The official listing order of M9 of "Two Rivers Building" has exceeded 50,000 vehicles.

On December 26th, the M9, which was jointly built by Celeste Automobile and Huawei, was officially listed. According to reports, the current booking of this model has reached 54,000 units and will be delivered in batches on February 26 next year.

Wenjie M9 locates a large SUV, based on a brand-new platform, which provides two power forms: extended range and pure electricity, and the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is 4.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds respectively.

In terms of battery life, the extended 52-degree battery version CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1402km and a pure battery life of 275km;. The pure electric version is equipped with Huawei’s "Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform, which can last 150km after charging for 5 minutes and 630km under CLTC conditions.

As the most expensive flagship model of Huawei at present, Wenjie M9 is equipped with a number of Huawei’s latest technologies, such as Huawei’s Megapixel Smart Projection Headlights, Huawei Turing Chassis and Huawei’s AR-HUD system.

In terms of high-order intelligent driving, the whole vehicle is equipped with 27 sensors, including a newly designed 192-line laser radar, which can realize the high-order intelligent driving experience that can be opened with or without pictures in the country by the end of 2023.

It is reported that the Celeste Automobile Smart Factory, which produces M9, is located in Longsheng New Town, Liangjiang New District. It is built with super international leading standards, and integrates advanced technologies such as AI vision and big data to realize 100% automation of key processes, which can realize 0.05 mm blue light precision identification, more than 600 key points detection, 100% quality monitoring and traceability, and also realize the landing application of the world’s leading super-large 9000T die casting technology.

Cyrus is the first partner of Huawei HarmonyOS Zhixing. In 2022, the sales volume of the series of products created by both parties reached 75,000 units, which once became the fastest growing new energy brand in China.

The listing of the new M7 in Wenjie has achieved a success beyond expectations, with orders exceeding 100,000 vehicles in just over two months. According to the plan, 23,000 vehicles will be delivered in December this year and over 30,000 vehicles will be delivered monthly next year.

He Liyang, president of Celeste Automobile Co., Ltd. said that Celeste Automobile is rapidly increasing its production capacity, and will make every effort to let users experience the charm of AITO M9 as soon as possible, and have the confidence to create a new industry record.

The audience at Zhengzhou Station of the film "Hot Search" roadshow sent Xin Yukun Altman model.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. The film was released for two days, with a cumulative box office of 21.99 million. The reality of the network is shocking, the public opinion is reversed, and the audience calls out "I am addicted to it." On December 1st, the national roadshow of "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Zhengzhou. Director Xin Yukun and actors came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show.

Actor Zhong Chenyao

In addition to being moved by the realistic theme and passionate mood of the film, some viewers said that they "saw the plight of women and the sense of strength of women in the film" and praised that "the director presented the female perspective particularly well". The director admits that the film has the nature of mass communication, and as a filmmaker, he will also shoulder a sense of social responsibility, saying that "the plight of women presented in the film should be paid attention to and seen", and the female characters of different ages and attributes in the film "can bring more comprehensive female group images to everyone".

Relieve the gas and enjoy it! "Cool and moved, watch and cry three times."

The audience sent the director Altman model to praise "have the courage to dare to shoot"

In the movie, power tries its best to cover up the truth, and the weak have nowhere to speak, so they can only tell each other their lives. The bloody reality makes the audience say that they are "angry and worried", "they will tremble when they are angry to the extreme", and they can’t breathe when they see the weak being oppressed. At the end, when the Justice League went through all the difficulties and finally succeeded in making a sound, the audience "finally gave a bad breath" and gained the power of moving and blood. They lamented that the film made them "cry three times" and said that "in the face of the truth, they should be as brave as Chen Miao and Xiao Sui, and it is inevitable that the night will be slightly cold, and there will be dawn before moving forward".

Director Xin Yukun.

Xin Yukun rooted in reality and gained insight into human nature, and portrayed a real illustration of contemporary public opinion field with a sharp perspective. At the scene, an audience presented the Altman model to Director Xin Yukun, saying that the director "dared to shoot and expose the ugliness of the world in his own way". The director said frankly, "I hope that through this film, the social network environment will change a little." Zhong Chenyao also said, "I hope the film can really affect some people and let everyone speak more rationally."

