"Dragon Horse Spirit" exposes clips, Jackie Chan’s Guangzhou roadshow scene "remembers bitterness"

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released, and the film’s box office has exceeded 33 million yuan. Some audiences said bluntly, "Jackie Chan, the most different in the past 60 years, has earned enough tears."

The film recently released a "reluctant to part" feature clip. In the clip, Lao Luo had to part with his beloved horse, Chi Rabbit, because of various obstacles. The picture of "one person and one horse" hugging and saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, and Jackie Chan’s tearful words "You must not forget me" were also particularly poignant.

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" revolves around the story of "one person, one horse". Jackie Chan plays the down-and-out Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, who braves the set with his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, laughing and crying along the way. As Jackie Chan’s most special partner, Red Rabbit not only has absolute action strength, but also has countless fans with its clever and cute personality. In addition, Red Rabbit’s emotional expression also caused the audience to cry, "I didn’t expect that I would cry because of a horse."

In the film, Lao Luo’s "rescue" at the birth of Red Rabbit, to the care and careful cultivation of Red Rabbit from childhood to adulthood, let the audience see the family bond between "one person and one horse" to protect each other. And Lao Luo’s hard work to protect Red Rabbit, and the bridge where he had to say goodbye to Red Rabbit in the end, made the audience cry. Some viewers said, "Every interaction between Lao Luo and Red Rabbit is so touching. Who can hold back crying when they see Red Rabbit chasing the car? Remember to bring more tissues."

In addition, the film’s creator, director Yang Zi, actor Jackie Chan, Liu Haocun, also appeared at the Guangzhou roadshow recently and had a post-screening exchange with the audience. Many Hong Kong film fans came to the scene that day, and they all expressed that they were moved by the part of the movie that paid tribute to Jackie Chan’s classic movie. "I was moved by the spirit of the dragon and tiger martial artist. I was really moved by the previous beat-the-scene. I like Hong Kong action movies very much, so I am very grateful to you for passing on this spirit." Director Yang Zi also shared his feelings with everyone. "I am very nervous and excited to finally be able to bring this film to everyone. If everyone likes this movie, all the hard work will be worth it."

The release day coincided with Jackie Chan’s birthday. Not only did iron fans organize fans all over the world to record "True Hero" and give it to him, but also the audience specially customized a huge cake with a dragon pattern, and there were also students who sent 1,000 blessings. The enthusiastic blessings from the audience made Jackie Chan very moved. "Today is the most happy birthday I have ever heard".

Surprisingly, the brothers of the Chengjia class "ambushed" in the audience that day, giving the eldest brother a happy "surprise". Yuan Biao, a junior brother who was also a member of Qixiaofu, sincerely thanked the senior brother on the spot, so that the eldest brother could not help but "remember the hardships" and shared with everyone the days when everyone suffered together when they debuted.

Jackie Chan entered the industry at the age of 8 and has starred in hundreds of works so far. He is a well-known national idol. At the roadshow, many audience members came to watch with their parents. One audience member said excitedly, "My father likes Jackie Chan very much. Influenced by my father, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies since I was a child." Brother Jackie Chan warmly concluded that "when I was a child, my father took you to watch plays, and now you take your father to watch plays."

In addition to this, there are also fans who came with their mother to the cinema with tears. "My mother and I have watched your movies for two generations of youth, and I can vividly remember your past movie scenes when watching movies. You are already 69 years old and still insist on making movies, which makes me feel very admired."

Being able to win the love of so many fans is inseparable from Jackie Chan’s brave "jumping down" on the set again and again. The lines in the movie "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down" have pierced the hearts of many fans.

At the scene, the eldest brother also shared his understanding of this line. "I used to feel that I could do it, but one day I wanted to do it and suddenly found that I couldn’t, and at that moment I suddenly felt that I was old. At the same time as accepting this fact, I thought I would change everyone’s opinion of me. So I started filming, a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, to an old master, and now an old dragon and tiger martial artist, I have been changing. So I am very happy to be able to film this drama and show it to everyone with my performances and actions."

On that day, many brothers in the family class secretly came to the roadshow to create a birthday surprise for the eldest brother, and also sent a pennant "Big Brother Forever", saying that "only if there is a big brother can we become a family class". When the eldest brother saw the brothers, he couldn’t hide his joy and introduced his brothers to the audience one by one, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yuan Biao, who debuted at Qixiaofu together with his eldest brother, sincerely thanked his eldest brother, "I was brought to debut by my senior brother, and later he became a martial arts instructor. I said I will fight hard with you, he said yes, I will follow him, without me as the boss, you will not know me."

Seeing the brothers who shared weal and woe, the eldest brother couldn’t help but "reminisce", "Yuan Biao and I hit the railing on the second floor and fell down. There were no protection measures, all of them were real glass. No one cared about us, only he helped me up, and after taking a shower at night, my body was full of pain, and the glass was forked in." Many Hong Kong film fans expressed "heartache".

In addition to the friends who came to the scene, there were also many friends who could not attend who sent birthday wishes in the form of a video. The eldest brother was moved and said, "I am really happy, and I am surprised every time. I often wonder how I can let so many people pay for me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years."

The M5 series is a high-performance SUV in the new energy field with no short board in all directions.

   Modern automobile consumers often feel entangled when choosing vehicles, and the fuel consumption of fuel vehicles is high, which is unbearable for wallets; But they are worried about the endurance and performance of new energy sources. Even if I make up my mind to choose a new energy vehicle, I feel confused when I choose which one. After all, as an important travel partner, the endurance, performance and dynamic performance of the vehicle are directly related to the experience of the whole trip. In fact, if you want to solve this problem, you only need to choose a model with excellent comprehensive strength, and the M5 series of Wenjie is a high-quality choice worthy of consideration.

