Seven departments jointly issued a document: putting forward all-round requirements for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway food deliverymen

  CCTV NewsAccording to the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Deliverymen" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), putting forward all-round requirements for protecting the legitimate rights

  In terms of ensuring labor income, the platform is required to establish an income distribution mechanism that matches the work tasks and labor intensity, and ensure that the normal labor income of takeaway delivery staff is not lower than the local minimum wage standard. The "strictest algorithm" shall not be used as the assessment requirement, and the assessment factors such as the number of orders, on-time rate, and online rate shall be reasonably determined through "algorithm selection" and other methods, and the delivery time limit shall be appropriately relaxed.

  In terms of ensuring labor safety, improve the platform order dispatch mechanism, optimize the delivery route, reasonably determine the order saturation, and reduce labor intensity. Strengthen traffic safety education and training, and guide and supervise takeaway delivery staff to strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations.

  In terms of maintaining food safety, we shall implement the main responsibility for the safety of food distribution in platform enterprises, formulate management standards for takeaway food delivery services, and strengthen food safety knowledge training to ensure that the food delivery process is free from contamination.

  In terms of improving social security, urge the platform and third-party cooperation units to participate in social insurance for takeaway food delivery workers who have established labor relations, support other takeaway food delivery workers to participate in social insurance, and participate in the platform’s pilot occupational injury protection for flexible employees in accordance with national regulations. Encourage exploration and provision of diverse commercial insurance protection plans to improve multi-level protection levels.

  In terms of optimizing the working environment, we will encourage and support the development of new business models, promote the establishment of temporary residency points for takeaway food delivery staff, promote the installation of smart dining cabinets, and encourage the development of smart helmets and other wearable devices to create a good working environment and actively play a role in stabilizing and expanding employment.

  In terms of strengthening organizational construction, we will promote the establishment of trade union organizations that adapt to new employment patterns, actively recruit takeaway food delivery staff, participate in the negotiation and coordination of important matters involving workers’ rights and interests, improve the support and security system, and carry out in-depth and meticulous assistance work.

  In terms of the conflict resolution mechanism, the platform is urged to establish a direct channel for the appeal of takeaway delivery staff to reflect, clarify the appeal handling procedures and time limits, strengthen democratic consultation and equal communication, and generally resolve routine problems such as overtime delivery due to objective factors within 24 hours.

  The Opinions require all localities to implement territorial responsibilities, establish and improve a coordination mechanism for the protection of the rights and interests of food delivery staff, strengthen organizational implementation, strengthen threat and risk assessment, effectively resolve contradictions, implement the main responsibility and social responsibility of online catering platforms, protect the legitimate rights and interests of food delivery staff, and resolutely maintain social stability.

Expert advice on "difficult to implement" the new car-hailing policy: Stimulate market vitality

  The rapid changes brought by the new economy to society and the adjustment of the interest pattern are fully reflected in the field of online car-hailing. On the one hand, the platformization and networking characteristics of the new economy expand the scope and depth of contradictions. On the other hand, the new policy of online car-hailing involves a wide range, and the game of interests increases the difficulty of implementing the new policy.

  "Economic Information Daily" reporter learned that the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" has been implemented for more than half a year, and many local governments have not yet issued detailed implementation rules. Some cities that have issued detailed rules but have higher thresholds face "difficulties in landing".

  Many industry insiders and experts suggest that we should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by online car-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models. It is recommended to use the "subtraction" of power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.

  The new policy of online car-hailing in some cities is "difficult to implement"

  The reporter learned that as of April 24, 2017, 85 cities had issued detailed rules for the implementation of online car-hailing, 115 cities had completed the consultation, and more than 100 cities had not yet completed the consultation.

  In some areas where new policies have been introduced, the implementation of policies still faces a game situation. The reporter learned that the main focus of the game between policy requirements and platform interests is twofold: first, whether to implement household registration, vehicle, wheelbase and other requirements; second, what degree of access to the operation data of the supervision platform needs to be reached and what content is included.

  In practice, some cities took into account the capacity of the local taxi market and the strategic needs of urban development, and imposed more restrictions on drivers’ household registration, vehicle price and wheelbase. Some platforms have calculated that the implementation of the new policy in cities with higher thresholds will reduce their online car-hailing capacity by more than 90%, which is a heavy blow to the platform.