The mother-daughter audience supported the film "Seeing the Power of Women"

Touched and resonated! The audience shared their "wonderful life"

At the scene of the road show, a journalist took his mother to watch the movie, saying that he saw the power of "girls help girls" and the power of his mother in the film. Mom also said that after watching the movie, she was deeply touched. "I can understand the helplessness of Xiaomou’s mother and see the suffering of ordinary people in the movie." The director admits that "I don’t want to label the weak because everyone has their own difficulties behind them", saying that "this is a film about online public opinion, and it is also a film that can show the strength of women."

performerwang xiaotian

Chen Miao, who bravely resisted power in the film, also resonated with the audience, saying that "I was particularly moved by Chen Miao’s pursuit of truth and her courage to speak out for women." Some viewers shared that they had encountered similar difficulties in high school. Fortunately, there was unconditional support from friends at that time, saying that "I am very grateful to my friends for being Chen Miao in my life". The director explained that the role of Chen Miao "presents the unique side of women at present", pursues career and empathizes with the weak. "There are many female figures in life who are pushing things to change. I hope everyone can see what they have done and convey this power.".

The film "Hot Search" is showing.

Dongguan requires that buses must be equipped with enough fire extinguishers and safety hammers.

Only when the bus safety measures are fully implemented can the citizens ride with confidence. Reporter Zhuang Xiaolong photo

The safety hammer is missing. Reporter Zhuang Xiaolong photo

  There must be no less "small hammers" on the bus

  Dongguan held an emergency meeting of the bus industry yesterday.

  It is required that buses must be equipped with enough fire extinguishers and safety hammers.

  The bus industry is about to carry out the activities of "big inspection, big education and big rectification"

  The safety facilities and equipment on the bus should be effective and available; Non-airtight windows must be easy to open.

  After the vehicle stops to drop off passengers or after the operation, drivers and passengers should check the facilities in the vehicle to ensure that there are no suspicious items left or other safety hazards.

  (Reporter Zhang Yingyan, Li Shaowei correspondent Lu Yuxiong) The fire accident of Chengdu No.9 bus has aroused widespread concern about bus safety.

  In order to strengthen public transport safety management, Dongguan public transport industry held an emergency safety work meeting yesterday to summarize various safety problems existing in Dongguan public transport industry and deploy rectification actions.

  Luo Guanyun, director of the Municipal Road Transportation Administration Bureau, announced yesterday that since January this year, there have been nine safety accidents in the bus industry in Dongguan, including three spontaneous combustion accidents and six road traffic accidents.

  There are many hidden dangers in bus safety in Dongguan.

  Yesterday, in order to learn a lesson from the catastrophic accident in which 27 people were killed and 76 injured when a bus burned in Chengdu on June 5, the Dongguan Municipal Transportation Bureau and the Municipal Road Transportation Administration convened the heads of transportation groups such as Dongguan Bus, Great Wall, Huali and minibus to hold an emergency safety work meeting in the bus industry.

  The meeting thoroughly analyzed the current situation of bus safety in Dongguan, summarized the safety problems existing in the bus industry in Dongguan, and decided to carry out "big inspection, big education and big rectification" activities in the bus industry in the near future.

  Han Renhai, director of Dongguan Transportation Bureau, said at the meeting that there are some problems in bus safety in Dongguan, which need to be solved urgently. Han Renhai introduced that bus accidents have increased this year, and bus spontaneous combustion occurred in John Wan and Wangniudun. Fortunately, no casualties were caused; In addition, the serious aging of some buses has also increased the unsafe factors. Han Renhai also mentioned in his speech that at present, the facilities in bus compartments are not perfect enough, for example, some vehicles are not equipped with safety hammers.

  In view of the above situation, Director Han Renhai emphasized that "major inspection, major education and major rectification" activities will be carried out in the public transport industry in the near future, and all town buses, city buses, cross-town buses, city minibuses, parking lots and passenger stations in the city will be comprehensively investigated. The purpose is to "make the public feel at ease about the bus safety in Dongguan".

  Nine safety accidents occurred in half a year.

  According to reports, since the beginning of this year, there have been 9 safety accidents in the bus industry in Dongguan, including 3 spontaneous combustion accidents and 6 road traffic accidents. Four people were killed and nine injured in the accident.

