The female owner said that the new M7 intelligent driving mode crashed, and there is a hidden danger of sudden braking after picking up the car for seven days

Ms. He was attracted by the online promotion of the M7 Smart Driving Edition of Wenjie, especially its claim that the "smart driving pilot" technology is far ahead and the concept of "safety is the greatest luxury". So she decided to replace it with a Cadillac at home, bought the M7 Smart Driving Edition priced at 300,000 yuan, and picked up the car on February 28.

Female car owner claims to have crashed in Jiexin M7 intelligent driving mode

However, only on the seventh day of pickup, Ms. He encountered problems when using the Smart Driving Pilot function. At that time, the vehicle was driving at a speed of 60 yards on an elevated or high-speed road. Although there was no car ahead and the environment was safe, the vehicle suddenly braked suddenly, which could easily lead to a rear-end collision. The video provided by Ms. He clearly recorded the sudden situation: the vehicle suddenly braked for no reason after turning on the Smart Driving Pilot, and there was no obstacle ahead.

The female owner said that the new M7 intelligent driving mode crashed, and there is a hidden danger of sudden braking after picking up the car for seven days

After discovering the problem, Ms. He and the staff of the 4S shop went on the road to test the car, and found a new problem – the body was shaking all over. In addition, the navigation solid line lane change function was abnormal, and the smart driving function would exit without warning.

The female owner said that the new M7 intelligent driving mode crashed, and there is a hidden danger of sudden braking after picking up the car for seven days

When the reporter accompanied Ms. He’s husband to experience the elevated driving, the vehicle repeatedly exited and re-entered the smart driving mode near the section of Wenyi West Road in Hangzhou Desheng Elevated Road, during which similar failures occurred many times. In this regard, Ms. He said that in the process of using the smart driving pilot function five times, the failure rate was as high as 100%, which raised questions about its safety.

Can a hydrogen fuel cell car be affordable? Is it safe? Experts tell you the answer.

  CCTV News:In the development process of hydrogen energy industry, reducing cost and ensuring safety are two core concerns. In the face of this emerging industry, how to answer the public’s concerns? Let’s take a look at the answers given by the guests in the "On Tao" column.

  Reduce industrial costs

  Dong Yang, First Vice President of the World Automobile Organization and former Executive Vice President of China Automobile Industry Association:It is still more expensive than this gasoline car, even more expensive than the ordinary battery car. However, I will tell you that there is such a rule in automobile production. After you reach this scale of hundreds of thousands and millions, its cost will drop to one tenth of the original. Or this aircraft engine is the price of gold, and the car engine, with the same technology, is the price of cast iron.

  Zhang Weidong, Director of Energy and Environment Project of the United Nations Development Programme:According to some experts, the cost of battery stack is 11,833 yuan per kilowatt now, and it will reach 668 yuan by 2025, which will be lower.

  Dong Yang:Compared with the internal combustion engine, the fuel cell stack is basically a quasi-static or quasi-dynamic process, and many processes are very similar, but there is no reason to say that the stack must be more expensive than the internal combustion engine. Now it is only a matter of technical maturity and market capacity.

  Zhang Xiaoqiang, Executive Vice President and Executive Director of China International Economic Exchange Center.To solve the cost problem of hydrogen production, if we don’t have a reasonable framework in terms of electricity price and so on, it may trouble enterprises for a long time, that is, the cost can’t be reduced. How can we have a reasonable electricity price system? For example, when using off-peak electricity, can we make it cheaper enough, so that large users can establish such a direct purchase and sale relationship, instead of adding this network fee through the power grid, resulting in high cost. Many aspects like these need government guidance.

  For another example, we now attach importance to the utilization of hydrogen energy, especially hope that it can transform renewable clean energy, that is, water, wind and light. According to the characteristics of China, water, wind and light are concentrated in the southwest and northwest. Therefore, under the guidance of the government, we established a large-scale project in the world in the past. We called it "West-to-East Power Transmission and West-to-East Gas Transmission". Then, the next step is how to cooperate with this kind of energy and pipe network facilities in existing countries and explore in some ways. By participating in power transmission and gas transmission, and exploring new long-distance transportation of liquid hydrogen, for example, we can clean the energy in the northwest and northeast regions where energy is abundant. Apart from local consumption, because our main and most developed area is in the east, to solve these problems, I think many of them need the government to do a good job.

