Huawei released the M5 intelligent driving version of AITO, starting at 279,800 yuan.

Beijing News Shell Financial News (Reporter’s promise) On April 17th, Huawei held a press conference and released the M5 advanced intelligent driving version (hereinafter referred to as "intelligent driving version"). This model launched the ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system announced by Huawei yesterday. The price of the rear-drive intelligent driving version is 279,800 yuan, and the price of the four-wheel drive intelligent driving version is 299,800 yuan. The price of the pure electric rear-drive intelligent driving version is 289,800 yuan, and the price of the four-wheel drive intelligent driving version is 309,800 yuan.
It is understood that Huawei’s ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system adopts a fusion sensing system, with 1 laser radar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 camera groups and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can achieve 360 full coverage and all-weather sensing, and the farthest detection distance reaches 200m m.
Yu Chengdong said at the press conference that the traditional obstacle recognition method is white list recognition, which requires training. Huawei’s intelligent driving system industry pioneered the GOD (Universal Obstacle Recognition) network. Through the perception of multi-sensor fusion such as laser radar, millimeter-wave radar and camera, special-shaped obstacles can also be recognized, such as rollover vehicles, falling cartons, falling rocks, fallen trees, etc., and slowed down to stop, building a safety line from the architecture.
According to the information of the press conference, by the third quarter of 2023, the ADS 2.0 of the M5 version of Zhijie will be implemented in 15 cities without relying on high-precision maps; By the fourth quarter, 45 cities will realize the landing without relying on high-precision maps, significantly expanding the scope of use of smart driving.
The advanced intelligent driving system on the M5 version of Zhijie can choose three kinds of software packages at will, including ADS basic package (including active safety assistance and adaptive cruise), advanced package (including urban lane cruise, high-speed lane cruise, high-speed intelligent driving pilot, intelligent parking and remote parking) and advanced package (including urban intelligent driving pilot and parking service). The one-time purchase price is 36,000 yuan, the annual subscription price is 7,200 yuan, and the monthly subscription price is 720 yuan.
Editor Jiang Fan
Proofread Liu Baoqing

Hot spots? A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports, and you can make an appointment online.

Kunming citizens can book stadiums online for fitness exercises ~

A few days ago, the digital platform of "Kunming Sports" WeChat WeChat official account was upgraded, and the functions of sports venue reservation, sports map and scientific sports guidance were launched. The citizens can check the sports venues in various counties (cities) of Kunming online and reserve suitable venues.

How to make a reservation? Click on the video to see the raiders ~

In recent years, Kunming Education and Sports Bureau has continuously optimized and improved the public sports service system. In October 2021, it began to build a Kunming smart sports platform and put it into trial operation in March 2023.

The WeChat official account is mainly divided into three plates.

The first plate

The first section is "comprehensive information", which realizes the function of window publicity, integrates and publishes the policy information related to sports development and the achievements of sports development in Kunming, and provides dynamic information on sports development for the masses.

The second plate

The second section is "Sports Together", which provides people with convenient channels such as sports map inquiry, venue reservation, event inquiry and registration, and scientific fitness guidance through online applet functions. A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports.

Among them, according to the requirements of "enriching public sports facilities" in 10 practical projects of benefiting the people in Kunming in 2024, no less than 30 primary and secondary schools will be selected to open sports venues to the public in the summer vacation, and citizens can make reservations through the "Kunming Sports" and "WeChat official account Sports Together" applet.

The third plate

The third section is "micro-interaction", which realizes the functions of collecting opinions and suggestions, providing government information services, inquiring about athletes’ registration, and inquiring about the contact information of sports-related departments, so as to collect opinions and suggestions from the public on the development of Kunming sports and jointly tell the story of Kunming sports.

In the next step, Kunming will continue to integrate the information of sports development in Kunming and the information of sports events, so as to provide the masses with more comprehensive sports development trends in Kunming and more convenient channels for participation.

Further strengthen the digital sports platform to upgrade and transform, input the data of sports venues and facilities of primary and secondary schools in Kunming into the digital sports platform, realize online registration, face recognition, identity authentication and other functions, and implement the opening of school sports venues to the society.

We also encourage social sports venues to carry out intelligent transformation, upload information such as people flow, personnel information and venue use to the intelligent platform in real time, realize real-time monitoring and sharing of national fitness data, realize big data analysis of mass sports regionality and sports needs of different groups, and timely adjust short-term sports work plans and project layouts in combination with medium and long-term development plans to meet the different fitness needs of the masses.

Reporter Yu Suyan

Photo: Kunming Sports

Editor Yu Suyan

Audit Zhang Liya

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In 2024, a model of examination papers and answers in Yunnan Province came to the attention. Since 2025, the college entrance examination in Yunnan Province has paid attention to the examination of English listening and speaking. In Tsinghua University, civil engineering majors have stopped recruiting, and they have paid attention to it. For more high school students’ must-see content, click here for the Kunming-Yunnan Education New Media Matrix.