  Endurance, travel without worry

  Whether it’s poetry and distance or daily commuting, the M5 series can meet your needs. Thanks to the intelligent extended-range technology, the comprehensive cruising range of the standard version of the M5 series rear-drive vehicle can reach 1455km when it is fully charged. Normally, a tank of fuel for a domestic fuel vehicle can support a journey of 500-600 km at most, but the data of the M5 standard version of the vehicle can be said to be super doubled. With a cruising range of 1455km, you can go to go on road trip as soon as you want. Whether you start from Beijing and drive all the way west to Xi ‘an to experience the Tang Dynasty, or start from Shanghai and go south to Guangzhou to experience Cantonese morning tea, the M5 series in Wenjie can accompany you across the mountains and seas, and you don’t need to replenish energy to have fun all the time.

  If you don’t like to travel far, you like to feel lucky in your own world. The M5 Smart Driving Edition can help you explore your city with the lowest cost. The pure battery life of the M5 Smart Driving Edition reaches 255km. Even in Beijing, it is more than enough to commute for one week by going back and forth for 30km every day. More importantly, the charging efficiency is high, and it can be charged from 20% to 80% in half an hour. Occasionally, it is absolutely appropriate to go camping for a short distance on weekends and live on pure electricity.

  Full power, popular electric switch

  Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, Wujie M5 series can not only reduce the travel cost for users, but also provide double endurance, and its performance is unambiguous. Take the M5 standard four-wheel drive model as an example. The acceleration time of this car is only 4.4 seconds, which is better than many luxury brand electric SUVs on the market. The biggest benefit of such excellent data performance is super explosive power, which allows drivers to experience the passion of driving a sports car.

  Super explosive power is also related to the dynamic performance of the vehicle itself. The maximum power and peak torque of the M5 standard four-wheel drive model can reach 365kW and 675N·m respectively. In daily life, when the pressure is great, drive this car to release it, feel the speed and passion, relieve the pressure, forget the troubles and regain the passion.

  The strong performance of the M5 series in the world benefits from the blessing of the three-in-one electric drive system of HUAWEI DriveONE. This system adopts the industry’s first precision oil cooling technology, which has a better cooling effect on key components under the same power and torque. The direct benefit is that it can fundamentally improve the power and quietness of the car. If you drive fast at high speed, or speed up overtaking, the power is on call.

  In addition, Wujie M5 version also has HUAWEI DATS dynamic adaptive torque system, which can reduce the pre-driving impulse by 31%, the sloshing convergence time by 46% and the system response time delay to 4 ms.. When driving on potholes or bumpy roads with speed bumps, not only can the car body shake slightly, but it can also stabilize quickly. If the self-driving trip encounters bumpy roads such as mountain roads and gravel roads, it can also pass comfortably, alleviating the discomfort caused by bumps in the car. If you are driving on a road with many curves, this system can help the vehicle to improve the lateral force through adaptive torque adjustment, and the risk of tail flick will be greatly reduced when driving, which is stable and safe.

  The M5 series has brought excellent performance to users in all directions. It can make you say goodbye to all kinds of troubles and enjoy a worry-free driving journey in terms of endurance, power and driving control. If you are eager to travel without worry and enjoy driving, you may wish to try the M5 series. I believe it will bring you a different surprise experience. In addition to the surprise experience brought by the product itself to users, the recent delivery speed is also very surprising. You can pick up the car within two weeks after making a decision. You may wish to experience it in the offline test drive!

Reading | Young People’s "Partner" Socialization

  * This article is the 11th issue of Pindu in 2023.

  I ran into an acquaintance, but I didn’t see him for more than a month and thought he had lost a lot of weight, so I asked him for advice on the secret of losing weight. He told me: "I found some partners to lose weight, ran together and ate fat-reducing meals. Everyone encouraged and supervised each other every day. I didn’t expect the effect to be quite obvious."

  Weight loss partner? Seeing my doubts, my acquaintances told me with a smile that compared with my friends, the utility of "partner" is more clear, and it can be accurately subdivided, such as "meal partner", "game partner" and "gym partner". That is, from the joint participation of something, it ends at the end of cooperation; Highly in tune with a certain field, but emotionally independent. Because we only concentrate on the matter itself, we are both relaxed. The acquaintance said happily: "This time, I lost weight successfully, and’ Zuozi’ contributed a lot. The purpose of getting together is to lose weight. If you lose weight successfully, the mission of’ taking the child’ will be completed, and it will be automatically dissolved. There is no trouble with the relationship. "

  I am a person who seems to have a "flattering personality". Every time I go out with my friends, I always habitually compromise. For example, if I want to stay in a hotel and my friend wants to experience a B&B, then go to the B&B, even though it makes me feel unsafe, I may not sleep well all night. I wanted to taste local specialties, but my friend couldn’t get used to it and asked for a change of fast food, so I stopped insisting and just ate at will. I plan ahead and want to visit more scenic spots, but my friend is tired and prefers to sleep in his room, so stay in his room and play with his mobile phone in another place.

  With the "partner", it is completely different. You are used to staying in a hotel, and I am used to staying in a hotel; You like to eat special food, and I like to try it. You are energetic and want to look around, and I also want to visit all the scenic spots … We are in tune with each other in terms of tourism. If it’s not in tune, then find another one who is in tune, and no one has to accommodate anyone. The original purpose of everyone is to find people with the same hobbies and have a good time. If you are happy, I will be happy.

Reading | Young People's "Partner" Socialization

  I have read Xu Zhimo’s poem: You and I meet in the dark sea/You have yours/I have mine/direction/You remember it/You’d better forget it/The light that shines on each other at this meeting … This poem is very suitable for describing the relationship between partners. After meeting each other, the vast majority of the results are forgotten, but some will remember, and thus further develop.

