Jackie Chan VS Wu Jing, the most noteworthy kung fu movie in "Spirit of Dragon Horse"!

1905 movie network feature A movie starring and starring in a special role, focusing on a generation of Dragon and Tiger martial artists. Since the release of the first batch of materials, the popularity has continued to rise, making it the most noteworthy kung fu movie in 2023. The kung fu superstar has come out again, and the sincerity of his debut for 60 years remains the same. Is the new team and new theme still a familiar taste?

"It’s time to start work. I was on crutches at that time, so I’ll go right away, close it here, close it there, nine stitches!"

"When I first saw the trailer, I didn’t feel like it was a Jackie Chan movie," said Ye Hang, an associate professor at the Beijing Film Academy and a veteran kung fu film enthusiast and researcher. "In the past, the trailer of Jackie Chan movies could not wait to cut all the essence of the action scenes, because this is the biggest selling point, but this time it is just a conversation between Jackie Chan and,. If you look closely, you will find that there is still a familiar taste of Jackie Chan in it."

Comedy effect

In the trailer, you can still see the shadow of the past kung fu comedies. At first, Jackie Chan sat upright, as if he was interviewing his prospective son-in-law.

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Not nervous."

But as soon as his daughter came in, all of a sudden, Jackie Chan became very nervous, restrained, and even a little cowardly, which is a common technique in comic effect.

Fight effect

With a comic effect, it is natural to have kung fu martial arts. In the film, Jackie Chan asks Guo Qilin’s character if he can fight and if he can protect his daughter.

In Jackie Chan’s early kung fu comedies, the purpose of his action scenes was to punish evil and promote good, but in this line in "Dragon Horse Spirit", he has changed, and the purpose is to protect his family. In that sense, it is still a Jackie Chan movie, but there are indeed many differences.

"The Spirit of Dragon Horse" is a work on the 60th anniversary of Jackie Chan’s debut. From the time Mr. Chan first appeared in a movie at the age of 8 to the age of 24, he started the era of kung fu comedy. Now he returns to the public eye with "The Spirit of Dragon Horse", playing the father of a "daughter slave". Jackie Chan has been active for 60 years on the big screen, sometimes laughing and sometimes desperately. This is a very difficult thing, and he has been able to stand for so many years. It is not by one trick that he eats the sky, but by advancing with the times and making positive changes.

When Jackie Chan was filming in 2004, he had already begun to try to change, not to play the hero who could never be beaten to death, but to play the ordinary person with blood, flesh and tears, and even kneel in some films. From the previous "fist" to the current "emotion", Jackie Chan has increasingly tried to play the father in the past decade, and the Jackie Chan-style father image is often very Chinese, with traditional Chinese virtues, external rigidity and internal softness, and special attention to rules.

Ye Hang put forward his own speculation about "Dragon Horse Spirit" based on the analysis: "Maybe the relationship between father and daughter will take the characteristics of’outer battle and inner love ‘, because there are many differences in thinking logic and way of doing things between the two generations. For example, in the choice of a mate, Jackie Chan’s father shows a kind of distrust, but the daughter likes it and even takes the initiative; for example, Jackie Chan’s character is in the business of dragon and tiger martial arts, and it is completely possible that the daughter, as a young man, does not agree or understand it. No matter how many conflicts there are outside the film, in the end, it will still fall to this point where the father and daughter are deeply in love, to form an emotional sublimation."

Last year, there was a documentary called, interviewed,, and other big names, which attracted widespread attention. The spirit of the Dragon Tiger martial artist is the spirit of striving for perfection and the ultimate, which is in the same vein as the spirit under the Lion Rock in Hong Kong society as a whole. In the 1980s in Hong Kong, the director made a film with many plots and details to show how difficult it is to be a Dragon Tiger martial artist. Jackie Chan is the most typical life-fighting action star. In it, he leaps deep from the bell tower; in the series, he hangs an umbrella on the roof of a Hong Kong bus. His film history can even be called a person’s injury history.

Wu Jing’s willingness to appear in "Dragon Horse Spirit" is based on his admiration for Jackie Chan’s eldest brother, which well reflects the cross-generational inheritance, and on the other hand, because they have the same growth experience as Dragon Tiger Martial Artists. The spirit of Dragon Tiger Martial Artists has a certain time distance from now. How to re-inspire vitality in the new era depends on whether the film creators can combine this spirit with the current story, plot and characters.

