Summary of the reform effect of industrial and commercial registration system

The "blowout" growth of new enterprises stimulates market vitality —— A summary of the reform effect of industrial and commercial registration system

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 24th (Reporter Gao Jing, Tan Moxiao, Meng Hanqi) After the implementation of the reform of the registered capital registration system, from March to June, 4,400,600 new market entities were registered nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 20.48%. Among them, there were 1,269,300 newly registered enterprises, an increase of 66.85%. The number of enterprises has increased by spurt, and the market vitality has been further released, which has played an important role in stabilizing growth and promoting employment.

    The reform of registered capital registration system stimulates a new upsurge of entrepreneurship

"The reform of industrial and commercial registration has made my dream of starting a company come true." Chang Zhaosheng, a 70-year-old man from Jilin Province, said.

Before the reform, Chang Zhaosheng had patented technology in video recording equipment, but he was unable to apply for registration as a company due to lack of funds. The reform of the registered capital registration system canceled the minimum requirement of the registered capital of the company, and no longer restricted the initial investment amount, investment proportion and investment period of the company’s shareholders. Chang Zhaosheng successfully obtained the business license, and his registered capital was all composed of intangible assets.

The reform of the registered capital registration system, which was implemented on March 1st this year, has greatly reduced the entry threshold for registered capital and business premises of enterprises, and enabled more people with "entrepreneurial dreams" like Chang Zhaosheng to realize their dreams.

The new entrepreneurial upsurge has also brought vitality to economic development: the number of service enterprises in China has increased significantly; The number of market players in the central and western regions has increased significantly faster than that in the east; It has an obvious driving effect on emerging industries such as information transmission, software and information technology, culture, sports and entertainment.

A large number of new individual and private economies have also become the main channel to solve employment. By the end of June, the number of individual and private economic employees in China had increased by 13,034,600 compared with the end of last year, an increase of 3.88 times over the same period of last year.

    "Take a photo first, then prove it" to clear up the "obstacle" of entrepreneurship

"In the past, it took a lot of procedures to run a restaurant license. This time, it didn’t take me 30 days to officially open the restaurant." Feng Hongjun, owner of Dangjun Restaurant in Banan District, Chongqing, said.

Chongqing has fully implemented the industrial and commercial registration reform since January 28 this year, becoming one of the first provinces and cities in China to fully implement the industrial and commercial registration system reform. After hearing this information, Feng Hongjun, who has been drifting north for more than ten years, chose to return to his hometown to start a business. After obtaining the business license from the industrial and commercial department, he applied for a license from the food and drug supervision department while decorating, recruiting and purchasing equipment. When the renovation was completed, all the formalities were completed and the restaurant opened smoothly.

The the State Council executive meeting held on June 4th decided to continue to clean up and compress the existing pre-approval items, change most of them into post-approval, and change from "first license before photo" to "first license after photo", and implement a catalogued management system, which will be open to the public and subject to supervision.

Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, pointed out that "taking photos first and then obtaining certificates" can improve the company’s survival rate and promote the company to carry out commercial activities as soon as possible. This reform is not a simple mechanical displacement of the examination and approval system and the registration system in the time dimension, but a major institutional innovation that comprehensively reduces and restricts the government’s examination and approval power, reconstructs public power and enhances the government’s credibility, and contains great positive energy for reform and innovation.

    "lenient entry and strict management", exploring the balance between management and release in practice

After lowering the entry threshold, corporate integrity has become one of the most concerned issues in society. This tests the management level of the government.

Wang Yukai, a professor at the National School of Administration, said that how to achieve the balance between management and release, not only to encourage entrepreneurship and stimulate market vitality, but also to maintain market order and avoid the strange circle of "management will die and release will be chaotic" is a difficult problem that the government must solve under the new situation.

The Provisional Regulations on Enterprise Information Publicity (Draft) adopted by the executive meeting in the State Council on July 23rd proposed to speed up the implementation of the enterprise information publicity system, rely more on establishing a transparent and honest market order to regulate enterprises, create a fair competitive market environment, and make credit the "foundation pile" of the socialist market economic system. Experts believe that this will help to further deepen the reform of the industrial and commercial registration system and straighten out the relationship between the government and the market.

According to the reporter’s investigation, Chongqing started to develop and build a joint credit information system for enterprises, and collected and integrated 26.773 million pieces of enterprise credit information. Through the application of enterprise credit information data in engineering construction, government procurement, land transaction, drug transaction, and approval of financial funds related to enterprise subsidies, the behavior of enterprise dishonesty is effectively restrained, and a strict management work pattern of "one place is untrustworthy and everywhere is limited" is initially formed.

Intelligent anthropomorphic driving, Avita 11 shows extraordinary intelligent driving pleasure

On November 14th, Avita Technology joined hands with strategic partner Huawei to jointly create Avita’s "Smart Driving Experience Day", which became one of the largest and richest high-level smart driving activities in the industry this year. Through this event, Avita 11 for the first time demonstrated the strength of ceiling-level hardcore products such as high-speed NCA smart driving navigation assistance, urban ICA smart cruise assistance, and APA smart parking assistance.

Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Tan Benhong, Chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

Tan Benhong, chairperson and CEO of Avita Technology, said, How to make intelligent driving meet user requests? Based on the understanding of users, Avita and Huawei have worked together to develop products from the product definition stage, and both parties have invested the leading resources in their respective fields to the greatest extent to achieve 1 + 1 > 2. We firmly believe that whether it is appearance, comprehensive performance, or intelligent driving ability, Avita 11 is the top of the industry’s first echelon.

Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

As one of the first lock single owners, Wang Jun, chief operating officer of Huawei Smart Car Solutions BU and president of Intelligent Driving Solutions Product Line, said on the spot, I often drive Avita 11, high-speed, urban, and parking continuous experience, and various scene processing is very smooth. Huawei and Avita have deeply cooperated to deeply integrate mechanical systems such as steering and braking with intelligent driving assistance systems to achieve the best experience. The intelligent driving that Avita 11 is about to deliver is the highest level we can do now. Of course, next year will be better, because this system will continue to evolve. The more you drive, the more you understand, and the smarter you drive.

Personalized driving makes high-speed travel more comfortable

The 360-degree full coverage fusion perception ability brought by the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the efficient computing power and anthropomorphic algorithm brought by the AVATRUTH supercomputing system make the AVATRANS intelligent navigation system of Avita 11 fully display its "intelligent" strength in an open road environment.

Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance. Photo provided by Avita Technology, published by

The activation of the high-speed NCA intelligent navigation assistance is very convenient. When the conditions are met, you can enter the smart driving state by flipping the hold block twice in a row. At present, the high-speed NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance has covered more than 200,000 kilometers of expressways and urban expressways in China. On the premise of ensuring driving safety, Avita 11 with a global vision can actively choose a lane with higher traffic efficiency. Near the ramp, you can also change to the exit lane in advance according to the road condition information ahead and the intelligent prediction of traffic flow, to avoid the embarrassment of "missing the exit and driving the wrong way" in unfamiliar environments.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Jacking or being jammed is a high-frequency scene in daily driving. With the help of full fusion perception ability, Avita 11 can accurately judge the jamming intention of his car, and with the anthropomorphic jamming game ability, he can independently choose to speed up or slow down to give way. When the speed of the forward vehicle is too slow, Avita 11 can quickly complete the acceleration lane change; when encountering the rear car during the autonomous lane change process, Avita 11 can also quickly turn off the lights and slow down to stop the lane change, and continue to perform the lane change after the rear vehicle passes, thus bringing a more peaceful and calm smart driving experience.

In the process of traffic congestion following and ramp inbound and outbound, Avita 11 can monitor and predict the behavior of surrounding vehicles in real time, and combine deep learning algorithms to execute the best interaction strategy to make the vehicle have efficient traffic capacity. At the same time, when passing some large curvature ramp, Avita 11 can also smoothly complete the entry and exit, and the steering wheel turns silky, without frequent back and forth corrections. It is worth mentioning that every active deceleration of Avita 11 is smooth enough to maintain a smooth and comfortable sense of stability, providing passengers with a smooth and smooth ride experience like a courtesy car.

"Eye View Six Roads" Super perception, safer urban complex road conditions

Entering urban roads, the complexity of road conditions has skyrocketed, and accidents, construction and other working conditions have occurred frequently, which is the most test of a car’s intelligent driving strength. Avita 11 is equipped with urban ICA intelligent cruise assistance, and has the ability to perceive and respond to crises that are "invisible to the human eye and unknown to the human mind". It can easily resolve various hidden dangers such as accidents, water horses, construction pile and barrel guidance lines, and provide users with safety protection.

Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

The accident rollover vehicle located at the entrance of the tunnel often causes temporary visual impairment due to the contrast between light and dark, and the intelligent driver is also unable to identify due to the "special shape", which brings safety hazards. The super full fusion perception ability of Avita 11 not only is not affected by light conditions and bad weather, but also can identify the special-shaped vehicle in advance, issue a timely warning, and take very linear braking measures, which not only prevents accidents but also ensures the comfort of the ride.

Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by
Avita 11 can easily identify the piles and buckets used to guide lane line changes. Photo courtesy of Avita Technology, published by

When passing through the construction section, Avita 11 in the open state of the smart driver can easily identify the pile bucket used to guide the lane line change, anticipate the speed reduction in advance and automatically turn on the lights to change lanes. In the scenario of water horses encroaching on the lane, the system will evaluate the traffic capacity of the lane, and after confirming that the lane still has the capacity of the vehicle, it will slightly slow down and bypass the water horse to improve the continuity and safety of intelligent driving.

Overcome "intractable diseases" and park with more peace of mind

Compared with the traditional "blind man touching the elephant" solution, the fully integrated sensory parking solution adopted by Avita 11 breaks the isolation between the driving and parking systems, and applies the sensing capabilities of the AVATRUST super-sensing system and the powerful computing power of the AVATRUTH supercomputer system to the parking scene. Therefore, the APA intelligent parking assistance on Avita 11 can identify all the parking spaces seen by the human eye in all directions, completely solving the pain points of "not parking, not being placed correctly, taking a long time, and being easy to scratch", bringing users a more reassuring and pleasant intelligent parking experience.

Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
 Avita 11 Intelligent Parking Assist. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

Traveling between alleys or alleys, you often encounter tricky "severed road" reverse inclined train positions. Faced with this intimidating scene for novice drivers, Avita 11 can use its powerful 360-degree perception ability to find the rear space by itself, and use its powerful computing power and cloud-empowered path planning experience to autonomously reconstruct the scene, plan the route, and make a U-turn, so as to complete the warehousing action in reverse at the back of the car.

Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network
Avita 11 ramp parking. Photo provided by Avita Technology, issued by Hualong Network

As one of the common parking scenarios, ramp parking poses a high test for the accuracy of vehicle longitudinal and lateral control. For this scenario, Avita 11 can carefully adjust the steering, power and braking based on human factors engineering theory to compensate for the impact of slope, and precisely control the position and route of the vehicle. Parking is smooth and silky throughout, just like flat ground performance.

Parking process may encounter pedestrians, non-motor vehicles from the rear of the car suddenly across the situation, in this regard, Avita 11 can rely on 34 intelligent driving sensors empowered by long-range perception and target trajectory prediction ability based on AI enhanced learning, accurate tracking of dynamic targets, anticipate target movement, timely stop action, to be moved to a safe distance after the target to automatically resume the parking process, to achieve real one-click peace of mind into the position.

Emotional smart cabin space, smart cars are more comfortable

At the event site, Avita 11 further demonstrated the unique charm of the emotional intelligent cockpit developed based on HarmonyOS. The floating central control screen interface adopts the HarmonyOS car-machine interaction design language, allowing the services and information used in the car to achieve zero-level interaction "visible on the first screen"; the screen edge swipe can be easily retracted, and the two-finger swipe can easily rotate the window position and other operations are consistent with the mobile phone, which greatly reduces the user’s learning cost.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Thanks to the colorful Huawei app store, Avita 11 can be adapted to Autonavi Map, Himalayas, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Migu Music, Bilibili, Sohu Video, Youku Video, WeSing, WPS and other head APPs, bringing users a colorful car experience with the often new cockpit ecology. Avita 11 is also intimately equipped with a 10.25-inch high definition full LCD screen for the co-pilot, which is based on the organic linkage of one-core multi-screen capability and cockpit smart interconnection screen to bring users a multi-person shared intelligent entertainment driving experience.

Avita 11 emotional intelligence cockpit. Photo provided by Avita Technology, sent by Hualong Network

Based on HarmonyOS voice capabilities, Avita 11 has created a full-interface voice control system that can be seen and spoken. At the interface of car control, music video, navigation and other three-party applications, users can directly speak text according to the interface information without manual clicking. The intelligent voice assistant can support 4-partition sound source positioning, continuous instructions, fuzzy semantic instructions, custom Keyword Spotting and other functions, making "Xiaota" more intelligent and loving for users.