  At the same time, the platform-based characteristics of online car-hailing break the tradition of "the company is local" in the past. If the online car-hailing platform does not set up a local subsidiary, the local management department may not find a communication partner during supervision, which exacerbates the difficulty of solving the problem.

  On the other hand, the new economy represented by online ride-hailing platforms quickly grabbed market share with the help of subsidies and financing, but this fast pace has had a great impact on the balance of the traditional taxi industry in a short period of time. At the same time, in some higher threshold areas, it has also caused a large "crowding out effect" for online ride-hailing drivers. These factors have led to constant friction between cruise car drivers and online ride-hailing drivers in some places.

  According to Didi Chuxing statistics, as of February 2017, the total number of registered drivers on the Didi platform reached more than 17.50 million. Active drivers on the Didi platform 2 million, with a per capita daily income of more than 160 yuan, and the total number of taxi drivers in various cities across the country has reached 2 million. At the same time, there are thousands of software and algorithm engineers behind Didi.

  All parties have mixed reactions to the new policy of online car-hailing

  The reporter learned that the implementation of the new policy varies widely across the country, and the views of all parties on the online car-hailing industry have also fluctuated.

  Some local new policies have passed the implementation deadline, but non-compliant online car-hailing is still in operation. Cruise car drivers do not know whether to stay in their jobs, and online car-hailing drivers do not know whether to change careers.

  According to statistics from the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission, after the emergence of online car-hailing, the income of cruise car drivers fell from about 6,500 yuan in 2013 to about 4,500 yuan in the first half of 2016. From 2014 to 2016, the driver team lost nearly 10,000 people. However, taxi operations have recently improved.

  A Didi executive who did not want to be named said that after the introduction of the new policy, Didi’s online car-hailing business also experienced a sharp decline, and drivers were losing a lot.

  According to reports, before the Spring Festival in 2017, the average daily number of taxi calls by passengers in some big cities increased sharply from more than 300,000 to 900,000, and the response rate of taxis on the Didi platform was only 40%. In addition, after the new policy was gradually implemented, the transportation capacity of Didi Kuaidi special car decreased, and the response rate dropped from 90% in October 2016 to about 50% in March 2017, which greatly reduced the travel experience of passengers.

  Capital markets have also begun to hesitate, "unsure" of the market prospects of online car-hailing platforms. Due to the impact of the new policy on the market, the market valuation of many online car-hailing platform companies has declined, which has also affected the layout of enterprises at home and abroad. Some industry insiders said that the enthusiasm of domestic venture capital capital for the sharing economy such as online car-hailing has subsided.

  The implementation of the New Deal is difficult to reflect management anxiety

  The Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Booking Taxi Business Services have been in place for more than half a year, but the implementation details in many places have not yet been issued.

  The demand for online car-hailing varies from place to place. Some places believe that cities should give priority to the development of public transportation, and online car-hailing is only a supplement and should be more "high-end" than cruise taxis. Therefore, higher thresholds are set for online car-hailing models, prices, displacements, and wheelbases. There are also some places that want online car-hailing to take into account both high, medium and low-end needs. For example, Haikou has abolished the displacement limit of online car-hailing, while Lijiang and Hanzhong have chosen to connect cruise taxis to online car-hailing platforms as a whole.

  Shouqi car-hailing CEO Wei Dong said that road traffic congestion in first-tier cities in our country is serious, and it is reasonable for local management departments to choose to raise the threshold for online car-hailing, while the taxi market in second- and third-tier cities is not saturated, and the online car-hailing policy can be relaxed a little.

  As for whether the number of taxis should be controlled. A grassroots cadre said that the Ministry of Construction issued the "Urban Road Traffic Planning and Design Specifications" in 1995, which stipulated that the number of taxis in large cities should be 20 per 10,000 people and 15 in small and medium-sized cities. This became the standard for calculating and controlling the number of taxis in most cities.

  However, there are also opinions that this standard has not changed for many years, and that online car-hailing is not the main cause of road traffic congestion, so quantitative control should be liberalized in a timely manner. The "Analysis Report on Beijing Road Traffic Operation Based on Didi Big Data" released by Professor Yan Xuedong’s research group at Beijing Jiaotong University in October 2016 believes that online car-hailing uses economic laws as a lever to adjust the supply and demand of the traffic market, and uses information symmetry as the core to match the supply and demand, which helps to reduce the rate of empty vehicles.

