Geely Xingyue with a wheelbase of 2.8 meters is L, and its size exceeds Tiguan L, but it is positioned as a compact SUV.

A few days ago, the brand-new SUV-Xingyue L completed its debut. I believe many people, like me, will regard this new car as a medium-sized SUV when they see its body size. After all, its length is nearly 4.8 meters, and its wheelbase is over 2.8 meters. The "block" is already bigger than Tiguan L. But the official defines it as a compact SUV. Why?

Low-key positioning, just for misplaced competition?

Let’s take a concrete look at the body size of Xingyue L. Its length, width and height are 4770/1895/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845 mm. We choose two popular medium-sized joint venture SUVs to compare with them. As can be seen from the following table, the Star Yue L, which locates compact SUVs, is bigger than Tiguan L and Highlander.

In this regard, the official did not give a specific explanation. Personally, in today’s endless market segments, the so-called positioning of the model itself is very vague. Because of this, many car companies choose to compete in dislocation and compete with their opponents, such as Xingyue L.

As we all know, the price range of 100,000 to 150,000 is the main position of the independent compact SUV, and the price range of 150,000 to 200,000 belongs to the "site" of the joint venture compact SUV. If the autonomous SUV wants to cross the 150,000 hurdle, it can only choose dislocation competition. For example, UNI-K, which was listed before, used the identity of medium-sized SUV to compete with joint venture competitors.

Although the specific price of Xingyue L has not been announced yet, it can be boldly speculated that its starting price will not be low, at least above 150,000, maybe 160,000 or 170,000. If this is the case, then the price range of Xingyue L is almost "flush" with that of other models. From the price to the vehicle positioning, this is a real positive competition, which can reflect the confidence of the car. Of course, it is undeniable that from the product strength of the model itself, Xingyue L still has leapfrog advantages.

The highlight of Xingyue L: the engine pulls the eye.

So where is the leap of the star over L? In addition to body size including space, power is a bright spot. Its whole system is equipped with Drive-E series engines, and 2.0T provides high and low power output, which is divided into 218 horsepower and 238 horsepower. It is worth mentioning that the low power version matches the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, while the high power version matches the 8AT gearbox.

Combined with the estimated price, it is very likely that you can buy a version of 2.0T with 8AT for less than 180,000 yuan. You know, the joint venture models corresponding to this price are almost entry-level power, 2.0L self-priming or 1.4T small displacement engines. And Xingyue L is very competitive in terms of displacement and label (). In addition, Xingyue L will also be equipped with the sixth-generation Borgwarner four-wheel drive system, which is hard enough from the perspective of three major pieces.

In addition to the three major pieces, another highlight of the Star Yue L is the sense of design and materials, especially the interior parts. Different from previous models, the Star Yue L highlights the sense of technology on the one hand and adds a sense of luxury at the same time. This sense of luxury is more like a breakthrough. For example, in the interior, a lot of rose gold decoration has been added, which has been seen on the model before and is very textured; At the same time, with custom leather and brown plaques, the luxury atmosphere is in place.

It is worth mentioning that the steering wheel of Xingyue L adopts the design of two-color leather, which makes people shine again visually. When it comes to the sense of science and technology, Xingyue L has also made a breakthrough. In addition to the full LCD instrument screen, it also adopts the form of central control and co-driver’s joint screen, which is a bit of a new force. I believe that in terms of function, it can also give people a different experience.

Achuan pingche

In fact, it’s not the first time to take the misplaced positioning route. The previous Xingrui, with a wheelbase of 2.8 meters, is still positioned in a compact car, and the reason is the same. For Xingyue L, the final pricing is very important, because it has to compete with the joint venture compact SUV, but also with competitors at the same level such as UNI-K and Mocha. Every step is the key point to decide the outcome.

Andy Lau went to South Korea to promote the new film, and was confessed by Korean old woman fans

    The crew of "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor", which promotes the new film in South Korea, can be said to be in a non-stop hurry to announce that they just attended the cinema yesterday (March 24) afternoon to hold a grand meeting between fans and the media, and Andy Lau encountered the true confession of Korean nurse-level fans.


    Andy Lau was confessed by elderly fans.



    Andy Lau attended the promotional activities of "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor".


    Wu Jianhao attended unexpectedly.


    NetEase Entertainment, March 25 (text/photo, Li Li, Fifth Iron Peak) The crew of "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor", which promotes the new film in South Korea, can be said to be in a non-stop hurry to announce that they just attended the cinema yesterday (March 24) afternoon and held a grand movie fan meeting with the media. In the evening, they participated in another dragon and lion dance performance arranged by the organizers, and Andy Lau was confronted with the true confession of Korean nurse fans.

    Korean theaters and distributors specially arranged dragon and lion dance performances with Chinese characteristics. On the one hand, they expressed their welcome to the cast members, and on the other hand, they hoped that the film could achieve a good box office in Korea. Many fans also came to see the idol’s style, especially an old mother who was over 50 years old. She expressed Andy Lau’s love on the spot. She said in Korean: "I have liked you for 20 years, and I can finally meet you in person."

    This sentence was uttered in Chinese by a Korean translator, which immediately caused the screams of fans, and Andy Lau himself seemed a little embarrassed. In addition to laughing embarrassedly, he also politely shook hands and hugged his mother to express his gratitude. In the subsequent handprint pressing session, due to the negligence of the organizers, the inverted material was made too thin, and several creators pressed their hands for a full 5 minutes without solidifying the handprint. Andy Lau had to joke that the enthusiasm of the fans was too high for the mud to solidify.

    Wu Jianhao, who has been absent from the promotional activities of the movie "Seeing the Dragon Remove Armor", did not participate in the grand press conference held yesterday afternoon, but suddenly appeared at the outdoor activities of the crew in the evening. Wu Jianhao, who was wearing sunglasses and bearded, made the unprepared media and fans think he was just a Korean performance guest at first, and it was not until he greeted everyone in Chinese that he was recognized as Wu Jianhao. (Source of this article: NetEase Entertainment Feature)

Editor in charge: Fan Jing

Media survey: Over 80% of netizens support the management of network anchors (Figure)

  On the 12th, the Ministry of Culture announced the 25th list of illegal Internet cultural activities, and nearly 17,000 network anchors were investigated. The number of illegal network anchors is so huge that it once again reflects the problems in the field of webcasting. From stars to ordinary people, more and more people join the ranks of network anchors. In order to attract more viewers, some network anchors even have no bottom line hype and show off pornography.

  According to a survey, over 80% of netizens support relevant state departments to guide and manage network anchors. Among them, 48.08% of the respondents think that the live broadcast of eating and sleeping by network anchors is "vulgar and unintelligible". Some public opinion analysts pointed out that network anchors may usher in a big reshuffle in the second half of this year.

  Some parents worry that their children will be affected.

  In January of this year, a pair of male and female anchors on the betta platform conducted pornographic live broadcasts, so the vulgarization of network anchors became the focus of public opinion. Weibo, a police officer including Jiangsu Cyber Police, criticized this phenomenon by name and pointed out that two anchors had been suspected of breaking the law.

  The survival of network anchors depends on the audience’s "reward" in the live broadcast. In order to attract more viewers, network anchors often go sideways, or speculate through verbal and physical cues, or live broadcast of boring behaviors such as eating and sleeping. This kind of soft pornography has brought high popularity and rich income, and network anchors have become more and more "willful".

  But public opinion has been quite worried about this. By searching for "webcast" through Baidu Index, in terms of crowd division, 12% of followers are teenagers under the age of 19. A parent in Guangzhou once told reporters: "Now students have a mobile phone, and they are really worried that their children will see the bad content of the anchor and have an impact on him."

