"Instant Electronic Music" Zhang Yixing asked Feng Timo, and Shang Wenjie’s first gift was impeccable

"Instant Electronic Music"

This Saturday at 8 pm, produced by Tencent Video, Penguin Film and Television and Canxing Productions jointly created China’s first electronic music producer competition show "Instant Electronic Music" will broadcast the second episode. After the first episode of the program aired, topics such as "antifungal agent in the world" and "essential for staying up late to do homework" gradually heated up the public’s enthusiasm for electronic music. In this program, Feng Timo, who has been controversial after the program was exposed, was actually asked by Zhang Yixing at the scene? Not strong enough, "acting like a spoiled child" to get together, and the electronic music girl wearing "laser leather pants" gave Zhang Yixing a headache on the spot! Big Zhang Wei invited the producer to "reverse election" one after another, and the collision between the manager and the producer continued to escalate! More "breakout" highlights are about to be staged in the program.

Frequently encountered group Zhang Yixing fell into "choice difficulties", and Feng Timo’s ethereal interpretation of "Empty City" was questioned

Although Zhang Yixing has become more mature and stable in the music field in recent years with his own continuous efforts, it is obvious that after the professional and shocking surprise appearance of the electronic music producer in the first episode, in the second "Breakout Battle", his choice is increasingly difficult to "give up". In this episode, Zhang Yixing, who frequently encounters the producer combination, focuses on the recommendation standard of "1 + 1 means more possibilities", and therefore falls into "choice difficulties". In the show, Zhang Yixing "encountered" the "girls power" combination wearing leather pants, which made him in a dilemma between "coquetry" and "strength". What happened at the scene?

In addition, another gunpowder-smelling "collision" was Feng Timo, who has caused heated discussions among netizens before. With her sweet and lovely singing style, she is familiar to the public, and her previous music works have also achieved good results on major platforms. Recently, Feng Timo has begun to experiment with electronic music style, and the song "Glass Sugar" once made netizens take a different look at her transformation. However, on the stage of this program, Feng Timo sang "Empty City" ethereal on the spot, but it aroused doubts from many producers present, and they even "forcibly deducted the question". Zhang Yixing, who is not vague about the music, is even more "confused" Feng Timo, and gave a "just passable" evaluation. How will Feng Timo, who is controversial on and off the screen, resolve the embarrassment? All doubts will be solved this Saturday.

"Instant Electronic Music"

Da Zhangwei rarely invites producers to "reverse election", and the follow-up competition system of the show continues to be exposed

After the first episode of Shang Wenjie met Dani’s invitation to cooperate, Da Zhang Wei also directly threw out an "olive branch" in this episode, inviting several producers one after another to "counter-select" himself in the subsequent program. The operation of the two managers also made the follow-up competition system gradually clear. From "selected" to "selected", the roles of the manager and the producer "God’s perspective" were exchanged, and the follow-up points were looking forward to.

At the scene, what kind of performance made Da Zhang Wei couldn’t help but admire: "Truly moving music that can make people forget the’principle ‘" and praise the other party as "Tao Yuanming of the electronic sound"? What kind of wonderful, let him say bluntly, "I didn’t have much expectations, but after watching the performance, it was really a surprise"? The increasingly compact "breakout battle" continued to inspire the enthusiasm of the host. The concept of "feat" that the program has been promoting has gradually emerged through actual presentation, and more unexpected highlights are being staged!

Strict Shang Wenjie’s first gift is "impeccable", hard core "spice combination" electronic sound "soft landing"

In the second episode, the 18-year-old "Salt and Pepper Pineapple" played Launchpad with the light show. Many people were so cool by the young boy, but the host, Shang Wenjie, was completely unmoved.

However, when the "spice combination" that "shook" the stage came on stage, the hard-core European and American voices collided with Fan Xiaoxuan’s sweet and lazy "Your Sweet", and the "soft landing" and powerful performance instantly ignited the quiet and less talkative host Shang Wenjie, who couldn’t help but say "I like it very much, I like it very much"! Shang Wenjie, who has a unique understanding of music, encountered "musical confidant", and she was not hesitant to praise the atmosphere of the show, which made her give a "impeccable" high praise for the first time… The second episode of the show was full of surprises!

Electronic music is a kind of music that allows people to let go of all rules and troubles and immerse themselves in it. The second episode of the program "Ready for Broadcasting" was faced with multi-directional questions. How did Feng Timo respond. Da Zhang Wei invited "counter-selection" one after another on the spot. What kind of performance made him frequently burst "golden sentences"? What kind of wonderful performance made Shang Wenjie, who is strict about music, comment "impeccable"? The enthusiasm of the host and producer for electronic music continues to "heat up", and more exciting, so stay tuned for this Saturday night at 8 o’clock Tencent video "Instant Electronic Music"!

"Burning Your Moment" Chery’s new generation Tiggo 8 shocked the listing price of 8.88.

  On the evening of May 28th, the flagship model of Chery Automobile’s Tiggo SUV family, the new generation Tiggo 8, was officially launched in Chengdu Quantum Optical Sports Center. The new car launched 10 models of 1.6TGDI+7DCT, 1.5TCI+6DCT and 1.5TCI+MT powertrains, and provided six kinds of bodies, such as pearl white, obsidian black, titanium gold gray, desert gold, Rhine blue and Provence purple. At the same time, Chery Automobile also provides multiple VIP privileges for the first users of the new generation of Tiggo 8.

  Yin Tongyue, Party Secretary and Chairman of Chery Automobile, delivered an opening speech.

  Jia Yaquan, deputy general manager of Chery Automobile and general manager of marketing company, announced the price.

