10000 yuan) opening time, the first 10,000 booking customers can enjoy the car within 15 days after the car refund, deposit 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan and a series of discounts.

  Previously, the Securities Times e company reporter real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi store, sales staff said that the company has not notified the 10,000 places have been booked, so the booking can also enjoy discounts. For more content, please see "real exploration of Guangzhou Hengchi experience center, the first 10,000 the big quota to grab it?"

  Hengchi 5 officially started pre-sale on the evening of July 6, priced at 179,000 yuan. On July 20, the official data released showed that the number of pre-sale orders exceeded 37,000. If the number of orders transferred to Dading is less than 10,000 units, it means that some customers in the early stage may still be hesitating or have been lost.

  "On the day of the pre-sale, more than 10,000 suppliers came to buy cars, and Evergrande’s sales staff also accounted for part of the order," a person close to Evergrande told Securities Times.e. However, employees in the store said that the company did not issue a mandate to force car purchases, and there will be some discounts for internal purchases, "but not much."

"Five in One" in Sichuan Medical Reform attracts attention to five major issues to help you understand.

  CCTV News:Sichuan’s medical reform combined with the characteristics of the province is worth learning and popularizing. Among them, the new "five-in-one" centralized procurement mechanism for medical equipment is the most concerned. What are the highlights? Five major issues will help you understand. 

  First, what is the "five in one"?

  "Five-in-one" refers to the scope of Sichuan province’s supervision over the procurement of medical equipment in public hospitals. In the past, it was mainly concentrated in the field of drugs and high-value consumables. Now, a new five-in-one centralized procurement mechanism for drugs, medical consumables, medical equipment, diagnostic reagents and second-class vaccines has been formed.


  2. What are the classified procurement methods of drugs?

  Sichuan province is the first province in China to introduce the implementation plan of centralized drug procurement in public hospitals in strict accordance with national requirements. According to the five procurement methods stipulated by the state, a new round of centralized drug procurement was completed at the end of 2016. At the same time, combined with the actual situation, Sichuan Province has actively innovated and introduced other humanized management measures for limited online procurement, which has been well received by medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies.


  3. What measures are taken to ensure the fair sunshine of "five in one" procurement?

  For all parties, this is probably the core issue, and creating a fair environment is also the proper meaning of centralized procurement of medical equipment. Many tasks involved in Sichuan’s "five in one" centralized procurement are conducive to maintaining fairness and justice:

  First, improve the management mechanism of evaluation experts. Sichuan has completed the establishment of a centralized drug procurement expert database, covering medicine, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics and other aspects, with more than 5,000 people. Experts are randomly selected, and the selected experts are used in key procurement links to undertake consultation and evaluation.

  Second, the qualification for purchasing high-value consumables has a low threshold. Compliance products can be sold online in Sichuan. The pricing of products is humanized, with the national provincial minimum purchase price as the reference price, which is not dynamically adjusted regularly. The concept of weighted average purchase price is introduced, which is automatically calculated by the system at the end of each month. Strengthening price supervision is also a guarantee for stable market prices and is conducive to the operation and production of enterprises.

  Third, improve the supervision mechanism of medical institutions. Centralized procurement is not a simple material procurement, but also has the policy function of standardizing hospital logistics management and preventing corruption. Researcher Fu Hongpeng said that the formation of the five-in-one pattern has tightened the entrance of medical materials in medical institutions in an all-round way, from quantitative change to qualitative change, making centralized procurement truly an important means of supervision of medical institutions. In practice, the drug mining institutions in Sichuan province have moved forward the supervision barrier, engaged in post-supervision, and changed to early warning and correction before and during the event.

  The specific performance is to monitor the purchasing data. For abnormal data, the medical institution will send a "Notice of Abnormal Purchasing Price Risk" every month, and the medical institution will make corresponding rectification feedback. It is also manifested in the irregular selection of medical institutions for supervision and so on.

  Fourth, establish a medical equipment procurement information filing system, standardize the procurement behavior of medical institutions, and reduce the occurrence of commercial bribery. All medical and health institutions will upload the procurement results to the provincial drug mining platform according to regulations, and build a sunny and transparent trading market.