  The direct causes of several spontaneous combustion accidents are mainly problems in vehicle circuits, engine sets and other lines. However, judging from the safety inspection of relevant transportation enterprises, some enterprises still have loopholes and security risks in vehicle technical management. The reporter also learned at the meeting that the Transportation Bureau will establish a perfect vehicle technical inspection system in the future.

  The transportation department stressed that after the meeting, all enterprises should immediately carry out a comprehensive safety hazard investigation according to their own reality. In the investigation, the maintenance of passenger vehicles will be strengthened, especially the devices such as circuits, oil circuits and engines, and the hidden dangers will be rectified immediately. Minimize the risk of vehicle spontaneous combustion.

  It is forbidden to bring dangerous goods on board.

  It is understood that the transportation department stipulates that all bus stops must strictly implement the "Safety Production Specification for Bus Terminals". Strictly follow the operating rules to use the baggage security machine and hand-held security instrument, and assign a special person to be responsible for the baggage security inspection. Passengers are strictly forbidden to take flammable, explosive and toxic substances by bus.

  The transportation department said that the drivers and passengers of local buses (including city buses, town buses and cross-town buses) must strengthen the "three products" inspection of passengers’ luggage. If you find or suspect that you are carrying explosives, dangerous drugs, controlled knives, guns and other dangerous goods on the bus, the drivers and passengers should immediately stop them from getting on the bus and report to the public security organ.

  After the vehicle stops to drop off passengers or after the operation, drivers and passengers should check the facilities in the vehicle to ensure that there are no suspicious items, luggage or other safety hazards.

  Check the configuration of safety facilities.

  It is reported that after this emergency meeting, all bus groups will notify their subsidiaries and motorcades to conduct a comprehensive investigation on the safety facilities and equipment of buses, ensure the conspicuous position on the buses, place enough fire extinguishers and safety hammers, and ensure their effectiveness and availability. Vehicles with unsealed windows must ensure that these windows are lubricated and easy to open.

  The transportation bureau said that this safety inspection work will be fully completed on June 11.

  The reporter visited some buses and found that:

  Safety hammer is missing.

  The reporter visited a number of buses in the city yesterday and found that there were obvious "alarm" signs in the carriages, but there was no trace of the safety hammer where it was originally placed.

  The reporter found that the windows of Citybus are generally sealed, and only the last two windows can be opened freely, but the windows are not big, so it will be more difficult for people who are in danger to escape through the windows.

  The location of the "fire extinguisher" in the car is also inconspicuous. The reporter randomly surveyed several citizens and they all said that they did not know where the fire extinguisher was in the car.

  Related links:

  • More than 20 passengers got off the bus safely after spontaneous combustion in Chongqing 2009-06-07

Editor: Peng Wei

Winter Olympics Guarantee | Shougang Ski Jumping Platform: In case of snowfall, the venue team will fully guarantee the event.

CCTV News:On February 13th, there was heavy snow in the urban area of Beijing. As the only outdoor winter Olympic snow venue in Beijing, Shougang ski platform ushered in the pre-competition training of snowboarding platform project in the snow.

According to the competition schedule, the qualifying competition of snowboarding platform will be held in Shougang ski platform today. Yesterday was the last day of pre-competition training of Shougang ski platform. At the training site, the athletes were not affected by the snow and ice weather at all, and all the work of venue support was orderly.

Zhao Wei, Secretary-General of Operation Team of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee:Five days ago, we made an emergency plan according to the weather forecast, including the analysis of our own meteorological team. You can see the track behind you. Our secondary shaping team has been on standby for 24 hours since last night (February 12th). They will also clean up the floating snow on the track surface in time according to the snowfall to ensure our training and the next two days’ competition.

As the only outdoor winter Olympic venue in Beijing Division of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, compared with other indoor venues, it will be more or less affected by rain and snow. After receiving the weather forecast from the meteorological team, the venue operation team also made relevant work in advance. 

Liu Yuchuan, Venue and Infrastructure Manager of Shougang Ski Platform Operation Team of Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee:The heavy snow started last night (February 12th). The understanding of the situation is basically around 3 am on the 14 th, and the weather forecast data given is like this. After receiving the information, we covered the outdoor audience and broadcast seats with plastic sheets in advance. In case of such cold weather and snowy weather, we will take precautions in advance, including water and electricity work in some key areas.

