A new generation of global flagship SUV Tiggo 9 maglev super comfortable flagship SUV

A new generation of global flagship SUV Tiggo 9
Magnetic levitation super comfortable flagship SUV
Redefining comfortable travel
Chery Automobile’s high-end intelligent platform-Mars architecture-the first model of super hybrid platform

Today, consumers’ pursuit of driving experience.
From the driver’s own sense of driving control
Upgrade to full comfort.

Mars architecture-super hybrid platform brings

Comfort relative to ordinary suspension
Improve 74.8% of CDC "magnetic suspension"

While realizing the pre-judgment of the road surface condition
Through the unique AI algorithm
Realize stepless adjustment of damping.
Precise control of vehicle attitude

Comfort of body roll
Increase by more than 50%

In terms of silence, grip and body stability
Increase by more than 30%

Improve the comfort of riding to
An incredible new dimension

Wisdom | Mars Architecture-Deep Interpretation of Super Hybrid Platform
Security | Mars Architecture-Deep Interpretation of Super Hybrid Platform

Huawei and Tucki made a big deal, and the car owners were finally willing to pay the bill.

Among the more than 50,000 orders of the new M7, about 33,000 units are intelligent driving versions, including five MAX and six MAX versions; According to the data of Tucki, the redesigned G9 will exceed 15,000 units in 15 days, of which the MAX version accounts for more than 80%. The MAX version refers to the version with dual lidar and dual OrinX computing chips, which supports urban NGP; Previously, the predetermined proportion of MAX version of G6 also exceeded 70%; According to Baojun’s information, after opening the store for a test drive, the Linxi version accounted for more than 80% of the orders in Shanghai in October, which is also commonly known as the "DJI version".Intelligent driving version crosses the gap: over 60% in the world M7 and 80% in Tucki G9.The five-seat version accounts for 81%, the MAX version accounts for 57.5% of the five-seat version, and the optional rate of ADS high-end smart driving bag in the five-seat MAX version is 70%; The six-seat version accounts for 19%, of which the MAX version accounts for 71%, and the optional installation rate of the six-seat MAX high-end smart driving package is 68%. Zhou Shuo, deputy general manager of SAIC-GM-Wuling Brand Division, predicted before Yunyun went public that Lingxi Zhijia Edition is expected to account for 30-40% of all orders of Yunyun; After the National Day, Zhou Shuo mentioned a new data in Weibo. From the Shanghai area, the scheduled proportion of Linxi edition in October exceeded 80%.Why does the smart driving version sell well?Follow-up trend of mainstream car companiesAouita,Huawei HI modeRepresentative, Aouita’s smart driving is actually standard; Changan plans to cover low-level to high-level full-stack intelligent driving schemes from this year to the beginning of next year, and realize the whole system of Changan in the follow-up.Class L2 assisted driving is standard;Dongfeng’s Lantu recently launched a new Lantu FREE, standard.Baidu ApolloThe software subscription fee for the intelligent driving system provided is 10,000 yuan; BYD started to drive intelligently from looking up to Tengshi brand. At the end of September, Tengshi N7 added a new version based on.Orin N platformThe high-speed smart driving bag is built to improve the penetration rate of the high-order smart driving function of the model.

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Experts, media, and netizens have something to say when the new rules for online car rental are introduced.

  News background:

  On the afternoon of July 28th, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry. The "Guidance Opinion" divides taxis into two categories: cruise taxis and reserved taxis. It is the first time that Internet cars are included in the management of reserved taxis, which clarifies the positioning of the taxi industry; At the same time, clarify the legal status of the network car, and support the continuous innovation and standardized development of the network car platform company; Encourage the transformation of traditional taxi companies to provide online car service.

  【Experts talk]

  Zhu Xi: "Network car" is the first in the world in China.

  "The promulgation of the Interim Measures has made China the first country in the world to officially recognize the legalization of Internet private cars." Zhu Wei, deputy director of Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and expert member of internet society of china Sharing Economic Work Committee, said: Great progress has been made.

  Zhu Wei said: "On a global scale, this is the first ‘ Internet plus & rsquo; It is a good law with epoch-making significance to share economic legislation and laws and regulations to correct the name. " He also specifically mentioned that the New Deal has brought "internet plus Travel" back to the market-oriented mode, such as the market-adjusted price of the network car fare; "Market reward and promotion" is a normal market behavior. Except for being bound by competition law and advertising law, there is no additional requirement, but it cannot disrupt the normal market order by operating at a price below cost. For another example, hitchhiking is a magic weapon to solve urban congestion and reduce the number of vehicles on the road in cities, and there are many mature cases in judicial practice at home and abroad. "The ride is essentially different from the commercial profit of the online car, so it is correct for the New Deal to exclude it." He said.

  Su Kui: The new rules of online car-sharing are a consensus reached in difficult trade-offs and games.

  How to balance the development of network car and fair competition is the most difficult part of the new regulations. How to standardize and not restrict the development of network car? How to develop online car rental and ensure a level playing field for online car rental and taxis.

  For example, 8-year scrapping is to consider that it is unfair to use the network car with less intensity if it is scrapped according to the rental operation for 8 years. It may also push a large number of online car drivers out of the platform.

  Another example is to define the nature of the platform as a transportation service, not an information matchmaker. This is the same as the taxi at a starting line, and the passengers feel the same. In case of safety problems, the platform, as a transportation service provider, needs to bear the responsibility.

  Whether it is the draft for comments issued last year or the new regulations that are finally difficult to introduce, the game and trade-off have always been the most difficult things. "The good news is that we have basically reached a relatively rational consensus." Su Kui said.  

  【Media discussion]

  Taxi and online car will be in their proper places.

  The Guiding Opinions made it clear that the original taxis and online car-rides will achieve "dislocation development" and give full play to their advantages, not only "sitting up" but also "sitting up", so that different travel needs of people at different levels can be met.

