The 2024 Geely Xingyue L will be launched today, with optimized configuration and power adjustment.

Yichexun It is reported that the 2024 Geely will be launched today. As a modified model, the new Xingyue L is expected to launch three models. Two of the fuel models are all equipped with 2.0T high-power engine +8AT gearbox, and the configuration is adjusted at the same time. There is also a version, equipped with an optimized 1.5T engine and matched with a 3-speed DHT hybrid special gearbox.

In terms of appearance, the new Xingyue L is basically the same as the cash, and the front face adopts a concave large straight waterfall shield net, which enhances the visual effect of the front face. The design of the headlight group is angular, and the vertical vent design below looks more concise.

The waistline on the side of the car is designed through, with multiple wheels, and the overall shape is generous. Tail-through taillight group, the lampshade has been blackened, the spoiler is wider, the reflective light strip is slender, and it looks sporty.

In terms of size, the length, width and height of the fuel version of the Star Yue L are 4770mm/1895mm/1689mm and the wheelbase is 2845mm, respectively. Version is to increase the body by 25mm, and the wheelbase remains unchanged.

In terms of interior, it is expected that the layout of the models mentioned in the preceding paragraph will be continued, and the triple screen and electronic gear handle will be retained to create a more scientific and technological atmosphere, and the overall texture will also highlight the grade.

In terms of configuration, the 2024 Xingyue L Yun Qi version is equivalent to the two-wheel drive distinguished configuration, and the Skyline version is equivalent to the two-wheel drive flagship configuration. However, the new model is upgraded to 50W wireless charging, and the Skyline version is equipped with splash-ink suede interior. The whole model provides optional Cuiyu magic color suit (5,000 yuan) and far-Dai matte gray car paint.

In terms of power, the 2024 Xingyue L will continue to provide fuel version and version. The fuel version is equipped with a 2.0T high-power engine, with a maximum power of 175kW and a peak torque of 350N·m, matching Aisin 8AT gearbox, and the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers under WLTC conditions is 7.7L

In addition, the new car is expected to provide an optional four-wheel drive system to provide drivers with a broader car scene.

Open the Easy Car App, search for "100,000 km long test" and see the most authentic vehicle long test report.

Editor in charge: Tian Zhongchao

Seven departments jointly issued a document: putting forward all-round requirements for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of takeaway food deliverymen

  CCTV NewsAccording to the website of the State Administration for Market Regulation, recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Commerce, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Deliverymen" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), putting forward all-round requirements for protecting the legitimate rights

  In terms of ensuring labor income, the platform is required to establish an income distribution mechanism that matches the work tasks and labor intensity, and ensure that the normal labor income of takeaway delivery staff is not lower than the local minimum wage standard. The "strictest algorithm" shall not be used as the assessment requirement, and the assessment factors such as the number of orders, on-time rate, and online rate shall be reasonably determined through "algorithm selection" and other methods, and the delivery time limit shall be appropriately relaxed.

  In terms of ensuring labor safety, improve the platform order dispatch mechanism, optimize the delivery route, reasonably determine the order saturation, and reduce labor intensity. Strengthen traffic safety education and training, and guide and supervise takeaway delivery staff to strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations.

  In terms of maintaining food safety, we shall implement the main responsibility for the safety of food distribution in platform enterprises, formulate management standards for takeaway food delivery services, and strengthen food safety knowledge training to ensure that the food delivery process is free from contamination.

  In terms of improving social security, urge the platform and third-party cooperation units to participate in social insurance for takeaway food delivery workers who have established labor relations, support other takeaway food delivery workers to participate in social insurance, and participate in the platform’s pilot occupational injury protection for flexible employees in accordance with national regulations. Encourage exploration and provision of diverse commercial insurance protection plans to improve multi-level protection levels.

  In terms of optimizing the working environment, we will encourage and support the development of new business models, promote the establishment of temporary residency points for takeaway food delivery staff, promote the installation of smart dining cabinets, and encourage the development of smart helmets and other wearable devices to create a good working environment and actively play a role in stabilizing and expanding employment.

