Zhi Ji LS7 blindly ordered a large number of orders to be transferred. Why didn’t Zhi Ji stop it?

Text: Talking about Qing said AI Author: Zheng Driving

Recently, according to a number of media reports, there are a lot of news about the transfer of orders blindly ordered by Zhiji LS7 on the idle fish platform. Tan Qing said that AI tried to search for "Zhi Ji LS7 blind subscription transfer", and the results showed that the transfer information came from different regions such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan and Shanghai, and there were "174 treasures" nationwide.

According to the auto industry’s concern, a seller in Guangzhou issued a document saying: Zhiji LS7 was the top 10,000 in the early stage of listing, and received 5,000 cash subsidies to pick up the car, which can change the name of the car buyer, mobile phone number and vehicle configuration …

It is worth noting that the Zhiji LS7, which is positioned as a "smart pure electric medium and large luxury SUV", was officially launched on February 10th. Although it will not be delivered to the first batch of users until March, blind subscription users have been able to test drive in the official experience store offline for nearly half a month since listing.

Previously, due to the fact that the order quantity of Zhiji LS7 was not bad, according to Zhiji’s official disclosure, it was "successfully broken through 10,000" on February 1. However, there are so many order transfers on the second-hand platform now, which can’t help but make some media start to question. The scheduled quantity of Zhiji may have the possibility of "data flooding". For this matter, I haven’t seen the official position of Zhiji yet.

Then the question is, after all, the first batch of blind booking car owners felt dissatisfied after experiencing Zhiji LS7, and wanted to change hands to find the "receiver"? Or is it that the car owner who booked blindly before was not sincere in buying a car at all, just trying to make a difference?

Why didn’t Zhiji officials stop a large number of blind orders from being transferred?

We all know that cars, as a kind of big consumer goods, buyers are more cautious when they start, and it is actually normal for individual owners to transfer orders blindly or return orders. For example, after the release of G9 in Tucki last year, because the price allocation was too complicated, many blind book owners found that many combinations were not practical and decided to unsubscribe.

Nowadays, a large number of orders are transferred from the blind booking of Zhiji LS7. According to normal logic, it may be that the intended owner is dissatisfied with the car or the price.

Speaking of price, I have to mention the price war initiated by Tesla at the beginning of the year. After Tesla took the lead in price reduction, many luxury new power brands began to follow suit. The biggest price reduction in the world reached 30,000 yuan, and several cars owned by Tucki also reduced their prices by 20,000-36,000 yuan.

Look at Zhiji LS7 again. On December 20th last year, this car was put into pre-sale, and the published price range was 350,000-500,000 yuan. When Zhiji LS7 was officially listed on February 10th this year, the official price was adjusted to 309,800 yuan-459,800 yuan, and both the entry version and the top version were 40,200 yuan cheaper than the pre-sale price.

We can’t know how much gross profit the LS7 car has left, butIn terms of price reduction, compared with other high-end brands, Zhiji officials have given considerable sincerity.At the very least, it is much cheaper than the price expected by many blind book owners.

If there is no problem with the price, we should consider a possibility before praising or criticizing the car itself: some owners who buy Zhiji LS7 are scalper buyers.

Is the transfer of Zhiji LS7 made by a "scalper"? In fact, it is not difficult to speculate.

In fact, it is not always possible for "yellow cattle" to make a difference by changing orders, but it needs "time" to help.

Last year, due to factors such as rising raw material prices and tight supply of spare parts, the production capacity of many brands of new energy vehicles was limited, and everyone generally raised prices and the cycle of picking up cars was greatly extended. For example, Tesla’s price increase is 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, and the space for middlemen to earn the difference is attractive enough.

Under this circumstance, a large number of "scalpers" have appeared in the market to satisfy the psychology of some consumers who want to get a car cheap and early.

"During that time, many of our businesses were cut off by the scalper, and some even rushed into the Tesla direct store. Before the sale, the heel intended to talk to the customer. The scalper came forward and said that he had an order, which not only could pick up the car earlier, but also was cheaper than the Model Y after the price increase." Tan Hong (a pseudonym), a new energy automobile dealer in Zhengzhou, told Tan Qing that AI indicated.

However, as the supply chain and other factors limiting production have been alleviated, Tesla has entered a price reduction cycle, and at this time, the days of scalpers are not good. At the beginning of this year, Tesla took the lead in launching a "price war" in order to rush sales, and other high-end new energy automobile brands followed suit. "Now there is no oil and water, and the scalpers who resell orders have converged a lot."

From this logic point of view, under the background of the current high-end car price reduction, the possibility of "scalper" reselling Zhiji LS7 orders cannot be said to be completely absent, but it may not be high. More importantly, the Zhiji LS7 has not been delivered yet, and the quality of this car has not been verified by the market. If it is not a tight commodity, the "scalper" has no certainty of making a steady profit.

