Counterattack! "Me and My Hometown" is the first at the box office, and the main creative roadshow is much happier

1905 movie network news The national comedy has been officially released on the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. The cumulative box office for 4 days of the public screening exceeded 1.10 billion, and the attendance rate, average number of people per game, single-day box office and film placement all ranked first! The film is full of laughter and touching with tears, and has been praised by the audience. The audience rating of the cat’s eye and the double ticketing platform is as high as 9.3! On October 4th, the national roadshow of the film was joyous. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai. Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen and Miao Fu, the creator of the "Road Home" unit, appeared in Xiamen to share behind-the-scenes stories with the audience and exchange viewing feelings.

Movie "me and my hometown" by the director Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei respectively directed five stories, Zhang Yimou as the director system, Ning Hao as the director, the national hit!


The cumulative box office and single-day box office rank first

Popularity and word-of-mouth go hand in hand to raise the climax of movie viewing

As of the early morning of October 5th, the cumulative box office of the movie "My Hometown and Me" has broken through 1.10 billion, and the single-day box office 260 million on October 4th, with attendance, average attendance, single-day box office and film arrangement ranking first! At the same time, the film’s reputation continues to ferment, with both comedy joy and heart-piercing warmth. The hometown story has laughter and tears. You have me on and off the screen. The movie "My Hometown and Me" was rated by netizens as the most suitable National Day movie to watch with the whole family! The movie Cat’s Eye and Taotao Ticket Double Ticket Platform audience rating is as high as 9.3, and the popularity and word-of-mouth have made great progress all the way, leading the National Day file in an all-round way!

The movie "Me and My Hometown" is a must-see national comedy for the 2020 National Day. It was created by nine directors and nearly 100 actors to form a Chinese comedy dream team. Users commented that "I laughed 168 times throughout the movie viewing" and "laughed and cried". This warm comedy feast is the first choice to accompany the audience to enjoy the fun of watching the movie and celebrate the National Day holiday!


Shanghai roadshow 9-year-old audience choked up and shared to impress Li Chen

Deng Chao’s dialect was affirmed, and Wang Ziwen exposed the lipstick color number in the film

On October 4, the national roadshow of the movie "My Hometown and I" went to Shanghai and Xiamen to gather with more audiences in theaters. Li Chen, the creator of the "Last Lesson" unit, came to Shanghai to share the behind-the-scenes stories of the film shooting with the audience. Some viewers said that "every story is deeply touched. The actors are so good at acting that they are very tearful. Whether it is a moment of fear or a moment of laughter, it is very real. After watching it, I feel so lucky to see this movie." Li Chen also shared the feelings of participating in the movie with everyone. "It is an honor to be able to participate in this movie. This year’s National Day is very special. Everyone celebrates the Spring Festival. I feel very good to be able to have a movie released at this time. I also pay tribute to the medical workers!" There was also a 9-year-old girl who was deeply moved by the plot of Teacher Fan taking paint in the rain in the movie. She shared her viewing experience emotionally and couldn’t help but choke up tears, "Although I haven’t experienced that much, I’m really touched!" The children’s sincere speech deeply touched the audience. Li Chen said to the children, "We filmmakers must make more good movies for you to see!"

Deng Chao, Yu Baimei, Wang Ziwen, and Miao Fu, the creators of the "Road Back Home" unit, came to Xiamen to interact with the audience. Deng Chao shared the secret of learning dialects. "Dialects can represent the character of a local person. You must not only learn the language, but also learn the strength, bluntness and enthusiasm of northern Shaanxi." Deng Chao’s speech was affirmed by the girl from Shaanxi on the scene. "I can see that Brother Chao is working hard to learn, and you can pass the test! No problem! Very good!" A viewer who returned to his hometown on National Day said he was very moved after watching the movie. "A person who is wandering outside often thinks of his parents, grandparents, and the changes in his hometown are in his eyes. I am very moved to witness that his hometown is getting better and better." The lead actor Wang Ziwen also shared the behind-the-scenes story of the shooting. High heels were once caught in the desert, and the lipstick color number in the film was made public for the first time to satisfy the audience’s curiosity. Director Yu Baimei smiled and said, "I have made up lessons for straight men." The scene sounded one after another of laughter! The movie "My Hometown and I" is being screened nationwide, and I am proud of my hometown. It is the common feeling of the audience after watching the movie. Take the whole family to see my hometown and walk into the theater to enjoy the laughter and touch brought by the story of my hometown!