  Xiaoyuan is an example. When she announced her engagement in a circle of friends, many of her friends were surprised. Everyone knows that Xiaoyuan has always been in fear of marriage, and has declined many people’s kindness to introduce her boyfriend. Why did you suddenly change your mind? Xiaoyuan told everyone shyly that some time ago, she found a "book partner" to read together and exchange reading feelings. This "book partner", like Xiaoyuan, especially likes reading, and they have similar views and have the same view on many things. Because there is no burden of "making friends", Xiaoyuan gets along with each other easily and happily, and unexpectedly discovers the "interesting soul" of each other. It happened that the other party also felt this way, so they naturally developed from "partners" to male and female friends until they "made a positive result."

  In fact, "partner" socialization is a kind of "shallow socialization" above strangers and below friends. This kind of relationship can not only inspire each other, but also cause no extra burden to each other because of the sense of boundary, which is very suitable for busy young people with increasing pressure. If you want to get rid of a person’s loneliness quickly, it is still feasible to find a precise companion.

  Author: Qiao Kaikai

[Editor in charge:


World refitted car industry grand meeting: Counting ten cool car models of North American refitted car show.


    [Content at a glance]At this modified auto show, Volvo exhibited two high-performance modified Volvo S80 and C30, operated by Heico Sportiv, a famous German modified car manufacturer.
Heico’s modified C30 uses an upgraded T5 turbocharged engine.

    The 2007 North American Modified Auto Show (SEMA) was held in Las Vegas, USA from October 30th to November 2nd. After 31 years’ development, this annual modified auto show has become a grand event of the world’s modified car industry, attracting most of the world’s automobile manufacturers and hundreds of thousands of car enthusiasts to gather in Las Vegas every November.

    So far, there are no manufacturers in China, but with the growth and prosperity of China’s automobile aftermarket, the world’s largest modified auto show is gradually entering the field of vision of China players. It doesn’t matter if you can’t come to the scene in person. Now, follow our reporter and take a look at the world’s most advanced automobile modification technology and products.

    Chevrolet Cobalt SS

    The 2008 Cobalt SS is equipped with the same 2.0-liter Opel and Ecotec 260hp turbine engines as Chevrolet HHR SS, Opel Astra OPC and Pontiac Solstice. The output power is 55 horsepower higher than that of the previous super-powered Cobalt SS, and the acceleration process from 0 to 100 km/h takes only 5.7 seconds.

    Volvo S80 and C30

    At this modified auto show, Volvo exhibited two high-performance modified Volvo S80 and C30, operated by Heico Sportiv, a famous German modified car manufacturer.

    The modified S80 high-performance concept car adopts T6 turbocharged bioethanol engine, which outputs 350 horsepower at 5500 rpm, with the maximum torque of 550Nm/1500~4000rpm and the acceleration time of 0~100 km/h of about 5.8 seconds.

    It is equipped with Volvo electric control all-wheel drive system with instant traction function, and also adopts specially developed sports suspension.

    Heico’s modified C30 uses an upgraded T5 turbocharged engine. The maximum output power is 300 HP at 5500 rpm, and the maximum output torque is 420 Nm at 3500 rpm. The acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h is only 5.4 seconds, and the maximum speed reaches 250 km/h (speed limit). The car also uses a specially developed sports suspension.

    Hyundai Elantra "Beach Cruiser" Concept Car

    The hatchback Elantra will be launched in 2008. At this SEMA Auto Show, it made its debut as the concept car of Elantra Touring "Beach Cruiser". This beach cruiser was modified by K-Daddyz Kustomz.

    The car body is painted in two colors, beautiful grape purple and tango orange, with beautiful patterns. The concept car is equipped with a huge panoramic skylight on the roof, and the interior is also made of two-tone high-grade leather. A specially installed 8-channel stereo is installed in the trunk, and high-end speaker components are hidden under the floor of plexiglass. There is no special investment in performance modification, except for the cold air intake system, balance bar and beautiful hood, as well as some small accessories.

    Suzuki SXForce concept car

    This is a brand-new concept car based on the SX4 sports car in 2008.

    Compared with the prototype, SXForce adopts a 5-speed manual transmission, a 2.0 turbocharged engine, the power is increased to 255 horsepower, and an adjustable NASCAR-style tail is added at the tail.

    You can even find a built-in data statistics system, which can help you analyze and download all the information of the engine in real time, and make you feel like you are in the competition.

    Cadillac CTS sports concept car

    At this auto show, Cadillac gave this CTS sports car a brand-new appearance through a series of modifications, including: adopting brand-new front and rear bumpers, improved hood, rear tail and 20-inch rims.

    Carbon fiber parts used in many parts of the car body, redesigned headlights, high-performance brakes with yellow calipers, LED brake lights and exhaust system were replaced with Corsa cat-back exhaust system with 3.5-inch exhaust pipe.

    Ford Roush P-51A mustang

    This car is equipped with Roush Stage3 suspension, powered by an improved ROUSH 4.6L V8 engine, with a maximum power of at least 510hp and a maximum torque of at least 691Nm, so the P-51A should be very competitive. Of course, the full set of Roush aerodynamic kit, upgraded wheels and tires, and upgraded braking system are all included in this upgrade package.

    Hummer H2 Safari

    This is a strong Hummer and a super convertible. The car has no back seat, and the purpose of modification is to use it for competition.

    This Hummer off-road concept car is equipped with a 6.2L V8 engine with 393 horsepower. In addition, the designer has improved the shape of the car, including customized air induction system, customized double exhaust pipe system, wheel flash, protective steel, high-performance brake pads and 20-inch wheels.

    Jeep brings two concept cars.

    At this year’s SEMA Auto Show, Jeep exhibited two Jeep concept cars: Jeep Wrangler Ultimate and Jeep Wrangler JT.

    Wrangler Ultimate is based on Wrangler’s four-door non-limited edition model, equipped with 3-inch body lifting kit and 35-inch BF Goodrich mud tires, 18-inch aluminum alloy wheels, as well as a series of appearance upgrade kits, adding new entertainment systems. The engine adopts a powerful 392 Hemi engine.