  At this conference, Shuo Yang, the spokesperson of the new generation of Tiggo 8, made a surprise appearance, and witnessed the release of the new generation of Tiggo 8 with the media and dealer friends.

  As a powerful actor with both face value and acting skills, Shuo Yang has a large number of young fans. The screen image of a tough guy with perseverance, introverted wisdom and strength that he has created over the years perfectly fits with the product characteristics of the new generation of Tiggo 8. For Chery, which is at the key node of brand promotion, Shuo Yang’s joining has made Chery brand more fashionable, entertaining and younger, and it is more influential among the main consumer groups after 1980s and 1990s.

  It is worth mentioning that at the press conference, Chery Automobile announced that a new generation of Tiggo 8 and Shuo Yang jointly launched the public welfare plan of "protecting rare wild animals".

  A new generation of Tiggo 8 spokesmen Shuo Yang and Jia Yaquan jointly launched the public welfare plan.

  The top 10,000 users of the new generation of Tiggo 8 can become donors to the "Protection of Rare Wild Animals" public welfare program, and Chery will donate 100 yuan/name on their behalf. Let more people participate in the scientific research and monitoring of the living environment and living conditions of Platts Wild Horse and Bimodal Wild Camel, and arouse more people’s attention to endangered animals and natural environment on the earth.

  Three power combinations, 1.6TGDI, the strongest Chinese core, create "super acceleration"

  In terms of power, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is equipped with Chery ACTECO 1.6TGDI engine, which is known as "the strongest Chinese core". This engine is the first TGDI engine of China brand with completely independent intellectual property rights, and also the first direct injection gasoline engine of China brand that meets the national six B emission regulations. The launch of ACTECO 1.6TGDI engine indicates that Chery has firmly grasped the core technologies in key areas of automobile research and development, and is continuing to lead the technological progress of national automobile industry with cutting-edge technology, helping China automobile industry to a new level.

  According to Gu Chunshan, director of Chery Automobile Powertrain Technology Center, the 1.6TGDI engine of the new generation Tiggo 8 has a maximum power of 145kW and a peak torque of 290N?m. Matching with it is the Getrak 7DCT wet powershift, which has a perfect balance between power and economy, with an acceleration of only 8.9 seconds per 100 kilometers and a comprehensive fuel consumption of only 7.4L per 100 kilometers.

  Gu Chunshan, Director of Chery Automobile Powertrain Technology Center, explains the powertrain.

  At the same time, the power combinations such as 1.5TCI+6DCT and 1.5TCI+MT also have good performance. While taking into account the economic performance of the vehicle, they have the same abundant interior space, cutting-edge intelligent technology and trendy interior and exterior design to meet the daily use needs of users with different needs.

  The design is beautiful to a new height, and the new technology is luxurious interior.

  In appearance, compared with the current Tiggo 8, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is younger and more dynamic. The Chery international design team LED by Kevin Rice, a famous former BMW car designer, used a more fashionable lattice chrome grille in the design, adding multi-cavity reflective LED automatic headlights, high-energy dynamic turn signals, touch keyless entry into the body design, double exhaust true tail throat and through LED blackened taillights, which made the new generation of Tiggo 8 vehicle more scientific and technological, and integrated into it.

  Steve Eum, Executive Director of Chery Automobile Design, explains the design concept of the new generation Tiggo 8.

  At the same time, the interior of the new generation of Tiggo 8 can be described as "completely new". The exclusive three-screen interactive technology luxury driving cockpit at the same level adopts the forward-looking design concept of "wide body, embracing and suspending" to create a horizontally integrated suspended instrument panel and central control area, with full-featured Learpee seats, advanced electronic gear shifting and wireless charging of mobile phones, creating an unprecedented sense of technological luxury.

  Smart at your fingertips, equipped with L2 autopilot.

  In addition to power and design, the new generation of Tiggo 8 also incorporates AI artificial intelligence genes, adding more leading intelligent technology configurations.

  At the level of intelligent network connection, the new generation of Tiggo 8 has evolved on the basis of the original functions of "real-time intelligent cloud interconnection, enhanced natural voice interaction and remote vehicle control by mobile phone", adding two black technology functions of "AI face recognition technology" and "AI intelligent cloud housekeeper".

  Orfila, director of networking of Chery automobile infotainment vehicle, introduced the Frank Zhiyun system.

  In terms of intelligent configuration, the new generation of Tiggo 8 has added many intelligent configurations that are only available in luxury cars, such as RICSCS remote active cockpit self-cleaning system, inductive smart bracelet, 360 bird’s-eye panoramic ultra-clear reversing image, wireless charging of mobile phone and many other intelligent driving assistance configurations. These configurations can make the new generation of Tiggo 8 easier to drive, safer to drive and more convenient to park.

  Inductive smart bracelet

  In terms of intelligent driving, the new generation of Tiggo 8 is the first mass-produced model of China brand to achieve L2 automatic driving, with dozens of market-leading or unique intelligent driving configurations such as APA automatic parking and LKA lane keeping. The car is equipped with full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system, which can realize full-speed adaptive cruise of 0-150 km/h, making driving easier for users.

  SLA speed limit sign monitoring and active reminder function

  Yin Tongyue, Party Secretary and Chairman of Chery Automobile, said at the press conference that as the flagship model of the Tiggo SUV family, the new generation Tiggo 8 is a masterpiece of technological innovation in Chery for 22 years. The powerful 1.6TGDI engine, leading platform technology, intelligent networking system with AI gene, and L2-level autonomous driving technology are not only the highest level of Chery, but also represent the highest level of the domestic automobile industry.

  Since the debut of the new generation of Tiggo 8 at the Shanghai Auto Show, Chery Automobile has invited media and intended users to carry out public testing activities with a scale of more than 100,000 people in more than 200 cities across the country, which has been widely praised. I believe that with the official launch of the new generation of Tiggo 8, more consumers will understand and like this high-quality SUV with performance, beauty and intelligence.


