Zhi Ji LS7 blindly ordered a large number of orders to be transferred. Why didn’t Zhi Ji stop it?

Text: Talking about Qing said AI Author: Zheng Driving

Recently, according to a number of media reports, there are a lot of news about the transfer of orders blindly ordered by Zhiji LS7 on the idle fish platform. Tan Qing said that AI tried to search for "Zhi Ji LS7 blind subscription transfer", and the results showed that the transfer information came from different regions such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan and Shanghai, and there were "174 treasures" nationwide.

According to the auto industry’s concern, a seller in Guangzhou issued a document saying: Zhiji LS7 was the top 10,000 in the early stage of listing, and received 5,000 cash subsidies to pick up the car, which can change the name of the car buyer, mobile phone number and vehicle configuration …

It is worth noting that the Zhiji LS7, which is positioned as a "smart pure electric medium and large luxury SUV", was officially launched on February 10th. Although it will not be delivered to the first batch of users until March, blind subscription users have been able to test drive in the official experience store offline for nearly half a month since listing.

Previously, due to the fact that the order quantity of Zhiji LS7 was not bad, according to Zhiji’s official disclosure, it was "successfully broken through 10,000" on February 1. However, there are so many order transfers on the second-hand platform now, which can’t help but make some media start to question. The scheduled quantity of Zhiji may have the possibility of "data flooding". For this matter, I haven’t seen the official position of Zhiji yet.

Then the question is, after all, the first batch of blind booking car owners felt dissatisfied after experiencing Zhiji LS7, and wanted to change hands to find the "receiver"? Or is it that the car owner who booked blindly before was not sincere in buying a car at all, just trying to make a difference?

Why didn’t Zhiji officials stop a large number of blind orders from being transferred?

We all know that cars, as a kind of big consumer goods, buyers are more cautious when they start, and it is actually normal for individual owners to transfer orders blindly or return orders. For example, after the release of G9 in Tucki last year, because the price allocation was too complicated, many blind book owners found that many combinations were not practical and decided to unsubscribe.

Nowadays, a large number of orders are transferred from the blind booking of Zhiji LS7. According to normal logic, it may be that the intended owner is dissatisfied with the car or the price.

Speaking of price, I have to mention the price war initiated by Tesla at the beginning of the year. After Tesla took the lead in price reduction, many luxury new power brands began to follow suit. The biggest price reduction in the world reached 30,000 yuan, and several cars owned by Tucki also reduced their prices by 20,000-36,000 yuan.

Look at Zhiji LS7 again. On December 20th last year, this car was put into pre-sale, and the published price range was 350,000-500,000 yuan. When Zhiji LS7 was officially listed on February 10th this year, the official price was adjusted to 309,800 yuan-459,800 yuan, and both the entry version and the top version were 40,200 yuan cheaper than the pre-sale price.

We can’t know how much gross profit the LS7 car has left, butIn terms of price reduction, compared with other high-end brands, Zhiji officials have given considerable sincerity.At the very least, it is much cheaper than the price expected by many blind book owners.

If there is no problem with the price, we should consider a possibility before praising or criticizing the car itself: some owners who buy Zhiji LS7 are scalper buyers.

Is the transfer of Zhiji LS7 made by a "scalper"? In fact, it is not difficult to speculate.

In fact, it is not always possible for "yellow cattle" to make a difference by changing orders, but it needs "time" to help.

Last year, due to factors such as rising raw material prices and tight supply of spare parts, the production capacity of many brands of new energy vehicles was limited, and everyone generally raised prices and the cycle of picking up cars was greatly extended. For example, Tesla’s price increase is 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, and the space for middlemen to earn the difference is attractive enough.

Under this circumstance, a large number of "scalpers" have appeared in the market to satisfy the psychology of some consumers who want to get a car cheap and early.

"During that time, many of our businesses were cut off by the scalper, and some even rushed into the Tesla direct store. Before the sale, the heel intended to talk to the customer. The scalper came forward and said that he had an order, which not only could pick up the car earlier, but also was cheaper than the Model Y after the price increase." Tan Hong (a pseudonym), a new energy automobile dealer in Zhengzhou, told Tan Qing that AI indicated.

However, as the supply chain and other factors limiting production have been alleviated, Tesla has entered a price reduction cycle, and at this time, the days of scalpers are not good. At the beginning of this year, Tesla took the lead in launching a "price war" in order to rush sales, and other high-end new energy automobile brands followed suit. "Now there is no oil and water, and the scalpers who resell orders have converged a lot."

From this logic point of view, under the background of the current high-end car price reduction, the possibility of "scalper" reselling Zhiji LS7 orders cannot be said to be completely absent, but it may not be high. More importantly, the Zhiji LS7 has not been delivered yet, and the quality of this car has not been verified by the market. If it is not a tight commodity, the "scalper" has no certainty of making a steady profit.

