Demystifying "The Vanishing Bullet": Ting Feng fights for his life and lingers with Yang Mi semi-naked

Duo poster

Little Skylark (Yang Mi) is injured to help Guo Zhui (Nicholas Tse)

Yang Mi and Nicholas Tse play with passion

Hot-blooded detective Guo Zhui (Nicholas Tse) pursues justice and is not afraid of power

    Movie Network News(Text/Zhang Wei) Produced by Er Dongsheng and directed by Luo Zhiliang, the film will be released on August 14. Liu Qingyun and Nicholas Tse are one-man and one-man, and the two are partners. There are many gun battles in the reasoning, and they work together to track down the "ghost bullet". Yang Mi, on the other hand, offered the largest drama since his debut, half-naked and Nicholas Tse in a passionate play, which can be called the biggest highlight of the film.

Aspect 1: Yang Mi is semi-naked and Nicholas Tse is filming a passionate scene

    In fact, Yang Mi doesn’t have many scenes in the film. He appears as a blind man telling fortunes, and then is chased and rescued by Nicholas Tse. The most interesting part is the large-scale passionate scene she shot with Nicholas Tse. Nicholas Tse rubbed medicine on Yang Mi in his pajamas, and then the two began to kiss and hug. Yang Mi entered the camera half-naked, and Nicholas Tse was also shirtless and very beautiful.

Aspect 2: Nicholas Tse plays the sharpshooter and fights for his life

    Who doesn’t know that Nicholas Tse worked hard to film the scene, but he didn’t get hurt as if he hadn’t filmed this scene before. The scene of the sea of fire was really thrilling. The ammunition warehouse of the arsenal was detonated, and the flames were everywhere. Nicholas Tse was covering for others to rush out of the fire at this time. Director Luo Zhiliang said that in this scene, Nicholas Tse did not use a double, and took the initiative to run past the explosion point without any protective equipment, and the staff were worried for him during filming. In addition to this most dangerous scene, he can often be seen playing the sharpshooter in the film, accurately hitting the enemy’s eyebrows from 50 meters away, and he is always the fastest person when the two draw guns at the same time. Such accurate marksmanship, coupled with Nicholas Tse’s cool expression and handsome gun-holding posture, cannot help but feel that his popularity in the past was inevitable.

Next page:Aspect 3: Liu Qingyun reappears as a detective

If you raise it in spring, you will be safe all year! Please keep this spring health strategy.

A year’s plan lies in spring, which is the beginning of Vientiane’s renewal. In spring, the body is well conditioned and the whole year is safe.

The reporter interviewed a number of old Chinese medicine practitioners in Guangming Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They said that in spring, the yang of the human body should also follow the nature and spread outward. How to protect the body’s yang and avoid damaging it? The old Chinese doctor gave a general strategy for spring health preservation.

life daily life

1. Feel at ease, and experience the awaken of spring with five senses.

Spring is suitable for opening the five senses of the human body, experiencing the breath of spring, and enjoying flowers in the spring outing.

Step 2 get up early and stretch.

In spring, you should go to bed early and get up early, take appropriate activities after getting up, and take a walk in the courtyard to make the blood flow better.

3. Rub the liver meridian and knock the gallbladder meridian

In spring, to keep the liver and gallbladder channels unblocked, you can massage the liver channel of Foot Jueyin on the inner thigh and beat the gallbladder channel of Foot Shaoyang on the outer thigh.


In spring, the liver qi is strong, and the diet should be light, mainly to soothe the liver and strengthen the spleen.

Liver soothing food:Such as roses, green sepals, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, bergamot, bean sprouts, malt, dried tangerine peel and so on.

Spleen-invigorating food:Such as yam, poria cocos, white lentils, coix seed, gordon euryales, codonopsis pilosula, lotus seeds and the like.

Nourishing lung qi:The five colors corresponding to the lungs are "white". Recommended foods: pear, tremella, yam, lily, white radish, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine characteristic therapy

1. moxibustion:Spring is the time for yang to grow hair, which is better than tonic. Moxibustion is a very quick way to restore yang, help yang and replenish yang.

2. Scraping:Spring has the characteristics of growth, growth and comfort. Scraping can bring forth the new and smooth the mechanism, protect the yang in the body, and scraping on the back is the best.

3. Chinese medicine foot massage:In spring, the five zang-organs should respond to the liver, and the kidney water should go up to nourish the liver. Foot massage with traditional Chinese medicine can help people with yang deficiency and kidney deficiency, and those with upper heat and lower cold to raise yang.

Common health-care acupoints

Yingxiang point (bilateral)-regulating lung qi and dredging nasal orifices

It is located near the midpoint of the outer edge of the human nose, in the middle of the nasolabial groove, and 1.5 cm away from both sides of the nose.

Health care method: often press vertically with the index finger and abdomen for 1-3 minutes each time, which can make the nose comfortable, have a good health care effect on the lungs and prevent lung disease.

Guanyuan point and Yongquan point (both sides)-tonifying kidney yang and kidney essence.

① Guanyuan point is located at the front midline of the abdomen, 3 inches below the umbilicus. Four fingers together, starting from the umbilical cord, with the middle finger horizontal stripes as the standard, the horizontal distance.

Health care method: Guanyuan point has the functions of strengthening the source, reinforcing the lower energizer, and can be used for any loss of vitality. Massage Guanyuan point with the palm root for 2 ~ 3 minutes.

② Yongquan point is located at the bottom of the foot, at the depression in the front of the foot when the foot is curled up, about at the intersection point between the head ends of the second and third plantar toe seams and the front 1/3 and the back 2/3 of the heel line.

