Go LIVE exploded! Zhou Xingchi’s new drama is coming, 1 hour of playback breaks millions, but word-of-mouth is polarized! 220,000 episode has been filed, this industry is going to take off?

Every time edited, Duan Lian    

On June 2, Zhou Xingchi’s first short drama was officially launched. Under the blessing of Xingye’s aura,The first episode of "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" broke through one million views in one hour, definitely considered "top class".

But at the same time, after the first episode, the reputation of the show was polarized. Some critics thought that "the texture of the movie is full of sarcasm," but many people thought that "it is not funny and has nothing to do with Stephen Chow."

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Stephen Chow skits go LIVE

word of mouth polarization

The 24-episode first season of Golden Pig Jade Leaf, each about five minutes long, is set against the backdrop of online fraud and tells the story of intern lawyer Ye Xiaolai teaming up with live streaming host Zhu Hao to uncover the truth about the "romance scam" fraud, save her sister Ye Xiaohui and find her own career path.Stephen Chow served as the producer of the play, guiding the creation of characters, plot setting, and post-editing

"Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" invited many comedians such as Tudou, Jiang Shimeng, Pai Xiaoxuan, Zhang Baiqiao, Xu Zhisheng to join. The play also uses a senior cinematography art team to shoot horizontally.Strive to bring a cinematic quality comedy skit

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As the first road-themed boutique skit,"Golden Pig Jade Leaf" integrates comedy elements such as Northeast dialect and talk show, and is a creative innovation of comedy skitsThis drama is dense in jokes and meets the audience’s demand for fast-paced watching dramas on the mobile end

According to the official drama calendar, "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" will officially end on June 21, with a total of 12 episodes

At the end of January this year,Douyin announces an exclusive boutique micro-drama collaboration with Stephen ChowThe two sides will jointly develop and operate a boutique theater IP "9527 Theater". "Golden Pig Jade Leaf" is the first work of "9527 Theater". The theater is jointly developed and operated by Douyin and Zhou Xingchi, based on the official Douyin account of Zhou Xingchi’s director’s works "9527 Theater", and directly faces user content creation.

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Image source: Visual China

Zhou Xingchi said at the time: "Short drama is a rapidly developing field of technological innovation and media innovation in recent years. This time we cooperate with Douyin Short Drama Theatre, hoping to bring more joy to the audience. I am looking forward to this new attempt, and everyone will join us." Douyin said that Douyin will continue to promote the exploration of high-quality micro-short dramas, and one of its important paths is to create benchmark works. This time, in cooperation with director Zhou Xingchi, we hope to explore the innovative creation of multi-theme content with the new genre and new grammar of micro-short dramas.

However, after the show went live, its reputation was polarized. Some netizens said that Xu Zhisheng’s acting skills were good, and 5 minutes per episode was not enough to watch; others said that it was not attractive enough, unlike Zhou Xingchi’s filming.

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220,000 approved

The skit market could break 100 billion in three years

On June 1, the new regulations on the management of micro-dramas came into effect, and unreviewed and filed micro-dramas were not allowed to be disseminated online.

According to the China Network Audiovisual Program Service Association, on June 1, the new regulations on the management of micro-short dramas came into effect. The new regulations require the implementation of industry supervision responsibilities, territorial management responsibilities, and platform main responsibilities, and the implementation of "classification and layered review" of micro-short dramas."Key micro-short dramas" with a total investment of 1 million yuan and above shall be uniformly filed and publicized by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television; "ordinary micro-short dramas" with a total investment of 300,000 yuan (inclusive) – 1 million yuan and not recommended by the provincial radio, film and television departments shall conduct planning, filing and review and complete film review; "other micro-short dramas" with a total investment of less than 300,000 yuan and not recommended by the broadcast or drainage and push network audio-visual platforms shall perform the duties of content management and be responsible for content review and copyright approvalIn addition, the new regulations also emphasize that unreviewed and filed micro-dramas cannot be broadcast online

According to Red Star News, the reporter found in the online audio-visual program filing system inquiry that as of 24:00 on June 1, there have been 3309 about 227,000 episodes of micro-dramas in the system to complete the filing and obtain the online filing number. On June 2, the topic of 220,000 episodes of short dramas being approved rushed to Baidu’s hot search first.