In addition, Avita 11 is intimately equipped with six smart scenario modes, one-click linkage of ambient lights, music, fragrance, HALO screen and other hardware, and interacts with a real and interesting scene-based interface to bring a full range of intelligent atmosphere experience. Take the unique pet mode as an example. After turning on this function, the car machine can turn on the air conditioner and adjust it to a suitable temperature. At the same time, the car machine screen will enter the care reminder state to avoid misunderstandings by passers-by outside the car. And if the user accidentally leaves the pet in the car when getting off the car, Avita 11’s departure cockpit perception function can send a reminder to the user in time through the APP, giving the "shit shoveling officer" peace of mind and protecting the safety of small lives.

Car review

As the first model fully equipped with HI (Huawei Inside) Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution, Avita 11 demonstrates the results of complementary advantages and deep binding between Avita and Huawei in multiple fields, allowing intelligence to truly realize the value of providing users with a safe and comfortable driving experience. In the future, Avita Technology will continue to be committed to exploring future-oriented humanized travel technology to create a better emotional intelligent travel experience for users.

People’s Daily: A Deep Understanding of Stable Finance

Abstract: Finance is the core of modern economy, which is active in finance and economy. Financial stability and economic stability. Doing a solid job in stabilizing finance is not only an important task to prevent and resolve major risks, but also an important prerequisite for maintaining sustained and healthy economic development and promoting high-quality economic development. It is necessary to clarify the focus of stabilizing finance and work hard to stabilize financial services, financial policies, financial operations, financial markets and financial openness; We will not only actively and steadily launch short-term measures to stabilize finance, but also focus on building a long-term mechanism to stabilize finance, consolidate the economic system foundation for stabilizing finance, improve the macroeconomic policy framework for stabilizing finance, and improve the financial risk response mechanism.
Clarify the focus of stabilizing finance and create a stable and safe financial environment for economic development.
Finance is the core of the modern economy and the blood of the real economy, and the two coexist and prosper together. On the one hand, financial activities, economic activities; Financial stability and economic stability. On the other hand, the economy is booming and finance is booming; Strong economy and strong finance. To do a solid job in stabilizing finance, we must improve the ability of financial services to the real economy, meet the needs of economic and social development and the people, focus on stabilizing financial services, financial policies, financial operations, financial markets, and financial openness, and continuously deepen structural reforms on the financial supply side to create a stable and safe financial environment for effectively coping with the downward pressure on the economy, preventing and resolving major risks, and promoting high-quality economic development.
Stabilize financial services. Serving the real economy is the bounden duty of finance, the purpose of finance and the fundamental measure to prevent financial risks. For some time, China’s financial system has a tendency of "deviating from reality to virtuality". Problems such as idling of funds within the financial system, self-circulation or excessive flow to the real estate market have caused the financing cost of the real economy to rise, and problems such as difficult and expensive financing for enterprises have become prominent. To stabilize financial services is to focus on solving the problems of financial "detachment from reality to emptiness", self-idling, self-circulation, etc., especially to solve the problems of financing difficulties and expensive financing for private enterprises and small and micro enterprises. Financial institutions should take serving the real economy as the starting point and end result of financial work, allocate more financial resources to key areas and weak links of economic and social development, and better meet the diversified financial needs of the real economy.
Stabilize financial policy. The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year pointed out that a prudent monetary policy should be moderate, maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity, and improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. This has released a clear signal to stabilize the financial policy. At present, we should pay attention to the following aspects: First, smooth interest rate transmission channels. We should grasp the ultimate goal of monetary policy, continue to promote the reform of interest rate marketization, and strengthen the forward-looking guiding role of monetary policy. The second is to improve the credit transmission efficiency of monetary policy. Commercial banks play an important role in the credit transmission of monetary policy. To improve the credit transmission efficiency of monetary policy, it is necessary to strengthen competition, improve the market-oriented operation level of commercial banks, improve the credit resource allocation efficiency and risk management ability of commercial banks, and reduce the improper intervention of local government departments on commercial banks. Third, pay attention to the coordination of monetary policy and fiscal policy. While implementing a prudent monetary policy, we should give full play to the role of fiscal policy, reduce the cost of enterprises through large-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, stimulate the willingness of enterprises to invest, and guide enterprises to expect steady economic growth in China. At the same time, under the premise of controlling the total debt scale, the scale of local government special bonds will be greatly increased, and the local government debt risks will be handled steadily.
Stabilize financial operation. In the past period, China’s financial sector has a wide range of risk points, accumulated potential risks and hidden dangers, and the fragility of financial operation has increased. With the continuous strengthening of financial supervision, various measures to prevent and resolve financial risks have been introduced one after another. China’s financial risks have generally converged, the stability of financial operations has been significantly enhanced, and the tough battle to prevent and resolve financial risks has achieved initial results. But we should also see that the task of stabilizing financial operation is still very arduous. It is necessary to take effective measures to continue to focus on solving financial risks in key areas such as local government debt and real estate market, further lay a solid battle to prevent and resolve financial risks, and create a stable and safe financial operating environment for supply-side structural reform and high-quality economic development.
Stabilize the financial market. Capital market is an important part of financial market, and strengthening the construction of capital market system is an important guarantee to stabilize financial market and enhance the ability of financial services to the real economy. We should pay attention to improving the quality of listed companies, strengthen the governance of listed companies, strictly withdraw from the market and disclose information, effectively protect the interests of investors and reduce administrative intervention in market transactions. Further deepen the reform of financial markets and financial institutions, alleviate the phenomenon of information asymmetry and market segmentation in financial markets, improve the credit evaluation system, develop the bond market, and maintain the reasonable and moderate development of non-credit financing. At the same time, pay close attention to the possible negative impact of short-,medium-and long-term changes at home and abroad on China’s financial market, identify and predict risks in advance, introduce and implement risk disposal measures in time, and stabilize financial market expectations.
Stabilize financial openness. Expanding the opening up of the financial industry is not only the need to build a modern economic system, promote the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up, accelerate the internationalization of the RMB, and deeply participate in global economic governance, but also the need to promote the recovery and development of the world economy and establish a more just and reasonable international financial order. To promote financial opening, we should be active and steady. First of all, effectively deal with the impact of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike and other factors on China’s financial opening up, and prevent serious capital outflows and sharp depreciation of the exchange rate due to changes in the external environment. Secondly, take external factors as long-term variables to maintain financial stability, expand financial openness, prevent and resolve financial risks, and maintain steady economic growth, prepare for a rainy day, accurately judge and properly deal with the risk resonance that may be caused by changes in the external environment. Third, put the task of financial reform and opening up in place, and study and promote new measures of financial reform and opening up in a timely manner according to changes in the international economic and financial situation and the needs of China’s development strategy.
Coordinate implementation and take the initiative to do a solid job in stabilizing finance.
To do a solid job in stabilizing finance, we should make overall plans and take the initiative to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of the financial industry on the basis of clarifying the focus of stabilizing finance, actively and steadily introduce short-term measures to stabilize finance, and strive to build a long-term mechanism to stabilize finance, and work hard to consolidate the economic system foundation of stabilizing finance, improve the macroeconomic policy framework of stabilizing finance, and improve the financial risk response mechanism.
Consolidate and stabilize the economic system foundation of finance. The healthy development of the real economy is an important foundation for preventing and resolving risks and doing a good job in stabilizing finance. It is necessary to implement the spirit of the Central Committee, accelerate the reform of the economic system, improve the property rights system and the market-oriented allocation mechanism of factors, make the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, give better play to the role of the government, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, enhance the vitality of micro-subjects, build a solid institutional foundation for steady economic growth, and provide strong support for stabilizing finance. Deepen the market-oriented reform of the financial system with the market-oriented reform of interest rate, exchange rate and national debt yield as the core; Supported by the inter-bank market, foreign exchange market, bond market and stock market, we will constantly improve the financial market system, financial institution system, financial product system and the institutional mechanism of financial services to the real economy, and consolidate the institutional foundation for long-term and stable financial development. Improve the system of financial practitioners, financial institutions, financial markets, financial operations, financial governance, financial supervision and financial regulation, and standardize financial operations.
Improve the macroeconomic policy framework for financial stability. There is a strong internal correlation between macroeconomic policies such as fiscal policy and monetary policy and financial stability. According to the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year, we should strengthen the countercyclical adjustment role of fiscal policy and monetary policy, continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, focus on stabilizing aggregate demand, and create a good macroeconomic environment for stabilizing finance. The proactive fiscal policy should be strengthened to improve efficiency, implement larger-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, and greatly increase the scale of local government special bonds; A prudent monetary policy should be moderately tight, maintain reasonable and abundant liquidity, improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, increase the proportion of direct financing, and solve the problems of financing difficulties and high financing for private enterprises and small and micro enterprises.
本版制图:张芳曼 郭 祥
《 人民日报 》( 2019年03月20日 09 版)