However, the exclusive rights and interests of blind book owners given by Zhiji officials are far higher than the blind book price of 888 yuan. Perhaps it is just seeing the "rich rights and interests" of blind subscribers that they will resell Zhiji LS7 with the mentality of taking a chance.

Judging from the price tag given by the transferor of Zhiji LS7 blind subscription, it is true that the price given by a few sellers is lower than the official blind subscription amount of 888 yuan. If these orders come from scalpers, the business is properly lost.

Some people prefer to transfer orders with blind user rights at a loss, which may indicate that these people are slightly disappointed after seeing the real content of Zhiji LS7 car and are worried about hitting it in their hands., simply transfer at a low price and stop loss in time.

However, because this car has not been listed yet, and some transferors ask for more than the official blind order amount of 888 yuan, these people seem to be suspected of scalping.

Whether the blind order transfer is done by "scalpers" or not,For Zhiji officials, this phenomenon may lead to confusion in the brand pricing system, which is a kind of harm to the brand.

For consumers, some people will be greedy for cheap. If automobile manufacturers allow the phenomenon of order transfer to flood, it may cause transaction risks and damage the rights and interests of car owners.

"The transaction of unofficial sales pre-sale channels is not guaranteed, which is prone to disputes. For example, the seller may go back on his word or temporarily ask for a price increase after the buyer takes a photo." Tan Hong told Tan Qing that AI said.

In fact, the attitude of automobile manufacturers towards "scalpers" reflects the brand power and discourse power of an automobile manufacturer, so many high-end automobile brands are trying to rectify the behavior of "reselling" orders.

Tesla, which was closely watched by scalpers, once issued a "no resale commitment letter", requiring users to promise not to transfer the ownership within one year of picking up the car. Offenders should pay a penalty of 20% of the invoiced price, otherwise the binding account change and super charging will be restricted. Weilai launched the "first owner’s rights and interests", which includes a large number of disguised concessions such as free service upgrades, and the sales contract will also stipulate that once the vehicle is resold, the above rights and interests will automatically expire.

Even BYD has begun to cherish the brand feathers. For example, BYD Song plusdmi orders are not allowed to be renamed, and after the forced transfer of orders, some lifetime warranty policies will be limited.

For a strong brand, whether it is price increase or price reduction, the official will hold the pricing power.Behind Tesla’s crackdown on scalpers is also its obsession with controlling the price system of new cars. "Tan Hong said.

Looking at Zhiji again, many users who transfer LS7 blind orders claim that their rights and interests will not be affected after the transfer. Why is Zhiji not in a hurry to crack down on the transfer of orders? Do you really care that the price system is messed up?

Sales continue to be sluggish, how to build "China Tesla"?

For Zhiji LS7, it is not a big problem to experience the disturbance of order transfer. After all, the real car has not been delivered yet, and the sales volume is unknown. Let the bullets fly for a while.

However, in the view of talking about AI, many media have all kinds of bad speculations about transferring orders, mainly becauseThe sales performance of the first Chezhiji L7 was poor, and the first shot didn’t start.

Judging from the insurance coverage, the cumulative sales volume of Zhiji L7 last year was only 4,682 units, and the average monthly sales volume was not worth mentioning.

Recently, with the release of LS7, Tamia Liu said that the reasons for the low sales of L7 are not only the products and brands, but also the rhythm of channel laying.

"By December 31 last year, Zhiji had opened 113 offline experience and delivery centers, which is relatively small." Tamia Liu said.

Judging from the soaring sales volume in the world last year, the channel is quite critical for the blessing of new brand sales. From this perspective, Zhiji officially allows blind users to transfer orders, perhaps to make up for the lack of channels.

The channel is actually a heavy asset investment. Once it does not match the sales volume, it will also bring a heavy burden to Zhiji. However, from the background of the company, behind Zhiji stood SAIC and Alibaba, which are the rich second generation in the car industry.

According to Tianyancha APP, on August 1 last year, Zhiji completed the A round of equity financing, and the post-investment valuation reached nearly 30 billion yuan; Recently, a syndicated loan of 5 billion yuan was successfully signed. It is not difficult to see that Zhiji Automobile is still favored by capital.

Obviously, Zhiji, who is backed by SAIC and Ali, is not short of money. Why is the channel layout so cautious? Does SAIC still have reservations about its support for Zhiji?

In the high-end market of new energy, in addition to Zhiji, SAIC also has a Feifan car that focuses on high-level intelligence.