Most of the above mini-dramas obtained the record number issued by the audio-visual platform, which is the category of "other micro-dramas" with an investment of less than 300,000 yuan. After conducting high-frequency word cloud analysis of the titles of 3,309 mini-dramas, it was found that,189 titles use "CEO", 109 titles use "Madam", 81 titles use "Sweet Wife", and 80 titles use "Divorce"The person in charge of the Network Department of a provincial radio, film and television bureau said that according to the new regulations, the micro-skits that have passed the record and obtained the online qualification should be marked with the program record number at the beginning

The relevant practitioners and experts and scholars in the micro-drama industry have expressed that the new regulations on the management of micro-dramas have established a clear mechanism and standards, which can not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative management, but also ensure the quality of content production at the source, avoid the spread of vulgar and harmful content, and greatly promote the micro-drama industry to move towards high quality.

It is reported that short dramas refer to episodes broadcast on online platforms, with a broadcast time of generally less than 10 minutes and a plot advancement. Due to the compact content of short dramas, they can complete the portrayal of characters and the description of clues in a relatively short time, and they also have the reversal of episodes, which meets the current fragmented entertainment needs of users. Users can watch an episode of short dramas in a short time to form a complete viewing experience.

China’s online mini-drama market will show a hot trend in 2023, with explosive growth in short dramas of various genres. iiMedia Consulting pointed out that in 2022, micro-short dramas will rise and quickly enter the public eye. In less than three years,Its market size has approached the annual box office of Chinese films in 2023 (54.915 billion yuan), showing amazing development potentialAccording to iiMedia Research,In 2023, the size of China’s online micro-drama market is 37.39 billion yuan, an increase of 267.65% year-on-year, and the market size is expected to reach 100.68 billion yuan in 2027

Haitong International pointed out that according to the scale of the number of short video users in the country, assuming the penetration rate, payment rate and single ARPU level of short drama users, and assuming that other income such as advertising accounts for 20% of the overall market size of short dramas,Forecast 2024 short drama market size of about 49.60 billion yuan

edit|Duan Lian Yi Qijiang, Gaiyuanyuan

Proofreading |Wang Yuelong

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Daily economic news comprehensive from Red Star News, brokerage China, Blue Whale Finance, public information, etc

Why is the weather foggy in Hunan recently?

(On the morning of January 10th, there was foggy weather in downtown Changsha. Correspondent photo)
Hunan Daily All-Media Reporter Xiao Xiufen Correspondent Lin Cheng
At 6 o’clock on January 10, the Provincial Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of heavy fog. This morning, heavy fog appeared in 13 cities and States in Hunan, and there were strong fog in some areas. The visibility was less than 200 meters.  
For two consecutive days, there have been different degrees of foggy weather in many places in our province. What is the reason behind the foggy weather? How long will this weather last? Hunan Daily reporter interviewed Tang Minghui, chief forecaster of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory.
"At present, the fog in Hunan is mainly radiation fog." Tang Minghui introduced that fog refers to a visible aggregate of a large number of tiny water droplets (or ice crystals) suspended in the atmosphere close to the ground. There are mainly two kinds of radiation fog and advection fog, and radiation fog mostly appears in the clear autumn and winter night or early morning when the wind is weak, and the fog will dissipate 1 to 3 hours after sunrise or after the wind is strengthened.
Why is foggy weather frequent recently? Tang Minghui explained that due to the frequent change of sunny and rainy days in our province recently, especially after it turns sunny, the temperature near the ground drops, and the water vapor content in the air exceeds the saturated water vapor, the excess water vapor will condense out and form small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air, which reduces visibility and forms fog. He predicted that fog would still appear in parts of western Hunan and northern Hunan on the morning of the 12th and 13th.
Meteorologists reminded that it is now in the season of frequent fog, and it mostly happens in the evening or the next morning when the rain stops and clears after cold air. Everyone should pay attention to the weather forecast in advance and plan their trip reasonably.

The number of single women of school age in China has exceeded 100 million, and they have no "back road" after being killed.