 The pale Tuocha on the left of the picture is bad tea that has been mildewed, and the high-quality aged Pu ‘er on the right.


Pu ‘er tea is more valuable as a cultural relic than tea itself in the eyes of collectors, which makes many tea merchants fake old Pu ‘er tea.


 The tea fermented after large leaves are planted in bulk is commonly known as Pu ‘er tea.


This is the so-called 30-year-old fake "golden marble"

    Pu ‘er tea is hailed as an "antique" that can be drunk, and many people believe that the more it is stored, the more valuable it is. Illegal businessmen seize the opportunity to use various means to turn new tea into old tea at high prices. According to experts in the industry, exaggerating the year, making a musty smell in a wet warehouse and adding chemicals are the most commonly used methods in the market. In addition, by changing the packaging, non-brand old tea is faked as brand old tea.

    In the past 30 years, "Golden Marbles" have won hundreds of dollars.

    Uncovering the Fake: The "Golden Marbles" came into the market only after 1992.

    Zou Jiaju, executive vice president and secretary general of Yunnan Tea Association, told the reporter: "A friend told me with great interest that he spent hundreds of yuan to buy a 30-year-old’ golden marble’ and invited me to have a drink. I laughed at him for being cheated."

    In order to prove his judgment, Zou Jiaju told the reporter a history: in 1992, Xiang Jinshan, Geng Qingguo and Zhai Yuanhong, employees of Kunming Tea Factory under Yunnan Tea Import and Export Corporation, jointly designed a three-piece stamping machine to produce a 5-gram disposable Miniature Tuocha with the official name of "mini" (English mini) at that time. Later, it was orally renamed as "Golden Marbles" and later filed a technical patent with the State Patent Office. Later, Zhai Yuanhong designed a two-piece stamping machine and applied for the corresponding technical patent. "It can be seen that the’ Golden Marbles’ will not be available until after 1992. How can there be a’ Golden Marbles’ with a 30-year shelf life? Therefore, the’ golden marble’ that my friend said has been stored for 30 years is by no means true. " Zou Jiaju said positively.

    80-year-old tea still has pectin

    Expose the fake: pectin will evaporate if it is stored for more than 30 years.

    Tea contains a certain amount of pectin, but with the passage of time, microorganisms will gradually decompose pectin. For old tea with a storage period of more than 30 years, pectin has long been transformed and volatilized. However, some teas on the market that claim to be decades old, if you look carefully, still have pectin. Obviously, such teas must have lied about their age.

    "pectin is the main substance that constitutes the interlayer of tea cells. It is an amorphous colloid with strong hydrophilicity, adhesion and softness, which can make adjacent cells stick together. In the process of tea kneading, cells are broken and pectin comes out. " Zou Jiaju said: "During the Republic of China, there was no power equipment in Xishuangbanna tea area, and the pressed tea processing relied on human stone molds. The artificial pressure is limited, and the pressed tea in the period without electricity is relatively loose, which depends on the adhesion of pectin to a certain extent. With the passage of time, microorganisms will gradually decompose pectin. The pectin of old tea with a storage period of more than 30 years has long been transformed and volatilized, and the connection of tea pieces mainly depends on the pull of shape shaping. In addition, other impurities are often based on pectin, pectin volatilizes, and fluff or other impurities will be reduced accordingly. "

    Zou Jiaju told the reporter an example: "A friend invited me to have tea, and it was agreed in advance that it was decades-old tea. Tea is packed in a well-designed paper seal, about 10 grams. He introduced that this tea has been aged for more than 80 years, and the value of a bubble is 1500 yuan. ""Well, it was in the early years of the Republic of China when tea was made. I saw that two thirds of the tea leaves were caked and one third had been scattered. After careful observation, the connecting pectin in the caked part is still working. Obviously, this is a piece of tea with false age. "

    The truth of "20-year-old tea" in bud head explosion

    Uncover the fake: there will be no buds in the tea in 1985.