In order to ensure the traffic order and the safe passage of personnel, the cleaning team of the venue has also done a good job of snow removal and anti-skid in advance.

Zhao Jianhao, Waste Cleaning Manager of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform Operation Team of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee:There were more than 80 people who rushed to clean up the waste, and then more than 30 vehicles came to the territory, consuming more than 70 tons of snow melting liquid. Moreover, our entire venue team was particularly United, and all business fields were also helping to clean up the snow.

According to the venue operation team, this snowfall will not affect the normal progress of the competition, and the stadium looks more beautiful after the snow. In previous competitions, many participating athletes and media reporters praised the scenery of Shougang ski platform, and the platform decorated with heavy snow was particularly enchanting at this time.

Zhao Wei, Secretary-General of Operation Team of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee:Competing in the snow can better reflect the characteristics of snow events and be more suitable for the situation. After the snow stops in the whole venue, we will clean up the relevant areas in time. We will also keep the snow in some areas to make the venue look more beautiful.

Running required course, 7 days to form a correct running posture, 7 days to go to the education fever list >

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Take a bath for the viscera before winter, and keep in good health in winter from "no"

  Editor’s note:"The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, and the vegetation is shaken and exposed to frost." In late autumn, most parts of the country have ushered in an obvious cooling process. After the sultry weather at the turn of summer and autumn, our bodies usually accumulate a lot of damp-heat evils. These "toxins" hidden in the body will lay a curse and make winter easy to get sick. Therefore, before winter, give your body a big cleaning, expel toxins from your body, keep healthy qi and reserve energy for winter.

  Take a bath for the viscera before winter.

  Clearing lung. In the late autumn, the smog weather is "reloaded", and the lungs bear the brunt of the test. Taking more deep breaths in the crisp autumn season can not only increase vital capacity, enhance lung function, but also discharge dirty air from the lungs. Every time a person breathes, there will be residual waste gas in the lungs that cannot be discharged, and these waste gas "toxins" can be discharged from the body only after a few deep breaths. 3~5 am every day is the time to detoxify the lungs, and diseases such as asthma and cough are easy to attack or aggravate at this time. In order to prevent the situation of "closing the door and staying behind", we should not take cough medicine as soon as we cough, so as not to inhibit the rapid discharge of turbid air in the lungs. The correct way is to expel "toxins" by actively coughing and expectoration, but patients with hypertension, pulmonary bullae and serious heart diseases should not cough actively to avoid accidents. At the same time, in order to make our lungs more refreshing, everyone should exercise moderately at ordinary times and let sweat take away the toxins in the lungs. Taking a hot bath and soaking in hot springs can also have the effect of sweating. Before bathing, you can add some ginger and mint essential oil to the water, which will make the sweat secrete more freely. Older people who are not suitable for the above activities can press Hegu point with their thumb and forefinger to help the lungs detoxify.

  Clear the stomach. The dry weather in autumn, coupled with modern people’s addiction to alcohol and spicy food, is easy to form stomach fire, which is manifested by dry mouth, bad breath, swollen gums and constipation. Clearing stomach fire provides a simple and easy method for everyone — — Drink radish juice. Chinese medicine believes that radish is pungent, sweet and cool, and belongs to the lung and stomach meridian. Those with stomach fire can be juiced for drinking. In addition, the weather is getting colder, people’s exercise is reduced, intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, and constipation is prone to occur. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stool can not be discharged in time, and toxins accumulated in the intestine will enter the human body through the intestinal mucosa, which will bring health risks. It is suggested that people with constipation can eat more laxative fruits such as kiwi fruit, pitaya fruit and banana, as well as vegetables and staple foods containing high cellulose, such as spinach, pumpkin, rape and sweet potato, or cook whole grain porridge at home and take it warm in the morning and evening.