  Safety standard operation

  Guo Liejin, Academician of China Academy of Sciences:Everyone is very concerned about safety. When we were in primary school, our teacher would tell us that hydrogen would explode. The concentration of hydrogen, the concentration in space is 13% to 90%, and it is likely to explode between them. However, there is a premise for explosion. It needs to see an open flame with sufficient concentration. In Toyota and related enterprises, they all talk about the same car in their reports, which is a car filled with gasoline and a car filled with hydrogen. The chassis structure is the same. They do experiments. Under the premise of causing an explosion, the explosion of the gasoline car is completely destroyed, while the whole structure of the hydrogen fuel cell car is basically unchanged. Therefore, from this safety point of view, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are much safer than our diesel gasoline vehicles.

  The US Department of Energy and NASA have also done the same experiment. A barrel of gasoline, a barrel of diesel oil and a barrel of liquid hydrogen are shot from a distance, and then various protective facilities are built around to see who has strong explosive ability. The damage degree of the hydrogen tank after explosion is less than half that of the first two tanks, which is between 30% and 40%. What is the reason? Because hydrogen itself is a very light thing, once it is released, it runs into the sky and you can’t find it.

  I have a personal experience. In 1997, I started to build facilities for hydrogen energy research in my State Key Laboratory. At that time, I was also worried about safety. I installed explosion-proof facilities on all the windows of the laboratory, and put hydrogen sensitive elements called sensors at key points around me, and I debugged them myself. Then when the concentration reaches a certain level, it will call the police and the fan will directly discharge the things. But it’s been twenty-two years since this year, and it hasn’t exploded, even ringing.

  We operate according to the rules. Don’t our gas stations have many rules? It is also dangerous goods. Why can we do it well? Hydrogen can also be done very well, and even its destructiveness is much smaller than the fuel we use now. So recently, several hydrogen refueling stations in the world have reported explosions, such as those in California, South Korea and Europe, but when you read its reports, the final result is that the harm to people is minimal. Moreover, it is not the explosion of the fuel body itself, but the auxiliary device, which is caused by irregular operation or irregular installation. So in itself, as an energy source, you can use hydrogen with confidence, but you must of course obey the rules.

  Dong Yang:This safety mainly depends not on whether the fuel can catch fire, but on whether you have mastered the norms and whether human beings have mastered the laws. Therefore, we must pay attention to the safety issue, which is the top priority for us to develop fuel cell vehicles. It is to do it seriously, accumulate experience, solve it, and monitor it with the industrial chain and life cycle, which can completely solve this problem.

Minority fruit becomes "noble": Myrica rubra 108 yuan/kg kiwifruit 13.9 yuan/piece.

  Eating river shrimp is just the time, and the price is cheaper than fruit! After qianjiang evening news reported this report yesterday, some friends expressed dissatisfaction: How is this possible?

  This question is not for shrimps, but for fruits. Can’t fruits be eaten? These two days, qianjiang evening news reporters visited a number of fruit shops and told you what the real situation was like.

  The same litchi, the price is two days.

  Yunnan Tanmei (Yangmei) is 108 yuan a catty.

  In the "Baiguoyuan" fruit shop on the edge of Jindu Hua Ting, Zhaohui Road, Hangzhou, the reporter saw that the nominal A-class nephew smiled lychee, with a retail price of 23.9 yuan a catty and a membership price of 19.9 yuan a catty; Domestic cherries (large) 99 yuan a catty; Grade B cherry (middle) 51.9 yuan a catty … …

  Also, small kiwifruit imported from New Zealand, 6.9 yuan/a; The big one is 13.9 yuan/piece. That’s right, 13.9 yuan each!

  "In the past, when the domestic kiwifruit in 3 yuan was one kilo more, New Zealand kiwifruit sold in 3 yuan. Now New Zealand kiwifruit is so expensive? How much does this big kiwi weigh? " At the reporter’s request, the salesperson took a large kiwi fruit and put it on the electronic scale: 150 grams, more than 3 kiwis per catty, equivalent to one catty of 46 yuan.