Cross-border integration has become a trend! NIO mobile phones are coming soon

  As the concept of interconnection becomes more and more deeply ingrained, representatives from various fields and industries are also using it to cross-border to open up new maps. Take the most common mobile phones entered by automakers as an example. Recently, NIO, one of the representatives of new energy, was revealed that the mobile phone business is ready and will release mobile phones soon. In fact, this is not the first time that NIO’s mobile phone business has been exposed. Before this, NIO co-founder and president Qin Lihong revealed at the event that NIO mobile phones will start internal testing in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to be officially released to the public in the third quarter of this year. It also announced that it will never hang advertisements in NIO mobile phones, and will resolutely not rely on advertising to make money, which has attracted the attention of the whole industry.

(NIO phone release coming soon)

  Correspondingly, Meizu, a mobile phone manufacturer, has recently made significant moves in the construction of automobiles and smart car ecosystems. For example, FlymeAuto, a new form of smart cockpit based on the Flyme system, has launched three smart car function innovations in the past six months: Smartbar function, small window mode, and holiday desktop function. It has also launched the national co-creation activity "FlymeAuto Master Plan".

(New form of Meizu smart cockpit: FlymeAuto)

  Due to the popularity of the event participation, a number of high-quality solutions with great feasibility have been born. Take the latest issue of #smarter navigation methods, for example, there are "mobile phones and cockpits are equipped with UWB chips synchronously, and one-click navigation can also be used to find cars in netless scenarios", "HUD and car screen multi-screen interaction, navigation data is kept synchronized", "support for adding multiple pathways, intelligent route planning", etc. I don’t know which of these solutions you are most looking forward to landing?

  In addition to the "FlymeAuto Master Plan", the recently famous blogger @Garage 42 also revealed the latest progress of Meizu FlymeAuto. Through the information revealed, "FlymeAuto" not only brings "Flyme Link Negative Screen" for mobile phone-car Internet customization, but also the car version of Meizu and QQ Music cooperation has been adapted. Coupled with a split-screen mode with freely adjustable proportions and a "nap mode" with effects similar to 4D/5D movies in scenic spots, it is not difficult to find that the current FlymeAuto is quite mature.

(Part of the function interface of FlymeAuto, picture source: @Garage No. 42)
(FlymeAuto "nap mode")

  Of course, in addition to the smart cockpit FlymeAuto, the smart phone Meizu, which acts as a carrier, has also invested heavily. Like the Meizu 20 series that will be unveiled recently, the intelligent engine "One Mine 10.0" equipped with the new generation of unbounded ecosystem Flyme 10 will be combined with the second generation of Snapdragon 8 chips to build the unbounded car-connected computing center. Even the unreleased flagships have been laid out. It can be seen that Meizu will have a lot to do on the "stage" of Zhixing this year.

(Meizu 20 series has an unbounded car computing power center)

  I believe that seeing this, everyone has a new understanding of the construction of Meizu Zhixing ecology, and as the release of Meizu 20 series is getting closer and closer, whether FlymeAuto will finally appear on the same stage is undoubtedly the most worth looking forward to this spring. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the latest warm-up of Meizu 20 series, which has the "Unbounded Car Joint Computing Center", also revealed that the screen will use the suspension dispensing 3.0 process, which can bring a narrow border to 1.57 mm, as well as a visual perception and protection experience of equal width on all sides. For this reason, small partners who have recently purchased a new machine and plan to replace it can also pay attention to this new flagship.

Al Jazeera reporter: I was detained by the Israeli army for 12 hours.

According to Qatar Al Jazeera, when the Israeli army raided Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip on the 18th, it detained several journalists who reported on the scene, including Ismail Gul, a reporter from Al Jazeera Arabic Channel. At present, the Israeli side has not responded to this matter.

Al Jazeera host: We have been reporting this all morning. Al Jazeera reporter Ismail Guler was beaten. He is working for Al Jazeera Arabic Channel. When Ismail was towed away, he and his colleagues were reporting on the Israeli attack on Shifa Hospital. Their satellite car used for news reporting was also destroyed by the Israeli army.