  In terms of strengthening organizational construction, we will promote the establishment of trade union organizations that adapt to new employment patterns, actively recruit takeaway food delivery staff, participate in the negotiation and coordination of important matters involving workers’ rights and interests, improve the support and security system, and carry out in-depth and meticulous assistance work.

  In terms of the conflict resolution mechanism, the platform is urged to establish a direct channel for the appeal of takeaway delivery staff to reflect, clarify the appeal handling procedures and time limits, strengthen democratic consultation and equal communication, and generally resolve routine problems such as overtime delivery due to objective factors within 24 hours.

  The Opinions require all localities to implement territorial responsibilities, establish and improve a coordination mechanism for the protection of the rights and interests of food delivery staff, strengthen organizational implementation, strengthen threat and risk assessment, effectively resolve contradictions, implement the main responsibility and social responsibility of online catering platforms, protect the legitimate rights and interests of food delivery staff, and resolutely maintain social stability.

"Dragon Horse Spirit" exposes clips, Jackie Chan’s Guangzhou roadshow scene "remembers bitterness"

1905 movie network news The movie starring the screenwriter, director,,, and lead is being released, and the film’s box office has exceeded 33 million yuan. Some audiences said bluntly, "Jackie Chan, the most different in the past 60 years, has earned enough tears."

The film recently released a "reluctant to part" feature clip. In the clip, Lao Luo had to part with his beloved horse, Chi Rabbit, because of various obstacles. The picture of "one person and one horse" hugging and saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, and Jackie Chan’s tearful words "You must not forget me" were also particularly poignant.

The movie "Dragon Horse Spirit" revolves around the story of "one person, one horse". Jackie Chan plays the down-and-out Dragon Tiger martial artist Lao Luo, who braves the set with his beloved horse, Red Rabbit, laughing and crying along the way. As Jackie Chan’s most special partner, Red Rabbit not only has absolute action strength, but also has countless fans with its clever and cute personality. In addition, Red Rabbit’s emotional expression also caused the audience to cry, "I didn’t expect that I would cry because of a horse."

In the film, Lao Luo’s "rescue" at the birth of Red Rabbit, to the care and careful cultivation of Red Rabbit from childhood to adulthood, let the audience see the family bond between "one person and one horse" to protect each other. And Lao Luo’s hard work to protect Red Rabbit, and the bridge where he had to say goodbye to Red Rabbit in the end, made the audience cry. Some viewers said, "Every interaction between Lao Luo and Red Rabbit is so touching. Who can hold back crying when they see Red Rabbit chasing the car? Remember to bring more tissues."

In addition, the film’s creator, director Yang Zi, actor Jackie Chan, Liu Haocun, also appeared at the Guangzhou roadshow recently and had a post-screening exchange with the audience. Many Hong Kong film fans came to the scene that day, and they all expressed that they were moved by the part of the movie that paid tribute to Jackie Chan’s classic movie. "I was moved by the spirit of the dragon and tiger martial artist. I was really moved by the previous beat-the-scene. I like Hong Kong action movies very much, so I am very grateful to you for passing on this spirit." Director Yang Zi also shared his feelings with everyone. "I am very nervous and excited to finally be able to bring this film to everyone. If everyone likes this movie, all the hard work will be worth it."

The release day coincided with Jackie Chan’s birthday. Not only did iron fans organize fans all over the world to record "True Hero" and give it to him, but also the audience specially customized a huge cake with a dragon pattern, and there were also students who sent 1,000 blessings. The enthusiastic blessings from the audience made Jackie Chan very moved. "Today is the most happy birthday I have ever heard".

Surprisingly, the brothers of the Chengjia class "ambushed" in the audience that day, giving the eldest brother a happy "surprise". Yuan Biao, a junior brother who was also a member of Qixiaofu, sincerely thanked the senior brother on the spot, so that the eldest brother could not help but "remember the hardships" and shared with everyone the days when everyone suffered together when they debuted.