  In the nearby Ye Brothers Fruit Fruit Shop, Yunnan charcoal plum (Myrica rubra) is 108 yuan a catty; A basket of lychees is estimated to be about 3 kg, and the price is 198 yuan. "This is a grade litchi, 68 yuan a kilo. B-class litchi (nominally Hainan Xiaozixiao Special Grade) sells 27.8 yuan a catty, and the membership price is 25.8 yuan a catty. " The salesperson said.

  Fruit, is it really unbearable?

  Fortunately, there are fruits that can be eaten by biting your teeth. The reporter saw that in the Ye brothers fruit shop, the apples with a diameter of 80 (mm) were sold in 9.9 yuan at a membership price; In the Baiguoyuan store, the member price of Taiwan Province pineapple is 13.5 yuan a catty, and there are several yuan a catty of bananas … …

  A fruit shop located at the Jianguo intersection of Stadium Road, besides a catty of small cherries in 68 yuan, there are also a catty of apples in 8.8 yuan. Posters of "Oriental Honey 8.8 yuan/Jin" and "Crystal Sugar Kylin Melon 3.99 Yuan/Jin" were posted on the walls of the store, which were very eye-catching.

  Not far from the door of a specialty store next door, a lot of whole boxes of apples were stacked. Shopkeeper said that these apples are all "rock candy hearts" in Xinjiang, weighing 10 Jin per box and about a dozen in 88 yuan. "Now the apples are all frozen, but they are still very sweet!" The boss said.

  Why is fruit expensive now?

  The off-season of fruit and the disastrous weather caused a reduction in production.

  "It is true that fruit is expensive at present." Lu Chaofa, deputy general manager of Hangzhou Fruit Wholesale Market, has his own analysis — — There are two main reasons. First, it is the off-season of fruits, and summer fruits have not been listed on a large scale, so the market supply is a bit green and yellow. At present, the main products on the market are domestic small varieties of fruits, and the quantity is not large; Second, the impact of disastrous weather caused fruit production to decrease.

  Take litchi as an example. Last year was a big year, but this year is a small year. The output is small, and the price will definitely be higher. The purchase price of litchi in Hainan is estimated to increase by 10% to 15% compared with the same period last year. At present, the wholesale price in the market is around one catty in 9 yuan. However, from late May to June, with the listing of litchi in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places, the price will gradually fall back. In other words, if you want to try something fresh now, the price will definitely be high; If you want to eat cheaper litchi, you can wait.

  Lu Chaofa also reminded that the taste of litchi is not as good as in previous years because of the rainy weather and less light this year.

  Since the end of last year, popular fruits such as apples and pears have also been more expensive than in previous years. "Last year, due to the large-scale spring cold in the north, the output of apples dropped sharply, and the quality was not as good as in previous years. In places like Gansu and Shaanxi in the northwest, the yield of good apples is reduced by 40% to 50% or more, and that of Shandong apples is reduced by about 30%. As a result, the purchase price has risen sharply. " Lu Chaofa said.

  The price of bananas began to increase last year, mainly because of the large-scale yellow leaf disease in some producing areas the year before last. In order to control the disease, production was reduced. Last year, the wholesale price of bananas was about a kilo higher than that of 1 yuan. The market this year is similar to last year.

  Not all fruits are more expensive than in previous years. This year is a big year for pineapples. In April, the average wholesale price of Hangzhou fruit wholesale market was 5.7 yuan/kg, compared with 6.5 yuan/kg in the same period last year. The price of pineapple is similar to that of last year. At present, the market supply of pineapple and pineapple is coming to an end.

  Lu Chaofa said that at present, imported fruits have also entered the off-season. Among kiwifruit imported from New Zealand, yellow kiwifruit is twice as expensive as green kiwifruit. "Green-hearted kiwifruit in New Zealand, the normal wholesale price in the peak season is about one box (36 pieces) in 100 yuan, and now a box from 150 yuan to 170 yuan."

