Test drive | The new Volvo XC60T8: 5.5 seconds to break a hundred, the safest car is also a performance beast?

I just finished the test drive of the new Audi Q5L (parameter picture) in Nan ‘ao Island, and then I met the new Volvo XC60 in Chengdu, which undoubtedly made me have a more concrete comparison and understanding of these two luxury medium-sized SUVs with similar positioning but different styles.

The changes of the new Audi Q5L are not detailed here, and interested friends can jump to this content.

Today, I’m going to talk about the new Volvo XC60, which just came into the market in early June. The price of the new car is 373,900-603,900 yuan.

As a mid-term redesigned model, in terms of appearance, the new XC60 is equipped with a sports version for each version, including the T8 version; Secondly, the whole system is equipped with a hybrid system; Of course, there is also the native Android car system and the construction of software ecology, which makes this car better meet the growing scientific and technological needs of current users.

During the test drive, we drove a T8 version of the car, which is the official price of 603,900 yuan, with 5.5 seconds to break the hundred, and the top version of Baohua Weijian 15 speakers and air suspension. Although this version is not the main sales version, but looking at the attractive configuration list, what is the experience of these top luxury collocations? Let’s explore together.

The transition from "t" to "b"

Friends who are familiar with Volvo must be very familiar with the numbers T4, T5 and T8, because these characters represent the composition of power. For example, T4 is the ordinary version of the 2.0T engine, T5 is the high-power version of the 2.0T engine, and T8 is the plug-in version.

On the new XC60, you will notice that the former "T4 and T5" have become "B4 and B5", and the change from "T" to "B" actually means that the XC60 has officially opened the "mixed era".

Among them, B4 and B5 models adopt the power combination of 2.0T+8AT and are equipped with a 48V hybrid system. The B4 model, which focuses on energy saving, has a comprehensive maximum power of 145kW, an acceleration of 8.4 seconds per 100 km, and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 7.0L per 100 km. The B5 model has a maximum output power of 184kW and a maximum torque of 350Nm, with an acceleration of only 7.1 seconds per 100 km and a comprehensive fuel consumption of 7.3L per 100 km.

With the addition of 48V hybrid system, the effect is still very obvious. Firstly, the energy consumption is reduced, and secondly, it can provide additional power supplement in the initial stage, so that the start is smoother and the control of start and stop is smoother, which provides a very good supplement for the luxurious driving feel.

The T8 version of our test drive, that is, the plug-in hybrid vehicle, is equipped with a 2.0T high-power dual-supercharged engine and the power configuration of the rear axle motor. The comprehensive maximum power of the system is 288kW(391 HP) and the maximum torque is 640 N m. At the same time, the new car has a battery pack of 11.6kWh and a pure electric cruising range of 50km, which means that the new car can be directly on the green card.

In the road experience, the biggest surprise of this set of power is "full explosion". The output of 391 horsepower can make the people in the car feel the pleasure of being backed up by the seat in 5.5 seconds. In terms of NVH quietness, it is also extremely quiet. Even if the battery is exhausted, it can be extremely quiet and full of advanced feeling.

While improving the power, the new XC60 adopts a brand-new sixth-generation Borgwarner four-wheel drive system, which can automatically judge the road conditions, reasonably distribute the power between the wheels, and control various road conditions and weather. At the same time, it is also equipped with an electronically controlled braking system, and the braking response speed of 0.15 seconds is twice as fast as before.

In terms of braking, the adjustment of the new XC60 can be said to be very heel-following. Even if kinetic energy recovery is started, there will be no particularly big drag on the whole, which can give drivers a reassuring braking performance. It is worth mentioning that the new car can "reduce the steering power" alone, which makes the steering wheel feel heavy and enhance the sense of movement.

Technological upgrading is surprising.

If BBA emphasizes some luxury attributes, such as Audi’s technological luxury and BMW’s sports luxury, then Volvo is practical luxury. This point is particularly obvious in the technological upgrade of this change.

Volvo finally figured it out. Instead of spending huge sums of money to build a car machine system to compete with hundreds of mobile phone stands, it is better to study why users don’t like to use the current car machine.

The native Google Android operating system is the best proof. Instead of taking the time to learn the car system, it is better to "carry" the familiar mobile phone system directly to the car in one step to achieve seamless connection.

And the system has built-in very rich application functions, such as car version of Gaode map, Tencent love listening (including QQ music, Himalayan, etc.). In addition, there are Tmall Elf, Huawei Smart Assistant and Huawei Application Market which can be interconnected with smart homes, and more applications can be expanded.

In the actual experience, you will find that our favorite voice control only needs a sentence "Hello, Xiaowo!" " The new XC60 can also respond intelligently.

And this voice control supports continuous dialogue, that is to say, turning on the air conditioner, checking the weather, asking for navigation, and playing music can all realize continuous operation after one wake-up. Although this is not a black technology, it is already a very big breakthrough for a luxury car that is slow in technology.

As for safety, this has always been Volvo’s label, so the new XC60 performs equally well in active/passive safety configuration!

The whole system comes standard with a new generation of CitySafety urban intelligent safety system. With the blessing of 20 hypersensitive sensors, the new car has practical functions such as preparing to leave the car, automatic braking backwards and emergency parking assistance, and active hedging intervention all the time. It can be said that in terms of safety, there is no most comprehensive, only more comprehensive.

Let’s talk about the luxury used.

After the test drive of the new Volvo XC60, I launched a survey in the circle of friends-how many people like Volvo because of the crystal gear?