  Fifth, the dynamic management of bad records in enterprises. To manage the bad records of medical equipment production and management enterprises. Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, said that it is very serious to include bad records. If there are violations of laws and regulations such as unqualified quality, non-performance, inadequate distribution and non-performance after winning the bid, they should be included in bad records and publicized to the public. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the violations will be classified and dealt with, and the online qualifications will be cancelled and the bad records of enterprises will be given. For example, illegal pharmaceutical companies may be dealt with to stop selling or cancel the qualification of winning the bid. If a medical institution violates the management regulations, we will conduct an interview warning, and at the most severe time, we will ask the local authorities to investigate and deal with it through the discipline inspection system. Since 2016, a total of 63 pharmaceutical machinery enterprises have been listed in the general bad record, and 255 illegal products have been disqualified and publicized on the platform.

  Sixth, improve the complaint handling mechanism. Enterprises and all walks of life can lodge complaints if they find or think that there is injustice in any link, and formulate corresponding implementation rules to standardize the handling process.

  4. What about substandard drugs?

  Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, introduced at the media communication meeting that Sichuan is a populous province, and there are many kinds of diseases, even many rare diseases. The use of drugs may be very special, so it does not mean that drugs that have not won the bid are useless. Drugs that have not won the bid can still be purchased in limited quantities here.

  Zou Jia, the Pharmaceutical Administration Department of Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, said that there is a standard for limited control, such as tertiary hospitals cannot exceed 10%, secondary hospitals cannot exceed 5%, and township hospitals cannot exceed 3%. The quantity is controlled to ensure that the winning products occupy most of the market, and a small number of markets give products that fail to bid, giving enterprises full market survival rights.

  V. How effective is the work?

  According to Du Bo, inspector of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, in 2006, the limited-price procurement of drugs was started, in 2014, the online procurement of high-value medical consumables was carried out, in 2015, medical devices were included in the provincial drug collection platform for record procurement, and in 2016, the second kind of vaccines and in vitro diagnostic reagents were included in centralized procurement. For more than 10 years, the comprehensive supervision of medical institutions’ "medicine" behavior has been basically realized, and breakthroughs have been made in the following two aspects.

  First, the purchase price has been significantly reduced. According to statistics, after this round of drug bidding, the price of drugs under the same generic name decreased by an average of 42% compared with the online price 10 years ago, the varieties with the largest decline reached 94%, and the number of drugs with a decline of more than 50% accounted for 27% of the total online drugs. The sunshine procurement of high-value medical consumables has been implemented for three years, with an average annual decline of 7.35% and an average annual savings of 320 million yuan, which has played a positive role in alleviating the high cost of medical treatment and saving medical insurance funds.

  Second, supervision is more timely and effective. The monitoring port of medical institutions’ "medicine" behavior has been constantly moving forward, which has changed from the original post supervision to timely warning and timely correction before and during the event, realizing real-time supervision of the whole process of medical institutions’ medical equipment procurement and use. Since last year, the provincial platform has issued 1391 early warning letters on abnormal prices of high-value consumables to 405 medical institutions, effectively controlling the occurrence of irregular procurement behaviors.

  At present, the "five in one" medical equipment procurement in Sichuan Province has achieved initial results, but there is still a certain gap with people’s expectations. There is a long way to go. Only by continuing to push forward the medical reform series can patients, hospitals and doctors benefit and the reform win the hearts of the people. (Text/Yang Jing)

Love is no small matter! Why are we moved by these romantic films?

Special feature of 1905 film network I don’t know when, out of the pursuit of daily ritual, people began to create their own festivals by homophonic methods. As a result, on May 20, when the Civil Affairs Bureau was full, the flash brother also became a busy "escort".

Shopping, eating and watching movies have become a trilogy of people’s daily love. When couples began to miss the cinema, what impressions did the classic domestic films with love elements on the big screen leave on the audience in those years?

According to public statistics, the cumulative box office of this kind of domestic film TOP10 reached 15.604 billion. From "33 days of lovelorn love" to (hereinafter referred to as "predecessor 3"), the combination of comedy and love seems to be more to the audience’s appetite. The National Day file has become a box office blessing for such films, and many stars have become "bringing goods".

Laughing with tears is easier to achieve box office.

Since the birth of the film, love has become one of the enduring themes on the big screen. From the silent film era Chaplin’s "City Lights" to the audio film era, from Stephen Chow’s "A Chinese Odyssey" series to "Former 3", this kind of classic films can always set off a movie fever.

According to statistics, there are as many as seven films with love and comedy elements in the TOP10 box office of this kind of films, and the audience seems to prefer this type of combination that can make people laugh and cry. Perhaps it is because people can not only find emotional resonance for love from this kind of movies, but also laugh and release the pressure of life.

