Chen He’s ex-wife responded to the divorce: He is my relative, don’t attack him

Old photos of Chen He and his wife’s love

The divorce statement issued by Chen He

Xu Jing sent Weibo to speak for Chen He

    1905 movie network news On the evening of January 22, Chen Hefa admitted that he had been divorced from his ex-wife for half a year, claiming in Weibo that "I was wrong", and denied the rumors of his affair, saying that the divorce was because the distance between the two parties was getting farther and farther, which immediately caused an uproar. At 0:20 am on the 23rd, Chen He’s ex-wife Xu Jingfa spoke for Chen He on Weibo, hoping that netizens would not attack Chen He and call him his own family. Weibo original: "Fourteen years can make you know more about a person? Understand that you have to persevere when you are wronged, understand that you have to let go when you endure heartache, and understand that you still can’t see him helpless when you are separated. He is just a fragile child, but he is my relative. Please don’t attack him."

    It is reported that Chen He knew Xu Jing when he was in junior high school, and they officially married in January 2013 after 13 years of long-distance love. Last year, Chen He and Xu Jing also joined the "Love on the Road" husband and wife reality show with a high profile. In the show, the two were very affectionate and were called "a true model couple" by the circle. Since Chen He participated in the recording of the show, his popularity has risen again, and his career love has been so smooth that netizens have praised him as a "winner in life". But recently, there have been rumors of divorce between the two, and even news that Chen He cheated. After three days of fermentation, Chen He finally issued a statement late at night, publicly admitting that he had divorced his wife Xu Jing half a year ago. In the statement, Mr. Chen acknowledged that he had withheld the news of the divorce, but that the two had broken up peacefully, "without anything else."

    After Chen He publicly admitted his divorce, it caused a shock again, and even paralyzed Weibo for a time. In just 20 minutes, Chen He’s divorce statement received 300,000 likes from netizens. Friends in "Love Apartment" also stood up for "Zeng Xiaoxian" Chen He, Sun Yizhou said "he was wrong, please let it go", Li Jinming: "Dear everyone, please give him more tolerance and understanding. Also give him the right to deal with his private life. It was the first time I heard Chen He’s choking voice on the phone. As a friend, I am also very heartbroken. At a critical moment, I asked everyone to extend their hands to pull him instead of pushing him. Thank you, thank you very much!" Deng Jiajia retweeted Chen He’s Weibo and commented: "The best is like water, and the virtuous are loaded. Please compare your hearts to your hearts." The comment has received more than 15,000 likes.


    Oolong is that a Weibo user named "Chen He" was mistaken for Chen He himself because his avatar was exactly the same as Chen He’s own Weibo. The user also left a message under Xu Jing’s Weibo: "Since you love, why separate!", which made many netizens mistakenly believe that Chen He was saving his ex-wife. At present, the reply has received more than 2,000 likes.

Summary of the reform effect of industrial and commercial registration system

The "blowout" growth of new enterprises stimulates market vitality —— A summary of the reform effect of industrial and commercial registration system

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 24th (Reporter Gao Jing, Tan Moxiao, Meng Hanqi) After the implementation of the reform of the registered capital registration system, from March to June, 4,400,600 new market entities were registered nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 20.48%. Among them, there were 1,269,300 newly registered enterprises, an increase of 66.85%. The number of enterprises has increased by spurt, and the market vitality has been further released, which has played an important role in stabilizing growth and promoting employment.

    The reform of registered capital registration system stimulates a new upsurge of entrepreneurship

"The reform of industrial and commercial registration has made my dream of starting a company come true." Chang Zhaosheng, a 70-year-old man from Jilin Province, said.

Before the reform, Chang Zhaosheng had patented technology in video recording equipment, but he was unable to apply for registration as a company due to lack of funds. The reform of the registered capital registration system canceled the minimum requirement of the registered capital of the company, and no longer restricted the initial investment amount, investment proportion and investment period of the company’s shareholders. Chang Zhaosheng successfully obtained the business license, and his registered capital was all composed of intangible assets.

The reform of the registered capital registration system, which was implemented on March 1st this year, has greatly reduced the entry threshold for registered capital and business premises of enterprises, and enabled more people with "entrepreneurial dreams" like Chang Zhaosheng to realize their dreams.

The new entrepreneurial upsurge has also brought vitality to economic development: the number of service enterprises in China has increased significantly; The number of market players in the central and western regions has increased significantly faster than that in the east; It has an obvious driving effect on emerging industries such as information transmission, software and information technology, culture, sports and entertainment.

A large number of new individual and private economies have also become the main channel to solve employment. By the end of June, the number of individual and private economic employees in China had increased by 13,034,600 compared with the end of last year, an increase of 3.88 times over the same period of last year.

    "Take a photo first, then prove it" to clear up the "obstacle" of entrepreneurship

"In the past, it took a lot of procedures to run a restaurant license. This time, it didn’t take me 30 days to officially open the restaurant." Feng Hongjun, owner of Dangjun Restaurant in Banan District, Chongqing, said.