  Since the end of this month, Zhejiang local summer fruits such as peaches and bayberry have been listed one after another, and the supply of fruits is expected to improve. Lu Chaofa said that this year is a small year for Yangmei in Zhejiang, and the price will be slightly more expensive than last year. But at least, you don’t have to worry about not being able to afford it. (Reporter Wang Yanping Gao Jiachen Wen/photo)

Chongren, Jiangxi: the beautiful rural scenery is new.

People’s Daily Online, Chongren, February 1 (Zhu Haipeng) Recently, overlooking Xiazhang Village, Hangbu Town, Chongren County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, the houses along the Yihuang River are patchwork, with winding rivers and pleasant scenery.

In recent years, Chongren County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, has built an ecological village that integrates wetland waterscape and Jiangnan characteristics around building an ecological river. Wetlands, beaches, green trees and rural beauty complement each other, forming a beautiful rural picture.


Multi-picture text warning ahead, it is recommended to browse in WIFI state ~

In autumn and winter, of course, golfers are most concerned aboutBadminton has become unbearable.What to do! Compared withEndure steaming ballsThe flight drop orA sharp increase in ball feesThe pain,Choosing a more suitable badminton is king!

So,How to choose badminton?As long as it is resistant to beating in winter? What about flying, feeling and stability? Of course, there is also the price!

Tested8 brands and 24 badminton modelsLater, we found that:YY, Victory, RSLAnd other common brands have individual models.Pujie. What is the reason? Come with salted fish and use it.Scientific method+real person experimentLet’s test it!


/What are the performance parameters of badminton? /

/evaluation options/

/Evaluation Dimension & Evaluation Method/

/evaluation results/

/buying instructions/

  • First choice
  • Cost-effective choice
  • You can try.


About the initial motion evaluation room

Simply put, we are a group.Super keen on badmintonPeople, hoping toScientific evaluationMeans to choose the most suitable equipment for you who also love badminton.

Solemn statement All large-scale, multi-product comparative evaluation reports of the initial sports evaluation room areIndependent production,Did not cooperate with any brands or businesses.Committed to objectively and neutrally solving doubts for badminton lovers on the way to playing and burning equipment.

What are the performance parameters of badminton?
Badminton is composed of wool, ball head, coil and glue, and the intuitive manifestation can be mainly divided intoFour parameters

  • Flight trajectory:Whether the flying parabola conforms to most people’s hitting habits (whether it will be too blunt or sudden stop).
  • Flight stability:Whether the ball can maintain a unified and stable flight attitude when it stays in the air.
  • Hitting feel:Whether the feedback on the player’s hand is simple and clear when hitting.
  • Hitting resistance:Within an acceptable range, badminton can maintain the ability (duration) of the first three performance experiences.

Evaluation and selection
We have chosen8 brands and 24 badminton modelsMost of them are well-known brands.

From three comprehensive brandsYY, Li Ning, Victory, to well-known ball brandsRSLAnd then to the rookie brand.Ogarin, Kawasaki, WeiconWait; And offline niche brands.BaishengAlso, it was selected as the selection for this evaluation because it was used in many amateur competitions and ball groups around.

The following evaluation optionsAll as consumers,Buy from a reliable source, do not accept samples sent by brands.

Evaluation dimension & evaluation method

The evaluation dimensions of this badminton are:
Performance experience dimension:Flight trajectory, flight stability, hitting feel;

Performance maintenance dimension:Hitting resistance.

Test environment:Location: Guangzhou/Temperature: 16℃/ Humidity: 22/ Ball speed: 77.

Flight path

Adjust the angle of high and long ball with the server, and record the flight trajectory of badminton with a high-speed camera.

Keep the position, angle and strength of the server unchanged, and randomly select 3 balls from each of the 24 balls to test and record them one by one.

After post-processing the material, a visual flight trajectory map is obtained.

Analyze the flight trajectories of several top-class badminton, and get an optimal flight curve by taking the average value.

The curve of each ball is compared with the optimal curve in the first, middle and last stages, and scored according to the deviation. The lower the deviation, the higher the score. (out of 10)

Flight stability

Flight stability includes:wind tunnel testsandActual combat test.

