The Ministry of Transport promotes major online ride-hailing and freight platform companies to reduce excessive commissions

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Ye Haoming) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport on the 17th that in order to ensure the reasonable labor compensation level of employees in the new mode of transportation, the main online car-hailing and freight platform companies will be promoted to reduce the platform’s excessive percentage or membership fee cap, and publicly released to the public.

  The Ministry of Transport recently issued the "2023 Work Plan to Promote the Reduction of Excessive Carry-out by New Business Type Platform Enterprises in Transportation". According to the plan, for online ride-hailing platform companies, the city transportation authorities organize the deployment and implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally; urge all online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally to communicate and negotiate with employee representatives, industry associations, etc., to ensure the reasonable level of labor compensation for employees; Take the initiative to announce to the public the work arrangement to reduce the upper limit of the enterprise’s excessive take-out ratio. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides provincial and urban transportation authorities to urge major online car-hailing platform companies to clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch various online car-hailing platform companies; organize an evaluation and summary of the implementation of the work, and publicize and promote the typical experience and practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce the proportion of excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of employees in new forms of transportation. All major online car-hailing platform companies will basically complete the work of reducing the upper limit of the proportion of excessive commissions by the end of May.

  For freight platform companies, the plan points out that the relevant provincial transportation authorities organize freight platform legal person companies registered in the province to communicate and negotiate with truck drivers, industry associations, etc., to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap, and ensure the reasonable income of truck drivers; Take the initiative to announce to the public the company’s commitment to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of freight platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides relevant local transportation authorities to urge major freight platform companies to formulate implementation plans, clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch freight platform companies; organize the implementation of the work to evaluate and summarize, publicize and promote the typical experience practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of truck drivers. All freight platform companies will summarize the work experience and results of protecting the rights and interests of truck drivers before the end of October.

"Instant Electronic Music" Zhang Yixing asked Feng Timo, and Shang Wenjie’s first gift was impeccable

"Instant Electronic Music"

This Saturday at 8 pm, produced by Tencent Video, Penguin Film and Television and Canxing Productions jointly created China’s first electronic music producer competition show "Instant Electronic Music" will broadcast the second episode. After the first episode of the program aired, topics such as "antifungal agent in the world" and "essential for staying up late to do homework" gradually heated up the public’s enthusiasm for electronic music. In this program, Feng Timo, who has been controversial after the program was exposed, was actually asked by Zhang Yixing at the scene? Not strong enough, "acting like a spoiled child" to get together, and the electronic music girl wearing "laser leather pants" gave Zhang Yixing a headache on the spot! Big Zhang Wei invited the producer to "reverse election" one after another, and the collision between the manager and the producer continued to escalate! More "breakout" highlights are about to be staged in the program.

Frequently encountered group Zhang Yixing fell into "choice difficulties", and Feng Timo’s ethereal interpretation of "Empty City" was questioned

Although Zhang Yixing has become more mature and stable in the music field in recent years with his own continuous efforts, it is obvious that after the professional and shocking surprise appearance of the electronic music producer in the first episode, in the second "Breakout Battle", his choice is increasingly difficult to "give up". In this episode, Zhang Yixing, who frequently encounters the producer combination, focuses on the recommendation standard of "1 + 1 means more possibilities", and therefore falls into "choice difficulties". In the show, Zhang Yixing "encountered" the "girls power" combination wearing leather pants, which made him in a dilemma between "coquetry" and "strength". What happened at the scene?

In addition, another gunpowder-smelling "collision" was Feng Timo, who has caused heated discussions among netizens before. With her sweet and lovely singing style, she is familiar to the public, and her previous music works have also achieved good results on major platforms. Recently, Feng Timo has begun to experiment with electronic music style, and the song "Glass Sugar" once made netizens take a different look at her transformation. However, on the stage of this program, Feng Timo sang "Empty City" ethereal on the spot, but it aroused doubts from many producers present, and they even "forcibly deducted the question". Zhang Yixing, who is not vague about the music, is even more "confused" Feng Timo, and gave a "just passable" evaluation. How will Feng Timo, who is controversial on and off the screen, resolve the embarrassment? All doubts will be solved this Saturday.

"Instant Electronic Music"

Da Zhangwei rarely invites producers to "reverse election", and the follow-up competition system of the show continues to be exposed

After the first episode of Shang Wenjie met Dani’s invitation to cooperate, Da Zhang Wei also directly threw out an "olive branch" in this episode, inviting several producers one after another to "counter-select" himself in the subsequent program. The operation of the two managers also made the follow-up competition system gradually clear. From "selected" to "selected", the roles of the manager and the producer "God’s perspective" were exchanged, and the follow-up points were looking forward to.

At the scene, what kind of performance made Da Zhang Wei couldn’t help but admire: "Truly moving music that can make people forget the’principle ‘" and praise the other party as "Tao Yuanming of the electronic sound"? What kind of wonderful, let him say bluntly, "I didn’t have much expectations, but after watching the performance, it was really a surprise"? The increasingly compact "breakout battle" continued to inspire the enthusiasm of the host. The concept of "feat" that the program has been promoting has gradually emerged through actual presentation, and more unexpected highlights are being staged!

Strict Shang Wenjie’s first gift is "impeccable", hard core "spice combination" electronic sound "soft landing"

In the second episode, the 18-year-old "Salt and Pepper Pineapple" played Launchpad with the light show. Many people were so cool by the young boy, but the host, Shang Wenjie, was completely unmoved.

