Huawei has no parking service video exposure, and it is difficult to find a parking position.

Now, on weekends and holidays, it is even less difficult to drive to shopping malls and scenic spots, and sometimes it is no less difficult than finding a parking space in the city center. As the owner said, "Sometimes there are vacancies in the underground parking lots of shopping malls and hospitals, but the venues are large and there are no obvious signs. They can only search around several times like blind flies, and finally find a seat, and the result is" cut off "by the owner who is closer. When picking up the car, I often get’ lost’ and circle around in the parking lot to find a car. "

Picture 1

At this time, many people begin to regret driving to the mall. However, if you want to visit Sam and IKEA, which are generally remote supermarkets, public transportation is very inconvenient, and taking a taxi is expensive. After shopping, it is quite difficult to find a place to take a taxi. When I think about it carefully, it seems that driving has become the most worry-free and labor-saving way. It is nothing more than the psychological preparation for wasting an hour in the parking lot in advance.

In the field of intelligent driving, which has developed rapidly recently, there are brand-new solutions to the problems of difficult parking and parking. Zhijie S7, the first pure electric car of Huawei Intelligent Selection Car, which was pre-sold on November 9, is equipped with the industry’s first parking and driving function, once again showing the far-ahead intelligent driving strength to the industry and outside.

The problem of finding a parking space is solved by injecting driving into parking.

From a functional point of view, the parking and driving function allows the owner to open unmanned parking with one button. That is, when the owner gets off the bus, turn on this function with one key, and the vehicle can find a parking space to park itself. It sounds very sci-fi, and Huawei has successfully brought this unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users through the technological breakthrough of intelligent driving perception technology, algorithm iteration and scene strategy. In other words, with this function, users can go to Sam and IKEA, drive directly to the entrance of the shopping mall or the entrance of the parking lot, and then go shopping, and Zhijie S7 can start the journey of finding a parking space by itself.

It is worth noting that through the blessing of perceptual technology, the parking function of Zhijie S7 can also understand the command gestures of the mall security guards, just like an old driver, it is very easy to drive to the target parking area.

Mainframe computer

There are also hidden technical points here. As we all know, when we are looking for a parking space, we often can only rely on human eyes to lock it, and we often call the whole car to find a parking space together. The parking and driving function of Zhijie S7, through the perception of cameras and sensors, has a much larger detection range than the human eye, so it is naturally more effective to find a parking space. What’s more, Huawei’s intelligent driving system also has a huge amount of data to support, sometimes it is a strange parking lot for car owners, but for Zhijie S7, the parking lanes and empty parking spaces here are well known, and it is naturally easier to find a parking space.

Independent parking in the parking lot, the safety factor is also guaranteed.

For intelligent driving, safety has always been an important topic. The parking function of Zhijie S7 also fully considers the safety of driving in the parking area. First of all, when passing, if the lane is not enough to pass with the opposite vehicle, it will back up first, wait for the opposite vehicle to pass, and then pass, so as to avoid traffic jam or collision between the two vehicles. And if the lane can be used by two cars in parallel, it will also control to slow down and pass slowly.

The steering wheel of a car

If you encounter pedestrians and roadblocks, the parking and driving function also has a strong pedestrian avoidance ability, and will plan the route to take the initiative to avoid. Behind parking and driving, there is a set of safety technology blessing of Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. There is no doubt about the safety in the process of intelligent driving, including responding to the ghost probe behavior that pedestrians suddenly jump out, and it can quickly rely on the powerful AEB function for emergency braking, coupled with the slow driving speed controlled by the system, which further guarantees the safety.

In addition, in detail, the parking and driving function can also realize roaming to find a place. After reaching the target parking space, if the target parking space is occupied, it will automatically control roaming to find other parking spaces and automatically park. In the process of parking, if the vehicle detects that the parking space is too narrow, the system will control the rearview mirror to be put away first, and then stop automatically.