Flight stability score = wind tunnel test score+actual combat test score

We made a simple wind tunnel with air duct+badminton hand glue+carton, which can simulate the stable state of badminton during flight.

We made a simple wind tunnel to simulate the stable state of badminton during flight.

Observe the rotation of the ball head and badminton through wind tunnel simulation. When the center of gravity, balance and roundness of badminton are not good enough, there will be unstable performance.

Through the observation and recording in the actual hitting process, the actual combat score of flight stability is obtained.

Hitting feel

For the hitting feel items that can only be experienced directly by real people, we invited three golfers of different ages to try each ball and score its hitting feel.

Although the ball is different in age and level. But also have their own feelings.

Hitting resistance

Finally, it is the hardest part of our test.

We try to hit 24 kinds of balls high and far, and record the state of the ball every 20 beats, and record the state of the ball in different States, such as starting to shake, starting to slow down, breaking hair, and finally eliminating.Beat countAnd take photos to record the state of the ball.

We try to hit 24 kinds of balls high and far, and record the state of the ball every 20 beats.

Take photos to record the state of the ball at different times of hitting.

Evaluation results

Performance-price ratio formula of initial badminton

Cost performance score = (total performance score * hit resistance score)/market price

Total performance score = flight trajectory score x0.4+ flight stability score x0.4+ hitting feel score x0.2.

The evaluation results of 24 badminton models are as follows:

Purchase instruction

In order to make everyonemake pointed referencesChoose the one that suits you best, and we have made several purchase suggestions for you. Because everyone has different needs and preferences for flying, fighting resistance and cost performance, please adopt it as appropriate.

(95 yuan and goose feather ball with a price of 115 yuan have obvious advantages over duck feather ball in terms of stable performance and durability, so they are better choices for playing in autumn and winter).

(75 yuan’s price, duck and duck’s generous wool film, the performance and beating resistance are above average, and the cost performance is higher)

(The comprehensive performance is relatively ideal, and friends who like it can give it a try.)

The End

Heavy tip First move to WeChat official account "Equipment evaluation"column will be launched.Badminton scoring list, constantly update the high-quality badminton styles on the market,Welcome friends to recommend.Good at playing high-quality badminton brands and models, and we will give you a satisfactory answer.

9 am! The reason for the suspension of qi zhou’s transfer was announced, Yao Ming straightened his attitude, and sui ran’s abacus failed

Qi zhou’s transfer was stopped, and the real reason was revealed. chinese basketball association’s attitude was correct, and sui ran’s lion opened his mouth, and the abacus failed. Qi zhou, the core player of our men’s basketball team, has been hit by a wall in his personal transfer in the near future. The real reason is revealed. It can be said that this time with the release of the overall situation, it also proves that chinese basketball association has made a clear attitude, which has also made the whole incident in qi zhou clear. At the same time, sui ran’s wishful thinking has been completely frustrated. If qi zhou does not make any compromises and concessions in the future, it may be very difficult.

First of all, we all know that after the men’s basketball team in qi zhou and Xinjiang broke up, he didn’t play in CBA for several seasons, but at present, qi zhou didn’t play in Australia, so his future is still uncertain in the new season. chinese basketball association is also trying to promote qi zhou to have a ball to play, so in this offseason, the whole Basketball Association has also communicated with Xinjiang team many times, and the Basketball Association also hopes to solve qi zhou’s problem. However, after each team offered an olive branch to qi zhou, the two sides did not finalize the final personnel, nor did they finalize the relevant signings when each team was able to negotiate with the Xinjiang team.

Therefore, in the near future, we have also seen that the transfer situation of qi zhou is not very optimistic. Moreover, the two teams that want to sign for qi zhou are both CBA giants. For example, the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team is indeed very experienced, and Beijing Shougang is also an old-fashioned powerhouse. It can be said that they are all very interested in qi zhou, and they also hope to implement real actors to make the team take a step forward in the new season. Why has the transfer of qi zhou been delayed? Is there any other reason for this?