Feifan is also a high-end new energy brand. From the price point of view, its positioning is slightly lower than that of Zhiji, and it belongs to an entry-level luxury brand. What is embarrassing now is that with the price reduction of Zhiji, Feifan and Zhiji brands overlap in the price range, and the internal competition is more obvious.

According to the number of new car compulsory insurance purchases, Feifan brand, which has launched four cars, sold only 250 cars in January this year, down 84.55% and 90.04% respectively from the previous month, which is quite bleak. According to the announcement of SAIC, Zhiji, which was built with heavy money, only sold 507 vehicles in January.

In terms of sales volume, Feifan and Zhiji have a weak presence in the new energy market, which is simply a pair of "Wolong Feng Chu". Since Feifan hasn’t flown yet, the pressure on Tamia Liu and Zhiji won’t be alleviated at all.

Recently, with the release of the LS7 model, Tamia Liu took the opportunity to shout out the sales target for 2023: 45,000 vehicles. Objectively speaking, this goal is not too high.

Regrettably, this high-end brand, once regarded as "No.1 Project" of SAIC, seems to be farther away from the goal of becoming "China Tesla".

Reading | Young People’s "Partner" Socialization

  * This article is the 11th issue of Pindu in 2023.

  I ran into an acquaintance, but I didn’t see him for more than a month and thought he had lost a lot of weight, so I asked him for advice on the secret of losing weight. He told me: "I found some partners to lose weight, ran together and ate fat-reducing meals. Everyone encouraged and supervised each other every day. I didn’t expect the effect to be quite obvious."

  Weight loss partner? Seeing my doubts, my acquaintances told me with a smile that compared with my friends, the utility of "partner" is more clear, and it can be accurately subdivided, such as "meal partner", "game partner" and "gym partner". That is, from the joint participation of something, it ends at the end of cooperation; Highly in tune with a certain field, but emotionally independent. Because we only concentrate on the matter itself, we are both relaxed. The acquaintance said happily: "This time, I lost weight successfully, and’ Zuozi’ contributed a lot. The purpose of getting together is to lose weight. If you lose weight successfully, the mission of’ taking the child’ will be completed, and it will be automatically dissolved. There is no trouble with the relationship. "

  I am a person who seems to have a "flattering personality". Every time I go out with my friends, I always habitually compromise. For example, if I want to stay in a hotel and my friend wants to experience a B&B, then go to the B&B, even though it makes me feel unsafe, I may not sleep well all night. I wanted to taste local specialties, but my friend couldn’t get used to it and asked for a change of fast food, so I stopped insisting and just ate at will. I plan ahead and want to visit more scenic spots, but my friend is tired and prefers to sleep in his room, so stay in his room and play with his mobile phone in another place.

  With the "partner", it is completely different. You are used to staying in a hotel, and I am used to staying in a hotel; You like to eat special food, and I like to try it. You are energetic and want to look around, and I also want to visit all the scenic spots … We are in tune with each other in terms of tourism. If it’s not in tune, then find another one who is in tune, and no one has to accommodate anyone. The original purpose of everyone is to find people with the same hobbies and have a good time. If you are happy, I will be happy.

Reading | Young People's "Partner" Socialization

  I have read Xu Zhimo’s poem: You and I meet in the dark sea/You have yours/I have mine/direction/You remember it/You’d better forget it/The light that shines on each other at this meeting … This poem is very suitable for describing the relationship between partners. After meeting each other, the vast majority of the results are forgotten, but some will remember, and thus further develop.

  Xiaoyuan is an example. When she announced her engagement in a circle of friends, many of her friends were surprised. Everyone knows that Xiaoyuan has always been in fear of marriage, and has declined many people’s kindness to introduce her boyfriend. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Xiaoyuan told everyone shyly that some time ago, she found a "book partner" to read together and exchange reading feelings. This "book partner", like Xiaoyuan, especially likes reading, and they have similar views and have the same view on many things. Because there is no burden of "making friends", Xiaoyuan gets along with each other easily and happily, and unexpectedly discovers the "interesting soul" of each other. It happened that the other party also felt this way, so they naturally developed from "partners" to male and female friends until they "made a positive result."

  In fact, "partner" socialization is a kind of "shallow socialization" above strangers and below friends. This kind of relationship can not only inspire each other, but also cause no extra burden to each other because of the sense of boundary, which is very suitable for busy young people with increasing pressure. If you want to get rid of a person’s loneliness quickly, it is still feasible to find a precise companion.

  Author: Qiao Kaikai

[Editor in charge:


Getting closer! Xiaomi Auto WeChat official account has been launched.

On October 9th, Xiaomi Auto WeChat WeChat official account was officially launched. It is understood that "Xiaomi Automobile" WeChat official account was migrated from "Xiaomi Racing" WeChat official account, and the certification subject was Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., and the certification was completed on September 21st.