Jackie Chan entered the industry at the age of 8 and has starred in hundreds of works so far. He is a well-known national idol. At the roadshow, many audience members came to watch with their parents. One audience member said excitedly, "My father likes Jackie Chan very much. Influenced by my father, I grew up watching Jackie Chan movies since I was a child." Brother Jackie Chan warmly concluded that "when I was a child, my father took you to watch plays, and now you take your father to watch plays."

In addition to this, there are also fans who came with their mother to the cinema with tears. "My mother and I have watched your movies for two generations of youth, and I can vividly remember your past movie scenes when watching movies. You are already 69 years old and still insist on making movies, which makes me feel very admired."

Being able to win the love of so many fans is inseparable from Jackie Chan’s brave "jumping down" on the set again and again. The lines in the movie "It’s easy to jump down, but difficult to walk down" have pierced the hearts of many fans.

At the scene, the eldest brother also shared his understanding of this line. "I used to feel that I could do it, but one day I wanted to do it and suddenly found that I couldn’t, and at that moment I suddenly felt that I was old. At the same time as accepting this fact, I thought I would change everyone’s opinion of me. So I started filming, a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, to an old master, and now an old dragon and tiger martial artist, I have been changing. So I am very happy to be able to film this drama and show it to everyone with my performances and actions."

On that day, many brothers in the family class secretly came to the roadshow to create a birthday surprise for the eldest brother, and also sent a pennant "Big Brother Forever", saying that "only if there is a big brother can we become a family class". When the eldest brother saw the brothers, he couldn’t hide his joy and introduced his brothers to the audience one by one, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yuan Biao, who debuted at Qixiaofu together with his eldest brother, sincerely thanked his eldest brother, "I was brought to debut by my senior brother, and later he became a martial arts instructor. I said I will fight hard with you, he said yes, I will follow him, without me as the boss, you will not know me."

Seeing the brothers who shared weal and woe, the eldest brother couldn’t help but "reminisce", "Yuan Biao and I hit the railing on the second floor and fell down. There were no protection measures, all of them were real glass. No one cared about us, only he helped me up, and after taking a shower at night, my body was full of pain, and the glass was forked in." Many Hong Kong film fans expressed "heartache".

In addition to the friends who came to the scene, there were also many friends who could not attend who sent birthday wishes in the form of a video. The eldest brother was moved and said, "I am really happy, and I am surprised every time. I often wonder how I can let so many people pay for me. Thank you for supporting me for so many years."

All you care about! The main points of the first press conference of the National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress are coming.

  On the afternoon of the 3rd, the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference held a press conference. Guo Weimin, the spokesman of the conference, briefed the Chinese and foreign media about the conference and answered questions from reporters. Guo Weimin responded to hot issues such as personal information protection, COVID-19 vaccine and Beijing Winter Olympics.

  This year’s press conference will continue to take the form of last year and be held in the form of online video. The main venue is located in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People, and the sub-venue is located in the press center of the two sessions in Media.

  The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

  Opening on the afternoon of March 4th and closing on the 10th.

  The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at 3 pm on March 4th in the Great Hall of the People and close on the afternoon of March 10th.

  The main agenda drawn up by the conference is: hearing and deliberating the work report of the Standing Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the report on the work of the proposal; Attend the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, listen to and discuss the government work report and other relevant reports, and discuss the 14th Five-Year Plan for national economic and social development and the draft outline of the long-term goal in 2035; The resolutions and reports of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference were reviewed and adopted.

  During the conference, there will be an opening meeting, a closing meeting and two speeches, one of which will be held by video conference; Arrange 6 group meetings.

  The Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

  The session was shortened to six and a half days.

  Guo Weimin introduced that the shortening of the session not only summarized the experience of last year, but also considered the requirements of epidemic prevention and control. Last year’s conference shortened the duration, reduced the staff, streamlined the documents, and combined online and offline, which was well received by all walks of life. This year, we will further improve relevant practices, strive to enhance efficiency, improve quality, give full play to the role of consultation in performing their duties, and continuously improve the efficiency of consultation institutions.

