Andy Lau ridiculed Xiao S for domestic violence, claiming to love Fan Bingbing better than Big S

Andy Lau is most worried about domestic violence, saying Fan Bingbing is too beautiful.

        In the play, Andy Lau and Big S staged a poignant love affair that traveled through time and space. In their lives, the two were friends for many years. At the press conference, Big S revealed that his whole family was a loyal fan of Andy Lau. During the filming, Xiao S also made a special phone call, "Xiao S called and said that because Andy Lau is the godfather of her child, he must greet her." Andy Lau immediately joked after listening: "I’m also worried about her being beaten recently." Andy Lau also revealed that Xiao S had endorsed a whitening product that could cover the bruises on his body, and the scene was immediately full of laughter.

        Although Andy Lau and Big S have been friends for many years, this is the first time for the two to cooperate, and Andy Lau, who has cooperated with Fan Bingbing three times, commented on the two beautiful women in "Future Police", and had a different opinion, "If it is to be friends, I will choose Big S, we have known each other when she first debuted, and then when I first saw Fan Bingbing, I felt a little scared, because she is so beautiful, I feel like an iceberg beauty, but now we cooperate a lot and everyone is friends." In the film, Andy Lau has emotional entanglements with Fan Bingbing and Big S, and the beautiful Lau Dehua and the two beautiful women have staged wonderful kissing scenes, which is very exciting.

Top ten keywords of the property market in 2022: from "four restrictions are loosened" to "one person buying a house to help the whole family"

  2022 is a year of deep adjustment in the real estate market. In the context of the impact of the epidemic and the expected decline in residents’ income, some housing demand was delayed; At the same time, the credit crisis of housing enterprises broke out frequently, the wait-and-see mood of buyers became stronger, and the performance of sales side was weak. However, from the beginning of 2022, favorable policies to support real estate in various places were introduced in turn, and gradual easing continued to be staged. At the central level, it reaffirmed the status of "real estate is a pillar industry of the national economy" and issued a number of policy tools to support the smooth operation of the real estate market.

  The Paper reviewed the property market in 2022 by taking stock of the top ten keywords of the real estate industry in the past year.

  Reduce down payment

  In 2022, credit policies will be optimized in many places, and the purchase cost and purchase threshold of buyers will be further reduced.

  According to the incomplete statistics of The Paper, more than 100 cities have reduced the down payment ratio of provident fund or commercial personal housing loans to 20% this year, including Chengdu, Sichuan, Shijiazhuang, Shaanxi, Xi ‘an, Taiyuan, Jilin, Changchun, Fuzhou, Fujian, Nanchang, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Guiyang, Guizhou, Lanzhou, Gansu, Yinchuan, Ningxia, Urumqi, Xinjiang, Wuhan, Hubei and other second-tier cities.

  From the perspective of down payment ratio, institutional statistics show that since 2022, the down payment ratio of the first suite in the unrestricted area has generally dropped to 20%, and the second set has dropped to 30%; The down payment ratio of the first suite in the restricted purchase area is mostly 30%.

  On January 5, 2023, Ni Hong, Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, mentioned in an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters at the General Station that the buyers of the first house should be strongly supported. The down payment ratio and the first set of interest rates should be lowered. For the purchase of a second house, we should give reasonable support. Trade-in the old for the new, trade-in the small for the big, and give policy support to families with many children.

  The industry believes that it is expected that in 2023, under the tone of "housing and not speculating", both the supply and demand sides will continue to optimize their policies, and the policy intensity is expected to be further strengthened. The core first-and second-tier cities, especially the core second-tier cities, have greater room for policy optimization. The expectation of policy optimization in first-tier cities is also increasing, and there is room for reducing mortgage interest rate, down payment ratio and taxes.

  Lower interest rate

  In 2022, the central bank cut interest rates three times, and the LPR over five years was lowered by a total of 35 basis points, which was the strongest year to cut interest rates after the mortgage interest rate changed anchor LPR in 2019.

  At the same time, the central bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission repeatedly lowered the lower limit of mortgage interest rate. In 2022, in May, the central bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission made it clear that the lower limit of the interest rate of the first set of commercial personal housing loans was adjusted to not less than the quoted interest rate of the corresponding term loan market minus 20 basis points; At the end of September, the central bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission successively released heavy benefits, and gradually relaxed the lower limit of the interest rate of the first commercial personal housing loan for some cities.

  According to the monitoring data of the Central Finger Research Institute, as of December 30 last year, nearly 30 cities have reduced the interest rate of the first home loan to below 4%, including Yangjiang, Qingyuan, Yunfu, Zhanjiang, Jining, Wuhan, Guiyang, Jiangmen, Yichang, Xiangyang, Tianjin, Baotou, Fuyang, Shijiazhuang, Qinhuangdao, Kunming, Dalian, Dali, Luzhou, Anqing, Enshi, Wenzhou and Wenzhou.