It is understood that "Xiaomi Racing" is a racing racing game launched before Xiaomi’s mutual entertainment. Its owner is Beijing Kawara Tsutomu Network Technology Co., Ltd., a mobile internet enterprise invested by Lei Jun.. Xiaomi Racing started the public beta in 2019, and in October 2020, Xiaomi Racing released a notice of suspension, which indicated that it officially stopped operating because the agreement with the game developer was about to expire.

In fact, news about the progress of Xiaomi Automobile has been coming out in recent days. At the beginning of October, Xiaomi Automobile posted the recruitment of related automobile R&D positions on the Internet, including the positions of extended-range system design and development engineer, fuel system engineer and exhaust system engineer. In addition to personnel recruitment, many netizens released test photos of Xiaomi Automobile in Turpan, Xinjiang in August. At the same time, some people familiar with the matter revealed that the first-class and second-class battery suppliers of Xiaomi Automobile have finalized Zhongchuang Singapore Airlines and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as the battery suppliers at this stage. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Company has been approved by relevant departments in China to start producing electric vehicles, and various signs may also mean that Xiaomi Automobile is coming soon.

As we all know, since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of cars, the production qualification of cars has always been a difficult problem that Xiaomi Automobile needs to face. Last year, there was news in the market that the brand of Xiaomi car was not approved, and it was included in the concept of disorderly expansion of capital. It may not be called Xiaomi car in the future, but it can only be OEM for others. At that time, in response to this news, Wang Hua, general manager of Xiaomi Public Relations Department, responded: The news was untrue. In addition, it was reported earlier that Xiaomi Automobile obtained the production qualification from Beijing Baowo, but with the cancellation of the production qualification of Beijing Baowo, this way was basically blocked. At present, it is still unknown how Xiaomi Automobile will obtain production qualification. However, Xiaomi Auto completed the domain name filing of "xiaomiev.com" website on August 2nd this year, and the website is likely to be followed by Xiaomi Auto official website website.

It has been two and a half years since Xiaomi Automobile announced the construction of a car in March 2021. During this period, in order to build a car across the border, Xiaomi has invested a lot of money in building a car. Relevant data show that in the second quarter of 2023, the innovative business expenses of Xiaomi smart electric vehicle were 1.4 billion yuan. Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, later said that the actual investment of Xiaomi Automobile is even greater. Xiaomi is making the long-term layout of the automobile with the goal of entering the top five in the world in the future, doing full-stack self-research, and also building its own automobile factory, so the investment in cash flow is even higher than the disclosed figures.

It is worth noting that from the financial report released by Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023, Xiaomi’s income in the second quarter is not ideal. Relevant data show that the total revenue of Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2023 was 67.35 billion yuan, which was higher than the market expectation of 65.13 billion yuan, but it was 4% lower than that of 70.17 billion yuan in the same period last year. Xiaomi’s smartphone revenue was 36.6 billion yuan, down 13.4% year-on-year. The official said that the decrease was due to the decrease in smartphone shipments, which was partially offset by the increase in the average selling price of smartphones. In the case of declining smartphone revenue, Xiaomi was also exposed this year that the number of employees in Indian companies has dropped from the highest of 1,500 to around 1,000, and more people will be laid off in the coming months. In response to the layoffs of Xiaomi India, the official response indicated that the decision of personnel adjustment was made according to market conditions and business forecasts.

At present, Xiaomi is still in the preparatory stage, and it needs to continue to invest a lot of money in building cars. Although Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, once said: "Xiaomi is different from the previous entrepreneurship in the mobile phone industry. Xiaomi now has money and we can afford it." However, with the extension of the timeline, I am afraid that no amount of money can stand the toss. At present, we can only speed up the launch of Xiaomi Automobile, so that Xiaomi Automobile can usher in significant progress.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a foggy yellow warning at 6: 00 on January 6.

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow fog warning at 06: 00 on January 6. It is estimated that there will be heavy fog in parts of Jiangsu, Shanghai, northern Anhui, southeastern Henan and central Sichuan Basin from the morning of the 6 th, including strong fog with visibility less than 200 meters in parts of central Jiangsu, central Anhui and central Sichuan Basin, and extremely strong fog with visibility less than 50 meters in local areas.

  Defense guide:

  1. Due to the low visibility on land, drivers should control their speed to ensure safety.

  2, airports, highways, ferry terminals to take measures to ensure traffic safety.

It became the number one hot spot after class overnight. How long can Tenghahe last?