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Marriage is the only way in life. Marriage can change a person’s life.

Can make a person’s life change dramatically.

In any country and culture, when an individual reaches marriageable age,You should leave family of origin, find your partner and start your own small family.

As the saying goes, men should marry when they are older, and women should marry when they are older, which is influenced by the traditional culture of China.

Marriage can be regarded as a top priority in one’s life.

For most young men and women of marriageable age,

Once the task of getting married and having children is not completed within a certain age, parents and relatives will urge them to get married.

If there is a large-scale phenomenon that men and women of marriageable age do not get married, it will gradually lead to social,

The imbalance between male and female population, the declining marriage rate, the declining birth rate and the aging population.

Take Japan, a developed country close to us, as an example, because there was a large-scale feminist movement,

The relationship between men and women in Japanese society has been greatly affected.

Nowadays, not only young women in Japan don’t want to get married, but men also reject marriage life.

For them, getting married is not as good as playing games at home.

Some people say that the Japanese government is facing a serious population problem, and the birth rate is declining.

The phenomenon of population aging is becoming more and more serious, and the ratio of male to female is seriously out of balance.

Many men began to commit selective crimes because they could not meet their inner sexual needs.

As a result, the crime rate in Japan has soared.

However, some women also have no enough ability to support their own life, and finally they can only choose the career of sex.

A similar phenomenon has appeared in our country now, and many women have begun to refuse to get married.

Men want to get married but can’t find a partner, and some of them are uncomfortable, because the huge economic pressure is also relatively exclusive to marriage.

With the gradual change of young people’s thoughts, their views on marriage have also changed dramatically.

If married life is bound to tie your hands and feet, it is better to live a single life freely.

Because of this, there are a large number of older unmarried young people in our society today.

According to the census data, since 2013, the marriage rate in China has been declining.

In 2014,Marriage in China is only9.9%By 2018, the marriage rate in China has dropped to7.2% 。

Nowadays, the number of unmarried young people of school age in China has reached 240 million, of which the number of unmarried women has exceeded 100 million.

People have long been familiar with the problem of single women in China, so what causes these problems?

Why is there such a state of imbalance in our congress?

The reasons leading to this phenomenon are complex and long-term, and Rome was not built in a day.

Influenced by economic globalization, the economies and cultures of various countries are deeply blended.

Many young people in our country have been influenced by western ideology and culture.

Westerners advocate liberalism and like to live freely.

Moreover, after the feminist movement, the per capita education level in China has gradually improved.

Women’s self-awareness began to grow, and they began to want to pursue their ideal life.

So they began to pursue their studies and careers, different from women in traditional society.

They can receive education equally, and they don’t need to be like women in the past.

Put all your time and energy into the family, become an accessory of men, and become a tool for giving birth to children.

At the same time, with the continuous development of society, people’s material living standards are getting higher and higher.

The cognitive level is constantly changing, and today’s women are more inclined to be themselves.

The continuous improvement of women’s social status also helps them to pursue the life they want.

The existence of this phenomenon has two sides, which not only represents the continuous progress of human society,

But it also makes many women fall into the trap of being "killed".

Influenced by traditional ideas, many people in today’s society still have the idea of favoring boys over girls.

Many imaginations in today’s society seem to be beneficial to women, but in fact they are killing women.

Nowadays, people’s material living standards have been greatly improved.

The improvement of women’s social status also leads them to live a princess-like life since childhood.

It is this kind of love that laid the groundwork for them to be "killed" in the future.

Many women can’t adapt themselves to all kinds of problems when they first enter the society.

In the face of all kinds of trivial matters, they always take care of themselves, not to mention taking care of their families and children.

This will cause many women to be immature when they reach marriageable age.

Because of this, many women now only meet their own needs, just be happy.

I can be my own queen.

Everyone has different attitudes towards life, and it is understandable that some women choose this lifestyle.

But most people can’t live alone without their families in the end.

Then maybe try to change your mind and find a suitable partner to make your life more substantial and rich.