Today’s headline, Weibo, Xinhua and Renmin.

Original title: "Hot spots, a mobile phone" playing "Kunming Sports, online can make an appointment"

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It’s snowing, and the circle of friends of the ancients is like this.

  Yuan an lies in snow

  The Snow Lion Map (partial) Yu Ming

  "Painting Emperor Gaozong’s Imperial Pen after Jiawu Snow" Qing Dong Gao

  Fish Selling in Snow River (Partial) Li Dong in Southern Song Dynasty

  Every winter, we will see many different forms of snow, especially this year’s Winter Olympics, and various competitive competitions have opened up our "new world of ice and snow". As a modern person, the process of enjoying the snow is naturally to take photos, shoot videos and send friends, so what will the ancients with big brains do in snowy days? We might as well travel through the circle of friends into ancient paintings and books, and enjoy the snow that has fallen for thousands of years with the ancients.

  "Ice mound" and "snow melting" … … Not enough, properly pile up a zoo.

  As the mascots of the Winter Olympics, the ice pier and the snow rongrong burst into red overnight, becoming a veritable top stream of the Beijing Winter Olympics, especially the ice pier, which can be described as "one pier is hard to find" whether online or offline. Coincidentally, at this time, there was heavy snow in many cities in China, so netizens who couldn’t buy ice piers built ice piers with snow. Many netizens shouted "creative" in the comment area.

  In fact, it is not an innovation for modern people to use snow mounds and ice mounds. On the contrary, it is a trend of "retro", because in ancient snowy days, ancient people will also play this kind of game full of childlike interest. But instead of building a snowman, they are mainly animals, such as lions. According to "Dream of Tokyo", "In a rich family, if it meets snow, it will have a feast, make snow lions and install snow lanterns to celebrate the old days." Yes, you are right. The ancients played with snow in such a grandiose way. Simple snowmen don’t pile up. If you want to pile up, pile up a snow lion and come out of town.

  Not only rich people like to pile snow lions, but even the palace in the Song Dynasty is full of interest in snow lions. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhou Mi recorded in detail the basic process of enjoying snow lions in the palace at that time: "In the back garden, large and small snow lions were brought in, decorated with golden bells, and made snowflakes, snow lanterns, snow-capped mountains and the like." In the imperial palace of the Song Dynasty, snow lions, large and small, should not only be piled up, but also be adorned with jewelry, such as hanging golden bells around their necks and wearing colorful silk threads. In order to meet the occasion, in addition to snow lions, the ancients also piled snow mountains, snowflakes, snow lanterns and so on. Among them, the "snow lamp" is reminiscent of the "snow melting" of the Beijing Winter Olympics. It is a kind of lamp made of snow, which has the same effect as the image of a red lantern with snow hanging on it, and looks like it is moving and moving.

  But then again, why did the ancients love lions so much? Is the snow lion piled by the ancients the same species as the lion that we modern people see in the zoo?

  As early as the Han Dynasty, in order to establish diplomatic relations with the Great Han Dynasty, the interest country paid tribute to the lion and Fu Ba, and called them "Swiss beasts". Gradually, the image of the lion has also penetrated into the daily folk life of the ancients. The most typical one is that a large number of "stone lions" appeared in ancient times, because the ancients thought that stone lions were spiritual and could guard all directions. Yu Shinan, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Ode to the Lion", in which he mentioned that the lion was a sacred animal. Later, Li Shizhen, a medical scientist, called the lion "the leader of many animals". It can be seen that the lion has always been a symbol of good luck, and it is also a manifestation of identity in the palace. As for the snow lions piled up by the ancients in snowy days, they are generally like stone lions: first, stone lions are more common, and the ancients don’t have to open too many brain holes; Second, the image of the stone lion is relatively stable, and it is not easy to collapse after stacking!

  After the Qing Dynasty, the ancients no longer focused on piling snow lions, but began to pile elephants and horses. In the Qing Dynasty, wu zhen Machinery recorded in Volume 14 of the Collection of Keeping Ji Zhai: "Every time it snows in winter, it piles up into lions and elephants in hall of mental cultivation’s court, and Chen Yong is often invited to sing. Ganlong Renshen, Yiyou, combined with snow lion and snow elephant. Jiaqing Wuyin, another pile of lying horses, is divided into east and west, and there are poems linked with the Imperial Palace Hanlin. " When the snow lion, the snow elephant and the snow horse are piled up, the emperor and the Hanlin scholar in the palace will also use this as the theme to recite poems and compose poems. In the Ci of Bianjing Palace written by Yan Jizhou during Guangxu period, there are poems describing the snow appreciation and entertainment in the palace, such as: "Ruixue is colorful in the sky, and lions are piled up in front of the stage."

  It can be seen that in snowy days, the ancients also loved mascots to the extreme.

  Snowy days are still inseparable from the word "eat and drink", even Bunny Bunny.