  It can be expected that with the implementation and effectiveness of the new policy of online car-sharing, the online car-sharing market will usher in another round of adjustment, the number of online car-sharing and employees will change, the market positioning of online car-sharing will be further revised, and the platform’s management of online car-sharing will also be strengthened. At the same time, bringing online car rental into the taxi industry, setting necessary thresholds, supporting reasonable tax and fee policies, and maintaining market fairness will also effectively promote the balanced development of different levels of taxi services and achieve a win-win situation among online car rental, platforms and consumers. 

  From "incompatible" to "in their proper place", online car-hailing and taxis contain the spirit of reform and innovation, which is representative and typical in the era of "internet plus". Broadly speaking, when we enter the Internet age, the new forms and new formats will pose "conflicts and threats" to traditional related industries, which itself contains the opportunities and challenges of "internet plus". Accelerating the pace of reform and innovation, advancing laws and regulations with the times, and advancing the rule of law in an all-round way are the key to solving problems, and are also the reliable guarantee and core driving force to better adapt to the Internet era.

  The New Deal of Online Car Rental is an example of dealing with the relationship between the market and the government.

  How to define and manage the network car has been tangled in China for several years, which vividly presents the landscape of the deep-water period of reform. In the meantime, the strategy of treating private cars as black cars in local actual management and the tight management signals revealed by relevant central ministries and commissions once made the development of this new format of online car-sharing pessimistic. Now, the promulgation of Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry and Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Service clearly gives the online car a legal status, makes it clear that private cars can engage in online car operation, and requires reducing the taxi "money", which highlights the victory of the market, reaffirms the reform logic of "letting the market play a decisive role in resource allocation" and expresses the value direction of decentralization and sharing the economy.

  The new policy of network car is a model of opening the door legislation

  The formulation process of the new policy of network car is also a model of opening the door legislation. From the beginning of 2014, the online car platform launched a large-scale subsidy, and by 2015, the online car was promoted and operated nationwide, and then by the beginning of 2016, the multi-party game network car new deal. The introduction of a new policy will inevitably involve the interests of many parties. How to balance reform, stability and development has become a subject that policy makers must weigh. In the process of the introduction of the new policy of network car, not only the relevant ministries and commissions have repeatedly investigated, but also Shanghai, Yiwu and other places have actively explored, and various provinces and cities have fully discussed, and the network car platform and taxi companies have their own opinions. The final New Deal has basically become the greatest common denominator of the interests of all parties.

  The network car is just a representative of many new things, but the experience of network car governance has a wide range of demonstration significance. It is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors, and legislation should open the door. Regulators need more keen observation, more extensive research and more calm thinking, and emerging enterprises need more full expression, more careful development and more rational self-discipline. The practice of online car-sharing proves that the government and the market can realize clear boundaries and benign interaction, and both existing and emerging formats can also coordinate development and healthy metabolism.

  Legalization of the network car, good governance needs more good deeds.

  The formulation of documents is only the first step, and the next step is to do a good job in the industry and territorial rules and implement the reform. One of the highlights of this reform is that it is not necessary to "measure the whole country with one ruler". Metropolis has the practice of metropolis, and small counties have small counties. According to the principle of territorial management, all localities are given full autonomy. If the design reform needs the overall epistemological wisdom, then the implementation of the reform needs to reconcile Ding Ding’s methodological art.. The process of document formulation has been discussed by more than 10 departments and more than 100 meetings, taking into account the interests of all parties to the maximum extent. In implementing the reform, all parties should also be carefully deployed and coordinated. It is necessary to have a sense of urgency to get rid of indulging, boldly promote management innovation, and also to have a step-by-step methodology to firmly guard the bottom line of safety and stability. Reform depends not only on the original intention, but also on the effect test.

  【Netizen said]

  @ 軉枹: I haven’t taken a taxi for a long time. I use the internet to get a car. This is the result of market competition. I believe many people are like me. Everything must conform to the laws of the market.

  @ Li Ermao 46054: Making the best use of everything and people’s talents is a necessary condition for social development.

  @ 京京京京: Breaking the monopoly of taxi management and reasonable competition will definitely benefit the people.

  @ Xuanzi 23386: The purpose of the new regulations is to standardize the network car, ensure the rights and interests of passengers and the safety of riding, and also effectively guarantee the quality of service.

Summer Travel Equipment Raiders-Outdoor Donkey Friends


    It’s refreshing to hide in an air-conditioned room in July and August in hot summer, but it’s a lot less fun. God gave us spring, summer, autumn and winter, each with its own style. In spring and windy days, blooming flowers is a good time to go for an outing; Autumn leaves are rustling and the breeze is refreshing, which is the sentimental season for listening to the rain and writing poems; In winter, the snow is falling and the wind is cold, which is an excellent season for stepping on the snow in Xun Mei, cultivating life and nourishing interest. What about summer? This fiery and blazing season is the most vigorous time for all kinds of life, and grasslands, forests and oceans are all passionate about it.


    Life is short, so we should enjoy it, shouldn’t we? Enjoy a hearty summer trip. When winter comes, we will have enough memories to sit by the fire and savor it slowly. So, make a plan for this summer vacation-go to a seaside to enjoy a cool water trip? Or take up tents and sleeping bags and have a close contact with the forests and mountains? Or go to a secluded small town with a backpack, see the old lanes of the water town, or feel the wonders of the Expo? Or, you just drive your car, bring your equipment, stop wherever you go, and feel every side of the world as casually as Sanmao.


    Anyway, you should plan a trip for yourself this summer! So, let’s take a look at it now. What necessary equipment should you put in your car or your backpack?

Foreword of outdoor donkey friends

    For those who are full of vitality, love adventure and pursue excitement, outdoor adventure and backpackers have become a huge travel group. They love nature and are free idealists. They like to travel alone, wander around and see people and things in the world, from which they can appreciate and gain an epiphany. In a sense, donkey walking is another continuation of their lives.

    This summer, if you want to be a member of nature’s donkey friends, although you are not a professional explorer, we can still prepare some outdoor equipment for ourselves and have a close contact with nature. So, what equipment should you prepare for yourself?

