China Star | Shenzhou 16 enhances the reliability of Beidou navigation signals

  CCTV News:The Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft is the first manned spacecraft in the new stage of application and development of China’s space station, and it is also the 11th manned mission carried out by China. What are the new changes of Shenzhou-16? What are the differences between it and previous spacecraft?

  Shenzhou 16: Enhancing the Reliability of Beidou Navigation Signals

  The Shenzhou 16 manned spaceship had fully inherited the technical status of the Shenzhou 15 spaceship, and its main functions and technical indicators remained unchanged. The difference was that the Shenzhou 16 was a new batch of spaceships, which was of great significance for verifying the technical status of this batch of spaceships.

  Gao Xu, Chief Designer of the Manned Spaceship System of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group:Compared with the previous batch, we have done a lot of work on autonomous control. For example, we have enhanced the reliability of the Beidou navigation signal. We have done a lot of work on the localization of components to improve the level of autonomous control of the spacecraft itself.

  Mass production multi-line parallel, Shen 17 completes final assembly test

  Gao Xu introduced that the batch development of Shenzhou spacecraft is very stressful for the team. In the past, the development team only needed to develop one spacecraft at a time, but now the development team needs to complete the development, launch, flight control and return of several spacecraft in parallel, with multiple fronts highly overlapping.

  It is understood that at present, Shenzhou 17 has completed the final assembly test at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and has the ability to stand by for emergency rescue. Shenzhou 18 and Shenzhou 19 are undergoing the final assembly and testing of the whole ship before leaving the factory, and other spacecraft in this batch have entered the stage of single-machine development.

Xiaomi Auto released this month? New progress in leaks.

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Actor wuyue: I’d rather live in a work than live in a hot search.

In the face of He Yun, a "cloudy character" in "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue said: "If you don’t dig out snacks, dig up some liver, you can’t do it."

Source: Wen Wei Po (abridged original)

Before "Sweeping the Black Storm", many people called actress wuyue "Lingling", which is the role she created in "My First Half". Wuyue was scolded by some viewers for shutting down Weibo’s comments because of her portrayal of this annoying role.

After Sweeping the Black Storm, many people began to call wuyue "He Ju" or "He Yun". This time, she didn’t play a positive role, but the public praised her rich performance.

The audience’s "no distinction between people and drama" has caused trouble to the actors, but from the perspective of performance, it is also an acting medal awarded to the actors.

She prefers to "live in a work" rather than "live in a hot search". In addition to participating in the voice charm competition variety "Coming to the Scene", she focused on acting: from the TV series "My First Half Life", "Elite Lawyer", "last romance" and "Sweeping the Black Storm" to the movie Better Days, and then to the drama "Dream Like a Dream" … Every role she played broke through the limitation of typology as much as possible.

Better Days

Ling Ling in My First Half Life is an anti-type and anti-routine role. Chen Nian’s mother in Better Days is also a three-dimensional image, and it is difficult to simply define it with the label of "good mother" or "bad mother"; Gu Xianglan in Dream as a Dream is a dusty woman. ……

When filming "Sweeping the Black Storm", wuyue has been immersed in the emotion of "He Yun". In the face of this "role with more cloudy days inside", wuyue bluntly said: "If you don’t dig snacks, dig some liver, you can’t make it."

As an actor, wuyue has proper limit.

At that time, he was admitted to Shanghai Theatre Academy with the first grade in professional courses, and he also won various awards after his debut. However, she admits that she has never really been confident in acting, and she can’t get rid of the sense of panic of newcomers.

Wuyue said frankly that she had been anxious and confused, and even felt that she was "very, very failed, and her life was very gloomy". What helped her in the end was learning and listening.

Once, at work, she took on an overloaded drama contract for fear of "losing". She played five or six plays in continuous shooting with high intensity in one year, which caused her body to "collapse" at the age of 35-thyroid inflammation and had to be nursed back to health.

She stopped filming for a year to recuperate her life. This year’s "stop" also made her discover that it was not so terrible to have no filming and no income for a year.

It is probably because of this experience that she realized: "You should have the ability to recognize something or a situation, which may be an ugly gift from life."

She said: "The profession of an actor is a profession of dealing with the heart. When your heart is out of order, you can see it in your eyes." Wuyue’s determination made her keep her original heart as an actress.

For an actor, most of the time, taking the road that few people walk and looks the most stupid and clumsy is the most competitive, longest and most stable road.

Editor | Sui Fangfang Rao Wenyuan

Solar terms | Qingming liver is full of fire, and the sacrifice is less worrying.

