"Instant Electronic Music" Zhang Yixing asked Feng Timo, and Shang Wenjie’s first gift was impeccable

"Instant Electronic Music"

This Saturday at 8 pm, produced by Tencent Video, Penguin Film and Television and Canxing Productions jointly created China’s first electronic music producer competition show "Instant Electronic Music" will broadcast the second episode. After the first episode of the program aired, topics such as "antifungal agent in the world" and "essential for staying up late to do homework" gradually heated up the public’s enthusiasm for electronic music. In this program, Feng Timo, who has been controversial after the program was exposed, was actually asked by Zhang Yixing at the scene? Not strong enough, "acting like a spoiled child" to get together, and the electronic music girl wearing "laser leather pants" gave Zhang Yixing a headache on the spot! Big Zhang Wei invited the producer to "reverse election" one after another, and the collision between the manager and the producer continued to escalate! More "breakout" highlights are about to be staged in the program.

Frequently encountered group Zhang Yixing fell into "choice difficulties", and Feng Timo’s ethereal interpretation of "Empty City" was questioned

Although Zhang Yixing has become more mature and stable in the music field in recent years with his own continuous efforts, it is obvious that after the professional and shocking surprise appearance of the electronic music producer in the first episode, in the second "Breakout Battle", his choice is increasingly difficult to "give up". In this episode, Zhang Yixing, who frequently encounters the producer combination, focuses on the recommendation standard of "1 + 1 means more possibilities", and therefore falls into "choice difficulties". In the show, Zhang Yixing "encountered" the "girls power" combination wearing leather pants, which made him in a dilemma between "coquetry" and "strength". What happened at the scene?

In addition, another gunpowder-smelling "collision" was Feng Timo, who has caused heated discussions among netizens before. With her sweet and lovely singing style, she is familiar to the public, and her previous music works have also achieved good results on major platforms. Recently, Feng Timo has begun to experiment with electronic music style, and the song "Glass Sugar" once made netizens take a different look at her transformation. However, on the stage of this program, Feng Timo sang "Empty City" ethereal on the spot, but it aroused doubts from many producers present, and they even "forcibly deducted the question". Zhang Yixing, who is not vague about the music, is even more "confused" Feng Timo, and gave a "just passable" evaluation. How will Feng Timo, who is controversial on and off the screen, resolve the embarrassment? All doubts will be solved this Saturday.

"Instant Electronic Music"

Da Zhangwei rarely invites producers to "reverse election", and the follow-up competition system of the show continues to be exposed

After the first episode of Shang Wenjie met Dani’s invitation to cooperate, Da Zhang Wei also directly threw out an "olive branch" in this episode, inviting several producers one after another to "counter-select" himself in the subsequent program. The operation of the two managers also made the follow-up competition system gradually clear. From "selected" to "selected", the roles of the manager and the producer "God’s perspective" were exchanged, and the follow-up points were looking forward to.

At the scene, what kind of performance made Da Zhang Wei couldn’t help but admire: "Truly moving music that can make people forget the’principle ‘" and praise the other party as "Tao Yuanming of the electronic sound"? What kind of wonderful, let him say bluntly, "I didn’t have much expectations, but after watching the performance, it was really a surprise"? The increasingly compact "breakout battle" continued to inspire the enthusiasm of the host. The concept of "feat" that the program has been promoting has gradually emerged through actual presentation, and more unexpected highlights are being staged!

Strict Shang Wenjie’s first gift is "impeccable", hard core "spice combination" electronic sound "soft landing"

In the second episode, the 18-year-old "Salt and Pepper Pineapple" played Launchpad with the light show. Many people were so cool by the young boy, but the host, Shang Wenjie, was completely unmoved.

However, when the "spice combination" that "shook" the stage came on stage, the hard-core European and American voices collided with Fan Xiaoxuan’s sweet and lazy "Your Sweet", and the "soft landing" and powerful performance instantly ignited the quiet and less talkative host Shang Wenjie, who couldn’t help but say "I like it very much, I like it very much"! Shang Wenjie, who has a unique understanding of music, encountered "musical confidant", and she was not hesitant to praise the atmosphere of the show, which made her give a "impeccable" high praise for the first time… The second episode of the show was full of surprises!

Electronic music is a kind of music that allows people to let go of all rules and troubles and immerse themselves in it. The second episode of the program "Ready for Broadcasting" was faced with multi-directional questions. How did Feng Timo respond. Da Zhang Wei invited "counter-selection" one after another on the spot. What kind of performance made him frequently burst "golden sentences"? What kind of wonderful performance made Shang Wenjie, who is strict about music, comment "impeccable"? The enthusiasm of the host and producer for electronic music continues to "heat up", and more exciting, so stay tuned for this Saturday night at 8 o’clock Tencent video "Instant Electronic Music"!

Huawei has no parking service video exposure, and it is difficult to find a parking position.