As a result, I got a very positive response from my friends. In fact, everyone is very concerned about these inconspicuous details on luxury cars, because this is also the best way to distinguish Volvo from other brands, a difference in style.

Scandinavian style originated from northern Europe, its core is to pay attention to practical functions, exercise restraint in form and decoration, and use natural materials as much as possible, thus creating a harmonious aesthetic feeling.

The luxury version of the new XC60 comes standard with a crystal gear lever that was previously only available for T8 plug-in hybrids. It is made of crystal and metal, and its shape is elegant and delicate. The "orreforssweden" on it means that it is produced by the Swedish century-old crystal brand orrefors, and its "Black grouse" logo has become one of the most famous trademarks in the world today.

In addition, the material of the decorative board also caught my attention. I thought it was a solid wood decorative board, but it didn’t feel like it. Finally, I learned that it was a special "drifting wood" material. Applying this kind of material, which has always existed in nature but is not common, to the interior design of vehicles really makes people feel close to nature.

Besides, Baohua Weijian Bowers&Wilkins audio system, a hall-level audio system tailored for XC60 cockpit, not only has 15 speakers and a maximum power of 1100W, but also uses DiracHDSound? audio fidelity technology to support FLAC and WAV lossless formats.

When the music sounds, it’s like being in the Gothenburg Concert Hall. Of course, this standard is the top model, and the regular model is equipped with Harman Kardon audio, but it is optional, and the optional price is 25,800 yuan.

And the most practical air suspension. Not only does it improve the comfort of the whole vehicle, but in the scene of opening the trunk to place items, this air suspension system can also lower the buttons through the rear axle of the car body in the luggage compartment, so that the height of the rear of the car can be lowered by 50mm, which is more convenient for the loading and unloading of large luggage. The details reflect Volvo’s humanistic thinking everywhere.

Hong ping Dian che

I have to say that Volvo can always surprise people!

After all, from the modeling point of view, XC60 gives people the feeling of being steady and extremely low-key, but when you really walk into this car, understand and control this car, you will find that this car not only has top safety technology, but also is obsessed with providing top safety.

You will also find that the Nordic design, extreme performance, low-key luxury, etc., in fact, XC60 has also done a good job, including the polishing of luxury details, and there are also surprises, so people can’t help but follow the script, which also makes Volvo’s unique charm.


The computer background is suddenly changed, and you may be "blackmailed". Experts will help you!

  CCTV News:Recently, there have been many cases of computer ransomware in China, especially in medical, educational and financial industries. Many individual users’ data files cannot be opened after being encrypted by ransomware.

  According to the intercepted ransomware samples, the virus mainly spreads through mobile storage devices and malware installation packages. After the user activates or opens the Trojan horse program containing ransomware, all files in the computer will be encrypted, and the user is required to pay the ransom within a limited time.

  Wang Liang, a network security expert, said that after being infected with this ransomware, the first feeling of users was that their desktop background was suddenly changed. For example, their Word document photos could not be opened and the file extension was modified. Generally speaking, its blackmail amount is between 350 and 500 dollars.

  In addition to infecting the software in the computer, this ransomware also targeted intelligent hardware including routers and smart cameras. According to the newly released Network Security Analysis Report of Typical Intelligent Hardware Devices, routers have become the most vulnerable intelligent hardware products to virus attacks, and privacy leakage, payment security and virus attacks have become the three major issues that users are most concerned about.

  Chai Kunzhe, an expert in intelligent hardware, said that if a hacker hacked into your router, it would be equivalent to entering the virtual door of the network in your whole home. It can be associated with your equipment, all your smart devices and all your network devices, and it can also produce attacks.

  According to the characteristics of this ransomware, experts suggest that computer users must get into the habit of backing up important data and files, at the same time, they should raise their awareness of daily operation and maintenance safety and do a good job in data security prevention.

  Wang Liang, a network security expert, said, don’t use weak password, that is, for example, don’t make your login password too simple, and then you should put security patches on your computer and update the software in time. Don’t add trust or release files blocked by security software, but download and install the software through formal channels.

"Double Olympic City" played sound of spring.

  The early spring of the Year of the Tiger is destined to become a shining coordinate in the long river of history.

  Winter Olympics, Spring Festival and beginning of spring miraculously coincide. In the season of reunification and renewal of everything, visitors from all directions gathered in Beijing to write a colorful stroke in the history of the Olympic Games.

  On the evening of the 20th, at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, people folded their willows and sent their feelings to say goodbye. The story of snowflake continues, warming the world and illuminating the future.

  △ On the evening of 20th, the closing ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games in Beijing was held at the National Stadium.

  During the Winter Olympics, the world paid attention to China, and China lived up to the world. The "Olympic Cup" awarded by IOC President Bach to all the people of China is the best witness.

  This is an ice and snow agreement to share Olympic glory and dreams. Athletes from all over the world gathered under the five-ring flag, working hard and courageously striving for the first place, with opponents on the field and friends off the field, vividly interpreting "Faster, higher and stronger — — More United "Olympic spirit. In his speech at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, IOC President Bach said: "This is a truly unparalleled Winter Olympics, and we welcome China to become a country of ice and snow sports."

  This is an open stage to inspire the national spirit and show the elegance of a big country. As the first "Double Olympic City", Beijing has contributed a "simple, safe and wonderful" Winter Olympics to the world as promised. Standing at the historical intersection of "two hundred years", the Winter Olympics dream stirred up the Chinese dream, and the people of China embarked on a new journey to realize the great rejuvenation of the nation with the image of enthusiasm, sunshine, openness and self-confidence.