Witnesses said that Ismail was beaten by the Israeli army before being detained and then taken away. According to Al Jazeera’s report on the evening of 18th, Ismail has been released by the Israeli army. Ismail later recalled that he was detained in Shifa Hospital for 12 hours.

Al Jazeera reporter Ismail Guler: The Israeli army forced us to take off all our clothes and kneel on the ground. It was very cold. They made us put our hands behind our heads for about an hour, and then handcuffed and blindfolded us for 12 hours.

In a statement earlier on the 18th, Al Jazeera demanded that the Israeli army release its journalists and other detainees, saying that Israel "takes full responsibility for their safety".

Judy Ghinsberg, Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Journalists, a non-profit organization: We firmly condemn the beating and detention of Ismail by the Israeli army and the detention of his colleagues. Journalists play a vital role in the conflict. They are our eyes and ears to record the events. The killing or detention of any journalist has seriously weakened our ability to understand the situation in Gaza.

Xincheng Branch of Yizheng Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province carried out special inspection on the quality and safety of fireworks and firecrackers.

Up to now, four fireworks and firecrackers sales units have been inspected, and no illegal activities have been found yet. In the next step, Xincheng Branch of Yizheng Market Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province will continue to strengthen the quality supervision of fireworks and firecrackers, severely crack down on illegal activities of selling fake and shoddy fireworks and firecrackers, standardize the market operation order, and ensure the safety of market consumption. (Qi Qi, Market Supervision Bureau, Yizheng City, Jiangsu Province)

Honing Will Quality in Learning, Training and Competition: Exploring "Physical Education+Ideological and Political Education" in Outdoor Classroom

   "Pay attention to defense and don’t forget to cooperate with teammates!" Under the guidance of the coach, Li Xiaohui, a quarterback, used his clever passing feint and feinted a shot to win the offensive opportunity for the players. The red flag at the opponent’s waist was torn off instantly, and Li Xiaohui successfully assisted and scored.

  This is the scene of the public elective course "Waist Flag Rugby" in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongnan University of Finance"). Li Xiaohui is a sophomore in mathematics and statistics and a member of the school’s flag football team.

  Not long ago, as the core of the team, she led the school’s first flag rugby team to win three gold medals in the first rugby championship in Hubei Province. After winning the laurel, she wrote on the social platform: "I finally learned rugby, but I learned more than rugby."

  From the classroom to the stadium, the "temporary sports team" stormed the waist flag football competition.

  On December 9, 2023, the first Rugby Championship of Hubei Universities and the NFL FLAG Rugby Competition (Hubei Division) started in Wuhan University. More than 200 athletes from 12 universities in Hubei Province participated.

  Facing the strong rivals with established rugby teams such as Wuhan University and Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Zhongnan Finance University Rugby Club, a "new star" of the student sports team established less than two months ago, won three gold medals in women’s group A, men’s group A and mixed group. Li Jinglin, one of the instructors and coaches, thinks: "Absolute unity and indomitable spirit are the key."

  "The flag football is a simplified version of football. Compared with the formal football game, it pays more attention to skills and relies on physical flexibility. The game stipulates that a waist flag is hung on the attacker’s belt, and when the defender pulls down the waist flag on the attacker’s belt with the ball, the attack is stopped. " In the first class, Li Jinglin explained the basic rules to the students. "It is a safe and non-collision sport, but it needs clever teamwork and tactical cooperation, and it is also a very cohesive sport."

  Li Xiaohui, who was born in the track and field team, is agile and explosive. She is quite talented in sports, but she was criticized by the teacher in the first class.

  "Rush out so fast? Have you figured out the tactics? Regardless of your teammates? " Three questions made Li Xiaohui speechless. At first, she only cared about her own score, ignoring the cooperation and cooperation of the team. After a class of practice and a game of running-in, Li Xiaohui finally understood that this is not a project that can be won by personal brute force.

  Li Xiaohui took the initiative to stay and practice, reflect on every movement on the field, and change from a stranger of different majors to a "comrade-in-arms" who can understand with his teammates. "I really realized that sportsmanship is not only a fighting spirit, but also a team spirit and a spirit of sacrifice."