  It’s enjoyable to use the snowmobile mascot, but it’s a little cold after all, and when it’s cold, you will be hungry, so the ancients’ favorite thing after playing with snow is to have dinner. On a snowy day, the most classic is the a suggestion to my friend liu written by Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty: "there’s a gleam of green in an old bottle, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove. There’s a feeling of snow in the dusk outside, what about a cup of wine inside?? " On a snowy evening, the newly brewed rice wine at home has not been filtered, and there is a layer of green bubbles on the wine surface, and the small stove made of red mud is ready, just waiting for a good friend to drink!

  Some people have an appointment for dinner, and naturally some people will come to eat rice. The ancients who paid attention to etiquette can’t come to eat rice empty-handed, right? Under normal circumstances, the ancients would bring some good wine or some snacks to eat, but Lin Hong’s cookbook "Shan Jia Qing Gong" in the Southern Song Dynasty recorded one thing, and the gift he brought to visit was really special: "When you visit Wuyishan Six Songs, you will get a rabbit in snowy days, and no one can control it. Shi Yun: Only a thin batch is used in the mountains, and the wine, sauce and pepper are abundant. Use the air furnace to cook Azakami, use less water than half a cup, and after the soup rings, use chopsticks for each, so that the soup can be cooked and cooked, so that it can be served with juice as appropriate. "

  Lin Hong visited his friends on a snowy day, but he actually caught a rabbit on the way, so this rabbit was the gift of his visit. But there was no cook in the mountains, so Lin Hong’s friend thought of a way. He said to Lin Hong, "Everything can go into hot pot! I’ll prepare some dip, and today we’ll rinse the rabbit hot pot! " Sure enough, in the eyes of foodies, rabbits are not pets, but food.

  In addition to washing meat, the ancients especially liked to eat fish in snowy days. In the Palace Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, there is a picture of a round fan, the former is called "Fish Selling in Snow River" and the latter is called "Fish Buying in Snow Bridge". In the snow landscape map, buying and selling live fish, which seems to be full of fireworks, brings interest to the picture. Although many scholars think it is used to reflect the ideal spiritual world of literati and fishermen, it also confirms the fact that the ancients like to eat live fish in snowy days. Not only the ancients in the Central Plains loved to eat live fish in snowy days, but also the nomadic people in the north. They would dig ice holes in the frozen rivers and lakes in winter to catch big fish. A kind of fish hook used by the Khitan people to hook fish was unearthed in Yemaotai Liao Tomb, Faku, Liaoning Province. It has a sharp hook tip, a long hook body and a wooden handle, which is an artifact used to "hook fish with ice".

  After eating meat and drinking wine, the ancients also drank some tea to scrape oil in snowy days. However, how can the ancients who have always had a big brain hole only cook tea so honestly? Yes, they’re up to something again. In the eyes of the ancients, normal mountain springs could no longer satisfy their pursuit of snow and elegance, so they targeted snow.

  In the Ming Dynasty, Gao Lian once said in "Sweeping Snow and brew tea Playing with Paintings": "Tea cooked with snow tastes clearer, and it is also a river for half a day. Free from dirt, it’s enough for you to sip it. " It seems that the ancients not only used snow brew tea in snowy days, but also took snow from plum blossoms, orchids and pines. It feels that as long as they drink this cup of snow-cooked tea, they can have the cleanliness of snow, the pride of plum blossoms, the elegance of orchids and the integrity of pines. This is clearly our modern popular "concept tea"!

  It is easy to get mad in snowy days. Zhang Dai collected wonderful jokes about snowy days.

  After playing with snow, eating rice and drinking tea, it is naturally necessary to "pretend". We modern people often get some gimmicks to make a circle of friends in the snowy days. Some people practice yoga in the snowy days, some people wear Hanfu to the Forbidden City, and some people lie in the snowy days and imitate idol films to take pictures … … The "artificial" in the snowy days of the ancients is naturally very special and can be called performance art.

  For example, in the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Wang Jiang who was wandering around Chen Zhou (now Huaiyang, Henan). Although he was a tramp, there were many fans at that time, and scholars like Su Dongpo and Su Zhe were his loyal fans. In addition to his bohemian love of freedom, this Wang Jiang has a special function, that is, in snowy days, he will bury himself with snow, and then melt it with a hot air. After the snow melted, Wang Jiang was fine and continued to wander while drinking. It is rumored that people who saw this scene at that time were greatly shocked.

  Perhaps this is not the most wonderful thing in a snowy day. In the snowy day, Zhang Dai, a scholar in the late Ming Dynasty, not only went to the pavilion in the middle of the lake to see the snow by himself, but also wrote a small composition. He also did a great thing, that is, in the first volume of the book "Sailing at Night", he opened a column called "Astronomy Department Snow Frost" to collect wonderful jokes about snowy days. Among them, we are familiar with "catkins due to the wind", "Xun Mei through the snow", "Reading in the snow" and "biting snow and swallowing blankets", which are quite normal. The rest of the jokes can only shock us modern people.