  In the future, we will further sort out innovative measures and practices, constantly improve relevant work, and ensure that the meeting is pragmatic and efficient.

  How did CPPCC members perform their duties in the past year?

  Here comes the "work summary"

  Guo Weimin introduced that more than 2,100 CPPCC members from 34 sectors had the courage to take responsibility and perform their duties, made important contributions to epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and handed over an excellent performance report.

  Last year’s conference was postponed. From the last conference to the fourth conference, the working cycle was shortened, and some offline activities were not convenient to hold. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference further intensified the work of consultation and deliberation. In the whole year, 23 important consultation and deliberation activities were held, such as special discussion meetings of the Standing Committee, special consultation meetings and biweekly consultation forums, 80 inspections and investigations were organized, more than 7,500 pieces of CPPCC information were submitted, and more than 5,900 members’ proposals were put forward. Last year, the work of handling proposals was intensified, and the quality has also improved in the past year, with many innovations and good results.

  As of the end of February, China has accumulated

  Vaccinate more than 52 million doses.

  Guo Weimin said that by the end of February, China had received more than 52 million doses of vaccine. China has always given priority to the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Vaccine companies always strictly follow the relevant technical standards and procedures from research and development to each stage of experiments, and timely release authoritative information at all important stages, such as research and development, experiments, emergency use and conditional listing. Many countries have approved the use of China vaccine, and leaders of some countries have taken the lead in vaccinating China vaccine, which shows the safety and effectiveness of China vaccine.

  China has provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and 2 international organizations.

  And exported vaccines to 28 countries.

  Guo Weimin introduced that in response to some people’s query that China is expanding its geopolitical influence through vaccines, Guo Weimin responded that this statement and idea are very narrow. Vaccine is an important means to prevent and control and defeat the epidemic, and it is also an important part of the current international cooperation against the epidemic. China has taken the new crown vaccine as a global public product and joined the COVID-19 Vaccine Implementation Plan of the World Health Organization.

  By the end of February, China had provided vaccine assistance to 69 countries and two international organizations, and exported vaccines to 28 countries. Related work continued, which not only contributed to helping the international community overcome the epidemic, but also practiced the concept of a community of human destiny.

  Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics are progressing smoothly.

  Minimize the risk of epidemic situation

  Guo Weimin said that many CPPCC members come from the sports field, many other members are sports fans, and the general public all over the country are highly concerned about the Beijing Winter Olympics and eagerly look forward to it. At present, with the joint efforts of all relevant parties at home and abroad, the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are progressing smoothly. Relevant departments have innovated their working methods and adjusted their work arrangements scientifically and reasonably, so as to minimize the epidemic risk while completing the preparatory tasks.

  Individual foreign politicians politicize sports in an attempt to disrupt the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is contrary to the spirit of the Olympic Charter. We believe that such a move is futile and doomed to fail without the support of the international community.

  China’s poverty alleviation standard is higher than

  Extreme poverty standards set by the World Bank

  The press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held this afternoon. Guo Weimin, the press spokesman of the conference, briefed the Chinese and foreign media about the conference and answered questions from reporters.

  Guo Weimin said that since the 13th CPPCC National Committee, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has made tackling poverty as a key point in consultation and deliberation every year. The quality of tackling poverty is also an issue that everyone is concerned about. Many experts in Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference believe that China’s poverty alleviation standard is a comprehensive standard.

  In terms of income, China’s poverty alleviation standard is higher than the extreme poverty standard set by the World Bank. In the process of tackling poverty, China also emphasizes "two guarantees and three guarantees". At present, all the poor people have achieved food and clothing, and compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety and drinking water safety are fully guaranteed. In addition, China’s poverty alleviation achievements also include a large number of public services and social security, such as building bridges, roads, electricity, networking and other initiatives.

  Submitted by several CPPCC members

  Proposal on "Strengthening the Protection of Personal Information"

  Guo Weimin said that in recent years, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has done a lot of work around personal information security and privacy protection, and many CPPCC members have submitted relevant proposals. Last year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference also held a remote consultation meeting on strengthening personal information protection in the era of big data, and a biweekly consultation forum on scientific and technological ethics and legal issues in the development of artificial intelligence.