Health care method: Insist on rubbing Yongquan point 50-100 times before going to bed every day, which can make people energetic, strengthen their physique and enhance their ability to prevent diseases.

Zhongwan Point and Zusanli (both sides)-strengthening spleen and regulating spleen and stomach.

① Zhongwan point has the effects of harmonizing stomach and strengthening spleen, lowering adverse qi and promoting diuresis.

Zhongwan point is located in the upper abdomen, on the anterior median line, and 4 inches above the umbilicus (the lateral distance of five fingers).

Health care method: Knead with palm root for 2 ~ 3 minutes, and operate once or twice a day.

② Zusanli is the key point of spleen and stomach health care, and it is the first point recognized by Chinese medicine for treating diseases, preserving health and protecting health.

Zusanli is located in the front and outside of the calf. The simple way to find a hole is to sit in a chair with the soles of your feet flat and 90 degrees, and surround your knees with your own jaws, that is, between your thumb and forefinger. Then put the index finger in front of the lower leg below the knee, and put the four fingers together. If the position pointed by the middle finger feels sore after pressing, it indicates that this part is Zusanli.

Health care method: press and rub this point with the ventral end of thumb or tap it with the interphalangeal joint with fists every day.

Shangguan author: Pudong observation

The beautiful scenery of Lingao comes to Gaoganhai Park to experience the fun of catching the sea.

Original title: Lingao beautiful scenery comes to Gaoganhai Park to experience the fun of catching the sea.

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 3 news (Reporter Lin Wenquan) Every weekend, many foreign tourists, residents of Lingao County and local residents of Dongying Town will go to Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park in Futixi Village, Dongying Town, Lingao County to catch the sea and play. At present, Ganhai Park has an average daily passenger flow of 2,000 to 3,000 passengers during weekends and holidays, making it a good place for public recreation.

Lingao beautiful coastline. Photo courtesy of Lin Gaorong Media

Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

Lingao Mancheng Ecological Catch-the-Sea Park, located in Futixi Village, has a large coastline shoal, which is 2000 meters from the shore to the sea and forms a natural catch-the-sea area at low tide. Before it was developed into a catch-up park, it was a famous catch-up place nearby; Nowadays, it has become a park to catch the sea, and the rise of seaside homestays has attracted many tourists to come for leisure and entertainment.

Nearby villagers are catching the sea in Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Photo courtesy of Lin Gaorong Media

The seaside next to Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

At present, Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch-the-Sea Park takes the cultural experience of catch-the-sea as its theme, and has developed products such as catch-the-sea shellfish-picking beach experience, outdoor sports, special meals for fishing and farming, coastal homestay experience, courtyard barbecue, etc., so as to create the original cultural experience of catch-the-sea in coastal fishing villages, which is an ideal place for leisure, parent-child research and self-driving experience.

Tourists are catching the sea in Lingao Slow City Ecological Catch the Sea Park. Reporter Lin Wenquan photo

At the same time, Lingao Slow City Ecological Ganhai Park is close to Hainan Island Tourism Highway (Lingao Section), and the smooth road has become a good helper for Ganhai Park to "suck powder". Mr. Fu, who came from Haikou by car, said that there are not only beautiful seaside scenery, but also complete supporting facilities such as seaside homestays and restaurants. "My family and I plan to stay here for two days and experience the fun of catching the sea in depth."

Come to high-quality food, watch beautiful scenery and watch wonderful games! From February 18th to 20th, the 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Tournament will be held in Binjiang Park, Lingao County.

"Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty" —— Poster of "Witt Cup" 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Competition. (Lin Wenquan)

Take a bath for the viscera before winter, and keep in good health in winter from "no"

  Editor’s note:"The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, and the vegetation is shaken and exposed to frost." In late autumn, most parts of the country have ushered in an obvious cooling process. After the sultry weather at the turn of summer and autumn, our bodies usually accumulate a lot of damp-heat evils. These "toxins" hidden in the body will lay a curse and make winter easy to get sick. Therefore, before winter, give your body a big cleaning, expel toxins from your body, keep healthy qi and reserve energy for winter.

  Take a bath for the viscera before winter.

  Clearing lung. In the late autumn, the smog weather is "reloaded", and the lungs bear the brunt of the test. Taking more deep breaths in the crisp autumn season can not only increase vital capacity, enhance lung function, but also discharge dirty air from the lungs. Every time a person breathes, there will be residual waste gas in the lungs that cannot be discharged, and these waste gas "toxins" can be discharged from the body only after a few deep breaths. 3~5 am every day is the time to detoxify the lungs, and diseases such as asthma and cough are easy to attack or aggravate at this time. In order to prevent the situation of "closing the door and staying behind", we should not take cough medicine as soon as we cough, so as not to inhibit the rapid discharge of turbid air in the lungs. The correct way is to expel "toxins" by actively coughing and expectoration, but patients with hypertension, pulmonary bullae and serious heart diseases should not cough actively to avoid accidents. At the same time, in order to make our lungs more refreshing, everyone should exercise moderately at ordinary times and let sweat take away the toxins in the lungs. Taking a hot bath and soaking in hot springs can also have the effect of sweating. Before bathing, you can add some ginger and mint essential oil to the water, which will make the sweat secrete more freely. Older people who are not suitable for the above activities can press Hegu point with their thumb and forefinger to help the lungs detoxify.