Chongqing has fully implemented the industrial and commercial registration reform since January 28 this year, becoming one of the first provinces and cities in China to fully implement the industrial and commercial registration system reform. After hearing this information, Feng Hongjun, who has been drifting north for more than ten years, chose to return to his hometown to start a business. After obtaining the business license from the industrial and commercial department, he applied for a license from the food and drug supervision department while decorating, recruiting and purchasing equipment. When the renovation was completed, all the formalities were completed and the restaurant opened smoothly.

The the State Council executive meeting held on June 4th decided to continue to clean up and compress the existing pre-approval items, change most of them into post-approval, and change from "first license before photo" to "first license after photo", and implement a catalogued management system, which will be open to the public and subject to supervision.

Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, pointed out that "taking photos first and then obtaining certificates" can improve the company’s survival rate and promote the company to carry out commercial activities as soon as possible. This reform is not a simple mechanical displacement of the examination and approval system and the registration system in the time dimension, but a major institutional innovation that comprehensively reduces and restricts the government’s examination and approval power, reconstructs public power and enhances the government’s credibility, and contains great positive energy for reform and innovation.

    "lenient entry and strict management", exploring the balance between management and release in practice

After lowering the entry threshold, corporate integrity has become one of the most concerned issues in society. This tests the management level of the government.

Wang Yukai, a professor at the National School of Administration, said that how to achieve the balance between management and release, not only to encourage entrepreneurship and stimulate market vitality, but also to maintain market order and avoid the strange circle of "management will die and release will be chaotic" is a difficult problem that the government must solve under the new situation.

The Provisional Regulations on Enterprise Information Publicity (Draft) adopted by the executive meeting in the State Council on July 23rd proposed to speed up the implementation of the enterprise information publicity system, rely more on establishing a transparent and honest market order to regulate enterprises, create a fair competitive market environment, and make credit the "foundation pile" of the socialist market economic system. Experts believe that this will help to further deepen the reform of the industrial and commercial registration system and straighten out the relationship between the government and the market.

According to the reporter’s investigation, Chongqing started to develop and build a joint credit information system for enterprises, and collected and integrated 26.773 million pieces of enterprise credit information. Through the application of enterprise credit information data in engineering construction, government procurement, land transaction, drug transaction, and approval of financial funds related to enterprise subsidies, the behavior of enterprise dishonesty is effectively restrained, and a strict management work pattern of "one place is untrustworthy and everywhere is limited" is initially formed.

Revisiting Red Star: Watch "Break the Cocoon and Become a Butterfly" Unleash the Rise of Xingtai Manufacturing

The newly launched Red Star Automobile new energy city logistics vehicle. Photo by Su Linhao

Recently, the production workshop of Hebei Red Star Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was a busy scene: the robotic arm flew up and down, the AGV trolley shuttled back and forth, the data on the screen jumped, and the technical workers were busy working… A brand new energy city logistics vehicle drove out of the production line in an orderly manner.

Back in time, back in the 20th century, Red Star Motor carried the pride of the people of Xingtai: China’s first station wagon was produced here; the country’s first highly automated automobile production line was established; in 1976, it was honored as "Oriental Beauty" at the Paris Auto Expo; it was awarded honorary titles such as "Top 500 Domestic Enterprises" and "Top Ten Stars in Hebei". However, due to various factors, Red Star Motor once fell into silence.

In recent years, in order to realize the dream of revitalizing the automobile industry, the whole city has overcome various difficulties, seized the opportunities of the times, and promoted Red Star Automobile to regain its new life. Not long ago, Red Star Automobile’s first batch of new energy urban logistics vehicles BOX1 was mass-produced and delivered to customers. With the completion of the four major workshop technical transformation projects, Red Star has fully entered the state of automated production in the new era, becoming an important engine to promote the transformation and upgrading of Xingtai’s automobile industry.

■ Products have gone global and won the reputation of "Oriental Beauty"

"Red Star cars have been continuously driven from Xingtai to the national market, and have also become designated vehicles for state organs." Recalling the glory of the 1970s and 1980s, Zhang Hongge, the former chief engineer of Red Star Automobile, is still excited.

As one of the earliest state-owned automobile manufacturers after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Red Star Automobile was established in Beijing in 1960 and moved to Xingtai in 1970. The year of the relocation, the new factory began construction and was completed and put into operation, producing the first Red Star brand 620 station wagon.

Liu Minghai, chairperson of Red Star Automobile, introduced that at that time, Red Star Automobile also encountered some difficult technical problems. While studying relevant literature and analyzing advanced automobile samples at home and abroad, the staff proposed plans and conducted tests to overcome one difficulty after another.

Soon, Red Star Motor was favored by the market with its excellent products and quality, and the HX6400 station wagon became a leading product in the domestic industry. With its special chassis design, Red Star Motor was very popular in the market, and the "Red Star Technology" was promoted all over the country.

The appearance of Red Star Automobile has brought unprecedented pride to the people of Xingtai. Red Star Automobile became the designated car of the original CCTV "China Quality Miles" program team. During the national border visit, it drove 50,000 kilometers continuously without any failure, and won the China Consumers Association "Consumers Trust Domestic Car Gold Award"; represented China in the Paris Automobile Expo, and was praised as "Oriental Beauty" by the world’s auto authorities. The product has also been foreign aid to Tanzania, Zambia and other 23 countries.