In addition to "Ryoma Spirit", other kung fu movie stars are also in full swing to shoot their own works, such as self-directed and self-starred, and have also released the first trailer, which is expected to be released next year.

"Everyone thinks that Wang Baoqiang rarely comes out this year. In fact, I have been doing this for six years."

Looking at it as a whole, the 2023 kung fu films have new characteristics and new atmosphere that are different from 2022. There are more innovations in the choice of themes and the integration of genres. For example, "In the Octagonal Cage" combines kung fu action elements with sports sports themes. Action movies, as a type of hard bridge and hard horse, also need creators to pay attention to plays. The selling point of martial arts as a genre itself is very important, but literary opera cannot be ignored either. It needs to be able to tell a good Chinese story through the film to make this film more contemporary. The current action genre films are constantly developing, and I believe that the majority of audiences are also looking forward to more innovations and breakthroughs in Chinese kung fu movies.

Demystifying "The Vanishing Bullet": Ting Feng fights for his life and lingers with Yang Mi semi-naked

Duo poster

Little Skylark (Yang Mi) is injured to help Guo Zhui (Nicholas Tse)

Yang Mi and Nicholas Tse play with passion

Hot-blooded detective Guo Zhui (Nicholas Tse) pursues justice and is not afraid of power

    Movie Network News(Text/Zhang Wei) Produced by Er Dongsheng and directed by Luo Zhiliang, the film will be released on August 14. Liu Qingyun and Nicholas Tse are one-man and one-man, and the two are partners. There are many gun battles in the reasoning, and they work together to track down the "ghost bullet". Yang Mi, on the other hand, offered the largest drama since his debut, half-naked and Nicholas Tse in a passionate play, which can be called the biggest highlight of the film.

Aspect 1: Yang Mi is semi-naked and Nicholas Tse is filming a passionate scene

    In fact, Yang Mi doesn’t have many scenes in the film. He appears as a blind man telling fortunes, and then is chased and rescued by Nicholas Tse. The most interesting part is the large-scale passionate scene she shot with Nicholas Tse. Nicholas Tse rubbed medicine on Yang Mi in his pajamas, and then the two began to kiss and hug. Yang Mi entered the camera half-naked, and Nicholas Tse was also shirtless and very beautiful.

Aspect 2: Nicholas Tse plays the sharpshooter and fights for his life

    Who doesn’t know that Nicholas Tse worked hard to film the scene, but he didn’t get hurt as if he hadn’t filmed this scene before. The scene of the sea of fire was really thrilling. The ammunition warehouse of the arsenal was detonated, and the flames were everywhere. Nicholas Tse was covering for others to rush out of the fire at this time. Director Luo Zhiliang said that in this scene, Nicholas Tse did not use a double, and took the initiative to run past the explosion point without any protective equipment, and the staff were worried for him during filming. In addition to this most dangerous scene, he can often be seen playing the sharpshooter in the film, accurately hitting the enemy’s eyebrows from 50 meters away, and he is always the fastest person when the two draw guns at the same time. Such accurate marksmanship, coupled with Nicholas Tse’s cool expression and handsome gun-holding posture, cannot help but feel that his popularity in the past was inevitable.

Next page:Aspect 3: Liu Qingyun reappears as a detective

The Ministry of Transport promotes major online ride-hailing and freight platform companies to reduce excessive commissions

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Ye Haoming) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport on the 17th that in order to ensure the reasonable labor compensation level of employees in the new mode of transportation, the main online car-hailing and freight platform companies will be promoted to reduce the platform’s excessive percentage or membership fee cap, and publicly released to the public.

  The Ministry of Transport recently issued the "2023 Work Plan to Promote the Reduction of Excessive Carry-out by New Business Type Platform Enterprises in Transportation". According to the plan, for online ride-hailing platform companies, the city transportation authorities organize the deployment and implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally; urge all online ride-hailing platform companies operating services locally to communicate and negotiate with employee representatives, industry associations, etc., to ensure the reasonable level of labor compensation for employees; Take the initiative to announce to the public the work arrangement to reduce the upper limit of the enterprise’s excessive take-out ratio. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of online ride-hailing platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides provincial and urban transportation authorities to urge major online car-hailing platform companies to clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch various online car-hailing platform companies; organize an evaluation and summary of the implementation of the work, and publicize and promote the typical experience and practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce the proportion of excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of employees in new forms of transportation. All major online car-hailing platform companies will basically complete the work of reducing the upper limit of the proportion of excessive commissions by the end of May.

