Intelligent anthropomorphic driving, Avita 11 shows extraordinary intelligent driving pleasure

On November 14th, Avita Technology joined hands with strategic partner Huawei to jointly create Avita’s "Smart Driving Experience Day", which became one of the largest and richest high-level smart driving activities in the industry this year. Through this event, Avita 11 for the first time demonstrated the strength of ceiling-level hardcore products such as high-speed NCA smart driving navigation assistance, urban ICA smart cruise assistance, and APA smart parking assistance.

Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, said, How to make intelligent driving meet user requests? Based on the understanding of users, Avita and Huawei have worked together to develop products from the product definition stage, and both parties have invested the leading resources in their respective fields to the greatest extent to achieve 1 + 1 > 2. We firmly believe that whether it is appearance, comprehensive performance, or intelligent driving ability, Avita 11 is the top of the industry’s first echelon.

Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

As one of the first lock single owners, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line, said on the spot, I often drive Avita 11, high-speed, urban, and parking continuous experience, and various scene processing is very smooth. Huawei and Avita have deeply cooperated to deeply integrate mechanical systems such as steering and braking with intelligent driving assistance systems to achieve the best experience. The intelligent driving that Avita 11 is about to deliver is the highest level we can do now. Of course, next year will be better, because this system will continue to evolve. The more you drive, the more you understand, and the smarter you drive.

Personalized driving makes high-speed travel more comfortable

The 360-degree full coverage fusion perception ability brought by the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm brought by the AVATRUTH supercomputing system make the AVATRANS intelligent navigation system of Avita 11 fully display its "intelligent" strength in an open road environment.

Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by

The activation of the high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance is very convenient. When the conditions are met, you can enter the smart driving state by flipping the hold block twice in a row. At present, the high-speed NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance has covered more than 200,000 kilometers of expressways and urban expressways in China. On the premise of ensuring driving safety, Avita 11 with a global vision can actively choose a lane with higher traffic efficiency. Near the ramp, you can also change to the exit lane in advance according to the road condition information ahead and the intelligent prediction of traffic flow, to avoid the embarrassment of "missing the exit and driving the wrong way" in unfamiliar environments.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Jacking or being jammed is a high-frequency scene in daily driving. With the help of full fusion perception ability, Avita 11 can accurately judge the jamming intention of his car, and with the anthropomorphic jamming game ability, he can independently choose to speed up or slow down to give way. When the speed of the forward vehicle is too slow, Avita 11 can quickly complete the acceleration lane change; when encountering the rear car during the autonomous lane change process, Avita 11 can also quickly turn off the lights and slow down to stop the lane change, and continue to perform the lane change after the rear vehicle passes, thus bringing a more peaceful and calm smart driving experience.

In the process of traffic congestion following and ramp inbound and outbound, Avita 11 can monitor and predict the behavior of surrounding vehicles in real time, and combine deep learning algorithms to execute the best interaction strategy to make the vehicle have efficient traffic capacity. At the same time, when passing some large curvature ramp, Avita 11 can also smoothly complete the entry and exit, and the steering wheel turns silky, without frequent back and forth corrections. It is worth mentioning that every active deceleration of Avita 11 is smooth enough to maintain a smooth and comfortable sense of stability, providing passengers with a smooth and smooth ride experience like a courtesy car.

"Eye View Six Roads" Super perception, safer urban complex road conditions

Entering urban roads, the complexity of road conditions has skyrocketed, and accidents, construction and other working conditions have occurred frequently, which is the most test of a car’s intelligent driving strength. Avita 11 is equipped with urban ICA intelligent cruise assistance, and has the ability to perceive and respond to crises that are "invisible to the human eye and unknown to the human mind". It can easily resolve various hidden dangers such as accidents, water horses, construction pile and barrel guidance lines, and provide users with safety protection.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

The accident rollover vehicle located at the entrance of the tunnel often causes temporary visual impairment due to the contrast between light and dark, and the intelligent driver is also unable to identify due to the "special shape", which brings safety hazards. The super full fusion perception ability of Avita 11 not only is not affected by light conditions and bad weather, but also can identify the special-shaped vehicle in advance, issue a timely warning, and take very linear braking measures, which not only prevents accidents but also ensures the comfort of the ride.

Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

When passing through the construction section, Avita 11 in the open state of the smart driver can easily identify the pile bucket used to guide the lane line change, anticipate the speed reduction in advance and automatically turn on the lights to change lanes. In the scenario of water horses encroaching on the lane, the system will evaluate the traffic capacity of the lane, and after confirming that the lane still has the capacity of the vehicle, it will slightly slow down and bypass the water horse to improve the continuity and safety of intelligent driving.

Overcome "intractable diseases" and park with more peace of mind

Compared with the traditional "blind man touching the elephant" solution, the fully integrated sensory parking solution adopted by Avita 11 breaks the isolation between the driving and parking systems, and applies the sensing capabilities of the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the powerful computing power of the AVATRUTH supercomputer system to the parking scene. Therefore, the APA intelligent parking assistance on Avita 11 can identify all the parking spaces seen by the human eye in all directions, completely solving the pain points of "not parking, not being placed correctly, taking a long time, and being easy to scratch", bringing users a more reassuring and pleasant intelligent parking experience.

Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
 Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Traveling between alleys or alleys, you often encounter tricky "severed road" reverse inclined train positions. Faced with this intimidating scene for novice drivers, Avita 11 can use its powerful 360-degree perception ability to find the rear space by itself, and use its powerful computing power and cloud-empowered path planning experience to autonomously reconstruct the scene, plan the route, and make a U-turn, so as to complete the warehousing action in reverse at the back of the car.

Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

As one of the common parking scenarios, ramp parking poses a high test for the accuracy of vehicle longitudinal and lateral control. For this scenario, Avita 11 can carefully adjust the steering, power and braking based on human factors engineering theory to compensate for the impact of slope, and precisely control the position and route of the vehicle. Parking is smooth and silky throughout, just like flat ground performance.

Parking process may encounter pedestrians, non-motor vehicles from the rear of the car suddenly across the situation, in this regard, Avita 11 can rely on 34 intelligent driving sensors empowered by long-range perception and target trajectory prediction ability based on AI enhanced learning, accurate tracking of dynamic targets, anticipate target movement, timely stop action, to be moved to a safe distance after the target to automatically resume the parking process, to achieve real one-click peace of mind into the position.

Emotional smart cabin space, smart cars are more comfortable

At the event site, Avita 11 further demonstrated the unique charm of the emotional intelligent cockpit developed based on HarmonyOS. The floating central control screen interface adopts the HarmonyOS car-machine interaction design language, allowing the services and information used in the car to achieve zero-level interaction "visible on the first screen"; the screen edge swipe can be easily retracted, and the two-finger swipe can easily rotate the window position and other operations are consistent with the mobile phone, which greatly reduces the user’s learning cost.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Thanks to the colorful Huawei app store, Avita 11 can be adapted to Autonavi Map, Himalayas, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Migu Music, Bilibili, Sohu Video, Youku Video, WeSing, WPS and other head APPs, bringing users a colorful car experience with the often new cockpit ecology. Avita 11 is also intimately equipped with a 10.25-inch high definition full LCD screen for the co-pilot, which is based on the organic linkage of one-core multi-screen capability and cockpit smart interconnection screen to bring users a multi-person shared intelligent entertainment driving experience.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Based on HarmonyOS voice capabilities, Avita 11 has created a full-interface voice control system that can be seen and spoken. At the interface of car control, music video, navigation and other three-party applications, users can directly speak text according to the interface information without manual clicking. The intelligent voice assistant can support 4-partition sound source positioning, continuous instructions, fuzzy semantic instructions, custom Keyword Spotting and other functions, making "Xiaota" more intelligent and loving for users.

In addition, Avita 11 is intimately equipped with six smart scenario modes, one-click linkage of ambient lights, music, fragrance, HALO screen and other hardware, and interacts with a real and interesting scene-based interface to bring a full range of intelligent atmosphere experience. Take the unique pet mode as an example. After turning on this function, the car machine can turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to a suitable temperature. At the same time, the car machine screen will enter the care reminder state to avoid misunderstandings by passers-by outside the car. And if the user accidentally leaves the pet in the car when getting off the car, Avita 11’s departure cockpit perception function can send a reminder to the user in time through the APP, giving the "shit shoveling officer" peace of mind and protecting the safety of small lives.