  Clearing liver. In autumn, dryness and evil are on the high side, and people often show symptoms such as irritability, oral ulcer, dry mouth and yellow urine, which is the manifestation of liver fire. Clearing liver fire in autumn, it is recommended to take tea instead of tea. On weekdays, honeysuckle, acacia flowers, chrysanthemums and roses can be soaked in water. At the same time, we should pay attention to control our emotions and clear our anger through self-regulation: we should maintain a peaceful attitude and treat people with tolerance; Form good living habits. The working hours of the liver are from 11: 00 pm to 1: 00 am. It is best to go to bed before 11: 00, and don’t stay up late. Eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat less spicy foods that are easy to get angry; Outdoor sports, Tai Chi, Baduanjin and other traditional sports have a good effect on soothing the mood and clearing away the liver fire. In addition, the hepatotoxicity can also be eliminated by "scraping the liver meridian". The specific method is: push the palm root from the root of the inner thigh to the knee, or push the fist down with the joints of four fingers, pushing 300 times each time. If you feel pain in your skin, you can apply some moisturizing oil before rubbing.

  Clearing kidney. Damp-heat evil in autumn is easy to hurt kidney yin, which makes kidney transpiration and gasification function fail, and damp evil can not be eliminated, resulting in water accumulation, which is manifested as edema of eyelids and limbs, especially lower limbs. Nourishing the kidney in autumn should start from the foot, because the kidney meridian starts from the sole of the foot, and the foot is vulnerable to cold. Therefore, in late autumn, we should pay attention to keeping our feet warm, don’t expose our feet when sleeping, and don’t walk barefoot on the cold floor or in wet places. There are many acupoints on the sole of the foot, such as Yongquan point, which can be rubbed several times before going to bed. In addition, because the kidney and bladder are exterior and interior, the evil of damp-heat will pour into the bladder through the kidney, resulting in "stranguria" (that is, urinary tract infection in western medicine), which is characterized by frequent urination, urgency and pain. Therefore, this season, it is recommended that you drink more water and urinate frequently to promote the discharge of damp heat. If the evil of damp-heat has injured the kidney yin, Chinese medicines such as Poria, Atractylodes macrocephala and Phaseolus vulgaris can be added to the diet to promote diuresis and reduce swelling.

  Winter health care starts with "no"

  Do not make up falsely.

  Many people think that winter is a golden season for tonic. When winter comes, all kinds of tonics are eaten in large quantities, and many businesses have launched various "packages" and "partners" to meet the needs of consumers. In fact, it is enough to make up for it properly in winter. In winter, it is mainly closed, not leaked. Excessive tonic will lead to the disorder of body balance, especially the excessive use of products that tonify yang and qi will lead to the leakage of essence in the body, resulting in "no essence in winter". Therefore, in winter, it should be properly supplemented, and it is not possible to make up for it. In particular, ginseng, velvet antler and other "sharp tools" for invigorating qi and tonifying yang should be more cautious.

  Don’t eat in vain

  It’s freezing in winter, eating a spicy hot pot and sweating all over, and many people will feel very comfortable, but they don’t know that this is dissipating the yang of the human body. In winter, we should give priority to nourishing yin essence, and we must not use hot products indiscriminately. Of course, you can’t eat some cold products in winter, so as not to damage spleen yang, affect spleen and stomach transport and destroy digestive system. In short, in winter, we should give priority to a peaceful and moist diet, such as drinking more porridge, putting some jujube, medlar, longan, tremella and lily appropriately, and adding a small amount of ginger as appropriate, which can be tonic but not greasy, moist and not dry, and is a good tonic for winter. Taboo a large number of hot products such as mutton, pepper, etc., and a large number of cold products such as fruits and ice cream.

  Don’t drink in vain

  In winter, many people like to drink some white wine to warm themselves up. In fact, moderate drinking is beneficial to health, which can warm the blood vessels, dispel the wind and dispel the cold. The common recipe for postpartum biochemical soup is to take it with white wine. However, liquor is a warm product after all. Excessive drinking will dissipate human yang, and excessive drinking will also cause dampness and phlegm, which will make people feel dizzy and depressed. Nowadays, many young people like to drink drinks. These drinks contain a lot of sugar, which can easily lead to obesity. In winter, drinking too much drinks will damage spleen yang and lead to indigestion. At the same time, some drinks also contain a lot of gas, which can easily lead to bloating after drinking. Therefore, you should not drink too much white wine or drink too many cold drinks in winter. In fact, red wine, as the most natural healthy drink, has the merit of beauty beauty and can be used as a good health product in winter. In addition, black tea is sweet in taste, warm in nature, good at storing yang, generating heat and warming the abdomen, which can enhance the human body’s resistance to cold, and also has the functions of removing greasy food, appetizing and refreshing, so it is very suitable for drinking in winter.