    As donkey friends who love mountaineering and adventure, they are the ones who like the sunshine in midsummer and enjoy the thrill of sweating. Original ecology and green travel are the pursuit of every donkey friend. Although it is summer, it is necessary to chill in the mountains and forests in the morning and evening. Therefore, tents, sleeping bags and moisture-proof mats are still necessary equipment. Hiking shoes and backpacks are also essential. Below, let’s take a look at what outdoor products they use, which may help the newborn "donkey friends".




MSR HUBBA HUBBA double account

Beautiful nails and poles

     MSR has excellent pedigree and unique design. It adopts the latest DAC aviation aluminum tent pole, with extremely light weight (less than 2kg), high strength and toughness, excellent wind resistance and stability!

MSR HUBBA HUBBA double account

    As you can see from the picture, the space of this double account is super large, the utilization rate is very high, and some details are also very well designed, such as the drip prevention of the account door, and different support methods and uses can be selected. In fact, MSR is the top American brand in tents, and it also has a high reputation in China.

Big Agnes seedhouse sl2


    Big Agnes is also a top tent brand, but its popularity in China is slightly lower than that of MSR. In addition to the advantages of ultra-light weight, smaller volume and larger volume, its products also carefully choose pollution-free production technology and use advanced bamboo fiber as materials. The concept of Big Agnes is to devote itself to environmental protection. I believe that for users with economic ability, it is more important to support this environmentally friendly product.

In summer, Big Agnes seedhouse sl2 can be used as MSR HUBBA HUBBA.


LUXE spider 2

    As a brand LUXE Spider 2, which is deeply loved by domestic travelers, this product balances the price and performance, has a relatively light weight, and has no problem in accommodating two people. For tents at this price, LUXE Spider 2 has good air permeability in summer. There is still a large space in the lobby between the inner account and the outer account to store sundries.

LUXE spider 2

Low end:

Mugaodi Lengshan 2AIR

Mugaodi Lengshan 2AIR

    Mugaodi Cold Mountain 2AIR is a very popular product, and the civilian price makes it have a high market share. Although the materials are not excellent, the workmanship can still reflect the style of a big factory, which is enough for ordinary donkeys. However, if this low-end four seasons account is used in summer, it is estimated that it will be a little stuffy. After all, the price is so, and we can’t expect more.

Mugaodi Lengshan 2AIR

sleeping bag

     Speaking of sleeping bags, many people must wonder, is it still necessary to use sleeping bags in such a hot summer? Of course, according to the temperature of your destination, if it’s high mountain or seaside, even in summer, the temperature will be lower at night, so it’s necessary to bring a sleeping bag in summer.


TNF Dolomite Bx


    The temperature of this sleeping bag is registered at 20-7, which is suitable for use in various seasons, and it is also suitable for use in some alpine jungles or seaside summer nights.



    As a domestic brand, Huawei’s ultra-light outdoor equipment has been greatly recognized by donkey friends in about three years. Not only the materials are sufficient, but also the zippers are YKK zippers. LCW300 is an envelope-type down sleeping bag without a hood, with an ultra-light weight of only 300g, which can be opened as a quilt in summer and looks very beautiful. Less than the price of 600 yuan, it has a high cost performance in the terminal sleeping bag products.



CAMP ant

    Camp enjoys a high reputation in China, and Little Ant has become a classic as its low-end series of sleeping bags. This is a cheap sleeping bag. It is suitable for summer and autumn. Moreover, the sleeping bag is really small and light when folded, which is convenient to carry and humanized in design.


    Of course, in addition to this, SierraDesignsArrow Rock, Pathfinder ES0210 sleeping bag for two, and Dragon Bird Basket Worm are also good choices for high school and low school.

Moisture-proof pad

    Some high-end sleeping bags will design a moisture-proof pad into the sleeping bag, which will combine the functions of the two. But that kind of sleeping bag is too expensive. Usually, when we choose a sleeping bag, we’d better buy a moisture-proof pad to match it. Especially if you are camping near the water source, or in the south where the humidity is heavy, the water vapor at night still needs moisture-proof mats to isolate it.

Left: aluminum film moisture-proof mat; Right: Thickened aluminum film moisture-proof pad.
Inflatable moisture-proof pad

    Moisture-proof mats are available in single and double sizes. There are inflatable, open air chamber, closed air chamber, foam and aluminum film. In terms of economy, it is naturally an aluminum film mat. Generally speaking, according to the climate of the destination, it is completely sufficient to choose an aluminum film moisture-proof mat with corresponding thickness.

Clothing-quick-drying underwear is the first choice.

   I believe that everyone who plays outdoors has several sets of assault clothes. It’s just that in summer, if you don’t want to go to a high altitude for professional mountaineering, then jackets are rarely used. There are also some high-end brands of jackets that can give good breathability and are also suitable for wearing in summer. For example, this SALEWA Salohua ultra-light outdoor men’s jacket GTX is made of lightweight fabric, which is waterproof, windproof and breathable, but the price is also relatively expensive.

SALEWA Salova Super Light Summer Outdoor Men’s Jacket GTX

    In fact, according to personal experience, if you are not a professional climber, then choosing quick-drying clothes is very good and the price is much cheaper. In this respect, Colombia, as a pioneer of outdoor clothing materials, is naturally the first choice.

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    Colombia titanium series quick-drying clothes are made of DuPont COOLMAX4 tube sweat-conducting quick-drying fiber, and OMNI DRY sun-proof quick-drying technology developed by Colombia itself is blended with ecological cotton, which has super quick-drying function. Even if it rains heavily outdoors, it only takes about 5 minutes to dry quickly. In addition, Colombia’s OMNI DRY coating can also resist ultraviolet rays, ensuring that the skin under the clothes is not harmed. The quick-drying pants are also designed in two sections, which can be used as trousers or shorts.


    Our feet are very important for outdoor camping exploration, so choosing a pair of suitable hiking shoes can protect our feet well.

High-end: AKU Utah Lite GTX

    AKU is the top brand of hiking shoes in Italy. This Akutah Litegtx has been carefully designed. The upper is made of waterproof and seamless smooth moose skin, made of whole leather, with Gore-Tex waterproof lining, high grip and wear-resistant Vibram sole, and PU elastically absorbs the midsole. The comfort of the whole shoe is extraordinary.