  This is a global gathering of civilizations and forge ahead in unity. Regardless of each other and respect each other, athletes compete in the same field, break through themselves, support each other and encourage each other in shaking hands and hugs, and climb the peak together. People have realized more deeply that the world belongs to one family, and human destiny is shared. Only by "being together" can there be a "future".

  "When the world was frozen by the COVID-19 epidemic, the Beijing Winter Olympics, like spring, arrived as scheduled." A foreign media wrote this. Sound of spring conveyed by this ice and snow festival will surely become a strong voice in the journey of human development and progress.


















  冰天雪地里的财富不止于此。几年来,从冰雪运动、冰雪旅游到冰雪装备、冰雪产业投融资,中国的冰雪经济全方位发展,初步形成了比较完善的产业体系。相关报告显示, 2020-2021雪季,全国冰雪旅游人数达到2.3亿人次,冰雪旅游收入3900亿元。








  On the evening of February 4th, the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games was held in Beijing National Stadium.

  As the first international large-scale event hosted by China after it announced the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions" and "carbon neutrality", the Beijing Winter Olympics has put the concept of "green" into the whole process of preparation and hosting. From the energy, venues, transportation and many other details, the Beijing Winter Olympics is undoubtedly the "greenest" Olympics.

  For the first time in history, all venues in the Winter Olympics have achieved 100% "green electricity" supply; Four venues, such as National Speed Skating Gymnasium and Capital Gymnasium, adopt carbon dioxide transcritical direct cooling ice-making system, which can improve energy efficiency by 30%-40% and recover all residual heat. Adopting the world’s most advanced efficient water-saving equipment and intelligent snow-making system has not affected the water safety and ecological environment in the competition area; Large-scale application of hydrogen fuel bus; The comprehensive application of biodegradable tableware in Winter Olympic venues & HELIP; … According to authoritative estimates, the carbon dioxide emission reduction of Beijing Winter Olympics is close to 1 million tons.

  China has demonstrated its determination to reduce carbon emissions to the world with actions, which is of exemplary significance for promoting global sustainable development. Some analysts pointed out that China took the opportunity of hosting the Winter Olympics to explore a new integrated path of large-scale transmission, grid connection and consumption of new energy, which is conducive to promoting the development of new energy industrialization and accumulating valuable experience for China and even the global energy low-carbon transformation.

  △ In the Capital Gymnasium, carbon dioxide rapid "ice-making" technology creates "the fastest ice surface" to help athletes play their best competitive level.




  Some analysts pointed out that Shougang ski jumping platform is not only an important legacy left by the Winter Olympics, but also a model for the Olympic Movement to promote urban development and reuse the world’s industrial heritage. It can be predicted that the "China Experience" used by venues after the Beijing Winter Olympics will also become a common wealth of the world when the venues and facilities that embody the concept of green and simplicity continue to glow.

  △ During the Beijing Winter Olympics, under the blue sky and white clouds, athletes are participating in the competition.

  "People don’t live up to the castle peak, and the castle peak will live up to people." The hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics has greatly promoted the pace of environmental governance and ecological improvement in China, and enabled China people to enjoy a cleaner and more beautiful ecological environment.

  In 2021, the average annual concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Beijing was 33 micrograms per cubic meter, and the air quality reached the standard for the first time. The maximum storage capacity of Miyun Reservoir is 3.579 billion cubic meters, a record high. The forest coverage rate reached 44.6%… … The sky is bluer and the water is clearer. The Associated Press reported that during the Winter Olympics, the air in Beijing was fresh and the visibility was enough for athletes to see the mountains around the city clearly. Li Xifan, chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and member of the Beijing Winter Olympics Coordination Committee, believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics has set a new benchmark for the "green Olympics".




  In a robot restaurant in the main media center of Beijing Winter Olympics, the robot master is busy cooking dishes, and the food delivery robot delivers dishes to the guests along the track. Looking at the plate "falling from the sky", many foreign journalists lamented that it was like being in a science fiction movie. Not only that, the epidemic prevention robots, unmanned retail and digital RMB payment in Beijing Dongao Village have also attracted praise. International Olympic Committee President Bach believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics "accelerated the digital transformation of the Olympic Games". According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, digital technology has played its magic role in the Beijing Winter Olympics, and China is moving towards becoming a "manufacturing power".

  Innovation leads development, and technology empowers sports. The Beijing Winter Olympics has demonstrated the strength of scientific and technological innovation to the world and the charm of "innovating China". The article entitled "Beijing Hi-tech Olympics" on Spanish World Order website points out that China has grown into the headquarters of some world-leading technology companies. China’s science and technology industry will bring great changes to the world.

  "Simple, safe and wonderful" is China’s promise to the world.

  "(The closed loop of Beijing Winter Olympics) is one of the safest places in the whole planet, and all of us live very safely and comfortably in the closed loop." The affirmation of President Bach of the International Olympic Committee fully shows that China has fulfilled its commitment to the world.

  Safety is the premise of a wonderful event. In order to ensure the epidemic prevention of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China has made precise and meticulous efforts. The public areas such as "bubble" closed-loop system, the launch of Winter Olympics APP and the lobby of Winter Olympics Village are all equipped with the health and environment monitoring and improvement regulation system & HELIP; … Strict epidemic prevention measures make Dong ‘ao Village safe.