  In many places, the development of online car-hailing has led to a shrinkage in the price of taxi licenses, and some taxi drivers and license-speculating intermediaries have been seriously damaged. For example, some urban taxi licenses have increased from 200,000 yuan in the past to 800,000 yuan, due to online car-hailing competition and reduced to 400,000 yuan.

  Some industry insiders say that the formulation of the local version of the new car-hailing policy faces multiple interests. Before the reform of the taxi industry, drivers had lifetime licenses, which made them lack the incentive to improve their services. If the depreciation of the license is used to redeem and other means to accelerate the withdrawal of local taxi companies, these companies may find it difficult to accept.

  The law enforcement of online car-hailing has also caused administrative reconsideration in various places. An executive of a car rental company in Nanjing said that private cars in Nanjing were converted to operating vehicles. When they were connected to the platform, the passenger management office of the traffic bureau allowed them, but the vehicle management office of the public security bureau failed the annual inspection. Many private cars have been difficult to access the online car-hailing platform.

  An official from the Kunshan Municipal Transportation Bureau said that some platforms have openly resisted the law, not only encouraging vehicles punished in Kunshan to file for administrative reconsideration, but also reimbursing fines. Some local transportation management departments have frequently received administrative reconsideration for online car-hailing, and they are basically unable to do other things.

  Xu Kangming, a taxi reform expert, believes that after the release of the local new policy, measures should be taken to allow illegal people and vehicles to withdraw, otherwise it will destroy the fair market environment. On the one hand, cruise taxi companies cannot expand their scale, and on the other hand, law-abiding online car-hailing companies will pay a high price.

  Safeguarding the "source of vitality" of the sharing economy

  Some experts interviewed believe that they should be fully aware of the role of the sharing economy represented by ride-hailing in promoting social employment and transforming social management models, and suggest "subtraction" of power in exchange for "multiplication" of market vitality.

  In-depth research on ride-hailing companies and conduct scientific assessments. The sharing economy represented by ride-hailing poses new challenges to the urban traffic management model. Behind the transformation of the momentum of the old and new economies is the differentiation of the beneficiary groups of the old and new economies. Industry insiders believe that the beneficiary groups of the old economy are more concentrated and highly organized, but the beneficiary groups of the new economy are more extensive and the voice is more scattered. Therefore, in policy formulation, the affordability of the beneficiary groups of the old economy should be considered, as well as the breadth of the beneficiary groups of the new economy.

  The rise of platform economies such as Didi, Alibaba, and Tencent is supported by strong capital, which has also benefited many people. And the credit economy, platformization, and big data management may give birth to new technologies such as smart transportation, driverless driving, and vehicle to everything. These are the trends of future economic and social development. They are also an important support for the government to build new management functions. It should be treated with a more open mind.

  A Didi executive said that although the "zombie cars" of Didi’s platform are not easy to manage, it said that the surplus capacity of social vehicles can be fully released when the urban capacity is tight. Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi Chuxing, said that if China is to achieve the corner overtaking the western industrial powers, it is a big opportunity to transform the traditional industrial industry with the Internet thinking.

  On the one hand, formulate a relatively scientific withdrawal and compensation mechanism to reduce the anxiety of social group transformation. During the transition period of the New Deal, many full-time online car-hailing drivers may lose their jobs. It is recommended to carry out relevant policy explanation and guidance work to attract them to work part-time on platforms such as car rental companies.

  On the other hand, science foresees the challenges that taxi part-time may bring. The sharing economy model may lead to a wider range of part-time jobs for drivers, which will increase the difficulty of management and may also impact the average income level of the taxi industry. Car rental companies can be encouraged to increase their own vehicles to cope with the ebb and flow of Internet supply, and the average income of the taxi industry can be monitored and evaluated to guide the development of the industry scientifically.

Autonavi map released 2021 "May Day" forecast: high-speed travel may usher in "the most congestion"

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 24 (reporter Gao Jie, Zhu Wenzhe) Autonavi map recently jointly released the "2021 May Day Holiday Travel Forecast Report" with traffic management departments across the country. Data show that this year’s May Day Golden Week, with the epidemic prevention and control situation continuing to improve, travel policies are gradually relaxed, and public travel demand will be further released. The national high-speed congestion is expected to increase by more than 10% compared with the same period last year, or it will become the "most congested May Day in history".

  Data show that in the past four years, the proportion of high-speed congestion mileage across the country during the May Day holiday has been increasing year by year. It is expected that the degree of high-speed congestion during the May Day holiday in 2021 will become the highest in history, with an increase of more than 10% year-on-year.