However, when the "spice combination" that "shook" the stage came on stage, the hard-core European and American voices collided with Fan Xiaoxuan’s sweet and lazy "Your Sweet", and the "soft landing" and powerful performance instantly ignited the quiet and less talkative host Shang Wenjie, who couldn’t help but say "I like it very much, I like it very much"! Shang Wenjie, who has a unique understanding of music, encountered "musical confidant", and she was not hesitant to praise the atmosphere of the show, which made her give a "impeccable" high praise for the first time… The second episode of the show was full of surprises!

Electronic music is a kind of music that allows people to let go of all rules and troubles and immerse themselves in it. The second episode of the program "Ready for Broadcasting" was faced with multi-directional questions. How did Feng Timo respond. Da Zhang Wei invited "counter-selection" one after another on the spot. What kind of performance made him frequently burst "golden sentences"? What kind of wonderful performance made Shang Wenjie, who is strict about music, comment "impeccable"? The enthusiasm of the host and producer for electronic music continues to "heat up", and more exciting, so stay tuned for this Saturday night at 8 o’clock Tencent video "Instant Electronic Music"!

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  Recently, "Rehearsal of the Spring Festival Evening in Many Places is subject 3" has triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Netizens who disagree believe that there is nothing wrong with the subject three dance itself, but it is a street dance after all, and it is difficult to be elegant in the Spring Festival Evening. There are also some netizens who think that the Spring Festival Evening is a stage that appeals to both refined and popular tastes. As long as it can bring joy to everyone, it will not be on the table.

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  "Subject III" can be called the hottest dance of the year in 2023. With its unique repetitive movements and magical music, it became popular in the Haidilao incident, which caused a discussion on the artistic value and connotation of "vulgar" culture. "Vulgar" culture spreads quickly and widely on the Internet, and has won the love of many people. Although it is not necessarily vulgar, it is mostly instant sensory stimulation and lacks spiritual connotation, which also causes many people’s disgust.

  In fact, "elegance" and "vulgarity" are not absolute opposites. Recently, some netizens have discovered the elegant "opening way" of "subject three". For example, some time ago, the Royal Russian Ballet performed "Swan Lake" and danced "subject three", which caused the audience to cheer and applaud. In the 2023 World Sports Dance Competition, world champion Christina and several dancers showed the national standard version of "Subject III", which made many netizens feel a sense of national pride.

  Thus, "elegance" and "vulgarity" can complement each other and even transform each other under certain conditions. Jin Yong’s martial arts novels were evaluated as "street literature that is difficult to be elegant" before the 1990s, but in 2004, they appeared in the catalogue of the fourth volume of the (compulsory) Chinese reading book for senior high schools of People’s Education Publishing House. From being difficult to be elegant to entering high school textbooks, from "poisonous weeds" to literary classics, it reflects the development and changes of people’s cognition, and it also makes people think deeply: Who is in charge of elegance and vulgarity?

  Some experts and scholars once regarded Jin Yong’s martial arts novels as "street literature". Are their evaluation criteria fair? Nowadays, some netizens put "Subject 3" at the bottom of the contempt chain of cultural performances. When it appears in the form of stage programs in many places for Spring Festival Evening rehearsals, is it really indecent? The answer may be no. Especially for the emerging performance form of "Subject III", blindly belittling can not promote the prosperity of cultural industry. On the contrary, if we treat it with a more open and inclusive attitude, we may find the perspective and inspiration of artistic innovation through the appearance of "the dispute between elegance and vulgarity".

Is it really inappropriate for subject three to appear in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening?

  Source: Green Hornet

  Subject three appeared in many rehearsals for the Spring Festival Evening, which may not be indecent. Literary and art workers should put aside the prejudice of "elegance" and "vulgarity", be open and inclusive, and get rid of the rubbish and save the cyanine, so as to create vivid literary and artistic works and be more widely welcomed by the people.

  Author: Yang Runcong

  Source: China Youth Daily client

[Editor in charge:


Selling 169,800 yuan BYD Qin EV new models listed.

  [car home new car listed] A few days ago, we learned from BYD officials that its new Qin EV model was officially listed.The new car has launched a total of one model.The price is 169,800 yuan.New car or specially built for network car, see the table below for detailed models:

Guide price of new models of Qin EV car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) Travel edition 16.98

BYD Qin New Energy 2021 Travel Edition

  In terms of appearance, there is no essential difference in styling design between the new car and the current model. The front grille with big mouth is still designed, and the headlights on both sides are integrated with the grille to form an integrated design, which improves the visual width of the front. The side shape of the car body is very flat, without too many lines, and the whole is quite satisfactory. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4675/1770/1500mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2670mm.

BYD Qin New Energy 2019 Travel Standard Edition

  In terms of interior, the new car still uses a pointer instrument panel with a three-spoke multi-function steering wheel, and the central control center is also equipped with a small touch screen. In terms of configuration, this version cancels most of the intelligent driving assistance systems, but the safety equipment is readily available, such as a complete set of Bosch electronic control systems, including ramp start assistance, brake assistance system and dynamic control system. In addition, daily configurations such as DiLink intelligent networking system, tire pressure monitoring, cruise control, airbags, reversing radar/images have not been reduced.

  In terms of power, the new car is equipped with a 136-horsepower permanent magnet synchronous motor with a maximum torque of 180 Nm, and uses a 53.56kWh blade battery with a cruising range of 450 kilometers. (Text/car home graduated)

Huawei has no parking service video exposure, and it is difficult to find a parking position.