On April 4th, this year, the eighth day of the third lunar month was Tomb-Sweeping Day. As far as TCM health care is concerned, Qingming Festival is an important period of health care in a year. After Tomb-Sweeping Day, everything stretches. Chinese medicine believes that people should be at four o’clock, and everything grows in spring, so does the body.

When everything grows, it is clean and bright, so it is called Qingming.The Paper reporter Wang Xiqing 

So what aspects should we pay attention to during the Qingming period? Zheng Min, deputy director of the Department of Endocrinology, Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, gave detailed answers to readers from the aspects of disease prevention, diet and daily life.

[Hou] When sweeping sacrifices for an outing,

"When I was 100 questions" said: "When everything grows, it is clean and bright, so it is called Qingming." Every Qingming, the climate is warm, the sun is shining, the willow is green and pink, and the vitality is infinite. It is the most refreshing solar term among the 24 solar terms. In the south of the Yangtze River, it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival. At this time, it is cloudy and sunny, and abundant water can meet the needs of crop growth.

In the history of China, Tomb-Sweeping Day Qi has its own particularity. The Cold Food Festival and Shangsi Festival were both around the Qingming Festival, and the three festivals gradually merged into one.

Shangsi Festival, commonly known as March 3, is rich in content, with customs of cleaning yourself, spring outing in the suburbs, and love between men and women. According to legend, March 3rd is the birthday of the Yellow Emperor. In the Central Plains, there is "February 2nd, the dragon rises; On March 3, I was born in Xuanyuan. In the ancient Shangsi Festival, people feasted at the water’s edge and had a spring outing in the countryside. Shangsi Festival is also the "Valentine’s Day" in China. At this time, it is the day when "a woman is in love with her, and a lucky girl will seduce her". On this day, young men and women go for a spring outing in the suburbs, and the government even encourages men and women to have sex and regard this day as a good day for matchmaking between heaven and earth. "Zhou Li. Media’s": "The mid-spring moon makes men and women meet, so when it comes, runners can’t help it." Later, on Shangsi Festival, sacrificial feasts and meandering water were added. At the beginning of late spring, Wang Xizhi, a book sage, gathered with friends in Lanting, and wrote the preface to Lanting, the world’s first running book.

The Cold Food Festival is also a day or two before Tomb-Sweeping Day, which is a custom formed by ancient people changing fire in spring. The ancestors drilled wood for fire, and the fire was hard to come by. Every early spring, when the weather is dry, people’s saved kindling is easy to cause fire, and spring thunder is also easy to cause mountain fires. At this time, the ancients put out all the kindling handed down from the previous year, and then drilled out a new fire in a few days, which is called "changing the fire" and "inviting a new fire".

In the days without fire, people can only live on cold food, that is, cold food. In the poem of Wei Zhuang, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, the phenomenon of forbidding fire in cold food and taking fire in Qingming is: "Thousands of snows bloom in cold food, and millions of cigarettes are produced in Qingming fire."

In addition to the prohibition of cold food by fire, cold food also has the custom of sweeping graves. People regard sweeping graves on the Cold Food Festival as a festival to return to the roots and pursue the religion with caution. Because Qingming is close to the Cold Food Festival, people often postpone sweeping graves until Qingming. In the Tang Dynasty, the Cold Food Festival and Tomb-Sweeping Day became one.

This season, there is not only the feeling of pursuing the distance carefully, but also the ecstasy of where will you go, the atmosphere of enjoying spring and the vivid scene of fresh and bright. Du Muyou, a Tang Dynasty poet, said, "It rains a lot during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask the local people where to buy wine and worry? The shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua Village. " The Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival depicts the Qingming scene in the prosperous period of the Song Dynasty.

Step in the spring to prevent allergies

Zheng Min, deputy chief physician, reminded us that during the Qingming period, there may be cold in late spring, susceptible to cold, and at the same time, it will enter a rainy season. At this time, it is prone to dampness, and many bacteria and viruses have entered the breeding period, which is easy to spread various infectious diseases.

For the elderly and children with weak disease resistance, they should strengthen their health, benefit qi, dispel wind and dampness, strengthen their physique, pay attention to personal hygiene and environmental hygiene at the same time, wash their hands and change clothes frequently, often open windows and ventilate at home, and seldom go to public places to reduce the generation of germs, thus reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

Spring is closely related to the liver and wood in the five elements, and wood makes a fire, and fire is the heart, so this festival is easy for the heart to flourish. It is easy to induce hypertension when you are depressed and too angry. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases should pay attention to control their emotions, keep their emotions comfortable and prevent blood pressure from fluctuating too much.