Now, on weekends and holidays, it is even less difficult to drive to shopping malls and scenic spots, and sometimes it is no less difficult than finding a parking space in the city center. As the owner said, "Sometimes there are vacancies in the underground parking lots of shopping malls and hospitals, but the venues are large and there are no obvious signs. They can only search around several times like blind flies, and finally find a seat, and the result is" cut off "by the owner who is closer. When picking up the car, I often get’ lost’ and circle around in the parking lot to find a car. "

Picture 1

At this time, many people begin to regret driving to the mall. However, if you want to visit Sam and IKEA, which are generally remote supermarkets, public transportation is very inconvenient, and taking a taxi is expensive. After shopping, it is quite difficult to find a place to take a taxi. When I think about it carefully, it seems that driving has become the most worry-free and labor-saving way. It is nothing more than the psychological preparation for wasting an hour in the parking lot in advance.

In the field of intelligent driving, which has developed rapidly recently, there are brand-new solutions to the problems of difficult parking and parking. Zhijie S7, the first pure electric car of Huawei Intelligent Selection Car, which was pre-sold on November 9, is equipped with the industry’s first parking and driving function, once again showing the far-ahead intelligent driving strength to the industry and outside.

The problem of finding a parking space is solved by injecting driving into parking.

From a functional point of view, the parking and driving function allows the owner to open unmanned parking with one button. That is, when the owner gets off the bus, turn on this function with one key, and the vehicle can find a parking space to park itself. It sounds very sci-fi, and Huawei has successfully brought this unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users through the technological breakthrough of intelligent driving perception technology, algorithm iteration and scene strategy. In other words, with this function, users can go to Sam and IKEA, drive directly to the entrance of the shopping mall or the entrance of the parking lot, and then go shopping, and Zhijie S7 can start the journey of finding a parking space by itself.

It is worth noting that through the blessing of perceptual technology, the parking function of Zhijie S7 can also understand the command gestures of the mall security guards, just like an old driver, it is very easy to drive to the target parking area.

Mainframe computer

There are also hidden technical points here. As we all know, when we are looking for a parking space, we often can only rely on human eyes to lock it, and we often call the whole car to find a parking space together. The parking and driving function of Zhijie S7, through the perception of cameras and sensors, has a much larger detection range than the human eye, so it is naturally more effective to find a parking space. What’s more, Huawei’s intelligent driving system also has a huge amount of data to support, sometimes it is a strange parking lot for car owners, but for Zhijie S7, the parking lanes and empty parking spaces here are well known, and it is naturally easier to find a parking space.

Independent parking in the parking lot, the safety factor is also guaranteed.

For intelligent driving, safety has always been an important topic. The parking function of Zhijie S7 also fully considers the safety of driving in the parking area. First of all, when passing, if the lane is not enough to pass with the opposite vehicle, it will back up first, wait for the opposite vehicle to pass, and then pass, so as to avoid traffic jam or collision between the two vehicles. And if the lane can be used by two cars in parallel, it will also control to slow down and pass slowly.

The steering wheel of a car

If you encounter pedestrians and roadblocks, the parking and driving function also has a strong pedestrian avoidance ability, and will plan the route to take the initiative to avoid. Behind parking and driving, there is a set of safety technology blessing of Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. There is no doubt about the safety in the process of intelligent driving, including responding to the ghost probe behavior that pedestrians suddenly jump out, and it can quickly rely on the powerful AEB function for emergency braking, coupled with the slow driving speed controlled by the system, which further guarantees the safety.

In addition, in detail, the parking and driving function can also realize roaming to find a place. After reaching the target parking space, if the target parking space is occupied, it will automatically control roaming to find other parking spaces and automatically park. In the process of parking, if the vehicle detects that the parking space is too narrow, the system will control the rearview mirror to be put away first, and then stop automatically.

At the same time, the owner can also check the situation in front of the vehicle (real scene) in real time on the mobile App, check the location, and stop/start parking to avoid the worries of the owner. When the owner has finished shopping in the mall, he can start the calling function with one key of the mobile phone, and the vehicle will automatically start and arrive at the designated place, so that the owner’s whole family can get on the bus and leave directly.

Write at the end:

For the matter of finding a car and parking in a shopping mall, the capabilities of the parking and driving function of Zhijie S7 are quite comprehensive. First of all, it directly arranged the most troublesome thing of finding a parking space, so that the owner can get off the bus directly after arriving at the destination. Moreover, in the whole process of intelligent driving and parking, the control fineness and safety guarantee of the system are remarkable, and even after parking is fruitless, it can continue to roam to find a car. Finally, when the car mainly leaves, there is no need to find a car, but it becomes a car to find someone, completely realizing the comprehensive closed loop of parking and driving.

With the parking function, we can go to shopping malls and scenic spots on weekends and holidays, and the parking troubles can really be "completely eliminated with one click". It is reported that Zhijie S7 will be officially launched on November 28th, and we are also looking forward to experiencing this advanced parking and driving function as soon as possible.

Hangzhou Airport is expected to carry out 370 flights in and out of Hong Kong on the 26th, and cancel 325 flights.

  With the weakening of the typhoon, Hangzhou Airport will gradually resume operation from July 26, and it is estimated that 370 flights will be carried out and 325 flights will be cancelled. The earliest port entry is GJ8988 (Beijing capital -08:10 Hangzhou), and the earliest port departure is GJ8925 (Hangzhou 09:40- Yan ‘an); The flights will resume gradually at 11:00 am, and after 11:00, 330 flights are expected to enter and leave Hong Kong. The airport reminds passengers that if the flight is cancelled, please get in touch with the airline you are taking as soon as possible and make a good return and change, so as not to delay the trip.