Mid-range: GARMONT flash III xcr hiking shoes.


    As a famous shoemaking base, Italy has produced many high-end shoe brands, and GARMONT is also from Italy. This shoe also has excellent ergonomic design, which adopts the top layer of sheepskin+quick-drying, non-deforming nylon gauze, sanded leather frame, EVA midsole, G3Spine+ keel, Vibram/GarmontG3+ outsole, so this shoe will not let you down.

Low-end: Pathfinder toread hiking shoes.


    As a domestic brand pathfinder, it has gained more and more popularity in the low-end market. And the price of these Deton walking shoes is less than that of 500 yuan. T-FORM insole is made of porous PU FORM material, and has an open mesh structure, so it has excellent air permeability, pressure resistance and antibacterial property. It is especially breathable and cool to wear in summer.

    In addition, high-end brands such as SCARPA MUSTENG, mid-range Montrail torre and low-end VOOM experiencer 407 are also good choices.


    A good mountaineering bag is essential for outdoor adventure hiking. Capacity and carrying system all determine the comfort of your whole journey.

High-end: OSPREY EXOS 46


    Oprey is a manufacturer with a long history. As a first-class backpack brand that entered China earlier, Oprey has a large number of supporters in China and enjoys a very high brand awareness and reputation. Exos 46 is made of ultra-light external materials, and the back is also made of light and comfortable frame structure, with a total weight of only 845 grams. Good support can give the back a feeling of wearing on the body. The support frame is made of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, so it can handle it easily even if it bears a heavy weight. Flexible belts and shoulder straps adopt bio-plastic technology, and the breathable structure ensures the comfort and coolness of carrying for a long time.

Mid-range: columbia mobex technical

columbia mobex technical

    You can’t play outdoors without knowing Colombia. Among outdoor clothing brands, Colombia’s pioneering position can’t be ignored. Now, Colombia’s products have been extended from clothing. In addition to clothing and shoes, this Mobex backpack is also very original. The bag is ultra-light and durable, and can be used for placing outdoor appliances with different shapes, which combines professional ergonomic design.

Low-end: Heineken XL178

    Heineken has been committed to providing suitable travel equipment for professional mountaineering and travel leisure people for more than ten years. Since the factory produced the first backpack fifteen years ago, it has successfully developed many functional full-range bags, and now it has developed into a well-known domestic brand.

Heineken XL178

    This bag is designed with a strong breathable mesh back, which has excellent ventilation performance. The top of the bag is equipped with an invisible zipper, and water bags or other items can be placed inside. The main cabin is full-length zipper with built-in water bag bin with water outlet; The front bag is a super-large mesh bag with elastic stretching, a zipper mesh bag on the waist pad and mesh bags on both sides, which is convenient for placing articles. Therefore, this product also reflects the domestic cost-effective advantage.

trekking pole

    In the eyes of some people, the trekking stick is dispensable, and you can also use a bamboo pole or a wooden stick instead. However, from the aspects of material selection, weight, endurance and comfort of holding, the trekking stick obviously has its irreplaceable side. What’s more, sometimes the places you go may not have the trunks and sticks you want.


   According to research, using trekking poles when walking can reduce at least 22% of the force applied to muscle joints such as legs and knees, and make legs feel more comfortable! Using two trekking poles at the same time can provide better balance. When camping, trekking poles can also help support the tent.


The trekking poles can be used to support the places in the tent that you feel need support.


    When night comes, a headlight will make it more convenient for you to live in the wild at night. You can wear it to walk on the road, thus freeing your hands. At night, headlights can also be used as a way to transmit information between teammates. And when you are sitting in a tent to rest and arrange things, hang it on the top of the tent as an "electric light" to illuminate.

Headlight with adjustable angle

    There are all kinds of headlights, but you can buy them in outdoor stores. The simplest one is the one that uses several No.5 batteries for power supply, which is both cheap and easy to use. Domestic lamps are cheap, but because light bulbs consume more electricity, there are LED lamps now, which consume less electricity and have a longer lighting time.

    Of course, a flashlight is a better choice if you don’t carry much and don’t care whether you take up the resources of your hand.


    Camping, preparing food, making a fire and countless other tasks determine that the saber is a necessary basic tool for camping and outdoor exploration, so that experienced outdoor people know the saying "you can’t leave home without a knife". There are also many kinds of camping knives on the market, and the most sought after is the camping saber series. Because of its good quality and beautiful appearance, it is both practical and beautiful.

American army saber -D80, which can be stabbed, cut, cut and split, has a good cost performance.

    Now everyone knows that Swiss army knives are of very high quality, and most of the high-end army knife brands are Swiss. Outside, a knife that is too small is not practical, and a knife that is too big is too heavy, so it is very important to choose a knife with the right weight and size.

    The price of imported camping sabers is more than several hundred yuan, which is relatively expensive, while the domestic sabers are slightly worse, but the price is much more approachable, so we should choose the right one according to our own economic ability.


    In the wild, the compass is our direction, and this little thing is almost a necessary accessory for outdoor travel. Nowadays, many compasses also combine thermometers and so on. The general military compass has the characteristics of high accuracy, good stability, sealing and waterproof, and also has a level.


Photographic equipment


    Whether hiking or hiking, the lighter the things you want to carry, the better. Of course, if you think your physical strength is super good, or your exploration and hiking activities are mainly aimed at photography, these situations are another matter, and a big professional SLR is naturally the ideal choice.

E-P2′ s body is small and stylish, and it is extremely convenient to carry out.

    However, if you just want to leave a record of your hiking and exploration and get a satisfactory photo, then consider choosing a lighter camera. After the appearance of micro-cameras, it is undoubtedly good news for people who like to take pictures. They are both close to the size and weight of the card machine and close to the image quality of SLR, which can be said to be a good compromise.

NEX5C can be said to be the thinnest and lightest micro-single at present. If you choose a fixed-focus lens, the overall portability is very high, which is much lighter than SLR.