  For example, the joke "I want to go to the immortals" is said to be the yue people in Wang Mian. When it is snowy, they are not afraid of the cold and go barefoot to climb the furnace peak. After looking around, they shouted: "Heaven and earth are all made of white jade, which makes people feel clear and clear, so they want to go to the immortals!" Like Wang Mian, there is also a "fairy middleman" who likes to cultivate immortals. It is said in the article that Wang Gong of Jin once walked in the snow wearing a coat with crane hair. When Meng Xu saw it, he made a commercial compliment to him: "Oh! You are really a fairy! "

  There is also a road flyover named Tiejiao, who is neither afraid of cold nor diarrhea. On snowy days, he loves to walk barefoot in the snow. When he is happy, he will recite "South China Autumn Water" loudly, then pick some plum blossoms and put them in his mouth to chew. When he feels a little dry, he will get some snow to swallow together. In this regard, he explained: "I want to soak this cold fragrance into my heart!" In this way, I am as fragrant as plum blossoms and as clean as snow! "

  We don’t know whether these action art became immortals or not, but one action art got an offer on a snowy day. The name of this joke is very poetic, called "Lying Snow", and the protagonist is Yuan An, a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  It is said that it snowed heavily in Luoyang one year, and everyone else went out to beg for food, except for the snow in front of Yuan ‘an. When Luoyang made a door-to-door inspection, he thought that Yuan An had died of cold and hunger, so he asked people to sweep away the snow in front of his door and then go into the house to have a look. After entering the door, Luoyang Ling and his entourage found Yuan An lying upright as if he were not dead, so he asked Yuan An, "Why don’t you go out?" Yuan An replied, "In this snowy day, everyone is hungry. We shouldn’t disturb others. I’ll lie down for a while … …” As soon as this is said, the pattern is there: it is not easy for people to keep moral integrity when they are hungry and cold! Luoyang made Yuan An a virtuous man, so he named him filial piety.

  Since then, Yuan An’s story of sleeping in snow has actually become a Millennium super IP (intellectual property, which is extended to be a general term for famous cultural creation). Not only do poems like to use this story, but scholars also like to add this element to their snow landscape paintings. Perhaps Yuan An himself didn’t think that a heavy snow actually changed his life.

  After brushing the circle of friends of the ancients in the snowy days, I must give the ancients a compliment. They are really good at playing! However, for all kinds of "playing" of the ancients, we modern people should remain sober and rational, only taste the ancient meaning, and can’t blindly imitate it. After all, we don’t have super energy like the ice pier!

  Photo courtesy/Jinling Xiaodai

All-round, wide-ranging and multi-level! A new chapter on international exchange and cooperation in Lanzhou University of Information Technology

In order to vigorously promote the opening up of education and expand the training of international talents, Huang Wei, the president of the school, and his party recently went to Belarus, an important country along the "the belt and road initiative", and paid in-depth visits to Belarus State Technical University, Belarus State Polytechnic University, Belarus State Normal University, Belarus State Economic University, Belarus Trade Union United International University and China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center, and conducted comprehensive and pragmatic discussions and exchanges on the cooperation between the two sides in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and achieved fruitful results.

Belarus State University of Technology and Belarus State University of Technology plan to cooperate with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology in "3+2+1" undergraduate and postgraduate training, joint undergraduate and postgraduate training, teacher training and enterprise practice, summer (winter) camp and language training around their advantageous engineering majors.

Belarus State Normal University has a high level of attainments in the fields of pedagogy and psychology. It has established a number of special research centers, such as the Center for Modern Educational Methods of Preschool Education, the Center for Psychological Support, and the Center for Special Education. It has also established an information discipline and robotics center with normal characteristics. The two sides have made in-depth communication and reached cooperation intentions focusing on teacher training and professional master’s degree promotion.

The Belarusian State University of Economics and the Belarusian Trade Union United International University have held in-depth discussions with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology on the vision of cultivating "Economics+Law/Linguistics/Sociology/Psychology" compound talents and interdisciplinary students that meet the needs of society. The two sides plan to focus on e-commerce and logistics management, digital economics, marketing, economic law and other advantageous majors to carry out "2+2" joint training, and conduct in-depth communication on teachers’ further training, undergraduate upgrading and short-term exchanges and visits between schools.

Colleges and universities in Belarus highly recognize Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology and world-renowned enterprises such as Huawei and 360 Group for deepening the integration of production and education, as well as the professional characteristics of "information+engineering" and "digital+business", indicating that their majors are highly compatible and have a natural cooperation foundation for jointly cultivating international talents.

Huang Wei signed a cooperation agreement with the president of Belarus State University of Technology.

The delegation visited Belarus State Normal University

The delegation visited Belarus State University of Economics.