On the basis of audience, love and comedy are more extensive. Whether it is the degree of topic discussion in first-and second-tier cities or the decline of word-of-mouth in third-and fourth-tier cities, the two types of elements can complement each other to some extent.

In the time division of story background, these ten films mainly focus on contemporary love. Except for Fanghua, the other nine films mainly reflect the marriage and love life of young people. What needs to be preserved in this era is not only love, but also people’s views on marriage and love. Therefore, the love story that happened at the moment can arouse the emotional feedback of the audience, and then lead to discussion and even spread in circles.

In addition, in recent years, this kind of films mostly impress the audience with emotional cards. By poking at the pain points in people’s hearts, the topic spreads and attracts more viewers to watch. Some people in the industry summarized this as emotional marketing. For example, "Ex 3" magnified the propaganda point of "brokenhearted and crying" and poked many young men and women who had ex-husbands, reaching the emotional resonance of the audience.

This marketing method is also reflected in other films. For example, on December 31, 2018, by creating the audience’s emotional requirements for the sense of ceremony, the "one kiss for the New Year" was used to attract the audience into the cinema. However, if the content of the film is less than expected or the goods are not in the right version, the market will also have a very obvious anti-bite effect. 

In the marketing channel, these films began to spread by making materials that are more suitable for young people’s fragmented reading habits with popular short video platforms as carriers. Because the short video platform is highly overlapped with the crowd portrait of the mainstream audience, the conversion threshold of diversion is low.

"We have mobilized a lot of short video marketing that is close to the tears of" Former 3 "and the way of breaking up." A staff member who has participated in the marketing of the film said so. After the box office hit, films such as, and so on followed suit. Later, short video marketing gradually became one of the standard of film marketing.

Who is the box office "with goods" talent?

Head movies usually correspond to the head creative team, company, etc., and so do such movies with love elements. In those movies that make the audience laugh and cry, which box office "goods" talents are hidden?

In terms of actors, Deng Chao and Zhou Dongyu became the "first brother" and "first sister" of the cumulative box office of such films respectively. The total box office with Deng Chao as the leading role reached 4.199 billion yuan, and Zhou Dongyu scored 2.919 billion yuan with The Later Us and Better Days.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Dongyu won the Best Actress at the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards in China and became a double winner. In addition to showing the elements of love, Better Days’s discussion on campus bullying has certain social significance.

Behind-the-scenes companies, Light Media participated in the production of four films, ranking first among major companies. As we all know, the theme of youth has always been the field that light media is good at. The stories and production modes of youth films and romantic films often overlap more. In addition, the film channel program production center and Wanda Film and Television also participated in the production of some works.

According to statistics, in the TOP10 box office of this kind of movies, there are 4 National Day movies, 2 New Year movies and 1 Spring Festival movie respectively. This kind of films released in prime time are more likely to take advantage of the schedule bonus and get better box office, especially the National Day file.

However, in recent years, there are few such films released in more movie-watching periods such as Tanabata and Valentine’s Day. In addition to the competition of films in the same period, the homogeneous dog blood plot and the emotional expression of moaning without illness made the audience feel tired and unloved. While domestic sci-fi films and cartoons are constantly creating new box office and word-of-mouth highs, such films seem to have made limited progress as a whole.

In terms of douban score, 6 of the TOP10 films are above the passing line. The latest film, Better Days, scored 8.3 points in Douban. In addition to the love element, the audience can have a more sense of substitution and desire to watch movies by injecting more thoughts about current life and phenomena. The content is the era of the king, and we look forward to more domestic love-themed films with both word-of-mouth and box office harvest in the future.


# Headline Creation Challenge #

Exercise is a very important activity, which can not only help us keep healthy, but also improve our psychological quality and social skills. No matter what age, people should pay attention to sports and make it a part of their lives.

First of all, exercise can help us keep healthy. Through exercise, we can strengthen the strength of muscles and bones, improve heart and lung function and reduce the risk of illness. In addition, exercise can also help us control our weight and prevent obesity and related diseases.

Secondly, exercise can improve our psychological quality. Exercise can release the stress and tension in the body and make us feel relaxed and happy. At the same time, exercise can also improve our self-confidence and self-esteem, so that we can face life more positively.

Finally, exercise can improve our social skills. By participating in sports activities, we can make more friends and expand our social circle. At the same time, sports can also cultivate our team spirit and leadership ability, and make us better in our work and life.