2024 new york Auto Show: A new generation of Nissan Jinke officially unveiled.


  At the 2024 new york Auto Show, a new generation of Nissan Powerman was officially unveiled, and the new car was completely redesigned, and the increased body size and new four-wheel drive system changed a lot. It is reported that the new car will be listed overseas first in the summer of 2024.


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Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology: China deploys vaccine research and development according to five technical routes.

CCTV News:The State Council Information Office today (June 7) released the white paper "China Action against COVID-19 Epidemic" and held a press conference to introduce the white paper.

Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology, in response to a question from a reporter in Reuters, pointed out that since the outbreak of the epidemic, all countries have paid close attention to the vaccine problem. The white paper also includes the related contents of scientific and technological support against epidemic, such as how to combine scientific research such as drugs and vaccines with clinical first-line treatment practice, and how to use big data and artificial intelligence to support against epidemic. As far as the vaccine itself is concerned, judging from the understanding of human response to the epidemic in history, the vaccine is still the fundamental strategy for us to defeat COVID-19 virus at present. All countries put the development of vaccines in a very important position in the fight against COVID-19. But at the same time, we should also see that vaccine development is a very rigorous and complicated scientific activity, which is very difficult and has a long cycle. At the same time, because it is a scientific research, it also has great challenges and uncertainties. Some scientists compare the rigor of vaccine development to an accurately rehearsed dance, rather than an impromptu performance that can be displayed after the curtain is lifted. Therefore, safety, effectiveness and accessibility must be placed in a very important position in vaccine development. Vaccine development has played an important role in human history, but some vaccines have also gone through some detours.


How to pay for the insurance when the car is flooded in a rainstorm? Don’t do it!

BEIJING, Beijing, August 2 (Reporter Zuo Yukun, Zhang Ni) Recently, under the influence of Typhoon Du Surui, extreme rainfall occurred in many areas. Under the heavy rain, many vehicles were trapped in the water, flooded or even washed away directly.

  According to the Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration, as of 8: 00 a.m. on July 31, the property insurance industry in Beijing had received 978 related insurance reports and rescued 65 vehicles and personnel in distress, and the follow-up insurance reporting and handling work was still in progress.

  For car owners, can their vehicles be compensated if they are flooded? How to protect personal and property safety to the greatest extent?

  If the vehicle is soaked in water, will the insurance pay?

  Regarding the question of whether the flooded car can get compensation, the owner who bought the car damage insurance can rest assured.

  According to the relevant provisions of motor vehicle loss insurance (hereinafter referred to as motor vehicle damage insurance), if the direct loss of motor vehicles caused by natural disasters and accidents is not within the scope of compensation exemption, compensation can be made in accordance with the agreement. Among them, in terms of natural disasters, the scope of compensation includes hail, lightning strikes, storms, rainstorms, floods and many other common natural disasters.

  Many old drivers may claim "water-related insurance" when their cars are flooded. Wang Guojun, a professor at university of international business and economics Institute of Insurance, told the reporter of Sino-Singapore Finance and Economics: "Now there is no water-related insurance, and it is all in the car damage insurance. Whether the engine of a traditional car is flooded or the battery of a new energy vehicle is damaged, it is counted in the car damage insurance. "

  Specifically, the Guiding Opinions on Implementing Comprehensive Auto Insurance Reform, which was officially implemented on September 19, 2020, has carried out major reforms in China’s auto insurance. As long as the new insurance users and renewal insurance users after the above time point have included additional risks such as water-related insurance in the car damage insurance, they do not need to be insured separately. Insurance can pay for vehicles wading and soaking in water.

  The Beijing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau also issued a reminder on July 31: After the comprehensive reform of auto insurance started, the coverage of vehicle loss insurance has covered the losses caused by natural disasters such as rainstorm and typhoon. If the vehicle suffers related losses, please call the insurance company to report the case in time to confirm whether the relevant insurance is insured, and go through the follow-up claim settlement procedures under the guidance of the staff.

  Will the claim be affected if the car is washed away?

  Heavy rains lead to flooding, and sometimes the vehicles are directly washed away. If the car search is unsuccessful, can I pay for it?

  Wang Guojun believes that there is no need to worry at all: "First of all, where the car was rushed can basically be judged by positioning; If it is true that the vehicle is completely washed away and cannot be recovered, the insurance company will generally presume a total loss to make a claim. "

  From the specific operation point of view, the settlement of claims for lost vehicles requires the intervention and assistance of public security organs. After the car can’t be recovered eventually, the owner of the motor vehicle needs to issue a certificate of loss to the local public security organ, then go to the vehicle management office to cancel the vehicle, and finally go to the insurance company to make claims.

  However, it should be noted that the engine is turned off after the vehicle is flooded, and the engine must not be started again, otherwise it will cause engine damage. If the engine is damaged by "secondary ignition" in the water, the insurance company generally thinks that it belongs to the "loss expansion" exemption situation and will not claim compensation.

  What should I do after the vehicle is flooded?

  What should the owner do if the vehicle is flooded? Zhongxin Finance consulted the customer service staff of several property insurance companies.

  The customer service staff of PICC P&C said: If the vehicle is flooded, you should apply for compensation as soon as possible, but the specific amount of compensation is subject to the opinions of the adjuster, and it should be accounted according to the actual value of the vehicle and relevant circumstances.

  Sunshine Insurance staff said: If the vehicle is soaked, it is necessary to contact the insurance company as soon as possible, and the staff should investigate the site, otherwise the site will be difficult to identify after the water recedes.