  Some time ago, the "Men’s Subway Live Event" in Guangzhou was also criticized by public opinion, not only because the behavior of two men eating and drinking in the subway seriously disturbed public order, but also because their vulgar and "out of place" performance openly publicized a bad social habit. The voice of public opinion for rectifying the webcast platform is also getting higher and higher.

  The anchor is basically recognized but needs supervision.

  A few days ago, launched a survey about network anchors. The survey results show that over 70% of the respondents have some knowledge of the profession of network anchor, which shows that webcasting has become a phenomenon and is known to most people.

  However, when asked, "What do you think of the overnight fame of network anchors?", 31.73% of the respondents thought it was a reflection of social impetuous psychology. Some media have reported that the high income of webcasting can reach hundreds of thousands of yuan a month, and the anchor of game commentary can even get an annual salary of 10 million yuan. Under the temptation of interests, many network anchors flock to it.

  When asked, "What do you think of the influence of network anchor on the public and society?", half of the respondents still recognized the joy brought by anchor. Among them, 14.42% of the respondents think that webcasting broadens their horizons, and even 7.69% of the respondents think that webcasting has established people’s confidence and encouraged the diversified development of humanity and culture. It can be seen that network anchors are basically recognized, but they need supervision.

  In "Do you think it is necessary for relevant state departments to guide and manage the webcast industry?" In one question, a total of 82.69% of the respondents chose necessary. In addition, 65.38% of the respondents said that network anchors should spread positive energy.

  The network anchor had high hopes, and his versatility and good sense of camera are all pushing the development of the emerging industry of webcasting. Network anchors have gradually grown into an industry group, and "prohibition" is obviously not the best way.

  It is true that the cultural department cannot always audit and supervise every network anchor, but it can combine with other relevant departments to introduce corresponding punishment measures to shock the warning. At the same time, the live broadcast platform should fulfill its main responsibility, with sufficient content audit inspectors and strict technical monitoring measures, so as to find, track and identify in time and shut down illegal performances in time. As an anchor, you are also responsible for the live content. In this regard, some experts suggest that real-name registration system measures such as identity authentication should be implemented for network anchors, so that the source can be traced and the responsibility can be investigated.

  Nanfang Daily reporter Deng Qiang

Do we need so many live broadcasts of football matches?

Indeed, it is really convenient for modern people to watch the game nowadays. Even more and more people watch the live broadcast of the game in a year, which adds up to less than watching short videos or scoring GIFs. Then the question is, do we still need so many live football matches?

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football! When talking about this issue, a British fan said so.

Besides, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching live games every week? What’s your opinion about the overload of live broadcast of the game? Please tell us together in the comments!

Author | Adam Hurrey and Amitai Winehouse, ECO kryptonite

Edit | Gao Xiaochen

Source | Sports Industry Ecosphere (the original text was published in The Athletic, and it was partially deleted and adjusted due to the need of editing and expression)

The text is 4295 words in total | Estimated reading time is 11 minutes.

Not long ago, the Premier League officially announced:Before all the British fans can return to the stadium to watch the game(as early as May 17th), all events will continue to be broadcast live online in the UK.

This rule may not feel anything to overseas fans. But for British fans, it is a big event that can change their lives. After all, they haven’t watched the football match on TV on Saturday afternoon for decades.

This is due to a long-standing magical rule in Britain-3PM Blackout, which was negotiated and passed by the FA and the league.From 2: 45 pm to 5: 15 pm on Saturday, it is forbidden to broadcast any football match on TV.

The origin of 3pm blackout can be traced back to Bob Lord, Chairman of Burnley Club in 1964.(Bob Lord)A broadcast ban at Tevermore Stadium.In the view of Chairman Bao, the live TV broadcast is harmful to the club besides lowering the attendance rate of the stadium.

△ Center is Bob Lord, then chairman of Burnley Club.

Despite a lot of controversy, President Bao succeeded in persuading more and more clubs to accept it with his golden tongue.Television broadcast of demon theory.After unanimous negotiation, 3pm blackoutKick-off at three o’clock on Saturday afternoon is a tradition in English football.Not only has it become the rules of English clubs, but it has even been incorporated into the British broadcasting law, which makes it a criminal offence to broadcast football matches on TV on any Saturday afternoon in Britain.

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, all the games had to be broadcast online, and the question of whether the broadcast ban should be completely abolished was once again put on the focus of public discussion. But for British fans, although there are more games broadcast, the troubles of happiness have also come:With limited energy, so many games are broadcast live, it seems that I really can’t watch it!

How many people will watch so many games? I think most people just watch their home team’s games, or those particularly important games. There are too many things in life that are more important than football!

When talking about this issue, a British fan said so. His views also represent the voices of many fans.

In this regard, two columnists of The Athletic discussed through a podcast: Do we still need so many live football matches?

Too much broadcast of the game has made people tired of watching the game.

The host of Adam Hurrey The Athletic podcast, Football Cliches.

It has been a whole year since the special situation of being forced to have an empty match due to the epidemic, and the discussion on whether 3pm blackout should be cancelled has been going on for a long time. Therefore, it seems a natural thing to broadcast all the games in the current situation.

However, with the resumption of broadcasting, we gradually found that in the face of so many football matches, watching the ball every day is no longer a pleasure, and it has even become a psychological burden. 

As early as before the epidemic isolation intensified the daily competition in domestic broadcast of football matches, the broadcast of three matches on Super Sunday in Premier League was already a marathon experience for football fans: from pre-match comments to players’ warm-up, from goal playback to VAR slow-motion analysis, from betting recommendation to various advertisements ….. The broadcast of several consecutive football matches in one day is quite challenging for fans to watch and broadcast.

Whether the game involves their favorite team or their annoying team, or involves two teams that they don’t care about. 

△ A busy Premier League weekend screenshot from Tencent Sports APP

A Premier League fan in the UK, watching the game every Saturday, is probably like this:

The first game, kick-off at 12: 30 noon British time:

Ok, at noon, the game will start. Today’s noon match is a match in leicester city (generally speaking, leicester city or Southampton kick off earlier, as evidenced by the data). You will notice the long shadows in the stadium, which is definitely the last light environment that people want to face when watching the match or even playing football games.

In the end, leicester city won 2-0, but the attention of this game was completely covered up by the VAR controversy.

The second game, EnglishKick-off at 3: 00 pm national time:

All right! You’ve watched a game and got into shape. Although the commentators are still discussing the question of whether Team X is excellent or Team Y is rubbish (the conclusion is usually: emmm…… … I think both teams are similar).

The confrontation between the two sides in this game is Crystal Palace vs West Brom, which makes you immediately start to wonder if you should do something else while watching the ball. But you can’t go out when you think about the epidemic; I also think that due to the broadcasting law, there is no advertisement in the live broadcast of the game at 3 pm on Saturday ….. Well, let’s watch another game.

Unfortunately, Wilfrid Zaha, the thigh of Crystal Palace, was injured, and there was one less attraction in the game … It is said that the commentary of this game is famous, but the fans never seem to care about this.

Game 3, kick-off at 5: 30 pm UK time:

Well, it’s prime time for the broadcast, and the strong teams are going to play again. It may be a game in which Manchester City beat a team 4-0, or it may be a showdown between Arsenal and Newcastle. Under the full light of the stadium, the shiny stadium is quite attractive. In addition, there is nothing to watch on TV at this time, which may be the perfect time to sit on the sofa and watch the football match.