In a word, exercise is a very important activity, which can help us keep healthy and improve our psychological quality and social skills. We should pay attention to sports and make it a part of our lives.

The great loss of China football: the Chinese Super League created 21 goals alone, or South Korean foreign aid or 0 yuan left the team!

In the course of football in China, foreign aid has always played a decisive role. Among them, the 33-year-old foreign aid Jin Yuyou from South Korea has become a leader in the Super League. According to the Korean media OSEN report, Jin Jianyou received quotations from many giants in Japan’s J League and South Korea’s K League when his contract was about to expire, and is expected to leave the Super League for free.

Jin Jianyou’s career began in 2010, and he started his own football tour in the J League team Bird Habitat Sandstone. He also played for South Shui Yuan’s Samsung and Jin Quan’s Shangwu, and has rich experience in Korean leagues. In 2022, Jin Jianyou joined Chengdu Rongcheng with his mentor Xu Zhengyuan and quickly became the backbone of the team. According to sources, even J-League teams qualified for the AFC Champions League have taken a keen interest in Jin Jianyou, taking a fancy to his advantages of being fluent in Japanese and competent in multiple positions.

This season, Jin Jianyou played 23 Super League games for Chengdu Rongcheng, contributing 6 goals and 4 assists. Last season, he also handed in four goals and seven assists. After two seasons, Jin Jianyou scored 21 goals in the Super League, showing his excellent offensive ability. It is worth mentioning that the new Football Association will soon follow up the AFC Champions League foreign aid policy, and the Super League is expected to restart Asian foreign aid. At this critical moment, it will undoubtedly be a great loss for China football to let Jin Guiyou go.

Jin Jianyou’s play in Chengdu Rongcheng can be described as incisive, and his departure will undoubtedly make the team and fans feel sorry. However, the vagaries of the football world make all this unpredictable. Jin Guiyou’s free departure may bring opportunities to other teams in the Super League, but for China football, it is undoubtedly a loss if he finally loses such a powerful player.

Among Jin Guiyou’s potential next home, teams from J League and K League have offered him olive branches. This Korean foreign aid who can speak fluent Japanese is likely to continue his brilliant career in Asia. While facing great competitive pressure, the Super League team also needs to constantly adjust its strategy and plan for the team’s future. Under the background of AFC Champions League policy adjustment, Chinese Super League teams need to increase the signing efforts and cultivate more powerful Asian foreign aid. Although it is a pity that Jin Guiyou will leave, it may inspire the team and the Football Association to change their signing strategies. Let’s look forward to the performance of China football in the future and see if Chengdu Rongcheng can make up for this vacancy and reproduce its glory. (Laoqiu Super Ball Review)

Every detail! It is too heavy for Du Feng to guide the Guangdong teenager’s skills with his hands.

The official media of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team showed a video of Du Feng, the head coach of the team, guiding young players with his hands. Although he is the head coach of the team, he should control the team from a macro perspective, but Du Feng is still careful in picking the players’ basic skills.

In the video, Du Feng used a personal demonstration to tell Guangdong teenager Huang Ming what problems exist in his technical movements. From dribbling and holding the ball to getting rid of the defense, to dribbling behind and changing the dribbling range, Du Feng has been tirelessly guiding young players.

It stands to reason that technical links like this should be guided by the team’s assistant coach or technical coach, and will be carefully divided into center group, striker group and defender group. The head coach needs macro control of the team’s training plan, tactical system and other training.

However, in the offseason, on the premise that he had time, Du Feng was patient enough to guide the young players and let Huang Mingyi enjoy the treatment of "advanced private education".

In fact, this is not the first time that Du Feng has coached players in technology and other aspects. When Zhao Ruigang entered CBA, Du Feng also gave him a lot of tips in shooting hand shape and psychological level when Zhao Rui felt unstable.

In addition, Du Feng also likes to coach players and share his experience with them when he is coaching the national team. In 2012, Wang Zhelin entered the national team training for the first time, and Du Feng, who was also an assistant coach of the national team, repeatedly gave Wang Zhelin a small stove, sharing his back-to-back skills and experience when he was young. Later, when he coached the men’s basketball team, Du Feng also gave some subtle technical guidance to Guo Ailun, Hu Jinqiu and others, and Du Feng also gave more guidance to Hu Jinqiu, who also played power forward with himself.