Now, on weekends and holidays, it is even less difficult to drive to shopping malls and scenic spots, and sometimes it is no less difficult than finding a parking space in the city center. As the owner said, "Sometimes there are vacancies in the underground parking lots of shopping malls and hospitals, but the venues are large and there are no obvious signs. They can only search around several times like blind flies, and finally find a seat, and the result is" cut off "by the owner who is closer. When picking up the car, I often get’ lost’ and circle around in the parking lot to find a car. "

Picture 1

At this time, many people begin to regret driving to the mall. However, if you want to visit Sam and IKEA, which are generally remote supermarkets, public transportation is very inconvenient, and taking a taxi is expensive. After shopping, it is quite difficult to find a place to take a taxi. When I think about it carefully, it seems that driving has become the most worry-free and labor-saving way. It is nothing more than the psychological preparation for wasting an hour in the parking lot in advance.

In the field of intelligent driving, which has developed rapidly recently, there are brand-new solutions to the problems of difficult parking and parking. Zhijie S7, the first pure electric car of Huawei Intelligent Selection Car, which was pre-sold on November 9, is equipped with the industry’s first parking and driving function, once again showing the far-ahead intelligent driving strength to the industry and outside.

The problem of finding a parking space is solved by injecting driving into parking.

From a functional point of view, the parking and driving function allows the owner to open unmanned parking with one button. That is, when the owner gets off the bus, turn on this function with one key, and the vehicle can find a parking space to park itself. It sounds very sci-fi, and Huawei has successfully brought this unprecedented intelligent driving experience to users through the technological breakthrough of intelligent driving perception technology, algorithm iteration and scene strategy. In other words, with this function, users can go to Sam and IKEA, drive directly to the entrance of the shopping mall or the entrance of the parking lot, and then go shopping, and Zhijie S7 can start the journey of finding a parking space by itself.

It is worth noting that through the blessing of perceptual technology, the parking function of Zhijie S7 can also understand the command gestures of the mall security guards, just like an old driver, it is very easy to drive to the target parking area.

Mainframe computer

There are also hidden technical points here. As we all know, when we are looking for a parking space, we often can only rely on human eyes to lock it, and we often call the whole car to find a parking space together. The parking and driving function of Zhijie S7, through the perception of cameras and sensors, has a much larger detection range than the human eye, so it is naturally more effective to find a parking space. What’s more, Huawei’s intelligent driving system also has a huge amount of data to support, sometimes it is a strange parking lot for car owners, but for Zhijie S7, the parking lanes and empty parking spaces here are well known, and it is naturally easier to find a parking space.

Independent parking in the parking lot, the safety factor is also guaranteed.

For intelligent driving, safety has always been an important topic. The parking function of Zhijie S7 also fully considers the safety of driving in the parking area. First of all, when passing, if the lane is not enough to pass with the opposite vehicle, it will back up first, wait for the opposite vehicle to pass, and then pass, so as to avoid traffic jam or collision between the two vehicles. And if the lane can be used by two cars in parallel, it will also control to slow down and pass slowly.

The steering wheel of a car

If you encounter pedestrians and roadblocks, the parking and driving function also has a strong pedestrian avoidance ability, and will plan the route to take the initiative to avoid. Behind parking and driving, there is a set of safety technology blessing of Huawei ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving assistance system. There is no doubt about the safety in the process of intelligent driving, including responding to the ghost probe behavior that pedestrians suddenly jump out, and it can quickly rely on the powerful AEB function for emergency braking, coupled with the slow driving speed controlled by the system, which further guarantees the safety.

In addition, in detail, the parking and driving function can also realize roaming to find a place. After reaching the target parking space, if the target parking space is occupied, it will automatically control roaming to find other parking spaces and automatically park. In the process of parking, if the vehicle detects that the parking space is too narrow, the system will control the rearview mirror to be put away first, and then stop automatically.

At the same time, the owner can also check the situation in front of the vehicle (real scene) in real time on the mobile App, check the location, and stop/start parking to avoid the worries of the owner. When the owner has finished shopping in the mall, he can start the calling function with one key of the mobile phone, and the vehicle will automatically start and arrive at the designated place, so that the owner’s whole family can get on the bus and leave directly.

Write at the end:

For the matter of finding a car and parking in a shopping mall, the capabilities of the parking and driving function of Zhijie S7 are quite comprehensive. First of all, it directly arranged the most troublesome thing of finding a parking space, so that the owner can get off the bus directly after arriving at the destination. Moreover, in the whole process of intelligent driving and parking, the control fineness and safety guarantee of the system are remarkable, and even after parking is fruitless, it can continue to roam to find a car. Finally, when the car mainly leaves, there is no need to find a car, but it becomes a car to find someone, completely realizing the comprehensive closed loop of parking and driving.

With the parking function, we can go to shopping malls and scenic spots on weekends and holidays, and the parking troubles can really be "completely eliminated with one click". It is reported that Zhijie S7 will be officially launched on November 28th, and we are also looking forward to experiencing this advanced parking and driving function as soon as possible.

Don’t let the "edge anchor" poison the teenagers

  "Net" Comics/Li Xiaojun

  ● Scratching behavior refers to the vulgar behavior of attracting attention by revealing clothes and teasing behaviors on platforms such as live short videos. The anchors use these behaviors to attract traffic in a soft pornographic way, thus gaining commercial benefits. This kind of behavior not only violates public order and good customs, but also is suspected of vulgar and soft pornography marketing.

  ● Some live broadcast platforms have explicitly prohibited and warned the edge-scraping behavior. However, due to the different judgment methods and audit modes of each platform, the handling methods of the edge-scraping anchor are not the same, which leads to the joint efforts to rectify the edge-scraping behavior.

  ● Further improve Internet norms and laws, at the same time, compact platform responsibilities, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, in order to form a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace.