The End –

Author | Tommy Da

Edit | Houhai

Reference: Jean Piaget Biography. (2020, January 29)

Table tennis world cup: two games 8

On December 7, 2023, the table tennis mixed team World Cup continued. The second stage ended with two matches. South Korea beat Sweden 8-2, taking the lead in winning seven consecutive victories, Germany beat China Taipei 8-2, and the second seed ended its losing streak. The lineup of Guoping against France was announced.

In the first stage, South Korea won four games in a row, ranked first in Group D and advanced to the quarter-finals, but did not encounter too strong opponents. In the second stage, the competition was more intense. South Korea won French and Slovak in a row, and with the previous results against China and Taipei, there were still four rounds to play, of which the third round against Sweden was not sure of winning, which attracted the attention of outside fans, and the South Korean team changed its array and changed to a new lineup.

In the first three sets, South Korea sent Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi, Li Shiwen and Lin Zhongxun. Now mixed doubles are two choices. Lin Zhongxun/Shen Yubin can’t be underestimated. It depends on who plays singles. Some of the main players of Sweden are absent, and the lineup is relatively weak. Judging from the performance against Japan earlier, they also have strong threats, especially the male players Carlson and Carlberg, who are all first-class players.

The competition adopted the best of 15 games, so it was enough to win eight games first. In the first set, Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi lost 1-2 to Carlson/Christina (10-12, 11-6 and 6-11), and Zhang Yuzhen/Tian Zhixi were in poor condition and failed to play their best. In the second set, Li Shiwen beat Linda 3-0.

In the third set of men’s singles, Lin Zhongxun swept Carlberg 3-0 (11-7, 11-8, 11-8), and the process was easier than expected. You should know that Zhang Benzhi and Carlberg only won 2 points before, but now Lin Zhongxun has a strong performance and won no opponents directly. In the fourth set, Zhang Yuzhen/Lin Zhongxun beat Carlson/Carlberg 1-0 (11-7).

At the same time, German defeated China Taipei 8-2, mixed doubles meissner/Winter reversed Yang Jiaan/Li Yuhuang 2-1, women’s singles Shan Xiaona beat Chen Siyu 2-1, men’s singles Walther swept Ye Zhiwei 3-0, women’s doubles Shan Xiaona/Winter beat Chen Siyu/Huang Yihua 1-0, and the second seed ended its losing streak and won the first victory at this stage, but she wanted to win the top four.

The table tennis match against France is the focus of the battle. The lineups in the first three sets were announced, followed by Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha against Alex/Yuan Jianan, Manyu Wang against Pawad, and Fan Zhendong against Felix. It is worth mentioning that if the first three sets didn’t win eight sets, the lower ranked French team decided to choose men’s doubles or women’s doubles, and the team World Cup is about to usher in the highlight, so please look forward to it.

FISU Football World Cup, Beijing Normal University women’s team won the championship.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the 2023 FISU Football World Cup closed in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they failed to make any achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalties, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7-6 and winning the championship.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second.

Editor Wang Chunqiu

Today’s football recommendation analysis score forecast Bologna VS Lazio La Palmas VS Atletico Madrid

In the 11th round of Italian first-class football league, Bologna played against Lazio at home. Bologna’s scoring efficiency is good this season, but there are many draws. In the last round, Sassuolo was tied, and all the away games were tied this season. Bologna has been unbeaten in the last 9 games, with 3 wins and 6 draws, and all three victories were won at home. Lazio beat Fiorentina 1-0 in the league on Tuesday morning, and Inmobile scored a 90-minute penalty to help the Biancocelesti score all three points. At present, Lazio has won three consecutive victories in the league, while 2 wins and 3 losses in the away game, and defeated Sassuolo as a guest to end the two-game losing streak in the away game. This season, the Biancocelesti’s attack is average, with only 13 goals scored in 10 rounds and 12 goals conceded.

Lazio won 1 win and 1 draw against Bologna last season and remained unbeaten. However, in four consecutive seasons, Lazio only scored 2 draws and 2 losses without winning, and even failed to score in the last three games. The data of this game is insufficient for Lazio’s support. After all, as a traditional strong team in the league, the tie is not easy to overestimate when its reputation and status are dominant.