  For freight platform companies, the plan points out that the relevant provincial transportation authorities organize freight platform legal person companies registered in the province to communicate and negotiate with truck drivers, industry associations, etc., to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap, and ensure the reasonable income of truck drivers; Take the initiative to announce to the public the company’s commitment to reduce the excessive proportion or membership fee cap. Provincial transportation authorities conduct research and supervision on the implementation of freight platform companies operating services in their provinces. The Ministry of Transport guides relevant local transportation authorities to urge major freight platform companies to formulate implementation plans, clarify work arrangements, time nodes and responsible persons; continuously track and grasp the progress of various goals and tasks and existing problems, and regularly dispatch freight platform companies; organize the implementation of the work to evaluate and summarize, publicize and promote the typical experience practices of various localities and enterprises to reduce excessive commissions and protect the rights and interests of truck drivers. All freight platform companies will summarize the work experience and results of protecting the rights and interests of truck drivers before the end of October.

Winter Olympics Guarantee | Shougang Ski Jumping Platform: In case of snowfall, the venue team will fully guarantee the event.

CCTV News:On February 13th, there was heavy snow in the urban area of Beijing. As the only outdoor winter Olympic snow venue in Beijing, Shougang ski platform ushered in the pre-competition training of snowboarding platform project in the snow.

According to the competition schedule, the qualifying competition of snowboarding platform will be held in Shougang ski platform today. Yesterday was the last day of pre-competition training of Shougang ski platform. At the training site, the athletes were not affected by the snow and ice weather at all, and all the work of venue support was orderly.

Zhao Wei, Secretary-General of Operation Team of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee:Five days ago, we made an emergency plan according to the weather forecast, including the analysis of our own meteorological team. You can see the track behind you. Our secondary shaping team has been on standby for 24 hours since last night (February 12th). They will also clean up the floating snow on the track surface in time according to the snowfall to ensure our training and the next two days’ competition.

As the only outdoor winter Olympic venue in Beijing Division of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, compared with other indoor venues, it will be more or less affected by rain and snow. After receiving the weather forecast from the meteorological team, the venue operation team also made relevant work in advance. 

Liu Yuchuan, Venue and Infrastructure Manager of Shougang Ski Platform Operation Team of Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee:The heavy snow started last night (February 12th). The understanding of the situation is basically around 3 am on the 14 th, and the weather forecast data given is like this. After receiving the information, we covered the outdoor audience and broadcast seats with plastic sheets in advance. In case of such cold weather and snowy weather, we will take precautions in advance, including water and electricity work in some key areas.

In order to ensure the traffic order and the safe passage of personnel, the cleaning team of the venue has also done a good job of snow removal and anti-skid in advance.

Zhao Jianhao, Waste Cleaning Manager of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform Operation Team of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee:There were more than 80 people who rushed to clean up the waste, and then more than 30 vehicles came to the territory, consuming more than 70 tons of snow melting liquid. Moreover, our entire venue team was particularly United, and all business fields were also helping to clean up the snow.

According to the venue operation team, this snowfall will not affect the normal progress of the competition, and the stadium looks more beautiful after the snow. In previous competitions, many participating athletes and media reporters praised the scenery of Shougang ski platform, and the platform decorated with heavy snow was particularly enchanting at this time.

Zhao Wei, Secretary-General of Operation Team of Shougang Ski Jumping Platform of Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee:Competing in the snow can better reflect the characteristics of snow events and be more suitable for the situation. After the snow stops in the whole venue, we will clean up the relevant areas in time. We will also keep the snow in some areas to make the venue look more beautiful.

"Meng" comes to "Meng"! Follow the reporter to visit the "animal diplomat" in the zoo