  □ Our reporter Han Dandong

  □ Intern Guan Chuyu of this newspaper

  "Thank you for your order, so I’ll dance a favorite dance of my eldest brother now!" In the car-selling live room of a short video platform, a female anchor was wearing a short black silk skirt and twisted with music. In the video of shooting a car, the sexy female anchor kept coquetry for the camera, and when she put the car in gear, the camera focused on her thigh wearing black stockings … …

  "Selling cars also began to scratch? Can’t it be normal? " Some netizens said in the comment area.

  Scratching, a network term, refers to the vulgar behavior of attracting attention by revealing clothes and teasing behaviors on platforms such as live short videos. In an interview recently, the reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" found that the act of rubbing edges emerged in an endless stream on the Internet. Some anchors not only attract people’s attention by sending some scratch content, but also specially label it as "scratch" in order to increase the video playback.

  Experts interviewed by the reporter believe that the act of scraping not only violates public order and good customs, but also is suspected of vulgar and soft pornography marketing, polluting the network environment and poisoning young people. It is suggested to further improve Internet norms and laws, and at the same time, tighten the responsibility of the platform, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, with a view to forming a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace.

  From edge-wiping woman to edge-wiping man

  Wipe drainage is disgusting.

  Not only live broadcast with goods, but also the popular live broadcast PK (a new interactive way of live broadcast, which means that two anchors carry out "even wheat" PK with each other to compare the winners and losers with the amount of rewards) is also mixed with a lot of edge-scraping behavior.

  Yang Yang (pseudonym) of Jinan, Shandong Province is an anchor. In the process of PK with some female anchors, he often sees similar scenes: in order to win PK, the female anchor writes down the name of his eldest brother on his chest and thigh to attract more rewards. This obvious teasing behavior is hard to look straight at.

  In live interaction, wiping behavior is more common. The reporter browsed several live broadcast rooms and saw that some female anchors were sitting in front of the camera in dark V tops. The text in the live broadcast room said "beer bombs, flowers and sunglasses turn". It turned out that as long as fans gave a gift, such as "beer", the anchor would pull up the shoulder strap of the bra once … … There is also a live broadcast room with music that makes people blush, which is called "immersive experience" by the anchor.

  On the internet, netizens call the female anchor who has the behavior of wiping the edge "wiping the edge". However, the reporter noticed that some male anchors and male bloggers have recently joined the ranks of edging, using edging as a "password" to attract traffic.

  Not long ago, the painting style of a beverage company’s live broadcast room changed suddenly, from the original sexy and plump female anchor to the male anchor wearing tight vests and shorts. These male anchors danced, showed their muscles and Poss for the camera in the current online popular songs. This move was called by netizens as "changing the soup without changing the medicine, or rubbing the set."

  The reporter noticed that these male anchors and male bloggers changed into gray sweatpants or tights, either showing their abdominal muscles or dancing on their hips. Gradually, wearing gray pants was labeled as "wiping man". On a short video platform, "Grey Pants" was played as many as 16.249 million times.

  Many bloggers also use "Bian Bian" as their user name or copy, in order to attract more attention and enthusiasm. In these comment areas that scratch the content, there are many sexually suggestive messages.

  It is even more unacceptable, and even many netizens call it spicy eyes — — Some male anchors wear sexy lace underwear for live broadcast. In the live broadcast, the male anchor not only stood in front of the camera to show off his underwear, but also made shy, caring, circling in place and posing for the camera.

  "This situation is really embarrassing." Some netizens commented under the video, "It is obvious that girls wear clothes, but boys are allowed to show them, so I don’t know who to buy them for."

  "This completely subverts the definition of male in my cognition." Ms. Wang, a parent from Jiangsu, said with anxiety that once she saw her son in elementary school brush such a short video, she immediately stepped forward to stop it. She hoped that her children would see a male anchor who was healthy, sunny and spread positive energy from the Internet, and she did not want her children to be misled by these marginal videos.

  Zhang Wei (pseudonym) from Beijing has installed more than 10 social apps on his mobile phone. During his daily use, he often brushes aside videos and photos. "Why do you push this content to me every day?" Zhang Wei said that some people may like to brush aside, but I believe more people are definitely disgusted, especially now that minors are surfing the Internet more and more. I hope the relevant departments will take action to purify the network environment.

  Scratching video has a poor look and feel.

  The traffic revenue is significant.

  On social platforms, there are a large number of works that get popularity by tagging. The reporter searched for the "scratch" tag on a short video platform and found that its broadcast volume was as high as 6.02 billion times.

  Scratching has brought huge heat and traffic benefits to these videos. In the hot works labeled "edge", the reporter found that not all videos are based on vulgar edge. However, compared with similar videos, the traffic of works with the label of "edge" is obviously higher than that of videos without the label of "edge".

  Li Wei (pseudonym) from Yantai, Shandong Province is a loyal user of short video platform. When she released the video, she found that the traffic of the video was always limited, but if she put the "edge" label on it, the number of views would obviously come up.

  A male dance blogger who hasn’t been in a platform for a long time wears women’s clothes and dances Korean spicy dance in the video. This obvious contrast behavior has brought him a lot of traffic income, and the maximum number of single videos can reach 691,000 times.

  Under these videos, there are not only comments praising bloggers, but also a lot of critical and sarcastic unfriendly comments. Some netizens said: "Dancing is dancing. Why are you dressed like this?"

  There are also comments bluntly: the proliferation of edge-rubbing men may lead to the audience’s sexual doubts and self-cognitive differences, which will distort their spirit and world outlook, thus causing serious consequences. For minors, they are more vulnerable to this kind of behavior.