  Clear the stomach. The dry weather in autumn, coupled with modern people’s addiction to alcohol and spicy food, is easy to form stomach fire, which is manifested by dry mouth, bad breath, swollen gums and constipation. Clearing stomach fire provides a simple and easy method for everyone — — Drink radish juice. Chinese medicine believes that radish is pungent, sweet and cool, and belongs to the lung and stomach meridian. Those with stomach fire can be juiced for drinking. In addition, the weather is getting colder, people’s exercise is reduced, intestinal peristalsis is slowed down, and constipation is prone to occur. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that stool can not be discharged in time, and toxins accumulated in the intestine will enter the human body through the intestinal mucosa, which will bring health risks. It is suggested that people with constipation can eat more laxative fruits such as kiwi fruit, pitaya fruit and banana, as well as vegetables and staple foods containing high cellulose, such as spinach, pumpkin, rape and sweet potato, or cook whole grain porridge at home and take it warm in the morning and evening.

  Clearing liver. In autumn, dryness and evil are on the high side, and people often show symptoms such as irritability, oral ulcer, dry mouth and yellow urine, which is the manifestation of liver fire. Clearing liver fire in autumn, it is recommended to take tea instead of tea. On weekdays, honeysuckle, acacia flowers, chrysanthemums and roses can be soaked in water. At the same time, we should pay attention to control our emotions and clear our anger through self-regulation: we should maintain a peaceful attitude and treat people with tolerance; Form good living habits. The working hours of the liver are from 11: 00 pm to 1: 00 am. It is best to go to bed before 11: 00, and don’t stay up late. Eat a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat less spicy foods that are easy to get angry; Outdoor sports, Tai Chi, Baduanjin and other traditional sports have a good effect on soothing the mood and clearing away the liver fire. In addition, the hepatotoxicity can also be eliminated by "scraping the liver meridian". The specific method is: push the palm root from the root of the inner thigh to the knee, or push the fist down with the joints of four fingers, pushing 300 times each time. If you feel pain in your skin, you can apply some moisturizing oil before rubbing.

  Clearing kidney. Damp-heat evil in autumn is easy to hurt kidney yin, which makes kidney transpiration and gasification function fail, and damp evil can not be eliminated, resulting in water accumulation, which is manifested as edema of eyelids and limbs, especially lower limbs. Nourishing the kidney in autumn should start from the foot, because the kidney meridian starts from the sole of the foot, and the foot is vulnerable to cold. Therefore, in late autumn, we should pay attention to keeping our feet warm, don’t expose our feet when sleeping, and don’t walk barefoot on the cold floor or in wet places. There are many acupoints on the sole of the foot, such as Yongquan point, which can be rubbed several times before going to bed. In addition, because the kidney and bladder are exterior and interior, the evil of damp-heat will pour into the bladder through the kidney, resulting in "stranguria" (that is, urinary tract infection in western medicine), which is characterized by frequent urination, urgency and pain. Therefore, this season, it is recommended that you drink more water and urinate frequently to promote the discharge of damp heat. If the evil of damp-heat has injured the kidney yin, Chinese medicines such as Poria, Atractylodes macrocephala and Phaseolus vulgaris can be added to the diet to promote diuresis and reduce swelling.

  Winter health care starts with "no"

  Do not make up falsely.

  Many people think that winter is a golden season for tonic. When winter comes, all kinds of tonics are eaten in large quantities, and many businesses have launched various "packages" and "partners" to meet the needs of consumers. In fact, it is enough to make up for it properly in winter. In winter, it is mainly closed, not leaked. Excessive tonic will lead to the disorder of body balance, especially the excessive use of products that tonify yang and qi will lead to the leakage of essence in the body, resulting in "no essence in winter". Therefore, in winter, it should be properly supplemented, and it is not possible to make up for it. In particular, ginseng, velvet antler and other "sharp tools" for invigorating qi and tonifying yang should be more cautious.

  Don’t eat in vain

  It’s freezing in winter, eating a spicy hot pot and sweating all over, and many people will feel very comfortable, but they don’t know that this is dissipating the yang of the human body. In winter, we should give priority to nourishing yin essence, and we must not use hot products indiscriminately. Of course, you can’t eat some cold products in winter, so as not to damage spleen yang, affect spleen and stomach transport and destroy digestive system. In short, in winter, we should give priority to a peaceful and moist diet, such as drinking more porridge, putting some jujube, medlar, longan, tremella and lily appropriately, and adding a small amount of ginger as appropriate, which can be tonic but not greasy, moist and not dry, and is a good tonic for winter. Taboo a large number of hot products such as mutton, pepper, etc., and a large number of cold products such as fruits and ice cream.

  Don’t drink in vain

  In winter, many people like to drink some white wine to warm themselves up. In fact, moderate drinking is beneficial to health, which can warm the blood vessels, dispel the wind and dispel the cold. The common recipe for postpartum biochemical soup is to take it with white wine. However, liquor is a warm product after all. Excessive drinking will dissipate human yang, and excessive drinking will also cause dampness and phlegm, which will make people feel dizzy and depressed. Nowadays, many young people like to drink drinks. These drinks contain a lot of sugar, which can easily lead to obesity. In winter, drinking too much drinks will damage spleen yang and lead to indigestion. At the same time, some drinks also contain a lot of gas, which can easily lead to bloating after drinking. Therefore, you should not drink too much white wine or drink too many cold drinks in winter. In fact, red wine, as the most natural healthy drink, has the merit of beauty beauty and can be used as a good health product in winter. In addition, black tea is sweet in taste, warm in nature, good at storing yang, generating heat and warming the abdomen, which can enhance the human body’s resistance to cold, and also has the functions of removing greasy food, appetizing and refreshing, so it is very suitable for drinking in winter.