  Some cancelled flights are as follows:

  Southern airlines

  CZ6900 Hangzhou-Urumqi CZ3366 Hangzhou-Shenzhen CZ8634 Hangzhou-Shenyang CZ3820 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  CZ8854 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing

  Sichuan airlines

  3U8911 Chengdu-Hangzhou 3U3175 Hangzhou-Yibin 3U3171 Hangzhou-Mianyang 3U8169 Hangzhou-Lanzhou

  3U8815 Hangzhou-Tianjin 3U8916 Hangzhou-Tianfu 3U3163 Hangzhou-Chongqing 3U3173 Hangzhou-Luzhou

  3U8775 Hangzhou-Chongqing 3U8912 Hangzhou-Chengdu 3U8915 Chengdu-Hangzhou 3U8920 Hangzhou-Chengdu

  3U8529 Hangzhou-Kunming 3U8581 Hangzhou-Harbin

  Capital Airlines

  JD5397 Hangzhou-Nanning JD5693 Hangzhou-Guiyang JD5843 Hangzhou-Urumqi JD5711 Hangzhou-Qingdao

  JD5689 Hangzhou-Yichang JD5377 Hangzhou-Harbin JD5191 Hangzhou-Lijiang JD5279 Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang

  JD5206 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an JD5787 Hangzhou-Xishuangbanna JD5688 Hangzhou-Haikou JD5164 Hangzhou-Sanya

  JD5157 Hangzhou-Kunming JD5270 Hangzhou-Guangzhou JD5358 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing JD5695 Hangzhou-Chongqing

  JD5302 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an JD5136 Hangzhou-Sanya JD5205 Xi ‘an-Hangzhou JD5712 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  JD5398 Nanning-Hangzhou JD5694 Guiyang-Hangzhou JD5163 Sanya-Hangzhou JD5378 Harbin-Hangzhou

  JD5690 Yichang-Hangzhou JD5687 Haikou-Hangzhou JD5269 Guangzhou-Hangzhou SC4645 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  Spring airlines

  9C8555/6 Shijiazhuang-Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang

  Shandong airlines

  SC4645 Qingdao-Hangzhou SC4645 Hangzhou-Guilin SC4089 Urumqi-Hangzhou

   SC4089 Hangzhou-Xiamen SC8837 Xiamen-Hangzhou SC8838 Hangzhou-Hangzhou

  SC8795 Xiamen-Hangzhou SC8795 Hangzhou-Dalian SC4773 Qingdao-Hangzhou

  SC4774 Hangzhou-Dalian SC4995 Zhuhai-Hangzhou SC4996 Hangzhou-Zhuhai SC8796 Dalian-Hangzhou

  SC8796 Hangzhou-Xiamen SC4871 Yantai-Hangzhou SC4872 Hangzhou-Yantai SC4791 Jinan-Hangzhou

  SC4792 Hangzhou-Jinan SC4646 Guilin-Hangzhou SC4646 Hangzhou-Qingdao SC1173 Xiamen-Hangzhou

  SC1174 Hangzhou-Xiamen

  China International Airlines

  CA1722 Guangzhou-Hangzhou CA1720 Guangzhou-Hangzhou CA1786 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou CA8360 Erdos-Hangzhou

  CA8353 Hangzhou-Jieyang CA1787 Hangzhou-Weihai-Harbin CA1767 Hangzhou-Lanzhou CA1769 Hangzhou-Wanzhou

  CA8339 Hangzhou-Chengdu Tianfu CA1701 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1719 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  CA1741 Hangzhou-Chengdu Shuangliu CA1775 Hangzhou-Yinchuan CA1731 Hangzhou-Shenzhen CA1751 Hangzhou-Kunming

  CA8357 Hangzhou-Tianjin CA1777 Hangzhou-Nanning CA1703 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1773 Hangzhou-Guangyuan

  CA8683 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1771 Hangzhou-Tianjin CA1795 Hangzhou-Linfen CA1909 Hangzhou-Xining

  CA1711 Hangzhou-Beijing capital CA1749 Hangzhou-Guiyang CA1907 Hangzhou-Changchun CA1747 Hangzhou-Liupanshui

  CA8681 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1903 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an CA1721 Hangzhou-Guangzhou CA1733 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  CA8359 Hangzhou-Ordos CA8367 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing CA1785 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  CA1702 Beijing Capital-Hangzhou CA8368 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou CA8354 Jieyang-Hangzhou CA1734 Shenzhen-Hangzhou

  CA1732 Shenzhen-Hangzhou CA8358 Tianjin-Hangzhou CA1772 Tianjin-Hangzhou CA1566 Hangzhou-Beijing Capital

  Eastern airlines

  MU9042 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an, MU5671 Hangzhou-Qingdao-Yanji, MU5131 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5655 Hangzhou-Kunming,

  MU5593 Hangzhou-Jinan, MU9603 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU6111 Hangzhou-Tianfu, MU5211 Hangzhou-Baiyun,

  MU5655 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU5537 Hangzhou-Guilin, MU5194 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5381 Hangzhou-Yantai-Jiamusi,