  "The act of wiping is a means to attract attention and attract traffic, so as to satisfy the curiosity of the audience." Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that wiping is not only a matter of content communication, but also a matter of values. If governance is not carried out in time, there will be many people competing to imitate.

  "After wiping the woman, the short video of wiping the man is also hot on the network platform. The anchors use these rubbing behaviors to attract traffic in a soft pornographic way, thus gaining commercial benefits. " Ma Lihong, a lawyer of Beijing Deheheng Law Firm, said that the reason for the increasing number of edge-rubbing men is to meet the demand of some women to consume male sex, which is essentially the same as the entertainment circle to create a flow of male stars to attract female fans and then reap the economic dividends of fans.

  According to the statistical bulletin of national economic and social development in 2022 released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the number of Internet users in China is 1.067 billion, and the Internet penetration rate is 75.6%. "If we adopt an overly tolerant attitude towards the act of rubbing, it will lead to more and more cross-border behaviors, and may even encourage more people to join the ranks of rubbing, which is not conducive to establishing good social customs and maintaining a healthy and clear network environment." Ma Lihong said.

  She believes that the appearance of this kind of edge-scraping behavior reflects that in the era of short video on the Internet, fast-food sales and traffic are still the "password to get rich" in the eyes of some people, which leads short video participants to excessively pursue quick realization and short-term benefits, attracting attention with "new", "strange" and "special" ways, even at the edge of the law.

  Urgent need to compact platform responsibility

  Effectively control the act of rubbing.

  In recent years, relevant departments have frequently taken measures to rectify soft pornographic information on various online platforms. In February 2021, the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Webcast" jointly issued by the National Network Information Office and other seven departments clearly stipulated that illegal and bad information such as vulgarity, feudal superstition and "scratching the ball" should be thoroughly cleaned up.

  "At present, although there is no clear definition of wiping behavior in law, many relevant regulations have restricted wiping behavior." Zhu Wei said, for example, the "Regulations on Ecological Governance of Network Information Content" stipulates that producers of network information content shall not produce, copy or publish illegal information containing the following contents, including spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes. Producers of network information content should take measures to prevent and resist the production, reproduction and publication of bad information containing the following contents: including promoting vulgar, vulgar and kitsch content; It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and violate social morality, and induce minors’ bad hobbies.

  In June, 2022, the Code of Conduct for Internet Anchors, jointly issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, stipulated that Internet anchors should not have the following behaviors in the process of providing online performances and audio-visual program services: including dress makeup, language behavior, live room scenery and other sexually suggestive and provocative content; Acts prohibited by laws and regulations and other acts that have adverse effects on online performances and online audio-visual ecology.

  Ma Lihong believes that it is impossible to include all the phenomena through legislation because of the high generality of writing and the lag of legislation, but such behaviors can be measured by combining relevant legislative principles, such as the principle of "public order and good customs" established by the Civil Code. The advertising law also clearly stipulates that advertisements shall not interfere with social public management norms or violate good social customs. Where advertisements are published that violate public order and good customs, the market supervision department shall order them to stop publishing advertisements, and impose penalties such as fines and revocation of business licenses.

  "The relevant departments can play a declaratory role through the handling of individual cases, such as administrative punishment or judicial trial of certain kinds of edge-scraping behaviors that violate the law, and visualize legal principles through precedents, so that the public can have a more intuitive understanding of edge-scraping behaviors through the form of cases." Ma Lihong said.

  The reporter noticed that some live broadcast platforms have also made explicit prohibitions and warning instructions on the edge-wiping behavior. However, due to the different judgment methods and audit modes of each platform, the handling methods of the edge-wiping anchor are not the same, resulting in the joint efforts to rectify the edge-wiping behavior.

  "Generally speaking, the dissemination of network information has to go through a number of checkpoints, such as the publisher’s self-examination and the review of the published network platform. However, this kind of edge-cutting behavior is still popular, indicating that there are loopholes in these checkpoints. It is not obscene not to describe sexual behavior. This kind of pornographic information is walking along this side. " A legal expert who asked not to be named believes that the pornographic "edge ball" is as harmful as the identified obscene content.

  Ma Lihong believes that some recent skirting behaviors on short video platforms not only violate public order and good customs, but also are suspected of vulgar and soft pornographic marketing. The Internet is not an illegal place, and the activities of network users on social platforms should not only follow the autonomy rules of social platforms, but also conform to the public order and good customs of society.

  She suggested that the operators and managers of registered accounts on online social platforms should operate and manage their registered accounts in a legal, civilized and standardized manner, attract the attention and interactive sharing of the audience with high-quality information content, and maintain the good social image of their accounts and themselves, and should not take the way of "scratching the ball" to attract network traffic and gain attention. Operators of online social platforms shoulder the responsibility of carefully examining and judging the information content uploaded by platform users, and should take appropriate management and disposal measures for information content that violates laws and regulations and social public order and good customs.

  "In terms of supervision, in addition to further improving Internet norms and laws, it is also necessary to compact the platform responsibility, strengthen training and education for network anchors, and strengthen guidance for netizens, in order to form a joint effort of all parties to jointly purify cyberspace." Ma Lihong said.

Extreme krypton started a sideline: holding the vast -M architecture and building cars for autonomous driving companies.

Does the company have to build cars?

With the mature development of the industrial chain, autonomous driving companies can generally come up with autonomous driving sensor kits specially designed for Robotaxi scenes and in line with in-vehicle applications and standards.

In their view, building a car in the next stage is not only time-consuming and costly, but also has many technical barriers. It also needs to build its own factory and build an upstream and downstream industrial chain.