  In order to prepare for the first provincial competition, Li Jinglin and her partner Wang Zehua selected 24 students from two classes they taught, and they didn’t formally train as a team until October 2023. Young teams are the most inexperienced. Under the guidance of coaches, the team "practices four times a week" to learn tactics, analyze and summarize. "Although the training of the flag football team has left the classroom and gone to the stadium, the core of training and learning is the same. Cultivating students’ sense of role division and team cohesion is the purpose of offering this course and providing a platform for practice and competition."

  Outdoor courses are new, and students are from "Little White" to expert in pulp board rescue.

  This semester, Yang Xinyi, a sophomore in mathematics and statistics, grabbed a online celebrity class and learned a new skill.

  In September, 2023, like swimming, she chose the newly-opened public course "Pulp Board". In a pulp board rescue class, she played the rescued person who accidentally fell into the water. The nearest classmate immediately turned over the board to rescue her, but her strength was not enough. The pulp board could not support her weight. At a critical juncture, two other students nearby also rushed to the board. It only took more than 30 seconds for Yang Xinyi to be successfully rescued.

  "One person’s strength may not be enough, but the strength of a group of people can certainly." Teacher Zeng Qifei preached.

  "perfect score, beautiful!" Thirty students rowed about 270 meters independently in Xiaonanhu, the school. With the teacher’s order, the students changed from kneeling position to standing position and sprinted forward. Shi Yashang, a 2022 law school student, won the first place in the men’s group as he wished.

  Just two months ago, he was a "layman" who had never been exposed to any water sports. Now, the pulp board class has ended, but Shi Yashang’s pulp board addiction is not over yet. In order to continue practicing in the future, he bought his first pulp board.

  When Shi Yashang just grabbed this popular class, he once thought that he would be able to row freely on the water with a paddle like a surfer. Unexpectedly, it was the third week since he actually got on the board.

  "First, drag the pulp board out of the equipment room to pump up, and three people will work together to hit a board. Only when the boat is strong enough, you will not capsize." In the second class, Zeng Qifei asked students to do equipment preparation and safety inspection. Shi Yashang, who is looking forward to galloping on the water, seems a little listless.

  "After pumping up for most of the class, when can I paddle?" He was complaining in his heart. Zeng Qifei went to his side and helped him inflate together. He said, "The balance and coordination of water sports test the patience of athletes. If you don’t even have the patience to prepare equipment, how can you cope with the wind and waves?"

  Zeng Qifei told reporters that these seemingly boring preparations are also "compulsory courses" he arranged for the students. At the same time, as the orienteering coach of the school, he believes that physical education teaching is not a skill to teach students to jump high and run far, but should pay more attention to the cultivation of students’ personality and the tempering of their will quality.

  Helping students to improve their personality and temper their will in physical exercise is the focus of sports education actively promoted by Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics. In 2023, the sports department of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics opened new courses such as Paddle Board, Paragliding, Ultimate Frisbee for College Students, Rugby Flag and Body Correction, and promoted the teaching mode of "Sports+Ideological and Political Education", and the new classes were full and widely praised.

  Create sports culture and promote the normalization of extracurricular exercise

  "People who used to hate running the most now go running every day." Yan Changhao, a 2022 student of the School of Economics, was appraised by his roommate: "He is more energetic, like a different person."

  In the past three years, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics has included regular healthy running in the scope of sports performance assessment, and launched the "Sunshine Sports" applet to urge students to punch in every week.

  At the beginning, the weekly sunshine sports was Yan Changhao’s biggest headache, but he ran and ran, and his punching frequency became more and more frequent, exceeding the task every time. "If you persist, you will get into the habit of running around Xiaonanhu every day, which can not only exercise but also empty your mind and give yourself a time to relax." Yan Changhao said.

  It is understood that the Sports Department of Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics is making great efforts to promote students’ "one hour a day" campus sports activities. For the whole school students, we advocate "getting out of the dormitory, getting off the internet and going to the playground", hold regular national aerobics and "Freshman Cup" series of sports events, and organize activities such as sunshine long-distance running competition and punching in the lake.