  MU2292 Hangzhou-Xinyang-Xi ‘an, MU5236 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU5215 Hangzhou-Guangzhou, MU6172 Hangzhou-Shuangliu,

  MU2445 Hangzhou-Lanzhou, MU5583 Hangzhou-Wuhan, MU5132 Daxing-Hangzhou-Guangzhou, MU2668 Hangzhou-Xiamen,

  MU5457 Hangzhou-Daxing, MU5547 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU2375 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an-Golmud, MU5148 Hangzhou-Daxing,

  MU9886 Hangzhou-Changde-Tianfu, MU5645 Hangzhou-Kunming, MU5538 Guilin-Hangzhou-Qingdao,

  MU5485 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU5242 Hangzhou-Taiyuan, MU2382 Hangzhou-Qingdao, MU5496 Hangzhou-Shuangliu,

  MU2380 Hangzhou-Xianyang, MU5495 Shuangliu-Hangzhou, MU2667 Xiamen-Hangzhou, MU6171 Chengdu Shuangliu-Hangzhou,

  MU5193 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou, MU2379, Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU2381 Qingdao-Hangzhou,

  MU5538 Guilin-Hangzhou-Qingdao, MU5537 Qingdao-Hangzhou-Guilin, MU5241 Taiyuan-Hangzhou, MU5235 Taiyuan-Hangzhou,

  MU5216 Guangzhou-Hangzhou, MU2446 Lanzhou-Hangzhou, MU5584 Wuhan-Hangzhou, MU5672 Yanji-Qingdao-Hangzhou,

  MU6112 Chengdu Tianfu-Hangzhou, MU5212 Guangzhou-Hangzhou, MU5132 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou, MU9604 Taiyuan-Hangzhou,

  MU5594 Jinan-Hangzhou, MU9041 Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU6482 Kunming-Hangzhou, MU5147 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou,

  MU2270 Golmud-Xi ‘an-Hangzhou, MU2291 Xi ‘an-Xinyang-Hangzhou, MU9885 Chengdu Tianfu-Changde-Hangzhou.

  Auspicious aviation

  HO1805 Hangzhou-Huizhou

  Hainan Airlines

  HU7421 Hangzhou-Shijiazhuang HU7398 Hangzhou-Shenzhen HU7483 Hangzhou-Tongliao HU7262 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  HU7378 Hangzhou-Beijing capital HU7467 Hangzhou-Zhuhai HU7453 Hangzhou-Nanyang HU7445 Hangzhou-Taiyuan

  HU7423 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou HU7054 Hangzhou-Haikou HU7497 Hangzhou-Chongqing HU7422 Shijiazhuang-Hangzhou

  HU7261 Guangzhou-Hangzhou HU7468 Zhuhai-Hangzhou HU7454 Nanyang-Hangzhou HU7484 Tongliao-Hangzhou

  Changlong aviation

  GJ8525 Hangzhou-Yulin GJ8801 Hangzhou-Huaihua GJ8737 Hangzhou-Shenzhen GJ8013 Hangzhou-Qinhuangdao

  GJ8825 Hangzhou-Yantai GJ8823 Hangzhou-Bijie-Xishuangbanna GJ8559 Hangzhou-fairy mountain

  GJ8839 Hangzhou-Quanzhou GJ8781 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou GJ8647 Hangzhou-Qingdao GJ8677 Hangzhou-Linyi

  GJ8617 Hangzhou-Linyi GJ8691 Hangzhou-Chongqing GJ8849 Hangzhou-Harbin GJ8751 Hangzhou-Wuhan

  GJ8117 Hangzhou-Wenzhou GJ8835 Hangzhou-Enshi GJ8919 Hangzhou-Changchun GJ8817 Hangzhou-Wuhan

  GJ8811 Hangzhou-Zunyi GJ8773 Hangzhou-Dalian GJ8775 Hangzhou-Yinchuan GJ8801 Hangzhou-Huaihua-Lijiang

  GJ8606 Kunming-Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8648 Qingdao-Hangzhou GJ8118 Wenzhou-Hangzhou GJ8586 Wenzhou-Hangzhou

  GJ8559 fairy mountain-Chengdu GJ8526 Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8606 Yulin-Hangzhou GJ8919 Changchun-Baishan

  GJ8811 Zunyi-Lijiang

  Tianjin Airlines

  GS6581 Chongqing-Hangzhou GS6582 Hangzhou-Chongqing GS6507 Hangzhou-Chengdu GS6508 Chengdu-Hangzhou

  GS7853 Tianjin-Hangzhou GS7854 Hangzhou-Tianjin GS7521 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou GS7522 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  GS6607 Qingdao-Hangzhou GS6608 Hangzhou-Qingdao GS6589 Chongqing-Hangzhou GS6590 Hangzhou-Chongqing

  Shenzhen airlines

  ZH9873 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9874 Hangzhou-Shenzhen ZH9881 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9882 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  ZH8151 Yuncheng-Hangzhou ZH8152 Hangzhou-Yuncheng ZH9981 Guangzhou-Hangzhou ZH9982 Hangzhou-Guangzhou

  ZH9875 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9876 Hangzhou-Shenzhen ZH9883 Shenzhen-Hangzhou ZH9884 Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  Tibet Airlines