Liver wood hurts gold, and gold is lung, so this solar term should also pay attention to prevention of respiratory diseases. During the Qingming Festival, spring blossoms, and the excessive accumulation of oily and polysaccharide substances in pollen into the human respiratory tract causes allergies. Therefore, for friends with allergies, special attention should be paid to staying away from pollen or preparing a mask for emergencies.

Qingming is a good time to go for an outing. Under the premise of fully considering one’s own illness and combining one’s hobbies, one should do what one can and make a reasonable choice. People who are less active need to do exercise according to their abilities and should not be too big. When the elderly are active, their heart rate should be controlled within 100 beats/min, and their breathing should be controlled within 24 beats/min. Young people can relax their requirements appropriately, and it is more suitable to choose hiking and jogging.

Patients with heart disease, hypertension, acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysema, nephritis, anemia, tuberculosis, fever, acute infection, and patients in the active stage of calculus should not engage in excessive exercise such as mountaineering, swimming and running.

After Tomb-Sweeping Day, the climate becomes warmer, which makes people feel physically and mentally tired and sleepy. This is called spring sleep. Here, before getting up every morning, we can insist on sitting for a few simple actions, which will not only help us to be energetic all day, improve work efficiency, but also help us to strengthen our physical fitness.

Rub your face: after opening your eyes in the morning, rub the "Yingxiang point" next to your nostrils with your middle fingers for several times at the same time, then rub it up to your forehead, then separate it to both sides, and rub it down along your cheeks until the cheeks meet. Rubbing face for 20 times can promote facial blood circulation, and increase the effects of facial skin on resisting cold, refreshing brain and preventing colds.

Play the brain: sit on the bed and press the palms of your hands against your ears respectively. Flipping the back of the skull with the index finger, middle finger and ring finger, 3~4 times every morning, can relieve fatigue, prevent dizziness and enhance hearing.

Shepherd’s purse can benefit the liver

Zheng Min, deputy chief physician, reminded that during the Qingming period, the kidney qi is getting weaker, the heart qi is getting stronger, the liver qi is flourishing, and the climate is rainy and humid. Therefore, Qingming should pay attention to the following points in its diet.

Qingming should not eat too much "fat" food, such as bamboo shoots and chicken. Bamboo shoots are cold, slippery and gas-consuming. "Materia Medica from the New" says: "People who eat more bamboo shoots will cause more diseases", that is, people who have a long illness will have more qi deficiency, and eating bamboo shoots will more easily damage their qi and induce disease attacks. Spring is the season of hyperactivity of liver-yang, and eating chicken is easy to move wind and help liver fire, which will easily lead to the recurrence of chronic hepatitis, hypertension and other diseases.

Qingming should eat more foods that soften the liver and nourish the lungs, such as shepherd’s purse, spinach and yam. Shepherd’s purse can benefit the liver and the middle energizer, spinach can benefit the five internal organs and promote blood circulation, and yam has the function of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the lung.

Qingming can take some proper nourishing products, such as tremella, which can moisten the lungs and produce fluid, nourish the yin and soften the liver. In the rising season of spring, taking tremella often can receive the effect of softening the liver and nourishing the lungs.

In addition, you can eat more leek, which is warm and rising in hair. It is a tonic in spring, which can increase the gastrointestinal peristalsis of human body, play the role of blood vessel scavenger, tonify liver and kidney and increase the body’s resistance, but it is not suitable for "warming up" or those who have accumulated fire and phlegm.

[Fang] Spring vegetables are used in medicinal diet.

The expert of medicinal diet in Shanghai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine recommended two kinds of medicinal diets suitable for spring.

Stir-fried mushroom with lily:

Ingredients: 50 grams of lily, 100 grams of celery, 30 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of mushrooms, and appropriate amount of auxiliary materials.

Practice: Wash the lily without removing the coating film, wash and slice the rest mushrooms, stir-fry the mushrooms in the oil pan first, then add auxiliary materials, appropriate amount of water and lily to cook slightly, and add seasoning to serve.

Efficacy: Lily is sweet and cold in nature, which can nourish yin and moisten lung, clear heart and soothe the nerves. It is used for chronic cough due to yin deficiency, blood in phlegm, vexation and fright, insomnia and dreaminess. This medicated diet lily is crystal-clean, delicious, and has the effects of resolving phlegm, moistening lung and enhancing immunity. Note that lily coating has pharmacological effects, so it is generally not necessary to undress, and it can be seasoned when cooking.

Malan mixed with wolfberry fruit:

Ingredients: 100 grams of Malantou, 5 to 10 grams of Lycium barbarum, and proper amount of seasoning.

Practice: After washing and blanching Malan leaves, squeeze them into cold boiled water and cut them into powder. The cold boiled water in the head of Lycium barbarum is slightly swollen for use. Add appropriate amount of salt, seasoning and sesame oil to the end of Malantou, and then sprinkle with Lycium barbarum.