  In addition, relying on the Red Revolution Education Base, the school also developed the "Red Physical Education" practical course, explored the cultural resources of physical education classroom by flying across the canyon, cooking in a pot and camping on foot, created an experiential sports ideological and political classroom with the theme of "Party building+performance", and held the "Praise for the Party’s Grace and Follow the Party" sports art classroom performance activities.

  "We pay attention to hierarchical classification and promote the characteristics of teaching content. Follow the characteristics of sports and the law of students’ growth, and create courses suitable for students with different physical fitness and different levels, so that students can experience the spirit of unity, cooperation and tenacious struggle while learning, practicing and competing. " Huang Hongyuan, director of the sports department, introduced.

  This year, with the support of the school, the Ministry of Physical Education will launch a new talent training program, and the required credits for physical education will be increased from 4 to 8. On the basis of physical education class, nearly 30 characteristic physical education courses, such as outdoor sports, balloon volleyball, swimming, yoga, sports dance, body building and etiquette, will be newly opened.

  "In the new semester, we will add more adaptation classes, invest more teachers, give students more choices, and do our best to do a good job in sports education." Huang Hongyuan said.

  Feng Ningxuan Zhongqing Daily Zhongqing Net reporter Lei Yu Source: China Youth Daily

See you on the basketball court! "One-legged Fighter" Luo Xiangjian’s Basketball Road

  CCTV News:On July 28th, China team won a bronze medal in women’s three-person basketball, a new Olympic event. This event was selected for the Olympic Games because many people all over the world have a special love for this sport. In Da Lang, which is known as the "hometown of basketball" in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, Luo Xiangjian, a basketball player, lost his right leg by accident at the age of 5, but this did not affect his obsession with basketball. Everyone called him a "one-legged basketball fighter".

  Luo Xiangjian:I am still optimistic by nature, and I have not been affected too much by this incident since I was a child. On the one hand, my family gave me a lot of encouragement, on the other hand, I encouraged myself. On the other hand, my teachers and classmates have given me a lot of strength and encouragement. Although I lost a leg, I think others can do it, and I can certainly do it.

  When I was in junior high school, my PE teacher told me that I could actually stand on a higher stage to show myself, so I would train according to his requirements every day. I still remember the first time I touched basketball. When I hit the first ball, I felt very happy. I can do it, and I can do it. Through basketball, I met different friends.

  Luo Xiangjian:Personally, I think basketball is like a bridge, and I am the one who walks by it. When I walk on the bridge, I will see many people coming and going. You can not only win the game, but also lose the game, and enjoy the atmosphere.

  If nothing happens, I will insist on playing basketball every day. Although I can’t play professionally, I still love basketball. I think I can love basketball in my own way. As long as I hit the ball in my own way, I am enjoying this sport.

  Luo Xiangjian:I didn’t think that I could do a career like basketball before, but I had such an opportunity last year, so I came to Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and I came to Da Lang, the hometown of basketball, to take up my favorite job in basketball. I have always insisted on standing on the court, hoping to pass this energy on to more people, and also hoping to infect some children around me, hoping that they can continue to maintain their love and keep their original heart, and hope that they can stand on a bigger stage.

  Luo Xiangjian:When we love basketball to the extreme, we always hope to have our own stadium and many friends on it. This is my wish, just like home. Everyone has a different understanding of basketball, but I hope that through my own understanding of basketball, I can tell others that I love it so much, I like it so much, encourage them, I can do it, and you can certainly do it.

Italy’s 17-year-old striker has attracted the attention of many giants, but he was given up early in AC Milan.

Born in 2006, Caprini, a young Italian striker, has performed well in various competitions this season and has scored nearly 20 goals so far. His rich potential and excellent finishing ability have attracted the attention of many European giants such as Juventus, Atlanta, Paris Saint-Germain and Barcelona, and he intends to throw an olive branch to them this summer.

Caprini, who is currently playing for the Fiorentina Youth Team, joined the youth training system of AC Milan in 2015. Unfortunately, it was not long before the attacker with Italian, French and Guinean ancestry was considered unable to gain a stable foothold in the team, and was officially abandoned by the Rossoneri in 2017.