  Don’t work in vain

  You shouldn’t stay up late in winter, you should go to bed early and get up late to ensure enough sleep time, so as to facilitate the hidden yang and the accumulation of yin essence. In winter, it should be appropriate to exercise in winter, instead of sweating like rain in other seasons. In winter, we should appropriately reduce the number of baths, not to take a hot bath for a long time, and often take a sauna to avoid dissipating the human yang; At the same time, in winter, we should pay attention to control sexual intercourse, recuperate and live, so that the essence can be stored.

  In short, winter health care should follow the word "hiding", save your strength and make adequate preparations for the "spring life" in the coming spring.

  Keep healthy in winter, hide kidney, protect yang and spend the winter safely.

  Go to bed early and get up late, storing kidney and strengthening yang.

  Traditional Chinese medicine health care experts believe that the kidney belongs to water, which is enlightened by the ear and the second yin. "Its taste is salty, its flower is in the hair, and its liquid is saliva." Its function is to store essence and control the growth, development, reproduction and water-liquid metabolism of the human body.

  In winter, the kidneys begin to hide and stagnate like water, and the human body’s yang is adduced and the essence is stored, so the hair is dark and moist, the teeth are firm, the waist and back are straight, the reaction is quick, and the ears are bright. If the seal is not firm, the essence will be lost, resulting in such undesirable phenomena as toothache, deafness, wheezing and coughing, soreness of the waist and knees, and dysdefecation.

  Only by obeying the laws of nature can people not interfere with their latent yang. In winter, when it gets dark early and it gets bright late, you should go to bed early and get up when the sun is more abundant. Young people can start from late autumn and insist on washing their faces with cold water to enhance their cold resistance. The elderly should avoid exercising in the cold, strong wind and fog, avoid catching cold and beware of cardiovascular diseases.

  Winter tonic varies from person to person.

  After the winter solstice, the yin qi began to fade, and the yang qi began to rise, which contained lively vitality in the enclosure. Taking advantage of this time to make up, the drug is easy to accumulate and play its role, which is the best time to recuperate weak diseases.

  There are two kinds of tonic methods in winter: one is food tonic and the other is medicine tonic. Old people with weak yang and insufficient qi and blood and patients with weak health are recommended to use food for tonic, such as mutton, which can warm and strengthen; Chicken is sweet and warm, which can warm the middle warmer, replenish qi, replenish essence and marrow; Cattle bone marrow, oviductus ranae (also known as snow cream), etc., have an aphrodisiac effect.

  People with yin deficiency are often manifested as dry throat and tongue, upset and irritable, insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness and tinnitus, etc. You can eat goose and duck for tonic. Goose meat is sweet, tender and soft, and its fragrance is not greasy. It has the function of "benefiting the five internal organs, relieving the heat of the five internal organs and quenching thirst". Stewed radish with goose meat can greatly smooth lung qi, relieve cough, eliminate phlegm and relieve asthma, so the proverb "drink goose soup and eat goose meat, and don’t cough all year round" has been circulating since ancient times. Duck meat is sweet and cold, which is beneficial to nourishing the stomach, tonifying the kidney, relieving swelling, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Stewing with kelp can soften blood vessels and lower blood pressure. And can be used for adjuvant treatment of hemorrhoids of the elderly. In addition, soft-shelled turtle, turtle, lotus root, fungus, etc. are also beneficial foods for the elderly with yin deficiency in winter.

  Generally, people who are weak can take some lean pork, beef, milk, eggs, soybean milk, red dates, etc. if conditions permit, which has the function of strengthening the body resistance and eliminating evil spirits. However, supplements such as shark’s fin, sea cucumber and bird’s nest are expensive and may not be commensurate with their value from a nutritional point of view, so don’t blindly take supplements.

  Diligent practice of tonifying kidney and qi

  Regular exercise and more exercises can help nourish yang and strengthen kidney qi. Huang Zhengde recommended some exercises to keep fit with seasons and seasons, such as solar terms guidance and the following three exercises.

  1. Treating kidney with six qi.

  Exercises: After washing every morning, close your eyes and sit quietly in a quiet room. First knock your teeth 36 times, then stir with your tongue in your mouth. When your mouth is full of body fluid, rinse it several times, swallow it three times and send it to Dantian. Pause for a moment, inhale slowly through your nose and lick your palate with your tongue; Then the mouth is slightly open, slowly exhale, and there is a "blowing" sound, which is not audible to the ear. Repeat this for 30 times.

  Efficacy: Prevent, relieve and treat lumbago, cold knees, tinnitus, sores on mouth and tongue, numbness and numbness of skin and limbs caused by kidney deficiency.

  2. Kidney guidance.

  Exercises: sit in a dish, lift your hands from the chest to the top of your head, palms up, fingers back, first turn left and waist 45 degrees, and wait a few seconds for your body to recover; Then, the left hand descends on the left knee, and the right hand holds the elbow joint of the left hand. Do this about 10 times each. Get up again, lean forward slightly, with your left foot as the center of gravity, and step on your right foot for dozens of times; Then take the right foot as the center of gravity, and the left foot steps forward and backward dozens of times.

  Efficacy: It can dispel and prevent the accumulation of pathogenic wind in the waist and kidney, and is effective in treating waist pain and mobility inconvenience.

  3. Massage and tonify the kidney.

  Exercises: after waking up in the morning, sit on the bed with a clothes tray, put your hands on the left and right waist and kidney areas and massage for 36 times; Massage Yongquan point on the left and right soles for 36 times; Then rub your palms together, massage your face 36 times and gently rub your eyes 36 times.