At the moment, Jamie Carragher (a former Liverpool player and now a famous football commentator) slides his hand on the screen, showing you all the details of the game you should know, which is great. In the end, it was an excellent game to watch, but it doesn’t seem to be time to put an end to today’s full football marathon … 

Game 4, kick-off at 8: 00 pm UK time:

COVID-19 epidemic, the end of the world, all these things on TV. To tell the truth, Premier League football really doesn’t need to broadcast four whole games a day, especially after 7: 30 pm. Now, you have watched three football matches, and your mind is obviously not on TV. On the sofa, you have already started to brush your mobile phone and saw more than a dozen popular short videos about the coach’s rage or the commentator’s passion for wheat. Although these videos have been forwarded by you, you will forget all about the video content in a short time.

This is often the daily life of a Premier League fan watching the game on weekends.

If the football match is broadcast all day, will I watch it? Yes, obviously, I will, but this is probably just my consciousness as a practitioner, but other fans may not appreciate the broadcast of so many games.

△ Newcastle striker Callum Wilson celebrates the goal

Image: Newcastle United/Newcastle United via Getty Images

Indeed, as long as fans can’t watch the game offline, the Premier League has the responsibility to keep football in the spotlight through more broadcasts.However, don’t underestimate how tired fans will feel in such a marathon. Just for the sake of our poor and tired brains, I hope that the competitors and broadcasters will not regard the countermeasures in this special period as future decisions. 

The broadcast of the game is overloaded? I don’t think so at all!

Amitai Winehouse News Editor

It’s 11 o’clock on Saturday morning. You slept in, got up, had dinner, drank coffee and went out for a walk. Maybe you had a lesson with fitness coach Joe Wicks in front of the TV. So what’s next? I can’t eat any more food, and Zoom’s online test hasn’t started yet. For you, this day seems far away. 

However, you remember, there is a football match today! You looked at the live app on your mobile phone. At 12: 30, leicester city played against Liverpool; At 3: 00 pm, Crystal Palace played against Burnley; At 5: 30 pm, Manchester City played against Tottenham; At 8: 00 pm, Wolves play Chelsea!

As a fan, the distant Saturday was finally saved!

In this difficult period, there are not many interesting things happening. But we can watch all the matches in the Premier League. After watching the matches, you still have many things to do: chatting with friends on social software, playing Fan Texi in the Premier League, and brushing short sports videos … Is there anything more interesting for sports fans?

It can be said that playing football in the open field is meaningless, but online broadcasting can give the game real meaning.Indeed, not many people feel that it is necessary to watch a Southampton-Brighton game with dignity, but it is important that more games are broadcast, so that those Southampton fans and Brighton fans who want to watch this game have a proper way to watch this game.

The competition should belong to the public, not just the hundreds of people who are now allowed to enter the stadium.

In fact, the existence of streaming media just proves why the view that all sports events should not be broadcast is flawed. In any case, I am firmly opposed to the ban on Saturday afternoon games.There are always people who argue that this measure can protect the attendance rate of low-level leagues, but as early as 2018, EFL(English Football League)It has been announced that all Saturday 3: 00 pm games will be broadcast on its cooperative streaming media platform iFollow, and many international regions have also allowed to broadcast the games at this time. 

△ Amazon Prime’s Premier League live broadcast room 

Image: Adam Davy/pool/AFP via Getty Images

What’s more, for fans who want to watch the game offline, it doesn’t matter whether the game is broadcast or not. But if you don’t want to go to the scene, you can certainly find a way to watch the game at home.

In other words, even if the game is not broadcast on the mainstream platforms with copyright such as Sky Sports, BT Sport, Amazon Prime and BBC One, people will find various ways to watch the game, which is not a problem for modern fans at all.Besides, the football club has fallen into financial difficulties, and we can at least make the broadcasting company happy for a while, so that the team’s copyright income can be guaranteed, and the more the better.

So to be honest, although there may be a problem of watching the game on TV, football is now facing a critical moment, so please forget the idea that any match should not be broadcast on TV. Please broadcast all the football matches for us, without stopping for a moment … The broadcast of the games that helped you through the boring time during the epidemic is also an important part of your life.

The above is the discussion between two British sports experts. So, as a China fan, how much time do you spend watching the game broadcast every week? What do you think of the view that the broadcast of the game is overloaded? Please tell us together in the comments!

(End of full text)

Original link: https://the athletic. com/2394322/2021/02/17/Premier-League-Matches-Stay-on-UK-TV-Lockdown-Fans-Bring-It-on-Boring/? source=user_shared_article



 The pale Tuocha on the left of the picture is bad tea that has been mildewed, and the high-quality aged Pu ‘er on the right.


Pu ‘er tea is more valuable as a cultural relic than tea itself in the eyes of collectors, which makes many tea merchants fake old Pu ‘er tea.


 The tea fermented after large leaves are planted in bulk is commonly known as Pu ‘er tea.


This is the so-called 30-year-old fake "golden marble"

    Pu ‘er tea is hailed as an "antique" that can be drunk, and many people believe that the more it is stored, the more valuable it is. Illegal businessmen seize the opportunity to use various means to turn new tea into old tea at high prices. According to experts in the industry, exaggerating the year, making a musty smell in a wet warehouse and adding chemicals are the most commonly used methods in the market. In addition, by changing the packaging, non-brand old tea is faked as brand old tea.

    In the past 30 years, "Golden Marbles" have won hundreds of dollars.

    Uncovering the Fake: The "Golden Marbles" came into the market only after 1992.

    Zou Jiaju, executive vice president and secretary general of Yunnan Tea Association, told the reporter: "A friend told me with great interest that he spent hundreds of yuan to buy a 30-year-old’ golden marble’ and invited me to have a drink. I laughed at him for being cheated."

    In order to prove his judgment, Zou Jiaju told the reporter a history: in 1992, Xiang Jinshan, Geng Qingguo and Zhai Yuanhong, employees of Kunming Tea Factory under Yunnan Tea Import and Export Corporation, jointly designed a three-piece stamping machine to produce a 5-gram disposable Miniature Tuocha with the official name of "mini" (English mini) at that time. Later, it was orally renamed as "Golden Marbles" and later filed a technical patent with the State Patent Office. Later, Zhai Yuanhong designed a two-piece stamping machine and applied for the corresponding technical patent. "It can be seen that the’ Golden Marbles’ will not be available until after 1992. How can there be a’ Golden Marbles’ with a 30-year shelf life? Therefore, the’ golden marble’ that my friend said has been stored for 30 years is by no means true. " Zou Jiaju said positively.

    80-year-old tea still has pectin

    Expose the fake: pectin will evaporate if it is stored for more than 30 years.

    Tea contains a certain amount of pectin, but with the passage of time, microorganisms will gradually decompose pectin. For old tea with a storage period of more than 30 years, pectin has long been transformed and volatilized. However, some teas on the market that claim to be decades old, if you look carefully, still have pectin. Obviously, such teas must have lied about their age.

    "pectin is the main substance that constitutes the interlayer of tea cells. It is an amorphous colloid with strong hydrophilicity, adhesion and softness, which can make adjacent cells stick together. In the process of tea kneading, cells are broken and pectin comes out. " Zou Jiaju said: "During the Republic of China, there was no power equipment in Xishuangbanna tea area, and the pressed tea processing relied on human stone molds. The artificial pressure is limited, and the pressed tea in the period without electricity is relatively loose, which depends on the adhesion of pectin to a certain extent. With the passage of time, microorganisms will gradually decompose pectin. The pectin of old tea with a storage period of more than 30 years has long been transformed and volatilized, and the connection of tea pieces mainly depends on the pull of shape shaping. In addition, other impurities are often based on pectin, pectin volatilizes, and fluff or other impurities will be reduced accordingly. "

    Zou Jiaju told the reporter an example: "A friend invited me to have tea, and it was agreed in advance that it was decades-old tea. Tea is packed in a well-designed paper seal, about 10 grams. He introduced that this tea has been aged for more than 80 years, and the value of a bubble is 1500 yuan. ""Well, it was in the early years of the Republic of China when tea was made. I saw that two thirds of the tea leaves were caked and one third had been scattered. After careful observation, the connecting pectin in the caked part is still working. Obviously, this is a piece of tea with false age. "

    The truth of "20-year-old tea" in bud head explosion

    Uncover the fake: there will be no buds in the tea in 1985.