  TV9868 Hangzhou-Dazhou-Lhasa TV6027 Xi’ an-Hangzhou TV6028 Hangzhou-Xi’ an

  transmile air services

  Y87557/8 Zhengzhou-Hangzhou-Zhengzhou Y87523/4 Shenzhen-Hangzhou-Shenzhen

  Xiamen airlines

  MF8383 Hangzhou-Shenzhen MF8229 Hangzhou-Changsha MF8805 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8941 Hangzhou-Xiamen

  MF8037 Hangzhou-Harbin MF8423 Hangzhou-Chengdu Tianfu MF8532 Hangzhou-Xiamen MF8289 Hangzhou-Xi ‘an

  MF8961 Hangzhou-Hohhot MF8865 Hangzhou-Jining MF8902 Hangzhou-Quanzhou MF8493 Hangzhou-Guiyang

  MF8407 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8381 Hangzhou-Guangzhou MF8345 Hangzhou-Shenzhen MF8243 Hangzhou-Zhengzhou

  MF8485 Hangzhou-Wuhan MF8415 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8477 Hangzhou-Chongqing MF8465 Hangzhou-Guiyang

  MF8387 Hangzhou-Wuhan MF8533 Hangzhou-Qingdao MF8049 Hangzhou-Shenyang MF8123 Hangzhou-Hohhot

  MF8175 Hangzhou-Tianjin MF8149 Hangzhou-Beijing Daxing MF8719 Hangzhou-Macau MF8173 Hangzhou-Taiyuan

  MF8942 Xiamen-Hangzhou MF8088 Shenyang-Hangzhou MF8176 Tianjin-Hangzhou MF8388 Wuhan-Hangzhou

  MF8534 Qingdao-Hangzhou MF8466 Guiyang-Hangzhou MF8124 Hohhot-Hangzhou

  MF8150 Beijing Daxing-Hangzhou MF8720 Macau-Hangzhou MF8174 Taiyuan-Hangzhou KY

  Xiangpeng aviation

  8L9561/2 Kunming-Ganzhou-Hangzhou round trip

  Urumqi Airlines

  UQ3611/2 Urumqi-Hanzhong-Hangzhou round trip

  air macau co, ltd

  NX226/5 Macau-Hangzhou round trip


  KL831/2 Amsterdam-Hangzhou round trip

  (CCTV reporter Yu Chen)

The first batch of Hubei tourists in Harbin lifted the ban: it was spring in the blink of an eye.

The first batch of Hubei tourists in Harbin lifted the ban: "the first day" in spring

An observation point in Daoli District of Harbin was released from isolation. Photo by Li Ren

  BEIJING, Harbin, February 7 (Xinhua) After the last temperature monitoring, the first batch of Hubei tourists in Harbin ended their observation and confirmed that they were not infected with COVID-19, and they gradually lifted the isolation of centralized medical observation points. On the 7th, three days have passed in beginning of spring in 2020, but it is the "first day" when they enter the spring of 2020 when they open the door that has been closed for 14 days.

Hubei tourists received the "physical examination form and blood routine test list for people leaving the city". Photo by Li Renshe

  At an observation point in Xiangfang District, Harbin, a group of Hubei tourists "ended" in winter on January 23rd. They saw the dream of Snow Town in Heilongjiang and returned to the reality of the new pneumonia epidemic. On the morning of the 7th, the last three tourists flew home. The "temporary home" where they lived for half a month was called "Spring", but today they bathed in the first spring of the New Year.

  The good news continued to come from the observation point in Daoli District, Harbin. Twenty-three Hubei tourists received the "physical examination form and blood routine test form for people leaving the city" at 21: 00 on February 6. At that time, several children in the crowd put on cotton-padded clothes, rushed out of the door and grabbed a few handfuls of snow on the side of the road. It was the first time they touched the snow in Heilongjiang when they got off the plane and were sent directly to quarantine.

  At the corner of the observation point, the temporarily "opened" book corner is still "free of charge", and the books donated by all parties are still constantly updated and disinfected daily. On the first day after the "lifting of the ban", adults still used reading and surfing the Internet to relieve their anxiety, while children were still reading and doing their homework. "Because some tourists want to stay in Harbin, they will make a return trip after the epidemic subsides." Wuhan tourist Qiao Fei explained.

Hubei tourists from an observation point in Daoli District, Harbin are released from isolation. Photo by Li Ren

  Two of the 23 tourists left Kazakhstan on the 7th, and one of them was Hou Bihua, a Wuhan tourist. It happened to be "a year" from the time he entered this "isolation door" to the time he went out. He said, "Because I wanted to avoid gathering infection, I ate dumplings alone for thirty nights. It’s spring in the blink of an eye. It’s good to look up at the blue sky and breathe fresh air. "

  Another tourist who left Kazakhstan today is Li Jinglong, who will send his wife and children to Jiamusi to settle down and return to Jingzhou, Hubei alone. He said: "I am a doctor. I am particularly anxious when I watch the development of the epidemic. I want to return to the front line as soon as possible to fight the epidemic." After taking a group photo with the local staff in Harbin, Hou Bihua and Li Jinglong also bid farewell to each other and embarked on their own journey.