  Efficacy: It can prevent and treat dizziness, soreness of waist and knees, lumbago, edema of lower limbs and other diseases, and has the functions of caring skin and improving eyesight. (People’s Health Network is integrated from China Chinese Medicine News and Life Times)

Attention! There will be rain (snow) weather in these places in Yunnan from tomorrow …

Yesterday (January 9th),
Most of the sunshine and blue sky in Yunnan continue to be "online".
Only northern Zhaotong City, eastern Wenshan Prefecture,
Southeast of Honghe prefecture,
Light rain and partial moderate rain
Heavy fog appeared in the southwest and southeast of Yunnan in the morning.
Northwest Yunnan, West Yunnan, Central Yunnan, East Yunnan and other places,
There are 28 stations whose daily minimum temperature is below 0℃.
The lowest is -12.2℃ (Shangri-La).
It is estimated that in the next three days,
Most of the province continues.
A sunny and rainy weather pattern,
There is heavy fog in the southwest and southeast Yunnan in the early morning.
Affected by the stationary front,
Cloudy and cloudy in the east, with showers and partial rain.
In addition,
11 -13 January
Affected by plateau trough (warm and humid airflow and weak cold air),
Northwest Yunnan, South Yunnan, East Yunnan, Northeast Yunnan,
There are showers and partial rain.
There is a snow shower at high altitude in Diqing Prefecture.
The temperature difference between day and night in northwest Yunnan, west Yunnan and central Yunnan is large.
The daily minimum temperature in some areas is below 0℃.
Specific forecast
From 20: 00 on January 10th to 20: 00 on January 11th.
The northern part of Diqing Prefecture is cloudy with snow showers, while Zhaotong City, Qujing City, Wenshan Prefecture, southern Honghe Prefecture, southeastern Pu ‘er City and eastern Xishuangbanna Prefecture are cloudy with showers, while other areas are cloudy with sunny days.
From 20: 00 on January 11th to 20: 00 on January 12th.
The north-central part of Diqing Prefecture is cloudy with snow showers, while the southern part of Diqing Prefecture, the northern part of Lijiang City, the northern part of Nujiang Prefecture, Zhaotong City, Qujing City, Wenshan Prefecture, Honghe Prefecture, the southern part of Yuxi City, the southeastern part of Pu ‘er City, and the eastern part of Xishuangbanna Prefecture are cloudy with showers and partial moderate rain, while other areas are cloudy and cloudy.
From 20: 00 on January 12th to 20: 00 on January 13th.
Zhaotong City, Qujing City, Wenshan Prefecture, south of Honghe Prefecture, southeast of Pu ‘er City, and east of Xishuangbanna Prefecture are cloudy with showers and partial moderate rain, while other areas are sunny and cloudy.
Specific weather forecast for Kunming in the next three days
Meteorological grade forecast of forest and grassland fire danger
It is estimated that there are 4 grades in the north of Chuxiong, 3 grades in Diqing, Nujiang, Lijiang, Dali, Baoshan, north-central Lincang, north-central and southwest of Pu ‘er, west of Xishuangbanna, central and south of Chuxiong, Kunming, Yuxi, southwest of Zhaotong, northwest of Qujing and north of Honghe, and 1 ~ 2 grades in other areas.
Special reminder: Recently, there is no effective precipitation in most parts of Yunnan, with strong ultraviolet radiation and greatly reduced air humidity. The characteristics of dry weather are particularly obvious, and the meteorological level of forest fire danger remains high. Relevant departments should increase their efforts to patrol mountains and protect forests, and do a good job in fire source control, inspection and monitoring to prevent forest fires.
Synthesis: Yunnan Meteorology, Kunming Cloud Meteorology
Source: YNTV2 city barcode

German media: "A big weakness" slows down the rise of China cars in Europe, and half of the brands will disappear.

# The headline of current events said # "Many European experts think that China cars have a bright future. They perform well in crash tests, are usually beautifully designed, and provide reasonable equipment even in the basic version-and the price is unparalleled. " However, the article titled "What May Stop the Rise of China Electric Vehicles in Germany" in German Economic Weekly on December 10th pointed out that the China brand still has a key weakness-China automobile manufacturers lack a service point network in Germany and Europe. Many China players also have weak financial resources.

Nearly 30 China brands have entered Europe.

At the end of November, BYD, a China automobile manufacturer, announced that it had reached a "historic milestone": the 6 millionth new energy vehicle rolled off the assembly line in Zhengzhou, China. In just three months, BYD’s car production has increased from 5 million to 6 million. BYD is a success story: it took 13 years to produce the millionth electric car. BYD currently has offices in 58 countries around the world, including Germany.

Like BYD, Aichi, MG, Geely and Weilai have mushroomed in Germany. Chery is also expected to start selling in Germany in the second quarter of 2024.

Economic Weekly article

Ergun Lumali, President of the General Union of Mercedes-Benz Group, recently visited China, where he was able to drive and inspect the cars of China automobile manufacturers. He said: "China manufacturers are ahead of us in the fields of digitalization, infotainment and autonomous driving, and the price makes it difficult for us to keep up. We are getting better, but we must hurry and act faster. "

In any case, people in China have ambitious sales plans: "At present, about 20 to 30 China brands are trying to gain a foothold in Europe," said benedikt Mayer of IfA. So far, China’s market share of new cars in Germany is about 1%. By 2025, this proportion is likely to reach 3%. The growth is enormous.

BYD dealers also sell Mercedes-Benz.

But the China brand still has a key weakness: "China manufacturers come to Europe with very strong products, but this is only one of the keys to success," said Peter Fintel, head of Capgemini’s technology and innovation. Sales and service are equally important.