Car review

As the first model fully equipped with HI (Huawei Inside) Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, Avita 11 demonstrates the results of complementary advantages and deep binding between Avita and Huawei in multiple fields, allowing intelligence to truly realize the value of providing users with a safe and comfortable driving experience. In the future, Avita Technology will continue to be committed to exploring future-oriented humanized travel technology to create a better emotional intelligent travel experience for users.

Tian Jia/Wang Jie lost to the American team and won the silver medal in women’s sand volleyball.


    On August 21st, China’s Wang Jie saved the ball in the game. On the same day, at the Beijing Olympic Gamesbeach volleyballIn the women’s championship and runner-up, China’s Wang Jie/Tian Jia lost 0-2 to American Kelly? Walsh/Misty? May treanor won the second place. Xinhua News Agency reporter Shadati photo

    CCTV News: At 11: 00 am on August 21st, Beijing time, the battle for the women’s beach volleyball championship in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games kicked off at the beach volleyball court in Chaoyang Park. Tian Jia/Wang Jie fought hard for 45 minutes, and finally lost to the American group Kelly Walsh/Misty May treanor 0-2, and won the silver medal in the Olympic women’s beach volleyball. The scores of the two games were 18-21 and 18-21 respectively. 

    China’s Tian Jia/Wang Jie ranked second in the World Beach Volleyball Tour in 2006 and 2007 respectively, and won the sub-station champion of the World Beach Volleyball Tour in Poland in 2006 and Shanghai in 2007, and won the runner-up in the 2007 World Championships. The American group Walsh/May-treanor won the gold medal in this event at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

    Tian Jia/Wang Jie narrowly defeated China’s Xue Chen/Zhang Xi 2-1 in the semi-final, and the scores of the three sets were 22-24, 29-27 and 15-8. However, in the other semi-final, the American group Kelly Walsh/Misty May treanor fought fiercely for two games, beating the Brazilian group Talita/renata 2-0, and the results of the two games were 21-12 and 21-14 respectively.

    In the first game, Tian Jia’s second position directly spiked the ball and scored directly. China’s team led the opponent 5-3 at the beginning. Subsequently, Wang Jie made a mistake in serving directly out of bounds, and China was temporarily behind with a score of 7-8. Then, Wang Jie made a mistake in receiving the service directly over the net, and the American combination probe ball scored directly, keeping the lead with a score of 12-10.

    Since then, Mei treanor’s No.2 position has succeeded in nudging the back row, and the American team rewrote the score to 16-15. With Walsh tapping the neutral position at the fourth position to score again, the American team easily took a 20-17 lead to get the point. At the crucial moment, Mei-treanor’s fourth straight line attack succeeded, and the American team won the first game with 21-18.

    In the second game, Mei-treanor’s No.2 straight-line attacker scored out of bounds, and the American team took a temporary lead of 7-5. Subsequently, Tian Jia made a strong jump serve twice and succeeded directly. China’s team stubbornly overtook the score to 9-8. Then, Tian Jia’s fourth position smashed the ball diagonally again, and China changed the score to 12-11.

    Since then, Mei-treanor’s No.4 straight-line hitter went out of bounds and scored directly, and the American team rewrote the score to 16-15. With Wang Jie’s direct out-of-bounds mistake in the fourth position, the American team won the match point with a lead of 20-18. At the crucial moment, Mei treanor scored a direct score with a diagonal smash, and the American combination Walsh/Mei treanor finally locked the score at 21-18, and then beat China’s combination Tian Jia/Wang Jie 2-0 to successfully defend the Olympic women’s beach volleyball champion.

    > > > Details < < <

    Related news:

    Jiajie combination: complementary personalities are better than sisters.

    China’s two couples won women’s sand volleyball medals and made a historical breakthrough.

Editor: Tang Liang

It’s snowing Please put safety at the top during the winter vacation.

Jinan Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning signal for road icing at 06: 00 on February 3, 2024. Today, it is cloudy from day to night, with a northeast wind of 3 ~ 4, and the highest temperature today is about 2 C; It will be cloudy from day to night tomorrow, with light to medium snow in the evening to night, heavy snow in some areas, with a precipitation probability of 80%, northeast winds of 3-4 and gusts of 6, with the lowest temperature of-7–5℃ tomorrow and the highest temperature of about 1℃ tomorrow.