However, the player didn’t give up his efforts. Later, he moved to Novara, Entella and other teams to prove his strength. Last summer, he was able to join the well-qualified Fiorentina youth team, becoming the top scorer in the U17 youth team, and once again realized his football dream. With his excellent performance, he has also been called up by the Italian youth team, and his development prospects are promising.

Perhaps AC Milan will feel a little regret after seeing the development of Caprini. However, at that time, the Rossoneri were in the most turbulent time of the team, not only the record of the first team was erratic, but also the club did not have much energy to invest in the training and construction of the youth echelon. With the entry of Elliott Group and Hong Niao Capital, they have paid more attention to finding outstanding young players, and many outstanding young talents have emerged in the past few years.

Colombaud and Nasti are the best young shooters trained by AC Milan at present. The former is being loaned out to Maleche, which is promoted to Serie B, for exercise, while the latter has officially entered the stage of the adult team in Serie B team cosenza this season, both of which have played well. The younger Kalmada is also growing steadily, and they are expected to wear the first-team shirts of the Rossoneri in the future and go into battle at the San Siro Stadium.

World Cup changes fate! The winner’s worth has increased by 40 million yuan, and he will switch to Liverpool to become the summer window champion.

This season is indeed a bumper year for Argentina’s national team. After Argentina won the World Cup, the team also ushered in a happy moment when its value soared. First of all, in the winter window, Enzo Fernandez became the king of the winter window of Chelsea at the price of 120 million euros, and he is also the core player of the team in the future.

On the other hand, Alvarez also grasped the ability with his excellent opportunity. With the salary increase and contract renewal from Manchester City, players who will become the core of the team in the future are focused on training, and it is the summer window. Mcallister, another player who won the World Cup with outstanding performance, will also be one of the high-priced players in the summer window. At present, the British media also reported that mcallister will sign a contract with Liverpool for many years.

This time, mcallister will give Brighton a transfer fee of 80 million euros as a key player in Brighton’s rise this season. Mcallister contributed 12 goals and 2 assists this season and played a decisive role in the team. And Liverpool are also very optimistic about mcallister, and will directly give him a generous salary and long-term contract. And mcallister is also one of the players who won the World Cup and changed their fate.

After winning the World Cup, the value soared from 40 million euros to 80 million euros. Directly rose by 40 million euros and became a member of the giant team. The fact that Liverpool won mcallister was to replace Bellingham, who had always wanted to be optimistic. This talented England midfielder was originally a target that Liverpool wanted to win. But considering that the price of this star is as high as 120 million euros, it is really impossible to win him.

Therefore, mcallister has also become a substitute for parity, and Fenway, the Liverpool owner, has actually invested reasonably. After buying mcallister, there should be no big investment in this summer window, and mcallister will become the Liverpool summer window champion.

If you want to break Manchester City’s rule over the Premier League, you can only start with Guardiola?

Although Manchester City has already won the championship ahead of schedule, the competition between Arsenal and Manchester City this season makes people feel that the competition in the Premier League is still fierce.

If Arsenal win the championship, there will be three different championship teams in the Premier League in the past four seasons, which is a proof of the healthy development of the league. Manchester City won the championship again, and Blue Moon won five championships in six seasons. Suddenly, the Premier League looks more and more like Bundesliga or Ligue 1.

Finally, with the end of the season, Manchester City easily won five league titles in six seasons, and the idea that the Premier League is a competitive top league feels ridiculous. If klopp’s Liverpool hadn’t driven Manchester City from the Premier League title in 2020 with superhuman efforts, Guardiola’s team might have won the Premier League title for six consecutive times.

Then we saw the situation similar to that of France and Germany. Paris Saint-Germain will win the Ligue 1 championship for the ninth time in 11 seasons, while Bayern Munich is expected to win 11 consecutive championships, although they are only one point ahead of Dortmund at present. There is also Italy between 2012 and 2020, and Juventus won the Serie A championship for nine consecutive years.

However, there is an important difference between Manchester City’s dominance in the Premier League and other leagues, that is Guardiola.

Yes, Manchester City is dominant, but this is largely because Blue Moon has one of the greatest coaches of all time and built the whole club structure with Guardiola as the center. For other teams, there is at least one hope that once Guardiola leaves, Manchester City will struggle for at least a period of time before it can re-establish this level of advantage.