Efficacy: red and green, fresh and sweet. Clearing heat and moistening skin, nourishing liver and improving eyesight. Spring in the south is the season when Malantou is listed. Using Lycium barbarum directly in cold salad can not only increase the color, but also protect the nutrients in Lycium barbarum from high temperature damage. This is a delicious and refreshing diet cold dish. Note that people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not use it more.

Three characteristics of China’s water cycle: increasing precipitation, warming and humidifying in the west of southern waterlogging and northern drought

  Cctv newsOn March 27th, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the work of preventing meteorological disasters, ensuring the resumption of work and preparing for spring ploughing. The heads of relevant departments of China Meteorological Bureau and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs answered questions from the media.

  Reporter: This year’s World Meteorological Day has just passed. I noticed that this year’s theme is "Climate and Water". What impact will climate change have on China’s water resources? Will it lead to an increase in the frequency of droughts and floods across the country?

  Zhou Bing, Chief Expert of Climate Service of National Climate Center of China Meteorological Bureau.Every year on March 23rd, World Meteorological Day, the World Meteorological Organization and the international meteorological community will hold activities to publicize popular science around a related theme. From 1961 to 2019, seven of the 59 World Meteorological Days have been related to water. This year’s theme is "Climate and Water", which shows the importance of water in meteorological work.

  Climate change affects the global water cycle and the distribution of water resources. According to the climate statement of the World Meteorological Organization, the global average temperature in 2019 was 1.1℃ higher than the average from 1850 to 1900, which was the second hottest year on record after 2016, consistent with the global warming trend. Since 1951, the annual average surface temperature in China has increased by 0.24℃ every ten years. Climate change is changing the distribution of water resources, the characteristics of precipitation and the change of precipitation intensity, which will change the regional flood situation, and even make the dry places more and more dry and the wet places more and more wet. In recent 50 years, the average number of rainy days in China has generally shown a downward trend, mainly because the number of light rain days has decreased significantly, by 13%, while the number of heavy rain days has increased by 10% instead of decreasing. The decrease of light rain days means that the risk of drought increases, while the increase of heavy rain days means that the frequency of short-term heavy precipitation events increases and the risks such as urban waterlogging increase.

  China water cycle has three characteristics. First, in the 21st century, the precipitation in China is increasing, and the water cycle is intensifying. Second, there is a situation of waterlogging in the south and drought in the north, and the shortage of water resources in the north is intensified. Third, most areas in the west are getting warmer and wetter, showing the characteristics of warming and wetting. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the frequent occurrence of extreme weather and climate events and the changing characteristics of drought and flood distribution in China under the background of global warming, and effectively improve our ability to cope with climate change.