  It is worth noting that in principle, insurance companies have a time limit for reporting claims. However, Wang Guojun pointed out that in the face of special circumstances such as rainstorm, insurance companies will also handle it as appropriate. The staff of the insurance company also said that the actual situation does not necessarily have to be applied on the same day, but it should be applied as soon as possible.

  "In case of special circumstances, the owner and the personnel on board must first ensure personal safety, and the car should be abandoned; In the case of purchasing car damage insurance, report the case to the insurance company in time, and then handle it according to the insurance company’s process. " Wang Guojun emphasized that insurance companies may now release reminders such as moving cars to customers according to big data before risks, and pay attention to this.

  Will it trigger the overall premium increase?

  Property losses caused by extreme weather will naturally bring some pressure to insurance companies’ claims. According to the data previously disclosed by the government, in 2021, the rainstorm disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, it is estimated that the final amount of auto insurance claims in the entire insurance industry may reach 7 billion yuan.

  Recently, some people in the insurance industry said that the recent heavy rain has caused the claims rate of various insurance companies to rise linearly, and the subsequent insurance prices are likely to increase. After the rainstorm, can cars that are not out of danger also usher in an increase in premiums?

  A senior insurance practitioner told Zhongxin Finance: Usually, the increase in claim rate will lead to an increase in premium, but this should have been taken into account when designing insurance products.

  "In recent years, several rainstorm disasters have also reported the loss of many vehicles. It is impossible for insurance companies to issue existing bubble cars this year to apply for claims due to meteorological disasters. When designing products, these car damages will be taken into account in the calculation model. The premium of general auto insurance is comprehensively calculated based on factors such as the service life of the vehicle, the number of accidents, and the age of the insured. " The above practitioners believe that.

  In addition, the reporter consulted a number of insurance company staff and got a reply saying that if the vehicle is really out of danger, the subsequent premium increase is normal; For vehicles that are not in danger, we have not received the notice of adjusting the premium yet. However, some insurance company sales staff said that if the flood is serious, the premium may be fine-tuned, but there is no precedent for a big increase before.

  Wang Guojun also said that there is indeed the possibility of premium increase in the future. "This rainstorm has increased the overall risk, and insurance companies will increase the proportion of catastrophe risk in actuarial terms in the future, otherwise they may lose money when they encounter the same disaster in the future." However, he believes that the overall premium should not rise too much.

  Wang Guojun also reminded that because the car damage insurance is purchased voluntarily by the owner, some people will feel that their daily car damage is not big, instead of buying car damage insurance, they only take three liability insurance. "Considering the special circumstances such as wading and spontaneous combustion, car damage insurance is still necessary, especially for relatively new and high-value cars."

Another auspicious day! Seven new tours, including Karapichu, are open beta today, and Tencent monopolizes three.

On August 3rd, it was another auspicious day for the game industry. A total of seven games were selected for beta or sale today. Let’s take a look.

A piece of paper, Valerant? Tencent shooting online game "Karapichu" public beta

The PC online game "Karapichu", which was developed by Chuangmeng Tiandi and released by tencent games, was released for public beta today.

As a unique two-dimensional TPS shooting competitive game, the game adopts 3D two-dimensional card painting style and third-person shooting over the shoulder perspective. The existing gameplay is traditional 5V5 blasting and team competition, and more entertainment-oriented gameplay should be introduced in the future.

"Karapichu" incorporates heroic skills, special gameplay and other contents on the basis of high gun injuries. The single gameplay is somewhat similar to the fist FPS game "Fearless Contract" that Tencent just represented recently.

However, it is special that the characters in the game can become real "paper people", so as to achieve the effect of moving in the wall or gliding in the air.

In the previous experience, "Karapichu" was slightly inferior to "The Fearless Contract" in the handle of gun fighting, but it has its own characteristics in the secondary style and the paper-based design of characters. Interested friends may wish to experience it.

The Gate of Bode 3 was officially released on August 3rd.

Bode Gate 3 is a turn-based role-playing game produced and distributed by Larian Studio in Belgium. The background of the game is defined as an evil group returning to Bode with malice, trying to subvert, eat away and even corrupt everything in the forgotten country from the inside.

The game has been pre-empted for a long time, and the EA version also has a very good evaluation on Steam. In the previous promotional film, it was widely circulated by players because of the free XP of "X Bear".

"Bode Gate 3" landed on the PC platform on August 3rd and on the PS5 platform on September 6th.

China background "Assassin’s Creed" game! Open BETA test

Assassin’s Creed’s orthodox mobile game "Assassin’s Creed: Code JADE" was beta-tested on iOS and Android platforms today.

Assassin’s Creed: Code JADE is a 3A-level mobile role-playing action adventure game set in ancient China. Players will be able to create their own characters and explore the stories of the first assassins in China in the open world.

According to the official, this game is a free game, so it is still impossible to know whether the game is based on the season, cards and weapons.

Youth tactical plot RPG mobile game "Blue File" officially beta.

Developed by MX Studio of South Korea’s NEXON Games, the youth tactical plot RPG mobile game "Blue File" released by Youxing Network was officially launched today, and simultaneously landed on iOS and Android platforms.

Although "Blue File" is a Korean secondary mobile game, it is difficult to link it with Korean secondary because of its excellent painting style and gameplay, and the extremely Japanese style also makes players who come into contact with this work for the first time mistakenly think that it is a Japanese secondary tour.

Because of this, "Blue Archives" has achieved excellent results in the Asian region, which is regarded as the top-stream secondary mobile game in the Asian market.

Tencent version of the "Whole Territory Blockade 2" experience service is reopened.

Tencent’s "Whole Territory Blockade 2" experience service is scheduled to reopen at 16: 00 on August 3.