  According to statistics, the positive rate of nucleic acid detection in the closed loop of Beijing Winter Olympics is only 0.01%, and the epidemic prevention measures and results have won wide praise from the international community. Australian athlete Brett Cox said, "‘ Bubble ’ The quarantine area is our safe harbor. " Barbara Gartner, a medical expert of the German Olympic Committee, pointed out that the closed loop of the Beijing Winter Olympics is safer than anywhere else in the world. Alan Blunck, an American freestyle skier in the U-pool, said at the press conference that he had seen all kinds of irresponsible reports about the Beijing Winter Olympics in the United States. "Those are all false. Actually, everything is amazing. Everyone, from the staff to the nucleic acid detector, to the accommodation conditions, this is the high-level Winter Olympics we have participated in. "

  The safe hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics witnessed the epidemic prevention concept and effectiveness of the China government, which always put human life and health first, and also contributed wisdom and strength to the international community to overcome the epidemic. As Bach commented, "As long as everyone abides by the spirit of unity and makes contributions, even in the COVID-19 epidemic, a great event can be held." "The Beijing Winter Olympics will definitely leave a lot of Olympic legacy."









  This grand event has attracted the attention of the whole world. According to the news released by the International Olympic Committee and the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, the Beijing Winter Olympics is by far the most watched Winter Olympics. The social media account of the International Olympic Committee was viewed by 2.7 billion people during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  As the right-holding broadcaster of the Beijing Winter Olympics, China Central Radio and Television General Station has set a record for its coverage. The total time spent by China audience watching the Beijing Winter Olympics on TV is more than 10% higher than the sum of the viewing of the two Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018 and Sochi in 2014.

  As of February 17th, the cross-media coverage of the Beijing Winter Olympics on the main platform reached 48.474 billion times. This means that three days before the closing of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the related communication of the reception desk has exceeded the total cross-media reach of the Tokyo Olympic Games of 47.905 billion times. This was evaluated as "unprecedented scale and success" by IOC President Bach.

  In the United States, more than 100 million spectators watched the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Washington Post said that the Beijing Winter Olympics may become one of the most watched video programs in American history. The audience rating of Beijing Winter Olympics has not only doubled in some winter Olympics powers in Europe and America, but also attracted the attention of countries that do not have the advantages of winter events. For example, about 40% of the population in Australia watched the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  Against the background of COVID-19 epidemic, the ratings blowout of Beijing Winter Olympics shows that the passion, joy and friendship brought by ice and snow sports are shared by people all over the world, and the unity, cooperation and hope highlighted by Beijing Winter Olympics inject confidence and strength into all countries in the world. As the Argentine Ambassador to China Niu Wangdao said, China’s efforts are of great significance to promoting the Olympic spirit.

  △ After the game, China’s Ahner paid tribute to German veteran Pacey Stein, and Pacey Stein smiled and encouraged Ahner.

  This is a gathering to promote dialogue, eliminate differences and enhance friendship. Volunteers welcomed visitors from all directions with warm words, sincere smiles and open attitudes. The short film "Warm Snowflakes" at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics pays tribute to more than 19,000 volunteers and more than 200,000 city volunteers. Tessa Maud, an American snowboarder, lamented in the released video that the enthusiasm of volunteers moved her to tears and she missed it before she left.

  Pieces of "small snowflakes" with the names of participating countries and regions danced in the air and gathered into "big snowflakes" under the five rings; Countless red ribbons flew from all directions, decorating the snowflake torch platform into a huge red Chinese knot — — These cultural symbols at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics convey the concept of "One World, One World" and will become people’s common good memory and forward force.







  执笔丨王姗姗 盛玉红 任杰 王觉眠 刘冬 赵全敏 梁馨文

  视觉丨江雨航 刘欣颜

On New Year’s Eve, it has been a custom for many years for the whole family to get together, pack jiaozi and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Festival gala has a history of thousands of years. People in China regard the Spring Festival as a time for family reunion, so every year during the Spring Festival, a sumptuous meal is prepared, and the whole family gets together, laughing and having fun. On this family reunion day, our parents and elders will prepare a sumptuous dinner for us, which is not only a traditional custom, but also an emotional sustenance.

Besides, there are many customs during the Spring Festival, such as posting Spring Festival couplets, setting off firecrackers, celebrating the New Year and celebrating birthdays. Wine plays an important role in China people’s daily life, and it is indispensable for friends’ gatherings and business occasions. Drinking can not only enhance feelings, but also add atmosphere. There are many kinds of liquor in China, including strong liquor, low-alcohol liquor and low-alcohol liquor. Among them, precious wineThe taste of the wrong gold is the best and is deeply loved by people.

Zhenjiu Cuojin Liquor-free is a kind of pure grain-brewed liquor with low alcohol content, mellow taste and long aftertaste. The brewing technology of Zhenjiu Cuojin Liquor-free is very unique. Traditional solid-state fermentation method is adopted, without adding any spices, and the nutritional components of rice are retained. The brewed wine aroma is rich, sweet and refreshing, and has a long aftertaste.

Zhenjiu Cuojin Free Liquor is a rare good wine, which is worth having. Zhen Jiu CuO Jin Mian is one of the famous wines in China. Good wine and delicious food make people feel relaxed and happy. On New Year’s Eve, it is a custom in China for thousands of years to wrap a pot of hot jiaozi, which makes us feel a quiet and warm atmosphere.

The Spring Festival in China is the biggest festival in our country. On this day, every family should prepare a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner, with all kinds of fish, shrimp and fish, which is a festive atmosphere. At this time, China people also have a grand festival-drinking. As the saying goes, you can’t be happy without wine.