■ All the way ups and downs, persevering to usher in new opportunities

Entering the late 1990s, Red Star Motor encountered development difficulties in the face of changes in the global automotive manufacturing landscape and other factors.

It has four complete manufacturing processes of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly, and has the qualification of "dual production" of fuel vehicles and new energy electric vehicles. How can Red Star Automobile be reborn and regain its former glory? Xingtai people have poured a lot of effort into this.

"We have been confused and confused, but our determination to save Red Star Automobile and expand and strengthen the new energy automobile industry has never wavered; we have been anxious and tired, but our belief in reviving the’two steam and one drag ‘and rejuvenating the’car dream’ of Xingtai people has never changed." Wang Yinming, secretary of the Xindu District Party Committee, said that in the face of the dual pressure of ensuring qualification and development, when the epidemic was serious last year, the district party committee and district government research team drove north to Changchun to seek cooperation and went south to Ningbo to negotiate docking.

With the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government and the efforts of cadres at all levels, Red Star Automobile has ushered in new hope: in April this year, Know New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. deepened cooperation with Xindu District, fully launched the research and development and production of Red Star new energy vehicles, and worked together to create a new variety of new energy urban logistics vehicles.

With a goal, there is a direction to work towards. Produce a prototype car, get an announcement, focus on technical improvement, and fast mass production… More than 200 days and nights, more than 1,000 staff, turned Red Star Automobile from an old factory with a strong historical imprint into a vibrant new enterprise.

In May this year, Red Star Automobile launched a technical transformation upgrade, which integrated domestic advanced automobile production equipment and stable and reliable manufacturing processes, realized digital control and management, and greatly improved the production accuracy and production efficiency of vehicle manufacturing. Red Star Automobile’s automation process level has reached the industry’s leading level.

Subsequently, Red Star Motors’ HX5030X pure electric van transporter and HX1030 pure electric truck chassis were approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the production of road motor vehicle products, meeting the conditions for mass marketing.

Competing for a new energy track to rejuvenate the dream of Xingtai people

The return of "Red Star" is no longer what it used to be.

On December 9th, the Xingtai New Energy Logistics Vehicle Industry Development Conference was held at the Red Star Automobile Factory. At the meeting, the first domestic all-positive R & D and design new energy urban logistics vehicle BOX1 developed by Red Star Automobile was rolled off the production line and delivered to customers on site, marking the full resumption of production of the "two cars and one drag" that carried the dream of Xingtai people to revive the automobile industry, and opened a new chapter in our city to build a new energy city and reshape a strong manufacturing city.

"This car is bold and avant-garde, with a Cyber Mecha style design, high shape recognition, and both quality and cost. It has the advantage of’Dora Run ‘and is specially developed for the urban logistics and transportation industry." Liu Minghai said that it is expected to achieve an annual output of 30,000 vehicles next year, with an output value of more than 3 billion yuan.

At present, Red Star Automobile is upgrading its automobile production, R & D and manufacturing bases, and is committed to building a full ecological chain of the new energy vehicle industry. The company has clarified the development strategy of domestic new energy logistics vehicle operation and international vehicle sales "flying on both wings", and plans to quickly open up the international market through export distribution.

The "Red Star" brand effect continues to be released, and Xingtai’s automobile industry has accelerated its recovery. At present, our city has formed a multi-point linkage characteristic automobile industry cluster, with the coordinated development of vehicles and parts, the near-ground supporting capacity has been significantly enhanced, and the agglomeration effect has gradually emerged.

"In accordance with the plan of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Tenth Municipal Party Committee, we will continue to do a good job of extending the chain and strengthening the chain, continue to promote the expansion and upgrading of the new energy automobile industry, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system, and be the vanguard, leader and leader in reshaping Xingtai’s manufacturing industry." Wang Yinming said.

Xingtai Daily reporter Ji Mingquan, correspondent Tan Xue Zhang Xin

There are problems with the the State Council Grand Inspector’s action on harbin used car transaction, and relevant local departments have put forward rectification plans.

  Xinhua News Agency, Harbin, August 28th Question: There are problems in harbin used car trading, and relevant local departments have put forward rectification plans.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Liying from Xinhua Viewpoint

  Foreign cars are forced to take the opportunity to collect money by measuring exhaust gas when they move in, and the formal invoices are "not mutually recognized", so it is difficult to do things without looking for an intermediary … … Recently, according to the clues reflected by the masses through the "internet plus Inspection" platform in the State Council, the third inspection team of the ninth inspection of the State Council found that there were multiple problems in the second-hand car trading in Harbin.

  It is difficult to do the final inspection "inside and outside are different", the invoices "don’t recognize each other" and it is difficult to find an intermediary.

  The masses reported that when the owners of second-hand cars went through the relevant formalities of moving from other places to Harbin, even if the environmental inspection and annual inspection of the vehicles were within the validity period, they were forced to carry out exhaust gas testing, otherwise they could not handle the transfer. However, the transfer of used cars in Harbin does not need to detect exhaust gas.

  The staff of the inspection team made unannounced visits, accompanied several car owners to several motor vehicle registration service stations in Daoli District and Songbei District of Harbin, and dmv, the traffic control department of the public security organ, and were all told that if vehicles outside Harbin move in, the vehicle exhaust must be tested, and the relevant test report should be issued by the testing agency, and the transfer registration can only be carried out if the test results are qualified. Members of the inspection team saw at the scene that a car owner had paid the 180 yuan inspection fee.