At the same time, the owner can also check the situation in front of the vehicle (real scene) in real time on the mobile App, check the location, and stop/start parking to avoid the worries of the owner. When the owner has finished shopping in the mall, he can start the calling function with one key of the mobile phone, and the vehicle will automatically start and arrive at the designated place, so that the owner’s whole family can get on the bus and leave directly.

Write at the end:

For the matter of finding a car and parking in a shopping mall, the capabilities of the parking and driving function of Zhijie S7 are quite comprehensive. First of all, it directly arranged the most troublesome thing of finding a parking space, so that the owner can get off the bus directly after arriving at the destination. Moreover, in the whole process of intelligent driving and parking, the control fineness and safety guarantee of the system are remarkable, and even after parking is fruitless, it can continue to roam to find a car. Finally, when the car mainly leaves, there is no need to find a car, but it becomes a car to find someone, completely realizing the comprehensive closed loop of parking and driving.

With the parking function, we can go to shopping malls and scenic spots on weekends and holidays, and the parking troubles can really be "completely eliminated with one click". It is reported that Zhijie S7 will be officially launched on November 28th, and we are also looking forward to experiencing this advanced parking and driving function as soon as possible.

The M5 series is a high-performance SUV in the new energy field with no short board in all directions.

   Modern automobile consumers often feel entangled when choosing vehicles, and the fuel consumption of fuel vehicles is high, which is unbearable for wallets; But they are worried about the endurance and performance of new energy sources. Even if I make up my mind to choose a new energy vehicle, I feel confused when I choose which one. After all, as an important travel partner, the endurance, performance and dynamic performance of the vehicle are directly related to the experience of the whole trip. In fact, if you want to solve this problem, you only need to choose a model with excellent comprehensive strength, and the M5 series of Wenjie is a high-quality choice worthy of consideration.

  Endurance, travel without worry

  Whether it’s poetry and distance or daily commuting, the M5 series can meet your needs. Thanks to the intelligent extended-range technology, the comprehensive cruising range of the standard version of the M5 series rear-drive vehicle can reach 1455km when it is fully charged. Normally, a tank of fuel for a domestic fuel vehicle can support a journey of 500-600 km at most, but the data of the M5 standard version of the vehicle can be said to be super doubled. With a cruising range of 1455km, you can go to go on road trip as soon as you want. Whether you start from Beijing and drive all the way west to Xi ‘an to experience the Tang Dynasty, or start from Shanghai and go south to Guangzhou to experience Cantonese morning tea, the M5 series in Wenjie can accompany you across the mountains and seas, and you don’t need to replenish energy to have fun all the time.

  If you don’t like to travel far, you like to feel lucky in your own world. The M5 Smart Driving Edition can help you explore your city with the lowest cost. The pure battery life of the M5 Smart Driving Edition reaches 255km. Even in Beijing, it is more than enough to commute for one week by going back and forth for 30km every day. More importantly, the charging efficiency is high, and it can be charged from 20% to 80% in half an hour. Occasionally, it is absolutely appropriate to go camping for a short distance on weekends and live on pure electricity.

  Full power, popular electric switch

  Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, Wujie M5 series can not only reduce the travel cost for users, but also provide double endurance, and its performance is unambiguous. Take the M5 standard four-wheel drive model as an example. The acceleration time of this car is only 4.4 seconds, which is better than many luxury brand electric SUVs on the market. The biggest benefit of such excellent data performance is super explosive power, which allows drivers to experience the passion of driving a sports car.

  Super explosive power is also related to the dynamic performance of the vehicle itself. The maximum power and peak torque of the M5 standard four-wheel drive model can reach 365kW and 675N·m respectively. In daily life, when the pressure is great, drive this car to release it, feel the speed and passion, relieve the pressure, forget the troubles and regain the passion.

  The strong performance of the M5 series in the world benefits from the blessing of the three-in-one electric drive system of HUAWEI DriveONE. This system adopts the industry’s first precision oil cooling technology, which has a better cooling effect on key components under the same power and torque. The direct benefit is that it can fundamentally improve the power and quietness of the car. If you drive fast at high speed, or speed up overtaking, the power is on call.