The delegation visited Belarus Union International University (Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

At the same time, the school has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center. The two sides held talks on the "undergraduate and postgraduate" direct projects in Belarusian universities, and actively supported Lanzhou Institute of Information and Technology to continuously improve the level of international exchanges and cooperation in terms of hiring high-level foreign academicians, jointly holding international higher education exhibitions, and setting up elite classes for studying abroad.

During the visit, the school delegation held a discussion with graduates of Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology who studied in Belarus. During the discussion, Huang Wei and his party expressed cordial concern for the graduates studying abroad, and got a detailed understanding of their study and life, encouraging students to make use of the platform provided by the school to study hard and actively apply their knowledge to the construction of "the belt and road initiative". Zhu Zongyue, a 23rd graduate majoring in financial management, said happily, "I am very happy to meet the teachers of my alma mater in a foreign country thousands of miles away. The familiar faces make me feel very cordial, and I am very grateful for the study abroad channel provided by the school, which has enriched my knowledge and experience. I will cherish this platform and study hard the knowledge and skills of this major, so that I can become an excellent economic talent and contribute to the construction of the motherland in the future."

Group photo of the delegation with the school graduates (Photo courtesy of the school, posted by Yangguang. com)

International exchange and cooperation is an important way to cultivate high-quality talents and plays a vital role in promoting talent cultivation. Lanzhou University of Information and Technology actively promotes international exchange and cooperation projects, strengthens discipline construction, introduces and integrates international resources in many ways, and builds a broader platform for students to improve their academic qualifications, broadens the channels for students to realize their postgraduate dreams, and enables more students to "get a good job and get a good job", so that they can achieve career achievements and happiness in life on a broader platform in the future.

"Those who are willing to work together are not far from mountains and seas." Huang Wei said that standing at a new starting point, Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology will promote pragmatic cooperation with Belarusian universities in an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level manner. The school will take international education as the link, innovate the training path of college students with international vision in the new era, carry out extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Belarusian universities, make full use of the important strategic platform of "the belt and road initiative" university alliance, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of educational and cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.

(Note: This article belongs to the education industry information published by Yangguang. com. The content of this article does not represent the views of this website, and it is for reference only. )

German media: "A big weakness" slows down the rise of China cars in Europe, and half of the brands will disappear.

# The headline of current events said # "Many European experts think that China cars have a bright future. They perform well in crash tests, are usually beautifully designed, and provide reasonable equipment even in the basic version-and the price is unparalleled. " However, the article titled "What May Stop the Rise of China Electric Vehicles in Germany" in German Economic Weekly on December 10th pointed out that the China brand still has a key weakness-China automobile manufacturers lack a service point network in Germany and Europe. Many China players also have weak financial resources.

Nearly 30 China brands have entered Europe.

At the end of November, BYD, a China automobile manufacturer, announced that it had reached a "historic milestone": the 6 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line in Zhengzhou, China. In just three months, BYD’s car production has increased from 5 million to 6 million. BYD is a success story: it took 13 years to produce the millionth electric car. BYD currently has offices in 58 countries around the world, including Germany.

Like BYD, Aichi, MG, Geely and Weilai have mushroomed in Germany. Chery is also expected to start selling in Germany in the second quarter of 2024.

Economic Weekly article

Ergun Lumali, President of the General Union of Mercedes-Benz Group, recently visited China, where he was able to drive and inspect the cars of China automobile manufacturers. He said: "China manufacturers are ahead of us in the fields of digitalization, infotainment and autonomous driving, and the price makes it difficult for us to keep up. We are getting better, but we must hurry and act faster. "

In any case, people in China have ambitious sales plans: "At present, about 20 to 30 China brands are trying to gain a foothold in Europe," said benedikt Mayer of IfA. So far, China’s market share of new cars in Germany is about 1%. By 2025, this proportion is likely to reach 3%. The growth is enormous.

BYD dealers also sell Mercedes-Benz.

But the China brand still has a key weakness: "China manufacturers come to Europe with very strong products, but this is only one of the keys to success," said Peter Fintel, head of Capgemini’s technology and innovation. Sales and service are equally important.

Fabian Brandt, partner of Oliver Wyman Consulting and global consultant in charge of automobiles and industrial products, said that service plays an important role in the life cycle of automobiles. Service "determines whether customers are satisfied." Anyone who has just entered the European market must establish a good service network. If the player doesn’t do this, it will damage the brand. Lack of service may slow down the rise of China brands. "

China’s share of electric vehicles exported to Europe is increasing.

But what if the China car needs to go to a repair shop? Then sometimes there may be problems. Meyer said that in order to fully enter the German market, manufacturers need at least 100 auto repair service points.

Not all China automobile manufacturers have established a comprehensive service point network. For example, Weilai mainly passedmove""WeilaiService center ",to provide users with on-site service. In any case, there are not many users. From January to September, 2023, the newly registered number of Weilai Automobile was only 885. This is not enough to cover the high cost.