  The loan interest rates in some cities have fallen to historical lows. Shijiazhuang and Wenzhou in second-tier cities currently have the lowest interest rates of the first set of commercial loans of 3.8%, while Qingyuan and Zhuzhou in third-and fourth-tier cities have the lowest interest rates of 3.7%.

  At the same time, the central bank lowered the interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund loan by 15 basis points after seven years. Since October 1, 2022, the interest rate of the first home provident fund loan for more than five years has dropped to 3.1%.

  On January 5, 2023, the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued a notice to establish the first dynamic adjustment mechanism of housing loan interest rate policy. In cities where the sales price of newly-built commercial housing has decreased month-on-month and year-on-year for three consecutive months, the lower limit of the local first home loan interest rate policy can be maintained, lowered or cancelled in stages.

  "four limits" are loosened

  The optimization policy of loosening the "four limits" of purchase restriction, loan restriction, price restriction and sales restriction has become the first choice for the regulation of the property market in various places.

  According to the statistics of the Central Finger Research Institute, as of December 26th, 2022, more than 330 provinces, cities and counties in China have issued more than 1,000 housing market easing policies, which involve optimizing purchase restriction (111 in 48 cities), optimizing loan restriction (240 in 173 cities), optimizing sales restriction (41 in 33 cities) and adjusting price restriction (34 in 29 cities).

  In March 2022, Zhengzhou started the first shot of adjusting the policy of restricting purchases and loans. Zhengzhou issued the "Notice on Promoting the Benign Cycle and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry", which clearly relaxed the purchase restriction and cancelled the "recognition of housing and loan". Subsequently, many cities across the country successively introduced the "four limits" to loosen the property market policy.

  By the third quarter of 2022, many second-tier hotspot cities will follow up and optimize the purchase restriction policy. According to the statistics of The Paper, the optimization policies of core second-tier cities including Qingdao, Jinan, Suzhou, Tianjin, Chengdu, Xi ‘an, Nanjing, Xiamen, Foshan, Dongguan and Wuhan have been introduced one after another.

  Buy a house by group purchase

  "Buying a house by group purchase" has also become an important content in the toolbox of local property market regulation policies in 2022, and many cities have issued documents to encourage group purchase of commercial housing.

  According to incomplete statistics of The Paper, in the second half of 2022 alone, There are at least Taiyuan in Shanxi, Zhongshan in Guangdong, Shenyang in Liaoning, Tonglu in Zhejiang, Tongling in Anhui, Pu ‘er in Yunnan, Bazhong in Sichuan, Huanggang in Hubei, Changchun in Jilin, Suining in Sichuan, Lianyungang in Jiangsu, Haining in Zhejiang, Macheng in Hubei, Meishan in Sichuan, Hangzhou in Zhejiang, Baise in Guangxi, Zhuji in Zhejiang, Xinghua in Jiangsu, Qingyang in Gansu, Wuzhou in Guangxi, Shaoxing in Zhejiang, Nanning in Guangxi, Zhengzhou in Henan, Laian in Anhui, and Nanning in Hubei. Zunyi, Guizhou, Yiwu, Zhejiang, Quzhou, Hubei, Enshi, Qingdao, Guangxi, Heshan, Linyi, Shandong and other places issued policies or activities related to "buying houses and buying groups".

  Among the cities that issue "buying houses by group purchase", some cities explicitly encourage government agencies, state-owned enterprises and institutions and other groups to buy houses. At the same time, encouraging real estate enterprises to carry out group purchase concessions is also a major feature of local policies.

  ensure timely deliveries of presold homes

  In June, 2022, driven by increasing policy support and active marketing of real estate enterprises, the market showed signs of stabilization. However, in July, the phenomenon of collective "off supply" of buyers caused by the suspension of auction houses appeared in many places, and market confidence was frustrated again, and sales were sluggish.

  At the end of July, 2022, "Guaranteeing the delivery of buildings and stabilizing people’s livelihood" was first written into the Politburo meeting of the Chinese Communist Party document. No matter the central level, local governments or real estate enterprises, they are actively making efforts to carry out the work related to "guaranteeing the delivery of buildings". According to the monitoring of the Central Finger, over 70 provinces and cities, in combination with local actual conditions, have substantially promoted the implementation of the "Guaranteed Building" initiative.

  In August last year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with the Ministry of Finance, the People’s Bank of China and other relevant departments, issued special measures to support cities in need to promote the construction and delivery of residential projects that have been sold and are difficult to deliver. At the end of August, media reports showed that the national relief fund earmarked for "Baojiaolou" was launched. The initial scale of this special loan reached 200 billion yuan, and the central bank instructed China Development Bank and China Agricultural Development Bank to arrange it in the existing loan quota.