  Field vehicle exhaust detection site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Liying photo

  According to the data provided by the Traffic Police Corps of Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department, the number of foreign cars transferred to Harbin in 2021 was 55,575. According to the inspection team, these vehicles are tested for exhaust gas in Harbin, and the charges for each vehicle range from 80 yuan to 240 yuan.

  In addition, some people reported to the inspection team that some motor vehicle registration service stations take advantage of the special advantages of issuing invoices for used car transactions and assisting in handling motor vehicle registration business, and only recognize the transaction invoices issued by their own markets, and refuse to handle business, which creates obstacles to the free trading of used cars.

  Members of the inspection team took the formal invoices issued by other used car markets and went to Harbin Hongda International Automobile City Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station and Guangquan Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station to handle the transfer business, but they were all rejected. Asked about the specific reasons, the staff said, "You paid the money elsewhere, printed the invoice, and then came to me to do business, but you didn’t give me the money. How can I recognize your invoice?"

  Used car inspection site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Liying photo

  According to the service telephone provided on the "Traffic Management 12123”App, the inspection team randomly selected the Guancheng Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station and Yuanpeng Motor Vehicle Registration Service Station in Harbin for telephone consultation, and found that there was a widespread problem of mutual non-recognition of invoices among service stations.

  Under various obstacles, second-hand car trading can’t move without intermediary. A second-hand car buyer said that in Harbin, if the intermediary company is not paid a "service fee", it is very difficult for individuals to complete the transfer procedures.

  The inspection team found that many motor vehicle registration service stations and agency agencies often charge a package of "service fees" in the name of invoicing, exhaust gas detection, vehicle inspection, transfer, licensing, etc., with prices ranging from 100 yuan to 500 yuan.

  The implementation of policies and regulations is not in place, and the regulatory obligations are not fulfilled.

  The inspection team said that since the beginning of this year, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have issued a series of documents, emphasizing that unreasonable and discriminatory access and exit conditions should not be set to restrict the free flow of goods, services and factor resources; It is clearly required to steadily increase mass consumption such as automobiles and completely cancel the policy of restricting the movement of used cars. Relevant departments in Harbin failed to update their service functions and norms in accordance with the new national policies, resulting in poor market circulation and a burden on the people.

  In view of the difficulty in mutual recognition of unified invoices, industry insiders said that some motor vehicle registration service stations in Harbin refused to recognize transaction invoices issued by other markets for their own profits for various reasons, reflecting that local authorities failed to effectively perform their supervision and management functions while delegating power, which disrupted the order of the used car trading market.

  In addition, the inspection team indicated that there were many problems in circulation management in harbin used car, involving a wide range, which troubled the people for many years, but the local commercial and public security departments involved turned a blind eye, reflecting to some extent that the relevant departments failed to keep up with the supervision while delegating power.

  Clean up and rectify arbitrary charges and simplify trading links

  The inspection team suggested that the relevant localities should improve their political positions, further improve the rules and regulations, strengthen the daily supervision and management of motor vehicle registration service stations, clean up and rectify the problems of adding restrictions on moving, non-mutual recognition of invoices and opaque fees in the field of second-hand car trading, simplify the second-hand car trading links, and enhance the convenience and sense of acquisition of people in handling related businesses.

  It is reported that at present, relevant departments in Harbin have put forward rectification plans for corresponding problems and standardized the used car trading market.

  The Harbin Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment issued a notice, requiring all motor vehicle exhaust testing institutions in the city to stop the inspection and testing of foreign used cars that meet the national emission standards of air pollutants for motor vehicles in use and are within the validity period of motor vehicle emission inspection.

  Harbin Municipal Bureau of Public Security and Traffic Management clarifies the requirements for the circulation of invoices for used car transactions to all motor vehicle registration service stations. After review, the relevant invoices issued by non-local markets will normally handle relevant business for motor vehicle owners, and they shall not shirk or refuse to handle them on the grounds of non-local market issuance; At the same time, Harbin Public Security Traffic Management Bureau also put forward relevant requirements for the standardized construction of motor vehicle registration service stations.

Hot spots? A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports, and you can make an appointment online.

Kunming citizens can book stadiums online for fitness exercises ~

A few days ago, the digital platform of "Kunming Sports" WeChat WeChat official account was upgraded, and the functions of sports venue reservation, sports map and scientific sports guidance were launched. The citizens can check the sports venues in various counties (cities) of Kunming online and reserve suitable venues.

How to make a reservation? Click on the video to see the raiders ~

In recent years, Kunming Education and Sports Bureau has continuously optimized and improved the public sports service system. In October 2021, it began to build a Kunming smart sports platform and put it into trial operation in March 2023.

The WeChat official account is mainly divided into three plates.

The first plate

The first section is "comprehensive information", which realizes the function of window publicity, integrates and publishes the policy information related to sports development and the achievements of sports development in Kunming, and provides dynamic information on sports development for the masses.

The second plate

The second section is "Sports Together", which provides people with convenient channels such as sports map inquiry, venue reservation, event inquiry and registration, and scientific fitness guidance through online applet functions. A mobile phone "plays" Kunming Sports.