"Source of this article: Guangzhou Daily"
In the history of Guangzhou’s foreign exchanges, apart from the exchange of visits between the government and citizens, these naive "animal diplomats" such as giant pandas, flamingos, mandrills, hippos and baboons are also worth mentioning. In fact, many citizens may have met them in the zoo!
How are these lovely "animal diplomats" doing now? Have they all had children? On the afternoon of November 22nd, Guangzhou Daily reporter came to Guangzhou Zoo to follow the steps of animal keepers and learn about their recent situation. These naive animals can be described as "bursting with popularity" in the park, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch.
The hippopotamus Handa in Fukuoka, Japan:
Eating carrots and apples every day has given birth to 15 baby hippos.
Although it was Monday, when I came to the hippo living area of Guangzhou Zoo, the reporter found that many tourists were watching and taking pictures outside the guardrail, and many parents were explaining to their children.
"Handy, clear!" Liu Zufang, the breeder, approached the hippo’s hut and clapped his hands. Hearing the sound, two huge hippos suddenly walked into the small lake and swam towards the shore, waiting for feeding with their mouths open "meekly". Master Liu came to the lake with a plastic bucket filled with a dozen carrots and several apples, and successfully started the daily feeding process.
▲ Yida
Fukuoka, Japan is the first sister city in Guangzhou. The two cities have active exchanges and frequent exchanges in the field of animals. In 1980, Guangzhou borrowed giant pandas to Fukuoka, which caused a sensation in Fukuoka and even Japan. Since then, the two sides have also exchanged animals such as red-crowned cranes and flamingos.
In 2003, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship and the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the two cities, Yamasaki Hirotaro, then mayor of Fukuoka, Japan, sent a special letter saying that he would give a hippo to Guangzhou, hoping to express the sincere greetings of Fukuoka citizens to Guangzhou citizens through animal donation.
On October 1st of the same year, Handa (English name: kanta), a male hippopotamus from Fukuoka Zoo, Japan, bearing the friendship between Guangzhou and Fukuoka, settled in Guangzhou Zoo. This lovely hippopotamus was born in Japan on December 26th, 2000. After he came to Guangzhou Zoo, he quickly tied the knot with the female hippopotamus born in this park. Handa is 21 years old this year and has become the father of 15 hippo babies.
"Handa is currently in good physical condition, weighing 1.5 tons, and eating about 2 pounds of carrots and 1 pound of apples every day." Liu Zufang has worked in Guangzhou Zoo for more than 40 years, and he is familiar with the living habits of various animals. In 2017, he began to take over the feeding work of Handa. At first, Master Liu was a little afraid of hippos. After getting familiar with them, he felt that they became cute. "Now I feel that these animals are like their own children."
"I didn’t know this hippo was sent by Fukuoka before. These animals are precious gifts, and we should take good care of them. " After hearing the explanation from the breeder at the scene, Miss Wu told reporters.
● Asian elephants in Vietnam:
Four hybrid elephants have been bred and their offspring can understand Cantonese.
When I came to the Asian Elephant Garden, I only heard the breeder Wu Qiyuan shouting "Baolong" and "Yuelong" in Cantonese. To everyone’s surprise, not long after, an elephant nearly 3 meters high came out of the rest house. This elephant, weighing nearly 5 tons, is called "Yuelong". It turned out to be a "hybrid elephant" and the largest Asian elephant in the park now.
Elon, a female Asian elephant, was a gift from Ho Chi Minh, a former Vietnamese national leader, to children in Guangzhou in 1960. She was 21 years old when she entered the park. After coming to Guangzhou Zoo, Elon not only acted as a messenger of friendship, but also took on the heavy responsibility of breeding offspring. He married the Asian elephant Babao who entered the park in Guangzhou Zoo in 1959, and successively bred four Asian elephants, including two sons, Baolong, 45, and Yuelong, 41, who have been exhibited in Guangzhou Zoo ever since. Elon and Babao died in 1983. They were made into specimens and placed in the Museum of Biology of Sun Yat-sen University.
"’Yuelong’ eats 380 kilograms of food every day, including grass, fruit, corn and so on. Usually, we also give each elephant a regular physical examination. " Wu Qiyuan studied veterinary medicine, and he admitted that he became a breeder because he liked elephants. "I hope to visit Vietnam one day and learn from their experience in caring for Asian elephants."
● Seychelles is a national ritual turtle;
"Cantonese-style recipes" can last as long as 200 years.
In October 2014, the rare giant Adabora elephant turtle from Seychelles, a beautiful island country in Africa, came to Guangzhou as a "diplomatic envoy" and officially checked into Guangzhou Zoo. Seychelles foreign ministers, ambassadors to China and garden representatives witnessed this grand event in Panlongyuan Park, and held a handover ceremony for the elephant turtle to settle in Guangzhou.
According to the staff of Guangzhou Zoo, the longevity of turtles is well known, and the elephant turtle is a well-deserved "longevity male among turtles". Adabora elephant turtle is the longest-lived tortoise in the world, with a life span of more than 200 years. When she entered Guangzhou Zoo, this Adabora elephant turtle was about 20 to 25 years old, and she was still a "young man" among the elephants. Elephant turtles eat a lot and can eat more than 20 kilograms of fresh leaves and other plants a day. After coming to Guangzhou, the garden also specially prepared "Cantonese-style recipes" for them, such as sweet potato vines, fruits and leaves.
"We all call it Dada, with a gentle personality and a weight of more than 230 kilograms. The Adabora elephant turtle comes from Seychelles, Africa, and its suitable living temperature is 28℃-30℃. It adapts well in Guangzhou most of the time. " Recently, the temperature in Guangzhou has dropped, and the breeder Chen Hong and his colleagues specially turned on the heating lamp for the elephant turtle in the house. See Chen Hong patted Dada’s back, and after stroking the turtle’s foot several times, it stood up obediently. "Dada likes brightly colored food. When we guide it to transition, we will use some green leafy vegetables or carrots to guide it to crawl."
"The elephant turtle has a long life, and we also expect it to live comfortably in Guangzhou Zoo." Chen Hong said.
Text/Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City reporter Zhang Shuhong
Figure/Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City reporter Luo Changwei
Video/Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City reporter Luo Changwei and Zhang Shuhong
Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City Editor: Ma Junxian