In fact, the recent news from the relevant media has revealed the real answer to everyone, and also let us see the transfer of qi zhou. Perhaps the reason is not the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team or the signing of his club, but the economic, team and company level of sui ran and qi zhou. This time, we saw that the details about the Shanghai men’s basketball team’s previous signing of qi zhou were also exposed. The Shanghai men’s basketball team was asked by the Xinjiang team to send Yuan Tangwen to replace qi zhou, and at the same time, it was able to pay the Xinjiang team a transfer fee of 35 million yuan. Such a situation could have been formed. After all, the Shanghai men’s basketball team belongs to the salary team of the giants.

The biggest reason is that after the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team paid the Xinjiang team 35 million yuan, it also paid qi zhou 35 million yuan. Such a situation runs counter to the relevant regulations of the Basketball Association, so the overall situation was not recognized by the Basketball Association and did not take shape. Since then, Beijing Shougang has also encountered the same problem in signing qi zhou. If Beijing Shougang wants to sign qi zhou, I have to pay qi zhou 40 million yuan for such a fee, so the overall situation is still not recognized by the Basketball Association, and it is finally ruined. After such a situation is exposed, it actually proves that qi zhou’s transfer problem does not lie in the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, nor does it lie in signing his team.

It lies in an economic team like qi zhou himself and sui ran. It can be said that there are indeed some big openings in sui ran’s economic team. Under the circumstances that the overall salary of CBA has dropped and the Basketball Association has made clear provisions, sui ran also made such a request, which is indeed unreasonable, which has become a real reason for qi zhou’s continuous transfer. If CBA can’t become the foothold of qi zhou this season, whether he can keep his personal good condition in the future and whether he can land in CBA again is really a big question. In this case, there is really no winner, and it is also an outcome that everyone doesn’t want to see for China men’s basketball fans. Therefore, we also hope that under this circumstance, the sui ran team can better consider qi zhou’s future and let qi zhou return to the competition stage as soon as possible, so that the fans can see his performance.

There was another tragedy of trampling on the stadium, and at least 12 people were killed.

Local time this Saturday, in San Salvador, the capital of Central American country El Salvador, a serious stampede occurred in the middle of a domestic football league match, killing at least 12 people. It is said that the disaster occurred after the stadium gate was closed, when a large number of fans still tried to force their way into the venue. Some officials said that they thought some fans had bought fake tickets and were investigating. According to the Ministry of Health of El Salvador, about 500 people have received treatment, and many of them have been transferred to hospitals.

The transfer fee is ready! Manchester City found Calvin Phillips body double, and the champion attribute conquered Guashuai.

Manchester City has brought Calvin Phillips from Leeds this season, but the English midfielder didn’t get many playing opportunities in his first season at Manchester City. At the beginning of the season, players’ injuries were the main influencing factors. Although FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 successfully participated, he was once again excluded from the team’s main force because of overweight after returning to Manchester City. It can be said that Guardiola has not found a way to activate the midfielder. Of course, Manchester City will not sell players this summer, but Rodley really needs a player who can share the pressure for him, and Manchester City has also locked in the target.

According to news media N1, Manchester City coach Guardiola has found a midfielder who can replace Calvin Phillips, form a good rotation with Rodley, and even have a competitive relationship. This person is none other than Chelsea’s Croatian midfielder kovacic. Joining the Blues from Real Madrid in 2018, kovacic has helped the Blues win the Europa League, Champions League, World Club Cup and Super Cup.

However, with the departure of Roman Abramovich, the Blues under Burleigh’s control are now playing very badly on the pitch, and Burleigh spent 600 million pounds to sign for two consecutive transfer windows this year, but the final result is not satisfactory. On this premise, the Blues will sell a large number of players this summer to ensure their financial balance, and the contract between kovacic and Chelsea will expire in Ming Xia, so it is very likely that the Blues will sell them soon to earn a transfer fee.

There is a high probability that Chelsea will not qualify for the Champions League next season, and many players in the team will also have their salaries reduced. Of course, these players were signed during the Burleigh period. As a meritorious player during tuchel’s coaching of Chelsea, kovacic’s blue career has basically come to an end. However, kovacic, who is only 28 years old, is still at the peak of his career, and Guardiola is very fond of the Croatian midfielder and hopes to sign this player for Manchester City this summer.