There is obvious snowfall on the 4th-5th, which has a negative impact on traffic. Please pay attention to travel safety. With the coming of winter vacation, please keep this winter vacation safety reminder together!

1. Obey traffic laws and regulations

Don’t play on the road, don’t watch mobile phones and listen to music when walking and cycling, and don’t play in dangerous areas such as car blind spots, garage entrances and exits, and railway crossings. Don’t run red lights, don’t climb traffic barriers.

2. Safe use of electricity and gas

Do not use "three noes" appliances, do not use multiple high-power appliances on the same wiring board at the same time, and do not touch the power switch and appliances with wet hands. When using gas equipment, open the window for ventilation and take care of it, and close it in time after use. If you find a fire, call 119 outdoors in time.

3. Prevention of epidemic diseases

Pay attention to personal hygiene, wash your hands and change clothes frequently, and often open the window for ventilation when you are at home. Pay attention to balanced nutrition, regular work and rest, get enough sleep and develop exercise habits. Don’t go or go less to crowded public places.

4. Pay attention to self-protection

Do not go to commercial song and dance entertainment places, internet service places, bars and other places where minors are not suitable to enter. Go to museums, science and technology museums, exhibition halls, sports halls and other youth social practice venues.

5. Safe and civilized Internet access

Strictly control online time and don’t indulge in virtual space. Enhance the awareness of network security, and do not browse vulgar and bad information. Standardize network security behavior, do not make insulting and bullying remarks, do not buy unsafe supplies or food online, do not add strange netizens at will, and do not meet netizens alone. Pay attention to the confidentiality of personal and family information. In case of fraudulent phone calls such as transfer, confirm with parents in time.

6. Don’t enter the dangerous area

Do not enter the track section, construction site, wasteland, near high-voltage power lines, parking lots, hazardous chemicals warehouses and other dangerous areas without authorization.

7. Prevention of drowning

Do not play on the ice; Do not play in the waters without permission; Do not meet with partners to play in the waters; When playing near the water, keep a safe distance from dangerous places, and beware of slipping, picking up things, fishing for fish and shrimp, standing unsteadily and falling into the water.

8. Observe the regulations on fireworks and firecrackers.

Don’t buy three no fireworks products, don’t set off fireworks in forbidden areas, and set off less or no fireworks in non-forbidden areas to reduce air pollution and potential safety accidents.

9. Pay attention to time arrangement

Make colorful holiday plans, arrange holiday time reasonably according to your own actual situation, study and live regularly, develop scientific and reasonable work and rest habits, and have a full winter vacation.

10. Prevent psychological problems

Read more books, think more, and see more about the outside world. When you feel annoyed, you can solve it through exercise, communication and talk. When you encounter psychological confusion, call Jinan "24-hour student psychological care hotline (87-525-525)" as soon as possible to accompany you around the clock, and don’t close during the winter vacation!

I hope everyone will always put safety at the top of their minds and wish the students a full and happy holiday!

Source: Comprehensive from Shanghai Education, Jinan Weather


Cultural observation, digital fashion, the real "emperor’s new clothes"?