Therefore, the home team, Boluo, is always in Asia, and it is expected that the match will be more exciting than the match 1 midfielder. The right pair is in charge. The performance in the field is stable and has the strength advantage, while Lazio needs to show better performance in the away game to continue its unbeaten record.

Las palmas beat Manakol 3-0 in the last round and won two consecutive victories, in good shape. The team has a strong offensive ability, scoring only 9 goals in the past 5 rounds, but the defensive quality has improved, losing 4 goals in the past 5 rounds. This season, it has achieved 4 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses, ranking 10th in the league. Sandro ramirez, Fabio Gonzá lez and others were plagued by injuries or missed the game. It must be difficult for this field to face the former bitter Atletico Madrid.

Atletico Madrid beat Aravis 2-1 in the last round, and the team’s morale is like a rainbow. So far this season, it has achieved 8 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, and its performance is excellent, ranking third in the league. In the last five rounds, he scored a total of 12 goals, averaging 2.4 goals per game. The quality of the team’s defense is very high, and he lost 6 goals in the past five rounds. French striker Gleizman scored 7 goals, and Morata scored 6 goals, which was the main scorer of the team. At present, Victor vitolo, Depe, Mandawa, etc. in the team are plagued by injuries or absent from the game. Atletico’s players can always adapt to different competition environments and play well. Their tactical flexibility and adaptability enable them to always have an advantage in away games.

To sum up, I think Atletico Madrid will win on the road. Although we know that the away game is full of challenges, Atletico’s strength, experience and tactical flexibility all indicate that they will win this victory. I believe they will show their advantages in the competition and finally win.

French armour

At 20 o’clock on the evening of October 29th, Beijing time, in the 10th round of Ligue 1 in the 2023-24 season, Paris Saint-Germain challenged brest away. In the first half, 17-year-old Zaire emeri broke the deadlock with a long-range shot, and then Li Gangren assisted Mbappé to expand the score and Mounie pulled back a goal; In the second half, brest equalized the score with a corner kick, and Mbappé finished the winner with a penalty in the 89th minute. In the end, Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2 and rose to the second place in the standings.

In the 3rd minute, Paris broke into the opponent’s restricted area. Li Gangren’s shot was blocked by goalkeeper Bizot, and then his teammate’s supplementary shot was confiscated by Bizot. In the 6th minute, emeri received a return volley from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball with his fists. In the 13th minute, Donaruma passed the ball from the backcourt directly to the opponent, but the cross from the brest player directly crossed the bottom line.

In the 16th minute, emeri received a cross from his teammates in front of the penalty area. He passed a defender and came to the penalty area and slammed the door with his right foot. The ball was like a shell, and Bizot could do nothing. Paris was 1-0 brest.

In the 22nd minute, Li Gangren volleyed vigorously from the right side of the restricted area, and Bizot held the ball out of the crossbar.In the 28th minute, taking advantage of brest’s massive pressure, Paris fought back. Li Gangren picked up the ball in the backcourt and passed it to Mbappé. The latter caught the ball and formed a single-handed trend. He entered the left side of the penalty area and missed the defender. His right foot shot low and scored near the corner. Paris scored 2-0 in brest.

In the 41st minute, Mbappé received a cross shot from his right foot at the top of the arc, and Bizot saved the ball again.In the 44th minute, brest pulled back a goal, and the high ball on the right side of the frontcourt passed to the middle. Mounie in the restricted area pressed the Parisian defender to head the ball, and the ball bounced to the net, but Donaruma couldn’t save it. Brest 1-2 Paris.At the end of the first half, Paris temporarily took the lead.

In the second half, change sides and fight again.In the 52nd minute, brest’s right corner kicked into the restricted area, and Ledoualon, who was in front of him, headed the ball back, and the ball flew into the far corner. Donaruma’s whip was not as long as brest’s 2-2 Paris.

In the 57th minute, Mba took the ball to the left side of the restricted area, and shot wide from the far corner with his right foot. In the 62nd minute, Fabian Ruiz stopped the ball in front of the restricted area and buckled the defender, and the long corner was slightly missed. In the 64th minute, Paris stepped up its attack, and Enrique changed into Dembele and Muani.