  Some people in charge of Internet companies among CPPCC members also participated in the discussion of related topics, and expressed that they should strengthen industry self-discipline, handle the relationship between service and management, strictly implement the main responsibility of enterprises, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will continue to pay attention to this issue and make new progress in this work.

  Old people can’t move without a health code?

  Actively responding to aging is included in this year’s key consultation topics.

  In view of the fact that the elderly can’t enter public places because they can’t use health codes, Guo Weimin responded: In recent years, many CPPCC members have put forward proposals around related issues. Many members believe that the problems such as the difficulty for the elderly to use smart devices have exposed the situation that some places in our country have made intelligent progress, but humanized services are still insufficient.

  Guo Weimin said that this year, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will actively respond to the aging of the population and promote the balanced development of the population as a key topic of consultation, and will organize CPPCC members to conduct in-depth research and discussion to provide reference for government decision-making.

  Patriots govern Hong Kong under the principle of "one country, two systems"

  Proper meaning and core meaning

  Guo Weimin said that Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference has always been very concerned about Hong Kong’s economic and social development. There are more than 230 Hong Kong and Macao members in Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, who are even more concerned about Hong Kong, making suggestions for the stable development of Hong Kong and actively participating in the construction of Hong Kong and Macao. Patriots governing Hong Kong is the proper meaning and core essence of the policy of "one country, two systems", and it is the fundamental principle that must be adhered to in comprehensively and accurately implementing the policy of "one country, two systems". Whether formulating and implementing the National Security Law of Hong Kong or improving the electoral system of the special administrative region, it is to uphold and improve "one country, two systems" and ensure that the practice of "one country, two systems" is stable and far-reaching in the right direction. Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will conscientiously implement the major policies of the Central Committee for Hong Kong and Macao and strengthen its ideological and political work.

  There is a poll saying that American people’s goodwill towards China has decreased?

  China’s "friend circle" is constantly expanding.

  In response to some polls saying that the American people’s goodwill towards China has decreased, Guo Weimin responded that there are some international polls evaluating China’s national image, and the situation is diverse, which polling agency, the scope of the survey, the specific objects of the survey, data and other factors are involved, and the situation is also diverse. Some are because some foreign people don’t know China, while others are misled by some anti-China politicians.

  China has carried out exchanges and cooperation with more and more countries and regions, and constantly expanded our "circle of friends". Last year, we signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), completed the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment negotiations, and successfully held the third International Import Expo. I think these also reflected this from one aspect.

Today, let’s understand what is "culture" from the etymological point of view.

In the long history of China, every major social change is preceded by "cultural" change. The sacrificial culture of Shang Dynasty laid the foundation for the ritual and music civilization of Zhou Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a hundred flowers blossomed and a hundred schools of thought contended for cultural opening and innovation, which ushered in Qiang Qin’s Han nationality, the Han nationality was formally formed, and the Confucianism of Confucianism also promoted the unification of China. The New Culture Movement during the May 4th Movement created a new culture in China, which was a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures and ancient and modern cultures, and provided a cultural foundation for today’s national independence and national prosperity. Today, we propose the creative inheritance and innovative development of China’s traditional culture, which is bound to provide the strongest cultural support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Culture is resources, culture is power, and culture is spirit. This is true for the nation, the country and the individual.

However, what is "culture" is still one of the problems that need to be discussed.

From the etymology, what is China’s so-called "culture"? Why does it have such great power? The analysis of culture from this angle can refresh us and help us understand the essence of China culture, as well as where and why it is different from western culture.

Let’s talk about the "text" of culture first.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "Wen" is a hieroglyph, and the glyph is a pattern formed by many lines and interlaces, which represents a pictorial symbol carved on rocks or animal bones to convey consciousness. It is an ancient hieroglyph. Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" is a pictographic ideographic symbol carved on rock walls and Oracle bones in ancient times. To put it bluntly, it is an image and a symbol carrier carrying meaning. Therefore, speaking words is a symbol used to express events, facts and information. This is one.