    Zou Jiaju also told an example of a 3-year-old tea pretending to be a 20-year-old tea: "In the Spring Festival of 2005, my friend’s family spent 3,000 yuan to buy two pieces of Pu ‘er cake tea that was said to have been produced before 1985. After brewing, the tea tastes bitter and has a light smell of pile fermentation. The tea soup is full of fluff and a faint smell of smoke. It can be concluded that the storage time of this tea is not more than 3 years, because only the storage life is very short.

    There is also a historical background to prove that the age of this tea is not 20 years. You know, from 1983 to 1985, the price of bud tips in sun-dried green tea was very high, and the market was good. When processing pressed tea of raw tea, manufacturers would use a little bud tips to spread the flour, but there would definitely be no white bud tips in the middle and back of the tea. Under normal circumstances, Pu ‘er tea cakes and Pu ‘er tea bricks are not even sprinkled.

    It was not until around 1995 that the buds were proved to be too low in polyphenols to produce Pu ‘er tea, and these once noble buds and young leaves were gradually squeezed into all kinds of pressed teas with thick and big bodies. The two tea cakes bought by my friend’s family were pressed into the bud head from the outside. Obviously, it could not have been produced before 1985, at least after the price of the bud head was reduced in 1995. "Zou Jiaju said.

    "Most of the old tea in the market is fake."

    Zou Jiaju said that some so-called experts are completely irresponsible in writing books. If they have any "goods" in their hands, they will fabricate history and raise prices. "Some maps are too outrageous. The production of Fenghuang Tuocha in Nanjian was in the 1990 s, but it was said by some people that it was in the 1970 s." Zou Jiaju said, "Most of the so-called aged Pu ‘er tea sold in the market now is not true. Pu’ er tea consumers, especially Pu’ er tea operators, can’t buy tea only by ear, only by attractive labels, and they should be carefully identified. "

    Pu-erh fermented in wet warehouse is moldy and "wet to death"

    How to determine whether "wet warehouse tea" is good tea or bad tea? There are different voices in the tea industry, but they all agree that the practice of "wet warehouse tea pretending to be old tea" is to deceive consumers. In fact, some unscrupulous tea merchants moved their tea products into caves with high humidity in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places, accelerated aging and fermented mildew, hoping to speculate on the year and make old Pu ‘er tea, which not only violated the natural oxidation and fermentation law of tea endoplasm, but also made Pu ‘er tea lose its health care function, but also harmed people’s health.

    Store wet caves for tea fermentation.

    "’Wet warehouse’ refers to some tea merchants who store fresh raw Pu ‘er tea in places with poor ventilation and high humidity, such as kilns, air-raid shelters, earth houses, etc. In order to make fresh raw Pu ‘er tea be drunk early, which is easy to cause the breeding of Aspergillus in tea and accelerate the aging. This Aspergillus oxidation is called fermentation after wet warehouse. However, wet-stored Pu ‘er tea completely destroyed the tea fiber, changed the original essence of tea, and violated the law of natural oxidation and fermentation of tea endoplasm. " Chen Guozhang, a senior tea man and chairman of Tea Art Paradise (China) Co., Ltd., said that he always advocated storing Pu ‘er tea in a "dry warehouse", that is, the tea leaves were fermented in Fang Chen in an environment with moderate temperature and humidity, ventilation, freshness and no odor, which not only preserved the authenticity of Pu ‘er tea, but also increased the value of tea tasting.

    High humidity makes tea moldy and wet to death.

    In order to give reporters a vivid understanding, Chen Guozhang took out a sample used for giving lectures to members of Pu ‘er Club on weekdays-Pu ‘er tea aged in wet warehouse, and compared it with Pu ‘er tea stored in Fang Chen and well preserved. The reporter found that the Tuocha aged in the wet warehouse has been mildewed and grown hoarfrost, while another brick tea block aged in the wet warehouse is dim and yellow. The moldy Tuocha with hoarfrost smells like bran, while the yellow brick tea has a musty smell.

    "Both are bad teas, which one is worse?" The reporter asked. Chen Guozhang replied: "The yellow one (different from the golden fungus" Jinhua ",which should be evaluated in a scientific and correct manner) is even worse, but the yellow one is not as conspicuous as the white one. In fact, the tea has been" wet to death "!"

    Chen Guozhang explained that tea leaves stored in wet warehouses are prone to mildew due to too much water, and the tea leaves with severe mildew will grow hoarfrost. If they are not returned to the warehouse in time for air drying, hoarfrost will turn into yellow mold (Aspergillus flavus). Now, some people say that "the milder Pu ‘er tea is, the better", but it is not. The essence of moldy tea has deteriorated. Too much water encourages the growth of white, black, green and yellow bacteria. Drinking tea was supposed to help health, but drinking this kind of tea has the opposite effect.

    Natural wet storage can age tea, and artificial fermentation will destroy tea products.

    In addition, some tea industry experts do not deny the practice of wet storage, but it is difficult to master the technology of aging good tea products in wet storage. If the humidity is too high or inappropriate, the goods are prone to black mold and green mold and become bad tea. At present, many people in the market use bad "wet warehouse tea" to pretend to be old tea and dry warehouse old tea.

    When the humidity exceeds 85%, tea will become moldy.

    Shi Kunmu, a senior tea man in Taiwan Province and one of the top ten outstanding figures of Pu ‘er tea in the world, said: "If there are two pieces of dry-stored tea and wet-stored tea in the 1950s, I will definitely choose to drink dry-stored tea, but it doesn’t mean that wet-stored tea is not good, but my personal taste is different. In fact, the existing old tea is basically wet warehouse tea, and even the old tea with a cake of 200,000 yuan is wet warehouse tea. We must know that when the relative humidity of the air exceeds 85%, the stored Pu ‘er tea will be moldy. For example, the annual average relative humidity in Guangzhou is 88%. In the past, Guangdong and Hong Kong, which were important places for storing tea, were actually’ natural wet warehouses’, and there were basically no dry warehouses for old tea. "

    Shi Kunmu told reporters that in Hong Kong, the so-called "warehousing" means that the environment of Pu ‘er tea is artificially controlled without natural storage. In Guangdong, there are similar ways to accelerate the aging of Pu ‘er tea, such as building a tin house and entering an air-raid shelter. "As long as the tea produced by these artificial methods is not too outrageous, there is no direct evidence of adverse effects on the human body according to the standards of modern medical inspection. Sometimes, the temperature, humidity and time are properly handled. However, it is not only immoral, but also harmful to people’s health to use the year of speculation and use fraud to mislead consumers.