Shohei Ohtani: "Two Knives" in Baseball.

Kondo Daisuke/Wen

On July 5th, Shohei Ohtani, known as "the best Japanese athlete trained after the Second World War", celebrated his 29th birthday. Shohei Ohtani is 193cm tall and weighs 102kg. At present, he is a star player of American professional baseball team "los angeles angels".

Because the popularity of baseball in China is relatively low, it may be difficult for China people to appreciate the greatness of Shohei Ohtani. Like China, there is no major professional baseball league in Germany. Therefore, the German media once made a very vivid analogy with football. Shohei Ohtani, a Japanese professional baseball player, is like Lionel Messi and Manuel Neuer on the football field.

Messi, known as the best striker of this century, was the minister of the arm stocks who won the Argentine national team in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 last year. Neuer, known as the best goalkeeper in the world, has a superb defensive ability. If football matches are used as an analogy, Shohei Ohtani can be a goalkeeper like Neuer and create a lot of goals like Messi.

However, in the real football match, it is impossible for a player to be a goalkeeper and a striker at the same time. Similarly, in baseball, it is impossible to be a pitcher equivalent to goal keeper and a home run batter equivalent to a football striker. Of course, this, like football, is not "forbidden" in rules, but "impossible" in human physical fitness. Therefore, all football players and baseball players have never thought about having two jobs on the court.

However, since childhood, Shohei Ohtani dreamed that he could become a "court-riding" player who could throw, hit and run. In 2013, after graduating from high school at the age of 18, he joined the Japanese professional baseball team "Hokkaido Japanese Ham Fighters".

Perhaps it was God who blessed Shohei Ohtani. At that time, the head coach of this team was Hideki Kuriyama, who was called "the first Japanese intellectual coach". Later, coach Kuriyama became the head coach of the Japanese national team. At the WBC(WorldBaseballClassic) held in March this year, he led the outstanding players of Otani Xiangping to win the championship.

At that time, Coach Kuriyama was very supportive of Shohei Ohtani’s dream, and even praised his ability as a "two-knife flow"-usually, when Japanese samurai confronted each other, everyone used a knife, but Shohei Ohtani had both the throwing and hitting knives, so he was called "two-knife flow" by Coach Kuriyama. It didn’t take long for the word "two knives" to become a buzzword in Japan.

In Japanese, the expression similar to the meaning of "two knives" also includes "two pairs of sandals", that is, doing one’s job from nine to five in the morning and doing sideline work after work or on rest days in the evening. This behavior is called "wearing two pairs of sandals" by the Japanese.

However, in real life, neither "two knives" nor "wearing two pairs of sandals" is a compliment. This is because in the traditional Japanese values, the concept of "not serving two monarchs (samurai can’t be loyal to two monarchs at the same time)" and "those who chase two rabbits will lose (those who chase two rabbits at the same time will not get one)" has long been deeply rooted.

Therefore, Shohei Ohtani is under great pressure. However, he finally withstood all the pressure and became a bright star in Japanese professional baseball. In the 2016 season four years later, he led the team to win the national championship in Japan.

According to the baseball agreement signed between Japan and the United States, players who have played in the Japanese professional baseball league for five years can transfer to the American professional baseball league. According to this agreement, coach Kuriyama sent Shohei Ohtani to the American professional baseball team "los angeles angels" in 2018.