In the 68th minute, brest got the chance, and the right side of the frontcourt shot the ball into the restricted area, but Ledoualon, who was in the back, outflanked the shot and kicked it. In the 70th minute, brest’s two shots in the restricted area were quite threatening, both of which were resolved by Donaruma. In the 74th minute, the Parisian frontcourt got a chance, but Dembele didn’t stop the ball in the restricted area and was cleared by the opponent’s defender.

In the 75th minute, Vitinia got the ball on the left side of the penalty area, which was quite threatening. Bizot got the ball sideways. In the 83rd minute, Muani in the restricted area tripped after passing the ball on the left side of the Paris frontcourt. The referee watched VAR on the sidelines and awarded a penalty. Because of the conflict caused by this penalty, many players from two teams got yellow cards.

Mbappé took the penalty. His first shot was saved by the goalkeeper, but Mbappé immediately made up the shot and scored the ball. Paris led brest 3-2, which was the 89th minute of the game.

In the end, the whole game ended and Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 3-2.

The 87-year-old Hong Kong Star Roland Hospital arranged for the funeral, and the body was donated free of charge. No children were cared for by Louis Koo

Perhaps most people are not familiar with the name Roland. But if you mention the 83rd edition and the 95th edition of The Condor Heroes, do you suddenly realize when you mention Qiu Qianren who spits jujube stones? It turns out that she is Roland, a veritable old opera bone, who has created many classic works in her acting career and received much praise.

In the early years, she frequently appeared in horror films and was used to playing the role of ghosts. She was known as the "Hong Kong Ghost Queen" and became the shadow of many people’s childhood. As soon as her face appeared, creepy memories came to mind instantly. Especially the cold expression and terrible eyes are enough to cause nightmares at night. Her role as "Dragon Woman" in July 14th is still regarded as a classic.

However, in the past few years, Roland gradually withdrew from the film and television stage and returned to the life of ordinary people. Just like any ordinary old lady, she spent every day quietly. She traveled by bus and lived an independent life, completely losing the aura of a star and showing her true self.

Recently, some media have photographed Hong Kong star Roland, who is over 87, going to the hospital alone, which has aroused widespread concern. People are worried about whether she is ill or has serious health problems. However, it was only after in-depth understanding that Roland went to the hospital this time to arrange his own affairs in advance.

Because she devoted her life to the performing arts, she kept filming when she was young. Although she had experienced several relationships, they all ended in vain, and she is still alone. Before, because of her old age and infirmity, she had to undergo knee surgery, and the pain process could only be endured alone. However, even so, she is still very dedicated and never flinches.

Perhaps because of this, she began to consider how to properly handle her own affairs in advance. After all, some things can’t be handed over to others, and only when you are still healthy can you arrange them properly in person.

It is reported that when she went to the hospital this time, she also made another important decision, that is, after her death, she donated her body to the University of Hong Kong for research and dedicated her final value.

This decision shows her dauntless spirit. For most people, at this age, they want to enjoy their old age and don’t easily consider such things as body donation. It takes a lot of courage and determination, especially for an elderly person.

This also allows us to see the other side of Roland’s later life. A person who lives alone may have a lot of sufferings. Because she is not married and has children, no one can share and comfort whether she is happy or sad. Late at night, she may feel lonely.

However, she was lucky enough to meet Louis Koo, and the two of them established a deep affection because of their cooperation for many times. Roland once revealed that he had no children in the program, so he regarded Louis Koo as his own son. He often came to take care of her, and they got along like mother and son.

Even during the Spring Festival every year, Louis Koo would accompany her to dinner and not let her spend it alone. Thanks to Louis Koo’s care, she became more warm and happy in her later years, which is really enviable.

The meeting between the two was just an accident. It is admirable that Louis Koo can care about her so much. He has always been a clear stream in the entertainment circle, not only donating more than 100 primary schools in poor mountainous areas, but also keen on public welfare undertakings, and doing a lot of good deeds in private, which is a model that many stars should follow.

In addition, an old actor like Roland is undoubtedly a treasure in the entertainment circle, with excellent acting skills, good moral quality and noble character. Young actors should follow her example, study hard and become role models for more people.