Hubei tourists who choose to stay in Harbin are reading a book. Photo by Li Ren.

  "From today, Hubei tourists who choose to stay in Harbin are the same as Harbin citizens. They have to go out for two days, and they must wear masks." Li Ren, director of the marketing department of Harbin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, who was also "released from isolation" today, said. Fourteen days ago, he volunteered to take care of and accompany Hubei tourists, which is what Hubei children call "printing winter vacation homework ‘ Bad uncle ’ " . (Reporter Wang Lin)

Those funny jokes

In the public toilet, I suddenly heard someone say, "Friend, do you have toilet paper?" I rummaged through my pockets and replied, "Sorry,no." After a few seconds, the man asked again, "Friend, do you have a small piece of newspaper?" I smiled helplessly and replied, "Sorry, no, I just came to pee." A few seconds later, a 10 yuan RMB was stuffed under the door of the toilet and asked, "Friend, can you break it into 10 pieces?" I silently took out 10 steel jumpers and handed them over.

In a dark night, Lao Wang drove home halfway, only to see a woman taking a taxi, and her voice was extremely sad: take a taxi, take a taxi. Lao Wang let her get on the bus. Neither of them spoke along the way. When the station arrived, the woman spoke: Have an apple! thank you Lao Wang said. Then the woman spoke again: Is it delicious? Delicious. Lao Wang promised. The woman went on to say: I liked this kind of apple best before my death.

When Lao Wang heard this, he was so scared that he peed his pants and ran away. Who knows, the woman went on to say, but I don’t like eating after giving birth.

The Zen master was meditating when he met a thief with a big knife rest around his neck. Mao thief: "Take out all your money" Zen master: "Money is a thing outside your body. If you live or die, don’t take it with you." Mao thief: "This is your lifelong alms." Zen master: "Buddha said that you and I have a cause in previous lives, so we got today’s fruit." Mao thief: "I have a deep sin. Can Zen master cross me?" Zen master: "Yes"





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    You were kicked out after following the goddess into the toilet, probably because she mistakenly thought that you followed her in order to peep or have other improper behaviors. In this case, you can communicate with her first, explain your intentions clearly and express your embarrassment and apologies.

    A classmate can’t eat spicy food, and as a result, he may have diarrhea because the hot pot he ate was too spicy or he ate other inappropriate food. The feeling of buttocks is very uncomfortable, which may be due to problems such as anal discomfort or hemorrhoids caused by diarrhea. When you check out the next day, people around you keep laughing because they may have misunderstood what happened between you and another classmate.


    Multi-picture text warning ahead, it is recommended to browse in WIFI state ~

    In autumn and winter, of course, golfers are most concerned aboutBadminton has become unbearable.What to do! Compared withEndure steaming ballsThe flight drop orA sharp increase in ball feesThe pain,Choosing a more suitable badminton is king!

    So,How to choose badminton?As long as it is resistant to beating in winter? What about flying, feeling and stability? Of course, there is also the price!

    Tested8 brands and 24 badminton modelsLater, we found that:YY, Victory, RSLAnd other common brands have individual models.Pujie. What is the reason? Come with salted fish and use it.Scientific method+real person experimentLet’s test it!


    /What are the performance parameters of badminton? /

    /evaluation options/

    /Evaluation Dimension & Evaluation Method/

    /evaluation results/

    /buying instructions/

    • First choice
    • Cost-effective choice
    • You can try.


    About the initial motion evaluation room

    Simply put, we are a group.Super keen on badmintonPeople, hoping toScientific evaluationMeans to choose the most suitable equipment for you who also love badminton.

    Solemn statement All large-scale, multi-product comparative evaluation reports of the initial sports evaluation room areIndependent production,Did not cooperate with any brands or businesses.Committed to objectively and neutrally solving doubts for badminton lovers on the way to playing and burning equipment.

    What are the performance parameters of badminton?
    Badminton is composed of wool, ball head, coil and glue, and the intuitive manifestation can be mainly divided intoFour parameters

    • Flight trajectory:Whether the flying parabola conforms to most people’s hitting habits (whether it will be too blunt or sudden stop).
    • Flight stability:Whether the ball can maintain a unified and stable flight attitude when it stays in the air.
    • Hitting feel:Whether the feedback on the player’s hand is simple and clear when hitting.
    • Hitting resistance:Within an acceptable range, badminton can maintain the ability (duration) of the first three performance experiences.

    Evaluation and selection
    We have chosen8 brands and 24 badminton modelsMost of them are well-known brands.

    From three comprehensive brandsYY, Li Ning, Victory, to well-known ball brandsRSLAnd then to the rookie brand.Ogarin, Kawasaki, WeiconWait; And offline niche brands.BaishengAlso, it was selected as the selection for this evaluation because it was used in many amateur competitions and ball groups around.

    The following evaluation optionsAll as consumers,Buy from a reliable source, do not accept samples sent by brands.

    Evaluation dimension & evaluation method

    The evaluation dimensions of this badminton are:
    Performance experience dimension:Flight trajectory, flight stability, hitting feel;

    Performance maintenance dimension:Hitting resistance.

    Test environment:Location: Guangzhou/Temperature: 16℃/ Humidity: 22/ Ball speed: 77.