  In addition, Wujie M5 version also has HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system, which can reduce the pre-driving impulse by 31%, the sloshing convergence time by 46% and the system response time delay to 4 ms.. When driving on potholes or bumpy roads with speed bumps, not only can the car body shake slightly, but it can also stabilize quickly. If the self-driving trip encounters bumpy roads such as mountain roads and gravel roads, it can also pass comfortably, alleviating the discomfort caused by bumps in the car. If you are driving on a road with many curves, this system can help the vehicle to improve the lateral force through adaptive torque adjustment, and the risk of tail flick will be greatly reduced when driving, which is stable and safe.

  The M5 series has brought excellent performance to users in all directions. It can make you say goodbye to all kinds of troubles and enjoy a worry-free driving journey in terms of endurance, power and driving control. If you are eager to travel without worry and enjoy driving, you may wish to try the M5 series. I believe it will bring you a different surprise experience. In addition to the surprise experience brought by the product itself to users, the recent delivery speed is also very surprising. You can pick up the car within two weeks after making a decision. You may wish to experience it in the offline test drive!

Is it true that you can locate each other as long as you know their mobile phone number?

  Individuals can’t get the location of the other party without other professional equipment or software, even if they have a mobile phone number. Generally, only the police or professionals can obtain the general geographical location of the mobile phone through the triangulation of the mobile phone after obtaining the background data of the operator. The following is a detailed introduction:

       1. Individuals cannot obtain and locate the location of the other party without the help of other professional equipment or software;

  2. But theoretically, if the police or professionals know the other party’s number, they can get the other party’s position through the positioning of the mobile phone base station, but they need to get the background data of the operator, which ordinary consumers can’t get; The principle is that the mobile phone needs to ensure the signal strength, so the mobile phone will be under the signal coverage of multiple base stations in the city. Similar to the principle of radar, the mobile phone can get the signal TOA (time of arrival) or TDOA (time difference of arrival) of the base station after receiving the signal. According to this measurement result, combined with the coordinates of the base station, the coordinate value of the mobile phone can be calculated, and the approximate position can be finally obtained by triangulation.

  3. To get the location of the other party, you can ask the other party to open the real-time location sharing function of WeChat or map software and share the current location with you through the GPS information of the other party;

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In the first half of the year, the domestic tourism data was released, and the number of tourists and income increased significantly.

(Reporter Wei Biao) On July 13, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the domestic tourism data in the first half of 2023. The data shows that in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists and domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) increased by 63.9% and 95.9% respectively.

According to the statistical results of domestic tourism sampling survey, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 2.384 billion, an increase of 929 million over the same period of the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 63.9%. Among them, the number of domestic tourists of urban residents was 1.859 billion, a year-on-year increase of 70.4%; The number of domestic tourists of rural residents was 525 million, a year-on-year increase of 44.2%. Quarterly: In the first quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.216 billion, a year-on-year increase of 46.5%. In the second quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.168 billion, an increase of 86.9%.

Data show that in the first half of 2023, domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) was 2.30 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.12 trillion yuan or 95.9% over the previous year. Among them, urban residents spent 1.98 trillion yuan on travel, a year-on-year increase of 108.9%; Rural residents spent 0.32 trillion yuan on outings, a year-on-year increase of 41.5%.

Source: China Tourism News

The specific meaning of the culture of "Oriental Sinology Originality"

The word "culture" is familiar to everyone, and everyone likes to label something as "culture", ranging from classical culture, modern culture, western culture and Asian culture to chopsticks culture, toilet culture and costume culture in daily life. So what is "culture"?

According to the search results displayed by Baidu Encyclopedia, the meaning of "culture" can be explained from at least three levels. First, from the perspective of western philosophy, culture is the expression of philosophical thoughts. Second, from the perspective of China’s philosophy, "Wen" and "Hua" first appeared together in the Book of Changes, Ben Gua and Bi Zhuan-"Rigid and flexible, astronomical; Civilization stops, so does humanity. It’s about astronomy to observe the changes of time, and it’s about humanities to turn into the world. " In this sentence, there is a clear distinction between "astronomy" and "humanism", in which "astronomy" refers to nature, while "humanism" refers to the spirit related to human life. In China’s traditional discourse system, the meaning of "culture" is mostly derived from it.