  In October last year, the central bank explicitly promoted the use of special loans for "Baojiaolou".

  In November last year, the Central Bank and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Financial Support for the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market, which supported the China Development Bank and the Agricultural Development Bank to issue the special loan of "Guaranteed Property" to the borrowers who have been reviewed and filed in compliance with the law, in an efficient and orderly manner, with closed operation and special funds earmarked to support the accelerated construction and delivery of the sold overdue residential projects.

  At the same time, Pan Gongsheng, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People’s Bank of China, introduced at the national symposium on credit work of commercial banks, "The ‘ Baojiaolou ’ On the basis of special loans, the People’s Bank of China will launch 200 billion yuan ‘ Baojiaolou ’ The loan support plan provides commercial banks with zero-cost funds to encourage their support ‘ Baojiaolou ’ Work. "

  In December last year, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed "to ensure the stable development of the real estate market" and "to do a solid job in ensuring the delivery of buildings, people’s livelihood and stability".

  Liquidation order

  From the perspective of housing enterprises, affected by the debt default, in 2022, a number of housing enterprises issued announcements of receiving creditors’ liquidation petitions.

  According to incomplete statistics of The Paper, in 2022, creditors filed liquidation petitions including Sunshine City, Fantasia Holdings, Fusheng International, China Evergrande, Dafa Real Estate, Tianyu Real Estate, Oceanwide Holdings, Sunac China, Jiayuan International, Xinli Holdings Group, Xiangsheng Holdings Group, Territorial Holdings, Longguang Group, Sanyun Group, Zhongliang Holdings and Xuhui Holdings Group.

  However, a number of housing enterprises reached a settlement with creditors, or after the final ruling of the court, the final liquidation petition was withdrawn or the two sides entered into a grace agreement.

  The so-called liquidation petition refers to the listed company’s excessive debts and operational difficulties for various reasons. Creditors or the company itself can submit a liquidation petition to the court, which will hear the liquidation petition. If the petition is passed, the court will issue a compulsory liquidation order to order the company to liquidate.

  Debt extension

  According to the monitoring data of the Central Finger Research Institute, as of December 31, 2022, the scale of real estate debt extension has reached 2087.3 yuan, involving 42 related real estate enterprises. In addition, many enterprises plan to launch debt restructuring plans.

  According to the statistics of The Paper, up to now, three housing enterprises have successfully extended their domestic debts. Among them, Longguang, together with its subsidiaries, proposed the extension of 21 open market bonds, all of which were voted by the holders’ meeting; Sunac Real Estate Group Co., Ltd.’ s overall extension plan of domestic bonds totaling 16 billion yuan was voted by the bondholders’ meeting; In addition, R&F Property’s domestic and overseas bonds totaling about 46.7 billion yuan were all successfully extended.

  According to the monitoring data of the Central Finger Research Institute, the debt repayment pressure of housing enterprises in 2023 is still relatively high. In 2023, the total amount of credit bonds and overseas debts due by real estate enterprises was 957.96 billion yuan, 70 billion yuan more than the previous year, and the scale of debt repayment by real estate enterprises increased. In particular, in the first quarter of 2023, in January and March, the scale of debt repayment of housing enterprises exceeded 100 billion yuan, and it also exceeded 100 billion yuan in April and July. In recent months, the pressure on debt repayment of housing enterprises was relatively high. At the same time, housing enterprises may still have the risk of debt default. Housing enterprises are under great pressure to repay debts, real estate sales have not stabilized and rebounded significantly, and some housing enterprises have limited financing support, so individual housing enterprises may still default on their debts.

  Three arrows

  In 2018, in order to support private enterprises to broaden financing channels, the People’s Bank of China, together with relevant departments, launched a "three arrows" policy combination from three main financing channels: credit, bonds and equity. In the second half of 2022, the financing environment of housing enterprises improved, especially in November, and the central government began to comprehensively strengthen the financing support for housing enterprises, and the "three arrows" made concerted efforts.

  On November 1, 2022, China Bond Credit Enhancement convened a meeting of 21 private housing enterprises to promote the second batch of credit enhancement projects of more than 10 housing enterprises of about 20 billion yuan. This symposium is also the third time that the Dealers Association has held a symposium on private housing enterprises since August last year.

  On November 21st of that year, the People’s Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly held a national symposium on credit work of commercial banks to study and deploy financial support to stabilize the economy. At the symposium, Pan Gongsheng, member of the Party Committee and vice president of the People’s Bank of China, introduced that on the basis of the special loan for "guaranteed delivery building" launched in the early stage, the People’s Bank of China will launch a loan support plan of 200 billion yuan for six commercial banks to provide commercial banks with zero-cost funds to encourage them to support the work of "guaranteed delivery building". The first arrow "credit" financing force.