    Flight path

    Adjust the angle of high and long ball with the server, and record the flight trajectory of badminton with a high-speed camera.

    Keep the position, angle and strength of the server unchanged, and randomly select 3 balls from each of the 24 balls to test and record them one by one.

    After post-processing the material, a visual flight trajectory map is obtained.

    Analyze the flight trajectories of several top-class badminton, and get an optimal flight curve by taking the average value.

    The curve of each ball is compared with the optimal curve in the first, middle and last stages, and scored according to the deviation. The lower the deviation, the higher the score. (out of 10)

    Flight stability

    Flight stability includes:wind tunnel testsandActual combat test.

    Flight stability score = wind tunnel test score+actual combat test score

    We made a simple wind tunnel with air duct+badminton hand glue+carton, which can simulate the stable state of badminton during flight.

    We made a simple wind tunnel to simulate the stable state of badminton during flight.

    Observe the rotation of the ball head and badminton through wind tunnel simulation. When the center of gravity, balance and roundness of badminton are not good enough, there will be unstable performance.

    Through the observation and recording in the actual hitting process, the actual combat score of flight stability is obtained.

    Hitting feel

    For the hitting feel items that can only be experienced directly by real people, we invited three golfers of different ages to try each ball and score its hitting feel.

    Although the ball is different in age and level. But also have their own feelings.

    Hitting resistance

    Finally, it is the hardest part of our test.

    We try to hit 24 kinds of balls high and far, and record the state of the ball every 20 beats, and record the state of the ball in different States, such as starting to shake, starting to slow down, breaking hair, and finally eliminating.Beat countAnd take photos to record the state of the ball.

    We try to hit 24 kinds of balls high and far, and record the state of the ball every 20 beats.

    Take photos to record the state of the ball at different times of hitting.

    Evaluation results

    Performance-price ratio formula of initial badminton

    Cost performance score = (total performance score * hit resistance score)/market price

    Total performance score = flight trajectory score x0.4+ flight stability score x0.4+ hitting feel score x0.2.

    The evaluation results of 24 badminton models are as follows:

    Purchase instruction

    In order to make everyonemake pointed referencesChoose the one that suits you best, and we have made several purchase suggestions for you. Because everyone has different needs and preferences for flying, fighting resistance and cost performance, please adopt it as appropriate.

    (95 yuan and goose feather ball with a price of 115 yuan have obvious advantages over duck feather ball in terms of stable performance and durability, so they are better choices for playing in autumn and winter).

    (75 yuan’s price, duck and duck’s generous wool film, the performance and beating resistance are above average, and the cost performance is higher)

    (The comprehensive performance is relatively ideal, and friends who like it can give it a try.)

    The End

    Heavy tip First move to WeChat official account "Equipment evaluation"column will be launched.Badminton scoring list, constantly update the high-quality badminton styles on the market,Welcome friends to recommend.Good at playing high-quality badminton brands and models, and we will give you a satisfactory answer.

    How many swimming positions are there in swimming?

    Everyone knows that swimming is very good for people’s health, and many people are keen on swimming now, so in this case, everyone has done some research on swimming. Many people are looking for their favorite postures when swimming in school, but they don’t know much about the specific and separable postures. Here are some specific introductions about swimming.


    One of the swimming events. In 1896, the first Olympic Games began to be listed as an official event. Freestyle is not limited by any posture, crawl is the fastest, and crawl has become the only posture of freestyle. Crawling is like crawling, that is, paddling with both arms alternately and kicking with both legs alternately. This kind of swimming posture has reasonable structure, small resistance and even speed, and it is the fastest and most labor-saving swimming posture in the world at present.

    The basic technical characteristics of freestyle are that the human body is prone in the water, with its head and shoulders slightly higher than the water surface. When swimming in, the trunk rolls around the longitudinal axis of the body appropriately, and the arms take turns paddling to push the body forward. After the hand enters the water, the paddling route is S-shaped, and the breathing and paddling movements are coordinated. When the arm paddles hard, use the water flow to inhale in the valleys formed on both sides of the head.


    Breaststroke is an ancient swimming style. According to records, as early as 2000 ~ 4000 years ago, China, Rome and ancient Egypt had similar swimming styles. On August 24th, 1875, the famous swimmer M Webb swam across the English Channel in breaststroke, which lasted for 21 hours and 45 minutes. In the early 19th century, breaststroke was the first position adopted in swimming competitions. However, due to the slow speed of breaststroke, there are fewer and fewer people who swim sideways, crawl and use breaststroke in the competition. It was not until the third Olympic Games in 1904 that breaststroke was separated from other postures.

    butterfly stroke

    During the period from 1924 to 1936, the biggest innovation of breaststroke was that after the stroke, the arms were no longer moved forward from the water, but the arms were moved from the air but the legs were still clamped by breaststroke, and the deformation of breaststroke-butterfly stroke appeared. In butterfly swimming, the body lies prone in the water, and relies on the powerful strokes of the arms and the wavy strokes of the legs to push the body forward. There is no fixed body posture.