Guardiola once said that Calvin Phillips needs to increase his rhythm in short passing. In the game with Sheffield United, Guardiola continued to give players playing time, but more could only be returned, and he could not find the opportunity to adjust his body forward. Obviously, Calvin Phillips could not provide much help to Manchester City on the court when he was on the court. If players want to gain a foothold in Manchester City, it is very important to add some extra training, but Manchester City obviously can’t just wait, but wants to take the initiative.

It is reported that Manchester City is prepared to bring kovacic from Chelsea for a transfer fee of 30 million pounds, which is not low, and if Manchester City is really willing to pay such a high price, kovacic himself is obviously willing to join. After all, you can win more trophies in Manchester City, and compared with the chaotic Chelsea, Manchester City is obviously a good place for kovacic.

Of course, it is not known whether Calvin Phillips can lead to the outbreak of Manchester City’s second season. Like Grali and many other players, he has grown up under Guardiola’s guidance. However, it is obvious that Calvin Phillips’s first season in Manchester City is not mature enough for various reasons, and players should consider their own future. Therefore, it is very important for Calvin Phillips to integrate into Guardiola’s tactical system as soon as possible.

What are the usages of ChatGPT in cross-border e-commerce?

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, ChatGPT has become one of the hottest topics. More and more people believe that ChatGPT will have a revolutionary impact in various fields and promote the development of human society in a more intelligent, efficient and convenient direction. From medical health, education and training to financial services and smart cities, the application prospect of ChatGPT is gradually emerging, bringing more and more convenience and innovation to people’s lives and work. The same is true in the field of cross-border e-commerce. So, what aspects can ChatGPT be used in cross-border e-commerce?

language translation

ChatGPT can help cross-border e-commerce enterprises to translate their product descriptions, customer evaluations, service policies and other contents from one language into multiple languages, so as to better meet the needs of consumers in different countries and regions. As a natural language processing model, ChatGPT has powerful text understanding and generation capabilities. Therefore, compared with traditional translation tools, it can understand the text input by users more accurately and output more accurate translation results. In addition, ChatGPT is also a deep learning model, and its performance can be improved by adding training data and model parameters. Therefore, it can gradually optimize the translation quality to meet the increasing translation demand. Automated translation processing can reduce manual intervention and improve translation speed and efficiency.

ChatGPT can be used for intelligent customer service robots, providing consumers with natural language communication and solutions, helping enterprises to better manage customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction. On the one hand, ChatGPT can realize all-weather online customer service, and consumers can get timely response to their inquiries, complaints or after-sales service. On the other hand, ChatGPT reduces customer service demand and workload, and saves labor costs.

ChatGPT can better understand users’ needs and preferences through real-time dialogue and interaction with users, or by analyzing consumers’ shopping history, search records, browsing behavior and other data, recommend products that better meet their interests and needs for consumers, and generate fluent and natural language texts, making product recommendations more humanized and readable, and improving user experience. So as to improve the conversion rate and sales.

Marketing activities

ChatGPT can help enterprises to generate advertising copy and social media content in line with market hotspots, attract consumers’ attention and participate in marketing activities, and enhance brand effect.

What does spa mean?

Spa refers to: water to achieve health, healthy water. SPA refers to the use of water resources combined with bathing, massage, smearing skin care products and aromatherapy to promote metabolism and satisfy human vision, taste, touch, smell and thinking to achieve a pleasant enjoyment of body and mind.

SPA is a soothing and stress-relieving method composed of professional beauty therapists, water, light, aromatic oils, music and other elements, which can help people achieve body, mind and spirit fitness effects. The discussion on the origin of the word SPA has a word that runs through it, that is, “hydrotherapy”, which reflects the important role of water in the field of healing in ancient times and in early European spa culture.
Types of spas:

There are many kinds of SPA, from ordinary bath massage, to aromatherapy massage using various mineral waters and aromatic oils, to the popular “parent fish” bath that gnaws dead skin flakes, as well as chocolate and coffee SPA. However, there are other more special spa treatments around the world, there are intoxicating beer spas, sensational snake spas, and even crude oil spas that use oil as bath water.