  On November 8, 2022, official website, a dealer association, announced that, with the support and guidance of the People’s Bank of China, the dealer association continued to promote and expand the "second arrow" to support private enterprises, including real estate enterprises, in order to implement a package of policies and measures to stabilize the economy, adhere to the "two unwavering" and support the healthy development of private enterprises. The relevant policies and measures issued by the Dealers Association are the "second arrow" — — Continuation and expansion of bond financing support tools for private enterprises.

  On November 28th, 2022, CSRC decided to adjust and optimize five measures in equity financing, including resuming mergers and acquisitions and matching financing of listed companies involved in housing, resuming refinancing of listed real estate enterprises and listed companies involved in housing, adjusting and improving the overseas listing policy of real estate enterprises, further giving play to the role of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in revitalizing the existing assets of real estate enterprises, and actively playing the role of private equity investment funds. This is also considered by the industry to be the "third arrow". After the introduction of the "third arrow", many listed real estate enterprises and housing-related enterprises planned to refinance.

  According to incomplete statistics, it at least includes Country Garden, Agile, Beixin Road and Bridge, Fuxing, Shimao, the new lake treasure, Tiandiyuan, Lujiazui, Vanke, Huaxia Happiness, Jinke, China Merchants Shekou, Jiakai City, Waigaoqiao, Huafa, Guancheng Datong, Greenland Holdings, Dima, gree real estate, Chinese Enterprises, Xincheng Development, Tibet City Investment, and Dexin China.

  Buying a house by one person and helping the whole family.

  In 2022, more and more cities introduced a new provident fund policy, making it clear that immediate family members can withdraw the housing provident fund to help buyers pay the purchase price or repay the mortgage, and implement "one person buying a house to help the whole family".

  According to incomplete statistics of The Paper, by the end of 2022, At least including Shaoyang in Hunan, Chaozhou in Guangdong, Qinhuangdao in Hebei, Zhuhai in Guangdong, Ganzhou in Jiangxi, Cangzhou in Hebei, Chizhou in Anhui, Chuxiong in Yunnan, Tangshan in Hebei, Xianning in Hubei, Quanzhou in Fujian, Tianjin, Maanshan in Anhui, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Hainan, Xinyang in Henan, wuzhong in Ningxia, Huzhou in Zhejiang, Lianyungang in Jiangsu, Taizhou in Zhejiang, Dingxi in Gansu, Suining in Sichuan, Chuzhou in Anhui, Shanwei in Guangdong, Yinchuan in Ningxia and Sichuan. More than 30 local governments, such as Liaocheng in Shandong, Jingzhou in Hubei, Xingyang in Henan and Lai ‘an in Anhui, have issued new policies on provident fund loans. Many places mentioned in the policies that children can withdraw their parents’ provident fund when buying a house, and implement "one person buys a house to help the whole family".

  Formally, the policy adjustment of "one person buying a house to help the whole family" is carried out from the aspects of helping to repay the loan, helping to withdraw the provident fund to pay the down payment, and withdrawing the relatives’ provident fund to pay the house purchase price. The industry believes that through the help of immediate family members, the economic pressure of buyers can be shared, the purchasing power of residents can be restored from the demand side, and the mood of residents buying houses can be boosted.

  mainstay industry

  At the end of December 2022, the central government reiterated that "real estate is a pillar industry of the national economy" and affirmed the importance of real estate, which will help to restore confidence in the real estate market.

  On December 15th, 2022, Liu He, Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China delivered a written speech at the fifth round of China-EU dialogue between business leaders and former senior officials. Liu He pointed out that we have great confidence in the overall improvement of China’s economy next year. Real estate is the pillar industry of the national economy. In view of the current downside risks, we have introduced some policies and are considering new measures to improve the balance sheet of the industry and guide the market expectation and confidence to pick up. In the coming period, China’s urbanization is still in a rapid development stage, and there is enough demand space to provide support for the stable development of the real estate industry.

  On December 18, 2022, the relevant person in charge of the Central Finance Office made an in-depth interpretation of the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the current economic hot issues: the focus of the real estate policy next year (2023) is: First, we must fully recognize the importance of the real estate industry. Real estate is a pillar industry of national economy with long chain and wide coverage. There are still some restrictive policies that hinder the release of consumer demand in housing consumption and other fields, and these consumption potentials should be released.

  The industry believes that the stability of real estate is crucial to the stable recovery of macro-economy in 2023. Under the positioning of pillar industries, it is expected that the optimization and improvement of policies at both ends of real estate supply and demand will be more direct and rapid in the future, and the intensity is expected to be further increased.