    Zou Jiaju also told an example of a 3-year-old tea pretending to be a 20-year-old tea: "In the Spring Festival of 2005, my friend’s family spent 3,000 yuan to buy two pieces of Pu ‘er cake tea that was said to have been produced before 1985. After brewing, the tea tastes bitter and has a light smell of pile fermentation. The tea soup is full of fluff and a faint smell of smoke. It can be concluded that the storage time of this tea is not more than 3 years, because only the storage life is very short.

    There is also a historical background to prove that the age of this tea is not 20 years. You know, from 1983 to 1985, the price of bud tips in sun-dried green tea was very high, and the market was good. When processing pressed tea of raw tea, manufacturers would use a little bud tips to spread the flour, but there would definitely be no white bud tips in the middle and back of the tea. Under normal circumstances, Pu ‘er tea cakes and Pu ‘er tea bricks are not even sprinkled.

    It was not until around 1995 that the buds were proved to be too low in polyphenols to produce Pu ‘er tea, and these once noble buds and young leaves were gradually squeezed into all kinds of pressed teas with thick and big bodies. The two tea cakes bought by my friend’s family were pressed into the bud head from the outside. Obviously, it could not have been produced before 1985, at least after the price of the bud head was reduced in 1995. "Zou Jiaju said.

    "Most of the old tea in the market is fake."

    Zou Jiaju said that some so-called experts are completely irresponsible in writing books. If they have any "goods" in their hands, they will fabricate history and raise prices. "Some maps are too outrageous. The production of Fenghuang Tuocha in Nanjian was in the 1990 s, but it was said by some people that it was in the 1970 s." Zou Jiaju said, "Most of the so-called aged Pu ‘er tea sold in the market now is not true. Pu’ er tea consumers, especially Pu’ er tea operators, can’t buy tea only by ear, only by attractive labels, and they should be carefully identified. "

    Pu-erh fermented in wet warehouse is moldy and "wet to death"

    How to determine whether "wet warehouse tea" is good tea or bad tea? There are different voices in the tea industry, but they all agree that the practice of "wet warehouse tea pretending to be old tea" is to deceive consumers. In fact, some unscrupulous tea merchants moved their tea products into caves with high humidity in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, accelerated aging and fermented mildew, hoping to speculate on the year and make old Pu ‘er tea, which not only violated the natural oxidation and fermentation law of tea endoplasm, but also made Pu ‘er tea lose its health care function, but also harmed people’s health.

    Store wet caves for tea fermentation.

    "’Wet warehouse’ refers to some tea merchants who store fresh raw Pu ‘er tea in places with poor ventilation and high humidity, such as kilns, air-raid shelters, earth houses, etc. In order to make fresh raw Pu ‘er tea be drunk early, which is easy to cause the breeding of Aspergillus in tea and accelerate the aging. This Aspergillus oxidation is called fermentation after wet warehouse. However, wet-stored Pu ‘er tea completely destroyed the tea fiber, changed the original essence of tea, and violated the law of natural oxidation and fermentation of tea endoplasm. " Chen Guozhang, a senior tea man and chairman of Tea Art Paradise (China) Co., Ltd., said that he always advocated storing Pu ‘er tea in a "dry warehouse", that is, the tea leaves were fermented in Fang Chen in an environment with moderate temperature and humidity, ventilation, freshness and no odor, which not only preserved the authenticity of Pu ‘er tea, but also increased the value of tea tasting.

    High humidity makes tea moldy and wet to death.

    In order to give reporters a vivid understanding, Chen Guozhang took out a sample used for giving lectures to members of Pu ‘er Club on weekdays-Pu ‘er tea aged in wet warehouse, and compared it with Pu ‘er tea stored in Fang Chen and well preserved. The reporter found that the Tuocha aged in the wet warehouse has been mildewed and grown hoarfrost, while another brick tea block aged in the wet warehouse is dim and yellow. The moldy Tuocha with hoarfrost smells like bran, while the yellow brick tea has a musty smell.

    "Both are bad teas, which one is worse?" The reporter asked. Chen Guozhang replied: "The yellow one (different from the golden fungus" Jinhua ",which should be evaluated in a scientific and correct manner) is even worse, but the yellow one is not as conspicuous as the white one. In fact, the tea has been" wet to death "!"

    Chen Guozhang explained that tea leaves stored in wet warehouses are prone to mildew due to too much water, and the tea leaves with severe mildew will grow hoarfrost. If they are not returned to the warehouse in time for air drying, hoarfrost will turn into yellow mold (Aspergillus flavus). Now, some people say that "the milder Pu ‘er tea is, the better", but it is not. The essence of moldy tea has deteriorated. Too much water encourages the growth of white, black, green and yellow bacteria. Drinking tea was supposed to help health, but drinking this kind of tea has the opposite effect.

    Natural wet storage can age tea, and artificial fermentation will destroy tea products.

    In addition, some tea industry experts do not deny the practice of wet storage, but it is difficult to master the technology of aging good tea products in wet storage. If the humidity is too high or inappropriate, the goods are prone to black mold and green mold and become bad tea. At present, many people in the market use bad "wet warehouse tea" to pretend to be old tea and dry warehouse old tea.

    When the humidity exceeds 85%, tea will become moldy.

    Shi Kunmu, a senior tea man in Taiwan Province and one of the top ten outstanding figures of Pu ‘er tea in the world, said: "If there are two pieces of dry-stored tea and wet-stored tea in the 1950s, I will definitely choose to drink dry-stored tea, but it doesn’t mean that wet-stored tea is not good, but my personal taste is different. In fact, the existing old tea is basically wet warehouse tea, and even the old tea with a cake of 200,000 yuan is wet warehouse tea. We must know that when the relative humidity of the air exceeds 85%, the stored Pu ‘er tea will be moldy. For example, the annual average relative humidity in Guangzhou is 88%. In the past, Guangdong and Hong Kong, which were important places for storing tea, were actually’ natural wet warehouses’, and there were basically no dry warehouses for old tea. "

    Shi Kunmu told reporters that in Hong Kong, the so-called "warehousing" means that the environment of Pu ‘er tea is artificially controlled without natural storage. In Guangdong, there are similar ways to accelerate the aging of Pu ‘er tea, such as building a tin house and entering an air-raid shelter. "As long as the tea produced by these artificial methods is not too outrageous, there is no direct evidence of adverse effects on the human body according to the standards of modern medical inspection. Sometimes, the temperature, humidity and time are properly handled. However, it is not only immoral, but also harmful to people’s health to use the year of speculation and use fraud to mislead consumers.

    It is difficult to age tea in wet warehouse.

    Regarding the problem of "wet warehouse", Zou Jiaju, executive vice president and secretary-general of Yunnan Tea Association, also said that the prerequisite for microbial fermentation is a certain amount of water, temperature and oxygen. Without water, it will not ferment, just like there will be no life on the planet without water.