As a game that has been sold several years ago and Tencent has already got the version number, Blockade 2 is still being tested, which can only be said to be caused by Tencent’s consistent style.

I’m afraid it’s obvious that the game is cold when it goes online. After all, if the game doesn’t go online again, maybe Ubisoft will announce "Blockade 3".

The public beta of tower defense game’s "Different Dust: Da Milla"

The "Different Dust: Up to Milla", an all-angle multi-dimensional strategy secondary tower defense developed by the optical axis project team, was released for public beta today.

According to the official news, the character interface of the game is somewhat similar to the battle doubles, and the gameplay is similar to the tower defense of tomorrow’s Ark. It is hard to say what dividends this kind of secondary mobile game can get in the state that the market is completely saturated in recent years.

Domestic indie game "The Roaming Guide of Babel" is on sale worldwide.

The domestic indie game "The Roaming Guide of Babel" was released today, landing on platforms such as Switch and Steam, and supporting Chinese, English and Japanese.

The Roaming Guide of Babel is a story adventure game with butterfly effect as its core. The game takes butterfly effect and multi-line narration as the core, and develops unique adventures and puzzles. The gameplay is quite interesting.

Interested friends don’t forget to try it.

Shohei Ohtani: "Two Knives" in Baseball.

Kondo Daisuke/Wen

On July 5th, Shohei Ohtani, known as "the best Japanese athlete trained after the Second World War", celebrated his 29th birthday. Shohei Ohtani is 193cm tall and weighs 102kg. At present, he is a star player of American professional baseball team "los angeles angels".

Because the popularity of baseball in China is relatively low, it may be difficult for China people to appreciate the greatness of Shohei Ohtani. Like China, there is no major professional baseball league in Germany. Therefore, the German media once made a very vivid analogy with football. Shohei Ohtani, a Japanese professional baseball player, is like Lionel Messi and Manuel Neuer on the football field.

Messi, known as the best striker of this century, was the minister of the arm stocks who won the Argentine national team in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 last year. Neuer, known as the best goalkeeper in the world, has a superb defensive ability. If football matches are used as an analogy, Shohei Ohtani can be a goalkeeper like Neuer and create a lot of goals like Messi.

However, in the real football match, it is impossible for a player to be a goalkeeper and a striker at the same time. Similarly, in baseball, it is impossible to be a pitcher equivalent to goal keeper and a home run batter equivalent to a football striker. Of course, this, like football, is not "forbidden" in rules, but "impossible" in human physical fitness. Therefore, all football players and baseball players have never thought about having two jobs on the court.

However, since childhood, Shohei Ohtani dreamed that he could become a "court-riding" player who could throw, hit and run. In 2013, after graduating from high school at the age of 18, he joined the Japanese professional baseball team "Hokkaido Japanese Ham Fighters".

Perhaps it was God who blessed Shohei Ohtani. At that time, the head coach of this team was Hideki Kuriyama, who was called "the first Japanese intellectual coach". Later, coach Kuriyama became the head coach of the Japanese national team. At the WBC(WorldBaseballClassic) held in March this year, he led the outstanding players of Otani Xiangping to win the championship.

At that time, Coach Kuriyama was very supportive of Shohei Ohtani’s dream, and even praised his ability as a "two-knife flow"-usually, when Japanese samurai confronted each other, everyone used a knife, but Shohei Ohtani had both the throwing and hitting knives, so he was called "two-knife flow" by Coach Kuriyama. It didn’t take long for the word "two knives" to become a buzzword in Japan.

In Japanese, the expression similar to the meaning of "two knives" also includes "two pairs of sandals", that is, doing one’s job from nine to five in the morning and doing sideline work after work or on rest days in the evening. This behavior is called "wearing two pairs of sandals" by the Japanese.

However, in real life, neither "two knives" nor "wearing two pairs of sandals" is a compliment. This is because in the traditional Japanese values, the concept of "not serving two monarchs (samurai can’t be loyal to two monarchs at the same time)" and "those who chase two rabbits will lose (those who chase two rabbits at the same time will not get one)" has long been deeply rooted.

Therefore, Shohei Ohtani is under great pressure. However, he finally withstood all the pressure and became a bright star in Japanese professional baseball. In the 2016 season four years later, he led the team to win the national championship in Japan.

According to the baseball agreement signed between Japan and the United States, players who have played in the Japanese professional baseball league for five years can transfer to the American professional baseball league. According to this agreement, coach Kuriyama sent Shohei Ohtani to the American professional baseball team "los angeles angels" in 2018.

At the beginning of Shohei Ohtani’s transfer, the American media made harsh comments. If you borrow the above-mentioned German media, it is "I want to be Messi and Neuer. Is there something wrong with my brain?"

In fact, it is only natural that the American media "bad-mouthed" Shohei Ohtani. After all, since the end of World War II, although the general environment of baseball has been improved, no American baseball player is willing to make such an earth-shattering attempt. Shohei Ohtani, on the other hand, insisted on his "two-knife flow" in the United States.

In 2021, Shohei Ohtani’s capabilities broke out in an all-round way. As a batter, he hit 46 home runs; As a pitcher, he achieved a record of 9 wins and 2 losses and struck out 156 times, which perfectly achieved "the combination of Messi and Neuer". In the end, he won the MVP award that year.

In 2022, Shohei Ohtani continued the excellent state of last season, hitting 34 home runs as a batter and 15 wins and 9 losses as a pitcher. The reason why the loss as a pitcher has increased is mainly because los angeles angels was originally a weak team. Therefore, Shohei Ohtani always gives people the feeling of being alone in the team.

In March this year, the curtain of the new season of the American Professional Baseball League opened, and 30 teams will play 162 games. By July 9th, all the games in the first half of the season had ended, and Shohei Ohtani was striding forward to rewrite the history of American professional baseball.