However, the exclusive rights and interests of blind book owners given by Zhiji officials are far higher than the blind book price of 888 yuan. Perhaps it is just seeing the "rich rights and interests" of blind subscribers that they will resell Zhiji LS7 with the mentality of taking a chance.

Judging from the price tag given by the transferor of Zhiji LS7 blind subscription, it is true that the price given by a few sellers is lower than the official blind subscription amount of 888 yuan. If these orders come from scalpers, the business is properly lost.

Some people prefer to transfer orders with blind user rights at a loss, which may indicate that these people are slightly disappointed after seeing the real content of Zhiji LS7 car and are worried about hitting it in their hands., simply transfer at a low price and stop loss in time.

However, because this car has not been listed yet, and some transferors ask for more than the official blind order amount of 888 yuan, these people seem to be suspected of scalping.

Whether the blind order transfer is done by "scalpers" or not,For Zhiji officials, this phenomenon may lead to confusion in the brand pricing system, which is a kind of harm to the brand.

For consumers, some people will be greedy for cheap. If automobile manufacturers allow the phenomenon of order transfer to flood, it may cause transaction risks and damage the rights and interests of car owners.

"The transaction of unofficial sales pre-sale channels is not guaranteed, which is prone to disputes. For example, the seller may go back on his word or temporarily ask for a price increase after the buyer takes a photo." Tan Hong told Tan Qing that AI said.

In fact, the attitude of automobile manufacturers towards "scalpers" reflects the brand power and discourse power of an automobile manufacturer, so many high-end automobile brands are trying to rectify the behavior of "reselling" orders.

Tesla, which was closely watched by scalpers, once issued a "no resale commitment letter", requiring users to promise not to transfer the ownership within one year of picking up the car. Offenders should pay a penalty of 20% of the invoiced price, otherwise the binding account change and super charging will be restricted. Weilai launched the "first owner’s rights and interests", which includes a large number of disguised concessions such as free service upgrades, and the sales contract will also stipulate that once the vehicle is resold, the above rights and interests will automatically expire.

Even BYD has begun to cherish the brand feathers. For example, BYD Song plusdmi orders are not allowed to be renamed, and after the forced transfer of orders, some lifetime warranty policies will be limited.

For a strong brand, whether it is price increase or price reduction, the official will hold the pricing power.Behind Tesla’s crackdown on scalpers is also its obsession with controlling the price system of new cars. "Tan Hong said.

Looking at Zhiji again, many users who transfer LS7 blind orders claim that their rights and interests will not be affected after the transfer. Why is Zhiji not in a hurry to crack down on the transfer of orders? Do you really care that the price system is messed up?

Sales continue to be sluggish, how to build "China Tesla"?

For Zhiji LS7, it is not a big problem to experience the disturbance of order transfer. After all, the real car has not been delivered yet, and the sales volume is unknown. Let the bullets fly for a while.

However, in the view of talking about AI, many media have all kinds of bad speculations about transferring orders, mainly becauseThe sales performance of the first Chezhiji L7 was poor, and the first shot didn’t start.

Judging from the insurance coverage, the cumulative sales volume of Zhiji L7 last year was only 4,682 units, and the average monthly sales volume was not worth mentioning.

Recently, with the release of LS7, Tamia Liu said that the reasons for the low sales of L7 are not only the products and brands, but also the rhythm of channel laying.

"By December 31 last year, Zhiji had opened 113 offline experience and delivery centers, which is relatively small." Tamia Liu said.

Judging from the soaring sales volume in the world last year, the channel is quite critical for the blessing of new brand sales. From this perspective, Zhiji officially allows blind users to transfer orders, perhaps to make up for the lack of channels.

The channel is actually a heavy asset investment. Once it does not match the sales volume, it will also bring a heavy burden to Zhiji. However, from the background of the company, behind Zhiji stood SAIC and Alibaba, which are the rich second generation in the car industry.

According to Tianyancha APP, on August 1 last year, Zhiji completed the A round of equity financing, and the post-investment valuation reached nearly 30 billion yuan; Recently, a syndicated loan of 5 billion yuan was successfully signed. It is not difficult to see that Zhiji Automobile is still favored by capital.

Obviously, Zhiji, who is backed by SAIC and Ali, is not short of money. Why is the channel layout so cautious? Does SAIC still have reservations about its support for Zhiji?

In the high-end market of new energy, in addition to Zhiji, SAIC also has a Feifan car that focuses on high-level intelligence.

Feifan is also a high-end new energy brand. From the price point of view, its positioning is slightly lower than that of Zhiji, and it belongs to an entry-level luxury brand. What is embarrassing now is that with the price reduction of Zhiji, Feifan and Zhiji brands overlap in the price range, and the internal competition is more obvious.

According to the number of new car compulsory insurance purchases, Feifan brand, which has launched four cars, sold only 250 cars in January this year, down 84.55% and 90.04% respectively from the previous month, which is quite bleak. According to the announcement of SAIC, Zhiji, which was built with heavy money, only sold 507 vehicles in January.