Reporter Han Bing reports Going out at home in the League Cup is not a big deal, but losing more than 3 goals at home in a row, the worst record of losing at home in 61 years, is a key node that may push Tenghahe’s fate from quantitative change to qualitative change. Although Manchester United did not consider changing coaches when talking to the media, the act of making a statement itself has already made the outside world smell dangerous.

The 0-3 defeat against Newcastle United activated a series of dazzling shame records: half of the top 10 home games of the season were lost, the worst since the 1930/31 season; Lost 8 of the first 15 games, the worst since the 1962/63 season; There is also the highest loss rate (53%) in 90 years, which is not counting the previous 12 records of losing, conceding and losing in a row. The patience with Tenghahe is constantly consumed in this ever-increasing shame record, and the distance is getting closer and closer to being completely exhausted …

After the game, Tenghahe continued to complete the familiar "reversal" at the press conference, but his odds after class jumped to the second place in the Premier League within 24 hours after the game (odds of 3), second only to Sheffield United coach Hejin Barton (odds of 5/3) who scored only 1 point in 10 rounds. Chelsea coach Pochettino, who burns more money, has fewer events and fewer points, ranks fifth (odds are 17), which is much safer than Tenghah. In the early morning of Beijing time, just after Manchester United officially made a statement that it was not considered to change coaches, Tenghahe’s odds of class dismissal rose to the top of the Premier League (11/10), surpassing Hutchinson Barton (5/4), and Pochettino was even safer (20)! Overnight, Tenghahe entered the "extremely dangerous" zone from the "safe" position.

Since ancient times, there have been few gifts in the snow, and there have never been many people who have fallen into the rain. Tenghahe stressed that last season’s Carling Cup proved that he could turn the tide, but media such as Manchester Evening News and celebrities such as Neville made it clear that the Dutch coach had lost the support of the dressing room and it was only a matter of time before class was over. This season’s scandal-ridden dressing room of the Red Devils, after the turmoil of Sancho and Anthony, now players have completely lost confidence in Tenghahe himself. As early as after the Manchester derby, the British media revealed that players questioned Tenghahe’s tactics, including letting Lindelov, who is not good at wingers, play left-back, and Anthony, who is better at wingers, was not the first choice.

Tenghahe’s tough approach has also attracted the disgust of most players. Punishing Sancho is an example. After the Manchester derby, Tenghahe forced Manchester United players to stay to witness the celebration of Manchester City players and fans, canceled the original holiday and added extra homework, which was considered as disrespect for the players. The extra homework is to let the players watch the video edited by the coaching staff for themselves, which points out the mistakes made by the players. This kind of practice, like punishing primary school students, makes the stars feel "humiliated". The first person who didn’t buy it was Rachford. On the night after the derby, the Manchester United winger held a party in the nightclub until 3: 30 in the morning. At least for now, Tenghahe hasn’t given him a ticket.

Neville’s hint on the social media account is almost explicit: "We have seen such a situation before, we know how it ends, and we have had enough." Former Tottenham midfielder O ‘Hara also stressed: Manchester United is in chaos from top to bottom, the players don’t care about winning or losing, and the coach has lost the support of the players. This is similar to Neville’s definition of Tenghahe and Manchester United. Neville emphasized that both rivals of Manchester United have professional sports departments, but Manchester United doesn’t even have Sports director. In addition, after driving away Cristiano Ronaldo last year, Manchester United announced that it would consider new strategic choices, but there is still no clear direction today, which also makes Manchester United players feel insecure.

Tenghahe’s fate has changed from how to turn things around to when to finish class. The British media began to calculate the cost (15 million pounds) of firing Tenghahe for Manchester United. After Ferguson retired, this figure tied for the highest among the fired coaches. However, it has just been announced that last season’s revenue was as high as 640 million pounds, which is completely affordable for Manchester United, which set a new record for Premier League clubs. In addition, the media has even listed a succession candidate list for Manchester United: emeri of Aston Villa, Eddie Howe of Newcastle United, De Zerbi of Brighton, as well as the laid-off Zidane and the hot Bayer Leverkusen coach Alonso.

Different from last season, Manchester United’s dressing room is not only separated from Germany, but also the injury crisis has not improved. Casemiro’s new injury continues to weaken Manchester United’s already unbearable defensive end. Tenghahe wants to be what he calls a "fighter" and unite with the players to fight together, but he must first fully implement his tactics through the players-unfortunately, this is also the most difficult thing to do at present.

In order to save the situation, the British media revealed that Tenghahe would have a one-on-one conversation with Manchester United players to understand the situation and eliminate barriers. However, there is not much time left for Tenghahe, and the international competition day in November may be his last chance to breathe. At the end of November, Manchester United will play Galatasaray, Newcastle United, Chelsea and Bayern at home, and then Liverpool. How long can Tenghah last? It’s a good prize-winning quiz.