    For example, he said, "I got together with the Hong Kong and Kowloon Tea Chamber of Commerce and said that some people sealed raw tea cakes with plastic paper decades ago, but it changed little after opening them. The reason is just like what we usually call a dry warehouse. The less moisture in the dry warehouse, the slower the aging speed of tea. Many Pu ‘er tea books hold the dry warehouse to the sky, but they don’t know that there is no certain moisture and humidity. Where can microorganisms survive and multiply? "

    "I often observe in the fermentation workshops of Kunming Tea Factory, Xiaguan Tea Factory and Menghai Tea Factory. I have a good grasp of technology and normal white hair, which is good tea; The temperature of the pile is high, the tea embryo is burned, the temperature is low, and black hair appears on the surface of the pile, which is bad tea. " Zou Jiaju believes that these are due to improper technical mastery, too high or inappropriate humidity, and black mold and green mold appear in some goods. Because of the technical difficulty, how can we produce such a large batch of aged tea?

    Year of speculation of tea merchants borrowing warehouses

    "After rapid aging, raw tea products have the advantage of immediately reducing the bitterness, turning the soup red and making it smooth and sweet. The cooked tea can quickly remove the smell of the pile (new taste and fishy smell), and the soup is smooth and has obvious old fragrance. What they have in common is that the pungent taste of new tea can disappear quickly when they enter the warehouse. " Although Shi Kunmu affirmed the "wet warehouse", he said that there are five negative effects in warehousing: the storage process is costly and the possibility of mildew is greatly increased; Appearance and cake surface gloss disappear; The smell of warehouse will never disappear; The same batch of tea has great differences in aroma, taste and appearance; Compared with the tea that has not been put into the warehouse, the smell of the warehouse is stringy and the aroma of the taste is lost.

    "It is not necessarily bad to enter the warehouse, but entering the warehouse is often used by tea merchants as a means of hype year to mislead consumers into wrong ideas." Shi Kunmu said that individual businessmen, driven by profit, poured a lot of water on the finished Pu ‘er tea or cast other color-changing substances, or put it directly on the wet ground to make it grow mold. After aging, it not only lost the charm of storage, but also did not have the health care effect of Pu ‘er tea.

    Quickly make "aged tea" by boiling water and insolating.

    Make old tea with chemicals

    In fact, it is even more abominable to make money by pretending to be old tea than by using wet warehouse tea, and even using chemicals to make old tea. Chen Guozhang said that "aging" at high temperature has become the latest counterfeiting method. They put plates of raw tea sprayed with water and containers filled with water into iron boxes, and then exposed them at high temperature, thinking that the iron boxes were not high enough in temperature and humidity, and then poured water into the hot iron boxes, and repeated operations, in order to quickly "age" Pu ‘er tea. "In summer in the south, such a rapid Pu ‘er tea can achieve the effect of three months to five years. Besides, after such high temperature baking? The Pu ‘er tea made is ruddy in color and has a high selling price. "

    Moreover, "making water old" is an upgraded version of "wet warehouse Pu ‘er". Chen Guozhang told reporters that they not only stored Pu ‘er raw tea in Fang Chen in underground kilns, air-raid shelters, earthen houses and other places with poor ventilation and high humidity, but also artificially sprinkled water on the tea to make the fermentation speed faster after wet storage. "I have personally been to the old kiln, and some sanitary conditions are very poor. The tea has been moldy for a long time."

    A month and a half ago, the reporter tasted this kind of wet barn to make old tea at a friend’s home. This so-called brick of Chinese tea cultural revolution (250g/piece) with a storage age of more than 20 years has a retail price of more than 4,000 yuan/piece in Fangcun tea market. It looks neat on the surface and doesn’t smell musty. However, experts from the same industry knew at a glance that it was "wet goods". When the soup was opened, it tasted bitter and musty, and the bitterness persisted in the mouth for a long time, which was difficult to fade. Experts say that the appearance of old tea made in this wet warehouse has been well handled, which has deceived many people. The tea artificially stored in the wet warehouse has a pungent smell after opening the soup, and the soup is black and mixed, and the throat is locked. The dry tea sees green, black and red mildew spots, and the bottom of the leaves is sticky after brewing.

    Soaking tea with potassium permanganate

    Zheng Bingji, chairman of Yunnan Pu ‘er Tea (Group) Co., Ltd., said in an interview that some fake Pu ‘er teas are even more "horrible". They steamed the prepared and processed tea again. After steaming at high temperature, they threw it into those brick kilns and tile kilns that were already closed for ants to bite. The tea was rotten and the paper was rotten, and then dried again. The Mongolian said, "We are rotten."

    Zheng Bingji gave an example to reporters: "One day in 2005, a friend came to me mysteriously and handed me something. I took my friend’s’ baby’ and carefully opened it layer by layer. A big musty smell came to my nose, and the whole thing had rotted away. There were traces of insects crawling on it and Baba pulled out by insects. I felt sick. People who might not understand it thought it was a century-old tea, but people who knew tea felt sick. This is not tea, this is garbage! "

    Puer dictionary

    Key points of tea age identification

    First look at outsourcing paper and printing: the printing color of paper in every era is irreplaceable, and its particularity is even more impossible to counterfeit because of the weathering of paper and printing history. In addition, the internal flying paper is also related to printing, which is the same as outsourcing paper and printing. What is more special is that the internal flying paper is embedded in tea products? Yes, under normal circumstances, you can’t change it.

    At the same time, molds, including stone molds, iron molds, wood molds, etc., have their special appearance and process in each era, which has a profound impact on the aging of tea products. However, the matching technique of tea cyanine varies with the background of each era. A comprehensive judgment with the pressing mold can be used as an auxiliary condition for the identification of Pu ‘er tea year.

    Dry-stored Pu ‘er tea is tightly knotted, evenly fermented, glossy and moist. When you tap the tea cake with your hand, the sound is crisp and neat, and the tea soup is clear and bright, sweet and refreshing, and has no odor. Wet-stored Pu ‘er tea is loose and dull in color. If there is too much water, the surface of the tea leaves will be covered with frost, or the tea leaves will breed mold from the inside out, which has a strong pungent taste, alkaline taste and musty taste. The tea soup is turbid like cooked tea and tastes like acupuncture.

    The Times asks you to tell the story of fried tea.

    If you are a Pu ‘er lover, you have had a special experience in collecting Pu ‘er. Or "tea speculators", who know many unknown stories about the operation of Pu ‘er market, welcome to call our hotline or send us an email for information.


Editor: Shi Guanghui

How is the first New Year’s Day in New China celebrated?