In terms of sales volume, Feifan and Zhiji have a weak presence in the new energy market, which is simply a pair of "Wolong Feng Chu". Since Feifan hasn’t flown yet, the pressure on Tamia Liu and Zhiji won’t be alleviated at all.

Recently, with the release of the LS7 model, Tamia Liu took the opportunity to shout out the sales target for 2023: 45,000 vehicles. Objectively speaking, this goal is not too high.

Regrettably, this high-end brand, once regarded as "No.1 Project" of SAIC, seems to be farther away from the goal of becoming "China Tesla".

Ren Zhengfei gave Yu Chengdong a blow.

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:Alphabet list (id: wujicaijing), Author: Zhao Jinjie, brother Yu, title map from: vision china.

The three-year contract of not building a car is about to expire. Just as the outside world is speculating about when Huawei brand cars will be unveiled, Ren Zhengfei stood up and made a final decision: "In the next five years, Huawei will not build a car."

Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman, confirmed this at the press conference of Huawei’s 2022 annual report on March 31, saying that the five-year period is because the longest validity period of all Huawei documents is only five years."After the five-year deadline has arrived, we will send another five years."

"Huawei’s strategy has not changed. We don’t build cars, help car companies build good cars, and become an incremental component supplier of intelligent networked electric vehicles." Regarding the replacement of Huawei’s brand, Xu Zhijun said, "Some of our departments or some individuals or some partners are abusing Huawei’s brand, and Huawei has been investigating."

In order to prevent Huawei’s brand influence, which has been built for more than 30 years, from being abused, Ren Zhengfei clearly stipulated in the document that Huawei logo can’t be used in combination with automobile trademarks, and "Huawei asks the world" and "HUAWEI AITO" are prohibited. "Huawei is starting to clean up and rectify flagship stores, sales stores and promotional materials that do not meet the requirements." Xu Zhijun said.

This is undoubtedly a blow to Yu Chengdong who wants to lead the radical development of automobile business through Huawei Eco-car. At the launch conference of Huawei P60 series a week ago, Yu Chengdong was still promoting the upcoming M5 advanced intelligent driving version with the help of the brand influence of "Huawei Jiejie".

On March 8 this year, under the leadership of Yu Chengdong, "AITO asking the world" was officially changed to "HUAWEI asking the world", which was regarded by the outside world as an important signal for Huawei to strengthen its leading position in the automobile business.

In the planning of Yu Chengdong, Huawei is the brand of "Huawei Eco-car". By uniting a number of car companies to build eco-alliances belonging to different price segments, Yu Chengdong hopes that Huawei’s auto business will be profitable in 2025.

It is worth noting that in February this year, in the poster released by AITO official blog, the logo was once changed from AITO to HUAWEI, and the external publicity speech was also changed from "Huawei’s deep empowerment" to "Huawei’s overall leadership".

This is not the first time that Ren Zhengfei has "stepped on the brakes" for Huawei’s auto business.

In 2018, after Huawei held its annual strategy meeting in Sanya, Hainan, and decided to "not build cars, but help car companies build good cars", the voice of wanting to build cars was still filled inside. At that time, Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, was considered as the key to promote Huawei’s smart car BU from scratch. According to the news from the media science and technology forces, Xu Zhijun has been pushing Huawei to enter the automotive field, and even made no secret of his conflict with other executives and even Ren Zhengfei.

One month after Huawei BU was handed over to Yu Chengdong in October 2019, Ren Zhengfei issued the document "Resolution on the Management of Smart Car Parts Business", which made it clear that "whoever proposes to build a car in the future and interferes with the company can be transferred from his post and find another post", and gave a three-year ban period.

In July, 2021, Xu Zhijun revealed that only Yu Chengdong in Huawei was still unconvinced and still wanted to build a car. "But he only had one vote. For Huawei’s senior team, it is clear what to do and what not to do in the survival stage. "

Apart from stopping Yu Chengdong’s radical move, Huawei’s financial difficulties may also be one of the reasons why Ren Zhengfei is unwilling to build more cars.

The financial report shows that Huawei’s revenue in 2022 was 642.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of only 0.9%, and its net profit fell to 35.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year plunge of 68.7%.

Figure/Huawei Financial Report

"In 2023 and for a long time to come, sustainable survival and development will be the core proposition of Huawei’s strategy." Xu Zhijun said.


Huawei’s overall revenue is reaching a bottleneck. Since 2017, the growth of the carrier business that started from it has stagnated, with the year-on-year growth rate hovering between -4.03% and 3.8%. In 2022, Huawei achieved sales revenue of 284 billion yuan in the field of operator business, with a year-on-year increase of only 0.9%, which was basically the same.

The terminal business achieved a sales revenue of 214.5 billion yuan in 2022, down 11.9% year-on-year.

The only Huawei enterprise business that can be called substantial growth achieved sales revenue of 133.2 billion yuan, up 30.1% year-on-year, but it only accounted for 20.7% of the total revenue, and it has not yet become a new pillar to support Huawei’s stable development.