    Jeep, on the other hand, is a JT made by removing the rear seat and installing a 5-foot-long cargo box on the basis of the four-door Wrangler non-limited edition. It is equipped with front and rear bumpers and spare tire placement equipment from Mopar, Warn 9500ti winch. (Zhou Weili)

Editor: Tian Shijia

All you care about! The main points of the first press conference of the National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress are coming.

  On the afternoon of the 3rd, the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference. Guo Weimin, the spokesman of the conference, briefed the Chinese and foreign media about the conference and answered questions from reporters. Guo Weimin responded to hot issues such as personal information protection, COVID-19 vaccine and Beijing Winter Olympics.

  This year’s press conference will continue to take the form of last year and be held in the form of online video. The main venue is located in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People, and the sub-venue is located in the press center of the two sessions in Media.

  The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

  Opening on the afternoon of March 4th and closing on the 10th.

  The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at 3 pm on March 4th in the Great Hall of the People and close on the afternoon of March 10th.

  The main agenda drawn up by the conference is: hearing and deliberating the work report of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the report on the work of the proposal; Attend the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, listen to and discuss the government work report and other relevant reports, and discuss the 14th Five-Year Plan for national economic and social development and the draft outline of the long-term goal in 2035; The resolutions and reports of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference were reviewed and adopted.

  During the conference, there will be an opening meeting, a closing meeting and two speeches, one of which will be held by video conference; Arrange 6 group meetings.

  The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

  The session was shortened to six and a half days.

  Guo Weimin introduced that the shortening of the session not only summarized the experience of last year, but also considered the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. Last year’s conference shortened the duration, reduced the staff, streamlined the documents, and combined online and offline, which was well received by all walks of life. This year, we will further improve relevant practices, strive to enhance efficiency, improve quality, give full play to the role of consultation in performing their duties, and continuously improve the efficiency of consultation institutions.

  In the future, we will further sort out innovative measures and practices, constantly improve relevant work, and ensure that the meeting is pragmatic and efficient.

  How did CPPCC members perform their duties in the past year?

  Here comes the "work summary"

  Guo Weimin introduced that more than 2,100 CPPCC members from 34 sectors had the courage to take responsibility and perform their duties, made important contributions to epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and handed over an excellent performance report.

  Last year’s conference was postponed. From the last conference to the fourth conference, the working cycle was shortened, and some offline activities were not convenient to hold. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference further intensified the work of consultation and deliberation. In the whole year, 23 important consultation and deliberation activities were held, such as special discussion meetings of the Standing Committee, special consultation meetings and biweekly consultation forums, 80 inspections and investigations were organized, more than 7,500 pieces of CPPCC information were submitted, and more than 5,900 members’ proposals were put forward. Last year, the work of handling proposals was intensified, and the quality has also improved in the past year, with many innovations and good results.

  As of the end of February, China has accumulated

  Vaccinate more than 52 million doses.

  Guo Weimin said that by the end of February, China had received more than 52 million doses of vaccine. China has always given priority to the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Vaccine companies always strictly follow the relevant technical standards and procedures from research and development to each stage of experiments, and timely release authoritative information at all important stages, such as research and development, experiments, emergency use and conditional listing. Many countries have approved the use of China vaccine, and leaders of some countries have taken the lead in vaccinating China vaccine, which shows the safety and effectiveness of China vaccine.

  China has provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and 2 international organizations.

  And exported vaccines to 28 countries.

  Guo Weimin introduced that in response to some people’s query that China is expanding its geopolitical influence through vaccines, Guo Weimin responded that this statement and idea are very narrow. Vaccine is an important means to prevent and control and defeat the epidemic, and it is also an important part of the current international cooperation against the epidemic. China has taken the new crown vaccine as a global public product and joined the COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Plan of the World Health Organization.

  By the end of February, China had provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and two international organizations, and exported vaccines to 28 countries. Related work continued, which not only contributed to helping the international community overcome the epidemic, but also practiced the concept of a community of human destiny.

  Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics are progressing smoothly.

  Minimize the risk of epidemic situation

  Guo Weimin said that many CPPCC members come from the sports field, many other members are sports fans, and the general public all over the country are highly concerned about the Beijing Winter Olympics and eagerly look forward to it. At present, with the joint efforts of all relevant parties at home and abroad, the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are progressing smoothly. Relevant departments have innovated their working methods and adjusted their work arrangements scientifically and reasonably, so as to minimize the epidemic risk while completing the preparatory tasks.

  Individual foreign politicians politicize sports in an attempt to disrupt the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is contrary to the spirit of the Olympic Charter. We believe that such a move is futile and doomed to fail without the support of the international community.

  China’s poverty alleviation standard is higher than

  Extreme poverty standards set by the World Bank

  The press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held this afternoon. Guo Weimin, the press spokesman of the conference, briefed the Chinese and foreign media about the conference and answered questions from reporters.

  Guo Weimin said that since the 13th CPPCC National Committee, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has made tackling poverty as a key point in consultation and deliberation every year. The quality of tackling poverty is also an issue that everyone is concerned about. Many experts in Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference believe that China’s poverty alleviation standard is a comprehensive standard.

  In terms of income, China’s poverty alleviation standard is higher than the extreme poverty standard set by the World Bank. In the process of tackling poverty, China also emphasizes "two guarantees and three guarantees". At present, all the poor people have achieved food and clothing, and compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety and drinking water safety are fully guaranteed. In addition, China’s poverty alleviation achievements also include a large number of public services and social security, such as building bridges, roads, electricity, networking and other initiatives.