The beautiful scenery of Lingao comes to Gaoganhai Park to experience the fun of catching the sea.

Original title: Lingao beautiful scenery comes to Gaoganhai Park to experience the fun of catching the sea.

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 3 news (Reporter Lin Wenquan) Every weekend, many foreign tourists, residents of Lingao County and local residents of Dongying Town will go to Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park in Futixi Village, Dongying Town, Lingao County to catch the sea and play. At present, Ganhai Park has an average daily passenger flow of 2,000 to 3,000 passengers during weekends and holidays, making it a good place for public recreation.

Lingao beautiful coastline. Photo courtesy of Lin Gaorong Media

Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

Lingao Mancheng Ecological Catch-the-Sea Park, located in Futixi Village, has a large coastline shoal, which is 2000 meters from the shore to the sea and forms a natural catch-the-sea area at low tide. Before it was developed into a catch-up park, it was a famous catch-up place nearby; Nowadays, it has become a park to catch the sea, and the rise of seaside homestays has attracted many tourists to come for leisure and entertainment.

Nearby villagers are catching the sea in Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Photo courtesy of Lin Gaorong Media

The seaside next to Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

At present, Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch-the-Sea Park takes the cultural experience of catch-the-sea as its theme, and has developed products such as catch-the-sea shellfish-picking beach experience, outdoor sports, special meals for fishing and farming, coastal homestay experience, courtyard barbecue, etc., so as to create the original cultural experience of catch-the-sea in coastal fishing villages, which is an ideal place for leisure, parent-child research and self-driving experience.

Tourists are catching the sea in Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

At the same time, Lingao Slow City Ecological Ganhai Park is close to Hainan Island Tourism Highway (Lingao Section), and the smooth road has become a good helper for Ganhai Park to "suck powder". Mr. Fu, who came from Haikou by car, said that there are not only beautiful seaside scenery, but also complete supporting facilities such as seaside homestays and restaurants. "My family and I plan to stay here for two days and experience the fun of catching the sea in depth."

Come to high-quality food, watch beautiful scenery and watch wonderful games! From February 18th to 20th, the 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Tournament will be held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County.

"Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty" —— Poster of "Witt Cup" 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Competition. (Lin Wenquan)

In the first half of the year, the domestic tourism data was released, and the number of tourists and income increased significantly.

(Reporter Wei Biao) On July 13, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the domestic tourism data in the first half of 2023. The data shows that in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists and domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) increased by 63.9% and 95.9% respectively.

According to the statistical results of domestic tourism sampling survey, in the first half of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 2.384 billion, an increase of 929 million over the same period of the previous year and a year-on-year increase of 63.9%. Among them, the number of domestic tourists of urban residents was 1.859 billion, a year-on-year increase of 70.4%; The number of domestic tourists of rural residents was 525 million, a year-on-year increase of 44.2%. Quarterly: In the first quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.216 billion, a year-on-year increase of 46.5%. In the second quarter of 2023, the total number of domestic tourists was 1.168 billion, an increase of 86.9%.

Data show that in the first half of 2023, domestic tourism revenue (total tourism expenditure) was 2.30 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.12 trillion yuan or 95.9% over the previous year. Among them, urban residents spent 1.98 trillion yuan on travel, a year-on-year increase of 108.9%; Rural residents spent 0.32 trillion yuan on outings, a year-on-year increase of 41.5%.

Source: China Tourism News

What is culture?

What is culture? A topic that often lingers in my ears, but it is really difficult to make it clear. There is the concept of big culture and the understanding of narrow culture.

Some people on WeChat summarized a person’s cultural performance as "self-cultivation rooted in the heart; Consciousness without reminding; Freedom based on constraints; Kindness for others! "

Long Yingtai, a famous cultural person and former "Minister of Culture" of Taiwan Province, once wrote a book to answer this question, which is full of female cultural people’s understanding of culture: an excerpt from it: "Culture is actually reflected in how a person treats others, himself and his natural environment. In a society with a thick and deep culture, people know how to respect themselves-he disagrees, so he has taste because he disagrees; People know how to respect others-he is not overbearing, because he is not overbearing, so he has morality; Man knows how to respect nature-he does not plunder, because he does not plunder, so he has eternal intelligence. Taste, morality and intelligence are the sum of cultural accumulation. "

This is an explanation of cultural phenomena from a typical narrow cultural perspective.

According to our textbooks, culture is a social phenomenon, a product of people’s long-term creation, a historical phenomenon and a deposit of social history. To be exact, culture is condensed in the material and dissociated from the material, and the history, geography, customs, traditional customs, lifestyle, literature and art, code of conduct, way of thinking, values, etc. of a country or nation that can be passed down are generally recognized as an ideology that can be passed down in human communication.