Faced with the slowdown of Huawei’s revenue growth, Ren Zhengfei gave an early warning as early as last August, and issued a document entitled "The management policy of the whole company should shift from the pursuit of scale to the pursuit of profit and cash flow", saying that based on the prediction that the global economy will continue to decline in the next decade, it is required to reduce or close those businesses that cannot generate value and profit, and link the promotion and upgrading of bonuses with the operating results, shouting the slogan "Let the chill pass to everyone".

As the only business that Huawei is still losing money, BU, led by Yu Chengdong, bears the brunt.According to the spirit of Ren Zhengfei’s instructions in the document, Huawei’s automobile business will no longer pursue a complete front, reduce the research budget, but also strengthen the closed-loop business and focus on several key components to make competitiveness.

For Ren Zhengfei’s series of adjustment measures, Wu Jianguo, former vice president of Huawei’s human resources, told the alphabet list that the weakening of the global consumer side will inevitably lead to the extension of Huawei’s cycle of coming back to life, which also means that Huawei needs to make greater adjustments than responding to the US crackdown. "(before 2022)It’s not so clear, but now it’s finally guaranteed.(The trend of economic recession)Ren Zhengfei dared to clearly stand up and adjust the strategy. "

Although Car BU is still regarded by Ren Zhengfei as a core project that can maintain strategic investment, under the guidance of the highest policy of bidding farewell to scale growth and turning to profit creation, Huawei’s automobile business obviously can no longer simply change scale with losses, and Yu Chengdong needs to find a balance between growth and making money.

What’s more, from the reality of the development of new car-making forces, except Tesla, the second new car-making company that can achieve annual profit has not yet been born in the world. Even Tesla has experienced high-intensity capital investment for more than ten years. Short-term high losses caused by going off to build a car in person, bothContrary to the pursuit of profit advocated by Ren Zhengfei, it is not allowed by Huawei’s current revenue reality..


If we continue to concentrate on building cars, more and more car companies may be wary of Huawei and choose to escape from Huawei.

GAC has become another car company that announced its "breakup" with Huawei.. On the evening of March 27th, Guangzhou Automobile Group announced that the company’s holding subsidiary Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an AH8 project was changed from joint development with Huawei to independent development.

This also means that since the two sides reached a joint car-building agreement in 2021, Huawei’s role has changed from the Huawei Inside model of deep cooperation to the most basic component supplier model.

Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an’s dissatisfaction with Huawei has long been traceable. At the 19th China Automobile Marketing Summit in August last year, Xiao Yong, deputy general manager of GAC Ai ‘an, once spoke out: "It may not only be batteries, but Huawei is also a big-name supplier, and its price is relatively high and uncontrolled. If we want to cooperate with Huawei, we will find that there is basically no bargaining power."

Xiao Yong said that while maintaining cooperation with Huawei, Guangzhou Automobile is carrying out self-research on battery technology and building a battery factory, and is striving to build a self-research system in terms of core technologies, domain controllers and intelligent cockpits. "Walking on two legs … In the future, 30% of Aeon will conduct self-research and 70% will choose market procurement and cooperation".

There is also SAIC that is far away from Huawei because of fear of losing its dominance.Chen Hong, the chairman of SAIC, who doesn’t want Huawei to be its "soul", made it clear at the 2021 shareholders’ meeting that SAIC can’t accept the overall solution of any supplier, and at most, it will maintain a cooperative relationship.

Even in the eyes of the outside world, Cyrus, which maintains the closest relationship with Huawei, has also started to stand on its own feet.

According to the interface report, Huawei has the initiative in three aspects: all closed-loop data, calibration of important vehicle parameters and main sales channels. The car data related to the world will be uploaded to Huawei first, and Celeste will have to ask Huawei for the demand first if necessary.

In order to enhance the control of data, Cyrus began to set up its own relevant team to collect and analyze data.

On March 30th, Chongqing Sailisi Landian Automobile Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sailisi Group, officially released a brand-new new energy vehicle brand-Landian, and launched its first product, Landian E5, which no longer uses Huawei’s electric drive platform and HarmonyOS cockpit.

Instead, it is BYD’s Foday electric hybrid scheme, including 1.5L high-efficiency plug-in special engine and DHT300 electric hybrid system. On the car plane, only HUAWEI HiCar 3.0 is supported, and the HarmonyOS cockpit, which Huawei prides itself on, is no longer adopted by Cyrus.

Obviously, unlike the pursuit of "Chinese content" by the brand in the world, the brand of Blue Power cultivated by Cyrus itself is "going to Huawei".

According to an insider of Celestial, "the sales revenue of the brand in the world is incorporated into the financial report of Celestial listed companies, and Huawei is divided according to the supplier model. Although it seems that Huawei’s participation is very high, in fact, the sharing model is completely based on suppliers. " According to the previously released financial report, in 2022, Sailis expects to achieve a net loss of about 3.5 billion to 3.95 billion yuan, which is significantly larger than the loss of 1.824 billion yuan in the same period of last year, showing a situation of no increase in income.