  Submitted by several CPPCC members

  Proposal on "Strengthening the Protection of Personal Information"

  Guo Weimin said that in recent years, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has done a lot of work around personal information security and privacy protection, and many CPPCC members have submitted relevant proposals. Last year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference also held a remote consultation meeting on strengthening personal information protection in the era of big data, and a biweekly consultation forum on scientific and technological ethics and legal issues in the development of artificial intelligence.

  Some people in charge of Internet companies among CPPCC members also participated in the discussion of related topics, and expressed that they should strengthen industry self-discipline, handle the relationship between service and management, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will continue to pay attention to this issue and make new progress in this work.

  Old people can’t move without a health code?

  Actively responding to aging is included in this year’s key consultation topics.

  In view of the fact that the elderly can’t enter public places because they can’t use health codes, Guo Weimin responded: In recent years, many CPPCC members have put forward proposals around related issues. Many members believe that the problems such as the difficulty for the elderly to use smart devices have exposed the situation that some places in our country have made intelligent progress, but humanized services are still insufficient.

  Guo Weimin said that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will actively respond to the aging of the population and promote the balanced development of the population as a key topic of consultation, and will organize CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research and discussion to provide reference for government decision-making.

  Patriots govern Hong Kong under the principle of "one country, two systems"

  Proper meaning and core meaning

  Guo Weimin said that Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has always been very concerned about Hong Kong’s economic and social development. There are more than 230 Hong Kong and Macao members in Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, who are even more concerned about Hong Kong, making suggestions for the stable development of Hong Kong and actively participating in the construction of Hong Kong and Macao. Patriots governing Hong Kong is the proper meaning and core essence of the policy of "one country, two systems", and it is the fundamental principle that must be adhered to in comprehensively and accurately implementing the policy of "one country, two systems". Whether formulating and implementing the National Security Law of Hong Kong or improving the electoral system of the special administrative region, it is to uphold and improve "one country, two systems" and ensure that the practice of "one country, two systems" is stable and far-reaching in the right direction. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will conscientiously implement the major policies of the Central Committee for Hong Kong and Macao and strengthen its ideological and political work.

  There is a poll saying that American people’s goodwill towards China has decreased?

  China’s "friend circle" is constantly expanding.

  In response to some polls saying that the American people’s goodwill towards China has decreased, Guo Weimin responded that there are some international polls evaluating China’s national image, and the situation is diverse, which polling agency, the scope of the survey, the specific objects of the survey, data and other factors are involved, and the situation is also diverse. Some are because some foreign people don’t know China, while others are misled by some anti-China politicians.

  China has carried out exchanges and cooperation with more and more countries and regions, and constantly expanded our "circle of friends". Last year, we signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), completed the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment negotiations, and successfully held the third International Import Expo. I think these also reflected this from one aspect.

It’s snowing, and the circle of friends of the ancients is like this.

  Yuan an lies in snow

  The Snow Lion Map (partial) Yu Ming

  "Painting Emperor Gaozong’s Imperial Pen after Jiawu Snow" Qing Dong Gao

  Fish Selling in Snow River (Partial) Li Dong in Southern Song Dynasty

  Every winter, we will see many different forms of snow, especially this year’s Winter Olympics, and various competitive competitions have opened up our "new world of ice and snow". As a modern person, the process of enjoying the snow is naturally to take photos, shoot videos and send friends, so what will the ancients with big brains do in snowy days? We might as well travel through the circle of friends into ancient paintings and books, and enjoy the snow that has fallen for thousands of years with the ancients.

  "Ice mound" and "snow melting" … … Not enough, properly pile up a zoo.

  As the mascots of the Winter Olympics, the ice pier and the snow rongrong burst into red overnight, becoming a veritable top stream of the Beijing Winter Olympics, especially the ice pier, which can be described as "one pier is hard to find" whether online or offline. Coincidentally, at this time, there was heavy snow in many cities in China, so netizens who couldn’t buy ice piers built ice piers with snow. Many netizens shouted "creative" in the comment area.

  In fact, it is not an innovation for modern people to use snow mounds and ice mounds. On the contrary, it is a trend of "retro", because in ancient snowy days, ancient people will also play this kind of game full of childlike interest. But instead of building a snowman, they are mainly animals, such as lions. According to "Dream of Tokyo", "In a rich family, if it meets snow, it will have a feast, make snow lions and install snow lanterns to celebrate the old days." Yes, you are right. The ancients played with snow in such a grandiose way. Simple snowmen don’t pile up. If you want to pile up, pile up a snow lion and come out of town.

  Not only rich people like to pile snow lions, but even the palace in the Song Dynasty is full of interest in snow lions. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhou Mi recorded in detail the basic process of enjoying snow lions in the palace at that time: "In the back garden, large and small snow lions were brought in, decorated with golden bells, and made snowflakes, snow lanterns, snow-capped mountains and the like." In the imperial palace of the Song Dynasty, snow lions, large and small, should not only be piled up, but also be adorned with jewelry, such as hanging golden bells around their necks and wearing colorful silk threads. In order to meet the occasion, in addition to snow lions, the ancients also piled snow mountains, snowflakes, snow lanterns and so on. Among them, the "snow lamp" is reminiscent of the "snow melting" of the Beijing Winter Olympics. It is a kind of lamp made of snow, which has the same effect as the image of a red lantern with snow hanging on it, and looks like it is moving and moving.

  But then again, why did the ancients love lions so much? Is the snow lion piled by the ancients the same species as the lion that we modern people see in the zoo?

  As early as the Han Dynasty, in order to establish diplomatic relations with the Great Han Dynasty, the interest country paid tribute to the lion and Fu Ba, and called them "Swiss beasts". Gradually, the image of the lion has also penetrated into the daily folk life of the ancients. The most typical one is that a large number of "stone lions" appeared in ancient times, because the ancients thought that stone lions were spiritual and could guard all directions. Yu Shinan, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Ode to the Lion", in which he mentioned that the lion was a sacred animal. Later, Li Shizhen, a medical scientist, called the lion "the leader of many animals". It can be seen that the lion has always been a symbol of good luck, and it is also a manifestation of identity in the palace. As for the snow lions piled up by the ancients in snowy days, they are generally like stone lions: first, stone lions are more common, and the ancients don’t have to open too many brain holes; Second, the image of the stone lion is relatively stable, and it is not easy to collapse after stacking!