  Don’t work in vain

  You shouldn’t stay up late in winter, you should go to bed early and get up late to ensure enough sleep time, so as to facilitate the hidden yang and the accumulation of yin essence. In winter, it should be appropriate to exercise in winter, instead of sweating like rain in other seasons. In winter, we should appropriately reduce the number of baths, not to take a hot bath for a long time, and often take a sauna to avoid dissipating the human yang; At the same time, in winter, we should pay attention to control sexual intercourse, recuperate and live, so that the essence can be stored.

  In short, winter health care should follow the word "hiding", save your strength and make adequate preparations for the "spring life" in the coming spring.

  Keep healthy in winter, hide kidney, protect yang and spend the winter safely.

  Go to bed early and get up late, storing kidney and strengthening yang.

  Traditional Chinese medicine health care experts believe that the kidney belongs to water, which is enlightened by the ear and the second yin. "Its taste is salty, its flower is in the hair, and its liquid is saliva." Its function is to store essence and control the growth, development, reproduction and water-liquid metabolism of the human body.

  In winter, the kidneys begin to hide and stagnate like water, and the human body’s yang is adduced and the essence is stored, so the hair is dark and moist, the teeth are firm, the waist and back are straight, the reaction is quick, and the ears are bright. If the seal is not firm, the essence will be lost, resulting in such undesirable phenomena as toothache, deafness, wheezing and coughing, soreness of the waist and knees, and dysdefecation.

  Only by obeying the laws of nature can people not interfere with their latent yang. In winter, when it gets dark early and it gets bright late, you should go to bed early and get up when the sun is more abundant. Young people can start from late autumn and insist on washing their faces with cold water to enhance their cold resistance. The elderly should avoid exercising in the cold, strong wind and fog, avoid catching cold and beware of cardiovascular diseases.

  Winter tonic varies from person to person.

  After the winter solstice, the yin qi began to fade, and the yang qi began to rise, which contained lively vitality in the enclosure. Taking advantage of this time to make up, the drug is easy to accumulate and play its role, which is the best time to recuperate weak diseases.

  There are two kinds of tonic methods in winter: one is food tonic and the other is medicine tonic. Old people with weak yang and insufficient qi and blood and patients with weak health are recommended to use food for tonic, such as mutton, which can warm and strengthen; Chicken is sweet and warm, which can warm the middle warmer, replenish qi, replenish essence and marrow; Cattle bone marrow, oviductus ranae (also known as snow cream), etc., have an aphrodisiac effect.

  People with yin deficiency are often manifested as dry throat and tongue, upset and irritable, insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness and tinnitus, etc. You can eat goose and duck for tonic. Goose meat is sweet, tender and soft, and its fragrance is not greasy. It has the function of "benefiting the five internal organs, relieving the heat of the five internal organs and quenching thirst". Stewed radish with goose meat can greatly smooth lung qi, relieve cough, eliminate phlegm and relieve asthma, so the proverb "drink goose soup and eat goose meat, and don’t cough all year round" has been circulating since ancient times. Duck meat is sweet and cold, which is beneficial to nourishing the stomach, tonifying the kidney, relieving swelling, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Stewing with kelp can soften blood vessels and lower blood pressure. And can be used for adjuvant treatment of hemorrhoids of the elderly. In addition, soft-shelled turtle, turtle, lotus root, fungus, etc. are also beneficial foods for the elderly with yin deficiency in winter.

  Generally, people who are weak can take some lean pork, beef, milk, eggs, soybean milk, red dates, etc. if conditions permit, which has the function of strengthening the body resistance and eliminating evil spirits. However, supplements such as shark’s fin, sea cucumber and bird’s nest are expensive and may not be commensurate with their value from a nutritional point of view, so don’t blindly take supplements.