Third, on the level of social anthropology, culture in a broad sense is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical practice; The narrow sense of culture is the explanation put forward by British culturist Taylor in his book Primitive Culture, that is, culture is a complex whole including knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and the abilities and habits acquired by anyone as a member of society.

However, on the whole, I personally think that "culture" is a comprehensive summary of all beings with beautiful characteristics. Because judging from the emergence of "culture" and its relationship with human social life, the greatest influence of "culture" on people lies in letting people know beauty, know beauty and inherit beauty. Throughout ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the existence that can be called "culture" can basically give people beautiful impressions or feelings, such as poetry culture, from which readers can feel the beauty of language and rhythm, while clothing culture can make people feel the beauty of design and human body. At the same time, "beauty" is actually the dominant factor in the integration, guidance, order maintenance and inheritance of "culture". In addition, in a narrow sense, "culture" ultimately leads to "beauty of human nature". Why do we often refer to a person as a "literate person" instead of others? In essence, it is because this person gives others the impression that they understand beauty, kindness and elegance. We often say that we should inherit the traditional culture of China, but what we inherit is the beauty of China tradition. Where is the beauty? Beauty lies in the life of mutual respect, love for life and free choice among people.

Author: Shi Ying

Is it worth it? After Guashuai took over, Manchester City’s net transfer expenditure was 478 million pounds, and it won five Premier League titles in seven years.

Arsenal lost to Nottingham Forest and Manchester City locked in the Premier League title ahead of schedule. This is the fifth Premier League champion of Manchester City since Guardiola took the helm.

Guardiola officially became the coach of Manchester City in 2016. In the past seven years, Manchester City spent 1.074 billion pounds on transfer, 596 million pounds on transfer income and 478 million pounds on net expenditure, with an average net expenditure of about 68 million pounds per season.

In the past seven years, Gua-style Manchester City has won 12 championships (5 Premiership, 4 League Cups, 1 FA Cup and 2 Community Shield Cups), but it has not won the Champions League yet.

Tuesday’s transfer gossip: Ronaldo, Badiashile, Nunes, Bellingham, Felix, Mudryk

Cristiano Ronaldo has a clause in his Al Nassr contract allowing the Portugal forward, 37, to join Newcastle United on loan if they qualify for the Champions League this season. (Marca)

France centre-back Benoit Badiashile, 21, is in London to undergo a medical after Chelsea agreed a deal worth 38m euros (£33.6m) with Monaco. (Football London)

Liverpool are exploring a deal to buy Portugal midfielder Matheus Nunes, 24, from Wolves in the summer. (Telegraph)

England midfielder Jude Bellingham, 19, is set to meet with Borussia Dortmund officials before 6 January, when he will inform them of his desire to leave this summer. The German club will seek 100m euros (£88.5m), plus add-ons that could take his total fee to about 140m euros (£124m). (AS)

Arsenal, Manchester United and Chelsea have been approached about signing Portugal forward Joao Felix, 23, on loan but Atletico Madrid are seeking a 15m euro loan fee (£13.3m), plus 6m euros (£5.3m) to cover his wages. (Athletic – subscription required)

Chelsea, meanwhile, are in negotiations over the structure of a club record deal to sign 21-year-old Argentina midfielder Enzo Fernandez from Benfica. (Evening Standard)

Arsenal have submitted a second offer for Ukraine winger Mykhailo Mudryk, thought to be significantly below Shakhtar Donetsk’s asking price of 100m euros (£88.5m). (ESPN)

Manchester United and Bayern Munich are interested in Randal Kolo Muani but Eintracht Frankfurt want 60-70m euros (£53-62m) for the France forward, 24. (Nicolo Schira)