The Origin of New Year’s Day in New China
September 27, 1949
Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
The first plenary session
Decided to adopt the universal method of AD chronology.
That is what we call the solar calendar.
In order to distinguish between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar.
Considering also that
"beginning of spring" in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar
Just before and after the Lunar New Year
January 1st of the lunar calendar.
Renamed "Spring Festival"
January 1st in the solar calendar.
Set as the beginning of the new year "New Year’s Day"
December 23, 1949
National festivals and anniversaries
The holiday measures stipulate the release.
New Year’s Day, one day off.
from this time on
New Year’s Day is listed as a statutory holiday.
Become a national holiday.
Celebrate with joy.
To celebrate the founding of New China
The first new year’s day
Liberated cities, villages and schools
Institutions, organizations and people from all walks of life
By holding parties and giving speeches
A theatrical performance, movie, exhibition, etc.
Colorful celebrations
Welcome the new year.
On the morning of New Year’s Day in 1950.
People turn on the radio.
I heard march of the volunteers.
Just three months after birth
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Ushered in the first new year.
For the 541 million people of China,
This new year
It is really "removing the old and replacing the new"
This day
More than 50,000 people from all walks of life in the capital.
Attended the New Year’s Gala
Students and workers in the capital
Gather together on the skating rink in Beihai Park.
Performing all kinds of wonderful programs
On the morning of New Year’s Day in 1950.
Yangzhou avenue
People’s Pictorial, which was printed the night before.
Circulate among the masses.
Right in the middle of the pictorial
It is a picture of Yangzhou people celebrating the New Year.
Paintings of street parades
Walking in the team in the picture
Holding high the national flag and the portrait of Chairman Mao.
Follow closely behind
A team beating gongs and drums
And the Dragon Dance Team and Waist Drum Team.
The whole picture is bright in color
Take Yangzhou soldiers and civilians to the streets
Celebrating the first new year after liberation
Be lively and vivid
There are couplets on both sides of the picture.
It says"Wan Li Jiangshan Qing liberation.
People all over the country are jubilant. "
Below the screen is
"Celebrate the whole world.
Everyone laughs.
Celebrate the first New Year in New China. "
Military and civilian fish and water, support the army in the New Year.
The people ushered in a new life.
Thank you, of course
The China People’s Liberation Army, which is brave and good at fighting.
This day
The whole country has launched
Various activities of supporting the army.
From the masses to the troops
Pay New Year greetings to the officers and men.
Condolences to the wounded and the families of martyrs.
The students also carefully produced
New year card sent it to the People’s Liberation Army at the front.
Each district in Beijing was held separately.
Comfort the mass meeting of military families
Party and government organs, schools and factories
And mass organizations
Rehearsed a literary program.
Pay New Year greetings to the officers and men in the army.
Condolences to the wounded and the families of martyrs.
Beijing citizens also wrote a song "A Tribute from the Labor Army".
In poetic language
Expressed the people’s state of mind:
"the people’s liberation army.
Hear the encouraging songs everywhere.
You Shi NV Hu Jiang greeted you.
A few warm times
Rain washes smoke and dust thousands of miles away.
Night Yan Diao Dou Zhongtian Yue
My hero serves the people.
What is the feeling?
Old shame, snow from the beginning
Reactionaries, from now on.
See gan Kun rectify
gold goblet remaining intact―unimpaired territorial integrity
Independent flag floating democratic country
Free flowers send heroic blood
Celebrating peace at the beginning of the year.
Zhanjing Que "
Double happiness, literary and artistic gifts
in Shanghai
Students from all schools held cultural celebrations.
Shanghai Theatre Academy and Fudan Art Troupe
Since New Year’s Day
Tour schools in the city.
How steel was tempered
And the March of Democratic Youth.
Shanghai Gold, Empress, Dahua, Paris, International
Eight cinemas, including Yong ‘an, Jincheng and Jindu.
And eight major cities in China.
At the same time, the documentary film "The Birth of a New China" was presented.
The content of the film includes
Meetings of the People’s Political Consultative Conference
Chairman Mao’s speech, delegates’ speeches
And the pomp of founding ceremony.
Embark on the "road" of revival
New Year’s Day, 1950
There is another great event.
Beijing-Han Railway and Guangdong-Han Railway
super band
from then on
China is from Manchuria in the north.
To Guangzhou in the south
Can be reached directly by railway traffic.
Northeast China, North China, East China, Central South China and Northwest China
Railway lines in these areas
Also connected as one.
Beijing-Han Railway and Guangdong-Han Railway
To strengthen the exchange of materials between North and South
And political, military
And cultural undertakings.
Overcome the country’s post-war difficulties
Promote economic recovery and construction.
Are of great significance.
These two railways
For the brand-new China.
Bring revival and hope.

In People’s Republic of China (PRC).
The first new year after its establishment.
People’s Central Government
Minister of Interior Xie Juezai
In his New Year’s message, he wrote:
"The people of the whole country rejoiced.
Celebrate this new year.
Because it brings infinite light and hope. "
In 2022
We are entrusted with the hope of our ancestors.
Welcome the sunrise and move on.
Running on the road of chasing light!
Compilation of Yuan Xi
Proofreading Wei Kairui
Proofreading Sun Xiaoqian
On-duty Editorial Board Member Zhang Yu
Light up "watching" and have a happy New Year’s Day in 2022!


    The five years since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles have been five years in which the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has focused on the center, served the overall situation, United the broad masses of literary and art workers, kept pace with the times, pioneered and innovated, and vigorously prospered and developed socialist literature and art.

    Over the past five years, the CPC Central Committee has attached great importance to cultural construction and literary and artistic work and made a series of important instructions and strategic arrangements. All these have greatly educated and inspired the vast number of literary and art workers and cadres of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, firmly and consciously kept in line with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary, adhered to the direction of literature and art serving the people and socialism, and the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend, emancipated their minds, kept pace with the times, cheered up their spirits, worked in unity, actively participated in fiery social practice, and were close to reality, life and the masses. In the past five years, the literary and art front has been prosperous in creation, active in criticism, growing in ranks and talented people, with colorful gardens of literature and art, rapid development of literary productivity, expansion of cultural market and cultural industry, and brilliant achievements in literature, drama, film, television, music, dance, art, folk art, photography, calligraphy and acrobatics.

    Send joy to the grassroots

    Since the Seventh Literary Congress, the members of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various organizations have insisted on facing the grassroots, serving the society and returning to the people as the focus of their work, and actively organized the vast number of writers and artists to go deep into the grassroots to collect ideas and carry out public welfare literary and artistic activities, which were warmly welcomed by the people and fully affirmed by the central leadership.

    Since 2003-2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has continuously organized artists to go to various parts of the motherland to collect folk songs, create works, exhibit and give condolence performances. These activities provide opportunities for artists to be close to reality, life and the masses, create conditions, enrich artists’ life accumulation and stimulate their creative enthusiasm.

    During the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival in 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations organized more than 700 literary and art workers to hold the activity of "Sending Joy to the Grassroots" with the aim of "flowers to the fertile soil and art to the people", which directly benefited about 1 million grassroots people.

    Since the Spring Festival in 2003, the Spring Festival Gala of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has become a popular holiday cultural brand in China, while the Weekend Crosstalk Club and the Hundred Flowers Theater in the National Palace, which aims at high-quality and low-priced cultural performances, have shifted their focus, popularized art, served the masses and promoted the construction of harmonious culture.

    Serving the overall situation around the center

    Since the Seventh Congress of Literary and Art Circles, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has given full play to its own advantages and carried out a series of major theme literary and artistic activities around major festivals and revolutionary anniversaries, and achieved good results.

    In 2002, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles initiated and organized a series of activities such as art festivals, variety shows and exhibitions, which created a good atmosphere for welcoming and celebrating the 16th National Congress. In 2003, in order to solemnly commemorate the 60th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s Speech at the Yan ‘an Forum on Literature and Art, a commemorative forum was held in Yang Jialing, Yan ‘an, and literary and art workers were organized to go deep into factories, villages, troops and schools to give condolence performances, which further improved their consciousness of adhering to the "two for one" orientation and the "letting a hundred flowers blossom" policy under the new situation, and enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission in adhering to the direction of advanced socialist culture. In 2004, by holding activities such as "Hello Xiaoping", literary and art workers expressed their admiration and nostalgia for this great man of the century. This year, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles also organized or cooperated with other units to host a series of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 2005, the activities of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles around the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War eulogized the heroism of the Chinese nation, carried forward the national spirit, and had a strong response in the whole society.