There are two kinds of culture, one is production culture and the other is spiritual culture. Science and technology culture is production culture, and life ideology culture is spiritual culture. Corporate culture, university culture, office culture, etc. are institutional or systematic cultures. Any culture is used for life, and there is no culture that is not used for life. Any culture contains a theory, way, idea and understanding of life and existence.

The structural anatomy of culture is divided into two parts: material culture and spiritual culture; There are three levels, namely, material, system and spirit; There are four levels of theory, namely, material, system, customs, thoughts and values. There are six subsystems, namely, material, social relations, spirit, art, language symbols, customs and habits.

The internal structure of culture itself includes material culture, system culture, behavior culture and mentality culture. Theoretically, there is a lot to talk about, but generally speaking, changes in society itself bring about cultural changes. Mainly reflected in three aspects:

First, the vitality of culture comes from inheritance.

Any kind of culture is formed over time under the historical background of thousands of years, which is embodied in everyone. To some extent, culture is a kind of inheritance.

This kind of inheritance process, first of all, is to teach by example. Therefore, for everyone, family plays an important role, and parents play a central role. For students, school is an important platform for cultural inheritance, and teachers are the hub of cultural inheritance. For adults who have already worked, the institution where they work is the platform for cultural inheritance, and the person in charge of the institution is the core of cultural inheritance.

It is normal for everyone to have different feelings and views on culture at different ages. However, for culture, future generations are not qualified to comment on its advantages and disadvantages, which are the feelings of different ages and formed under the background of thousands of years of history. We are all unconscious inheritors and practitioners.

Second, the development of culture depends on communication and reference.

Culture is colorful because of communication, and civilization is enriched because of reference.

Culture is rich, even completely different, and the development process of culture is also a process in which various cultures constantly influence each other and learn from each other.

Indian Buddhism has been introduced to China for more than 1000 years. Compared with the original Indian Buddhism, it has been far away and has undergone many great changes. It has influenced China culture, and at the same time it has been completely influenced by China culture, and it has been mixed with Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in China, becoming an important pillar of China’s traditional cultural ideas and morality, and another bottom line of social governance.

During the early days of the founding of New China, we studied the Soviet Union, from architecture to running schools, broadcasting and movies, national governance, engineering technology, and specialty setting, and Soviet culture was everywhere.

In recent 40 years, in the process of reform and opening up, we have the shadow of western culture everywhere, from architectural style to school-running concept to film and television entertainment and social governance. Similarly, with the prosperity and increasing influence of China, China elements are increasingly appearing in the United States and other western countries, whether it is Spring Festival, Chinese characters, China Red, Chinese Dragon, and so on.

In the United States, it is normal to put schoolbags on the ground, because they think schoolbags are dirty. In China, schoolbags are often placed on the table because the ground is too dirty. These are all behaviors in different cultural backgrounds. When we are familiar with the reasons, we may learn from them and change.

Third, the innovative power of culture comes from the development of social productive forces.

Mankind has experienced agricultural revolution, industrial revolution and information revolution. Every industrial and technological revolution has brought great and profound influence to human production, life and culture.

Culture itself is also changing with the development of society, and shows the shadow of the development of the times. Especially in modern times, with the progress of technology, the culture of every country is undergoing tremendous changes, even subversive changes.

The improvement of transportation has promoted the development of economy to a great extent, and strengthened the connection between people, thus bringing more integration of regional language and writing architecture. The invention of electricity has also fundamentally changed the rules of people’s daily life and directly affected the formation of some related cultures, such as nightlife, movies and games. After the appearance of television, potato TV, a kind of special term, appeared to describe a certain state of life.

As one of the main bodies of culture, picture books were popular when we were young, and animation was already popular when my son was young, then games, and related industries, such as cosplay, had great influence among teenagers. Now, games have become one of the most important industries in the world. Although Sina has a great influence, its income is only 22% of Netease, which is mainly based on games.

But all these influences are not as far-reaching as the impact of the development of the Internet on our human culture.

Whether in the subway or on the bus, we can see the low-headed people everywhere, which is the cultural phenomenon brought by the mobile Internet. Of course, this is only a shallow impact.

A few years ago, a book called "The World is Flat" was popular. Now, the world is flat. The appearance of the Internet, starting from language conformity and communication, has gradually changed all systems of social relations, spirit, art, customs and habits. It has broken the traditional differences and distances between regions, time and space, classes, social structures and countries, and completely broken or even changed the inheritance of culture, learning from the way of integration.

For example, on FACEBOOK, WeChat, etc., people from different countries and religions are discussing the same issue in different groups. Different civilizations and cultures have also collided fiercely in the same time and space, which is unimaginable in the history of human civilization for thousands of years. Over the past two thousand years, culture has always been the social elite, and the strong are guiding it. Now, it is completely a group guidance.