    Of course, the representative works of micro-singles are Sony NEX5C and Olympus E-P2. Sony NEX5C is the latest micro-camera. It has the same sensors and processors as Sony SLR, and its body is as thin as a card machine, except that the ferrule 18-55 is slightly larger, but it is much smaller than SLR as a whole.

camera lens

    The choice of micro-single lens is relatively narrow, and there is generally a fixed focus lens to choose from besides the ferrule. For example, Sony NEX5C has a 16/2.8 lens besides the 18-55 ferrule. Of course, both Olympus and Sony have bayonet adapters, which can transfer other lens groups under their respective systems. Therefore, if you need a more demanding lens and don’t mind not using autofocus, then choose a bayonet adapter.

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NEX5C optional lens

Bayonet adapter LA-EA1

Foot stand-joby

    Walking outdoors, despite the small cameras like E-P2 and NEX5C, when facing the beautiful sunrise or sunset, or the flowing water in the mountains, in short, when you want to use the slow shutter, a tripod is also a must. Compared with ordinary tripods, no one is more portable than an octopus tripod like JOBY. Moreover, its characteristic is that it can be fixed by any fixed tubular object such as tree trunks on mountains, and its flexibility is very high according to local conditions. According to the size of the camera you use, choose different models of load-bearing tripod. No matter which model of JOBY, it will save you a lot of physical strength.



    Walking outdoors, the spectacular and beautiful scenery is the most exciting. Especially for landscape photography, a CPL polarizer is an indispensable accessory. Its existence can make your shot of the sky bluer, the water quieter and the picture more transparent. At present, the polarizer of HOYA HD series is very ideal. It not only has high light transmittance, but also adopts the best technology, which not only makes the frame durable, but also makes the lens scratch-resistant and compression-resistant. It is inevitable to bump when walking outdoors, and you don’t have to worry about its fragility.

HOYA HD CPL filter

Digital companion (optional)

    Although the large-capacity memory card now makes people forget the digital companion temporarily, it is still very useful to carry a digital companion if you go out for four or five days and take a lot of pictures. The big mouth plate is still the most reliable choice among digital partners, and it also has better protection for outdoor sports, which makes you more comfortable to use and carry in outdoor travel.

Big mouth plate PD200 digital companion


    Needless to say, water is the foundation of human life, and outdoor adventure kettle is naturally essential. It’s best to choose special sports kettles, which are solid and reliable, light and durable, and good kettles also have insulation effect.

In summer outdoor adventure, hats and sunglasses are even more essential.

Sunscreen in summer: sunscreen, sunglasses and hat.

    When traveling in summer, sun protection is an item that cannot be ignored. Especially in the north, ultraviolet rays are particularly strong. If you don’t do a good job of sun protection, you may get serious sunburn if you stay outdoors for only one or two hours. When choosing sunscreen, because of the long outdoor activities, it is suitable to choose sunscreen products above SPF30.


    In addition, sunglasses are also necessary. Even if it is not in summer, the ultraviolet rays in the mountains are very strong, and sunglasses are also necessary, which can better protect our eyes from strong light and ultraviolet rays. Of course, a hat that is comfortable, breathable and can shade the sun also needs to be considered.


    There is more rain in summer, especially in the south, and there is more to say this summer. Although many backpacks and jackets are waterproof, or they wear quick-drying clothes, it will be safer to have a raincoat when heavy rain comes. It is best to choose a multifunctional raincoat when choosing, which can protect the backpack well. Moreover, this raincoat can also be used as a simple tent or canopy.

Pedestrian multifunctional raincoat

medicines and chemical reagents

    It is inevitable that you will get heatstroke or bump when you are away from home in midsummer, so it is also very necessary to prepare some basic medicines. For example, Band-Aids, Huoxiang Zhengqi Liquid, Refreshing Oil, etc., and some medicines that you need to carry according to your own situation. You don’t have to carry the whole box as shown in the picture, just carry it in a small medicine sorting box.

medicines and chemical reagents

Optional items-camping stoves

    Here, we will not introduce the cookware used for camping, and there are matching things for sale in outdoor supplies stores. The most basic ones include camping stoves and gas. It is recommended to choose small portable camping stoves and canned compressed gas. In addition, you can buy two larger stainless steel basins and use them as pots. Outdoor or seaside, it is good to boil water, cook instant noodles or other simple food.

Effect of simple and portable camping stove connected with canned compressed gas

Stainless steel basin that can be used for boiling water and cooking.

Lantern Festival is lit with lanterns all over the country (photos)

  Tens of thousands of lanterns with different shapes are colorful at the Lantern Festival Mazu Lantern Festival held in Luoxingta Park, Mawei, Fuzhou.

  On the evening of February 8, at the Lantern Festival Mazu Flower Show held in Luoxingta Park, Mawei, Fuzhou, the "Shengshi Taiping Ding" made of 20,000 pieces of porcelain appeared at the lantern show. On that night, nearly 100,000 villagers from Mawei and Mazu spent the Lantern Festival. China News Agency issued Liu Kegeng photo

  From February 7th to 9th, tens of thousands of farmers in Zhangcun Town, Yushan County, Jiangxi Province danced with seven long 400-meter-long board lights (also known as bridge lights) to celebrate the Lantern Festival. It is reported that the board lamps in Zhangcun Town, Yushan County, Jiangxi Province began in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially in Kangxi and Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. Board lamp is famous for its many types of lamps and strong ornamental value, and is known as the only folk board lamp culture with intangible cultural heritage in Jiangxi Province. China News Agency issued Zhuo Zhongwei photo

  On the evening of February 8, nearly 100,000 villagers from Mawei and Mazu spent the Lantern Festival at the Lantern Festival of "Two Horses in the Same Spring" held in Luoxingta Park, Mawei, Fuzhou. China News Agency issued Liu Kegeng photo

  On the morning of February 9 (Lunar Lantern Festival), the ancient city of Anyang, Henan Province held a folk art tour to welcome the Spring Festival. More than ten performing groups with farmers as the main actors from five counties and five districts of the city have performed many quaint folk art programs such as carrying back the pavilion, lifting the pavilion, Hua Gun, donkey running, roller boating, lion dancing, war drums and yangko along the main roads of the city. China News Agency issued Li Zhonghua photo