    In 2004, a series of activities were held, which expressed the admiration and nostalgia of literary and art workers for Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

    In 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles seized the favorable opportunities of the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Party of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army, and carefully organized a series of activities such as art photography and calligraphy exhibitions, large-scale cultural evenings, youth Peking Opera and folk song elite concerts, which effectively cooperated with the overall arrangements of the central authorities and had a great impact. The Chinese Quyi Association, the Dramatists Association, the Photographers Association and the Calligraphers Association held a condolence performance of "Laughter on the Long March, a Journey to the Revolutionary Holy Land", a plum blossom award art troupe’s charity performance in the old district, a photo creation focusing on the Long March Road, and a national calligraphy exhibition to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), all of which had their own characteristics and achieved remarkable results.

    Adhere to orientation and promote creation.

    There are 12 permanent national literary and art awards jointly sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations. In 2005, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations resolutely implemented the "Administrative Measures for National Literary and Art Press and Publication Awards" and carried out a series of rectification, striving to better play the correct guiding role of awards. In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has made great efforts to strengthen the work of literary and art theory criticism in view of the relatively weak situation. The academic discussion activities have been deepened and the team of theoretical criticism has gradually grown. Up to now, five national literary criticism awards have been held, and nearly 400 excellent literary theory review articles have been published, which has a great social impact. Focusing on the role of literature and art in building a harmonious society, two contemporary literature and art forums with the themes of "literature and art and a harmonious society" and "what kind of literature and art do we need in this era" have been widely concerned by academic circles. In view of the vulgar, vulgar and kitsch tendencies of some works, as well as the bad creative tendencies of some film and television dramas that violate the historical materialism, a symposium of experts and scholars on the adaptation of "red classics" and the opposition to "three vulgarities" was held to carry out healthy literary criticism. The awards and discussion activities of these theoretical reviews pay attention to the close combination with the reality of literary and artistic creation, adhere to the correct orientation, enhance the sense of social responsibility and mission of literary and artistic critics, create conditions for promoting the development of theoretical reviews, and provide support for creating a good environment for literary and artistic appreciation and criticism.

    Chongde Shangyi Construction Team

    The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles will award and commend the activities of young and middle-aged literary and art workers all over the country and the activities of learning from Chang Xiangyu and Cong Fei. It will be closely integrated with the "three learning and education" and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace propaganda activities carried out by the literary and art circles, actively guide literary and art workers to consciously study and practice Theory of Three Represents, adhere to Marxist historical materialism and literary and art views, and abide by professional spirit and professional ethics, which has played a promoting role in promoting healthy trends and advocating the spirit of "morality and art" in the literary and art circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have conscientiously implemented the Party’s line, principles and policies, adopted various forms and measures, created a good atmosphere of respecting morality and art in the literary and art circles, and strived to cultivate and bring up a literary team with "both morality and art".

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held an activity in the national literary and art circles to select and commend young and middle-aged literary and art workers. On July 19th of the same year, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers was held in the Great Hall of the People, and a proposal was issued to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art and strive to be literary and art workers ".

    In March 2006, after Comrade Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held a forum in time, and a group of well-known artists issued the "Initiative on Establishing the Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace in the Literary and Art Circles" to the national literary and art circles. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and members of various organizations have also deepened the activities of studying and practicing the socialist concept of honor and disgrace through initiatives, lectures, training, exhibitions and performances.

  Expand communication and enhance friendship.

    Strengthening the exchange of folk culture with foreign countries has always been one of the important functions of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Theory of Three Represents, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various writers and artists’ associations have actively "please come in and go out", carried out various cultural exchange activities with foreign countries, publicized China’s excellent culture and art, enhanced the friendship and understanding between Chinese and foreign writers and artists, and achieved remarkable results.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival was successfully held.

    In October 2001 and October 2004, the 5th and 6th China International Folk Art Festival were successfully held, which achieved satisfactory results in terms of specifications and level, scale and influence. "China Art Week" is a large-scale foreign cultural activity organized by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles abroad, which has established the brand of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles for foreign exchange and vigorously promoted the excellent traditional culture of China. In July 2006, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles sent an artist delegation to hold a "Happy Tonight" performance at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The performance received rave reviews.

    The two Beijing International Fine Arts Biennale held in 2003 and 2005 were praised by public opinion at home and abroad. In September, 2005, at the 16th International Fine Arts Congress held in China, Liu Dawei, Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of China Artists Association, was successfully elected as the president of the new International Plastic Artists Association.

    Strengthening cultural exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is an important task of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and various literary and art associations have conscientiously implemented the central government’s general policy on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and actively carried out a series of cultural exchange activities with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. These activities have made positive contributions to strengthening the communication between the three sides of the Taiwan Straits, enhancing the Chinese cultural identity of compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

    Innovative ways to perform functions

    In 2004, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held the first national commendation meeting for young and middle-aged literary and art workers in the Great Hall of the People, and issued a proposal to the national literary and art circles to "carry forward the spirit of" both morality and art "and strive to be literary and art workers".

    The times are progressing and the society is developing. Facing the new situation and new tasks, the work of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles is constantly deepening reform and pioneering and innovating. Over the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the local Federation of Literary and Art Circles have closely focused on the historical tasks of the Party in the new century and new stage, constantly enhanced their awareness of reform, innovation and development, and explored and practiced in a wider range and at a deeper level, thus making new achievements, creating new experiences and adding new vitality to the development of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

    Caring and respecting the older generation of artists and promoting and cultivating the younger generation of artists are important means for the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles to do a good job of "liaison, coordination and service". In the past five years, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has successively held commemorative activities for artists and cultural celebrities of the older generation, such as Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Jiang Zhaohe, Ou Yangyuqian, Zhao Dan, Xu Beihong, Shu Tong, Jiao Juyin, Cai Chusheng, Tian Han, Feng Xuefeng, Shakov, Luo Yusheng, Cheng Yanqiu, He Luting and Zhong Jingwen, published the Sunset Library and biographical series of the older generation of artists, and organized and implemented the sunset glow of Chinese Peking Opera. The implementation of these activities has further strengthened the close relationship between the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and artists, and highlighted the role of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles as a bridge between the party and the government.

Editor: He Wei

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation.

# The developmental significance of education #

Education is an important driving force for the development of human society. It is not only an important way for personal growth and development, but also a necessary condition for the progress of the country and the nation.

The developmental significance of education

The development of education has many meanings, which are embodied in the following aspects:

  • boost the economic developmentEducation can cultivate high-quality talents and provide intellectual support for economic development. Education can improve workers’ skill level and labor productivity. Education can promote scientific and technological innovation and inject new impetus into economic development.
  • Maintain social stabilityEducation can cultivate citizens with awareness of the rule of law and civilized accomplishment, and provide guarantee for social stability. Education can promote social fairness and justice and reduce social contradictions. Education can strengthen national unity and maintain social harmony.
  • Enhance cultural soft powerEducation can inherit excellent traditional culture and carry forward national spirit. Education can cultivate talents with international vision and innovative spirit and enhance the soft power of national culture.

Challenges of educational development

With the development of society, education is facing more and more challenges. These challenges are mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  • Contradiction between supply and demand of educational resourcesWith the population growth and economic development, the demand for educational resources is increasing. However, the supply of educational resources has some problems, such as insufficient quantity and unreasonable structure.
  • Educational equityEducation equity is an important part of social equity. But at present, education equity still faces the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and families.
  • Education reform lags behind.Education reform is a complicated systematic project. However, at present, there are still some problems in education reform, such as not being deep enough and not being systematic enough.

Countermeasures of educational development

In order to meet the challenge of educational development, we need to take the following countermeasures:

  • Increase investment in educationIt is necessary to increase financial investment in education and expand the supply of educational resources. We should optimize the allocation of educational resources and improve the utilization efficiency of educational resources.
  • Deepen educational reformIt is necessary to deepen the reform of the education system and build a fairer and more efficient education system. We should innovate teaching methods and improve the quality of education.
  • Strengthen education and publicityIt is necessary to strengthen educational propaganda and raise the whole society’s awareness of the importance of education. It is necessary to create a good educational atmosphere and promote the development of education.