The information technology represented by the Internet is changing with each passing day, which has led to new changes in social production, created new space for human life, expanded new areas of state governance, greatly improved the level of human understanding, greatly improved the ability to understand and transform the world, and improved the cultural space unprecedentedly.

Universities should play a leading role in culture.

As an important organization in a civilized society, universities have maintained a high social status and are enduring for a long time. University has not only inherited knowledge civilization, but also changed its times. Universities should play a leading role in culture. Academician Zhao Qinping of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics once made a special exposition. He pointed out: "The function of leading culture of universities is embodied in inheriting and carrying forward excellent traditional culture, drawing on and spreading advanced foreign culture, and creating and cultivating new culture of the times. Inheritance and reference are the basis of creation. Without the inheritance of traditional culture and the reference of foreign culture, it is difficult to create a new culture of the times. If it is said that inheriting and carrying forward excellent traditional culture is a universal function of all education, then it is mainly the function of universities, especially high-level research universities, to criticize and learn from foreign cultures, to spread advanced elements in society and to create, cultivate, reconstruct and develop new cultures. (Li Zhimin, the picture comes from the Internet)

FISU Football World Cup, Beijing Normal University women’s team won the championship.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the 2023 FISU Football World Cup closed in Jinjiang, Fujian on October 31, and the men’s team of paulista University in Brazil and the women’s team of Beijing Normal University won the men’s team and the women’s team respectively.

In the first women’s final, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University played against the women’s team of paulista University in Brazil. After the two sides scored twice in the regular time, they failed to make any achievements, and the game entered a penalty shootout. In the end, the women’s team of Beijing Normal University scored five penalties, defeating their opponents with a total score of 7-6 and winning the championship.

Another China team, Hohai University Men’s Team, finished eighth in the men’s team, up five places from the last competition.

The FISU Football World Cup is held every two years, and this year is the second.

Editor Wang Chunqiu

Today’s football recommendation analysis score forecast Bologna VS Lazio La Palmas VS Atletico Madrid

In the 11th round of Italian first-class football league, Bologna played against Lazio at home. Bologna’s scoring efficiency is good this season, but there are many draws. In the last round, Sassuolo was tied, and all the away games were tied this season. Bologna has been unbeaten in the last 9 games, with 3 wins and 6 draws, and all three victories were won at home. Lazio beat Fiorentina 1-0 in the league on Tuesday morning, and Inmobile scored a 90-minute penalty to help the Biancocelesti score all three points. At present, Lazio has won three consecutive victories in the league, while 2 wins and 3 losses in the away game, and defeated Sassuolo as a guest to end the two-game losing streak in the away game. This season, the Biancocelesti’s attack is average, with only 13 goals scored in 10 rounds and 12 goals conceded.

Lazio won 1 win and 1 draw against Bologna last season and remained unbeaten. However, in four consecutive seasons, Lazio only scored 2 draws and 2 losses without winning, and even failed to score in the last three games. The data of this game is insufficient for Lazio’s support. After all, as a traditional strong team in the league, the tie is not easy to overestimate when its reputation and status are dominant.

Therefore, the home team, Boluo, is always in Asia, and it is expected that the match will be more exciting than the match 1 midfielder. The right pair is in charge. The performance in the field is stable and has the strength advantage, while Lazio needs to show better performance in the away game to continue its unbeaten record.

Las palmas beat Manakol 3-0 in the last round and won two consecutive victories, in good shape. The team has a strong offensive ability, scoring only 9 goals in the past 5 rounds, but the defensive quality has improved, losing 4 goals in the past 5 rounds. This season, it has achieved 4 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses, ranking 10th in the league. Sandro ramirez, Fabio Gonzá lez and others were plagued by injuries or missed the game. It must be difficult for this field to face the former bitter Atletico Madrid.

Atletico Madrid beat Aravis 2-1 in the last round, and the team’s morale is like a rainbow. So far this season, it has achieved 8 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, and its performance is excellent, ranking third in the league. In the last five rounds, he scored a total of 12 goals, averaging 2.4 goals per game. The quality of the team’s defense is very high, and he lost 6 goals in the past five rounds. French striker Gleizman scored 7 goals, and Morata scored 6 goals, which was the main scorer of the team. At present, Victor vitolo, Depe, Mandawa, etc. in the team are plagued by injuries or absent from the game. Atletico’s players can always adapt to different competition environments and play well. Their tactical flexibility and adaptability enable them to always have an advantage in away games.

To sum up, I think Atletico Madrid will win on the road. Although we know that the away game is full of challenges, Atletico’s strength, experience and tactical flexibility all indicate that they will win this victory. I believe they will show their advantages in the competition and finally win.