  On February 8, a large-scale Lantern Festival was held in Minhang, Shanghai, and the wonderful programs attracted many tourists. China News Agency issued Jing Wei photo

  On February 7th, 2009, Xiuning, Anhui Province, which is known as the No.1 scholar in China, held the performance of "Tai Chi Wushu Qigong Fever Lantern Festival" for the first time, which was very prosperous. China News Agency’s sender also Guangde photo

  On the evening of February 8, the "Niu" lights in various cultural squares in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province were all lit up, attracting many citizens to watch. China News Agency issued a photo

  February 9th is the traditional Lantern Festival in China. Beautiful festive lanterns are displayed on the streets of Hong Kong, bringing festive atmosphere to the citizens and tourists in the past. China News Agency issued Zhang Qin photo

  February 9 is the traditional Lantern Festival. Giant Lantern Festival lanterns appear on the streets of Beijing, attracting people to take pictures. China News Agency issued Sheng Jiapeng photo

  On February 8, 2009, on the 14th day of the first lunar month, more than a thousand red lanterns and Chinese knots adorned Qianmen Street in Beijing with a rich festive atmosphere. China News Agency issued Yulong photo

Editor: Yan Bin

Rome Green Finance rose 21.38% to $3.52 per share.

On January 11th, Rome Green Finance (ROMA) rose by 21.38% in intraday trading, reaching $3.52 per share at 00:11, with a turnover of $24,058,300.

According to financial data, as of September 30, 2022, Rome’s total green financial income was HK$ 6,200,600, a year-on-year decrease of 0.68%; The net profit returned to the mother was-HK$ 693,600, a year-on-year increase of 62.34%.

This article comes from: financial circles

Author: American stock king


All-round, wide-ranging and multi-level! A new chapter on international exchange and cooperation in Lanzhou University of Information Technology

In order to vigorously promote the opening up of education and expand the training of international talents, Huang Wei, the president of the school, and his party recently went to Belarus, an important country along the "the belt and road initiative", and paid in-depth visits to Belarus State Technical University, Belarus State Polytechnic University, Belarus State Normal University, Belarus State Economic University, Belarus Trade Union United International University and China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center, and conducted comprehensive and pragmatic discussions and exchanges on the cooperation between the two sides in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and achieved fruitful results.

Belarus State University of Technology and Belarus State University of Technology plan to cooperate with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology in "3+2+1" undergraduate and postgraduate training, joint undergraduate and postgraduate training, teacher training and enterprise practice, summer (winter) camp and language training around their advantageous engineering majors.

Belarus State Normal University has a high level of attainments in the fields of pedagogy and psychology. It has established a number of special research centers, such as the Center for Modern Educational Methods of Preschool Education, the Center for Psychological Support, and the Center for Special Education. It has also established an information discipline and robotics center with normal characteristics. The two sides have made in-depth communication and reached cooperation intentions focusing on teacher training and professional master’s degree promotion.

The Belarusian State University of Economics and the Belarusian Trade Union United International University have held in-depth discussions with Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology on the vision of cultivating "Economics+Law/Linguistics/Sociology/Psychology" compound talents and interdisciplinary students that meet the needs of society. The two sides plan to focus on e-commerce and logistics management, digital economics, marketing, economic law and other advantageous majors to carry out "2+2" joint training, and conduct in-depth communication on teachers’ further training, undergraduate upgrading and short-term exchanges and visits between schools.

Colleges and universities in Belarus highly recognize Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology and world-renowned enterprises such as Huawei and 360 Group for deepening the integration of production and education, as well as the professional characteristics of "information+engineering" and "digital+business", indicating that their majors are highly compatible and have a natural cooperation foundation for jointly cultivating international talents.

Huang Wei signed a cooperation agreement with the president of Belarus State University of Technology.

The delegation visited Belarus State Normal University

The delegation visited Belarus State University of Economics.

The delegation visited Belarus Union International University (Photo courtesy of the school, issued by Yangguang. com)

At the same time, the school has reached a long-term cooperation agreement with China Eastern European Cultural and Educational Exchange Center. The two sides held talks on the "undergraduate and postgraduate" direct projects in Belarusian universities, and actively supported Lanzhou Institute of Information and Technology to continuously improve the level of international exchanges and cooperation in terms of hiring high-level foreign academicians, jointly holding international higher education exhibitions, and setting up elite classes for studying abroad.

During the visit, the school delegation held a discussion with graduates of Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology who studied in Belarus. During the discussion, Huang Wei and his party expressed cordial concern for the graduates studying abroad, and got a detailed understanding of their study and life, encouraging students to make use of the platform provided by the school to study hard and actively apply their knowledge to the construction of "the belt and road initiative". Zhu Zongyue, a 23rd graduate majoring in financial management, said happily, "I am very happy to meet the teachers of my alma mater in a foreign country thousands of miles away. The familiar faces make me feel very cordial, and I am very grateful for the study abroad channel provided by the school, which has enriched my knowledge and experience. I will cherish this platform and study hard the knowledge and skills of this major, so that I can become an excellent economic talent and contribute to the construction of the motherland in the future."

Group photo of the delegation with the school graduates (Photo courtesy of the school, posted by Yangguang. com)

International exchange and cooperation is an important way to cultivate high-quality talents and plays a vital role in promoting talent cultivation. Lanzhou University of Information and Technology actively promotes international exchange and cooperation projects, strengthens discipline construction, introduces and integrates international resources in many ways, and builds a broader platform for students to improve their academic qualifications, broadens the channels for students to realize their postgraduate dreams, and enables more students to "get a good job and get a good job", so that they can achieve career achievements and happiness in life on a broader platform in the future.

"Those who are willing to work together are not far from mountains and seas." Huang Wei said that standing at a new starting point, Lanzhou Institute of Information Technology will promote pragmatic cooperation with Belarusian universities in an all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level manner. The school will take international education as the link, innovate the training path of college students with international vision in the new era, carry out extensive and in-depth exchanges and cooperation with Belarusian universities, make full use of the important strategic platform of "the belt and road initiative" university alliance, and make new and greater contributions to the construction of educational and cultural exchanges between China and Belarus.