Second, writing is aesthetics. It is said that one of our ancestors looked up at the sky at the beginning of the humanities, and there were beautiful clouds in the sky, as the saying goes, the wind came and the rain went, and the clouds rolled and the clouds were comfortable; Looking down at the ground, it is precisely the beautiful mountains and rivers and the beautiful land. When observing natural humanities, historical geography, personnel stories, as well as architectural costumes, body shapes and even the spirit of consciousness, he found that these things have a very interesting thing in common. Those various patterns are beautiful things in the form of beautiful lines, and their forms can bring people beautiful enjoyment. "Wen" can not only express things, but also express spirit. All kinds of expressions make us feel both practical and enjoyable. So, he drew a "text". This is the origin of writing and the beginning of culture.

Therefore, the original meaning of the word "Wen" expresses beauty, mainly the kind of beauty that brings beauty to people in form. Therefore, we say that "Wen" is a pattern. Later, the poems and paintings we wrote, including our words, calligraphy, music and dance, were all patterns, and they all expressed a kind of aesthetic and formal "Wen".

If we grasp the original meaning of the beautiful pattern of the word "Wen", we can understand the characteristics of China culture. China culture pays special attention to poetry, aesthetic feeling and the comfort and comfort of secular life. China people pay attention to "life", that is, "to be born and live", and to live beautifully, healthily, abundantly, comfortably and poetically. For the beauty of life, because of the beauty of life, people in China often write poems about life.

China is a country that attaches importance to life, aesthetics and poetry. It emphasizes the free and easy mind, the cultivation of mind, the vibration of soul and the enjoyment of emotion on the basis of the unity of nature, mind and matter, and the unity of inside and outside, and pursues the aesthetic feeling in life.

There is a saying in the ancients that "poetry expresses ambition". "ambition" is "the heart of intellectuals" Poetry, as a "text" to express the feelings and emotions of the heart, is the most appropriate carrier and the best expression of beautiful "text".

Therefore, from patterns to words to poems, paintings, music, architecture and clothing, "Wen" has become an aesthetic activity for objects, a sense of beauty and beauty of people, and then it is derived from aesthetics. "Wen" is a phenomenon form, a subjective feeling, an aesthetic relationship between subject and object, an attitude of observing life and existence, and a poetic mode of life, culture and poetry.

Look at "Hua" again.

"Hua" is two people in Oracle Bone Inscriptions. On the left is a man standing head-up, and on the right is a man falling head-down into the ground. From left to right, it is a change from birth to death, which is also a natural life process. Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s man on the right is written as a dagger in the bronze inscription, so the word "Hua" is horrible: a man on the left and a knife on the right-killing people, which means revolution, innovation, innovation and metabolism. Therefore, "transformation" is a movement, a law of nature, progress and change, that is, the old dies and the new is created, that is, "dialectics". This is the first meaning of "Hua".

It is said in the Book of History that "every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new", which expresses this law of nature. This "new" is "pro" on the left and "Jin" on the right. "Dear", the top is a metal drill, which is inserted into the stake below, and then the axe on the right is used to cut the stake, and the stake is decomposed and split for firewood. Therefore, "new" is broken down, turning the whole into parts and the big into small ones. As far as philosophical methodology and behavioral practice are concerned, we usually call it "analysis" and "decomposition", or philosophically, "deconstruction". This is the second meaning of "Hua".

On the whole, "transformation" is a process of change, change or elimination, and it is also an action and a process before reorganization and innovation.

Why should people be "modern" and "new"? Whether it is new or new, it is to find out the essence and law of the object world through research, anatomy and observation of parts and small parts, and apply it to production and life to create new things and new values. By turning the big into the small and turning the whole into parts, we can grasp the essence and law of the object more conveniently, have a more accurate understanding, have a more successful guarantee and get more achievements when we act. This is research, a process of academic activities, scientific exploration and philosophical thinking. Its purpose is to analyze, dissect and then "construct", that is, to reassemble concrete, phenomenal and fragmentary things with their own thinking, express them in the form of abstract thinking and present them as theories. A whole, an abstract meaning and a universally applicable law are constructed, from which "logic" or "metaphysics" is formed, which is a "Tao" based on the study of phenomena, that is, the source of the world, the essence of the world and the law of the world, so that we can use it and serve the survival and development.