  Diligent practice of tonifying kidney and qi

  Regular exercise and more exercises can help nourish yang and strengthen kidney qi. Huang Zhengde recommended some exercises to keep fit with seasons and seasons, such as solar terms guidance and the following three exercises.

  1. Treating kidney with six qi.

  Exercises: After washing every morning, close your eyes and sit quietly in a quiet room. First knock your teeth 36 times, then stir with your tongue in your mouth. When your mouth is full of body fluid, rinse it several times, swallow it three times and send it to Dantian. Pause for a moment, inhale slowly through your nose and lick your palate with your tongue; Then the mouth is slightly open, slowly exhale, and there is a "blowing" sound, which is not audible to the ear. Repeat this for 30 times.

  Efficacy: Prevent, relieve and treat lumbago, cold knees, tinnitus, sores on mouth and tongue, numbness and numbness of skin and limbs caused by kidney deficiency.

  2. Kidney guidance.

  Exercises: sit in a dish, lift your hands from the chest to the top of your head, palms up, fingers back, first turn left and waist 45 degrees, and wait a few seconds for your body to recover; Then, the left hand descends on the left knee, and the right hand holds the elbow joint of the left hand. Do this about 10 times each. Get up again, lean forward slightly, with your left foot as the center of gravity, and step on your right foot for dozens of times; Then take the right foot as the center of gravity, and the left foot steps forward and backward dozens of times.

  Efficacy: It can dispel and prevent the accumulation of pathogenic wind in the waist and kidney, and is effective in treating waist pain and mobility inconvenience.

  3. Massage and tonify the kidney.

  Exercises: after waking up in the morning, sit on the bed with a clothes tray, put your hands on the left and right waist and kidney areas and massage for 36 times; Massage Yongquan point on the left and right soles for 36 times; Then rub your palms together, massage your face 36 times and gently rub your eyes 36 times.

  Efficacy: It can prevent and treat dizziness, soreness of waist and knees, lumbago, edema of lower limbs and other diseases, and has the functions of caring skin and improving eyesight. (People’s Health Network is integrated from China Chinese Medicine News and Life Times)

Netease entertainment

Congratulations to Yu Hanchao! The 36-year-old legendary state is brave and recognized by jankovic. It is not a dream to return to the national football team.

In the 8th round of Chinese Super League, Shanghai Shenhua drew 1-1 with Beijing Guoan at home. As the oldest player to start Shenhua, Yu Hanchao, 36, showed great courage and was very satisfied with the result, even though Shanghai Shenhua didn’t score three goals. The veteran is one step closer to returning to the national team.

Also in this game, Yu Hanchao continued his recent excellent performance. In the 18th minute of the first half, he scored a world-class volley outside the penalty area, which helped Han Jiaqi, a young goalkeeper of Beijing Guoan team, score. This is Yu Hanchao’s third goal this season, tied with Marele as the top scorer. Of these three goals, only one directly gave Shenhua three points, but Shanghai Shenhua, above the 1-0 doctrine, can have a stable scorer like Yu Hanchao, which is much bigger than the data shows.

Although he is 36 years old, Yu Hanchao has a magical old age. Not only is his attack strong, but his physical condition is comparable to that of young players. Even in this game, he is 90 years old. Minutes and continue to play. Playing two games in a row is very rare for an old man of his age.

In fact, Yu Hanchao’s performance last year was excellent. Scoring 5 goals in the whole season is one of the most important attack points of Shenhua except Bassogo. With three goals, they have a good chance of surpassing last year. Such an excellent performance naturally attracted the attention of the national football team. According to Pei Li, a well-known football reporter, the national football coach jankovic also recognized Yu Hanchao’s performance. It is reported that Han Chao will not return to the national team. Have a dream

From the technical and tactical point of view, Yu Hanchao is indeed a very valuable player in the national football team. Yu Hanchao is one of the few players in China who can play both offense and defense. His goal on the wing is a must for a local player, and it is definitely a very important trait for him. It is also natural to pay attention to this veteran.

New vitality of Su River! 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon was held.

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Cao Lingjuan

At 7: 00 a.m. on April 22nd, in front of the Tianan Qianshu, a landmark building on the Suzhou River in Putuo District, the 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon started, and the road runners shared a sports feast in the early morning sunshine.