As a batter, he is far ahead with 32 home runs. Hit rate is 0.302, ranking sixth. RBI 71, ranked second. 7 wins and 4 losses as a pitcher. Strike out 132 times, ranking third. If he has the same wonderful performance in the second half of the season, then he will definitely win the MVP for the second time.

At the moment, there are two things about Shohei Ohtani that have attracted much attention:

One is his annual salary next year. This year, Shohei Ohtani’s annual salary is 30 million US dollars (about 220 million yuan). If the sponsorship contract is added, it is said that it can reach more than 60 million US dollars (about 430 million yuan).

However, Shohei Ohtani will have the right to choose teams freely from next year. Therefore, his annual salary may reach 100 million US dollars (about 720 million yuan). At present, the highest annual salary of professional baseball players in the United States is 43 million US dollars (about 310 million yuan) for pitchers and 40 million US dollars (about 290 million yuan) for batters. Otani is both a pitcher and a batter, so his annual salary is at least the sum of the two.

Second, it is his marriage problem. Shohei Ohtani is 29 years old this year, but he has never mentioned his other half. When the team went on an expedition to new york in April this year, the local media asked him, "What do you think of new york at night?" His answer turned out to be "not very clear, because I have never been out of the hotel."

Therefore, it is said that many Japanese actresses, models and anchors are now coveting the throne of "Otani Xiangping’s wife". In American baseball fields, there are even white women holding "Be my boyfriend!" in the audience. Posters cheer for him.

Personally, I think the most remarkable thing about him lies in his personality and humanity. If there is rubbish on the site, he will immediately pick it up and put it into his pocket; If there is dust splashing on the opponent’s body, he will come forward and wipe it off with his hand; No matter how tired he is in training and competition, he will sign autographs for fans on the sidelines. Not only that, he has never lost his temper on the court. No one knows what great achievements this Japanese treasure will make in the future. I just hope that he can stay away from injuries and be safe and smooth.

The 5: 0 World Cup opener tragedy was actually made by China football? !

The opening is a 5:0, is it a surprise? Is the sting exciting? Russia, the host of the opening match last night, defeated Saudi Arabia, which once again confirmed the saying that "Europe has no weak teams" in the football world.

It’s time for the four-year World Cup carnival. Xiaobian refers to a calculation. Last night, did you put a classic three-piece supper set for yourself under the guise of watching the ball-beer, kebabs and crayfish?

However, after enjoying the feast of food and football, have you noticed China football entering this World Cup? Note that this may be a small word game. Bai Yansong, the host of CCTV, has repeatedly emphasized the details: it is "China Football", not the "China Football Team" that has repeatedly disappointed you.

 Match ball: German design and China manufacture.

In the opening match of this World Cup between Russia and Saudi Arabia last night, the game ball "TV Star" made a perfect appearance in large-scale events. This competition ball is "designed in Germany and made in China" in the standard sense, and it is produced by an enterprise authorized by Adidas in Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

According to Chong Wang, the general manager of this enterprise, they introduced the first automatic production line in China, so that the original 80-person production line now only needs 10 people, and it can produce 1,000 footballs a day. "We use an automated cutting machine to replace the traditional knife die cutting, an automated printer to replace the traditional screen printing, and a manipulator to replace the traditional handling. There will be a QR code on each ball, and the information on the code will tell us the time and address of the ball production." Chong Wang said.

However, it is a pity that although "China Football" has entered the World Cup, the intellectual property rights of the core technology of this "TV Star" full of "black technology" are completely in the hands of the designer Adidas. The related patent APPlication documents of Adidas in China revealed by the net show that in the field of chip technology, "TV Star" has built-in NFC near-field interactive chip. You only need to open any app with NFC identification function, and then bring your mobile phone close to this position to read the latest information about this competition ball; In the field of autumn skin materials, "TV Star" uses the thermal bonding technology of the ball skin, which is durable, waterproof and grit-proof. Coupled with the grooves spliced at right angles, the ball will produce nonlinear motion and drift in the flight process. In the field of design, "TV Star" uses classic black and white colors, dark trapezoidal decoration consists of mosaic patterns, and the text uses gold.

Of course, Xiao Bian wants to say, the most important thing is that all of the above are patent applications submitted by Adidas in China, which has nothing to do with our OEM enterprises in China. It seems that there is still a long way to go for China enterprises to truly realize the change from "Made in China" to "Design in China".

 Derivative goods: Zhejiang enterprises are officially authorized to take orders.

As a standard "fighting nation", the mascot of 2018 fifa world cup is also a Siberian plain wolf named "Zabivaka" with high fighting value. However, to trace the "birthplace" of this little wolf, we have to go to an obscure office building in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Since July 2013, this enterprise named Hangzhou Fude Brand Management Co., Ltd. has become the first enterprise in China to obtain the official authorization of the World Cup mascot directly from FIFA. This year, Fude Company is exclusively responsible for the pricing, production and sales of Russian World Cup mascots on a global scale (except the host country Russia). At the same time, Fude also won the authorization of nearly 100 kinds of related goods around the event, such as plush toys, mugs, key chains, jerseys and so on.

Of course, compared with the ball used in the competition, it is "familiar" for China enterprises to obtain the production and sales rights of derivative goods related to the World Cup through official authorization. In 2010, the name of the plastic trumpet "Vuvuzela", which was made by Yiwu manufacturers and full of South African ethnic customs, has been resounded all over the world, and it has been continuously sent to South Africa, the venue of the competition, together with national flags, wigs, sunglasses and binoculars. While in 2014 fifa world cup, the derivatives of the new generation refueling artifact "Casilora", the official ball "Samba Glory" and the mascot "Flegu" were mostly produced by authorized manufacturers in China.