At the beginning of Shohei Ohtani’s transfer, the American media made harsh comments. If you borrow the above-mentioned German media, it is "I want to be Messi and Neuer. Is there something wrong with my brain?"

In fact, it is only natural that the American media "bad-mouthed" Shohei Ohtani. After all, since the end of World War II, although the general environment of baseball has been improved, no American baseball player is willing to make such an earth-shattering attempt. Shohei Ohtani, on the other hand, insisted on his "two-knife flow" in the United States.

In 2021, Shohei Ohtani’s capabilities broke out in an all-round way. As a batter, he hit 46 home runs; As a pitcher, he achieved a record of 9 wins and 2 losses and struck out 156 times, which perfectly achieved "the combination of Messi and Neuer". In the end, he won the MVP award that year.

In 2022, Shohei Ohtani continued the excellent state of last season, hitting 34 home runs as a batter and 15 wins and 9 losses as a pitcher. The reason why the loss as a pitcher has increased is mainly because los angeles angels was originally a weak team. Therefore, Shohei Ohtani always gives people the feeling of being alone in the team.

In March this year, the curtain of the new season of the American Professional Baseball League opened, and 30 teams will play 162 games. By July 9th, all the games in the first half of the season had ended, and Shohei Ohtani was striding forward to rewrite the history of American professional baseball.

As a batter, he is far ahead with 32 home runs. Hit rate is 0.302, ranking sixth. RBI 71, ranked second. 7 wins and 4 losses as a pitcher. Strike out 132 times, ranking third. If he has the same wonderful performance in the second half of the season, then he will definitely win the MVP for the second time.

At the moment, there are two things about Shohei Ohtani that have attracted much attention:

One is his annual salary next year. This year, Shohei Ohtani’s annual salary is 30 million US dollars (about 220 million yuan). If the sponsorship contract is added, it is said that it can reach more than 60 million US dollars (about 430 million yuan).

However, Shohei Ohtani will have the right to choose teams freely from next year. Therefore, his annual salary may reach 100 million US dollars (about 720 million yuan). At present, the highest annual salary of professional baseball players in the United States is 43 million US dollars (about 310 million yuan) for pitchers and 40 million US dollars (about 290 million yuan) for batters. Otani is both a pitcher and a batter, so his annual salary is at least the sum of the two.

Second, it is his marriage problem. Shohei Ohtani is 29 years old this year, but he has never mentioned his other half. When the team went on an expedition to new york in April this year, the local media asked him, "What do you think of new york at night?" His answer turned out to be "not very clear, because I have never been out of the hotel."

Therefore, it is said that many Japanese actresses, models and anchors are now coveting the throne of "Otani Xiangping’s wife". In American baseball fields, there are even white women holding "Be my boyfriend!" in the audience. Posters cheer for him.

Personally, I think the most remarkable thing about him lies in his personality and humanity. If there is rubbish on the site, he will immediately pick it up and put it into his pocket; If there is dust splashing on the opponent’s body, he will come forward and wipe it off with his hand; No matter how tired he is in training and competition, he will sign autographs for fans on the sidelines. Not only that, he has never lost his temper on the court. No one knows what great achievements this Japanese treasure will make in the future. I just hope that he can stay away from injuries and be safe and smooth.

Al artificial intelligence: what impact will room temperature superconducting technology have?

If room temperature superconducting technology is realized, it will have a great impact on human society. Superconducting technology can be used in power transmission, maglev train, MRI, energy, communication and other fields. The realization of room temperature superconducting technology will make the application in these fields more convenient and economical. In addition, room temperature superconducting technology can also be applied to quantum computers and other fields, which will promote the development of computer technology.

Tevez: Ferguson said he would buy me out, and he was very sad when I left Manchester United.

Live on March 11 th, former Argentine striker Tevez said in an interview with the media that Ferguson was very sad when he left Manchester United.

Tevez joined Manchester United on loan from West Ham in 2007 and moved to Manchester City in 2009. Tevez said: "I was loaned to Manchester United, and Ferguson told me that they would buy me out. Then he signed Berbatov and left me out of the starting list."

"The day before the Champions League final against Barcelona, I told Ferguson that I was going to Manchester City. At that time, I was close to reaching an agreement with Manchester City. After the Champions League final, I flew to Abu Dhabi with my family to meet the Manchester City boss and solve the contract problem, which was like a dagger for him (Ferguson). "

(Mu Zi)