A China automobile brand store in Europe.

In contrast, taking MG as an example, it is estimated that there will be 20,000 newly registered cars in 2023. "This goal seems to be achievable at present," said MG. Polestar has set up more than 200 service points in Germany and cooperated with Volvo Car Germany. Polestar 2 has registered more than 15,000 vehicles in Germany. Aichi Auto relies on ATU auto repair service chain. Customers can go to any of about 500 ATU branches in Germany. Up to now, Aichi Automobile has sold about 3,000 U5 SUV models in Germany. BYD dealers also sell Mercedes-Benz in Germany.

The way to establish contact with large retail chain stores is particularly promising. They not only have dozens of car dealerships in the region, but also have affiliated repair shops. This is how sales and service are combined. For example, Great Wall Motor relies on Emile Frey Group, an importer in Germany. So far, the manufacturer has sold more than 4,000 Great Wall Euler 03 cars in Germany alone.

get ready for a journey or a march

There is another risk: according to consultant Brandt, many players from China also have "fragile financial resources". Therefore, he estimated that "half of the brands currently targeting the European market will disappear again". The risk faced by car owners in China is whether they will continue to get spare parts, especially software updates. If the manufacturer withdraws from the market again, in theory, it must abide by the law and continue to provide spare parts to existing customers.

Therefore, if China manufacturers want to gain a foothold in the European market, it is imperative to build a perfect service point network to give European drivers who have bought China cars and want to buy China cars a "reassurance".

# New energy vehicles #

Shohei Ohtani: "Two Knives" in Baseball.

Kondo Daisuke/Wen

On July 5th, Shohei Ohtani, known as "the best Japanese athlete trained after the Second World War", celebrated his 29th birthday. Shohei Ohtani is 193cm tall and weighs 102kg. At present, he is a star player of American professional baseball team "los angeles angels".

Because the popularity of baseball in China is relatively low, it may be difficult for China people to appreciate the greatness of Shohei Ohtani. Like China, there is no major professional baseball league in Germany. Therefore, the German media once made a very vivid analogy with football. Shohei Ohtani, a Japanese professional baseball player, is like Lionel Messi and Manuel Neuer on the football field.

Messi, known as the best striker of this century, was the minister of the arm stocks who won the Argentine national team in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 last year. Neuer, known as the best goalkeeper in the world, has a superb defensive ability. If football matches are used as an analogy, Shohei Ohtani can be a goalkeeper like Neuer and create a lot of goals like Messi.

However, in the real football match, it is impossible for a player to be a goalkeeper and a striker at the same time. Similarly, in baseball, it is impossible to be a pitcher equivalent to goal keeper and a home run batter equivalent to a football striker. Of course, this, like football, is not "forbidden" in rules, but "impossible" in human physical fitness. Therefore, all football players and baseball players have never thought about having two jobs on the court.

However, since childhood, Shohei Ohtani dreamed that he could become a "court-riding" player who could throw, hit and run. In 2013, after graduating from high school at the age of 18, he joined the Japanese professional baseball team "Hokkaido Japanese Ham Fighters".

Perhaps it was God who blessed Shohei Ohtani. At that time, the head coach of this team was Hideki Kuriyama, who was called "the first Japanese intellectual coach". Later, coach Kuriyama became the head coach of the Japanese national team. At the WBC(WorldBaseballClassic) held in March this year, he led the outstanding players of Otani Xiangping to win the championship.

At that time, Coach Kuriyama was very supportive of Shohei Ohtani’s dream, and even praised his ability as a "two-knife flow"-usually, when Japanese samurai confronted each other, everyone used a knife, but Shohei Ohtani had both the throwing and hitting knives, so he was called "two-knife flow" by Coach Kuriyama. It didn’t take long for the word "two knives" to become a buzzword in Japan.

In Japanese, the expression similar to the meaning of "two knives" also includes "two pairs of sandals", that is, doing one’s job from nine to five in the morning and doing sideline work after work or on rest days in the evening. This behavior is called "wearing two pairs of sandals" by the Japanese.

However, in real life, neither "two knives" nor "wearing two pairs of sandals" is a compliment. This is because in the traditional Japanese values, the concept of "not serving two monarchs (samurai can’t be loyal to two monarchs at the same time)" and "those who chase two rabbits will lose (those who chase two rabbits at the same time will not get one)" has long been deeply rooted.

Therefore, Shohei Ohtani is under great pressure. However, he finally withstood all the pressure and became a bright star in Japanese professional baseball. In the 2016 season four years later, he led the team to win the national championship in Japan.

According to the baseball agreement signed between Japan and the United States, players who have played in the Japanese professional baseball league for five years can transfer to the American professional baseball league. According to this agreement, coach Kuriyama sent Shohei Ohtani to the American professional baseball team "los angeles angels" in 2018.