(Note: This article belongs to the education industry information published by Yangguang. com. The content of this article does not represent the views of this website, and it is for reference only. )

Table tennis prediction: table tennis is heading for a happy ending.

  Xinhuanet Beijing August 22nd Olympic Special (Reporter Zhang Han, Wu Zhi) The table tennis match of the Beijing Olympic Games entered the last competition day on the 23rd. After the men’s and women’s teams all won two gold medals, and the women’s singles final became a "civil war", the three men’s singles tigers will advance towards the highest podium again.

  I have to admit that China Table Tennis Team has sent the strongest team in the history for this Olympic Games. Wang Hao, Ma Lin and Wang Liqin, three contestants of China Men’s Table Tennis, are currently ranked first, second and fourth in the world, respectively, ranking third in the tournament. Because of this, they are in an excellent position in the singles draw, and before entering the quarter-finals, all the strong enemies have been swept away.

  In the quarter-finals on the 22nd, Wang Hao beat former China straight player Gao Lize 4-1, Ma Lin beat South Korean Sang Eun Oh 4-0, and Wang Liqin beat Croatian Tan Ruiwu in straight sets, which was no suspense. Persson, a 42-year-old Swedish veteran against Wang Hao, will become the only non-face of china in the men’s singles semi-final on the morning of 23rd.

  China men’s table tennis has not lost a game since the Olympic Games, and the gold medal won by the men’s team has given them more confidence. As long as Wang Hao plays his level normally, it is not difficult for China to lock the gold medal in men’s singles ahead of time by beating persson with his skill of straight strokes and horizontal strokes.

  In fact, as early as the 21 ST men’s singles eighth final, many Eurasian masters have been eliminated. China Hongkong’s Gao Lize defeated defending champion Ryu Seung-min in the top 32 match that morning, and then defeated German teenager Ochalov 4-1 in the eighth final that night, and got the chance to play against Wang Hao in the quarter-finals.

  Persson, who played one more round than the previous 16th seed, eliminated samsonov, the number one table tennis player in Europe, Sang Eun Oh, the 12th seed, defeated Bohr, the 5th seed of Germany, Tan Ruiwu defeated Li Jing, the former world champion, Austrian Shi Lage and former World Cup champion, and glinka, Greece, lost to Wang Liqin and Ma Lin respectively.

Ma Lin beat South Korean player Sang Eun Oh China 4-0 and all the men’s table tennis players advanced to the semi-finals.

News:Sonic4-1 win over dark horse Gao Lize took the lead in breaking into the top four of men’s table tennis singles.

News: Men’s Table TennisMa LinSweeping Sang Eun Oh andwang liqinJoin forces semi-final

China Men’s Table Tennis TeamMa Lin China News Agency issued Sheng Jiapeng photo

  Chinanews. com, August 22 nd, at the just-concluded Olympic Games,table tennisIn the men’s singles quarterfinals, China’s playersMa LinSwept South Korean player Sang Eun Oh 4-0 and successfully advanced to the semi-finals. The scores of the four games were 11-3, 11-5, 11-9 and 12-10 respectively. [detailed] 

 Related links:

  • [Video]table tennis Six men and women from China successfully advanced. August 22, 2008
  • China men’s team champion is in sight after three lightning strokes. August 17, 2008

Editor: Feng Ye

How to play football

How to play football is something that beginners want to study hard. If you want to play football well, you should mainly practice hard. Only by persistence can you play football more professionally. However, before playing football, you need to exercise first, including running and walking, and then learn the essentials of football. You can really learn to play football according to the rules, but there are many rules of playing football, so just remember the essentials.

Playing football is a good exercise. Before playing football, you should exercise well and prepare clothes and shoes for playing football. Appropriate clothes and shoes are essential equipment. If you don’t wear them properly, you will be more likely to get injured. We are all ready. Let’s briefly introduce the essentials and contact methods of playing football, hoping to help you play football.

Top ball refers to the technical action that the athlete touches the ball continuously with all effective parts of his body and controls it so that the ball does not land as much as possible. Topping the ball is a kind of practice means for athletes to be familiar with the ball, so as to enhance the elasticity of the ball. Weight, spin and touch the ball, the feeling of hard and light collar when hitting the ball.

Technical action essentials

1. Foot-to-toe ball: the foot swings forward and upward, and hits the ball with the instep. When hitting the ball, the ankle joint is fixed and the lower part of the ball is hit. Two feet can hit the ball alternately, or one foot can support and the other foot can hit the ball continuously. When hitting the ball evenly, keep the ball around your body all the time.

2. Inside and outside of both feet: lift your legs and bend your knees, swing up with the inside or outside of your feet, and hit the ball at the lower part of the ball alternately with the inside or outside of your feet.

3。 Hip ball: lift your legs and bend your knees, and hit the lower part of the ball upward with the middle and front part of the thigh. Both legs can alternately hit the ball, or you can support it with one foot and hit the ball continuously with the thigh on the other side.

4. Head ball: the feet are open, the knees are slightly flexed, and the lower part of the ball is continuously topped with the forehead. When heading the ball, keep your eyes on the ball and your arms open naturally to maintain your balance.

5. Continuous dribbling of each part: According to the above-mentioned single-dribbling technique, it is more difficult to match each part with continuous dribbling. The parts of the ball are instep, medial foot, lateral foot, thigh, head, chest, shoulders and so on.

Easy to make mistakes

L. when the foot hits the ball, the ankle joint is slack, resulting in unstable exertion.

2. When hitting the ball, the toes hook down or up, causing the ball to touch the body forward or backward after being stressed, making it difficult to control the ball.

3. Other parts of the body are not relaxed enough when bouncing the ball, so that the movements are stiff.

4. When the head bounces the ball, the leg, body and neck are not coordinated, only relying on the neck.

Example of practice method

1. One person, one ball: experience the time, position, power and coordination of the whole action of touching the ball.

2. Two people with one ball: touch the ball with the instep, thighs, head and all parts of the body, master the power of touching the ball and try not to let the ball fall to the ground. Everyone can touch the ball once and bounce it to the other side, or touch the ball many times and bounce each other.