Among them, according to the requirements of "enriching public sports facilities" in 10 practical projects of benefiting the people in Kunming in 2024, no less than 30 primary and secondary schools will be selected to open sports venues to the public in the summer vacation, and citizens can make reservations through the "Kunming Sports" and "WeChat official account Sports Together" applet.

The third plate

The third section is "micro-interaction", which realizes the functions of collecting opinions and suggestions, providing government information services, inquiring about athletes’ registration, and inquiring about the contact information of sports-related departments, so as to collect opinions and suggestions from the public on the development of Kunming sports and jointly tell the story of Kunming sports.

In the next step, Kunming will continue to integrate the information of sports development in Kunming and the information of sports events, so as to provide the masses with more comprehensive sports development trends in Kunming and more convenient channels for participation.

Further strengthen the digital sports platform to upgrade and transform, input the data of sports venues and facilities of primary and secondary schools in Kunming into the digital sports platform, realize online registration, face recognition, identity authentication and other functions, and implement the opening of school sports venues to the society.

We also encourage social sports venues to carry out intelligent transformation, upload information such as people flow, personnel information and venue use to the intelligent platform in real time, realize real-time monitoring and sharing of national fitness data, realize big data analysis of mass sports regionality and sports needs of different groups, and timely adjust short-term sports work plans and project layouts in combination with medium and long-term development plans to meet the different fitness needs of the masses.

Reporter Yu Suyan

Photo: Kunming Sports

Editor Yu Suyan

Audit Zhang Liya

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Today’s headline, Weibo, Xinhua and Renmin.

Original title: "Hot spots, a mobile phone" playing "Kunming Sports, online can make an appointment"

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Just this week, after 05, "children" made a strong appearance. Did Uncle Deyo feel pressured?

Extremely popular journalist Chen Lingyan

632420dagy1hn3ouhyqyoj20sg0izacs.jpgMensik (official social platform map of ATP Tour)

In the last week, the most shocking thing in international tennis was the strong appearance of a group of post-05 players.

In Doha, Jacob Mensik, a Czech boy born in 2005, dismounted Murray, a famous veteran, and then abruptly eliminated Lublev, who was in his prime. Then he went one step further and ruthlessly defeated gael monfils, a veteran 19 years older than him, and reached the final directly, becoming the youngest player to reach the final of the ATP Tour since Umag Alcaraz in 2021. His strong performance stunned a crowd of fans.

In Rio, Joao Fonseca, a Brazilian brother born in 2006, swept Top50 player Firth with a wild card and became the first player born in 2006 to win on the Tour. In the second round, he defeated Garin, becoming the youngest player to reach the top 8 of the ATP Tour after Zvilev in 2014, and also the youngest Brazilian to advance to the top 8 of the ATP Tour.

Only last month, everyone was still excited that the 23-year-old Singer won the Australian Open, which meant the opening of a new generation of tennis. But in a blink of an eye, teenagers born in 2005 and 2006 made their debut, making Singer born in 2001 even look younger. 18-year-old Mensik, 17-year-old Fonseca, and 19-year-old Shang Juncheng of China … These young people under the age of 20 are growing up like crazy.

What is more noteworthy is that this year’s "children" are not attracted by their strong bodies, strong physical strength and fearless aggressiveness like the younger generation in the past. Their performance on the court shows that compared with their predecessors, this generation of young people have a better understanding of tennis and a more relaxed control of the court, just like getting an enhanced version of the operation manual.

Fonseca, for example, not only has a fast ball speed, but also has a precise landing point. At the same time, he is good at handling the ball in front of the net and switching between long and short balls. His ability is completely different from that of a newcomer.

Check out his story. In 2014, at the age of 7, he watched the game for the first time in Rio, watching Nadal’s game; In 2024, 17-year-old Fonseca became famous in this competition by waving a racket.

632420dagy1hn37rx3phhj20u00u077x.jpgFonseca (official social platform map of ATP Tour)

Besides, Mensik, who started playing tennis at the age of 4, has always dreamed of playing against his idol Djokovic. Now he is 18 years old. In the face of his predecessor Murray, his fast movement and wide-angle hitting make Murray only sigh. In the face of Lublev, he was also calm in the tiebreaker, and he didn’t see the novice panic at all. In the early morning of 24th against gael monfils, he played steadily, accurately and resolutely, and he was quite courageous in handling the key ball in the deciding set.

This little brother, who likes eating pizza and listening to eminem, already has the psychological quality of a mature player.

What’s more, these "children" have extremely high emotional intelligence. When defeating gael monfils, Mensik shook hands with each other and said, "You were one of my greatest inspirations when I was a child."

Some critics say that only Djokovic can treat these "children". Last year, a group of players in their early twenties challenged Djokovic, and Djokovic ruthlessly crushed the younger generation with amazing performance. After winning the championship, Djokovic once laughed and said that young people wanted to challenge him, but fortunately, he still won.

After a year, this group of young people under the age of 20 was born, and they could challenge a legend like Djokovic. I wonder if these young people who watched Djokovic win the championship on TV as a baby will make Uncle Djokovic feel pressure.