For the value of sports IP, the person in charge of Fude Company is deeply touched. "Compared with the traditional foreign trade that made meager profits before, with the help of the World Cup, the stage of Fude Company is now bigger and wider." The person in charge said. In fact, in this World Cup, there are many China enterprises like Fude Company. They bid farewell to the traditional OEM, not only profited from the World Cup, but also successfully opened a window to the world.

Brand sponsorship: marketing on and off the field.

Who is the trump card? If you ask questions before yesterday, Xiaobian, who is only used to wearing sportswear to work, doesn’t know this "Gaodashang" men’s wear brand that can be associated with the World Cup. However, if you pay attention to the live broadcast of last night’s match, you may notice that some staff and spectators’ national flag color matching ties are particularly eye-catching inside and outside the World Cup. This is the 32 ties with World Cup style customized by Dipai (China) Co., Ltd. after getting on the "last bus" and becoming the official regional support partner of 2018 fifa world cup, taking the color matching of flags of 32 countries selected for the final stage of this World Cup as the idea.

In fact, when it comes to the level of sponsorship, Dipai Company is only a "junior" in China enterprises. At present, FIFA divides sponsors into three levels, namely "global partners", "World Cup sponsors" and "World Cup regional support partners". At present, Wanda Group with "One Hundred Million Small Goals" and seven companies including Coca-Cola, Visa, Adidas and Hyundai Motor are FIFA’s "Global Partner" level sponsors. Sponsors at this level can use the FIFA logo for 8 years, and the sponsorship fee is at least $120,000,000-needless to say, it’s seven zeros, and $120 million-which scares Xiaobian into taking a sip of beer.

In addition, Mengniu, VIVO and Hisense from China have joined McDonald’s and Budweiser Beer as "World Cup sponsors", while Yadea Group, which produces electric vehicles, is a "World Cup regional support partner" like Dipai Company. According to FIFA, no matter what level of sponsors, they all benefit from the exclusive and highly recognizable official logo of FIFA. Through various marketing methods, these sponsors successfully associate their products, services and brands with the World Cup. Whether targeting specific consumer groups, taking the opportunity to expand their product lines or implementing each specific market strategy, sponsors will get good transcripts.

This has been reflected in the practice of Hisense Group. According to a person in charge of Hisense Group, the world’s top events are naturally related to the world’s leading consumer electronics brands. If Hisense wants to become a global brand, it must be bound with a cross-cultural and cross-border super brand, which is the world’s top event. Therefore, choosing sports marketing is the strategic path for Hisense’s global brand building. According to statistics, in 2017, Hisense Group’s international marketing achieved sales revenue of 3.9 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 22.3%.

Seeing this, you must agree with the famous sentence of the Bai Yansong male god: "Let’s just say that China didn’t go to the Russian World Cup except the football team." Of course, as a small editor in fake fans, like everyone else, what we most want to see is that one day the national football team can join our "Made in China" and the China football team will rush into the World Cup with China football and become a frequent visitor on the World Cup stage. (Text: Cui Jingsi Image Source Network)

The 87-year-old Hong Kong Star Roland Hospital arranged for the funeral, and the body was donated free of charge. No children were cared for by Louis Koo

Perhaps most people are not familiar with the name Roland. But if you mention the 83rd edition and the 95th edition of The Condor Heroes, do you suddenly realize when you mention Qiu Qianren who spits jujube stones? It turns out that she is Roland, a veritable old opera bone, who has created many classic works in her acting career and received much praise.

In the early years, she frequently appeared in horror films and was used to playing the role of ghosts. She was known as the "Hong Kong Ghost Queen" and became the shadow of many people’s childhood. As soon as her face appeared, creepy memories came to mind instantly. Especially the cold expression and terrible eyes are enough to cause nightmares at night. Her role as "Dragon Woman" in July 14th is still regarded as a classic.

However, in the past few years, Roland gradually withdrew from the film and television stage and returned to the life of ordinary people. Just like any ordinary old lady, she spent every day quietly. She traveled by bus and lived an independent life, completely losing the aura of a star and showing her true self.

Recently, some media have photographed Hong Kong star Roland, who is over 87, going to the hospital alone, which has aroused widespread concern. People are worried about whether she is ill or has serious health problems. However, it was only after in-depth understanding that Roland went to the hospital this time to arrange his own affairs in advance.

Because she devoted her life to the performing arts, she kept filming when she was young. Although she had experienced several relationships, they all ended in vain, and she is still alone. Before, because of her old age and infirmity, she had to undergo knee surgery, and the pain process could only be endured alone. However, even so, she is still very dedicated and never flinches.

Perhaps because of this, she began to consider how to properly handle her own affairs in advance. After all, some things can’t be handed over to others, and only when you are still healthy can you arrange them properly in person.

It is reported that when she went to the hospital this time, she also made another important decision, that is, after her death, she donated her body to the University of Hong Kong for research and dedicated her final value.

This decision shows her dauntless spirit. For most people, at this age, they want to enjoy their old age and don’t easily consider such things as body donation. It takes a lot of courage and determination, especially for an elderly person.

This also allows us to see the other side of Roland’s later life. A person who lives alone may have a lot of sufferings. Because she is not married and has children, no one can share and comfort whether she is happy or sad. Late at night, she may feel lonely.

However, she was lucky enough to meet Louis Koo, and the two of them established a deep affection because of their cooperation for many times. Roland once revealed that he had no children in the program, so he regarded Louis Koo as his own son. He often came to take care of her, and they got along like mother and son.

Even during the Spring Festival every year, Louis Koo would accompany her to dinner and not let her spend it alone. Thanks to Louis Koo’s care, she became more warm and happy in her later years, which is really enviable.