Now, the Guangdong team is facing the great challenge of the alternation of the old and the new. In addition to ensuring the team’s competitiveness not to drop sharply, Du Feng also needs to care so much about the performance and skills of the teenagers. Next season, the burden on his shoulders is bound to be heavier.

Times: Manchester City is willing to offer a longer contract, and Gundogan will refuse Barcelona and renew his contract.

Live on May 21st According to The Times, Gundogan will refuse Barcelona and choose to renew his contract and stay in Manchester City.

Gundogan’s contract with Manchester City will expire this summer, and it has not yet been renewed. After media rumors, Barcelona intends to exempt the German midfielder from visa, and players are also interested in joining.

According to The Times, Barcelona offered a 2+1 contract for 32-year-old Gundogan, and several rounds of negotiations have been held.

At first, Manchester City only offered Gundogan a one-year contract, but now they are willing to offer a longer-term contract, so Gundogan now prefers to stay in Manchester City.

(goblin killer)

Table tennis 2 crowns 2 Asian 2 seasons! Millions of luxury bonuses were released, and Wang Chuqin and other four people won 840,000. Sasha regretted it.

On April 23rd, Beijing time, WTT Macau Championship entered the final day of competition, which has become a performance of national table tennis. The coaching staff can also relax and watch the game. As the women’s singles won the semi-finals in advance, Ma Lin has already watched the game in the audience one day in advance. The results of women’s singles are still good. This year, three consecutive high-level events all won the semi-finals. Although the men’s singles didn’t win the semi-finals, they all won the championship and runner-up. The finals were all held among table tennis players.

Players’ hard work, for honor, for bonus, for world ranking, etc., bonus is an indispensable part of the game, and it is also a very important part, especially for high-level events, which attract experts to participate and compete for higher bonuses. The championship is second only to the Grand Slam level.

The singles champion of the championship can get 240,000 RMB, the second place is about 180,000 RMB, the top four is about 120,000 RMB, the top eight is about 100,000 RMB, and the top 16 is about 80,000 RMB. There is still a bonus of 60,000 RMB after stopping the first round. If the level is low, the champion is only tens of thousands of yuan, and the first round is even lower by several thousand yuan. Therefore, taking a high-level champion can offset many low-level bonuses. In addition, the points of the championship will be 1400 points for winning the championship and 1000 points for the runner-up, so it is also important for the world ranking. The reason why Qian Tianyi can quickly squeeze into the top ten is to reach the final at the highest level Grand Slam.

The table tennis won two championships, two runners-up and two runners-up. The results were gratifying. The champions of the first two stops were Sun Yingsha and Fan Zhendong, and this stop was changed. Chen Meng, Manyu Wang and Wang Chuqin did not reach the final in the first two stops, and Malone reached the final in Singapore and won the runner-up. The table tennis was still fierce, which was more conducive to progress.

In men’s singles, Wang Chuqin and Ma Long are 240,000 and 180,000, then 420,000, Fan Zhendong Top Eight is 100,000, Liang Jingkun Top 16 is 80,000, and Lin Shidong is 60,000 in the first round. The men’s singles won a total of 660,000 yuan.

In women’s singles, Manyu Wang and Chen Meng are 240,000 and 180,000, which is also 420,000; Sun Yingsha and Wang Yidi each get 120,000; Qian Tianyi gets 100,000; Chen Xingtong gets 60,000 in the first round, totaling 820,000 yuan, which makes a total of 1.48 million yuan.

It is already very high to get such a bonus in a week’s game. Of course, it can’t be different from football and basketball in commercial value. If there is a market and commercial value of football, the bonus in table tennis will naturally be higher.

For Guoping, it’s a luxury prize. The four finalists, Malone, Wang Chuqin, Chen Meng and Manyu Wang, got a combined prize of 840,000, but Sun Yingsha was more sorry, only getting 120,000. For other associations, it is more miserable. Most of them stop the first round or the second round. Because of the limited places, many players are not qualified to participate in the competition. They must participate in low-level competitions, and some need to start from the qualifiers.

As for the final share, it is said to be 40%. If it is really 40%, it will not even be half, but it must be admitted that there are so many bonuses announced by the ITTF. For example, Sun Yingsha grabbed 770,000 yuan in Singapore, 750,000 yuan in Fan Zhendong, and 240,000 yuan in Xinxiang, all with 1 million yuan in less than a month.

New vitality of Su River! 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon was held.