  After the Qing Dynasty, the ancients no longer focused on piling snow lions, but began to pile elephants and horses. In the Qing Dynasty, wu zhen Machinery recorded in Volume 14 of the Collection of Keeping Ji Zhai: "Every time it snows in winter, it piles up into lions and elephants in hall of mental cultivation’s court, and Chen Yong is often invited to sing. Ganlong Renshen, Yiyou, combined with snow lion and snow elephant. Jiaqing Wuyin, another pile of lying horses, is divided into east and west, and there are poems linked with the Imperial Palace Hanlin. " When the snow lion, the snow elephant and the snow horse are piled up, the emperor and the Hanlin scholar in the palace will also use this as the theme to recite poems and compose poems. In the Ci of Bianjing Palace written by Yan Jizhou during Guangxu period, there are poems describing the snow appreciation and entertainment in the palace, such as: "Ruixue is colorful in the sky, and lions are piled up in front of the stage."

  It can be seen that in snowy days, the ancients also loved mascots to the extreme.

  Snowy days are still inseparable from the word "eat and drink", even Bunny Bunny.

  It’s enjoyable to use the snowmobile mascot, but it’s a little cold after all, and when it’s cold, you will be hungry, so the ancients’ favorite thing after playing with snow is to have dinner. On a snowy day, the most classic is the a suggestion to my friend liu written by Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty: "there’s a gleam of green in an old bottle, there’s a stir of red in the quiet stove. There’s a feeling of snow in the dusk outside, what about a cup of wine inside?? " On a snowy evening, the newly brewed rice wine at home has not been filtered, and there is a layer of green bubbles on the wine surface, and the small stove made of red mud is ready, just waiting for a good friend to drink!

  Some people have an appointment for dinner, and naturally some people will come to eat rice. The ancients who paid attention to etiquette can’t come to eat rice empty-handed, right? Under normal circumstances, the ancients would bring some good wine or some snacks to eat, but Lin Hong’s cookbook "Shan Jia Qing Gong" in the Southern Song Dynasty recorded one thing, and the gift he brought to visit was really special: "When you visit Wuyishan Six Songs, you will get a rabbit in snowy days, and no one can control it. Shi Yun: Only a thin batch is used in the mountains, and the wine, sauce and pepper are abundant. Use the air furnace to cook Azakami, use less water than half a cup, and after the soup rings, use chopsticks for each, so that the soup can be cooked and cooked, so that it can be served with juice as appropriate. "

  Lin Hong visited his friends on a snowy day, but he actually caught a rabbit on the way, so this rabbit was the gift of his visit. But there was no cook in the mountains, so Lin Hong’s friend thought of a way. He said to Lin Hong, "Everything can go into hot pot! I’ll prepare some dip, and today we’ll rinse the rabbit hot pot! " Sure enough, in the eyes of foodies, rabbits are not pets, but food.

  In addition to washing meat, the ancients especially liked to eat fish in snowy days. In the Palace Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, there is a picture of a round fan, the former is called "Fish Selling in Snow River" and the latter is called "Fish Buying in Snow Bridge". In the snow landscape map, buying and selling live fish, which seems to be full of fireworks, brings interest to the picture. Although many scholars think it is used to reflect the ideal spiritual world of literati and fishermen, it also confirms the fact that the ancients like to eat live fish in snowy days. Not only the ancients in the Central Plains loved to eat live fish in snowy days, but also the nomadic people in the north. They would dig ice holes in the frozen rivers and lakes in winter to catch big fish. A kind of fish hook used by the Khitan people to hook fish was unearthed in Yemaotai Liao Tomb, Faku, Liaoning Province. It has a sharp hook tip, a long hook body and a wooden handle, which is an artifact used to "hook fish with ice".

  After eating meat and drinking wine, the ancients also drank some tea to scrape oil in snowy days. However, how can the ancients who have always had a big brain hole only cook tea so honestly? Yes, they’re up to something again. In the eyes of the ancients, normal mountain springs could no longer satisfy their pursuit of snow and elegance, so they targeted snow.

  In the Ming Dynasty, Gao Lian once said in "Sweeping Snow and brew tea Playing with Paintings": "Tea cooked with snow tastes clearer, and it is also a river for half a day. Free from dirt, it’s enough for you to sip it. " It seems that the ancients not only used snow brew tea in snowy days, but also took snow from plum blossoms, orchids and pines. It feels that as long as they drink this cup of snow-cooked tea, they can have the cleanliness of snow, the pride of plum blossoms, the elegance of orchids and the integrity of pines. This is clearly our modern popular "concept tea"!

  It is easy to get mad in snowy days. Zhang Dai collected wonderful jokes about snowy days.

  After playing with snow, eating rice and drinking tea, it is naturally necessary to "pretend". We modern people often get some gimmicks to make a circle of friends in the snowy days. Some people practice yoga in the snowy days, some people wear Hanfu to the Forbidden City, and some people lie in the snowy days and imitate idol films to take pictures … … The "artificial" in the snowy days of the ancients is naturally very special and can be called performance art.

  For example, in the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Wang Jiang who was wandering around Chen Zhou (now Huaiyang, Henan). Although he was a tramp, there were many fans at that time, and scholars like Su Dongpo and Su Zhe were his loyal fans. In addition to his bohemian love of freedom, this Wang Jiang has a special function, that is, in snowy days, he will bury himself with snow, and then melt it with a hot air. After the snow melted, Wang Jiang was fine and continued to wander while drinking. It is rumored that people who saw this scene at that time were greatly shocked.