People’s Daily: A Deep Understanding of Stable Finance

Abstract: Finance is the core of modern economy, which is active in finance and economy. Financial stability and economic stability. Doing a solid job in stabilizing finance is not only an important task to prevent and resolve major risks, but also an important prerequisite for maintaining sustained and healthy economic development and promoting high-quality economic development. It is necessary to clarify the focus of stabilizing finance and work hard to stabilize financial services, financial policies, financial operations, financial markets and financial openness; We will not only actively and steadily launch short-term measures to stabilize finance, but also focus on building a long-term mechanism to stabilize finance, consolidate the economic system foundation for stabilizing finance, improve the macroeconomic policy framework for stabilizing finance, and improve the financial risk response mechanism.
Clarify the focus of stabilizing finance and create a stable and safe financial environment for economic development.
Finance is the core of the modern economy and the blood of the real economy, and the two coexist and prosper together. On the one hand, financial activities, economic activities; Financial stability and economic stability. On the other hand, the economy is booming and finance is booming; Strong economy and strong finance. To do a solid job in stabilizing finance, we must improve the ability of financial services to the real economy, meet the needs of economic and social development and the people, focus on stabilizing financial services, financial policies, financial operations, financial markets, and financial openness, and continuously deepen structural reforms on the financial supply side to create a stable and safe financial environment for effectively coping with the downward pressure on the economy, preventing and resolving major risks, and promoting high-quality economic development.
Stabilize financial services. Serving the real economy is the bounden duty of finance, the purpose of finance and the fundamental measure to prevent financial risks. For some time, China’s financial system has a tendency of "deviating from reality to virtuality". Problems such as idling of funds within the financial system, self-circulation or excessive flow to the real estate market have caused the financing cost of the real economy to rise, and problems such as difficult and expensive financing for enterprises have become prominent. To stabilize financial services is to focus on solving the problems of financial "detachment from reality to emptiness", self-idling, self-circulation, etc., especially to solve the problems of financing difficulties and expensive financing for private enterprises and small and micro enterprises. Financial institutions should take serving the real economy as the starting point and end result of financial work, allocate more financial resources to key areas and weak links of economic and social development, and better meet the diversified financial needs of the real economy.
Stabilize financial policy. The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year pointed out that a prudent monetary policy should be moderate, maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity, and improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. This has released a clear signal to stabilize the financial policy. At present, we should pay attention to the following aspects: First, smooth interest rate transmission channels. We should grasp the ultimate goal of monetary policy, continue to promote the reform of interest rate marketization, and strengthen the forward-looking guiding role of monetary policy. The second is to improve the credit transmission efficiency of monetary policy. Commercial banks play an important role in the credit transmission of monetary policy. To improve the credit transmission efficiency of monetary policy, it is necessary to strengthen competition, improve the market-oriented operation level of commercial banks, improve the credit resource allocation efficiency and risk management ability of commercial banks, and reduce the improper intervention of local government departments on commercial banks. Third, pay attention to the coordination of monetary policy and fiscal policy. While implementing a prudent monetary policy, we should give full play to the role of fiscal policy, reduce the cost of enterprises through large-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, stimulate the willingness of enterprises to invest, and guide enterprises to expect steady economic growth in China. At the same time, under the premise of controlling the total debt scale, the scale of local government special bonds will be greatly increased, and the local government debt risks will be handled steadily.
Stabilize financial operation. In the past period, China’s financial sector has a wide range of risk points, accumulated potential risks and hidden dangers, and the fragility of financial operation has increased. With the continuous strengthening of financial supervision, various measures to prevent and resolve financial risks have been introduced one after another. China’s financial risks have generally converged, the stability of financial operations has been significantly enhanced, and the tough battle to prevent and resolve financial risks has achieved initial results. But we should also see that the task of stabilizing financial operation is still very arduous. It is necessary to take effective measures to continue to focus on solving financial risks in key areas such as local government debt and real estate market, further lay a solid battle to prevent and resolve financial risks, and create a stable and safe financial operating environment for supply-side structural reform and high-quality economic development.
Stabilize the financial market. Capital market is an important part of financial market, and strengthening the construction of capital market system is an important guarantee to stabilize financial market and enhance the ability of financial services to the real economy. We should pay attention to improving the quality of listed companies, strengthen the governance of listed companies, strictly withdraw from the market and disclose information, effectively protect the interests of investors and reduce administrative intervention in market transactions. Further deepen the reform of financial markets and financial institutions, alleviate the phenomenon of information asymmetry and market segmentation in financial markets, improve the credit evaluation system, develop the bond market, and maintain the reasonable and moderate development of non-credit financing. At the same time, pay close attention to the possible negative impact of short-,medium-and long-term changes at home and abroad on China’s financial market, identify and predict risks in advance, introduce and implement risk disposal measures in time, and stabilize financial market expectations.
Stabilize financial openness. Expanding the opening up of the financial industry is not only the need to build a modern economic system, promote the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up, accelerate the internationalization of the RMB, and deeply participate in global economic governance, but also the need to promote the recovery and development of the world economy and establish a more just and reasonable international financial order. To promote financial opening, we should be active and steady. First of all, effectively deal with the impact of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike and other factors on China’s financial opening up, and prevent serious capital outflows and sharp depreciation of the exchange rate due to changes in the external environment. Secondly, take external factors as long-term variables to maintain financial stability, expand financial openness, prevent and resolve financial risks, and maintain steady economic growth, prepare for a rainy day, accurately judge and properly deal with the risk resonance that may be caused by changes in the external environment. Third, put the task of financial reform and opening up in place, and study and promote new measures of financial reform and opening up in a timely manner according to changes in the international economic and financial situation and the needs of China’s development strategy.
Coordinate implementation and take the initiative to do a solid job in stabilizing finance.
To do a solid job in stabilizing finance, we should make overall plans and take the initiative to deepen the structural reform of the supply side of the financial industry on the basis of clarifying the focus of stabilizing finance, actively and steadily introduce short-term measures to stabilize finance, and strive to build a long-term mechanism to stabilize finance, and work hard to consolidate the economic system foundation of stabilizing finance, improve the macroeconomic policy framework of stabilizing finance, and improve the financial risk response mechanism.
Consolidate and stabilize the economic system foundation of finance. The healthy development of the real economy is an important foundation for preventing and resolving risks and doing a good job in stabilizing finance. It is necessary to implement the spirit of the Central Committee, accelerate the reform of the economic system, improve the property rights system and the market-oriented allocation mechanism of factors, make the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, give better play to the role of the government, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, enhance the vitality of micro-subjects, build a solid institutional foundation for steady economic growth, and provide strong support for stabilizing finance. Deepen the market-oriented reform of the financial system with the market-oriented reform of interest rate, exchange rate and national debt yield as the core; Supported by the inter-bank market, foreign exchange market, bond market and stock market, we will constantly improve the financial market system, financial institution system, financial product system and the institutional mechanism of financial services to the real economy, and consolidate the institutional foundation for long-term and stable financial development. Improve the system of financial practitioners, financial institutions, financial markets, financial operations, financial governance, financial supervision and financial regulation, and standardize financial operations.
Improve the macroeconomic policy framework for financial stability. There is a strong internal correlation between macroeconomic policies such as fiscal policy and monetary policy and financial stability. According to the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year, we should strengthen the countercyclical adjustment role of fiscal policy and monetary policy, continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, focus on stabilizing aggregate demand, and create a good macroeconomic environment for stabilizing finance. The proactive fiscal policy should be strengthened to improve efficiency, implement larger-scale tax reduction and fee reduction, and greatly increase the scale of local government special bonds; A prudent monetary policy should be moderately tight, maintain reasonable and abundant liquidity, improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, increase the proportion of direct financing, and solve the problems of financing difficulties and high financing for private enterprises and small and micro enterprises.
本版制图:张芳曼 郭 祥
《 人民日报 》( 2019年03月20日 09 版)