    It is difficult to age tea in wet warehouse.

    Regarding the problem of "wet warehouse", Zou Jiaju, executive vice president and secretary-general of Yunnan Tea Association, also said that the prerequisite for microbial fermentation is a certain amount of water, temperature and oxygen. Without water, it will not ferment, just like there will be no life on the planet without water.

    For example, he said, "I got together with the Hong Kong and Kowloon Tea Chamber of Commerce and said that some people sealed raw tea cakes with plastic paper decades ago, but it changed little after opening them. The reason is just like what we usually call a dry warehouse. The less moisture in the dry warehouse, the slower the aging speed of tea. Many Pu ‘er tea books hold the dry warehouse to the sky, but they don’t know that there is no certain moisture and humidity. Where can microorganisms survive and multiply? "

    "I often observe in the fermentation workshops of Kunming Tea Factory, Xiaguan Tea Factory and Menghai Tea Factory. I have a good grasp of technology and normal white hair, which is good tea; The temperature of the pile is high, the tea embryo is burned, the temperature is low, and black hair appears on the surface of the pile, which is bad tea. " Zou Jiaju believes that these are due to improper technical mastery, too high or inappropriate humidity, and black mold and green mold appear in some goods. Because of the technical difficulty, how can we produce such a large batch of aged tea?

    Year of speculation of tea merchants borrowing warehouses

    "After rapid aging, raw tea products have the advantage of immediately reducing the bitterness, turning the soup red and making it smooth and sweet. The cooked tea can quickly remove the smell of the pile (new taste and fishy smell), and the soup is smooth and has obvious old fragrance. What they have in common is that the pungent taste of new tea can disappear quickly when they enter the warehouse. " Although Shi Kunmu affirmed the "wet warehouse", he said that there are five negative effects in warehousing: the storage process is costly and the possibility of mildew is greatly increased; Appearance and cake surface gloss disappear; The smell of warehouse will never disappear; The same batch of tea has great differences in aroma, taste and appearance; Compared with the tea that has not been put into the warehouse, the smell of the warehouse is stringy and the aroma of the taste is lost.

    "It is not necessarily bad to enter the warehouse, but entering the warehouse is often used by tea merchants as a means of hype year to mislead consumers into wrong ideas." Shi Kunmu said that individual businessmen, driven by profit, poured a lot of water on the finished Pu ‘er tea or cast other color-changing substances, or put it directly on the wet ground to make it grow mold. After aging, it not only lost the charm of storage, but also did not have the health care effect of Pu ‘er tea.

    Quickly make "aged tea" by boiling water and insolating.

    Make old tea with chemicals

    In fact, it is even more abominable to make money by pretending to be old tea than by using wet warehouse tea, and even using chemicals to make old tea. Chen Guozhang said that "aging" at high temperature has become the latest counterfeiting method. They put plates of raw tea sprayed with water and containers filled with water into iron boxes, and then exposed them at high temperature, thinking that the iron boxes were not high enough in temperature and humidity, and then poured water into the hot iron boxes, and repeated operations, in order to quickly "age" Pu ‘er tea. "In summer in the south, such a rapid Pu ‘er tea can achieve the effect of three months to five years. Besides, after such high temperature baking? The Pu ‘er tea made is ruddy in color and has a high selling price. "

    Moreover, "making water old" is an upgraded version of "wet warehouse Pu ‘er". Chen Guozhang told reporters that they not only stored Pu ‘er raw tea in Fang Chen in underground kilns, air-raid shelters, earthen houses and other places with poor ventilation and high humidity, but also artificially sprinkled water on the tea to make the fermentation speed faster after wet storage. "I have personally been to the old kiln, and some sanitary conditions are very poor. The tea has been moldy for a long time."

    A month and a half ago, the reporter tasted this kind of wet barn to make old tea at a friend’s home. This so-called brick of Chinese tea cultural revolution (250g/piece) with a storage age of more than 20 years has a retail price of more than 4,000 yuan/piece in Fangcun tea market. It looks neat on the surface and doesn’t smell musty. However, experts from the same industry knew at a glance that it was "wet goods". When the soup was opened, it tasted bitter and musty, and the bitterness persisted in the mouth for a long time, which was difficult to fade. Experts say that the appearance of old tea made in this wet warehouse has been well handled, which has deceived many people. The tea artificially stored in the wet warehouse has a pungent smell after opening the soup, and the soup is black and mixed, and the throat is locked. The dry tea sees green, black and red mildew spots, and the bottom of the leaves is sticky after brewing.

    Soaking tea with potassium permanganate

    Zheng Bingji, chairman of Yunnan Pu ‘er Tea (Group) Co., Ltd., said in an interview that some fake Pu ‘er teas are even more "horrible". They steamed the prepared and processed tea again. After steaming at high temperature, they threw it into those brick kilns and tile kilns that were already closed for ants to bite. The tea was rotten and the paper was rotten, and then dried again. The Mongolian said, "We are rotten."

    Zheng Bingji gave an example to reporters: "One day in 2005, a friend came to me mysteriously and handed me something. I took my friend’s’ baby’ and carefully opened it layer by layer. A big musty smell came to my nose, and the whole thing had rotted away. There were traces of insects crawling on it and Baba pulled out by insects. I felt sick. People who might not understand it thought it was a century-old tea, but people who knew tea felt sick. This is not tea, this is garbage! "

    Puer dictionary

    Key points of tea age identification

    First look at outsourcing paper and printing: the printing color of paper in every era is irreplaceable, and its particularity is even more impossible to counterfeit because of the weathering of paper and printing history. In addition, the internal flying paper is also related to printing, which is the same as outsourcing paper and printing. What is more special is that the internal flying paper is embedded in tea products? Yes, under normal circumstances, you can’t change it.

    At the same time, molds, including stone molds, iron molds, wood molds, etc., have their special appearance and process in each era, which has a profound impact on the aging of tea products. However, the matching technique of tea cyanine varies with the background of each era. A comprehensive judgment with the pressing mold can be used as an auxiliary condition for the identification of Pu ‘er tea year.

    Dry-stored Pu ‘er tea is tightly knotted, evenly fermented, glossy and moist. When you tap the tea cake with your hand, the sound is crisp and neat, and the tea soup is clear and bright, sweet and refreshing, and has no odor. Wet-stored Pu ‘er tea is loose and dull in color. If there is too much water, the surface of the tea leaves will be covered with frost, or the tea leaves will breed mold from the inside out, which has a strong pungent taste, alkaline taste and musty taste. The tea soup is turbid like cooked tea and tastes like acupuncture.