  Due to the impact of high-speed free passage and concentrated travel demand, it is expected that high-speed outbound congestion will peak on May 1, 2021 (the first day of the holiday), and the overall high-speed congestion level across the country will be at a high level from May 2 to 4. On May 5 (the last day of the holiday), the high-speed return congestion peak will return to normal on May 6.

  From the perspective of the specific time period, it is expected that from 14:00 on April 30, 2021 (the day before the May Day holiday), the national high-speed traffic pressure will gradually increase, and the degree of congestion will be higher from 18:00 to 21:00. Affected by high-speed free passage, it is expected that from 9:00 to 13:00 on May 1 will be the peak of high-speed outbound congestion, especially from 10:00 to 11:00, and from 15:00 to 18:00 on May 5, the peak of high-speed return congestion will be met. It is expected that from 16:00 to 17:00 will be the peak of return congestion.

  The data shows that on May 1, the main sections of the national high-speed outbound are: the Shanghai section of the S20 outer ring expressway, with a congestion delay index of 17.4 during the day and an average speed of about 5 kilometers per hour, followed by the Shanghai section of the G1503 Shanghai Ring Expressway and the Suzhou section of the G4221 Shanghai-Wu Expressway.

  It is expected that on May 5, 2021, the main sections of the national high-speed return journey that are prone to congestion are: the S49 Xinyang Expressway Suqian and Huai’an sections, with a daytime congestion delay index of 10.2 and an average speed of about 9 kilometers per hour; followed by the G36 Ningluo Expressway Chuzhou section and the G40 Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway Lu’an and Hefei sections. It is recommended that citizens who plan to pass through the above sections travel at different peaks.

  In addition, Autonavi map search big data predicts that during the May Day period, the top 10 cities in the country for cross-city travel are mainly distributed in the southern region, of which Guangzhou has the highest popularity, followed by Beijing, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Among the top ten popular ancient cities (towns) for self-driving during the May Day period, the top three are: Xiangxi Phoenix Ancient City, Jiaxing Xitang Ancient Town, and Lijiang Ancient Town.

  The report forecasts that some popular scenic spots for self-driving tours are prone to traffic congestion, and surrounding roads are prone to congestion. It is recommended that people planning to visit Lijiang Ancient City, Chongqing Hongya Cave Folk Style Area, Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden, Xi’an Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Jinan Daming Lake, and other scenic spots plan for parking as much as possible in advance, or choose taxi and public transportation.

  In addition, it is expected that during the May Day period, Taishan Scenic Area in Tai’an City, Yuntai Mountain Scenic Area in Jiaozuo City, and Huangshan Mountain in Huangshan City will attract more tourists. Due to the large temperature difference at the top of the mountain, tourists who go to the mountain are reminded to bring warm equipment to avoid catching a cold.

Xiaomi Auto released this month? New progress in leaks.

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Which cities have robbed 1.08 million new energy automobile enterprises?

There are more and more green cars on the road.

Take Shanghai as an example. In 2023, the number of new energy vehicles in the city reached 1.288 million, ranking first in the world. In 2016, this number just exceeded 100,000, an increase of nearly 12 times in seven years.

Counting the history, it has been ten years since the first round of explosive growth of new energy vehicles in 2014.

In 2014, stimulated by the intensive subsidy policies of the central government and local governments, the demand for new energy vehicles was greatly released, which ushered in both production and sales. According to the statistics of China Automobile Association, in 2014, 78,499 new energy vehicles were produced and 74,763 vehicles were sold, up 3.5 times and 3.2 times respectively over the previous year.

The development of new energy vehicles has also brought economic benefits to their cities.In the past ten years, countless cities have come to an end. More than 10 cities, including Shanghai, Chongqing, Shenzhen and Xi ‘an, have set the goal of building a "new energy automobile capital", hoping to get this big cake first.

So in the past ten years, which cities have successfully embarked on their own development path of new energy vehicles? Based on corporate big data, we sketched out a ten-year urban competition record.

Ten Years of Enterprise Big Data: Counting Four Major Urban Industrial Clusters

To build a new energy automobile industry, one of the most important goals is to form industrial agglomeration, so as to achieve scale effect. We selected four major urban agglomerations with the largest concentration in China’s new energy vehicle industry, and further analyzed 62 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, Pearl River Delta region, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Chengdu-Chongqing region.