Through her years of hard work and dedication, Roland won the recognition of the audience. Now, although she has retired from the acting stage, we still hope that she can stay healthy and enjoy her fortune.

A comfortable old age. Roland used her life to demonstrate the tenacity and professionalism of the entertainment industry. She is an outstanding actress and a selfless philanthropist, and her story inspires all of us.

Roland’s decision to donate his remains to scientific research is very special. It conveys a respect for life and a contribution to the future. She not only brought laughter and tears to the audience, but also made meaningful contributions to society. This spirit is worth learning. Let us think about how to dedicate our life to more people and make selfless contributions to society.

Louis Koo’s concern and care is also a precious friendship. He not only achieved success in his career, but also showed his respect and gratitude to the older generation of actors with his own actions. This family-like relationship is worth learning from in interpersonal relationships. Both family members and friends should cherish and take care of each other.

Finally, Roland’s later life tells us that not everything in life is meaningful with company, and living alone can also be wonderful and fulfilling. She shows a strong and independent quality, and teaches us to face life positively and keep going no matter what difficulties we encounter.

On the whole, Roland’s life is full of ups and downs and glory. She has inspired generations of audiences with her talent and spirit. Her decision and spirit will continue to inspire us and encourage us to pursue Excellence, care for others, cherish friendship and love life. I hope Roland can live a long and healthy life and spend a happy and comfortable old age. Her story will always inspire us to move forward.

Double happiness! The top foreign aid announced his return to the Liao basket, and Cousins was close to joining forces with Guo Ailun.

Their tactics on the court are always confusing, and they have never played cards according to the routine. They have not changed much in the team lineup next season. There is no doubt that if there is no accident, it will reach the finals. Yang Ming, the head coach of the team, praised his players in front of the media many times and said that their efforts behind the scenes will never be seen by you. Recently, there is good news for the Liaoning basketball team. According to relevant insiders, the Liaoning men’s basketball team is in contact with Cousins, the first center of the NBA. The Liaoning team will probably sign Cousins. Once Cousins joins the Liaoning men’s basketball team, he will dominate the inside of the CBA, and no team can stop the Liaoning men’s basketball team from winning the championship.

1:0,5:1! Sad night in football: Gunner Bayern Barcelona lost, Milan won, and Manchester City won.

From the evening of May 20th to the early morning of 21st, Beijing time, the five major leagues in Europe launched the latest round of competition. Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Bayern Barcelona and Milan joined forces to attack, and the result was naturally mixed. Arsenal upset Manchester City to defend the Premier League title ahead of schedule; Liverpool struggled to get 1 point and basically bid farewell to the Champions League; Bayern lost the first place in the league.

Liverpool 1: 1 Villa

Recently, Liverpool has won seven consecutive victories in the league and continued to retain the hope of competing for the Champions League seat. However, in this round, Liverpool was stubbornly attacked by Villa who also competed for the European seat. Konate sent a penalty in the first half, but Watkins missed the penalty directly, but in the 27th minute, Liverpool still lost the ball, Douglas-Lewis crossed the right rib, and Ramsey pushed the ball from the back of the penalty area to break the deadlock. The backward Liverpool immediately counterattacked, but there was no bright spot on the offensive end. In the second half, klopp directly changed into jota and firmino, thus changing into four strikers.

In the 89th minute, Uncle Zha’s change of array finally paid off. Elliot divided the ball to the right, Salah crossed the outside instep, and firmino hit the front point successfully, 1: 1! It is worth mentioning that this is firmino’s farewell game at Anfield, and he will officially leave Liverpool at the end of the season. The Red Army, which scored only one point, has a high probability of missing the Champions League next season, and Manchester United and Newcastle only need one point to completely lock in the top four.

Bournemouth 0-1 Manchester United

Liverpool struggled to draw with Villa, which made Manchester United see the opportunity. Against Bournemouth, who had already relegated ahead of schedule, the Red Devils successfully scored 3 points. In the 9th minute of the first half, Eriksson picked the ball from the left to the restricted area, and Seneximen’s error in clearance turned into an own goal. casemiro then inserted a golden hook that turned around at close range to meet the ball and scored the only goal in the whole game. Manchester United, which has scored 3 points, has tied the third Newcastle, and at the same time, it is one more round than Liverpool. As long as the remaining two rounds score 1 point, Manchester United can return to the Champions League.