"If you are in the metauniverse every day, you will need virtual fashion and digital tools."
Digital fashion, the real "emperor’s new clothes"?
2022-06-02 Source: Volkswagen Daily 12th Edition
□ Our reporter Zhu Zikai
Will you buy a dress that you can’t wear? Not long ago, Xiaohongshu and Xintiandi launched 18 limited-edition virtual fashion new products, covering 9 brands such as ANNAKIKI and CHENPENG. A dazzling array of fashions were made into digital collections, which were sold out in a short time even if they could not be worn in the real world. "You can’t get it, you can only cover the virtual pattern on the buyer through 3D modeling, and make the virtual fashion fit the skin better and produce a photo through computer scanning and capturing actions." A little red book blogger, Miss Chill Zhiqiu, explained the magic of virtual fashion in this way. She confidently predicted that virtual fashion is an irresistible trend in the future. Not only that, people can also buy digital fashion with collectible value and resale. In 2019, digital fashion named "Rainbow" was sold at a high price of $9,500 in new york, USA.
Digital fashion, just the tip of the iceberg, hides a huge digital fashion market behind it. In fact, it’s not just Little Red Books that are aiming at digital fashion. Tik Tok, a subsidiary of Byte, plans to launch a business called "pheagee" to create a brand-new digital fashion community. Tencent upgraded the super QQ show based on QQ show, and cited an application scenario for virtual fashion, which attracted traditional clothing enterprises such as Li Ning to launch joint-name digital clothing. Internet companies compete for layout, and digital fashion has become the next outlet, which is accompanied by the public’s torture of its actual value.
The Research Report on Fashion Industry Consumption in China in 2021-Revival of the National Tide shows that the driving force of fashion industry development is closely related to the four major forces of industry, science and technology, culture and commerce. The impact of scientific and technological innovation on fashion format is particularly prominent. The emergence of digital fashion has directly subverted the expression of fashion industry and people’s consumption patterns.
The direct cause of subversion is the introduction of Metauniverse and NFT, one of which establishes a new space to connect the virtual world with the real world, and the other provides a value realization system, which makes digital fashion products have value-added space and collection value. As we all know, blockchain technology, interactive technology, electronic game technology, artificial intelligence technology, network and computing technology, and Internet of Things technology are the six supporting technologies of the metauniverse. NFT is an important technology to support the meta-cosmic economic system, which generates unique digital vouchers for specific products and realizes real and feasible digital distribution, purchase, collection and use. Therefore, consumers have become an important form of participating in the metauniverse by purchasing NFT.
Sun Ruizhe, president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, believes that "fashion industry, as a highly condensed material creation and cultural power, has strong penetration, extensive radiation and profound appeal." It can be said that there is no sense of contradiction in its combination with the meta-universe. Digitalization makes the forms of fashion more diverse, especially under the influence of the epidemic, which can break the limitations of space, make fashion, culture and technology perfectly fit together, and form an unprecedented consumption experience and extremely impactful visual presentation. From March 24th to March 27th this year, Decentraland held the world’s first Metauniverse Fashion Week, in which dozens of brands such as Selfridges, Jacob&Co, Franck Muller, Garrett Leight, Cavalli and digital fashion companies participated.
In the first Meta-Universe Fashion Week, netizens from all over the world logged on related websites and shuttled through the event with a cartoon image. In the shining fashion week scene, people can not only see the latest works of brand designers and more than 500 fashion models, but also buy virtual and physical clothing of brands. In addition, many brands have opened digital boutiques, including high-end watches and handbags. Users buy these NFT products to show their identity and position in the meta-universe.
Obviously, this trend is spreading and growing in the fashion circle. The reporter found out that China International Fashion Week recently announced that it has joined forces with 14 brands and launched several sets of digital clothes at @NFTCN, with the highest release price of 9890 yuan. Among them, the release price of "361 degrees I am the future of the East" virtual clothing is 361 yuan, and one copy is limited; Shenzhen Fashion Week held in April also introduced the concept of meta-universe for the first time. In the digital modeling venues, digital models walked on the runway in fashion, realizing the effect of "new season ready-to-wear and virtual clothing co-exhibition, real models interacting with virtual idols". This immersive experience of virtual and real transformation is more like a sci-fi adventure for many viewers, which is impressive.
mix together
Digital fashion has broken the restriction of physical conditions on fashion, and time, space, materials and cost are no longer the obstacles to the expression of fashion ideas. Free and unconstrained style, free and unrestrained, unprecedented … Here, human imagination can be unlimited. From this perspective, digital fashion is no longer related to the body, but the expression of people’s desires, reflecting people’s psychological characteristics of pursuing personalized consumption. Kira Qiya, a fashion blogger, has worn virtual fashions many times. She believes that the reason why she is keen on them is that "they completely get rid of the influence of gravity and the limitation of fabrics, which opens a new era for fashion design".