Plus basketball category, Adidas signed endorsement contracts with Grady Dick and Hood Shifino.

As a global sport, basketball has attracted the attention of many fans, and it has also become an important field for many sports brands to compete for layout. Recently, Adidas once again increased the basketball category, and signed many years’ shoes and clothing endorsement contracts with Grady Dick, the 13th pick of the NBA lottery, and Jay Hood-Shifino, a young Laker.

As rookies in the first draft, Grady Dick and Jay Hood-Shifino showed their excellent basketball talents and won the favor of Adidas by virtue of the vast basketball market behind their parent team. Adidas’ brand endorsement contract is not only expected to bring business opportunities to the players themselves, but also shows Adidas’ ambition in the basketball field.

The continuous overweight of basketball categories shows Adidas’ recognition of the importance of the basketball market. The signing of contracts with Grady Dick and Hood Shifino has also enabled Adidas to add two new stars to the NBA player endorsement, enriching the basketball spokesperson matrix. This is undoubtedly an important strategic move and lays a solid foundation for Adidas to make greater breakthroughs in the basketball market in the future.

As a world-renowned sports brand, Adidas has been committed to promoting the spread and development of basketball culture, not only continuously paying attention to and supporting the younger generation of basketball talents, but also deeply combining the brand with basketball culture. It is understood that Adidas’ new basketball shoes series "Chapter 03" was officially unveiled. This series continues the "bread" shape of classic Crazy boots, incorporates modern elements, and releases fashion beauty with the simple design of black and white. The shoe body is covered with dynamic synthetic fiber and TPU material, and the detailed elements such as zipper mesh cover make it glow with the charm of future combat boots. In addition, the brand-new Harden Vol.7 also brought surprises to the fans, and the vamp covered with mustard yellow showed the unique and simple aesthetics different from other practical shoes.

Basketball is not only a competitive sport, but also a part of fashion culture. As an important part of basketball culture, sneakers are not only related to sports performance, but also related to fashion trends. I hope Adidas will bring more cultural inheritance and collision, and create more legendary moments belonging to basketball!

Bayern’s 1-3RB Leipzig score: Leipzig has the highest score of 1, while Bayern has the lowest score.

Live on May 21 ST, Beijing time on the morning of May 21 ST, in the 33 rd round of the Bundesliga, Bayern lost 1-3 to RB Leipzig. "Pictorial" scores the players of the two teams (the lower the score, the better the performance).

Bayern starting: Sommer (3 points) Mazravi (5 points) pawar (5 points) Driget (4 points) Cancelo (4 points) kimmich (4 points) Grecka (5 points) Koman (5 points) Mucia La (4 points) Gnabry (3 points) Mueller (4 points).

Bayern substitute: Sane (4 points) Gravenberger (5 points)

RB Leipzig starting: Blashevich (2 points) hals Tengberg (3 points) Gvardiol (3 points) Alban (3 points) Simakan (5 points) haidara (3 points) Lemer (1 point) Olmer (3 points) Sobersloy (1 point) Nkunku (1 point) Andre Silva (5 points).

RB Leipzig substitute: Henrichs (3 points) Campr (3 points) Vosberg (3 points)


Counting Messi’s 300 assists: Su Shen Nesho’s total benefit ranks in the top three! Real Madrid was injured 14 times.

Paris Saint-Germain beat brest 2-1 and Messi assisted Mbappé. The total number of assists in the club’s career reached 300 milestones! Next, we will make an inventory interpretation through data.

Team distribution

Barcelona: 269 times

Paris: 31 times

Benefiting teammates

1. Suarez: 39 times

2. Neymar 27 times

3. Mbappé: 18

4.pedro: 17 times

5. Eto ‘o: 15 times

6. Villa: 13 times

7. Iniesta, Fabregas, Pique and Sanchez: 10 times

Hurt an opponent

1. levante: 19

2. Seville: 17 times

3. Getafe, Real Madrid: 14 times

5. Valencia: 12 times

6. Certa, Spanish, Biba: 11 times

9. Betis, Huangshe: 10 times

Distribution of events

La Liga: 192 times

Ligue 1: 27 times

Champions League: 40 times

King’s Cup: 33 times

Xichao Cup: 5 times

World Club Cup: 1 time

European Super Cup: 2 times

Most seasons

1.30 times: 2011-12 season

2.27 times: 2014-15 season

3.25 times: 2019-20 season

4.23 times: 2010-11 season and 2015-16 season.

Type of assists (only League+Champions League)

Mobile warfare: 189 times

Free kick: 13 times

Corner kick: 6 times

Cross: 22 times

Through the straight plug ball: 69 times