In the daily life of China people, it is not only a spiritual heritage, but also a spiritual heritage. Choosing a good wine can better show friendship. As one of the famous wines in China, Zhenjiu Cuojinmong has become a special wine for the court as early as the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, nothing can drink such a mellow and memorable wine during the Spring Festival.

On this day’s reunion night, every family will celebrate the New Year. Everyone will get together, set off firecrackers and fireworks, and the whole family will get together happily. On this day, in addition to welcoming the old and welcoming the new, we bathe, burn incense and worship our ancestors, and prepare the New Year’s Eve dinner. When the Chinese New Year comes, the whole family will get together and enjoy a New Year’s Eve dinner together. On this day, people will put on new clothes, dress up beautifully, visit relatives and friends, pay New Year greetings to each other and wish the New Year good luck. People who work outside the home will also go back to their hometown to reunite with their families and have a big New Year’s Eve dinner.

New Year’s Eve dinner is the most important meal for China people, not only a New Year’s Eve dinner, but also a custom of China people for thousands of years. Besides eating, you can also enjoy delicious food and wine. This year has been really good. And this precious wine is a kind of gold-free, with mellow taste and long aftertaste, which is not only a good product for the Spring Festival, but also a good product for gifts. In the traditional customs of China, good wine can convey love and happiness forever. Wine is a bridge for people to communicate their feelings. Wine culture is a major feature of the Chinese nation and an important part of China culture.

#2023 Year of the Rabbit Zodiac Wine #

Welfare Lottery Center Falls "Four People"