According to the industrial database of CBN New First-tier City Research Institute, from the latest data of new enterprises such as "high-tech enterprises", "small and medium-sized scientific enterprises" and "specialized and special new enterprises",By 2022, there were 5,764 new enterprises related to new energy vehicles in the four industrial zones.

Based on the industry classification algorithm, the database matches enterprises to all segments of the new energy automobile industry chain, in which enterprises can be matched to three major industries according to the upstream, downstream and downstream: auto parts, vehicle manufacturing and service and application.

In order to better compare the different development directions of cities in the three major industries, we calculated the median of "total registered capital of new energy vehicle enterprises" in 62 cities in the three major industries, which were 947 million yuan, 297 million yuan and 735 million yuan respectively. When we calculate and compare the total registered capital of the three major industries in each city, we can see the industrial distribution characteristics of each city, thus calculating the main industries in the direction of new energy vehicles. For example, the total registered capital of new-type enterprises of "service and application" in Shanghai is 11.561 billion yuan, which is 16 times of the above median; However, the total registered capital of new enterprises related to "auto parts" and "vehicle manufacturing" in Shanghai is only 12 times and 13 times of the above median. Therefore, "service and application" can be considered as the main industry of new energy vehicles in Shanghai.

In order to compare cities better, we spread these data on the map. The main industries in each city are distinguished by different colors, and the total registered capital of emerging enterprises is represented by the size of a circle. It can be found that,The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration has more cities with new energy vehicles, and its geographical coverage is also wider.

In addition, among the 62 cities, 25 cities are mainly located in the downstream service and application industries, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chengdu, with the largest number of cities. The main industries in 17 cities are the upstream auto parts industry, including Zhenjiang, Yangzhou and Taizhou. The main industries in 20 cities are the automobile manufacturing industry in the middle reaches, including Beijing, Tianjin and Changzhou.

Then if we add the time dimension, what about the changes of industrial clusters in four major cities from the span of ten years?

We calculated the annual growth rate of the number of new enterprises in industrial clusters in cities compared with 2013, and found that,"Automobile Manufacturing" and "Service and Application" located in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain have always been the development focus of the Yangtze River Delta region and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in recent ten years. Comparatively speaking, the Pearl River Delta region has made greater efforts to develop the service and application industries, while Chengdu-Chongqing region has made greater efforts in the vehicle manufacturing industry.

The battle for "the capital of new energy vehicles": Who will end up? Who won?

In the battle for new energy automobile cities, cities have tried their best: some cities have made great efforts to develop with the help of their huge consumer market; Some cities actively promote industrial transformation and upgrading based on local industrial characteristics; Some cities tap the advantages of resources to attract investment.

So which cities won in this competition? Where did you win again? Judging from the available public data,Among the top cities of new energy vehicles, the top three are Xi ‘an, Changsha and Shenzhen, and the top three are Shenzhen, Liuzhou and Shanghai.

Capital never sleeps. In the face of new economic growth points full of infinite possibilities, in the past ten years, the new energy vehicle market has been surging, and many cities have also made efforts to compete for the "capital of new energy vehicles", and the industrial battle has continued to start. We look forward to the future new energy automobile industry, adhering to the concept of innovation and sustainability, and developing healthily and vigorously.

Five little-known things about Zhan Huang: 27 touchdowns of high school football, and trouble with his 18th birthday present.