At the same time, there is another voice in the industry that adding sensor kits, technical units and software to the original vehicles is no longer in line with the next development goal of autonomous driving.

In other words, building a car will become the most critical step in promoting the commercialization of autonomous driving.

In July 2022, Baidu Apollo released the first unmanned vehicle RT6, which broke the dilemma that Robotaxi was mostly a modified car, and the cost of RT 6 was reduced to250 thousandYuan.

On November 17th, 2022, the M-Vision concept car jointly developed by Waymo and Krypton made its debut in Los Angeles. The new car was based on Krypton Vast-M.(SEA-M)The architecture will be mass-produced in 2024 and put into commercial operation in the United States.

In their view, autonomous driving wants to achieve large-scale mass production of technology, vehicle platforms need to be innovated, and software and hardware systems need to be more deeply integrated.

This means that the carrier of autonomous driving needs to draw a blueprint from a blank sheet of paper.

"It is an inevitable trend for unmanned vehicles to develop from refitting and installing finished vehicles to customizing and developing based on vehicle platforms. An industry person said.

01、I started a sideline and built a car for Waymo.

In December 2021, Waymo officially announced a cooperation with Krypton. The latter will provide exclusive vehicles for Waymo’s self-driving fleet and put it into commercial operation in the United States.

A year later, the M-Vision concept car, the result of cooperation between the two parties, made its debut in Los Angeles.

According to the heart of the car, Waymo is responsible for the automatic driving system and cockpit entertainment system, while the European Innovation Center is responsible for providing the core components of Robotaxi.Vast -M architecture.

In fact, Krypton was able to cooperate with Waymo without two acquisitions.

In July 2021, it was extremely embarrassing.1,057.8 millionkoruna(about 799 million yuan) Acquired CEVT in Gothenburg, Sweden(China-Europe Technology Research and Development Center)100% equityLater, it was renamed the European Innovation Center.

After the acquisition, CEVT can provide shared architecture, chassis, powertrain, transmission system, car body and vehicle design technology for future strategic products and R&D platforms.

CEVT is a gathering place of technical souls.

Since its completion and operation in 2013, CEVT has been Geely.1.3 millionThe production and sales of this car provide a complete and systematic technical system, and have trained thousands of global technical talents. The well-known CMA architecture and so on are all from this R&D center.

The second acquisition comes from the 30% equity acquisition of vast energy. This acquisition enables Krypton to redevelop the vast architecture of SEA.

In short, combined with the technical advantages of Krypton European Innovation Center, Krypton can develop the vast architecture again-this is also the origin of the vast -M architecture.

Vast -M is developed based on the vast architecture of Geely SEA, which took Geely five years to invest.20 billionThe pure electric architecture developed is also the killer of Geely in the field of new energy.

The characteristics of Geely’s vast architecture can be simply summarized into three key words:

According to Krypton, Haohan -M is the world’s first intelligent mobile travel platform specially developed for autonomous driving scenes, and it is the latest type of vast architecture facing the era of autonomous driving.

Among them, the m of vastness -M stands for Modular Mobility Architecture(Modular Travel Architecture).

On the basis of prototype architecture, Vast -M passedhardware layer+System layer+Ecological layerTo create a sustainable and extended self-driving vehicle.

To achieve this, we not only rely on the vast prototype architecture to cover the high application range of 1800-3300mm wheelbase of A-E class cars, but also need a native electric platform and flexible expansion ability to support L4 class automatic driving.

In this regard, it is almost impossible to achieve the traditional fuel vehicle platform, and related problems have been exposed in oil-to-electric vehicles before.

Constrained by a large number of complicated mechanical transmission structures, the expansion and layout adjustment capabilities of the traditional fuel vehicle platform are very limited, and the motors can only be installed in the space left after the fuel tanks are cancelled, so it is difficult to adjust the vehicle structure.

It can be said that holding the advanced vast -M architecture, he started a sideline business-helping autonomous driving companies build cars, which directly contributed to Waymo’s choice of cooperation.

Vast -M architecture, fully embedded with automatic driving interface, can be connected to the automatic driving system of L4 level and above, and can be compatible with different automatic driving schemes, from local control to full control of vehicles.

In addition, the vast -M architecture meets all technical requirements of autonomous vehicles and is compatible with all autonomous driving schemes.

"From Waymo’s point of view, it is extremely difficult for Krypton or Geely Group to find a second partner because of its ability to control costs under the same quality and its European R&D and innovation capabilities. 」

When talking about why Waymo chose to cooperate with Extreme Krypton to develop customized cars, Yang Dacheng, vice president of Extreme Krypton, said.

"The vast -M architecture is open to ecological partners around the world, not just Waymo, but also other global autonomous driving companies."

Through the cooperation case with Waymo, Yang Dacheng also threw an olive branch of "OEM" to other autonomous driving companies.

In the past, the threshold of "OEM" was not high, just providing enough assembly experience to achieve the production target.

Nowadays, due to the special products such as self-driving cars, the traditional cooperation mode is directly broken, and at the same time, the "OEM" needs to export certain research and development capabilities.

02、What’s different about Robotaxi, which Waymo cooperates with Krypton?

As a leader in the field of autonomous driving, Waymo has also tried to build his own car.

In May 2014, the autonomous driving team released a code-named ""fireflyThe unmanned car is planned to invest 100 vehicles in a small-scale trial operation in California in the early stage.

Due to the imperfection of the supply chain, the cost of Firefly is high, and the original 100 cars were finally cut down.50 vehiclesCar, coupled with the slow progress of the project, Google finally gave up its own car-making route.

In 2017, Google announced the retirement of Firefly.