At the beginning of Shohei Ohtani’s transfer, the American media made harsh comments. If you borrow the above-mentioned German media, it is "I want to be Messi and Neuer. Is there something wrong with my brain?"

In fact, it is only natural that the American media "bad-mouthed" Shohei Ohtani. After all, since the end of World War II, although the general environment of baseball has been improved, no American baseball player is willing to make such an earth-shattering attempt. Shohei Ohtani, on the other hand, insisted on his "two-knife flow" in the United States.

In 2021, Shohei Ohtani’s capabilities broke out in an all-round way. As a batter, he hit 46 home runs; As a pitcher, he achieved a record of 9 wins and 2 losses and struck out 156 times, which perfectly achieved "the combination of Messi and Neuer". In the end, he won the MVP award that year.

In 2022, Shohei Ohtani continued the excellent state of last season, hitting 34 home runs as a batter and 15 wins and 9 losses as a pitcher. The reason why the loss as a pitcher has increased is mainly because los angeles angels was originally a weak team. Therefore, Shohei Ohtani always gives people the feeling of being alone in the team.

In March this year, the curtain of the new season of the American Professional Baseball League opened, and 30 teams will play 162 games. By July 9th, all the games in the first half of the season had ended, and Shohei Ohtani was striding forward to rewrite the history of American professional baseball.

As a batter, he is far ahead with 32 home runs. Hit rate is 0.302, ranking sixth. RBI 71, ranked second. 7 wins and 4 losses as a pitcher. Strike out 132 times, ranking third. If he has the same wonderful performance in the second half of the season, then he will definitely win the MVP for the second time.

At the moment, there are two things about Shohei Ohtani that have attracted much attention:

One is his annual salary next year. This year, Shohei Ohtani’s annual salary is 30 million US dollars (about 220 million yuan). If the sponsorship contract is added, it is said that it can reach more than 60 million US dollars (about 430 million yuan).

However, Shohei Ohtani will have the right to choose teams freely from next year. Therefore, his annual salary may reach 100 million US dollars (about 720 million yuan). At present, the highest annual salary of professional baseball players in the United States is 43 million US dollars (about 310 million yuan) for pitchers and 40 million US dollars (about 290 million yuan) for batters. Otani is both a pitcher and a batter, so his annual salary is at least the sum of the two.

Second, it is his marriage problem. Shohei Ohtani is 29 years old this year, but he has never mentioned his other half. When the team went on an expedition to new york in April this year, the local media asked him, "What do you think of new york at night?" His answer turned out to be "not very clear, because I have never been out of the hotel."

Therefore, it is said that many Japanese actresses, models and anchors are now coveting the throne of "Otani Xiangping’s wife". In American baseball fields, there are even white women holding "Be my boyfriend!" in the audience. Posters cheer for him.

Personally, I think the most remarkable thing about him lies in his personality and humanity. If there is rubbish on the site, he will immediately pick it up and put it into his pocket; If there is dust splashing on the opponent’s body, he will come forward and wipe it off with his hand; No matter how tired he is in training and competition, he will sign autographs for fans on the sidelines. Not only that, he has never lost his temper on the court. No one knows what great achievements this Japanese treasure will make in the future. I just hope that he can stay away from injuries and be safe and smooth.

FISU Football World Cup, Beijing Normal University women’s team won the championship.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the 2023 FISU Football World Cup closed in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they failed to make any achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalties, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7-6 and winning the championship.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second.

Editor Wang Chunqiu

Understanding the world’s most magical sports "football"

Original title: Read the most magical sports "Football" in the world.

Football is the most magical sport in the world today. During the World Cup alone, the number of spectators reached 10 billion, and it is recognized as the largest sport in the world. Among them, there are about 100,000 professional athletes, 40 million registered athletes, and 2.8 billion football fans around the world. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 800,000 teams that often participate in the competition in the world, and the number of people engaged in the football industry worldwide reaches 100 million, which has a worldwide influence.

Football is an ancient sports activity, which originated from an ancient ball game "Cuju" in China. In July 1958, when Dr. Havelange, former president of FIFA, came to China, he said: Football originated in China. Therefore, the hometown of football is China, and modern football originated in Britain. It was Rabe who spread to Europe in China and developed into modern football. Modern football has become the most popular sport in the world.

Kings of the past dynasties

On March 16th, 2002, Pele visited China. Entrusted by China Tourism Administration, Professor Liu Bingguo, a sports history scholar of Xuzhou Normal University, arranged a cuju performance in Han Dynasty for Mr. Bailey at the foot of the Great Wall, which aroused great interest of Mr. Bailey. On the spot, he joined the "performance" with Mr. milutinovic, the former head coach of China football team.

In 2017, Messi came to China for the first time in his own name. It has been six years since then, when he was the captain of Barcelona. Earlier, Messi just announced that he would join the Miami International Team of the American Professional League and officially bid farewell to the European League.

Editor in charge:

Do you want your children to be caddies of Guangzhou team and experience the professional league appearance ceremony together? Now’s the chance!