On May 8th, Beijing time, the American media clutchpoints published an article entitled "Five Things About LeBron James", which you didn’t know. At the beginning, it was written that LeBron James is one of the most famous athletes in the world. He is a child from Akron, Ohio. Since he left St. Mary’s High School in Saint Vincent, he has become a world-famous basketball star. LeBron’s influence now far exceeds basketball.
First, James played football and was selected as an All-Star for a while. When James was studying at St. Mary’s High School in St. Vincent, he spent all his time on the court. Even though he was the most famous basketball star in the school, he still joined the school football team (American football). James played with his childhood friend and now business partner maverick Carter. LeBron was a player of the Irish team. He played American football for two seasons in high school. In his sophomore year, he was named the all-star of the state first team. In a short time,
Second, James is a fan of the new york Yankees (MLB). Considering that LeBron is Akron’s child, he should be a fan of Cleveland Indians. This native Ohio is not a fan of Cleveland Indians, but a fan of new york Yankees! In 2007, James took a baseball cap from new york Yankees to watch the game at Cleveland Indians’ home. It was a playoff game, and James was bombarded by many fans in Chicago. However, in 2016, James supported the Indians in the game between Indians and Chicago Cubs.
Third, James has never met his real father. James was born to his mother Gloria James at the age of 16. LeBron’s biological father Anthony McClelland has a large number of criminal records, and he has never had a definite relationship with James’s mother. James’s childhood was very miserable. Gloria didn’t have a stable job, so he had to move frequently. Moreover, as a single mother in her teens, she had to take care of young James. James had complained many times that his father had abandoned them.
Fourth, the mother gave James a controversial gift. On James’s 18th birthday, Gloria, James’s mother, borrowed $50,000 to buy a pair of new Hummer H2 cars for her son. This was a controversial gift, because James and his son were still living in public housing at that time, and this gift almost made James lose the opportunity to attend high school. Because the Ohio High School Sports Association investigated this matter, the association prohibited players from receiving gifts exceeding $100 (the coach took bribes), and the final investigation showed that the car was purchased by James on loan at present, so James. (PS: American Sports Association imposes severe penalties for accepting bribes in sports events, such as James Wiseman, the top pick in 2020)
Fifth, James’s business ability. Before entering the NBA, James signed a 90 million endorsement contract with Nike. In the 2003 draft, James undoubtedly became the No.1 scholar, and his contract with Nike has been renewed and rising. As part of his investment, James invested in Liverpool in 2011. He bought a 2% stake in Liverpool for 6.5 million US dollars. In 2018, it has risen to 32 million US dollars, and now it is close to 40 million US dollars. In 2008, James bought a share of Beats from Dre. In exchange, he became the image ambassador of the store’s subsidiary. In 2014, Apple bought Beats, and James’s share was also bought, which is said to reach 700 million US dollars.
Text/Yan Xiaobai

The 5: 0 World Cup opener tragedy was actually made by China football? !

The opening is a 5:0, is it a surprise? Is the sting exciting? Russia, the host of the opening match last night, defeated Saudi Arabia, which once again confirmed the saying that "Europe has no weak teams" in the football world.

It’s time for the four-year World Cup carnival. Xiaobian refers to a calculation. Last night, did you put a classic three-piece supper set for yourself under the guise of watching the ball-beer, kebabs and crayfish?

However, after enjoying the feast of food and football, have you noticed China football entering this World Cup? Note that this may be a small word game. Bai Yansong, the host of CCTV, has repeatedly emphasized the details: it is "China Football", not the "China Football Team" that has repeatedly disappointed you.

 Match ball: German design and China manufacture.

In the opening match of this World Cup between Russia and Saudi Arabia last night, the game ball "TV Star" made a perfect appearance in large-scale events. This competition ball is "designed in Germany and made in China" in the standard sense, and it is produced by an enterprise authorized by Adidas in Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

According to Chong Wang, the general manager of this enterprise, they introduced the first automatic production line in China, so that the original 80-person production line now only needs 10 people, and it can produce 1,000 footballs a day. "We use an automated cutting machine to replace the traditional knife die cutting, an automated printer to replace the traditional screen printing, and a manipulator to replace the traditional handling. There will be a QR code on each ball, and the information on the code will tell us the time and address of the ball production." Chong Wang said.

However, it is a pity that although "China Football" has entered the World Cup, the intellectual property rights of the core technology of this "TV Star" full of "black technology" are completely in the hands of the designer Adidas. The related patent APPlication documents of Adidas in China revealed by the net show that in the field of chip technology, "TV Star" has built-in NFC near-field interactive chip. You only need to open any app with NFC identification function, and then bring your mobile phone close to this position to read the latest information about this competition ball; In the field of autumn skin materials, "TV Star" uses the thermal bonding technology of the ball skin, which is durable, waterproof and grit-proof. Coupled with the grooves spliced at right angles, the ball will produce nonlinear motion and drift in the flight process. In the field of design, "TV Star" uses classic black and white colors, dark trapezoidal decoration consists of mosaic patterns, and the text uses gold.

Of course, Xiao Bian wants to say, the most important thing is that all of the above are patent applications submitted by Adidas in China, which has nothing to do with our OEM enterprises in China. It seems that there is still a long way to go for China enterprises to truly realize the change from "Made in China" to "Design in China".

 Derivative goods: Zhejiang enterprises are officially authorized to take orders.