Like the "Rainbow" digital fashion mentioned at the beginning of the article, the relevant person analyzed that "Rainbow imitates the laser PVC material, creating a fluttering and anti-aerodynamic effect." Fashion design like this is basically difficult to realize in physical space. Rainbow comes from ——The Fabricant, a company specializing in digital fashion design, which was founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. They use 3D modeling technology to make clothes, without using related fabrics, so that real models can try them on. "Pure digital visual display creates a unique sense of modeling and brings people’ surprises that real clothes can’t give’." It is this kind of "unlimited" that digital fashion can break the physical boundaries, integrate with different formats, and collide with sparks.
Some fashion brand companies have successfully explored the communication with game companies and technology companies, and took this opportunity to create a unique fashion perspective. Electronic games have become a perfect medium. The video game project "Afterworld:The Age of Tomorrow" launched by Balenciaga, a fashion brand, for the Fall/Winter 2021 fashion show, players wake up from a store, go to a future city street and embark on an interesting and exciting heroic journey. During the whole game, all characters can choose brand series modeling fashion as their own image. Once the game was launched, it triggered a hot discussion in the market, and many players’ test videos were born.
The game focuses on interactivity and immersion, and players participate in it for specific purposes. In the game, players have long had the consumption habit of buying "skin" and the dress requirements of players’ images, which coincides with the consumption concept of digital fashion-from another perspective, digital clothing is more like the "skin" of virtual images in the online world. "If you are in the metauniverse every day, you will need virtual fashion and digital tools." Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has publicly stated. In this field, Balenciaga is not the only explorer. Fashion brands that create fashion shows and launch digital fashion on the game platform emerge one after another. Brand Louis Vuitton created the "Louis The Game" mobile game, and you can get an exclusive customized NFT gold postcard by completing a specific task. Gucci launched the permanent virtual space "Gucci Town" on the online game platform Roblox. As a small game, players can buy virtual Gucci products for their game avatars, and Gucci officially stated that "the virtual clothing in the game uses Roblox’s new’ layered clothing’ technology."
The most fundamental feature of fashion is that it wants to be consistent with popular groups and different from others. This is a mixture of contradictions and a full expression of self-personality. Focusing on fashion consumption, creative industrial clusters formed in the fields of clothing, beauty, lifestyle and so on make the connotation and extension of fashion industry constantly deduced with the times. In the future, fashion seems to have unlimited possibilities.
Digital fashion, after all, is the product of the virtual world. Visible but intangible, virtual fashion has been ridiculed as "the emperor’s new clothes", which can neither be worn nor kept warm. However, with the sharp increase in online consumer demand, the arrival of Generation Z on the mainstream consumer stage, and the increasing number of related application scenarios, digital fashion has increasingly become the real "emperor’s new clothes". According to the 2021 Digital Fashion Report released by Lyst, a British fashion shopping search platform, in cooperation with The Fabricant, a digital fashion company, about 3.5 billion people in the world are digital fashion customers. "Kira Qiya" bought a digital collection "The Skirt of Void", which is limited to three pieces in the world and has a unique serial number. The product comes from the virtual fashion house of China international student designers. "It can be expected that this skirt will have irreplaceable value in the future." She said.
Digital fashion has promoted the fashion industry to exert greater economic and social benefits and is changing the industry system. According to an academic research, it is a new brand promotion method based on digital technology. Technology companies, game companies and digital fashion companies jointly create brand digital products, which become the driver and creative source of technology fashion. By building the consumption chain of digital fashion industry, the marketing mode of fashion industry will change to the advanced form of "community marketing", which can further enhance consumer stickiness and export brand culture and values; Promote the digital transformation of fashion brands and "create a shared private domain between virtual space and physical space". Balenciaga has cooperated with a game platform to design a series of fashionable NFT. Based on these digital collections, Balenciaga’s offline stores have also created a brand-new physical clothing series. Nowadays, it is widely believed in the industry that digital ways are used to drive cross-border win-win fashion brands.
"The virtual world is a space full of imagination, but this does not exclude its commonality with the real world." It is a popular practice for many brands to provide digital products online and launch derivative benefits offline. At the same time, the domestic fashion industry has firmly grasped this development trend, and digital fashion has opened up different dimensions of exploration. QQ Hyun Dance cooperates with Li Ning to launch virtual concept store and virtual fashion. Super QQ Show is poised to lead a new era of online virtual social interaction. Domestic high-end fashion brand Gelisi launched the brand avatar @ ELISA … Compared with the physical industry, digital fashion saves production costs such as materials and transportation, and reduces the waste of resources. Sustainable fashion may be an important proposition in the future.