On November 7th, the Ministry of Civil Affairs held a warning education conference for all party member cadres, at which the confession videos of Bao Xuequan and Wang Suying, former directors of China Welfare Lottery Issuance Management Center, and Wang Yunge and Feng Lizhi, former deputy directors, were broadcast.
On November 9th, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection official website released the confession video of the "Four People" who lost their horses in the Welfare Lottery Center.
Bao Xuequan: I humiliated my parents, wife and children.
In the video, Bao Xuequan, wearing a yellow vest, said, "My own mistakes, including being suspected of breaking the law and committing crimes, have ruined my reputation and caused great harm to my family, which has shamed my parents, wife and children and made them disappointed and sad. I made a mistake myself, and I felt extremely sorry for my hard work, hard study and hard work and sweat in previous decades. It was my lifelong shame and I was very sorry. "
The reporter noticed that when he said the above passage, Bao Xuequan kept facing the camera at the beginning, restrained his emotions and spoke a little slowly. However, after finishing the last sentence, "I feel extremely regretful, which is my lifelong shame and very regretful", he said two "regrets" in succession, and Bao Xuequan suddenly bowed his head.
A person close to the Ministry of Civil Affairs told reporters, "Bao Xuequan has changed the most obviously among the four people, and he is particularly old compared with the original.
The video shows that Bao Xuequan was investigated in June 2016. The reporter found that this is the first time that the official informed Bao Xuequan of the specific time of investigation.
On the evening of February 8, 2017, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that the former Minister of Civil Affairs Li Liguo and the former Vice Minister Dou Yupei had been held accountable, and published the article "Let the default be asked and the accountability be strict", in which it was stated that CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection seriously investigated and dealt with the systemic corruption of the units under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Bao Xuequan, the former director of Welfare Lottery Center, and Wang Yunge, the former deputy director, were put on file for review on suspicion of serious violation of discipline. For the first time, this department officially revealed that Bao Xuequan had been investigated.
When reporting Bao Xuequan’s problems, CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection mentioned that he violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and used office space beyond the standard; Violation of integrity discipline, accepting gifts and shopping cards; Violation of life discipline and improper sexual relations with others; Taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for others and accept property is suspected of accepting bribes.
According to the public resume, Bao Xuequan was born in June 1957. He joined the army in his early years, then went to medical school and became a doctor after graduation. From 1987 to 1996, he worked in state administration of traditional chinese medicine for 10 years, successively serving as secretary, deputy director and director, and then worked in the State Council. From 2004 to 2012, he served as deputy director and director of Welfare Lottery Center under the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
In 2012, Bao Xuequan was caught in the whirlpool of reporting, and was exposed to the problem of sex trading. Within three months, he had proper relationship with seven women at the same time, and also used his power to make huge profits for affiliated enterprises.
However, this round of reporting did not seem to have much impact on Bao Xuequan. He just changed his job, from the director of Welfare Lottery Center to the deputy director of the National Office for Ageing.
According to reports, Bao Xuequan had a close relationship with Li Liguo, the former minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Bao claimed to be a "magic doctor", claiming that a big leader was ill and the medical team was helpless. As soon as he got out of the horse, he immediately revived his hand, and the big leader treated him differently from now on. At the critical moment of Li Liguo’s promotion, he used his "high-level relationship" to run for Li Liguo, so he became a confidant of Li Liguo.
Before he was promoted to the position of Minister of Civil Affairs, Li Liguo was exposed to have had a serious illness. Bao Xuequan helped Li Liguo to treat the disease, and a lottery supplier with deep cooperation with Welfare Lottery Center arranged Li Liguo’s treatment, which won Li Liguo’s trust and care.
Wang Yunge: The final result is that luck has brought great misfortune.
The video shows that Wang Yunge was investigated in August 2016, two months later than Bao Xuequan.
In the video, he also wore a yellow vest. "During the inspection by the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work, I was very ambivalent. I knew that my problems were serious and I was afraid of being punished after the incident, but at that time, I was very ambivalent. On the one hand, I was afraid that I would be punished after I said it, but more importantly, I felt that few people knew about these things, and my lucky heart had the upper hand."
Speaking of this, Wang Yunge paused for a few seconds. "Now that I think about it, I didn’t seize the opportunity and make my own problems clear to the organization frankly." He paused again. "I finally made a big mistake and made a wrong step, and the final result was a fluke that brought great misfortune." After the last sentence, his eyes were red.
Wang Yunge’s problem report shows that he not only has problems such as confronting organizational censorship, long-term private use of buses, accepting shopping cards, and having improper sexual relations with others, but also is "suspected of leaking state secrets".
The reporter noted that Wang Yunge was also the chairman of Zhongcai Online as the deputy director of Fucai Center.
"Zhongcai Online" is the exclusive operator of instant welfare lottery "Zhongfu Online". Welfare Lottery Center is the largest shareholder of Zhongcai Online Company.
In 2015, the Economic Information Daily published a report, which revealed that Zhongcai Online Company had quietly changed from a nominally state-owned holding company to a personal "wealth empire" controlled by senior executives. He Wen, the general manager of the company, used his power to conceal the interests of the regulatory authorities to its "related parties", involving billions of yuan.
Wang Suying: "Ripped the ugliest part of body and mind"
Compared with Bao Xuequan and Wang Yunge, who restrained their emotions, Wang Suying was crying all the time during the video, and sometimes she wiped the falling tears.
"After accepting the organization review, inspired by the organization, I completely overcame the long-term fear entanglement and luck, and firmly chose to believe that the organization depends on the organization and confess the problem," she said. "Although I tore the ugliest part of my body and mind, I also slowly relaxed myself from the bottom of my heart. Faced with my own problems, the organization not only did not give up and dislike me, but gave me more care, especially on the Mid-Autumn Festival night. Let me have a phone call with my old and sick mother who misses me day and night. The comrades of the task force also brought moon cakes to spend the holiday with me, which made me very moved. I sincerely thank the organization for its education and rescue, and I will never let the organization down again. I am determined to be a person who is completely beneficial to society for the rest of my life, not only in behavior, but also in thought and soul. "
According to official sources, the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs talked with him 14 times, and the leaders in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs also patiently and meticulously did their ideological and political work. But she doesn’t believe in organizations and policies, listens to the advice of so-called intimate friends, and even forms an offensive and defensive alliance with relevant personnel to transfer stolen money and goods and confront organizational censorship. After detaining her, she quickly confessed her problems and said that she "repented her intestines."
According to the public resume, Wang Suying was born in November 1961, a Beijinger, and served as the director of Fucai Center from January 2015 to May 2017.
Previously, from 2008 to 2012, she served as deputy director of the Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs; In 2012, he was promoted to Deputy Director of the Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Social Welfare Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs (director level).
According to China Social Welfare Network, one of the important duties of the Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is to be in charge of welfare lottery issuance, to be responsible for drawing up measures for the administration of welfare lottery issuance, to manage the lottery public welfare fund at the corresponding level, and to draw up measures for the administration of its use. That is to say, in the Social Welfare and Philanthropy Promotion Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, which is in charge of welfare lottery issuance, Wang Suying served as the deputy director for seven years, and then served as the "head" of the Welfare Lottery Center for two years.
According to people close to Wang Suying, there is something wrong with his style.
Feng Lizhi: "I am a sinner of civil affairs and welfare lottery."
Feng Lizhi was announced on October 31, and he appeared in the video, and he has been crying, with a line of tears on his face.
"I failed to live up to the organization, gave up my own initial intention, and did not use the power given to me by the organization in the development of the lottery business. Instead, I used it as a tool for my own personal gain and made unforgivable mistakes. The corruption case of the lottery system gave the welfare lottery to the civil administration. It has caused irreparable huge impact and loss, which is simply a disaster." He said, "In this, I not only failed to perform my duties well, but also maintained the interests and image of the lottery, and became their accomplice. I deeply feel that I am a sinner of civil affairs and a sinner of welfare lottery, which is sad and hateful. Now I especially hate myself for doing these things that I shouldn’t do."
The reporter noticed that Feng Lizhi and Bao Xuequan had an intersection and once served as Bao Xuequan’s assistant and deputy.
When Bao Xuequan was promoted to director of Welfare Lottery Center in 2006, Feng Lizhi served as assistant to the director, and two years later served as deputy director of Welfare Lottery Center, becoming Bao’s deputy. Shortly after Bao left the Welfare Lottery Center for reporting the storm, Feng Lizhi also left the Welfare Lottery Center and served as the deputy director of the China Child Welfare and Adoption Center under the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
As mentioned above, Zhongcai Online has been accused of problems such as transporting huge profits. During his tenure as deputy director of Welfare Lottery Center, Feng Lizhi served as the chairman of Beijing Zhongcai Online Technology Co., Ltd. from 2010 to 2013.
People close to the Ministry of Civil Affairs told reporters that Feng Lizhi has been "complaining of illness" since he was transferred from the Welfare Lottery Center, and his relationship with Wang Suying has been good.
According to official sources, before Feng Lizhi was examined and investigated, the party group of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry had been giving him opportunities. However, from Bao Xuequan and Wang Yunge to Wang Suying, he has been indifferent and has no intention of repentance. After being detained, he confessed his violation of discipline and law only for half a day.
Beijing News reporter Wang Shu proofreads Wang Xin.

It became the number one hot spot after class overnight. How long can Tenghahe last?