    One of the swimming events. In 1900, the 2nd Olympic Games began to be listed as an official event. Backstroke includes backstroke and crawl backstroke. Reverse breaststroke is the earliest backstroke, which is similar to breaststroke in action and opposite in body posture. That is, the human body lies on its back on the water, and its arms paddle backwards from the head to the side. In the first few Olympic Games, the backstroke was held in an anti-breaststroke position. When backstroke, the body lies almost horizontally in the water, the chest naturally stretches in line with the abdomen, the head is submerged in the water, and the face is exposed to the water. When swimming in, the head always maintains an upright posture, and the trunk naturally rotates around the longitudinal axis due to the alternate paddling action of the two arms.

    How many swimming positions are there in swimming? Different postures in swimming bring different exercises to different parts of people’s bodies, because everyone knows that swimming can exercise all parts of people’s bodies, so swimming is very good for everyone to exercise healthily.

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    Understanding the world’s most magical sports "football"

    Original title: Read the most magical sports "Football" in the world.

    Football is the most magical sport in the world today. During the World Cup alone, the number of spectators reached 10 billion, and it is recognized as the largest sport in the world. Among them, there are about 100,000 professional athletes, 40 million registered athletes, and 2.8 billion football fans around the world. According to incomplete statistics, there are about 800,000 teams that often participate in the competition in the world, and the number of people engaged in the football industry worldwide reaches 100 million, which has a worldwide influence.

    Football is an ancient sports activity, which originated from an ancient ball game "Cuju" in China. In July 1958, when Dr. Havelange, former president of FIFA, came to China, he said: Football originated in China. Therefore, the hometown of football is China, and modern football originated in Britain. It was Rabe who spread to Europe in China and developed into modern football. Modern football has become the most popular sport in the world.

    Kings of the past dynasties

    On March 16th, 2002, Pele visited China. Entrusted by China Tourism Administration, Professor Liu Bingguo, a sports history scholar of Xuzhou Normal University, arranged a cuju performance in Han Dynasty for Mr. Bailey at the foot of the Great Wall, which aroused great interest of Mr. Bailey. On the spot, he joined the "performance" with Mr. milutinovic, the former head coach of China football team.

    In 2017, Messi came to China for the first time in his own name. It has been six years since then, when he was the captain of Barcelona. Earlier, Messi just announced that he would join the Miami International Team of the American Professional League and officially bid farewell to the European League.

    Editor in charge:

    Jing Wong snarled netizens for being uneducated online! Supported the new play, and once scolded many artists in the circle.

    This article is edited by Spoiler Club: Star Search

    Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited, and plagiarism will be complained by the whole network if found.

    Jing Wong, the director, is well-known in the circle. He once created many classic comedy films with Stephen Chow, and he also exported many classic films, which won a lot of popularity among artists.

    Nowadays, Jing Wong is often invited to participate in activities and share his experience.

    However, an activity he attended recently caused a heated discussion. It was related to that he was invited to attend the premiere of the new mainland play "Parrot Kill" and interacted with a number of actors on the spot. Later, he also sent Weibo to promote the new film.

    However, some netizens also went to the scene, and even took some photos of the scene, and left a message under Wang Jingfa’s Weibo saying that this movie is not good at all.

    Jing Wong immediately replied to this netizen, saying that this kind of person just has a bad heart. Not everyone can understand literary films, and it’s terrible to have no culture.

    Jing Wong exchanged curses with netizens on the Internet, which caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

    In fact, it’s not the first time that director Jing Wong has exchanged curses with netizens on the Internet. Earlier, artist Li Wanhua publicly criticized Jing Wong’s new play when it was broadcast live on the Internet, which was simply explicit and bad for children.

    Jing Wong is not used to this. She immediately countered that Li Wanhua is a washed-up actress, which means that she is the worst performer in TVB. In this way, Jing Wong and Li Wanhua caused a scolding battle on the Internet.

    In addition, Jing Wong also criticized the mainland producer Yu Zheng, who has produced many dramas, winning over Zhao Liying, Wu Jinyan and others.

    However, earlier on, Jing Wong was accused by Weibo, and most of them chose people with no acting skills as the leading roles.

    When I was interviewed by Yu Zheng, I felt very puzzled. Yu Zheng admitted that he had casting, and there might be some shortcomings, but he didn’t really know Jing Wong, and I don’t know why Wang Jing targeted himself like this.

    Jing Wong, the director, is a real person. As long as he sees something that is unreasonable, he will speak and express his thoughts directly on the Internet, which may lead to a constant battle of abuse with others.

    Anyway, Jing Wong has contributed many classic characters to Hong Kong films, leaving many unforgettable moments for the audience. His contribution and position are obvious to all. We also expect him to continue to bring more good film works to the audience.

    Xinjiang men’s basketball team showdown! The reason why qi zhou left the team was exposed, and the team of brokers behind it sought huge profits

    In an interview, qi zhou also bluntly said that I would treat every training as the last time in my life, and I would try my best to keep myself competitive at all times. Now he has wasted two years of his career peak and he is sure to achieve his goal in the next competition. However, the real reason why qi zhou wants to leave the Xinjiang team recently has been exposed by the media. According to informed sources, they have to pay a high signing fee to play in Xinjiang team, and their players’ usual personal expenses are much higher than those of other clubs. qi zhou and other players are very dissatisfied, but only qi zhou stood up and resisted, but they were suppressed by the club.