Football match

From: Nanjing Morning Post

Wonderful moment

In a football training class, we played a match between grade four and grade three.

Before the game, the coach said to us, "We should not score three goals in 15 minutes in the fourth grade, and if we finish, we will run ten laps in the third grade." "yeah!" Our fourth-grade players cheered up, not only to win the game, but also because the match was much more interesting than constantly training with the ball and passing the ball.

The confrontation began. First of all, Wang Yike, a fourth-grade student, served the ball to Xu Zimo. Xu Zimo just dribbled the ball forward, and Wang Wenxuan snatched it away in an instant and passed it to striker Zhou Yuxiao, who ran to the penalty area with the ball. When I was about to hit the door, I seized the opportunity and shoveled a ball at Zhou Yuxiao with lightning speed and successfully took it out. Then I quickly got up and passed the ball to Li Jiaming.

It’s a pity that I forgot to stare at people. Xia Shaozhong grabbed Li Jiaming’s ball while I was not looking. However, Li Jiaming is not a vegetarian. He stepped forward with a big foot and drove the ball to the door. Next, in the third grade, Zhou Yuxiao took the ball and ran. Sun Yuanhao riveted his strength and didn’t keep it. The ball scored. Unfortunately, there are only five minutes left, so it seems difficult to score two more goals in the third grade.

As soon as several teammates in our fourth grade came together, they decided to fight a protracted war with them next. It was our turn to serve. Forward Wang Yike passed the ball to Li Jiaming. Li Jiaming provoked the ball and drove it forward hard. The third-grade goalkeeper Chen Ganyu blocked the ball with an accurate side jump and threw it out.

Chen Ganyu threw it to Xia Shaozhong, and Xia Shaozhong passed it to Zhou Yuxiao. Wang Yike took the opportunity to successfully grab the ball, but unfortunately he didn’t keep it. The ball fell to Wang Wenxuan’s feet again, and Wang Wenxuan passed it to Zhou Yuxiao to hit the door and was caught by our fourth-grade goalkeeper Sun Yuanhao.

Next, we have to fight back. I took the ball across the center line to find Li Jiaming and passed it to him. Li Jiaming was ready to hit the door, but unfortunately he didn’t score. At this time, the whistle blew and we achieved our goal.

This wonderful match tested our skills and made the cooperation between teammates more tacit.

Football is really a passionate sport!

Yixin Garden Primary School Class 4 (3) Liu Honglang

Instructor Liu Feng

Iverson: O ‘Neill is the only reason why I didn’t win the championship.

Iverson: O ‘Neill is the only reason why I didn’t win the championship.

Recently, NBA legend shaquille O ‘Neill said in an interview that Allen Iverson is one of the top ten players in NBA history. This remark has caused extensive discussion and controversy. Iverson also posted photos of O ‘Neill on social media, and responded: "He is the only reason why I didn’t win the championship. # The greatest insider in history. " O’ Neill replied to Iverson: "You don’t need a championship, you are still one of the greatest players in history, and you are undoubtedly a Hall of Fame player."

As one of the most representative players in NBA history, shaquille O ‘Neill’s remarks undoubtedly aroused people’s attention and discussion. In his eyes, Allen Iverson is not only the top ten players in NBA history, but also one of the greatest players. This evaluation is undoubtedly a great honor for Iverson.

However, this evaluation has also caused some controversy. Some people think that although Iverson is a very good player, it seems too high to rank him in the top ten in NBA history. They believe that although Iverson’s career is full of personality and passion, there is still a certain gap between him and some other historical superstars in terms of personal achievements and team honor.

On the other hand, O ‘Neill’s reply also aroused people’s thinking. He said that Iverson can become one of the greatest players in history without a championship. This view is actually somewhat controversial. Although the champion is one of the important standards to measure a player’s career achievements, it is not the only standard. A player’s skill, dominance and influence on the game are also important factors to evaluate his historical position.

Generally speaking, the dialogue between shaquille O ‘Neill and Allen Iverson has aroused people’s discussion and reflection on the historical position of NBA. Every fan has his own standards and opinions, but the final evaluation needs to be based on a comprehensive historical background and objective data analysis.

American men’s basketball training exposure: brunson 3+1 Hamm hugged Reeves Edwards and scored 16 three-pointers.