(Source: Jimu News)

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Honing Will Quality in Learning, Training and Competition: Exploring "Physical Education+Ideological and Political Education" in Outdoor Classroom

   "Pay attention to defense and don’t forget to cooperate with teammates!" Under the guidance of the coach, Li Xiaohui, a quarterback, used his clever passing feint and feinted a shot to win the offensive opportunity for the players. The red flag at the opponent’s waist was torn off instantly, and Li Xiaohui successfully assisted and scored.

  This is the scene of the public elective course "Waist Flag Rugby" in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongnan University of Finance"). Li Xiaohui is a sophomore in mathematics and statistics and a member of the school’s flag football team.

  Not long ago, as the core of the team, she led the school’s first flag rugby team to win three gold medals in the first rugby championship in Hubei Province. After winning the laurel, she wrote on the social platform: "I finally learned rugby, but I learned more than rugby."

  From the classroom to the stadium, the "temporary sports team" stormed the waist flag football competition.

  On December 9, 2023, the first Rugby Championship of Hubei Universities and the NFL FLAG Rugby Competition (Hubei Division) started in Wuhan University. More than 200 athletes from 12 universities in Hubei Province participated.

  Facing the strong rivals with established rugby teams such as Wuhan University and Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Zhongnan Finance University Rugby Club, a "new star" of the student sports team established less than two months ago, won three gold medals in women’s group A, men’s group A and mixed group. Li Jinglin, one of the instructors and coaches, thinks: "Absolute unity and indomitable spirit are the key."

  "The flag football is a simplified version of football. Compared with the formal football game, it pays more attention to skills and relies on physical flexibility. The game stipulates that a waist flag is hung on the attacker’s belt, and when the defender pulls down the waist flag on the attacker’s belt with the ball, the attack is stopped. " In the first class, Li Jinglin explained the basic rules to the students. "It is a safe and non-collision sport, but it needs clever teamwork and tactical cooperation, and it is also a very cohesive sport."

  Li Xiaohui, who was born in the track and field team, is agile and explosive. She is quite talented in sports, but she was criticized by the teacher in the first class.

  "Rush out so fast? Have you figured out the tactics? Regardless of your teammates? " Three questions made Li Xiaohui speechless. At first, she only cared about her own score, ignoring the cooperation and cooperation of the team. After a class of practice and a game of running-in, Li Xiaohui finally understood that this is not a project that can be won by personal brute force.

  Li Xiaohui took the initiative to stay and practice, reflect on every movement on the field, and change from a stranger of different majors to a "comrade-in-arms" who can understand with his teammates. "I really realized that sportsmanship is not only a fighting spirit, but also a team spirit and a spirit of sacrifice."

  In order to prepare for the first provincial competition, Li Jinglin and her partner Wang Zehua selected 24 students from two classes they taught, and they didn’t formally train as a team until October 2023. Young teams are the most inexperienced. Under the guidance of coaches, the team "practices four times a week" to learn tactics, analyze and summarize. "Although the training of the flag football team has left the classroom and gone to the stadium, the core of training and learning is the same. Cultivating students’ sense of role division and team cohesion is the purpose of offering this course and providing a platform for practice and competition."

  Outdoor courses are new, and students are from "Little White" to expert in pulp board rescue.

  This semester, Yang Xinyi, a sophomore in mathematics and statistics, grabbed a online celebrity class and learned a new skill.

  In September, 2023, like swimming, she chose the newly-opened public course "Pulp Board". In a pulp board rescue class, she played the rescued person who accidentally fell into the water. The nearest classmate immediately turned over the board to rescue her, but her strength was not enough. The pulp board could not support her weight. At a critical juncture, two other students nearby also rushed to the board. It only took more than 30 seconds for Yang Xinyi to be successfully rescued.

  "One person’s strength may not be enough, but the strength of a group of people can certainly." Teacher Zeng Qifei preached.

  "perfect score, beautiful!" Thirty students rowed about 270 meters independently in Xiaonanhu, the school. With the teacher’s order, the students changed from kneeling position to standing position and sprinted forward. Shi Yashang, a 2022 law school student, won the first place in the men’s group as he wished.

  Just two months ago, he was a "layman" who had never been exposed to any water sports. Now, the pulp board class has ended, but Shi Yashang’s pulp board addiction is not over yet. In order to continue practicing in the future, he bought his first pulp board.

  When Shi Yashang just grabbed this popular class, he once thought that he would be able to row freely on the water with a paddle like a surfer. Unexpectedly, it was the third week since he actually got on the board.

  "First, drag the pulp board out of the equipment room to pump up, and three people will work together to hit a board. Only when the boat is strong enough, you will not capsize." In the second class, Zeng Qifei asked students to do equipment preparation and safety inspection. Shi Yashang, who is looking forward to galloping on the water, seems a little listless.

  "After pumping up for most of the class, when can I paddle?" He was complaining in his heart. Zeng Qifei went to his side and helped him inflate together. He said, "The balance and coordination of water sports test the patience of athletes. If you don’t even have the patience to prepare equipment, how can you cope with the wind and waves?"

  Zeng Qifei told reporters that these seemingly boring preparations are also "compulsory courses" he arranged for the students. At the same time, as the orienteering coach of the school, he believes that physical education teaching is not a skill to teach students to jump high and run far, but should pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ personality and the tempering of their will quality.