On the same day, Mari took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds. Liu Min won the first place in the women’s team in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds. After waiting for 3 hours and 15 minutes, the first Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon ushered in the "closing time", and the race completion rate reached 98.78%.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters in a chain, half of the Masuhe River and 18 bays. In recent years, Putuo District has achieved a comprehensive connection of the coastline of the Putuo section of Suzhou River for 21 kilometers, and made every effort to build a "semi-Masuhe" world-class waterfront. The Suzhou Creek in Putuo District witnessed the rapid changes of Shanghai’s history and culture. The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou Creek Half Marathon was held here, which made people feel the fireworks on the banks of the Suzhou Creek.

2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon

The theme of this year’s competition is "Shanghai-style fireworks land, new vitality of Suzhou River", which connects industrial civilization and modern creative buildings spanning over a hundred years in series. The starting point of the competition is located in Tian ‘an Qianshu (Moganshan Road) in Dayang Jingdian, and the end point is Banmashu Park (Yunling East Road). The track passes through Putuo landmark buildings such as Tian ‘an Qianshu, Shanghai Mint Museum and Banmashu Park, with a total length of 21.0975 kilometers and a total of 4,000 participants. Runners can feel the red genes, industrial civilization, development vitality, colorful life and pleasant ecology along the "semi-Masu River".

2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon is the first time to be held. As one of the stops in the Shangma series, the "Suzhou River Half Horse" puts the safety of runners in the first place. At the start and end of the track and along the way, in addition to street security personnel, 917 volunteers from Putuo District and universities in Shanghai, together with more than 130 referees, woven a safety net. During the competition, the public security traffic management department took traffic control measures on some roads involving the track. The police of the traffic police detachment of Putuo Public Security Bureau rode motorcycles to clear the way, and the police of the special police detachment rode police bicycles to escort the whole competition.

The event was hosted by Shanghai Sports Federation, Putuo District People’s Government and Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd.

How to treat manual quality inspection and intelligent quality inspection?

The purpose of intelligent quality inspection is to replace manual inspection with robots and help enterprise managers solve the problem of manual quality inspection. Compared with manual work, intelligent quality inspection can reduce the labor cost by more than 90%, improve the quality inspection efficiency, and achieve 100% full coverage, which brings a new management mode to the customer service center.

What does traditional quality inspection depend on? The naked eye, experience. Problems: different quality inspection standards, low efficiency and low coverage.

Only 1%-2%. With the increase of business volume of enterprises, quality inspectors can’t detect every recording and record, and usually adopt sampling method, which is easy to miss inspection, not only ignoring a large number of work recordings, but also leading to the lack of representativeness of quality inspection results.

Generally, the fastest time for manual quality inspection is the next day to conduct sampling inspection on the recordings or records of the previous day, so managers cannot find problems at the first time and deal with risks in time.

Changes in indicators and business are not linked to quality inspection in time, so it is impossible to find possible problems in time and intelligently.

The results of manual quality inspection are limited by the subjective thinking and professional judgment of quality inspectors, and different quality inspectors have different testing standards, which leads to the lack of objectivity of quality inspection results.

What does AI quality inspection depend on? Constantly optimized AI capabilities. From human to AI, there are many changes: reducing labor costs, improving coverage, unifying testing standards, and improving efficiency … The emergence and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has made it possible to make up for the shortcomings of manual quality inspection.

  • Improve the efficiency of manual quality inspection

Solve the problems of low sampling rate and low efficiency of manual quality inspection, and the quality inspection coverage rate is 100%, which greatly improves the quality inspection efficiency.

  • Improve the skills of employees

Complete dimension evaluation, analyze and extract effective skills in high-quality voice cases, and improve business skills through employee learning and training.

  • Comprehensive business public opinion analysis

Mining users’ high-frequency problems, quickly finding and feedback, is convenient for managers to formulate effective strategies before risks are formed, thus curbing the scope of influence and optimizing service strategies.

  • Improve customer satisfaction

Solve the feedback problem, improve customer satisfaction, effectively discover the knowledge that customer service lacks, help customer service improve service quality, and improve customer service satisfaction. Excavate high-frequency problems, feed back to business optimization practice, and effectively reduce customer complaint rate.