The more you sell, the more you lose. It is precisely because in the process of cooperation with Huawei, Cyrus has invested excessive funds in R&D and manufacturing. This level of investment exceeds the traditional "foundry model". The bottomless investment makes the cooperation model between Cyrus and Huawei difficult to be copied for a time. The above-mentioned Celeste insiders revealed, "For Huawei, I definitely hope that like Celeste, I can work and actively cooperate, and I am willing to spend more and more money."

In addition, the current sales decline of the car industry has made the car companies waiting to see more hesitant. In December last year, the car industry was able to sell 10,134 cars, but in January this year, it dropped to 4,475 cars by diving. I thought this was affected by the Spring Festival holiday, but in February, the sales volume of the car industry further fell to 3,505 cars. According to insiders of Sailis, "HUAWEI recently changed AITO to Huawei. In fact, there is also a lot of sales pressure. This year, the whole situation has changed a little.(Huawei)Sales can’t go up, and we can’t even talk about going out for negotiations. "

After basically bidding farewell to the orders of new forces such as "Wei Xiaoli", it is obviously more important for Huawei BU, which is determined to be "Bosch" in the new energy era, to make a clear declaration of not making cars, and to win more high-quality cooperation from traditional car companies by dispelling the doubts of partners.


Compared with overweight automobile business, it is undoubtedly more urgent and important to maintain the stability of Huawei’s existing business.

Since it was included in the "Entity List" in May 2019, the United States has continuously stepped up its pressure on China enterprises including Huawei: in August 2022, the US Department of Commerce burned EDA software, ultra-wide band-gap semiconductor materials and pressure gain.(PGC)And other four technologies to implement new export controls; At the end of January this year, the United States reached an agreement with the Netherlands and Japan to restrict the export of advanced chip manufacturing equipment to China, further suppressing China’s chip industry chain; In February, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc. broke the news again that the US government is considering cutting off all contacts between American suppliers and Huawei, and stopping issuing licenses of key chip manufacturers such as Intel and Qualcomm, such as 4G, Wi-Fi 6/Wi-Fi 7, artificial intelligence, high-performance computing and cloud projects.

Once these measures are implemented, Huawei will completely cut off the supply from the part before 2023. In addition to the unsustainable development of Huawei’s terminal services such as mobile phones and notebooks, the high-order intelligent driving solution ADS, which is the mainstay of Huawei’s Hi model, will also lose its competitive advantage in the industry because it cannot obtain sustained and stable high-computing chips.

In order to break the technical blockade, Huawei launched a domestic alternative development campaign around three R&D production lines of hardware, software and chip development.

Combined with the recent speeches made by Ren Zhengfei and Xu Zhijun, Huawei has successively completed ERP.(Enterprise Resource Management)Software, and localization of EDA tools above 14nm.

"We completed the replacement development of 13,000+devices and the repeated board replacement development of 4,000+circuit boards in three years … until now, our circuit boards have stabilized because we have domestic parts." Ren Zhengfei said.

However, at the annual report conference on March 31, Xu Zhijun corrected the above information, saying that it was not three years, but it actually took Huawei nearly 10 years to complete some replacement work.

But for Huawei, which wants to return to the leading position in the industry, these alternatives are far from enough.Taking chips as an example, Apple, Samsung, etc. are already matching the 4nm process. For Huawei, which has just broken through the 14nm EDA tool, there are still many key process nodes such as 10nm, 7nm, 5nm, etc., and the smaller the process, the greater the R&D investment resources it consumes.

As Xu Zhijun said, "Although we have made a lot of breakthroughs in product development tools in recent years, we still face many challenges, and there are many product development tools that have not completely broken through, which requires us to work non-stop and redouble our efforts."

The self-developed software business has become one of Huawei’s key breakthrough directions in 2023.

However, Car BU, which was originally born to make up for the deficit caused by the decline of mobile phone business, is still the most promising sector for Huawei to become a new growth point at present, under the circumstance that Huawei’s two revenue pillar terminals BG and operator BG either have a decline in revenue or their revenue reaches a bottleneck.

This may also be the reason why Ren Zhengfei did not directly announce that he would never build a car. After waiting for five years, Huawei solved the problem of localization substitution in the field of software and hardware, and it may not be impossible to put the car on the table in person.

This article comes from WeChat WeChat official account:Alphabet list (id: wujicaijing)Author: Zhao Jinjie, Senior Brother Yu

Actor wuyue: I’d rather live in a work than live in a hot search.

In the face of He Yun, a "cloudy character" in "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue said: "If you don’t dig out snacks, dig up some liver, you can’t do it."

Source: Wen Wei Po (abridged original)

Before "Sweeping the Black Storm", many people called actress wuyue "Lingling", which is the role she created in "My First Half". Wuyue was scolded by some viewers for shutting down Weibo’s comments because of her portrayal of this annoying role.