The number of single women of school age in China has exceeded 100 million, and they have no "back road" after being killed.

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Marriage is the only way in life. Marriage can change a person’s life.

Can make a person’s life change dramatically.

In any country and culture, when an individual reaches marriageable age,You should leave family of origin, find your partner and start your own small family.

As the saying goes, men should marry when they are older, and women should marry when they are older, which is influenced by the traditional culture of China.

Marriage can be regarded as a top priority in one’s life.

For most young men and women of marriageable age,

Once the task of getting married and having children is not completed within a certain age, parents and relatives will urge them to get married.

If there is a large-scale phenomenon that men and women of marriageable age do not get married, it will gradually lead to social,

The imbalance between male and female population, the declining marriage rate, the declining birth rate and the aging population.

Take Japan, a developed country close to us, as an example, because there was a large-scale feminist movement,

The relationship between men and women in Japanese society has been greatly affected.

Nowadays, not only young women in Japan don’t want to get married, but men also reject marriage life.

For them, getting married is not as good as playing games at home.

Some people say that the Japanese government is facing a serious population problem, and the birth rate is declining.

The phenomenon of population aging is becoming more and more serious, and the ratio of male to female is seriously out of balance.

Many men began to commit selective crimes because they could not meet their inner sexual needs.

As a result, the crime rate in Japan has soared.

However, some women also have no enough ability to support their own life, and finally they can only choose the career of sex.

A similar phenomenon has appeared in our country now, and many women have begun to refuse to get married.

Men want to get married but can’t find a partner, and some of them are uncomfortable, because the huge economic pressure is also relatively exclusive to marriage.

With the gradual change of young people’s thoughts, their views on marriage have also changed dramatically.

If married life is bound to tie your hands and feet, it is better to live a single life freely.

Because of this, there are a large number of older unmarried young people in our society today.

According to the census data, since 2013, the marriage rate in China has been declining.

In 2014,Marriage in China is only9.9%By 2018, the marriage rate in China has dropped to7.2% 。

Nowadays, the number of unmarried young people of school age in China has reached 240 million, of which the number of unmarried women has exceeded 100 million.

People have long been familiar with the problem of single women in China, so what causes these problems?

Why is there such a state of imbalance in our congress?

The reasons leading to this phenomenon are complex and long-term, and Rome was not built in a day.

Influenced by economic globalization, the economies and cultures of various countries are deeply blended.

Many young people in our country have been influenced by western ideology and culture.

Westerners advocate liberalism and like to live freely.

Moreover, after the feminist movement, the per capita education level in China has gradually improved.

Women’s self-awareness began to grow, and they began to want to pursue their ideal life.

So they began to pursue their studies and careers, different from women in traditional society.

They can receive education equally, and they don’t need to be like women in the past.

Put all your time and energy into the family, become an accessory of men, and become a tool for giving birth to children.

At the same time, with the continuous development of society, people’s material living standards are getting higher and higher.

The cognitive level is constantly changing, and today’s women are more inclined to be themselves.

The continuous improvement of women’s social status also helps them to pursue the life they want.

The existence of this phenomenon has two sides, which not only represents the continuous progress of human society,

But it also makes many women fall into the trap of being "killed".