Does your child like football? Does your child want to be a caddy with professional league experience? Do your children want to be caddies for Guangzhou team? If everything comes true, I believe your child will have an unforgettable memory, which will be an important, meaningful and valuable experience on his growth path. I am afraid it was difficult to achieve it in the past, but now the opportunity has come! Guangzhou Football Club, which has been more enthusiastic about public welfare since this year, will now give you such a ready-made opportunity.

—— On June 4th, 2023, at 15:00, Guangzhou Yuexiu Stadium, the first-class league of Chinese Football Association, Guangzhou Team vs Jinan Xingzhou Guangzhou Langqi & Guangzhou Football Club players entered the arena and held hands to select caddies. The limited registration channel has been opened. Fans are welcome to let their children participate. Please see:Guangzhou team started to sign up for caddy selection activities hand in hand!(Click below to read the original text to view)

Welcome everyone to sign up and let their children have a unique new caddy experience!

With the opening of [Video Number], we will share all the interesting and meaningful moments around us in the future, including Guangzhou Team, Hongyuan and Jielun … Sports, entertainment, film and television entertainment are all available, and everyone is welcome to support and pay attention.

Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng, which is abnormal? Don’t just watch the big score.

Some people watch the game and only watch the "big score".

In the WTT Macau Championship in 2023, Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng in the women’s singles semi-final, and some people felt abnormal.

Last week’s WTT Xinxiang Championship was also a semi-final in women’s singles. Chen Meng lost 4-0 to Sun Yingsha. I wonder if they also felt abnormal?

In WTT Xinxiang Championship, Sun Yingsha scored 4-0 in Chen Meng, and the scores of the four sets were 11-5, 11-5, 11-7 and 11-6.

The score of four games failed to hit the key points, so it can be said that Chen Meng was completely defeated.

In the WTT Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha of Chen Meng scored 4-0, and the scores in four sets were 16-14, 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9.

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha won the first game 10-9, and then Chen Meng tied the game and won five games in a row, only to win narrowly 16-14.

Sometimes, a small score per game is more telling.

Compare another women’s singles semi-final, although Manyu Wang won Wang Yidi 4-2, but this game is less suspense than Chen Meng’s 4-0 win over Sun Yingsha.

Manyu Wang 4-2 Wang Yidi, the score of six games: 7-11, 11-9, 11-9, 11-6, 5-11, 11-4.

Manyu Wang is tall and arm-length, and her movements will not be restored very quickly, which determines that her forehand and backhand cohesion will not be very smooth in the near stage. What Manyu Wang is afraid of is the players with fast convergence speed and not weak strength. In the face of fast players, she often has to quit the stage and exchange distance for reaction time.

Only with speed and strength, it is possible to penetrate Manyu Wang’s defense.

However, Wang Yidi is not a speed player, and her playing style also depends on the quality of her own veneer, which is similar to that of Manyu Wang.

However, compared with Wang Yidi, Manyu Wang has stronger rotation in returning the ball and higher veneer quality. From a fundamental point of view, Manyu Wang’s strength is higher than Wang Yidi’s.

Therefore, regardless of Manyu Wang’s four-to-several win, as long as it is a best-of-seven game, the chance of surprise is very small. Under normal circumstances, it is only a matter of time before Manyu Wang defeats Wang Yidi.

However, in the semi-final between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, after 9-9 in the fourth game, if it wasn’t Chen Meng’s serve wheel and Chen Meng’s serve, but Sun Yingsha reversed the game, the result of the following game would be hard to say.

Before the game, when analyzing the match between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, I said: Chen Meng was in a particularly good state this time, and Sun Yingsha experienced high-intensity events in a row, and her state declined, which may add a little suspense to this semi-final.

For players with equal strength, the recent competitive state of the players is very important, and the players’ improvisation has a great influence on the results of the game.

Fan Zhendong’s 3-2 reversal of Lin Shidong in the men’s singles quarter-final of WTT Xinxiang Championship last week is a typical example. Lin Shidong got the match point 10-8 in the fourth game, but Fan Zhendong tied the score. Finally, Fan Zhendong reversed 13-11 to win the fourth game and was tied with a big score. Fan Zhendong won the deciding game 11-8. Moreover, Fan Zhendong finally won the men’s singles championship in Xinxiang Championship.

A game, one or two key points, may lead to a world of difference.

In table tennis, besides paying attention to who wins and who loses, it is better to look at the score of each game.

I’m interested in going to see the players’ respective service wheels, return balls and so on. If you are still interested, then learn about various services, techniques and tactics, table tennis equipment and so on.

So, don’t stop at the level of "0-4 lost". Players are improving, should old fans keep pace with the times?

As for some "extreme fans", they think that the players they like can only win but not lose. Losing is abnormal and fishy. Don’t apply the "rice circle" to competitive sports. Isn’t it good to chase the stars in the entertainment circle?