After Sweeping the Black Storm, many people began to call wuyue "He Ju" or "He Yun". This time, she didn’t play a positive role, but the public praised her rich performance.

The audience’s "no distinction between people and drama" has caused trouble to the actors, but from the perspective of performance, it is also an acting medal awarded to the actors.

She prefers to "live in a work" rather than "live in a hot search". In addition to participating in the voice charm competition variety "Coming to the Scene", she focused on acting: from the TV series "My First Half Life", "Elite Lawyer", "last romance" and "Sweeping the Black Storm" to the movie Better Days, and then to the drama "Dream Like a Dream" … Every role she played broke through the limitation of typology as much as possible.

Better Days

Ling Ling in My First Half Life is an anti-type and anti-routine role. Chen Nian’s mother in Better Days is also a three-dimensional image, and it is difficult to simply define it with the label of "good mother" or "bad mother"; Gu Xianglan in Dream as a Dream is a dusty woman. ……

When filming "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue has been immersed in the emotion of "He Yun". In the face of this "role with more cloudy days inside", wuyue bluntly said: "If you don’t dig snacks, dig some liver, you can’t make it."

As an actor, wuyue has proper limit.

At that time, he was admitted to Shanghai Theatre Academy with the first grade in professional courses, and he also won various awards after his debut. However, she admits that she has never really been confident in acting, and she can’t get rid of the sense of panic of newcomers.

Wuyue said frankly that she had been anxious and confused, and even felt that she was "very, very failed, and her life was very gloomy". What helped her in the end was learning and listening.

Once, at work, she took on an overloaded drama contract for fear of "losing". She played five or six plays in continuous shooting with high intensity in one year, which caused her body to "collapse" at the age of 35-thyroid inflammation and had to be nursed back to health.

She stopped filming for a year to recuperate her life. This year’s "stop" also made her discover that it was not so terrible to have no filming and no income for a year.

It is probably because of this experience that she realized: "You should have the ability to recognize something or a situation, which may be an ugly gift from life."

She said: "The profession of an actor is a profession of dealing with the heart. When your heart is out of order, you can see it in your eyes." Wuyue’s determination made her keep her original heart as an actress.

For an actor, most of the time, taking the road that few people walk and looks the most stupid and clumsy is the most competitive, longest and most stable road.

Editor | Sui Fangfang Rao Wenyuan

Ding Wei is mighty! Gao Shiyan took a truce, Tao Hanlin scored two pairs, and Qilu Derby won three games in a row!

Ding Wei is mighty! Gao Shiyan took a truce, Tao Hanlin scored two pairs, and Qilu Derby won three games in a row!

Score: 101-93! Shandong women’s basketball team won again and won the third place in the CBA Summer League in Yumin Division, Xinjiang. Since Ding Wei took charge of the Shandong Basketball Team, he has participated in the Qilu Derby three times, and all of them were completely annihilated, which can be described as superior in strength. This time, the Shandong men’s basketball team once again defeated Qingdao, Gao Shiyan was absent, Tao Hanlin slammed 23 points and 10 rebounds, Chen Peidong scored 24 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists, and the Shandong men’s basketball team scored more than two results at the same time.

Shandong lost to Tianjin only 2-1 in the previous top four. As for the Qingdao men’s basketball team, they lost 1-2 in the group stage and were defeated by Xinjiang at home in the semi-finals. Shandong men’s basketball team suffered heavy losses due to injury in the semi-final. The two teams played once in the group match, and Shandong won. This time for the third place, Ding Wei didn’t let those old players play. He sent Zhang Xinyu, He Siyu, Chen Peidong, Zhao Shihao, Hou Peizuo, Qingdao, Song Wenhao, Ma Junjie, Qu Junxuan, Zhang Kedi and Guo Qifang.

After the opening, Qingdao led 4-0, and Zhao Shihao scored again at the top of the arc. Shandong men’s basketball team continued to lead, but Shandong men’s basketball team reduced the score to 8-8 in an attack. Qingdao immediately launched an attack and suddenly opened the score. At the end of the first quarter, Shandong led by seven percentage points, 20 to 27.

In the second quarter of the game, Shandong narrowed the score to only 3 points by 4-0. Qingdao is very powerful and has always been in the leading position. Seeing that the score became more and more difficult to catch, Ding Wei sent Tao Hanlin, but it still failed to pull back a city. Instead, it was led by Qingdao with a score of 40:32, which forced Ding Wei to suspend the game. Guo Qifang retaliated with a one-on-one hit, and Qingdao scored 2 percentage points with a score of 48 to 38. Zhao Shihao was accidentally injured and fell down. Zhang Hui was banned for pulling the opponent. At the end of the first half, Shandong women’s basketball team led Qingdao team by 10 percentage points with a score of 42-52. Zhao Shihao scored eight points, three rebounds and three assists, Chen Peidong scored seven points and two assists, while Gao Shiyan did not play. In Qingdao, Qu Junxuan scored 11 goals, 3 boards and 4 balls, and Guo Qifang scored 9 boards, 5 balls, 5 balls, 5 balls and 2 balls.