    The Times asks you to tell the story of fried tea.

    If you are a Pu ‘er lover, you have had a special experience in collecting Pu ‘er. Or "tea speculators", who know many unknown stories about the operation of Pu ‘er market, welcome to call our hotline or send us an email for information.


Editor: Shi Guanghui


# Headline Creation Challenge #

Exercise is a very important activity, which can not only help us keep healthy, but also improve our psychological quality and social skills. No matter what age, people should pay attention to sports and make it a part of their lives.

First of all, exercise can help us keep healthy. Through exercise, we can strengthen the strength of muscles and bones, improve heart and lung function and reduce the risk of illness. In addition, exercise can also help us control our weight and prevent obesity and related diseases.

Secondly, exercise can improve our psychological quality. Exercise can release the stress and tension in the body and make us feel relaxed and happy. At the same time, exercise can also improve our self-confidence and self-esteem, so that we can face life more positively.

Finally, exercise can improve our social skills. By participating in sports activities, we can make more friends and expand our social circle. At the same time, sports can also cultivate our team spirit and leadership ability, and make us better in our work and life.

In a word, exercise is a very important activity, which can help us keep healthy and improve our psychological quality and social skills. We should pay attention to sports and make it a part of our lives.

Jing Wong snarled netizens for being uneducated online! Supported the new play, and once scolded many artists in the circle.

This article is edited by Spoiler Club: Star Search

Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited, and plagiarism will be complained by the whole network if found.

Jing Wong, the director, is well-known in the circle. He once created many classic comedy films with Stephen Chow, and he also exported many classic films, which won a lot of popularity among artists.

Nowadays, Jing Wong is often invited to participate in activities and share his experience.

However, an activity he attended recently caused a heated discussion. It was related to that he was invited to attend the premiere of the new mainland play "Parrot Kill" and interacted with a number of actors on the spot. Later, he also sent Weibo to promote the new film.

However, some netizens also went to the scene, and even took some photos of the scene, and left a message under Wang Jingfa’s Weibo saying that this movie is not good at all.

Jing Wong immediately replied to this netizen, saying that this kind of person just has a bad heart. Not everyone can understand literary films, and it’s terrible to have no culture.

Jing Wong exchanged curses with netizens on the Internet, which caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

In fact, it’s not the first time that director Jing Wong has exchanged curses with netizens on the Internet. Earlier, artist Li Wanhua publicly criticized Jing Wong’s new play when it was broadcast live on the Internet, which was simply explicit and bad for children.

Jing Wong is not used to this. She immediately countered that Li Wanhua is a washed-up actress, which means that she is the worst performer in TVB. In this way, Jing Wong and Li Wanhua caused a scolding battle on the Internet.

In addition, Jing Wong also criticized the mainland producer Yu Zheng, who has produced many dramas, winning over Zhao Liying, Wu Jinyan and others.

However, earlier on, Jing Wong was accused by Weibo, and most of them chose people with no acting skills as the leading roles.

When I was interviewed by Yu Zheng, I felt very puzzled. Yu Zheng admitted that he had casting, and there might be some shortcomings, but he didn’t really know Jing Wong, and I don’t know why Wang Jing targeted himself like this.

Jing Wong, the director, is a real person. As long as he sees something that is unreasonable, he will speak and express his thoughts directly on the Internet, which may lead to a constant battle of abuse with others.

Anyway, Jing Wong has contributed many classic characters to Hong Kong films, leaving many unforgettable moments for the audience. His contribution and position are obvious to all. We also expect him to continue to bring more good film works to the audience.

An Shuai stays! Magic flute and three old ministers stayed with Real Madrid to select four great gods and waited for Mbappé.

According to Aspen, Real Madrid has no intention of dismissing Ancelotti, but has already started the summer signing work, with Bellingham, Mbappé and other famous players as the main targets.

Real Madrid lost 4-0 to Manchester City, which was a bit ugly. There were some doubts about Ancelotti’s position, and he received an invitation from the Brazilian Football Association. It is reported that florentino will meet with Ancelotti next week to make plans for the coming season, and he has no intention of dismissing the latter. After losing to Manchester City, An Shuai publicly stated that he would stay in office. His contract expires in one year, and at least he will fulfill it.

This season, Real Madrid won the King’s Cup, and the semi-finals of the Champions League are acceptable, but there are many points behind Barcelona in the league, which has the greatest influence on Ancelotti.

In the past few years, Real Madrid did not invest much in the transfer. rudiger and Alaba joined for free, and they hardly appeared in the transfer market except Joan Ameni and Cammavinga. Real Madrid is unwilling to pay too high a transfer fee for a player, and this strategy may change in this summer window.

After winning the Golden Globe Award, Benzema’s contract was automatically extended for one year, and his efficiency dropped a lot. Modric and Cross will also renew their contracts for another year. Although their decline is more obvious than Benzema’s, Real Madrid still needs their experience. Na Qiao and Cerberus are also facing the problem of renewing their contracts. Both of them are willing to stay with the team, which is relatively easy to handle. Asensio’s situation is different. He has received invitations from several Premier League teams, and Real Madrid is willing to keep him, but will not pay the high salary offered to him by the Premier League teams. Mendi, Mariano, Azar and other players, Real Madrid will listen to their offers, and it is estimated that not much money will be recovered.

This summer, the young striker Endrick, who Real Madrid signed at a high price, is still not in place. They need a new striker who can score more than 35 goals a season. Real Madrid’s goals include Muani, Osman, Kane and Vlahovic, but these people are all very expensive, starting at 80 million yuan, and the competition will be fierce. In addition, young striker Alvaro is growing very fast and will get more playing time next season.

Of course, there is Mbappé, who will be free to sign a new club in January next year. Real Madrid didn’t give up the French superstar, but it won’t pay him a sky-high transfer fee and persuade him not to renew his contract with Paris. Finally, Bellingham, Rhys-James, Alfonso and other players, in Real Madrid’s signing list, the operation difficulty is not low.

Unfortunately, the loyal minister of Juventus met with the captain of Inter Milan, who had no way to serve his country in Argentina, but became an Italian hero.