The development of philosophy led to the development of natural science, which brought about the industrial revolution, and then there was a historic translocation of eastern and western countries in the world. "Culture" is the wheel and engine of world historical progress.

[This article comes from "33 Keywords of China Traditional Culture" published by People’s Publishing House]

Great 2-3! Although Zhang Linyan was defeated, she scored three consecutive goals, which was praised by China fans: Messi Corridor.

A great score of 2-3 was born in the first leg of the semi-final of the Swiss Women’s Super Playoff which ended on the 21st. China teenager Zhang Linyan’s Cao Meng women’s football team narrowly lost to the defending champion Zurich women’s football team. In this campaign, although Zhang Linyan, a teenager from China, suffered a glorious defeat, she started to play and scored a full moon machete goal, and scored three consecutive goals. In this regard, China fans praised and commented: Messi Corridor!

When it comes to talented teenager Zhang Linyan, it can be described as a blockbuster. In the women’s Asian Cup final at the beginning of last year, Zhang Linyan came off the bench in the second half like a god. At that time, the China women’s football team was 0-2 behind the South Korean women’s football team and was in a dilemma. With the help of Zhang Linyan’s miraculous feat of making a point and scoring a header, the China women’s football team finally achieved a 3-2 turnaround and won the championship!

Since then, Zhang Linyan has continued to climb to the peak of her career and joined the Swiss giant Grasshopper Football Club on loan. Seeing that a season is coming, Zhang Linyan’s overseas performance is too amazing, and her goals and assists in various events have been in double figures or close to double figures. This is undoubtedly a mythical existence for a rookie studying abroad!

What’s more, at the previous overseas awards ceremony, Zhang Linyan, as a China player, won the Swiss Super Golden Globe Award and the Golden 11 Best Team Award, which is really a envy of others.

In the two key rounds of the Swiss women’s super-playoff final, Zhang Linyan continued to break out, and scored twice in a row, bypassing the goalkeeper and pushing the empty goal, and finally successfully helped the Cao Meng women’s football team win 3-0 and 1-0 in a row, and advanced to the semi-finals with a total score of 4-0.

Zhang Linyan’s performance in Switzerland is like an elf, especially her erratic dribbling skills at her feet, which is unpredictable and often makes her opponents unpredictable. Even in the face of burly Swiss defenders, Zhang Linyan can still find ways to get out of the way and score long-range shots. In addition to using the technical dribbling at the foot to score, Zhang Linyan scored two world waves in the Swiss Women’s Super League before, and was also successfully elected as the best goal in two rounds of the league.

Cao Meng’s women’s soccer team lost 2-3 at home to defending champion Zurich in the first leg of the Swiss women’s super playoff semi-final in the early morning of 21st. In this campaign, although Zhang Linyan, a teenager from China, was defeated, she made her debut and played the whole game. In the 67th minute of the second half, she made a long-range arc with the lateral cut of the dribble under her feet. It’s amazing!

After this campaign, Zhang Linyan created another miracle, and made her debut in three consecutive Swiss women’s super playoffs+played the whole game+scored goals, which was incredible! It can also be explained that the Swiss Women’s Super Golden Globe Award previously awarded is not a talented teenager Zhang Linyan!

After the game, Swiss Grasshopper Football Club issued a document praising Zhang Lin Yan, saying: Zhang Linyan scored again! In the first leg of the semi-final of the league playoffs on Saturday night, Zhang Linyan scored a wonderful long-range shot with her left foot in the second half. Unfortunately, Cao Meng women’s football team lost 2-3 to Zurich women’s football team. Come on in the second round next weekend!