The game resumed, and the Shandong men’s basketball team was very tenacious. Tao Hanlin grabbed a free throw by stealing rebounds many times, and the Shandong men’s basketball team reduced the score to 53:55 by 11:3. Tao Hanlin scored 55-55 for the Shandong men’s basketball team. Shandong made mistakes one after another and was won by the other 5-0. Jia Cheng hit a three-pointer and Shandong was one step ahead. After the third quarter, the two sides ended with a score of 68 to 68.

In the last quarter, the two sides ended with a draw of 70-70. Since then, the scores of both sides have been rising, and finally the Qingdao team took the lead. Shandong continued to bomb indiscriminately, leading 82-77 in the first quarter. He Siyu hit three three-pointers, Tao Hanlin made another big dunk, and the Shandong men’s basketball team led by 7 percentage points with a score of 90-73. Shandong men’s basketball team once again defeated Qingdao men’s basketball team 101-93 and won the third place. This is the first time that Ding Wei has defeated Qingdao team three times since he became the head coach of Shandong basketball team.

From a statistical point of view, four players in Shandong scored more than two points, including Chen Peidong’s 24 points, seven rebounds and six assists, Zhao Shihao’s eight points, five rebounds and four assists, Hou Peizuo’s eight points and ten basketball balls, He Siyu’s five points and eleven rebounds, Tao Hanlin’s three 23, Zhang Hui’s three three, Jia Cheng’s three ten three and Chen Jiuzhang’s four three. Four players in Qingdao got double-digit data, and Guo Qifang got 19 points, 10 rebounds, 8 assists and 4 breaks. Zhang Cody scored 17 points and 3 rebounds; Qu Junxuan scored 13 points and 3 rebounds; Song Wenhao scored 7 points and 6 rebounds; Ma Junjie scored 7 points, Liu Jiaxin scored 13 points and Zhao Jiayi scored 7 points and 10 rebounds.

Pippen’s ex-wife had a double happiness, and the Hornets announced that Jordan officially cashed in 3 billion yuan and climbed the peak at the age of 60.

Time has come to August 4th. Recently, Jordan, the god of basketball, has once again attracted the attention of fans. It was reported that Jordan will sell most of the shares of the Hornets and quit the NBA. This transaction will make Jordan cash up to $3 billion. Now, the exact news has finally arrived.

Four hours later, the Hornets announced that the ownership of the team had been transferred. Gaby Plotkin and Rick Schnarr led the group to become the largest shareholder of the team, and the group would take over the management right from Jordan. Jordan will keep a little symbolic shares and will also serve as the back-up management.

The Hornets’ statement means that Jordan officially ended his 13-year NBA boss career. Three hours ago, Jordan also issued a statement, which wrote: "In the past thirteen years, I feel very honored to be one of the controllers of the Charlotte Hornets in my hometown of North Carolina. I am happy with the team’s honor and progress, including changing the name of the Hornets, hosting the 2019 All-Star Weekend, and the community service provided by the Hornets to Charlotte. "

Jordan’s statement also said: "I am grateful to the Hornets fans for their continuous support for the team and my work. I am very happy that I have handed over the team to two successful, wise and strategic bosses, Gaby and Rick. I believe that the future of the Hornets is bright and the team will continue to make progress. I am full of confidence in the future of the Hornets. "

To tell the truth, under the leadership of Jordan, the Hornets didn’t get any decent results. In 13 years, none of them had a decent record. Perhaps Jordan was impatient. For Jordan, at the age of 60, he should really retire completely and enjoy his old age. With $3 billion, Jordan can be very chic for the rest of his life.

Jordan was happy to sell the Hornets, so was Jordan’s son markus jordan, and Pippen’s ex-wife Larsa. Larsa and markus jordan have been dating for more than three months. After Jordan got 3 billion yuan, Marcus was smiling every day. Even if he did nothing for the rest of his life, he could live a very chic life with interest.

For Pippen’s ex-wife, it was a double happiness. First, she decided to get her ex-husband Pippen’s retirement salary of 50% in the NBA. Secondly, her boyfriend Marcus’s worth soared, and she no longer needed to worry about money. No wonder, she was smiling every day. # Pippen’s ex-wife #

The "good gift" can’t stop! Arsenal lost 0-1 to help Manchester City defend the Premier League title ahead of schedule.

Arsenal always fall off the chain at critical moments. Send (information piece)

Reporter Yin Chengjun

Manchester City won the Premier League title in advance this season without worrying about it! In the early morning of 21st Beijing time, Arsenal lost 0-1 away to Nottingham Forest. At present, the score of 81 points is four points less than that of Manchester City. The "Gunners" have only played the last round of the Premier League this season. Even if they win, they can’t catch up with Manchester City, which has not played three games. Therefore, this season’s Premier League champion has been produced in advance after Arsenal’s defeat in this round.