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Unforgettable Yunnan, 5 days and 4 nights treasure-like travel strategy to share with you.

Day 1: Arriving in Kunming

Our journey begins in Kunming, a city known as "Spring City" with a pleasant climate and rich natural landscape. After we arrived in Kunming, we had a short rest and went to Dianchi Lake to enjoy the lakes and mountains. In the evening, we tasted authentic Yunnan cuisine and felt the unique flavor of Yunnan. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

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The second day: exploring Dali

The next day, we took the high-speed train to Dali. Dali, located on the shore of Erhai Lake, is a romantic city. We visited the ancient city of Dali and enjoyed the Bai folk houses and beautiful street scenes. In the afternoon, we went to the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple and felt the charm of the Millennium Temple. In the evening, we drank in the bar street beside Erhai Lake and enjoyed the nightlife in Dali.

Day 3: Old Town of Lijiang and Yulong Snow Mountain

On the third day, we went to Old Town of Lijiang. Known as "Venice of the East", this ancient city is a place full of historical charm. We strolled on the stone streets of the ancient city and felt the charm of Naxi culture. In the afternoon, we went to Yulong Snow Mountain and took a cableway to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the snow mountain. In the evening, we watched a wonderful bonfire performance in Old Town of Lijiang and felt a strong national atmosphere.

Day 4: Shangri-La and Tiger Leaping Gorge

On the fourth day, we went to Shangri-La. This is a mysterious place, known as "fairyland on earth". We visited Pudacuo National Park and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of virgin forests and lakes. In the afternoon, we went to Tiger Leaping Gorge and felt the grandeur of Jinsha River Grand Canyon. In the evening, we relaxed in Shangri-La hotel and prepared for the next day’s return trip.

Day 5: Return to Kunming and leave Yunnan.

On the last day, we returned to Kunming, ending this unforgettable trip to Yunnan. At Kunming airport, we reluctantly bid farewell to this beautiful land. This trip to Yunnan has given us precious memories and wonderful experiences, and we will cherish the memories of this trip forever.

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The above is the travel guide for our five-day and four-night trip to Yunnan. I hope this strategy can help you plan your own travel route and itinerary. The significance of traveling is to broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge, relax and enjoy a good time. I hope you can fully experience and feel the culture, customs and lifestyle of each city during your trip. Please consult Xiaoqin at 18687981908.

Those funny jokes

In the public toilet, I suddenly heard someone say, "Friend, do you have toilet paper?" I rummaged through my pockets and replied, "Sorry,no." After a few seconds, the man asked again, "Friend, do you have a small piece of newspaper?" I smiled helplessly and replied, "Sorry, no, I just came to pee." A few seconds later, a 10 yuan RMB was stuffed under the door of the toilet and asked, "Friend, can you break it into 10 pieces?" I silently took out 10 steel jumpers and handed them over.

In a dark night, Lao Wang drove home halfway, only to see a woman taking a taxi, and her voice was extremely sad: take a taxi, take a taxi. Lao Wang let her get on the bus. Neither of them spoke along the way. When the station arrived, the woman spoke: Have an apple! thank you Lao Wang said. Then the woman spoke again: Is it delicious? Delicious. Lao Wang promised. The woman went on to say: I liked this kind of apple best before my death.

When Lao Wang heard this, he was so scared that he peed his pants and ran away. Who knows, the woman went on to say, but I don’t like eating after giving birth.

The Zen master was meditating when he met a thief with a big knife rest around his neck. Mao thief: "Take out all your money" Zen master: "Money is a thing outside your body. If you live or die, don’t take it with you." Mao thief: "This is your lifelong alms." Zen master: "Buddha said that you and I have a cause in previous lives, so we got today’s fruit." Mao thief: "I have a deep sin. Can Zen master cross me?" Zen master: "Yes"





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    You were kicked out after following the goddess into the toilet, probably because she mistakenly thought that you followed her in order to peep or have other improper behaviors. In this case, you can communicate with her first, explain your intentions clearly and express your embarrassment and apologies.

    A classmate can’t eat spicy food, and as a result, he may have diarrhea because the hot pot he ate was too spicy or he ate other inappropriate food. The feeling of buttocks is very uncomfortable, which may be due to problems such as anal discomfort or hemorrhoids caused by diarrhea. When you check out the next day, people around you keep laughing because they may have misunderstood what happened between you and another classmate.

    Football today: Liverpool vs Toulouse Graz storm vs Atlanta

    Before reading this article, please click "attention", which is convenient for you to discuss and share, and can bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!

    Football today: Liverpool vs Toulouse Graz storm vs Atlanta

    Today is a football feast, and two high-profile European games will start soon. One is Liverpool against Toulouse, and the other is Graz storm against Atlanta. Let’s take a look at these two focus wars.