But this is not the case with Paris Saint-Germain and Bayern Munich, who often change their head coaches. Even if these coaches are not suitable candidates or are considered to be failures, the team can always win in the domestic league. Similarly, Juventus, Sari won the Serie A championship in his only season in charge of Juventus, although people have been uncertain whether he is suitable for this role. A few weeks later, Surrey was dismissed as a matter of course. Similarly, kovac, Garti and Blanco have all won championships in Bayern or Paris in the past seven years.

These clubs have great advantages over other rivals, both economically and historically, or both. They can easily win the league championship without anything special. But Manchester City has not done this, partly because other Premier League clubs also have huge wealth, and Manchester City has no absolute advantage. Relatively speaking, the spending power of Paris Saint-Germain can dwarf that of any other French team. And Bayern, who have often signed the best players from their only real rival Dortmund for several years.

Let’s put it this way: If Manchester City’s coaches rotate among Ancelotti, kovac and Frick, just like Bayern from 2016 to 2021, it’s hard to imagine that they can absolutely rule the Premier League.

However, English football would like to know whether this season will become a turning point and affect the outside world’s view of Manchester City.

So far, Manchester City’s dominance has been encouraged and even welcomed by many fans. Manchester City is not hated like most strong teams. On the contrary, because they beat Liverpool, Manchester United and recently Arsenal, they were praised by fans of other clubs.

Many fans feel the same way about Manchester City as ordinary people, and always instinctively base themselves on certain people. No matter in our personal life or professional career, when these people achieve great achievements, they will always arouse certain emotions. Manchester City is like those talented, rich or successful people. They have achieved success, but they will not be rejected by others.

This may depend on the age of the fans. Fans in their thirties have hated Manchester United and Chelsea since childhood, mainly because of their success, while older fans will hate Liverpool for similar reasons. The crowd of fans will make it difficult for them to support these clubs and prefer Manchester City. Many fans are still numb to Manchester City. Besides, no matter how old a person is, Tottenham Hotspur fans prefer to see Manchester City win the league title rather than Arsenal because of the long-term local competition.

For young fans, many of them have learned about the dominance of Manchester City in different degrees in the past 10 years, and they tend to have more hostility.

We should admit that the fans of many clubs think very little. They don’t care whether Manchester City or other teams won the league title. Manchester City also played well under Guardiola, and many neutral fans felt that their success was more satisfactory, for example, more satisfactory than Mourinho’s Chelsea. Mourinho’s Chelsea has also become a champion after receiving huge financial support, but whether it is fair or not, the football style of Mourinho’s Blue Army is always considered not very good-looking.

Therefore, Manchester City participated in the fierce championship battle and prevented the spread of boring anger. This once again contrasts with the situation in Germany and France. Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain often win league titles easily, which makes local fans unhappy.

But there will always be a tipping point. Manchester City once again won the league title easily, this time against Arsenal, which is not a small club. This is the best season for the Gunners in the past 20 years.

There are other factors to consider. Manchester City is still defending itself. They are accused of violating more than 100 financial fair competition rules in the Premier League. Will this make fans of other teams feel less numb to Manchester City?

Then there is the related issue of state sponsorship ownership. In 2021, the Saudi Arabian government led the acquisition of Newcastle United, and Manchester United is also discussing the acquisition with Al Thani, a member of Qatar royal family, which may follow the same path as Manchester City, making this issue the focus of attention.

When Manchester City was acquired by Abu Dhabi Group in 2008, the world at that time was very different from now. The popularity of social media is much lower, and people’s awareness of sports scandals and other issues is much weaker. However, Newcastle and Manchester United have begun to worry some fans that it is impossible to succeed in the Premier League without the support of national wealth.

Manchester City’s continued success under Abu Dhabi will only deepen this idea. If Newcastle also starts to win the championship, fans may be more hostile to this ownership model.

Under the current circumstances, if we consider the competition in the Premier League standings, we will feel even more desperate. Liverpool scored 97 points and 92 points in 2018-19 and 2021-22 respectively, but they didn’t win the championship in either season, which is a bit strange. Their points are the fourth and seventh in the history of the Premier League, but they are not enough to beat Manchester City.