The comment area below also attracted many comments from China fans. One fan from Zhejiang praised Zhang Lin, saying: Wonderful, this is Messi Corridor, and I would like to call it Pippi Corridor in the future!

How do you evaluate Zhang Linyan’s crazy and amazing performance overseas?

Where is the peak of science and technology and the future of mankind?

In this era of information explosion, the Internet has penetrated into every corner of our lives, connecting all the people in the world through the Internet. The emergence of the mobile Internet has further enabled people to obtain information and communicate more conveniently. The rise of the Internet of Things connects everything and realizes the intelligent interaction between human beings and objects.

The arrival of 5G has opened up a brand-new network era, allowing us to see a broader future. The continuous development of artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology makes our fantasy of the ultimate future more real and possible.

In the vast world of the Internet, we can swim freely, get information, communicate and help business innovation. The mobile Internet liberates us in time and space, allowing us to enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet at any time and anywhere.

The intelligent interaction of the Internet of Things breaks through the barrier between man and machine, allowing us to interact with smart items magically. 5G gives us brand-new wireless communication capabilities, allowing us to enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet more quickly; With the development of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, we can master more technologies and tools to better cope with future challenges.

However, the development of these technologies and tools constantly reminds us that the challenges we face are not only technical, but also more influenced by multiple factors such as morality, society and politics. How to make good use of these technologies, how to avoid the negative effects they bring to us, and how to safeguard the future of mankind are the problems we need to think about and solve at present.

Therefore, I think we need to deeply understand the great power of Internet, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, 5G, artificial intelligence and quantum computing technology. Face up to the challenges and difficulties in technological development. While technology is constantly innovating, we should not forget the balanced development of technology and social ethics. Make the future smarter and more sustainable.

Premier League-Kane double ring Sun Xingyu scored Tottenham 3-1 Nottingham Forest.

On March 11th, in the 27th round of Premier League A, Tottenham beat Nottingham Forest 3-1.

In the 20 th minute, yx Kane scored a goal with a hammer to help Tottenham, who played at home, take the lead.

In the 36th minute, Richarlyson made a point, and Kane scored twice.

In the 63rd minute, Richarlyson sent a wonderful pass and Sun Xingyi sealed the victory.

In the 82nd minute, voller helped Nottingham Forest to pull back a goal.

Tottenham Hotspur starting:20- Fraser-Foster, 17- Christian-Romero, 15- Dell, 34- Langlais, 23- Poirot, 4- Skip (90+7’29- Papp-Sal), 5- Heibel, 33- Ben-Davies, 9- Risalesson (84

Nottingham forest starting:12- navas, 32- Renan-Lodi, 4- Joe-voller, 38- Felipe, 24- arie, 6- shelvey, 5- ohrel-Mangala (46’34- Andre-Ayou), 23- Freuler (67’22- Yates), 11-.

At 23: 00 on March 11th, in the 27th round of Premier League, Chelsea beat leicester city 3-1.

In the 11th minute, coulibaly passed to the back from the left and Chilwell volley scored! Chelsea 1-0 leicester city!

In the 39th minute, Felix’s backcourt dribble was broken by Pereira, and then Dhaka shot straight into the corner! Leicester city 1-1 Chelsea!

In the 45th+6th minute, Enzo picked the ball and Havertz scored the goal! Chelsea 2-1 leicester city!

In the 78th minute, Havertz passed to the back from the right, Moudrek headed the ball to the middle, and kovacic volleyed the ball to break the door! Chelsea 3-1 leicester city!

Leicester city starts:1- Danny Ward, 21- Ricardo Pereira, 15- Suta, 3- Faith, 27- Castagne, 22- Dewsbury-Hall, 24- Naparis-Mendi (66′ 42-Soumare), 14- Ishi Na Qiao (76’9- Valdi), etc.

Chelsea starting:1- Kepa, 32- Marc-Cucurella, 26- coulibaly, 33- Wesley-Fofana (86′ 4-badia Hiller), 21- Chilwell (73’10- Plishic), 8- kovacic, 5- Enzo-Fernandez, 12- Loftus-Chick (73′ 10).