Transfer from: People’s Daily Client Shanghai Channel

Cao Lingjuan

At 7: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, in front of the Tianan Qianshu, a landmark building on the Suzhou River in Putuo District, the 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon started, and the road runners shared a sports feast in the early morning sunshine.

On the same day, Mari took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds. Liu Min won the first place in the women’s team in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds. After waiting for 3 hours and 15 minutes, the first Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon ushered in the "closing time", and the race completion rate reached 98.78%.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters in a chain, half of the Masuhe River and 18 bays. In recent years, Putuo District has achieved a comprehensive connection of the coastline of the Putuo section of Suzhou River for 21 kilometers, and made every effort to build a "semi-Masuhe" world-class waterfront. The Suzhou Creek in Putuo District witnessed the rapid changes of Shanghai’s history and culture. The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou Creek Half Marathon was held here, which made people feel the fireworks on the banks of the Suzhou Creek.

2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon

The theme of this year’s competition is "Shanghai-style fireworks land, new vitality of Suzhou River", which connects industrial civilization and modern creative buildings spanning over a hundred years in series. The starting point of the competition is located in Tian ‘an Qianshu (Moganshan Road) in Dayang Jingdian, and the end point is Banmashu Park (Yunling East Road). The track passes through Putuo landmark buildings such as Tian ‘an Qianshu, Shanghai Mint Museum and Banmashu Park, with a total length of 21.0975 kilometers and a total of 4,000 participants. Runners can feel the red genes, industrial civilization, development vitality, colorful life and pleasant ecology along the "semi-Masu River".

2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon is the first time to be held. As one of the stops in the Shangma series, the "Suzhou River Half Horse" puts the safety of runners in the first place. At the start and end of the track and along the way, in addition to street security personnel, 917 volunteers from Putuo District and universities in Shanghai, together with more than 130 referees, woven a safety net. During the competition, the public security traffic management department took traffic control measures on some roads involving the track. The police of the traffic police detachment of Putuo Public Security Bureau rode motorcycles to clear the way, and the police of the special police detachment rode police bicycles to escort the whole competition.

The event was hosted by Shanghai Sports Federation, Putuo District People’s Government and Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd.

Infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems

In order to train artificial intelligence models that can solve common problems, infrastructure is needed to provide support. These infrastructures are usually composed of hardware, software and tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training. This article will introduce the infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems.

I. Hardware infrastructure

When training artificial intelligence models, it is usually necessary to use high-performance computing hardware to provide support. The following are several common hardware infrastructures:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit (CPU) is a general-purpose computing hardware, which can be used to run various types of software, including artificial intelligence models. Although the performance of CPU is relatively low, it is still useful in training small models or debugging.

  2. GPU: A graphics processor is a special computing hardware, which is usually used to process images and videos. Because of its highly parallel structure, GPU can provide higher computing performance than CPU when training artificial intelligence models, so it is widely used.

  3. TPU: Tensor processor is a kind of hardware specially used for artificial intelligence computing, developed by Google. The performance of TPU is higher than that of GPU, and it is suitable for large-scale artificial intelligence model training and reasoning.

Second, the software infrastructure

In addition to hardware infrastructure, some software tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence model. The following are some common software infrastructures:

  1. Operating system: Artificial intelligence models usually need to run on an operating system, such as Linux, Windows or macOS.

  2. Development environment: Development environment usually includes programming language, editor and integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and testing artificial intelligence models. Common development environments include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch and Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Frames and libraries: Frames and libraries provide some common artificial intelligence model algorithms and data processing tools, making model development and training more convenient. Common frameworks and libraries include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and Scikit-Learn.

Third, the tool infrastructure

In addition to the hardware and software infrastructure, some tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence models. The following are several common tool infrastructures:

Dataset tool: Dataset tool is used to process and prepare training datasets, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, format conversion, etc. Common data set tools include Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

2 Visualization tools: Visualization tools are used to visualize the training process and results to help users better understand the performance and behavior of the model. Common visualization tools include Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

Automatic parameter tuning tool: The automatic parameter tuning tool is used to optimize the parameters of the model to improve the performance and accuracy of the model. Common automatic parameter tuning tools include Optuna, Hyperopt and GridSearchCV.

In short, training artificial intelligence models to solve common problems requires the use of a variety of infrastructures, including hardware, software and tools. These infrastructures are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training, so that the model can better solve various practical problems. In practical application, users need to choose the appropriate infrastructure according to specific requirements and data characteristics, and design and implement it accordingly.