Fabian Brandt, partner of Oliver Wyman Consulting and global consultant in charge of automobiles and industrial products, said that service plays an important role in the life cycle of automobiles. Service "determines whether customers are satisfied." Anyone who has just entered the European market must establish a good service network. If the player doesn’t do this, it will damage the brand. Lack of service may slow down the rise of China brands. "

China’s share of electric vehicles exported to Europe is increasing.

But what if the China car needs to go to a repair shop? Then sometimes there may be problems. Meyer said that in order to fully enter the German market, manufacturers need at least 100 auto repair service points.

Not all China automobile manufacturers have established a comprehensive service point network. For example, Weilai mainly passedmove""WeilaiService center ",to provide users with on-site service. In any case, there are not many users. From January to September, 2023, the newly registered number of Weilai Automobile was only 885. This is not enough to cover the high cost.

A China automobile brand store in Europe.

In contrast, taking MG as an example, it is estimated that there will be 20,000 newly registered cars in 2023. "This goal seems to be achievable at present," said MG. Polestar has set up more than 200 service points in Germany and cooperated with Volvo Car Germany. Polestar 2 has registered more than 15,000 vehicles in Germany. Aichi Auto relies on ATU auto repair service chain. Customers can go to any of about 500 ATU branches in Germany. Up to now, Aichi Automobile has sold about 3,000 U5 SUV models in Germany. BYD dealers also sell Mercedes-Benz in Germany.

The way to establish contact with large retail chain stores is particularly promising. They not only have dozens of car dealerships in the region, but also have affiliated repair shops. This is how sales and service are combined. For example, Great Wall Motor relies on Emile Frey Group, an importer in Germany. So far, the manufacturer has sold more than 4,000 Great Wall Euler 03 cars in Germany alone.

get ready for a journey or a march

There is another risk: according to consultant Brandt, many players from China also have "fragile financial resources". Therefore, he estimated that "half of the brands currently targeting the European market will disappear again". The risk faced by car owners in China is whether they will continue to get spare parts, especially software updates. If the manufacturer withdraws from the market again, in theory, it must abide by the law and continue to provide spare parts to existing customers.

Therefore, if China manufacturers want to gain a foothold in the European market, it is imperative to build a perfect service point network to give European drivers who have bought China cars and want to buy China cars a "reassurance".

# New energy vehicles #

[Sports consumption season] A big wave of exciting events hit this weekend. Please keep this watch guide!

Characteristic activities or trend sports?

You can choose.

The activities to be held this week are full of excitement, including traditional sheep racing and grassland marathon. While experiencing the passion of the event, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery, understand the cultural history, cultural customs and taste local specialties. There will also be three-a-side basketball, five-a-side football, e-sports, Rubik’s Cube and Frisbee, which will debut this weekend, which will set off waves of trend sports among young people and make everyone happy to start a new sports and life. Xiaobian presents a guide to watching the game for everyone, so please code it!

The 17th Sheep Race in Zhangjiakou shangyi county.

From August 4th to 6th, Shangyi, Zhangjiakou will hold a sheep race with local characteristics.

According to the local characteristics, this year’s Sheep Race will hold a series of activities, such as the Ram Race, the 100-person Rub-You-Noodles Competition, the Grassland Horse Race, the National Invitational Tournament for Motorcycling, the Shanxi-Hebei-Inner Mongolia Square Dance Competition, the Forest Circus, the Bashang Food Festival, the Beer Lighting, Culture and Music Festival, the starry bonfire party, and so on. There will also be wrestling, pulling carts by sheep, tug-of-war performances by sheep, and the display and tasting of special agricultural and sideline products.

Activity schedule




Direction of Beijing: Take Beijing-Tibet Expressway, turn to Haizhang Expressway, turn to Zhang Shang Expressway, and get off at Shangyidong Expressway.

Direction of Tianjin: You can take the Beijing-Tianjin Expressway, turn to the East Sixth Ring Road in the capital, turn to the North Sixth Ring Road, turn to the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, turn to the Haizhang Expressway, turn to the Zhang Shang Expressway, and get off the Shangyidong Expressway.

Direction of Shijiazhuang: You can take Jingkun Expressway, Zhuanqu Expressway, Zhuanrongwu Expressway, Zhuanzhang Expressway, Zhuanzhang Expressway, Zhuanzhang Expressway, Zhang Shang Expressway and get off at Shangyidong Expressway.

Direction of Datong: Take Erguang Expressway, transfer to Xingba Expressway and get off at Shangyi West Expressway.

The Universiade Village is located in Chengdu University. Relying on the existing campus and construction and development plan, 22 single buildings, such as life service center, medical center, international education exchange center and training building, will be built, which can guarantee 11,000 people to live in during the Games and be handed over to Chengdu University for teaching after the Games.

Venue address

No.313 Jilong Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

competition event

Table tennis competition

Game time

July 29th-August 5th

The Universiade Village is located in Chengdu University. Relying on the existing campus and construction and development plan, 22 single buildings, such as life service center, medical center, international education exchange center and training building, will be built, which can guarantee 11,000 people to live in during the Games and be handed over to Chengdu University for teaching after the Games.

Kangbanol Cup 2023 Seventh Kangbao Grassland Marathon

On August 6th, the 7th Kangbao Grassland Marathon of Kangbanol Cup 2023 will start at 7: 00 a.m. in kangbao county Cultural Square, which is the only national class A marathon in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei this summer.