    First of all, let’s take a look at Liverpool’s game against Toulouse.

    As the champion of the Premier League, Liverpool naturally attracts much attention. They have done well in the Premier League and have always been at the top of the list. Toulouse, on the other hand, is a strong team in Ligue 1, and has also made good achievements in Ligue 1 in recent years. This game can be said to be a match of equal strength.

    Liverpool sent the strongest team in this game. Their strikers, Trident Salah, firmino and Mane will continue to lead the attack line. Henderson, Keita and Fabio in midfield will be responsible for organizing the game. Van Dyke and Alexander Arnold on the back line will defend with all their strength. This Liverpool team can be said to be of great strength.

    The Toulouse team did not show weakness. Their forwards Xavier Jr., Baigneaux and Salahnovsky will form a powerful offensive force. Du Kulei and Kasami in midfield will be responsible for organizing the match. Vallanet and Alvarez at the back will do their best to protect the goal. Although this Toulouse team is not as strong as Liverpool, it will never give up easily.

    Next, let’s take a look at the game between Graz Storm and Atlanta. Graz Storm is a strong team in the Austrian Super League, and they have been doing well in the past few seasons. Atlanta is a strong team in Serie A, and they also have good results.

    Graz Storm sent the strongest team in this game.

    Their strikers strinic, Kramaric and Wesley will be in charge of the attack. In the midfield position, Sinkavic and Ulm will organize the game. On the back line, Brabuye and Widdel will do their best to protect the goal. The strength of this Graz storm team should not be underestimated.

    The Atlanta team also sent a strong lineup.

    Their strikers Ilisic, Pasici and muriel will form the attack line. Gomez and Frailey in midfield will be responsible for organizing the match. Himir and Toran on the back line will defend with all their strength. This Atlanta team has excellent strength.

    The results of these two games are expected, whether it is Liverpool against Toulouse or Graz storm against Atlanta, it will be a wonderful confrontation.

    We are looking forward to cheering for our favorite team!

    The above is the introduction of two focus games in today’s football, hoping to bring a wonderful football feast to the fans. Let’s look forward to the wonderful performance of these two games together!

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    Stop pretending! The latest decision of Jorjevich showdown, China men’s basketball final ranked the strongest team.

    In a warm-up match that ended early this morning, China beat the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team by 20 points, which was the biggest victory of the China men’s basketball team since it went to Europe for training, and it was also the first winning streak. In the previous three games, China lost to Croatian and Slovenian teams in two consecutive games. In the last two games, China won against the relatively weak African Egyptian team and Cape Verde men’s basketball team. With these two victories, we can see the progress of China team, especially in defense, the improvement of outside shooting percentage, the overall fluency and the speed of ball delivery.

    However, considering that the overall strength of the two African teams is indeed weak, both the Egyptian and Cape Verde men’s basketball teams are ranked in the top 50 in the world. Although these African black players have very strong physical talents, the overall tactical accomplishment and basketball skills are really far behind those of the European strong teams we have encountered before. Therefore, many fans are optimistic about the victory of these two games, but there are still some concerns. Is it because the opponent is too weak that we are doing so well? Now the best touchstone is coming. After China’s game ended this morning, the host Italian men’s basketball team beat the Turkish team and reached the final. China and Turkey Italy will compete for the championship.

    The Italian team is definitely a world-class team. It is the players in the 16-person World Cup list announced by the Italian team that came to participate in this four-nation tournament. They have already announced the big list early, so this Italian team is the top team they want to play in the World Cup. At present, Italy is a very strong team in Europe and even the whole world. At present, they rank tenth in the world. Although they are not the favourites to win the World Cup, they are definitely a super-strong team. At the same time, Italian basketball also has a very glorious history. They are the team that stood on the podium in the history of European championships, that is, they won the top three most times, and they were able to reach the top three in the European championships for a total of 10 times. Everyone is very clear about the confrontation intensity of European basketball. They have all reached the finals and won the runner-up in the Olympic Games. The World Championships have also scored in the semi-finals, so they are better than China in terms of past brilliant achievements and current strength.

    Although this team has many big-name players who play in the NBA, most of them play in the top leagues in Europe, but the overall quality is by no means much worse than these teams with big-name NBA players. In the European qualifiers in February this year, they beat the world’s top teams at home, and Spain, which has the strength to win the championship, after saying so much, everyone can be very clear about the strength of Italy.