  Helping students to improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise is the focus of sports education actively promoted by Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics. In 2023, the sports department of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics opened new courses such as Paddle Board, Paragliding, Ultimate Frisbee for College Students, Rugby Flag and Body Correction, and promoted the teaching mode of "Sports+Ideological and Political Education", and the new classes were full and widely praised.

  Create sports culture and promote the normalization of extracurricular exercise

  "People who used to hate running the most now go running every day." Yan Changhao, a 2022 student of the School of Economics, was appraised by his roommate: "He is more energetic, like a different person."

  In the past three years, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics has included regular healthy running in the scope of sports performance assessment, and launched the "Sunshine Sports" applet to urge students to punch in every week.

  At the beginning, the weekly sunshine sports was Yan Changhao’s biggest headache, but he ran and ran, and his punching frequency became more and more frequent, exceeding the task every time. "If you persist, you will get into the habit of running around Xiaonanhu every day, which can not only exercise but also empty your mind and give yourself a time to relax." Yan Changhao said.

  It is understood that the Sports Department of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics is making great efforts to promote students’ "one hour a day" campus sports activities. For the whole school students, we advocate "getting out of the dormitory, getting off the internet and going to the playground", hold regular national aerobics and "Freshman Cup" series of sports events, and organize activities such as sunshine long-distance running competition and punching in the lake.

  In addition, relying on the Red Revolution Education Base, the school also developed the "Red Physical Education" practical course, explored the cultural resources of physical education classroom by flying across the canyon, cooking in a pot and camping on foot, created an experiential sports ideological and political classroom with the theme of "Party building+performance", and held the "Praise for the Party’s Grace and Follow the Party" sports art classroom performance activities.

  "We pay attention to hierarchical classification and promote the characteristics of teaching content. Follow the characteristics of sports and the law of students’ growth, and create courses suitable for students with different physical fitness and different levels, so that students can experience the spirit of unity, cooperation and tenacious struggle while learning, practicing and competing. " Huang Hongyuan, director of the sports department, introduced.

  This year, with the support of the school, the Ministry of Physical Education will launch a new talent training program, and the required credits for physical education will be increased from 4 to 8. On the basis of physical education class, nearly 30 characteristic physical education courses, such as outdoor sports, balloon volleyball, swimming, yoga, sports dance, body building and etiquette, will be newly opened.

  "In the new semester, we will add more adaptation classes, invest more teachers, give students more choices, and do our best to do a good job in sports education." Huang Hongyuan said.

  Feng Ningxuan Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Lei Yu Source: China Youth Daily

The latest news of table tennis World Cup! Guoping is far ahead, and Fan Zhendong is the finale 2.

On December 5th, Beijing time, the ITTF Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup was in full swing. In a just-concluded men’s singles contest, Fan Zhendong, the world champion of table tennis, made his debut against Huang Zhen Ting of Hongkong team in China. As a result, Xiao Pang withstood the impact and finally defeated his opponent 2-0, scoring 2 points for table tennis.

Earlier, Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha defeated He Junjie/Du Kaiyu 3-0, and Chen Meng swept Zhu Chengzhu 3-0. Together with the icing on the cake of Fan Zhendong, the China team has achieved a proud record of 8-0. After zero opponents won on the first match day, Guoping continued to play the victory song on the second match day, well done!

Fan Zhendong’s game against Huang Zhen Ting also attracted much attention. In the first game, Fan Zhendong played a bit dull at the beginning, and the score could not be opened in the first half of the game. However, Fan Zhendong played well in the second half, winning the game with 10-7, and then Fan Zhendong scored. At the same time, Xiao Pang scored a point for Guoping.

In the second game, Huang Zhen Ting gave it a shot, but Fan Zhendong fought back against the impact, leading the opponent 4-2, and Huang Zhen Ting used a timeout. After coming back, Huang Zhen Ting scored 2 points and tied the score to 4-4. Then, Fan Zhendong stabilized the situation and finally sealed the victory with 11-4.

In this way, as of now, Guoping has not lost a game, and has won 16 consecutive games. No one can shake its strength. Congratulations to Guoping and China. Later (tonight at 19:00), Guoping will once again go out to compete for the third round of the group round robin, expecting good news from the soldiers.

Football match

From: Nanjing Morning Post

Wonderful moment

In a football training class, we played a match between grade four and grade three.

Before the game, the coach said to us, "We should not score three goals in 15 minutes in the fourth grade, and if we finish, we will run ten laps in the third grade." "yeah!" Our fourth-grade players cheered up, not only to win the game, but also because the match was much more interesting than constantly training with the ball and passing the ball.

The confrontation began. First of all, Wang Yike, a fourth-grade student, served the ball to Xu Zimo. Xu Zimo just dribbled the ball forward, and Wang Wenxuan snatched it away in an instant and passed it to striker Zhou Yuxiao, who ran to the penalty area with the ball. When I was about to hit the door, I seized the opportunity and shoveled a ball at Zhou Yuxiao with lightning speed and successfully took it out. Then I quickly got up and passed the ball to Li Jiaming.