There are good ecological grassland features around the race track. The entire track foundation is 1500m above sea level, with a cumulative climb of 430m. The route passes through the national wetland park-Kangbanol National Wetland Park, the holiday holy place known as the "Dragon Palace" of grassland-Wolongtu Scenic Area, and Wolongtu Mountain, the second peak in the county with an altitude of 1694m.

From 7: 30 pm to 9: 30 pm on August 5th, a "Kangma Night" performance will be held in kangbao county Cultural Square, which will showcase Kangbao’s unique literature and art for players from all over the country and show the local customs of Kangbao.

Match address

Kangbao county, Zhangjiakou

competition event


Game time

August 6 th

China Shijiazhuang Five-a-side Football National Competition

This China Shijiazhuang futsal national competition is attended by futsal teams from more than 20 cities in China. The competition adopts a decisive competition system. In each round, the two teams face each other, and the winner becomes the champion of the next round. The registered teams will come out in turn to fight according to the registration order until the final round is decided.

Match address

Shijiazhuang Youth Football Training Base (northwest corner of the intersection of Jianhua South Street and South Second Ring Road)

competition event


Game time

From July 23rd to the end of October, every Saturday and Sunday from 19: 30 to 21: 00.

2023 Shijiazhuang National Triple Basketball League Finals

The tournament started on April 16th, with more than 200 teams participating. In the end, 16 teams stood out and entered the finals.

Sixteen teams will be divided into four groups for single round robin. The team ranked first in the group stage will directly qualify for the top eight, and the remaining top eight seats will be decided by the second and third place in each group through cross-elimination.

During the finals, there were also four individual competition units, namely, 1V1 Challenge, Skill Masters, I am the King of Three Points Competition and Shijiazhuang Air Force Dunk Competition, to let people appreciate the charm and cultural connotation of basketball.

Match address

Shijiazhuang Yutong Sports Center Basketball Park (southeast corner of the intersection of Zhongshan Road Sports Street)

competition event

Three-player basketball

Game time

From August 5th to August 12th, from 19: 30 to 21: 00 every night.

"Zhuang Chao" Shijiazhuang Five-a-side Football Competition

Each county (city, district) in Shijiazhuang participated in the competition separately, and 22 teams played in the amateur futsal football field in Shijiazhuang.

From August 5 to the end of October, every Saturday from 19: 30 to 21: 30, all the competition venues will start at the same time.

Shijiazhuang three-person basketball league sub-station match

Shijiazhuang Three-a-side Basketball League will be held from August 6th to October, from 20: 00 to 21: 30 every Sunday, and all competition venues will start at the same time.

"MCC" 2023 Shijiazhuang E-sports City Competition

"MCC" 2023 Shijiazhuang National Sports Festival and Shijiazhuang National Fitness Conference e-sports competition will be held in MCC and Yuehui Central Plaza on August 5th and 6th.

This competition is divided into two events: the glory of the king (team competition/individual competition) and League of Legends mobile game (team competition/individual competition).

Competition schedule/


"Zhongzhi" Shijiazhuang Rubik’s Cube City Competition

What is the competition where the fingertips can work miracles? That must be the Rubik’s cube!

There are many kinds of Rubik’s Cube, but also the first-order, second-order, third-order, pyramid Rubik’s Cube … There are many ways to play, such as racing, one-handed and blind twisting, which is dazzling. Therefore, the Rubik’s Cube can not only be used as a way to relax in daily life, but also can provoke your nerves in sports competition.

On the evening of August 5 -6, let’s feast our eyes on this magical game.

Match address

Zhong ye he yue hui bus townlet

competition event

Cube city race

Game time

August 5 -6

This competition was initiated by Shijiazhuang Sports General Association and organized and undertaken by Shijiazhuang Rubik’s Cube Sports Association. It can not only provide a platform for Rubik’s Cube lovers to exchange and learn, but also open up the circles and horizons of new magic friends, improve their communication and practice ability, and provide a platform for exchange and display for Rubik’s Cube lovers in Shijiazhuang.

MCC Frisbee Invitational Tournament

What is the most fashionable social sport nowadays? Frisbee definitely has a place.

Come to Shijiazhuang Football Training Base every Saturday from 20: 00 to 22: 00 on August 5, 12, 19 and 26, and the Frisbee game will be staged wonderfully!

The audience can scan the code to register, and they can enter by registration. There are also opportunities to get roadside vouchers, Wantuo fitness vouchers and so on.



Organizers and contractors

Sponsored by Shijiazhuang Sports Bureau and Shijiazhuang Sports Federation.

MCC, Yuehui and Shijiazhuang Frisbee Association.


Game time

August 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, every Saturday from 20: 00 to 22: 00.



Each game will be called by individuals or teams to gather the frisbee fans in Shijiazhuang, and divided into two teams, each with 7 players. Under the condition of breaking through the defense, the attacker will score a touchdown by passing and receiving the frisbee, and the team that scores more points within the specified time will win.


Match address

Shijiazhuang Football Training Base (Northwest corner of South Second Ring Road, Jianhua Avenue)

The Rockets signed two players in a row, 11+3 guards signed a training camp contract, and the 23-year-old striker officially joined!

As usual, let’s introduce Ginason Williams to you first, because Ginason Williams has no outstanding advantages compared with other players, and because he is older, Ginason Williams is at a disadvantage among this year’s players. Last season, he played a game with the Utah Jazz and the Salt Lake City Star. Ginason Williams became the main player in the NBA and quickly attracted many people’s attention. In the final round of the playoffs, Portland Trailblazers chose Ginason Williams because there were too many injured players and there was not much chance of winning. Ginason Williams also played well. He played five games in Portland, averaging 10.6 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 0.6 steals, which made him play well.