As a standard "fighting nation", the mascot of 2018 fifa world cup is also a Siberian plain wolf named "Zabivaka" with high fighting value. However, to trace the "birthplace" of this little wolf, we have to go to an obscure office building in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Since July 2013, this enterprise named Hangzhou Fude Brand Management Co., Ltd. has become the first enterprise in China to obtain the official authorization of the World Cup mascot directly from FIFA. This year, Fude Company is exclusively responsible for the pricing, production and sales of Russian World Cup mascots on a global scale (except the host country Russia). At the same time, Fude also won the authorization of nearly 100 kinds of related goods around the event, such as plush toys, mugs, key chains, jerseys and so on.

Of course, compared with the ball used in the competition, it is "familiar" for China enterprises to obtain the production and sales rights of derivative goods related to the World Cup through official authorization. In 2010, the name of the plastic trumpet "Vuvuzela", which was made by Yiwu manufacturers and full of South African ethnic customs, has been resounded all over the world, and it has been continuously sent to South Africa, the venue of the competition, together with national flags, wigs, sunglasses and binoculars. While in 2014 fifa world cup, the derivatives of the new generation refueling artifact "Casilora", the official ball "Samba Glory" and the mascot "Flegu" were mostly produced by authorized manufacturers in China.

For the value of sports IP, the person in charge of Fude Company is deeply touched. "Compared with the traditional foreign trade that made meager profits before, with the help of the World Cup, the stage of Fude Company is now bigger and wider." The person in charge said. In fact, in this World Cup, there are many China enterprises like Fude Company. They bid farewell to the traditional OEM, not only profited from the World Cup, but also successfully opened a window to the world.

Brand sponsorship: marketing on and off the field.

Who is the trump card? If you ask questions before yesterday, Xiaobian, who is only used to wearing sportswear to work, doesn’t know this "Gaodashang" men’s wear brand that can be associated with the World Cup. However, if you pay attention to the live broadcast of last night’s match, you may notice that some staff and spectators’ national flag color matching ties are particularly eye-catching inside and outside the World Cup. This is the 32 ties with World Cup style customized by Dipai (China) Co., Ltd. after getting on the "last bus" and becoming the official regional support partner of 2018 fifa world cup, taking the color matching of flags of 32 countries selected for the final stage of this World Cup as the idea.

In fact, when it comes to the level of sponsorship, Dipai Company is only a "junior" in China enterprises. At present, FIFA divides sponsors into three levels, namely "global partners", "World Cup sponsors" and "World Cup regional support partners". At present, Wanda Group with "One Hundred Million Small Goals" and seven companies including Coca-Cola, Visa, Adidas and Hyundai Motor are FIFA’s "Global Partner" level sponsors. Sponsors at this level can use the FIFA logo for 8 years, and the sponsorship fee is at least $120,000,000-needless to say, it’s seven zeros, and $120 million-which scares Xiaobian into taking a sip of beer.

In addition, Mengniu, VIVO and Hisense from China have joined McDonald’s and Budweiser Beer as "World Cup sponsors", while Yadea Group, which produces electric vehicles, is a "World Cup regional support partner" like Dipai Company. According to FIFA, no matter what level of sponsors, they all benefit from the exclusive and highly recognizable official logo of FIFA. Through various marketing methods, these sponsors successfully associate their products, services and brands with the World Cup. Whether targeting specific consumer groups, taking the opportunity to expand their product lines or implementing each specific market strategy, sponsors will get good transcripts.

This has been reflected in the practice of Hisense Group. According to a person in charge of Hisense Group, the world’s top events are naturally related to the world’s leading consumer electronics brands. If Hisense wants to become a global brand, it must be bound with a cross-cultural and cross-border super brand, which is the world’s top event. Therefore, choosing sports marketing is the strategic path for Hisense’s global brand building. According to statistics, in 2017, Hisense Group’s international marketing achieved sales revenue of 3.9 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 22.3%.

Seeing this, you must agree with the famous sentence of the Bai Yansong male god: "Let’s just say that China didn’t go to the Russian World Cup except the football team." Of course, as a small editor in fake fans, like everyone else, what we most want to see is that one day the national football team can join our "Made in China" and the China football team will rush into the World Cup with China football and become a frequent visitor on the World Cup stage. (Text: Cui Jingsi Image Source Network)

Reporter: Real Madrid’s number one goal in 2024 is Mbappé, and the team is waiting for his contract to expire.