In 2018, Waymo made an ambitious announcement to purchase from Land Rover and Fiat respectively. 20,000 vehiclesI-PACE and62,000 vehiclesDajielong is used to build a self-driving fleet.

In order to expand the operation scale of the fleet, in 2019, Waymo announced the establishment of the world’s first factory to produce L4 self-driving cars in Michigan, USA, which is mainly responsible for modifying the purchased existing production cars.

Up to now, there is no sign that Waymo has achieved his goal.

According to public data, Waymo’s current fleet size is only over 1,000 vehicles, and the current practice is still to install automatic driving kits on production vehicles.

This seems to be efficient, but it will bring many problems.

The first is the vehicle.Basic quality. The existing control system of mass production vehicles is built on the basis of human drivers, and the basic functions, including throttle, braking and steering, are all completed by traditional mechanical transmission, but this is completely different operation logic for the automatic driving system that relies on electronic signals to control vehicles.

Followed by the vehicle.Functional scene. Self-driving cars are essentially liberating drivers. Starting from the needs of passengers, we define what kind of functional scenes a self-driving car should achieve. However, most existing production cars are just a family car with comprehensive functions, and the layout of the cockpit cannot be changed, which cannot further expand the practicability of the vehicle.

Finally, the vehicle’scost. The needs of C-end users and B-end users are different. To build a self-driving car and a family car, the investment of BOM cost is completely different.

When refitting on the existing vehicle platform, it is necessary to bear all the BOM costs of the original private car, and it is also necessary to superimpose the cost of the autopilot kit, which is a great challenge to reduce the cost, which also leads to the large-scale investment of the refitted car and the cost of bicycles.

From the perspective of scale, Waymo urgently needs a mass-produced Robotaxi model.

In the negotiation with Krypton, Waymo once put forward requirements for vehicles-comfort comparable to S-class, chassis control comparable to e-tron, vehicle energy consumption comparable, and required the service life of operating trucks.

On the one hand, due to Waymo’s strong dominance, car companies can only play the role of engineering development and vehicle manufacturing.

On the other hand, based on Waymo’s personalized requirements for vehicles, car companies are reluctant to develop an exclusive self-driving car platform from scratch. After all, the current commercial feasibility is far lower than the research and development cost.

This is why Waymo’s previous cooperation model with car companies is relatively simple.

Waymo only purchases complete vehicles from Fiat Chrysler, Jaguar Land Rover and-,and deploys the sensor kits needed for autonomous driving on these vehicles through modification, and then carries out the real road test of autonomous driving or the self-driving taxi test.

Looking at the world, there are very few companies that can enable autonomous driving companies like Waymo to achieve mass production based on the vast -M architecture.

To put it another way, whether an autonomous driving company wants to build a car depends largely on whether it can find a useful carrier.

Based on this kind of thinking, a route that can not only be developed from zero to positive, but also hand over the burden of building cars to partners has become a new choice for autonomous driving companies such as Waymo.

The first is inProduct experienceOn the level, different from the traditional car model focusing on the driver’s thinking, the mobile travel vehicle built by the vast -M architecture is oriented to the automatic driving application scene, and the biggest highlight is reflected in the "user" experience:

The wheelbase of the vast -M architecture itself covers 2700mm-3300mm, and such a wide range of wheelbase makes the model extremely scalable-the front and rear suspension of the vehicle can be adjusted, and the distance between the seat and the rear axle can be stretched, finally providing a flexible layout of the cockpit space.

The second iscost. For self-driving cars, cost has always been the most sensitive issue.

A modified model with an automatic driving system, the price is500-1 millionRenminbi. In this cooperation with Krypton, Waymo’s demand is "to get the best things with the least money".

Yang Dacheng said, "Based on the efficient universality and scale of the vast architecture itself, the vast -M architecture can meet the needs of users with different budgets. 」

The third isquality. M-Vision meets the global five-star safety standards and conforms to the American Highway Safety Insurance Association.(IIHS)Maximum safety requirements. M-Vision can guarantee 500,000 kilometers in five years and meet the requirement of 16 hours of uninterrupted operation every day.

As early as the launch of the vast architecture, Geely said that the vast architecture will launch products with full open road autopilot function in 2025.

The debut of M-Vision also marks the further verification of the intelligent planning of the vast architecture.

03、Extreme krypton press the "fast forward key"

Waymo provides autonomous driving technology, and Krypton provides highly customized exclusive vehicles-this cooperation mode provides a new problem-solving idea for the landing of autonomous driving.

In addition to Waymo, other autonomous driving companies can also realize the landing of autonomous driving products based on the vast -M architecture.

As the most important smart electric vehicle brand under Geely Holding, through the commercial cooperation with Waymo, the vast -M architecture can also be fed back to the passenger car market in the future, thus enhancing the competitiveness of the brand.

Not long ago, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely, revealed on the social platform:

"M-Vision is a customized Robotaxi for Waymo in the United States, and M-Vision also has plans to promote To C products. 」

It is understood that the vast -M architecture will retain two versions of steering wheel, pedal/steering wheel and pedal at the same time.

According to informed sources, there are currently two products under development in the vast -M architecture:

With the continuous growth of the launch and delivery of the second new car 009, the product matrix of Krypton is accelerating.

According to the previous plan, Krypton will cover cars, SUVs and sub-categories around three product lines: Z, C and M in the next two years:

At the same time, Krypton will enter the global market, and Krypton 001 will enter the European market in 2023.

At the beginning of its development, Krypton fully considered the European standard and American standard, and certainly did not rule out a larger scale in the future. Extreme CEO An Conghui said.

Behind the market opportunity game, production capacity is the key to break through.