3. A group of four or five people, with two balls in the circle: you can specify the number and position of each person touching the ball, and you can also freely master the number and position of touching the ball. Pay attention to the observation when bouncing the ball to prevent two balls from bouncing to the same partner at the same time.

Everyone knows how to play football, but remember to pay attention to safety. There are many people who play football, and they are very tired when running. It is easy to get injured. If you are injured, you should seek medical attention in time. You must not continue playing football until the injury has fully recovered. After all, the premise of exercise is to be healthy.

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In autumn and winter, of course, golfers are most concerned aboutBadminton has become unbearable.What to do! Compared withEndure steaming ballsThe flight drop orA sharp increase in ball feesThe pain,Choosing a more suitable badminton is king!

So,How to choose badminton?As long as it is resistant to beating in winter? What about flying, feeling and stability? Of course, there is also the price!

Tested8 brands and 24 badminton modelsLater, we found that:YY, Victory, RSLAnd other common brands have individual models.Pujie. What is the reason? Come with salted fish and use it.Scientific method+real person experimentLet’s test it!


/What are the performance parameters of badminton? /

/evaluation options/

/Evaluation Dimension & Evaluation Method/

/evaluation results/

/buying instructions/

  • First choice
  • Cost-effective choice
  • You can try.


About the initial motion evaluation room

Simply put, we are a group.Super keen on badmintonPeople, hoping toScientific evaluationMeans to choose the most suitable equipment for you who also love badminton.

Solemn statement All large-scale, multi-product comparative evaluation reports of the initial sports evaluation room areIndependent production,Did not cooperate with any brands or businesses.Committed to objectively and neutrally solving doubts for badminton lovers on the way to playing and burning equipment.

What are the performance parameters of badminton?
Badminton is composed of wool, ball head, coil and glue, and the intuitive manifestation can be mainly divided intoFour parameters

  • Flight trajectory:Whether the flying parabola conforms to most people’s hitting habits (whether it will be too blunt or sudden stop).
  • Flight stability:Whether the ball can maintain a unified and stable flight attitude when it stays in the air.
  • Hitting feel:Whether the feedback on the player’s hand is simple and clear when hitting.
  • Hitting resistance:Within an acceptable range, badminton can maintain the ability (duration) of the first three performance experiences.

Evaluation and selection
We have chosen8 brands and 24 badminton modelsMost of them are well-known brands.

From three comprehensive brandsYY, Li Ning, Victory, to well-known ball brandsRSLAnd then to the rookie brand.Ogarin, Kawasaki, WeiconWait; And offline niche brands.BaishengAlso, it was selected as the selection for this evaluation because it was used in many amateur competitions and ball groups around.

The following evaluation optionsAll as consumers,Buy from a reliable source, do not accept samples sent by brands.

Evaluation dimension & evaluation method

The evaluation dimensions of this badminton are:
Performance experience dimension:Flight trajectory, flight stability, hitting feel;

Performance maintenance dimension:Hitting resistance.

Test environment:Location: Guangzhou/Temperature: 16℃/ Humidity: 22/ Ball speed: 77.

Flight path

Adjust the angle of high and long ball with the server, and record the flight trajectory of badminton with a high-speed camera.

Keep the position, angle and strength of the server unchanged, and randomly select 3 balls from each of the 24 balls to test and record them one by one.

After post-processing the material, a visual flight trajectory map is obtained.

Analyze the flight trajectories of several top-class badminton, and get an optimal flight curve by taking the average value.

The curve of each ball is compared with the optimal curve in the first, middle and last stages, and scored according to the deviation. The lower the deviation, the higher the score. (out of 10)

Flight stability

Flight stability includes:wind tunnel testsandActual combat test.

Flight stability score = wind tunnel test score+actual combat test score

We made a simple wind tunnel with air duct+badminton hand glue+carton, which can simulate the stable state of badminton during flight.

We made a simple wind tunnel to simulate the stable state of badminton during flight.

Observe the rotation of the ball head and badminton through wind tunnel simulation. When the center of gravity, balance and roundness of badminton are not good enough, there will be unstable performance.

Through the observation and recording in the actual hitting process, the actual combat score of flight stability is obtained.

Hitting feel

For the hitting feel items that can only be experienced directly by real people, we invited three golfers of different ages to try each ball and score its hitting feel.

Although the ball is different in age and level. But also have their own feelings.

Hitting resistance

Finally, it is the hardest part of our test.

We try to hit 24 kinds of balls high and far, and record the state of the ball every 20 beats, and record the state of the ball in different States, such as starting to shake, starting to slow down, breaking hair, and finally eliminating.Beat countAnd take photos to record the state of the ball.

We try to hit 24 kinds of balls high and far, and record the state of the ball every 20 beats.

Take photos to record the state of the ball at different times of hitting.

Evaluation results

Performance-price ratio formula of initial badminton

Cost performance score = (total performance score * hit resistance score)/market price

Total performance score = flight trajectory score x0.4+ flight stability score x0.4+ hitting feel score x0.2.

The evaluation results of 24 badminton models are as follows:

Purchase instruction

In order to make everyonemake pointed referencesChoose the one that suits you best, and we have made several purchase suggestions for you. Because everyone has different needs and preferences for flying, fighting resistance and cost performance, please adopt it as appropriate.

(95 yuan and goose feather ball with a price of 115 yuan have obvious advantages over duck feather ball in terms of stable performance and durability, so they are better choices for playing in autumn and winter).

(75 yuan’s price, duck and duck’s generous wool film, the performance and beating resistance are above average, and the cost performance is higher)

(The comprehensive performance is relatively ideal, and friends who like it can give it a try.)

The End

Heavy tip First move to WeChat official account "Equipment evaluation"column will be launched.Badminton scoring list, constantly update the high-quality badminton styles on the market,Welcome friends to recommend.Good at playing high-quality badminton brands and models, and we will give you a satisfactory answer.