Influenced by traditional ideas, many people in today’s society still have the idea of favoring boys over girls.

Many imaginations in today’s society seem to be beneficial to women, but in fact they are killing women.

Nowadays, people’s material living standards have been greatly improved.

The improvement of women’s social status also leads them to live a princess-like life since childhood.

It is this kind of love that laid the groundwork for them to be "killed" in the future.

Many women can’t adapt themselves to all kinds of problems when they first enter the society.

In the face of all kinds of trivial matters, they always take care of themselves, not to mention taking care of their families and children.

This will cause many women to be immature when they reach marriageable age.

Because of this, many women now only meet their own needs, just be happy.

I can be my own queen.

Everyone has different attitudes towards life, and it is understandable that some women choose this lifestyle.

But most people can’t live alone without their families in the end.

Then maybe try to change your mind and find a suitable partner to make your life more substantial and rich.

The End –

Author | Tommy Da

Edit | Houhai

Reference: Jean Piaget Biography. (2020, January 29)

Cape Verde simply can’t understand the unique skill of China men’s basketball team, and there are still big tricks behind Qiao Shuai.

Cape Verde simply can’t understand the unique skill of China men’s basketball team, and there are still big tricks behind Qiao Shuai. Netizens hit the nail on the head and pointed out: Qiao Shuai brought something really different, emphasizing defense without losing tactics, and attacking smoothly. Coupled with the rise of young strikers, perhaps this men’s basketball team may reproduce the glory of 2008! Zhao Jiwei, Zhu Junlong, Cui Yongxi, Zhang Zhenlin and qi zhou are the five best performers in this competition. Zhao Jiwei is the brain of this team, and no one can replace him. Zhu Junlong is conscientious, Cui Yongxi and Zhang Zhenlin are the two most reliable people on the offensive end. This is the case with African teams. Players can jump and fly, but their tactical accomplishment is poor, and they basically rely on going it alone and pulling it out. China’s tactical system and tactical accomplishment are much higher than those of African teams.

Therefore, I estimate that in the final World Cup group match, China should not make it, but the score should not be too ugly. Qi zhou is still depressed by that feeling, but he has played better than others. Wang Zhelin actually played very well, but the free throws were too bad. He scored zero in two, zero in one and zero in two. Hu Jinqiu felt that his tactical position was too low, and he was weakened. Without the ball, CIC and the organization could not play it out, and he was quite right. Fang Shuo is still that nerve knife, dare to throw it, and brought a sight today. Zhao Rui is really a long story, there is no resistance to weaving, and a breakthrough has succeeded. Facts have proved that foreign coaches will lead the team, and Zhou Peng is still always angry and fighting with the opponent and the referee. He used to have three points in defense, but now he has a temper.

He Xining, Fu Hao and Hu Mingxuan have too little playing time to comment. Looking down from the audience, although the opponent was black, the China team fought well and played too few defensive counterattacks. Last season, the league encouraged confrontation, so now players are much better against each other. On several occasions, the opposing players tried to hit qi zhou, Hu Jinqiu and Zhang Zhenlin on the back, but they were basically not impressed. Today’s game is generally good, and the front line is relatively strong. If you really want to pick a thorn, some defenders will continue to collapse. Cape Verde is not famous, but it is still a bit powerful to beat Nigeria. The strength of the African team is really erratic. Why don’t we feel strong when we can beat the team in Nigeria? Is it because we are strong this time? I hope so.

He Xining really has problems with running tactics and holding the ball. Two mistakes in the second half are really wrong! Peter said that after my brother Xuan finally played, it was obviously the Cantonese style of play, and everyone stopped and didn’t run, forcing Hu Jinqiu to shoot three points himself and scored! Although a small European country has a small population, its basketball level is not low, and its strength is much stronger than that of ordinary European countries. I have to say that the gap between foreign coaches and local professional ability is really big. We don’t jump to conclusions about players by one game, especially don’t blow the air and step on the ground. Generally speaking, we have made great progress, especially the players are full of confidence and have new skills and tactics. Zhou Peng can abdicate. He is in the same position as the plan. With the plan, you don’t need to go to Zhou Peng. There are a lot of young people who need to defend. For example, Zhu Junlong never slackens his defense.

What do you think of this?

Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng, which is abnormal? Don’t just watch the big score.

Some people watch the game and only watch the "big score".

In the WTT Macau Championship in 2023, Sun Yingsha lost 4-0 to Chen Meng in the women’s singles semi-final, and some people felt abnormal.

Last week’s WTT Xinxiang Championship was also a semi-final in women’s singles. Chen Meng lost 4-0 to Sun Yingsha. I wonder if they also felt abnormal?