Personal point of view

Education is a huge ship, bearing the future of the nation. Only by continuously developing education can we provide a strong impetus for the development of the country and the nation.

I believe that the development of education should adhere to the following principles:

  • Adhere to the socialist direction of running schools.Education must serve socialism and the cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  • Adhere to the people-orientedEducation should be people-oriented and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.
  • Insist on reform and innovationEducation should be constantly reformed and innovated to meet the needs of social development.

I hope that through our efforts, we can make more brilliant achievements in education and make greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Keyboard Man, Thick Eyebrows, Renew the Contract with Top Salary in Advance: Guarantee Health and Win a Championship.

Thick eyebrows and the Lakers signed a three-year, $186 million contract with an early maximum salary. The contract between thick eyebrows and the Lakers will last until 2028, with a total value of more than $270 million. The annual salary of-62 million dollars in the renewal contract also set a record in NBA history.

·Better not get hurt lol

Better not get hurt again, haha

·Big money! DPOY next year!

Make a lot of money! Take DPOY next year!


He deserves it.

·LeBron and AD after AD signs extension

Zhan Mei after the renewal of thick eyebrows

·Damn, lakers really paying him all that money just to miss 65% of their games…

Damn it, the Lakers really spent so much money to sign him, and as a result, he missed 65% of the game …

·Holy hell – we seeing him for 82 games next season?

Oh, my God! Can we see him play 82 games next season?

·these injury jokes need to stop fr

These jokes about injuries really need to stop.

·Lakers must have new doctors to keep him fit? ? ? ?

The Lakers must find a new doctor to ensure his health.

·Future GOAT

Future GOAT

·Top 3 player in the playoffs

The top 3 players in the playoffs

·Great player when healthy. He’s just misses too many games. I think this is an overpay. He doesn’t play enough games a season to warrant that kind of money. He’s an Injury prone player.

When he is healthy, he is an excellent player. But he missed too many games. I think this is an exorbitant contract. His number of appearances per season is not enough to support such a salary. He is an easily injured player.

·I am curious to know why AD gets so much shit for missing games when in the last 4 seasons, he’s played 62 more games than KD and only 32 games less than Embid. Yet no one mentions how often those guys are out due to injuries.

I’m curious why AD has been criticized for his absence. In the past four seasons, he played 62 games more than KD and only 32 games less than Embiid. However, no one mentioned that those players were absent from the game because of injury.

·He’s still easily a top 10 player when he’s healthy. Straight dominates on both sides of the ball.

When he is in good health, he is still easily in the top ten players in the league. He can directly dominate the game at both ends of the offense and defense.

·Anthony Davis is a Top ___ player in the NBA, when healthy

When he is healthy, where is Anthony Davis in the league?

·Anthony Davis’ top performance this past season…

Anthony Davis’ best performance last season …

·that’s unbelievable money for a dude with crazy injury history

That is an incredible salary for a player with a history of frequent injuries.

·What does this mean for lebrons legacy ,? ?

What does this mean for LeBron’s honor?

·Wish all the health in the world for AD! Hope he plays 230+ games during this stretch!

I hope AD can stay healthy! I hope he can play more than 230 games during this time!

·I don’t know if Davis deserves this much money

We better win a ring this season

I’m not sure whether thick eyebrows are worth so much money.

I hope we can win a championship this season.

·Yessir, DPOY season

Okay, DPOY season

·Anthony Davis right now

Anthony Davis now

I hope thick eyebrows stay healthy, get a big contract and play well on the court!

Sending Fati away netted 30 million? Barcelona made a lot of money in this deal! 4-year contract lock summer window No.2 sign

Barcelona has won the La Liga championship ahead of schedule, and the next focus will be to enter the summer window to build a lineup for the multi-line championship next season. Prior to this, Barcelona had already made the first signing of the summer window, and veteran defender Inigo Martinez of Athletic Bilbao was about to join freely, and the contract was formally signed after the end of the season. Earlier, the latest news came out, and Barcelona’s summer window second sign seems to have a look.
According to the Spanish Daily Sports Daily, Wolves midfielder Ruben neves is close to joining Barcelona, and he has negotiated a four-year contract with Barcelona. Ruben neves is going to leave Wolves this summer, and his next home has not been decided yet. But he hopes to join Barcelona very much, and has negotiated a contract with Barcelona, and his agent Mendes is trying to push the deal.
Due to financial difficulties, Barcelona will not pay a transfer fee to introduce neves, but seek to sign him through a player exchange. Mendes had previously tried to add neves to Fati’s deal, in which case Wolves would have to pay another 30 million euros. If Fati doesn’t agree to go to Wolves, Mendes will try to add other players to the transfer. Wolves are also interested in Aboud, and another player who may appear in the deal is Dester.
In addition, Italian legend Romano also confirmed that neves has reached an agreement with Barcelona on a long-term contract, and he is now waiting for the action of Barcelona.
Since busquets left the team at the end of the season, Barcelona will focus on strengthening the midfield this summer. And Kathy may leave the team, so there must be more than one midfielder joining Barcelona this summer. Fans who are concerned about the news of Barcelona’s transfer can also notice that the most rumored position in Barcelona has been the midfield for a long time in the past, among which the more famous players are Gundogan and recently kimmich. In addition, Amrabat in Florence is the number one target of this winter window.
So many goals, whether true or not, Barcelona has only one principle-cost performance must be high. Players’ ability should meet the requirements, and the transfer fee should be low and the salary requirement is not high. The transfer fee is too high for Barcelona to afford, and the salary requirement is too high for Barcelona to register.
Based on this principle, kimmich is the most difficult. With his core position in Bayern, worth 80 million euros, even if Bayern is willing to release it, the transfer fee will not be less than 80 million euros. Moreover, kimmich’s annual salary in Bayern is 20 million, which is beyond the current Barcelona.
Apart from kimmich, Gundogan is a good target, because his contract with Manchester City expires this summer, he can get a visa-free visa, and the players are willing to join at a reduced salary. According to the media, Barcelona intends to sign a 2+1 contract with the players, with an annual salary of 12 million before tax. However, it seems that Manchester City has not given up persuading players to stay with the team and is willing to extend the contract period. The latest news shows that Gundogan is inclined to stay in Manchester City. In addition, Harvey prefers Suvimendi of the Royal Society, but the player’s 60 million euros cancellation fee is too high and is basically excluded.
Therefore, although Harvey doesn’t like Ruben neves’s ability very much, he is expected to realize his dream of landing in the giants in this complicated situation. Because Ruben neves has already expressed the idea of leaving Wolves, after Wolves’ last home game, neves personally went to the sidelines and waved goodbye to Wolves fans. In addition, neves’s contract with Ming Xia expires, and it is impossible to renew it. Wolves must make a move this summer.
Based on the player’s wishes and the contract situation, Barcelona’s plan is to negotiate the contract with the player first, and then try to complete the transaction at the least cost. Both neves and Fati’s agents are Mendes, which is conducive to the smooth promotion of the transaction. Wolves have a close relationship with Mendes, and there will not be many obstacles. The key to whether the deal can be reached lies in Fati’s will.
Barcelona have put Fati on the list for sale, which the players can also feel. I believe that Barcelona’s top management will continue to exert pressure to force Fati to accept the reality of having to leave the team. He has been unable to play the main force in Barcelona, but with the fourth highest salary in the team, he has become a thorn in the side of the club’s top management. But Fadi got neves+30 million? If this deal can be made, Barcelona will make a lot of money.