Reporter Han Bing reports Going out at home in the League Cup is not a big deal, but losing more than 3 goals at home in a row, the worst record of losing at home in 61 years, is a key node that may push Tenghahe’s fate from quantitative change to qualitative change. Although Manchester United did not consider changing coaches when talking to the media, the act of making a statement itself has already made the outside world smell dangerous.

The 0-3 defeat against Newcastle United activated a series of dazzling shame records: half of the top 10 home games of the season were lost, the worst since the 1930/31 season; Lost 8 of the first 15 games, the worst since the 1962/63 season; There is also the highest loss rate (53%) in 90 years, which is not counting the previous 12 records of losing, conceding and losing in a row. The patience with Tenghahe is constantly consumed in this ever-increasing shame record, and the distance is getting closer and closer to being completely exhausted …

After the game, Tenghahe continued to complete the familiar "reversal" at the press conference, but his odds after class jumped to the second place in the Premier League within 24 hours after the game (odds of 3), second only to Sheffield United coach Hejin Barton (odds of 5/3) who scored only 1 point in 10 rounds. Chelsea coach Pochettino, who burns more money, has fewer events and fewer points, ranks fifth (odds are 17), which is much safer than Tenghah. In the early morning of Beijing time, just after Manchester United officially made a statement that it was not considered to change coaches, Tenghahe’s odds of class dismissal rose to the top of the Premier League (11/10), surpassing Hutchinson Barton (5/4), and Pochettino was even safer (20)! Overnight, Tenghahe entered the "extremely dangerous" zone from the "safe" position.

Since ancient times, there have been few gifts in the snow, and there have never been many people who have fallen into the rain. Tenghahe stressed that last season’s Carling Cup proved that he could turn the tide, but media such as Manchester Evening News and celebrities such as Neville made it clear that the Dutch coach had lost the support of the dressing room and it was only a matter of time before class was over. This season’s scandal-ridden dressing room of the Red Devils, after the turmoil of Sancho and Anthony, now players have completely lost confidence in Tenghahe himself. As early as after the Manchester derby, the British media revealed that players questioned Tenghahe’s tactics, including letting Lindelov, who is not good at wingers, play left-back, and Anthony, who is better at wingers, was not the first choice.

Tenghahe’s tough approach has also attracted the disgust of most players. Punishing Sancho is an example. After the Manchester derby, Tenghahe forced Manchester United players to stay to witness the celebration of Manchester City players and fans, canceled the original holiday and added extra homework, which was considered as disrespect for the players. The extra homework is to let the players watch the video edited by the coaching staff for themselves, which points out the mistakes made by the players. This kind of practice, like punishing primary school students, makes the stars feel "humiliated". The first person who didn’t buy it was Rachford. On the night after the derby, the Manchester United winger held a party in the nightclub until 3: 30 in the morning. At least for now, Tenghahe hasn’t given him a ticket.

Neville’s hint on the social media account is almost explicit: "We have seen such a situation before, we know how it ends, and we have had enough." Former Tottenham midfielder O ‘Hara also stressed: Manchester United is in chaos from top to bottom, the players don’t care about winning or losing, and the coach has lost the support of the players. This is similar to Neville’s definition of Tenghahe and Manchester United. Neville emphasized that both rivals of Manchester United have professional sports departments, but Manchester United doesn’t even have Sports director. In addition, after driving away Cristiano Ronaldo last year, Manchester United announced that it would consider new strategic choices, but there is still no clear direction today, which also makes Manchester United players feel insecure.

Tenghahe’s fate has changed from how to turn things around to when to finish class. The British media began to calculate the cost (15 million pounds) of firing Tenghahe for Manchester United. After Ferguson retired, this figure tied for the highest among the fired coaches. However, it has just been announced that last season’s revenue was as high as 640 million pounds, which is completely affordable for Manchester United, which set a new record for Premier League clubs. In addition, the media has even listed a succession candidate list for Manchester United: emeri of Aston Villa, Eddie Howe of Newcastle United, De Zerbi of Brighton, as well as the laid-off Zidane and the hot Bayer Leverkusen coach Alonso.

Different from last season, Manchester United’s dressing room is not only separated from Germany, but also the injury crisis has not improved. Casemiro’s new injury continues to weaken Manchester United’s already unbearable defensive end. Tenghahe wants to be what he calls a "fighter" and unite with the players to fight together, but he must first fully implement his tactics through the players-unfortunately, this is also the most difficult thing to do at present.

In order to save the situation, the British media revealed that Tenghahe would have a one-on-one conversation with Manchester United players to understand the situation and eliminate barriers. However, there is not much time left for Tenghahe, and the international competition day in November may be his last chance to breathe. At the end of November, Manchester United will play Galatasaray, Newcastle United, Chelsea and Bayern at home, and then Liverpool. How long can Tenghah last? It’s a good prize-winning quiz.

You should know these basics when you first meet baseball.

1. What is the ball made of? How big and how heavy is it?

The outer layer of a baseball is tightly sewn with white horse skin or cowhide, and its center is made of round cork, rubber or similar substances and wound with hemp thread.

Generally speaking, a ball is 7.5 cm in diameter, 141.7-148.8 g in weight and 22.9-23.5 cm in circumference.

Step 2 get to know the bat

The bat should be made of a whole piece or more than two pieces of wood. It is less than 1.07 meters long and less than 7 centimeters wide.

Professional baseball players are not allowed to use metal bats. Only amateur and high school baseball players can use them.

3. Baseball gloves

The pitcher’s gloves should be the same color, except white and gray. The color of decorations on gloves must be the same as that of gloves.

Step 4 dress

Players of the same team should wear uniform colors and styles, and baseball-related patterns and shiny decorations are not allowed on the clothes.