It’s a pity that I forgot to stare at people. Xia Shaozhong grabbed Li Jiaming’s ball while I was not looking. However, Li Jiaming is not a vegetarian. He stepped forward with a big foot and drove the ball to the door. Next, in the third grade, Zhou Yuxiao took the ball and ran. Sun Yuanhao riveted his strength and didn’t keep it. The ball scored. Unfortunately, there are only five minutes left, so it seems difficult to score two more goals in the third grade.

As soon as several teammates in our fourth grade came together, they decided to fight a protracted war with them next. It was our turn to serve. Forward Wang Yike passed the ball to Li Jiaming. Li Jiaming provoked the ball and drove it forward hard. The third-grade goalkeeper Chen Ganyu blocked the ball with an accurate side jump and threw it out.

Chen Ganyu threw it to Xia Shaozhong, and Xia Shaozhong passed it to Zhou Yuxiao. Wang Yike took the opportunity to successfully grab the ball, but unfortunately he didn’t keep it. The ball fell to Wang Wenxuan’s feet again, and Wang Wenxuan passed it to Zhou Yuxiao to hit the door and was caught by our fourth-grade goalkeeper Sun Yuanhao.

Next, we have to fight back. I took the ball across the center line to find Li Jiaming and passed it to him. Li Jiaming was ready to hit the door, but unfortunately he didn’t score. At this time, the whistle blew and we achieved our goal.

This wonderful match tested our skills and made the cooperation between teammates more tacit.

Football is really a passionate sport!

Yixin Garden Primary School Class 4 (3) Liu Honglang

Instructor Liu Feng

Crazy! For the Lakers to reduce their salary by $44 million, the Rockets voiced their sadness and wanted to build a new Harden.

This offseason, Austin Reeves and the Lakers reached a new contract of $56 million for four years. At that time, the whole league was surprised. Many people didn’t understand why Reeves accepted such a low price to return to the team. Even many managers in the Lakers believe that Reeves will not come back. The Lakers really couldn’t offer Reeves a big contract, but in the end, when Pelinka finished signing Reeves, the public screen was covered with amazing barrage.

Earlier, it was reported that the Rockets gave Reeves 80 million yuan for four years, but he still chose to return to the Lakers. But today, it was revealed that the contract given by the rocket was not 80 million yuan, but as high as 100 million yuan in four years. ESPN reporter Tim MacMahon reported that the Rockets had focused on Reeves before choosing Van Jordan, and their plan had already given an offer of $100 million for four years. But in the end, the Rockets chose to retreat after much consideration. They didn’t think Reeves was expensive, but simply thought that the Lakers would match this offer. They had no reason to let Reeves go.

The Rockets didn’t want to waste time on a player with a high probability of returning to the Lakers, so they focused on Van Jordan. Tim MacMahon finally even bluntly said that if the Rockets offered Reeves an offer and the Lakers didn’t choose to match, then the Rockets wouldn’t get Van Jordan. They will take Reeves as the team leader, then pursue Tommy Tam and increase the contract offer for Daluo.

Unfortunately, in the face of the privilege given by the Rockets, Reeves did not take active actions to convince the Rockets to make an offer in the end. He chose to interrupt contact and actively communicate with the Lakers. According to the Arenas rule, the Lakers can only give the draft Reeves a maximum of $56 million for four years, and Reeves can get an offer of more than 100 million for four years in the free market, but there is an additional clause, that is, once Reeves gets an offer of more than 100 million for four years from other teams, the Lakers can ignore the rules and have the right to match.

In theory, if Reeves wants to maximize the benefits, he can use the rocket to raise the price and let them report 100 million yuan for four years. Whether the Lakers choose to match or not, Reeves can be invincible and secure $100 million, but he gave up this right. We can only say that Reeves absolutely loves the Lakers. He likes to play with LeBron James, and he hopes to finish the empty catch with thick eyebrows. From a practical point of view, joining the Rockets is really attractive.

Reeves’ foul-making ability in the Lakers is called Little Harden. The reconstructed rocket needs a young potential star who can lead the team. Reeves’ offensive and defensive performance is also extremely brave. Such a player is a perfect candidate for the Rockets to build the Uduka system. Reeves averaged 13 points, 3 rebounds and 3.4 assists in the regular season last season, with a shooting percentage of 52.9% and a three-point shooting percentage of 40%. Reeves by going up one flight of stairs averaged 16.9 points, 4.4 rebounds and 4.6 assists in the playoffs, among which his three-point shooting percentage was as high as 44.3%.

It is worth mentioning that in the last 11 games of Reeves’ regular season, he averaged 19.8 points, 6.1 assists and helped the Lakers play 9-2. Without Reeves’ superb performance, the Lakers might not even be in the seventh place in the West. It is interesting that Reeves is strong when he is strong, not just in the face of warriors. Reeves is the only player in the Lakers team who still has a significant improvement in data shooting percentage in the series of the Western Conference finals against the Nuggets. He averaged 21.3 points and 5.3 assists in 39.8 minutes, shooting 54.9% from the field and shooting 56% from three points. As a draft in 2021, Reeves took a two-way contract and got 56 million yuan for four years, which is a counterattack. Such a player who came from the bottom, leaving his four-year $100 million behind, drastically reduced his salary by 44 million, which is very difficult for most people. This is too difficult.