The meeting between the two was just an accident. It is admirable that Louis Koo can care about her so much. He has always been a clear stream in the entertainment circle, not only donating more than 100 primary schools in poor mountainous areas, but also keen on public welfare undertakings, and doing a lot of good deeds in private, which is a model that many stars should follow.

In addition, an old actor like Roland is undoubtedly a treasure in the entertainment circle, with excellent acting skills, good moral quality and noble character. Young actors should follow her example, study hard and become role models for more people.

Through her years of hard work and dedication, Roland won the recognition of the audience. Now, although she has retired from the acting stage, we still hope that she can stay healthy and enjoy her fortune.

A comfortable old age. Roland used her life to demonstrate the tenacity and professionalism of the entertainment industry. She is an outstanding actress and a selfless philanthropist, and her story inspires all of us.

Roland’s decision to donate his remains to scientific research is very special. It conveys a respect for life and a contribution to the future. She not only brought laughter and tears to the audience, but also made meaningful contributions to society. This spirit is worth learning. Let us think about how to dedicate our life to more people and make selfless contributions to society.

Louis Koo’s concern and care is also a precious friendship. He not only achieved success in his career, but also showed his respect and gratitude to the older generation of actors with his own actions. This family-like relationship is worth learning from in interpersonal relationships. Both family members and friends should cherish and take care of each other.

Finally, Roland’s later life tells us that not everything in life is meaningful with company, and living alone can also be wonderful and fulfilling. She shows a strong and independent quality, and teaches us to face life positively and keep going no matter what difficulties we encounter.

On the whole, Roland’s life is full of ups and downs and glory. She has inspired generations of audiences with her talent and spirit. Her decision and spirit will continue to inspire us and encourage us to pursue Excellence, care for others, cherish friendship and love life. I hope Roland can live a long and healthy life and spend a happy and comfortable old age. Her story will always inspire us to move forward.

9 am! The reason for the suspension of qi zhou’s transfer was announced, Yao Ming straightened his attitude, and sui ran’s abacus failed

Qi zhou’s transfer was stopped, and the real reason was revealed. chinese basketball association’s attitude was correct, and sui ran’s lion opened his mouth, and the abacus failed. Qi zhou, the core player of our men’s basketball team, has been hit by a wall in his personal transfer in the near future. The real reason is revealed. It can be said that this time with the release of the overall situation, it also proves that chinese basketball association has made a clear attitude, which has also made the whole incident in qi zhou clear. At the same time, sui ran’s wishful thinking has been completely frustrated. If qi zhou does not make any compromises and concessions in the future, it may be very difficult.

First of all, we all know that after the men’s basketball team in qi zhou and Xinjiang broke up, he didn’t play in CBA for several seasons, but at present, qi zhou didn’t play in Australia, so his future is still uncertain in the new season. chinese basketball association is also trying to promote qi zhou to have a ball to play, so in this offseason, the whole Basketball Association has also communicated with Xinjiang team many times, and the Basketball Association also hopes to solve qi zhou’s problem. However, after each team offered an olive branch to qi zhou, the two sides did not finalize the final personnel, nor did they finalize the relevant signings when each team was able to negotiate with the Xinjiang team.

Therefore, in the near future, we have also seen that the transfer situation of qi zhou is not very optimistic. Moreover, the two teams that want to sign for qi zhou are both CBA giants. For example, the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team is indeed very experienced, and Beijing Shougang is also an old-fashioned powerhouse. It can be said that they are all very interested in qi zhou, and they also hope to implement real actors to make the team take a step forward in the new season. Why has the transfer of qi zhou been delayed? Is there any other reason for this?

In fact, the recent news from the relevant media has revealed the real answer to everyone, and also let us see the transfer of qi zhou. Perhaps the reason is not the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team or the signing of his club, but the economic, team and company level of sui ran and qi zhou. This time, we saw that the details about the Shanghai men’s basketball team’s previous signing of qi zhou were also exposed. The Shanghai men’s basketball team was asked by the Xinjiang team to send Yuan Tangwen to replace qi zhou, and at the same time, it was able to pay the Xinjiang team a transfer fee of 35 million yuan. Such a situation could have been formed. After all, the Shanghai men’s basketball team belongs to the salary team of the giants.

The biggest reason is that after the Shanghai Men’s Basketball Team paid the Xinjiang team 35 million yuan, it also paid qi zhou 35 million yuan. Such a situation runs counter to the relevant regulations of the Basketball Association, so the overall situation was not recognized by the Basketball Association and did not take shape. Since then, Beijing Shougang has also encountered the same problem in signing qi zhou. If Beijing Shougang wants to sign qi zhou, I have to pay qi zhou 40 million yuan for such a fee, so the overall situation is still not recognized by the Basketball Association, and it is finally ruined. After such a situation is exposed, it actually proves that qi zhou’s transfer problem does not lie in the Xinjiang Men’s Basketball Team, nor does it lie in signing his team.

It lies in an economic team like qi zhou himself and sui ran. It can be said that there are indeed some big openings in sui ran’s economic team. Under the circumstances that the overall salary of CBA has dropped and the Basketball Association has made clear provisions, sui ran also made such a request, which is indeed unreasonable, which has become a real reason for qi zhou’s continuous transfer. If CBA can’t become the foothold of qi zhou this season, whether he can keep his personal good condition in the future and whether he can land in CBA again is really a big question. In this case, there is really no winner, and it is also an outcome that everyone doesn’t want to see for China men’s basketball fans. Therefore, we also hope that under this circumstance, the sui ran team can better consider qi zhou’s future and let qi zhou return to the competition stage as soon as possible, so that the fans can see his performance.