Arsenal’s stamina is insufficient this season, and it has been caught up by the "Blue Moon" step by step under the advantage of leading Manchester City in the first half. This round of the league is the penultimate round of the Premier League. If Arsenal loses, it will completely miss the Premier League champion. Under such psychological pressure, Arteta’s team really couldn’t stand the test. Facing the relegation team Nottingham Forest, it made a mistake in the 20th minute and passed the ball to the opponent’s feet. Nottingham Forest immediately launched a counterattack and rewritten the score to 1:0.

The defeat of the "Gunners" gave two favors by the way. One was to help Nottingham Forest improve the relegation situation, and the other was to directly give a champion to rival Manchester City. Arsenal led the Premier League for 248 days this season, but finally made a wedding dress for Manchester City, which has never happened in the history of the Premier League.

Originally, Manchester City planned to win the championship after beating Chelsea in this round. Now their match with the "Blue Army" at 11 o’clock tonight has no more significance. Manchester City has completed the first step of the "Triple Crown" puzzle this season, and then they will play the FA Cup final and the Champions League final.

After 12 years, it is expected that Beijing will bid for the 2027 World Championships in Track and Field again.

On April 22nd, China Athletics Association published the Announcement of China Athletics Association on the Bidding Results of 2027 World Athletics Championships on its official website. The announcement showed that according to the relevant requirements of the Notice of China Athletics Association on the Public Bidding of 2027 World Athletics Championships, China Athletics Association had completed the bidding work of bidding cities for 2027 World Athletics Championships. After research, only Beijing applied and met the solicitation conditions.

IAAF World Championships in Athletics, the top international track and field event hosted by international association of athletics federations, was founded in 1983, initially every four years, and changed to every two years in 1991. Beijing successfully hosted the 15th World Athletics Championships in the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) from August 22 to 30, 2015. More than 2,000 athletes from more than 200 countries and regions competed fiercely in 47 events, showing the world a wonderful track and field event. At present, Beijing is going all out to bid for the World Championships in Track and Field, expecting to return to Beijing after 12 years, so that the eyes of the whole world will once again focus on the "Double Olympic City".

5-3! 3-1! Football is exciting for one night, Bayern dedicates to the goal war, and Chelsea welcomes the three-game winning streak!

On March 12th, 2023, Beijing time, European football events continued to compete. Bayern Munich beat augsburg 5-3 in the 24th round of Bundesliga and Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 in the 27th round of Premier League. Next, let’s take a look at the simple battle reports of the two games.

Bayern 5-3 augsburg

Less than 2 minutes after the start of the game, Berisha caught the ball, turned around and stopped, and shot the goal directly. augsburg scored a dream start. In the 15th minute, Cancelo took the ball to the penalty area and made a feint to the defender. He flew into the far corner and scored the first goal of Bayern’s career. Just four minutes later, Bayern’s free kick went to the penalty area and there was chaos. The barb in the horse kicked the ball to the door and assisted pawar to break the goal and succeeded in overtaking.

In the 35th minute, Bayern’s corner kick flew to the goal and was saved. pawar seized the opportunity to shoot the ball from the volley and scored twice. Near the half-time, Ma put in a catch shot and was blocked by the goalkeeper. Sane followed up and made up the shot. Bayern led 4-1 and completely turned the situation around. In the second half, Yi Bian pushed the goal in the war horse and it was blown offside. Then Driget fouled the penalty area and Berisha took a penalty to help augsburg pull back a goal.

In the 74th minute, Cancelo took the ball from the side to observe the defensive cross. Alfonso followed up with the outflanking and shot to break the goal. In stoppage time, augsburg launched a counterattack. Vargas took the ball from the side and quickly broke through the bottom and swept the middle to assist Cardona to tackle the goal. In the end, Bayern 5-3 reversed the opponent and dedicated a goal war.

Chelsea 3-1 leicester city

In the 11th minute, coulibaly turned around with the ball and passed it to the middle. Chilwell volleyed the ball and the Blues took the lead with a quick goal. Then Felix hit the column with a single-handed shot, and then he pushed the shot in front of the door. Unfortunately, it was judged that offside was invalid after VAR marking, which was not very good luck. Unexpectedly, in the 39th minute, Dhaka scored a world wave directly from the periphery, and leicester city successfully equalized the score.

Near the end of half-time, Madison’s free kick directly hit Fofana’s arm. The referee said through VAR video that there was no problem. In the first half stoppage time, Enzo subtly picked up the pass and assisted Havertz, then inserted a clever shot to break the goal, and the Blues took the lead again. In the 78th minute of the second half, Havertz passed the header to Moudrek and ferried it to the middle. kovacic volleyed a shot to seal the victory. Faith was shown a yellow card for a tackle, and two yellows turned into one red and was sent off. In the end, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1 and won three consecutive games.