  Perhaps this is not the most wonderful thing in a snowy day. In the snowy day, Zhang Dai, a scholar in the late Ming Dynasty, not only went to the pavilion in the middle of the lake to see the snow by himself, but also wrote a small composition. He also did a great thing, that is, in the first volume of the book "Sailing at Night", he opened a column called "Astronomy Department Snow Frost" to collect wonderful jokes about snowy days. Among them, we are familiar with "catkins due to the wind", "Xun Mei through the snow", "Reading in the snow" and "biting snow and swallowing blankets", which are quite normal. The rest of the jokes can only shock us modern people.

  For example, the joke "I want to go to the immortals" is said to be the yue people in Wang Mian. When it is snowy, they are not afraid of the cold and go barefoot to climb the furnace peak. After looking around, they shouted: "Heaven and earth are all made of white jade, which makes people feel clear and clear, so they want to go to the immortals!" Like Wang Mian, there is also a "fairy middleman" who likes to cultivate immortals. It is said in the article that Wang Gong of Jin once walked in the snow wearing a coat with crane hair. When Meng Xu saw it, he made a commercial compliment to him: "Oh! You are really a fairy! "

  There is also a road flyover named Tiejiao, who is neither afraid of cold nor diarrhea. On snowy days, he loves to walk barefoot in the snow. When he is happy, he will recite "South China Autumn Water" loudly, then pick some plum blossoms and put them in his mouth to chew. When he feels a little dry, he will get some snow to swallow together. In this regard, he explained: "I want to soak this cold fragrance into my heart!" In this way, I am as fragrant as plum blossoms and as clean as snow! "

  We don’t know whether these action art became immortals or not, but one action art got an offer on a snowy day. The name of this joke is very poetic, called "Lying Snow", and the protagonist is Yuan An, a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  It is said that it snowed heavily in Luoyang one year, and everyone else went out to beg for food, except for the snow in front of Yuan ‘an. When Luoyang made a door-to-door inspection, he thought that Yuan An had died of cold and hunger, so he asked people to sweep away the snow in front of his door and then go into the house to have a look. After entering the door, Luoyang Ling and his entourage found Yuan An lying upright as if he were not dead, so he asked Yuan An, "Why don’t you go out?" Yuan An replied, "In this snowy day, everyone is hungry. We shouldn’t disturb others. I’ll lie down for a while … …” As soon as this is said, the pattern is there: it is not easy for people to keep moral integrity when they are hungry and cold! Luoyang made Yuan An a virtuous man, so he named him filial piety.

  Since then, Yuan An’s story of sleeping in snow has actually become a Millennium super IP (intellectual property, which is extended to be a general term for famous cultural creation). Not only do poems like to use this story, but scholars also like to add this element to their snow landscape paintings. Perhaps Yuan An himself didn’t think that a heavy snow actually changed his life.

  After brushing the circle of friends of the ancients in the snowy days, I must give the ancients a compliment. They are really good at playing! However, for all kinds of "playing" of the ancients, we modern people should remain sober and rational, only taste the ancient meaning, and can’t blindly imitate it. After all, we don’t have super energy like the ice pier!

  Photo courtesy/Jinling Xiaodai

Rehabilitation experts suggest: go skiing in Harbin, safety first.

In this winter of 2024, the first online celebrity city is Harbin in the northeast. Ice and snow enthusiasts flocked to Harbin to experience the speed and passion in the ice and snow, which made the ski resort popular.

However, do you really understand the beautiful Harbin snow field? Harbin is located in the northeast of China, with persistent cold in winter, more smoke in the morning and short-term snowstorm. The average minimum temperature in January is -24.6℃. The freezing period is about 5 months. Wang Xi, the nurse in charge of ward 6 of Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, told the reporter that such climatic conditions may be difficult for some people from the south or warmer regions to adapt to, which may easily lead to frostbite or hypothermia.

"Therefore, it is very important for tourists who are willing to go skiing in the Northeast to enhance their safety awareness." Wang Xi reminded that before enjoying the happiness brought by ice and snow sports, you must know the local weather conditions and snow trails, take precautions against cold, and don’t take risks blindly. At the same time, choosing regular ski resorts and qualified coaches is also a necessary condition to reduce risks.

Bao Yong, deputy director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Shanghai Ruijin Rehabilitation Hospital, suggested that skiing is interesting. In skiing, due to the characteristics of fast speed, changeable movements and complex venues, there is a certain probability of various accidents and injuries, and we should face up to the risk factors. Common skiing injuries include fracture, joint dislocation and ligament tear.

For novices and people with insufficient experience, skiing may bring safety risks and physical challenges. The following people need to be more vigilant: 

Older people:

Due to the decline of physical function, the elderly have weak adaptability to the cold environment. In the northeast where the temperature is tens of degrees below zero, the elderly are prone to problems in the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. In addition, skiing is a high-intensity exercise, and the elderly may be unable to bear such physical exertion.

Children and adolescents:

Body organs such as bones, muscles and joints of children and adolescents are in the development stage and relatively fragile. Skiing is a high-intensity exercise, which easily leads to sports injuries such as fractures and joint dislocation, and affects the normal development of the body. At this stage, children have limited knowledge and judgment of danger and are prone to accidents.

If parents want to take children and teenagers skiing, it is suggested that they choose appropriate equipment, do adequate warm-up exercises, understand safety rules and basic skills, study under the guidance of experienced coaches, be familiar with ski resorts, arrange exercise time and intensity reasonably, pay attention to health conditions and do a good job in sun protection.

People with poor physical fitness or poor physical condition:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which needs good physical fitness and physical quality to support it. If you are in poor physical fitness or poor health, you may feel tired, weak or unable to keep your balance during skiing, which will increase the risk of falling or being injured. If you suffer from diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, asthma, etc., it is easier to aggravate your illness and have accidents.