# 100 Watching Teams # Throughout the long history of Argentine football, this old-fashioned giant in the green world has never lacked talents. This is obviously a good thing for the Argentine national team. But for some players, it may not be a good thing. For example, Camoranesi, the hero of this article, a loyal Juventus minister with strong personal ability and loyalty, can only accept the fate of serving the country in Argentina because he unfortunately met Inter Milan captain Sanetti, which is extremely embarrassing:

Mauro german camoranesi was born in Tantier, Argentina on October 4th, 1976. Unlike those compatriots who received professional training at a young age in the youth training camps of traditional Argentine giants such as Riverbed and Boca, Camoranesi received youth training at a club called Atletico Alto Silvio. I’m afraid even many old fans who often pay attention to the Argentine League on weekdays don’t know much about this club, which was still hanging out in the Argentine Second Division at that time.

Born in this level of club, the fledgling Camoranesi suffered a lot. Unlike saviola and aimar, who have attracted much attention since their debut, Camoranesi did not get much attention in the first five years of his career, and he tasted the pain of wandering at an early age. He changed his employer five times in five years. It was not until 2000 that he was recruited by Verona as far away as Apennine that his career was slightly stable.

Camoranesi was a qualified right wing before landing in Apennine. He can not only break through with the ball, but also score from a long distance, which can disrupt the opponent’s defense line by himself. Of course, Camoranesi’s teamwork spirit is also beyond doubt. His first choice after a successful breakthrough on the flank is often to send an accurate cross to his teammates. In addition to creating threats on the flank, Camoranesi will occasionally move to the middle, and there will be a stunning direct plug, which will make the opponent hard to prevent.

Under the influence of Serie A, Camoranesi’s defensive ability has made great progress. As long as he sets foot on the court, he will not hesitate to defend physically, greatly reducing the defensive pressure of his own team. Although Camoranesi’s contribution on the defensive end can’t be compared with Nesta’s professional defensive player, Camoranesi has never been the team’s defensive weakness.

As for Camoranesi’s club Verona at that time, compared with the established strong teams like Inter Milan and Juventus, it is naturally not enough. However, the configuration of this team on the offensive line is actually quite good. Besides Camoranesi, he also owns Gilardino and Mutu, all of whom are famous figures in the green world.

Unfortunately, both Gilardino and Mutu were newcomers at that time, and they had not reached the peak of their professionalism. Therefore, Mutu, Gilardino and Camoranesi’s offensive combination are not very effective. Verona, let alone compete for European qualification, even struggled to avoid relegation, and have been hovering on the edge of the relegation zone. After the end of the 2001-02 season, Verona was unfortunately relegated.

Verona’s record will obviously affect Argentina’s attitude towards Camoranesi. You know, Argentina’s national team at that time was full of famous talents. Take the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as an example. Even Riquelme and saviola, the most important men of the year, will be unfortunately defeated, so Camoranesi, who plays for Verona, will naturally not be called up by the Argentine national team. Even the media that was most opposed to the then Argentine coach Belsa would not take Camoranesi’s failure to participate in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan as Belsa’s crime.

Fortunately, there are people who know the goods after all. After Verona’s unfortunate demotion, Juventus, a veteran Italian club, extended an olive branch to him and attracted him. It must be explained here that in the summer when Camoranesi joined Juventus, the Italian media generally believed that this new signing was just a substitute for Zambrotta. Zambrotta was unfortunately injured in the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, and was doomed to miss the beginning of Serie A in 2002-03.

Perhaps even Moggi, known as the "king of transfer", didn’t expect Camoranesi, the new aid of Youwen, to be so fierce. During Zambrotta’s rehabilitation, Camoranesi played a phenomenal performance and locked his main seat in one fell swoop. So when Zambrotta comes back from injury, the Italian native can only look for playing opportunities in other positions. Fortunately, Zambrotta is versatile enough not to worry about having no ball to play …

It was not until this stage that there began to be voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi. However, then Argentine coach Belsa was still unwilling to give Camoranesi a chance.

As for the reasons, there are probably two aspects: First, it was Camoranesi’s first season when he joined Juventus. Although his personal performance was excellent, at that time, he was not the kind of star player with old qualifications and his influence in football was not too great. Plus Camoranesi was born in a small club like Sporting Civi in Huhardeaux, not to mention his influence in Argentina. As a direct result, even if there are voices calling for the Argentine national team to recruit Camoranesi, the voices are not too many and not too loud. At the very least, it is nothing compared with the call for Belsa to call up Riquelme before and after the 2002 World Cup.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, I met Inter captain Sanetti in Camoranesi. Although Zanetti often played as a right-back during his time at Inter Milan, in Belsa’s 3-3-1-3 tactical system, Zanetti was the right-back avant-garde.

Once Belsa recruits Camoranesi, then Camoranesi’s biggest competitor is undoubtedly Zanetti. At that time, Sanetti was not only in his prime, but also had already proved his strength in the Argentine national team. Whether it was the 1998 World Cup in France or the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, although the Argentine team failed to laugh at the end, Sanetti’s personal performance was impeccable and was deeply loved by Argentine football. Against this background, it is really difficult for Camoranesi to compete with Zanetti, the captain of Inter Milan.

When Camoranesi had no way to serve his country in Argentina, the Italian national team extended an olive branch to him. Because Camoranesi’s great-grandfather was Italian, it is not difficult for Camoranesi to apply for an Italian passport. So Camoranesi simply decided to play for the Italian national team.

Even if Camoranesi is strong enough to play for the Italian national team, there are still people who sneer at him. For example, fiore, an Italian international, once publicly stated that players should play for which country they were born.

This situation continued until the 2006 World Cup in Germany. Camoranesi, as the main player of Italy, helped the Azzurri win the World Cup successfully and became an undisputed Italian hero. The controversy about whether the Italian team should reuse Camoranesi only subsided.

Also in the summer of 2006, Camoranesi stuck with Juventus, who was relegated to Serie B, and chose to stay with Nedved, Buffon, Piero and Trezeguet, becoming a recognized loyal minister of Juventus. The reputation of "Brad Pitt" is destined to go down in history.

Camoranesi returned to Serie A with Juventus after suffering in Serie B for a year. However, the Calciopoli incident has had a great impact on the Bianconeri, which has lost a lot of main players. As a result, in the first few seasons before Juventus returned to Serie A, the team’s record was not good.

As for Camoranesi personally, with the increase of age and the troubles of injuries, the competitive state of this loyal servant of Juventus has indeed declined a lot. By the summer of 2010, Camoranesi, then 34, waved goodbye to Juventus and moved to Stuttgart. However, the old Camoranesi’s life in the Bundesliga was not happy. It was difficult for him to guarantee his playing time, and he soon changed his family and returned to play in the Argentine League. It wasn’t long before Camoranesi announced his retirement.