Officially appointed, the Football Association official announced Fan Zhiyi’s new position and made his debut. Gao Hongbo voiced his help.

Looking at Fan Zhiyi, a famous man’s soccer player, getting better and better in variety shows, many fans have mixed feelings. Fan Zhiyi’s good performance in variety shows that Fan Zhiyi’s transformation after his retirement is successful. However, many fans also stated that even China’s first Asian Footballer of the Year did not focus on football. Is there any hope for China football?

Although Fan Zhiyi often appeared on variety shows, fans still misunderstood Fan Zhiyi. First, although he frequently appeared on variety shows, Fan Zhiyi never gave up his youth training at Chongming base. Second, Fan Zhiyi never left football. For example, Fan Zhiyi recently took up a new position, which also brought surprises to many fans.

What new position did Fan Zhiyi take? As we all know, because of the football storm brought by Li Tie, all teams feel insecure, and even some famous players say that more players may be taken away during the season. Under such circumstances, the construction of the team is very important, and even to some extent, only when the team completes enough good construction can the integrity and long-term development of the team lineup be maintained. Under such circumstances, Shanghai Shenhua also throws an olive branch to Fan Zhiyi. Fan Zhiyi was hired as the team supervisor of Shanghai Shenhua, and Fan Zhiyi will also play a supervisory role for the team from the aspects of team building and players’ life style, so as to better help Shanghai Shenhua to compete in the new season.

I took the post of team supervisor and accepted the letter of appointment from Shanghai Shenhua. To be honest, this position is almost unpaid, and this position in Fan Zhiyi is basically thankless, because such a position needs to speak out and it is easy to offend people, but obviously this is definitely not a problem for Fan Zhiyi with strong personality. In order to promote the development of Shanghai football and China football, Fan Zhiyi also doesn’t care about offending one more person.


As we all know, when Gao Hongbo finished class, only Fan Zhiyi spoke out bravely, but now Gao Hongbo is also in charge of the league and the referee, and Fan Zhiyi took up the relevant position. Gao Hongbo must be happy. After all, Fan Zhiyi can definitely play a role.helping handAnd with the participation of famous players like Fan Zhiyi, more famous players will join in the football style construction of the Super League and China in the future, helping the football of the Super League and China to develop faster and better, which is what China football needs most after the storm brought by Li Tie. We also expect that Fan Zhiyi will be able to contribute more to the China men’s football team in the coming days and take on more important posts in the China Football Association in the future.

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There are big changes in the frontcourt this summer. Barcelona wants to clean two generals, and the No.10 in the team+the old Manchester City general.

This season, the team has successively introduced Levan and Rafinha, which has achieved good results. Barcelona hopes to continue to upgrade its frontcourt position this summer, while some players with poor performance will be purged. Fati and Phelan Torres are undoubtedly inferior to others in the frontcourt. In terms of reinforcement, Barcelona intends to introduce Rocco, while in terms of cleaning, Fati and Phelan Torres are the two frontcourt players who are most likely to leave the team. In order to have enough funds to continue the upgrade and reinforcement of the frontcourt, Barcelona may consider selling one of Fati and Phelan Torres.

Fati, the new Barcelona No.10 is obviously not as good as the previous No.10 players of the club, and it is difficult for people to see any signs of improvement. Fati’s future in Barcelona has become increasingly uncertain, and now the club is more inclined to sell it to recover funds, rather than give time to prove itself. Fati’s own performance is unstable, and it also affects other players on Barcelona’s offensive end from time to time. The most classic scene is that Fati grabbed Levan, who was in a better position, so that the latter failed to make a header attack. Fati failed to have a good chemical reaction with other teams in the frontcourt, but it had the opposite effect. The data of 6 goals and 3 assists in 36 games seems not bad, but Fati did more harm than good in the frontcourt.

Fortunately, Fati still has a market, and several top teams in the Premier League want to introduce this Barcelona frontcourt player. Therefore, as long as Barcelona is willing to push Fati into the transfer market, I believe it can be sold at a good price. As for Phelan Torres, he only came to Barcelona in January last year, and this season has actually begun the first full season of his career in Barcelona. However, the club is obviously not satisfied with Phelan Torres’ performance on the court. Poor ability to seize opportunities, whether it is personal scoring or organizing assists, has not played the role and effect expected by the coach. Phelan-Torres Espiba has a low presence on the offensive end, which has actually lasted for a long time.

People don’t see any signs of recovery in Phelan Torres. Phelan Torres is not as good as Dembele in breaking and killing on the flank. The latter can not only play a critical role, but also always send assists to his teammates. Barcelona hopes to sell Phelan Torres this summer. At the beginning, it cost 55 million euros to introduce him from Manchester City, and the capital cost is a little. Now it seems that this transaction is obviously disappointing and at a loss. Phelan Torres has played 32 games for Barcelona so far this season, of which only 13 started and scored 5 goals and 1 assist. It’s worse than Fati in data.

For Barcelona fans, compared with Fati, the club is actually more inclined to sell Phelan Torres. After all, the former comes from the team’s own youth training, and the fans still hope Fati can play and show his due role on the court. Phelan Torres is not from Barcelona, but from Valencia. Phelan Torres made a name for himself in Valencia and attracted the attention of Manchester City. During his time at Manchester City, Phelan Torres’ performance was remarkable. However, due to Barcelona’s invitation, fans have the idea of returning to La Liga. Manchester City chose to follow Phelan Torres’ wishes and the deal was successfully concluded. However, it is a pity that Phelan Torres, who returned to La Liga, played an outstanding performance in Valencia and even Manchester City, but now he is facing the fate of being purged.