In addition, when skiing, the temperature is low. In cold places, people with poor physical fitness may have colds, fever or other health problems because they can’t adapt to the cold environment. Especially in alpine skiing, the altitude is higher, the oxygen is thin, and the requirements for cardiopulmonary function are higher. People with poor health may have altitude sickness.

Pregnant women:

Skiing is a high-intensity sport, which requires fast movement and strong body control. Pregnant women have a special physical condition during pregnancy, and strenuous exercise may lead to fetal instability and increase the risk of premature delivery or miscarriage. In order to ensure the safety of mother and baby, it is best for pregnant women not to participate in high-risk sports such as skiing.

Lack of skiing experience:

For people with no skiing experience or low skills, it is easy to have accidents when they try skiing for the first time. On the steep snow slope in the northeast, it is difficult for inexperienced people to control the speed and direction, which increases the risk of falling and colliding. Therefore, it is suggested to study and train in other places first, or choose a relatively gentle ski trail to accumulate some skiing experience, and then go to the northeast to challenge the difficult ski trail.

In short, before planning to ski in Harbin, we should evaluate whether our physical condition and skill level are suitable for skiing. If you have any questions, it is recommended to carefully consider whether to go. When skiing, be sure to pay attention to safety, wear protective equipment and strictly abide by the rules and instructions of the ski resort to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Only by doing this can we fully enjoy the fun of skiing.

Reporter/Zhang Yi

Editor/Sun Chong

Correspondent/Wang Xi

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1. "The days of old sin are over!" In 2024, Huangpu ushered in the first old plot to take effect.

2. Hugh’s "Raiders with the same paragraph" watched by netizens all over the country are basically in Huangpu, Shanghai.

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ShangguanNo. Author: Shanghai Huangpu

Rome Green Finance rose 21.38% to $3.52 per share.

On January 11th, Rome Green Finance (ROMA) rose by 21.38% in intraday trading, reaching $3.52 per share at 00:11, with a turnover of $24,058,300.

According to financial data, as of September 30, 2022, Rome’s total green financial income was HK$ 6,200,600, a year-on-year decrease of 0.68%; The net profit returned to the mother was-HK$ 693,600, a year-on-year increase of 62.34%.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: American stock king


Registration for Chengdu Watching Night is open!

On May 27th, Beijing time, the final battle of the Bundesliga is about to start! Bayern will hold the "Audi X Bayern Chengdu Watching Night" in Chengdu, and invite fans to come to the scene to witness Bayern climb the peak again!

Event Name: Audi X Bayern Munich Chengdu Watching Night

Activity time: May 27, 2023 from 19: 30 to 23: 30.

Venue: No.111 Command Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, 6th Floor, Chengdu Renheng Intercontinental Executive Apartment.

Activity flow:

19:30-20:30 guests sign in

20:30-21:30 Stage Session

Watch the game from 21: 30 to 23: 30.

The registration channel is now open, so please come to Bayern’s circle of friends to sign up!

Make people angry! The referee of the Chinese Super League made an absurd decision to collectively support Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province.

Last night, a Super League focus battle, Tianjin Jinmen Tiger vs. Shandong Taishan Team, was the first game after Cui Kangxi took office. Tianjin team took the lead in breaking the deadlock, and then expanded the score. It was thought that Taishan team would lose. As a result, the law of changing coaches was fulfilled again. Taishan team scored three goals to overtake the score, but Tianjin team did not give up, and scored an equalizer at the last moment. Such a game with a goal like a plum blossom would have become a classic battle of the Super League this season, but it was unexpectedly ruined by a poor referee. After the game, the performance of the referee Liu Wei was unanimously condemned by many media people.

Last night’s game, Taishan team was beaten by people at the beginning, and was already 2 goals behind in the 16th minute. However, South Korean coach Cui Kangxi was a famous Asian coach after all, and he immediately dispatched troops and launched a crazy counterattack. Moises, Liao Lisheng and Chen Pu scored three goals to overtake the score. Taishan team thought it could win the first away game of the season, but the subsequent game was messed up by referee Liu Wei.

In the second half, because it was their own home game, Tianjin players made more and more moves on the court in order to equalize the score. Players repeatedly committed malicious fouls on the court, but referee Liu Wei’s penalty scale was very double-standard. Taishan team would be blown off as long as the action was a little bigger, and Tianjin team would be given a light sentence or not even if it was a malicious foul. Liu Wei’s double-standard penalty standard made Tianjin team players unscrupulous, especially foreign aid Beric, who kept making small moves on the court. Liu Wei’s most controversial penalty in this game was to show Fabio and Jia Desong red cards, but in fact, Beric, the foreign aid of the other side, fouled first. After the game, many football greats expressed strong dissatisfaction with the wrong penalty in the game.

Li Xuan, a reporter from Football News, pointed out that Jia Desong was too honest. Obviously, he was violated by the other side. He just fought back, but he was awarded a red card.

Ran Xiongfei, a famous football reporter, issued a document saying that this foul process was recorded very clearly on TV. Beric, a foreign aid of Tianjin team, was the first to commit a malicious foul. He kicked and scratched Jia Desong’s face. If he really wanted to be awarded a red card, both sides would give him a red card, but now he only gave a red card to Jia Desong who fought back. This is really a low-level penalty.

The media person Niu Bufan is even more furious: "Liu Wei, I want to say that you are not blind, I don’t think you believe it yourself!" .

Some fans pointed out that although Du Zhaocai, Chen Xiaoyuan and other Football Association officials have all gone in, the overall level of the referee group in the Super League has not changed, and the Football Association seems to have failed to deploy and implement the law enforcement standards of the referee group and the training of excellent referees. In short, the overall level of the referee in the Super League is no different from that before the anti-corruption storm in football. How can such a professional football league in China be established? How to establish the authority of the referee.