Nottingham Forest 1: 0 Arsenal

After losing to Brighton in the last round, it is difficult for Arsenal to continue to pose a threat to Manchester City. Even if they lose to Nottingham Forest in this round, Manchester City will win the championship three rounds ahead of schedule. As the saying goes, when facing the forest, the gunman was in no state in the whole game. Arteta changed into three defenders, which directly led to no threat on the offensive end, and the defense was also full of loopholes. In the 19th minute, Odegard made a mistake in the frontcourt return, Gibbs White successfully broke the ball and pushed forward the counter-attack direct pass on the spot. Avonii grabbed the shot into the net before Ramsdale attacked and scored the only goal in the whole game.

Due to the failure to score 3 points, the Gunners were still 4 points behind Manchester City in two rounds. For this reason, the Blue Moon locked the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule before playing this round. This is Guardiola’s third consecutive championship in the Premier League and the fifth time that the Blue Moon won the championship in six years.

Bayern 1: 3 Leipzig Red Bull

As the defending champions of the League, Bayern’s situation is much worse than that of Manchester City. In the past, the Bundesliga champion in every year was basically Bayern’s bag. However, Nandawang’s state fluctuated this season, and the introduction of new aid such as Mane failed to integrate into the team. It was even more controversial to dismiss nagel Mann, and tuchel failed to improve Bayern’s state in time after taking office. In this round, against Red Bull Leipzig, which is aiming for the Champions League seat, Bayern took the lead in the first half by Gnabry, and the situation changed suddenly in the second half. Bayern lost three goals in a bizarre crash in 20 minutes. First, Lemor pushed and shot to equalize the score, pawar and Mazravi sent out penalty gifts one after another, Nkunku and Szoboszlai took penalty kicks respectively, and Bayern suffered a 1-3 reversal and lost. As long as Dortmund takes all 3 points in this round, Bayern will hand over the first position in the league.

AC Milan 5:1 Sampdoria

Bayern still has a glimmer of hope for the title. Milan, as the defending champion of Serie A, withdrew from the title race early, and may not even participate in the Champions League next season. The Rossoneri recently suffered a four-game losing streak and suffered a direct double-line rout. They not only handed over the initiative to compete for the title, but also were eliminated by Inter Milan in the semi-final of the Champions League. In this round, facing the demoted Sampdoria, the Mariners unfortunately became the vent. In the first half, Leo took the lead in breaking the deadlock and Quagliarella equalized the score. In the 23rd minute, Diaz sent an assist again, and Gill headed the ball beyond the score again. Six minutes later, Leo made another penalty, and Gill scored twice.

In the second half, Tonali assisted Diaz to add icing on the cake, and Leo sent an assist to help Gill complete a hat trick. This is the first time in Milan’s two seasons that a player has scored three goals in a single game. Milando, which scored 3 points, was 1 point behind Lazio, which ranked fourth in the first round. If you want to be in the top four, you need the Biancocelesti to continue to lose points.

Barcelona 1:2 Royal Society

Barcelona, who just won the championship in the last round, returned to the home court to face the Royal Society. Unexpectedly, it was smashed by the "social brother". Only 5 minutes after the opening, Comte was accidentally intercepted with the ball in the backcourt. Sollott stole the ball and then pushed back and made a selfless cross into the restricted area. merino pushed and broke the deadlock without being watched. In the 72nd minute of the second half, De Jong’s frontcourt holding organization was also intercepted. Kubo Jianying held the ball on the spot to push the counter-attack, Su Weimendi hit the middle, and Sollott faced the attacking Ter stegen with one hand and easily pushed to expand his advantage. In the 90th minute, Phelan Torres got rid of the right and sent a cross. Levan headed back a city, but it could not save Barcelona’s defeat. In the end, Barcelona lost 1-2 at home, and the unbeaten gold body of the season league was broken.