In WTT Xinxiang Championship, Sun Yingsha scored 4-0 in Chen Meng, and the scores of the four sets were 11-5, 11-5, 11-7 and 11-6.

The score of four games failed to hit the key points, so it can be said that Chen Meng was completely defeated.

In the WTT Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha of Chen Meng scored 4-0, and the scores in four sets were 16-14, 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9.

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha won the first game 10-9, and then Chen Meng tied the game and won five games in a row, only to win narrowly 16-14.

Sometimes, a small score per game is more telling.

Compare another women’s singles semi-final, although Manyu Wang won Wang Yidi 4-2, but this game is less suspense than Chen Meng’s 4-0 win over Sun Yingsha.

Manyu Wang 4-2 Wang Yidi, the score of six games: 7-11, 11-9, 11-9, 11-6, 5-11, 11-4.

Manyu Wang is tall and arm-length, and her movements will not be restored very quickly, which determines that her forehand and backhand cohesion will not be very smooth in the near stage. What Manyu Wang is afraid of is the players with fast convergence speed and not weak strength. In the face of fast players, she often has to quit the stage and exchange distance for reaction time.

Only with speed and strength, it is possible to penetrate Manyu Wang’s defense.

However, Wang Yidi is not a speed player, and her playing style also depends on the quality of her own veneer, which is similar to that of Manyu Wang.

However, compared with Wang Yidi, Manyu Wang has stronger rotation in returning the ball and higher veneer quality. From a fundamental point of view, Manyu Wang’s strength is higher than Wang Yidi’s.

Therefore, regardless of Manyu Wang’s four-to-several win, as long as it is a best-of-seven game, the chance of surprise is very small. Under normal circumstances, it is only a matter of time before Manyu Wang defeats Wang Yidi.

However, in the semi-final between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, after 9-9 in the fourth game, if it wasn’t Chen Meng’s serve wheel and Chen Meng’s serve, but Sun Yingsha reversed the game, the result of the following game would be hard to say.

Before the game, when analyzing the match between Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, I said: Chen Meng was in a particularly good state this time, and Sun Yingsha experienced high-intensity events in a row, and her state declined, which may add a little suspense to this semi-final.

For players with equal strength, the recent competitive state of the players is very important, and the players’ improvisation has a great influence on the results of the game.

Fan Zhendong’s 3-2 reversal of Lin Shidong in the men’s singles quarter-final of WTT Xinxiang Championship last week is a typical example. Lin Shidong got the match point 10-8 in the fourth game, but Fan Zhendong tied the score. Finally, Fan Zhendong reversed 13-11 to win the fourth game and was tied with a big score. Fan Zhendong won the deciding game 11-8. Moreover, Fan Zhendong finally won the men’s singles championship in Xinxiang Championship.

A game, one or two key points, may lead to a world of difference.

In table tennis, besides paying attention to who wins and who loses, it is better to look at the score of each game.

I’m interested in going to see the players’ respective service wheels, return balls and so on. If you are still interested, then learn about various services, techniques and tactics, table tennis equipment and so on.

So, don’t stop at the level of "0-4 lost". Players are improving, should old fans keep pace with the times?

As for some "extreme fans", they think that the players they like can only win but not lose. Losing is abnormal and fishy. Don’t apply the "rice circle" to competitive sports. Isn’t it good to chase the stars in the entertainment circle?

Bo Yu said sports: Premier League Rome is considering hiring De Zerbi to replace Mourinho, but Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea are also.

On the other hand, the defense has obviously regressed. The opponent’s shots per possession increased by 27%(0.10), and the average xG was similar. The number of goals per game in Manchester City increased from 0.7 to 1.0. Whether it’s because Guardiola tried his staff to make the best use of Harland-which, among other things, led to the bench of full-back Joao Cancelo and eventually loaned it to Bayern-or because of the conscious retreat of the World Cup in terms of pressure and efforts (Manchester City players played more time in Qatar than any other club), Manchester City’s pressure was more passive and ineffective. Excellent opponents are particularly comfortable and productive for them: in eight games against the top six teams in the Premier League, Manchester City scored a goal in 13 shots (81.10 times per game), worth 11.6 xG.

Please note that Manchester City also scored 19 goals and scored 13 points in these eight games, but Manchester City did not control the situation as usual. Put some terrible luck into a close game-in a game decided by 1-2 goals, the average score per game is 0.1 (the average score of the other four teams in England is 2.1)-and we can see how Manchester City has left the door for Arsenal to break in at present. This also brought RB Leipzig back to the first leg of their last 16 Champions League (final 1-1 draw), and there is still some work to be done before they can advance next week.