The total points needed to win the Premier League title have been completely changed by Manchester City, and almost all other teams feel that this point is impossible to achieve. Manchester City may score 94 points (2.5 points per game) this season. If they do, then in the past six seasons, Manchester City will occupy four seats in the top seven in the Premier League standings. During this period, only Liverpool has narrowed the gap within 10 points, and there may be Arsenal this season. In these six seasons, Manchester City also won four Carling Cups and one FA Cup (which may soon become two), greatly blocking the possibility of other clubs winning trophies.

If we return to Guardiola again, he will coach Manchester City during this time. Before his arrival, Manchester City occasionally won the Premier League title, in 2012 and 2014 respectively, until Guardiola led the team to win the first Premier League title in 2018. There is reason to believe that once Guardiola leaves, Manchester City may return to the previous level, not the current level. Look at Manchester United after Sir Alex Ferguson left. Despite the huge investment, since the last season of Ferguson’s coaching in 2013, Manchester United is still far from winning the Premier League title again.

Football is cyclical, as Manchester United and Liverpool can prove. After the end of the ruling era, the club will encounter a barren period. Manchester City’s wealth and wise management will prevent them from falling so deeply, but when Guardiola finally leaves, they may still encounter difficulties.

Prior to this, only some selected and wealthy clubs can reach the perfect competitive level in some way, and it is possible to beat this Manchester City.

How important is Manchester City’s dominance? Look at how people feel when they lift the Premier League trophy. Still don’t mind? This in itself is a sign that Manchester City has achieved incredible success. Or will the fans start to feel annoyed? Because apart from this club, the league title seems to be getting out of reach.

The timetable of Vanke Le Run series activities was released, and the 2024 Vanke Dapeng New Year Marathon will return.

recent days

Vanke New Year Marathon released

Schedule of Vanke Le Run Series Activities in 2023

Among them, there are clear

2024 Vanke New Year Marathon

From December to January next year, start the 2024 New Year Marathon.

This may mean the return of Dapeng New Year Marathon, which has been suspended for several years.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Shenzhen Dapeng New Year Mara was founded on New Year’s Day in 2014. On the first day of the new year, Shenzhen Dapeng New District Management Committee and Vanke jointly hold the Vanke New Year Marathon.

From 2021 to 2023, due to epidemic factors, Shenzhen Vanke New Year Marathon was changed to online race. With the release of Vanke Le Run Plan and Dapeng Marathon Plan, on New Year’s Day in 2024, runners have a great chance to run in Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen.

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

Committed to improving the runner’s race experience, we always uphold the original intention of building the top high-level boutique events in China.

This event has become one of the "Five-Star Runner Experience" events, focusing on runners, emphasizing the concept of experience, service and happy running, and being praised by the majority of runners as the most anticipated hot event in China.

The Top Three Men in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Li Dongxing 2:25:13 (breaking the record)

2 Li Guoquan 2:32:54

3 Deng Guomin 2:34:53

The top three women in Dapeng Horse in 2020

Photo: Vanke New Year Marathon

1 Fu Jing 3:09:46

2 Li Sulan 3:18:49.

3 yihong 3:24:35

Basic information of the event:

(1) Date and time: 7:30-13:30 am on January 1, 2024.

(2) Events: Full marathon for men and women (42.195km)

(3) The size of the counselor: it is estimated that there will be 5,000 counselors.

(4) Venue: Dapeng New District, Shenzhen

(V) Registration channel: log in to the official website (

(6) Registration fee: 300 yuan, the number of places will be on a first-come-first-served basis, and the quota will be closed.

According to previous information:

Qualification requirements for elite runners: from 2014 to 2020 (in any year), runners who finish the Vanke New Year Marathon within 3:30 in men’s group and within 4:00 in women’s group can obtain the qualification for elite runners in this event;

Super fan qualification requirements: from 2014 to 2020, runners who have participated in the Vanke New Year Marathon for three or more times and finished the race can obtain the super fan registration qualification for this event.

The specific information shall be subject to the final announcement by the organizer of the event!

In 2024, Shenzhen Dapeng Vanke New Year Marathon will return!

Are you looking forward to it?

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