Step 5: Protective gear

Batters and base runner should wear protective hats with ear protection, and they must wear protective hats, face protection, chest protection and leg protection when taking over.

Xinjiang men’s basketball team showdown! The reason why qi zhou left the team was exposed, and the team of brokers behind it sought huge profits

In an interview, qi zhou also bluntly said that I would treat every training as the last time in my life, and I would try my best to keep myself competitive at all times. Now he has wasted two years of his career peak and he is sure to achieve his goal in the next competition. However, the real reason why qi zhou wants to leave the Xinjiang team recently has been exposed by the media. According to informed sources, they have to pay a high signing fee to play in Xinjiang team, and their players’ usual personal expenses are much higher than those of other clubs. qi zhou and other players are very dissatisfied, but only qi zhou stood up and resisted, but they were suppressed by the club.

China Men’s Basketball World Cup has three joys, Li Kaier applauds and cheers, and Qiao Shuai vows to avenge 2019.

China Men’s Basketball World Cup three-time winner Li Kaier applauded, and Qiao Shuai will help Yao Ming to avenge 2019. Before the official start of the World Cup in China, at two o’clock in the morning, our domestic fans gained three victories about the China men’s basketball team. It can be said that this time, with the arrival of the good news of the overall men’s basketball team, everyone has higher expectations and more hopes for this World Cup, and we also believe that Djordevich will be able to help the China men’s basketball team and help Yao Ming to complete the reversal in this year’s World Cup and avenge 2019.

First of all, as we all know, China Men’s Basketball Team has been doing related training and warm-up abroad recently. The team’s high-quality preparation is also to play the best performance in this year’s World Cup, because on August 22nd this year, the China men’s basketball team will step on the stage of the World Cup, and this time the men’s basketball team is also shouldering a great mission. Combined with the poor performance of the China men’s basketball team in the 2019 World Cup, this World Cup men’s basketball team has also brought a high degree of concern. Can Yao Ming bring the China men’s basketball team back to a correct position within such a period when he was the president of the Basketball Association?

Therefore, it is urgent for the Basketball Association and the China Men’s Basketball Team to give an answer as soon as possible. Just at two o’clock in the morning today, we saw that the China men’s basketball team also received the surprise news of the World Cup. Many fans also saw that at present, the China men’s basketball team is playing an event related to the Trotino Cup in Italy. This time, the men’s basketball competition was also the first victory. When facing the Cape Verde men’s basketball team in the early morning, the China men’s basketball team finally defeated the Cape Verde men’s basketball team by 20 points and won the first victory of this competition.

Such a news is really inspiring. Maybe many fans didn’t know about China’s opponent Cape Verde Men’s Basketball Team before the game. This team sounds unknown, but it is also a top team in Africa in this World Cup. They are also African champion teams, and the center of the team is also the center of the Champions League, so this proves that the overall strength of Cape Verde Men’s Basketball Team is also relatively online, and we can see that their finishing ability is also relatively strong, but the China Men’s Basketball Team really played a more eye-catching and powerful role in this game, with 20 points of blood abuse.

It can be said that through this game, the China men’s basketball team has also gained three great news. First, we saw that the overall tactical ability of the China men’s basketball team has made a qualitative leap. In this game, the China men’s basketball team is no longer holding the ball for four people to wait and see, but there are more vacancies on the field, and players can play more tactical systems on the field and end the whole attack through more fluent transmission of the ball. In addition, on the defensive end, the overall rotation of the China men’s basketball team is also more orderly. With the improvement of the ability of Zhang Zhenlin and Cui Yongxi, the China men’s basketball team can change the defense indefinitely. Therefore, in this game, the men’s basketball team has gained a good embodiment in tactics first.

Secondly, the China men’s basketball team also let us see the personal growth of many players, and the players’ state is very good, such as Fang Shuo, Zhao Jiwei and qi zhou, who all played a very eye-catching role in this game. And Cui Yongxi is a blockbuster, and the game on the court fully reflects his offensive talent and strength, so this game also shows us the determination of China men’s basketball players to show their self-ability in the game. And finally, after this game, our China men’s basketball team gained a lot of self-confidence through the game, because we saw that the men’s basketball team said that the training was intensive, but it didn’t kill the stronger opponents through such a big victory in the training warm-up match, but in this Italian league, we saw that the China men’s basketball team played such an imposing manner, which also made the players full of more expectations for this World Cup.

At the same time, when we can see the performance of the China men’s basketball team, although our naturalized player Li Kaier did not appear in this game, he kept applauding his teammates off the court. I believe that seeing the growth of the men’s basketball team, Li Kaier can also lead the team with confidence and better integrate into the team system. As for Jorjevich, we China men’s basketball team can complete this warm-up before the World Cup, which also makes Jorjevich have a greater grasp of this World Cup to avenge 2019. We also congratulate Yao Ming and look forward to Qiao Shuai, which will bring more surprises.

Total score in the past 10 years top10: Harden 1st, James 3rd, Curry 5th, Durant 9th.

Live broadcast, August 3-Recently, some media have counted the top 10 players who have accumulated total points in the regular season in the past 10 years, among which James Harden ranks first.

1. Harden scored 19,875.

2. Lillard scored 17,814 points.

3. James scored 17571 points.

4. demar derozan scored 17074 points.

5, Curry 16771 points

6, Wei Shao 16625 points

7, the letter brother 16280 points

8, heavy eyebrows 14974 points

9. Durant scored 14,634 points

10. Bill scored 14,611 points