    In addition to testing our own strength in this game, the China Men’s Basketball Team has also confirmed a message that everyone is very concerned about, that is, Li Kaier, who didn’t play today, will definitely play in the game tomorrow morning, which has also been confirmed. The video information of an interview with Li Kaier by a reporter in front has now been exposed. Li Kaier himself replied that he will play in this game, and it is highly probable that he will start playing. The China men’s basketball team will also use the strongest lineup to face this strong team in Europe.

    This is definitely a real game. If the China team can play a wonderful performance in this game, or even win the opponent, we have reason to expect the performance of the China men’s basketball team, especially the China men’s basketball team with Li Kaier in the World Cup. This all-main Italian team is stronger than Serbia, which lacks four main players. Therefore, China’s game this evening will be of great significance.

    China Men’s Basketball World Cup has three joys, Li Kaier applauds and cheers, and Qiao Shuai vows to avenge 2019.

    China Men’s Basketball World Cup three-time winner Li Kaier applauded, and Qiao Shuai will help Yao Ming to avenge 2019. Before the official start of the World Cup in China, at two o’clock in the morning, our domestic fans gained three victories about the China men’s basketball team. It can be said that this time, with the arrival of the good news of the overall men’s basketball team, everyone has higher expectations and more hopes for this World Cup, and we also believe that Djordevich will be able to help the China men’s basketball team and help Yao Ming to complete the reversal in this year’s World Cup and avenge 2019.

    First of all, as we all know, China Men’s Basketball Team has been doing related training and warm-up abroad recently. The team’s high-quality preparation is also to play the best performance in this year’s World Cup, because on August 22nd this year, the China men’s basketball team will step on the stage of the World Cup, and this time the men’s basketball team is also shouldering a great mission. Combined with the poor performance of the China men’s basketball team in the 2019 World Cup, this World Cup men’s basketball team has also brought a high degree of concern. Can Yao Ming bring the China men’s basketball team back to a correct position within such a period when he was the president of the Basketball Association?

    Therefore, it is urgent for the Basketball Association and the China Men’s Basketball Team to give an answer as soon as possible. Just at two o’clock in the morning today, we saw that the China men’s basketball team also received the surprise news of the World Cup. Many fans also saw that at present, the China men’s basketball team is playing an event related to the Trotino Cup in Italy. This time, the men’s basketball competition was also the first victory. When facing the Cape Verde men’s basketball team in the early morning, the China men’s basketball team finally defeated the Cape Verde men’s basketball team by 20 points and won the first victory of this competition.

    Such a news is really inspiring. Maybe many fans didn’t know about China’s opponent Cape Verde Men’s Basketball Team before the game. This team sounds unknown, but it is also a top team in Africa in this World Cup. They are also African champion teams, and the center of the team is also the center of the Champions League, so this proves that the overall strength of Cape Verde Men’s Basketball Team is also relatively online, and we can see that their finishing ability is also relatively strong, but the China Men’s Basketball Team really played a more eye-catching and powerful role in this game, with 20 points of blood abuse.

    It can be said that through this game, the China men’s basketball team has also gained three great news. First, we saw that the overall tactical ability of the China men’s basketball team has made a qualitative leap. In this game, the China men’s basketball team is no longer holding the ball for four people to wait and see, but there are more vacancies on the field, and players can play more tactical systems on the field and end the whole attack through more fluent transmission of the ball. In addition, on the defensive end, the overall rotation of the China men’s basketball team is also more orderly. With the improvement of the ability of Zhang Zhenlin and Cui Yongxi, the China men’s basketball team can change the defense indefinitely. Therefore, in this game, the men’s basketball team has gained a good embodiment in tactics first.

    Secondly, the China men’s basketball team also let us see the personal growth of many players, and the players’ state is very good, such as Fang Shuo, Zhao Jiwei and qi zhou, who all played a very eye-catching role in this game. And Cui Yongxi is a blockbuster, and the game on the court fully reflects his offensive talent and strength, so this game also shows us the determination of China men’s basketball players to show their self-ability in the game. And finally, after this game, our China men’s basketball team gained a lot of self-confidence through the game, because we saw that the men’s basketball team said that the training was intensive, but it didn’t kill the stronger opponents through such a big victory in the training warm-up match, but in this Italian league, we saw that the China men’s basketball team played such an imposing manner, which also made the players full of more expectations for this World Cup.

    At the same time, when we can see the performance of the China men’s basketball team, although our naturalized player Li Kaier did not appear in this game, he kept applauding his teammates off the court. I believe that seeing the growth of the men’s basketball team, Li Kaier can also lead the team with confidence and better integrate into the team system. As for Jorjevich, we China men’s basketball team can complete this warm-up before the World Cup, which also makes Jorjevich have a greater grasp of this World Cup to avenge 2019. We also congratulate Yao Ming and look forward to Qiao Shuai, which will bring more surprises.