Live on May 20th, recently, the Spanish website remontadablanca interviewed Carlos Carpio, deputy editor-in-chief of Marca. In this conversation, the latter said that the number one target of Real Madrid next season is Mbappé, and the possibility of players transferring this summer is almost zero.

The website wrote: "Mbappé will be the number one target of Real Madrid next season. In fact, according to Carlos Carpio, Mbappé’s team is still in regular contact with Real Madrid. However, the possibility of his transfer in the summer window of 2023 has almost been ruled out. “

"Real Madrid executives are not considering taking any action for Mbappé this season. Besides, they don’t think Paris will agree to sell Mbappé, so they have to wait until Mbappé’s contract expires soon. “

Mbappé renewed his contract with Paris in May, 2022. Earlier, L ‘Equipe and Marca reported that his renewal period with Paris was 2+1. In the third year, he had the right to decide whether to renew his contract for one year, so now Mbappé’s contract will expire on June 30, 2024, which allows him to start negotiations with other clubs in early 2024.

Regarding the transfer of Bellingham, the reporter said that the players are very eager to play in Real Madrid. At the same time, Real Madrid executives have told modric that Bellingham will join next season, so Magic Flute should realize that his playing time may be gradually reduced.

Times: Manchester City is willing to offer a longer contract, and Gundogan will refuse Barcelona and renew his contract.

Live on May 21st According to The Times, Gundogan will refuse Barcelona and choose to renew his contract and stay in Manchester City.

Gundogan’s contract with Manchester City will expire this summer, and it has not yet been renewed. After media rumors, Barcelona intends to exempt the German midfielder from visa, and players are also interested in joining.

According to The Times, Barcelona offered a 2+1 contract for 32-year-old Gundogan, and several rounds of negotiations have been held.

At first, Manchester City only offered Gundogan a one-year contract, but now they are willing to offer a longer-term contract, so Gundogan now prefers to stay in Manchester City.

(goblin killer)

Infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems

In order to train artificial intelligence models that can solve common problems, infrastructure is needed to provide support. These infrastructures are usually composed of hardware, software and tools to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training. This article will introduce the infrastructure for training AI to solve common problems.

I. Hardware infrastructure

When training artificial intelligence models, it is usually necessary to use high-performance computing hardware to provide support. The following are several common hardware infrastructures:

  1. CPU: The central processing unit (CPU) is a general-purpose computing hardware, which can be used to run various types of software, including artificial intelligence models. Although the performance of CPU is relatively low, it is still useful in training small models or debugging.

  2. GPU: A graphics processor is a special computing hardware, which is usually used to process images and videos. Because of its highly parallel structure, GPU can provide higher computing performance than CPU when training artificial intelligence models, so it is widely used.

  3. TPU: Tensor processor is a kind of hardware specially used for artificial intelligence computing, developed by Google. The performance of TPU is higher than that of GPU, and it is suitable for large-scale artificial intelligence model training and reasoning.

Second, the software infrastructure

In addition to hardware infrastructure, some software tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence model. The following are some common software infrastructures:

  1. Operating system: Artificial intelligence models usually need to run on an operating system, such as Linux, Windows or macOS.

  2. Development environment: Development environment usually includes programming language, editor and integrated development environment (IDE) for writing and testing artificial intelligence models. Common development environments include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch and Jupyter Notebook.

  3. Frames and libraries: Frames and libraries provide some common artificial intelligence model algorithms and data processing tools, making model development and training more convenient. Common frameworks and libraries include TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras and Scikit-Learn.

Third, the tool infrastructure

In addition to the hardware and software infrastructure, some tools are needed to support the training of artificial intelligence models. The following are several common tool infrastructures:

Dataset tool: Dataset tool is used to process and prepare training datasets, such as data cleaning, preprocessing, format conversion, etc. Common data set tools include Pandas, NumPy and SciPy.

2 Visualization tools: Visualization tools are used to visualize the training process and results to help users better understand the performance and behavior of the model. Common visualization tools include Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

Automatic parameter tuning tool: The automatic parameter tuning tool is used to optimize the parameters of the model to improve the performance and accuracy of the model. Common automatic parameter tuning tools include Optuna, Hyperopt and GridSearchCV.

In short, training artificial intelligence models to solve common problems requires the use of a variety of infrastructures, including hardware, software and tools. These infrastructures are designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of model training, so that the model can better solve various practical problems. In practical application, users need to choose the appropriate infrastructure according to specific requirements and data characteristics, and design and implement it accordingly.