On August 4th, Beijing time, the American men’s basketball team officially opened the training camp in Las Vegas. The American team and the reserve team played a five-to-five match. brunson scored crazy 3+1, and Reeves assisted Xiaoqiao to hit a three-pointer. Lakers coach Ham came to the scene to watch the game and hugged Reeves. During the training, Edwards scored 16 three-pointers in a row. After the training, the American men’s basketball team will play five warm-up matches, with Slovenia and Greece among them.

The US men’s basketball team officially started a five-day training session, and some pictures of the match between the US team and the reserve team were exposed. During the game, bridges, the two cores of the Nets, threw back a jumper and Johnson dunked with one hand; Potis protected the rebound and scored a second attack. brunson scored an unreasonable 3+1 against the defense from the outside, and then Reeves and Potis quickly pulled him up.

Ingram showed an emergency stop, Reeves faked to fly to Ingram and assisted bridges to hit a three-pointer. Kessler countered and chopped. After the training, Cole organized everyone to high-five and shout the slogan of refueling.

In the shooting training session, Timberwolves champion Edwards felt hot on the outside, hitting 16 bottom angle three points in a row; Edwards gave up the No.1 jersey this summer, and he will wear the No.5 jersey in the new season. Li Kaier gave up No.5 and changed to No.1; However, during the US team, Edwards wore size 10, and size 5 was bridges’s.

Lakers coach Hamm came to the American men’s basketball training site, sat on the sidelines and hugged Reeves deeply. It is worth mentioning that Reeves has shaved off his beard and turned into a 25-year-old.

Previously, Reeves appeared in the national team with a beard shape and showed his No.15 jersey. Such a shape was hotly debated, and some fans ridiculed Reeves for being 10 years old in an instant.

After the training, the American men’s basketball team will play five warm-up matches-the warm-up match against Puerto Rico on August 8, and then the American men’s basketball team will go to Malaga, Spain. During this period, the American team will play two warm-up matches, against Slovenia led by Dancsics on August 12 and against Spain on August 13. Then, they will travel to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, for a week-long training, and play against Greece on August 18th and Germany on August 20th.

Potter: In terms of stable performance and results, we haven’t reached the desired level yet.

Live on March 11th, before the match against leicester city, Chelsea coach Porter was asked which is more important, the Champions League or the League. In this regard, he said that he is more inclined to focus only on the next game.

Porter replied: "I understand this problem, but it almost belongs to the category of’ being wise after the fact’. I prefer to focus only on the next game, focusing on leicester city, focusing on how we won that game and how to keep things going. If you think too much, you will tie yourself down. In the end, what we need is to keep it simple, focus on the next game and strive for victory. "

"Historically, the club has won the Champions League, and some players in the dressing room have done the same. Some people have left, some people have experienced injuries and we have new players. We have a transition period between these two windows, and many things have happened, so maybe we haven’t reached that level in terms of stable performance level and getting the results we want. "

"But on any given day, I think it’s fair to say that we can compete with any team in the Premier League, but what we need is to do it more frequently. Two victories make things easy, but against leicester city we must start again, we must maintain the momentum and continue to build a positive feeling after the game against Dortmund. "

"It will be a tough game against leicester city. They are fighting for points. They also want to win and have been doing their best. Unfortunately, the previous results are not what we want. Stress will make things more challenging, but we need to move on. Before the game against Leeds United, I said that we saw a lot of positive things on the training ground, and what we need is to transfer it to the game. "

"Sometimes, this is a process. You need to go through some difficult times, but the ability of the players is certain. This is about how we do it collectively, and how we can find the best way to achieve stable performance and results. This is a wonderful week, but we need another wonderful performance and result to end this week, and the best way to convince people that you are on the right path is to win, which is also true for players. "

Selena Gomez shares reason behind her shaky hands in new video

Recently, singer-actor Selena Gomez shared a video on TikTok, in which she can be seen doing her skincare — applying products that help her remove makeup. The clip begins

with Selena gently washing her face, and then using a towel to dry it out. But fans were quick to point out that her hands were ‘shaky’. Taking it in her stride, the Look at Her Now singer informed her followers it is because of the medication she takes to manage lupus disease.

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.