"Krypton currently has a production capacity of 300,000 vehicles, so it is no problem to ensure production and delivery, because we have other factories. In recent years, the new factories have also comprehensively considered the production needs of electric vehicles, and can realize the manufacturing of vast architecture products in the fastest time. At the press conference of Krypton 009 in November this year, An Conghui said.

Up to now, Extreme Krypton 001 has become the sales champion of China brand 300,000 luxury pure electric vehicles for three consecutive months-a total of 60,000 vehicles have been delivered, and the average order amount has exceeded.336 thousand.

Through the performance of krypton sales, An Conghui’s "internal letter" to internal employees shows that:

"The success of a single product cannot bring about the sustainable development of a brand. The diverse needs of users require us to complete the product layout from single product explosion to multi-product development as soon as possible. 」

Different from the cooperation mode of the new forces in the head and the internal incubation mode of traditional car companies, it relies on Geely+Volvo’s car-making experience and technical resources, but from decision-making to the accumulation of marketing experience, it has gone through a complete process from 0 to 1.

In other words, Krypton is exploring a route that combines the technical background of traditional car companies with the flexibility and efficiency of new cars.

As you can see, based on "Geely+Volvo technical resources are the underlying logic.",as well as the self-evolution of users’ travel needs, it is accelerating to prove the feasibility of building a third track.

Huawei released the M5 intelligent driving version of AITO, starting at 279,800 yuan.

Beijing News Shell Financial News (Reporter’s promise) On April 17th, Huawei held a press conference and released the M5 advanced intelligent driving version (hereinafter referred to as "intelligent driving version"). This model launched the ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system announced by Huawei yesterday. The price of the rear-drive intelligent driving version is 279,800 yuan, and the price of the four-wheel drive intelligent driving version is 299,800 yuan. The price of the pure electric rear-drive intelligent driving version is 289,800 yuan, and the price of the four-wheel drive intelligent driving version is 309,800 yuan.
It is understood that Huawei’s ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system adopts a fusion sensing system, with 1 laser radar, 3 millimeter-wave radars, 11 camera groups and 12 ultrasonic radars, which can achieve 360 full coverage and all-weather sensing, and the farthest detection distance reaches 200m m.
Yu Chengdong said at the press conference that the traditional obstacle recognition method is white list recognition, which requires training. Huawei’s intelligent driving system industry pioneered the GOD (Universal Obstacle Recognition) network. Through the perception of multi-sensor fusion such as laser radar, millimeter-wave radar and camera, special-shaped obstacles can also be recognized, such as rollover vehicles, falling cartons, falling rocks, fallen trees, etc., and slowed down to stop, building a safety line from the architecture.
According to the information of the press conference, by the third quarter of 2023, the ADS 2.0 of the M5 version of Zhijie will be implemented in 15 cities without relying on high-precision maps; By the fourth quarter, 45 cities will realize the landing without relying on high-precision maps, significantly expanding the scope of use of smart driving.
The advanced intelligent driving system on the M5 version of Zhijie can choose three kinds of software packages at will, including ADS basic package (including active safety assistance and adaptive cruise), advanced package (including urban lane cruise, high-speed lane cruise, high-speed intelligent driving pilot, intelligent parking and remote parking) and advanced package (including urban intelligent driving pilot and parking service). The one-time purchase price is 36,000 yuan, the annual subscription price is 7,200 yuan, and the monthly subscription price is 720 yuan.
Editor Jiang Fan
Proofread Liu Baoqing

The official listing order of M9 of "Two Rivers Building" has exceeded 50,000 vehicles.

On December 26th, the M9, which was jointly built by Celeste Automobile and Huawei, was officially listed. According to reports, the current booking of this model has reached 54,000 units and will be delivered in batches on February 26 next year.

Wenjie M9 locates a large SUV, based on a brand-new platform, which provides two power forms: extended range and pure electricity, and the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is 4.3 seconds and 4.9 seconds respectively.

In terms of battery life, the extended 52-degree battery version CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1402km and a pure battery life of 275km;. The pure electric version is equipped with Huawei’s "Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform, which can last 150km after charging for 5 minutes and 630km under CLTC conditions.

As the most expensive flagship model of Huawei at present, Wenjie M9 is equipped with a number of Huawei’s latest technologies, such as Huawei’s Megapixel Smart Projection Headlights, Huawei Turing Chassis and Huawei’s AR-HUD system.

In terms of high-order intelligent driving, the whole vehicle is equipped with 27 sensors, including a newly designed 192-line laser radar, which can realize the high-order intelligent driving experience that can be opened with or without pictures in the country by the end of 2023.

It is reported that the Celeste Automobile Smart Factory, which produces M9, is located in Longsheng New Town, Liangjiang New District. It is built with super international leading standards, and integrates advanced technologies such as AI vision and big data to realize 100% automation of key processes, which can realize 0.05 mm blue light precision identification, more than 600 key points detection, 100% quality monitoring and traceability, and also realize the landing application of the world’s leading super-large 9000T die casting technology.

Cyrus is the first partner of Huawei HarmonyOS Zhixing. In 2022, the sales volume of the series of products created by both parties reached 75,000 units, which once became the fastest growing new energy brand in China.

The listing of the new M7 in Wenjie has achieved a success beyond expectations, with orders exceeding 100,000 vehicles in just over two months. According to the plan, 23,000 vehicles will be delivered in December this year and over 30,000 vehicles will be delivered monthly next year.

He Liyang, president of Celeste Automobile Co., Ltd. said that Celeste Automobile is rapidly increasing its production capacity, and will make every effort to let users experience the charm of AITO M9 as soon as possible, and have the confidence to create a new industry record.

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